HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-27, Page 10, .y• 'Rf Thursday, November '27. 101!t. Ks,.. `1'11.►6 . 11 s ±�.a• ,v),wp .. • N LTi • 7:►>•,if w.Ysllasitllllatu+.ii ... TES IIONAL - OODI /t113E. OUT. N ....1....., i�i�� ��. 1';�i �I�i�lla■lifi Don't Faget Distant Friends and the time it takes the mails to reach them 11118 Mock of Christmas Card,, Seals, Tags, etc., is now complete. . Post Cards Ic each, 3 for 5c, and 5c each. Steel 'die Christmas Cards frost 5c to 50c. All the latest copyright Ictios, 113eluding THE RE-CREATION OF BRIAN KENT" by Harald Bell Wright Price . SI .-41. "BULL DOC CARNEY" by W. A. Fraser. Price 11.5o. "SISTERS" by Cathleen Norris. Price 11.60. Christmas and music go hand in hand. The Columbia Gat000la will let you get the most enjoyment out of Christmas. Lower in price than many others, yet great- est in music value. 1WLANtr WA77tRW Alhi • CONFERICNlE . - - • - MOUNTAIN. -The death occurred on Sunday, November Kith, of a much respected resident of Lotldeaboro', Mr. David Mountain. Mr. Malm.Oin was born on the 12th concession of H..Mett nearly sixty-six years ago and resided there continuously until his removal to Londesboro' a few years ago. He way a mart of excellent qualities and held the goodwill of a large circle of friends. In refigion he itas a Methodist and in politics a Liberal. Besides his wife. he laves oils sora. Willis Mountain, who resides oo the old homestead. and three daughters: Mrs. J. H. Pipe, of Goderich; Mrs. Robert Yvngbtut, of Hulktt, and Miss Lizzie Mountain, of Detroit. The funeral took piste on Tuesday afternoon of last week and was atteoded by Mr. and Mrs. Pipe. BRINDLEY-The death occurred in Goderich on Sunday last of Catherine Fisher. widow of the late William Brinnd- ley, at the age of sixty-seven years The deceased was born in the township of Colborne, a daughter of the late Joseph Fisher. With her husband she lived for many years at Port Albert. About three years ago Mr. Brindley died and some time afterward the widow sold her pQrrooms� erty at Port Albert and moved to Goole• rich. A family of five sons and two daughters survive. Jasper K. Brindley, Wnllnam Brindley and Mrs. Norman Cd- clough of town; Hiram, David and John. of Colborne, and Mrs. E. Jones, of Tor- onto. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from the home of Mr. Jasper K. Brindley. Toronto street, to Colborne cemetery. Rev: J: -F. Reycraft conducted the burial services and the pallbearers were Messrs. Joseph Wilson. M. Carney. Thos. Docs`htrty, F. A. Hayden, William Caney and Thos. Elliott. '1'11:1'. II.- late Thos. Tit wax Iobrn kL.y It. h. I4441, at Blair, In the county of Waterloo, a son of lir. and Mrs. William Tilt. He served a sir prentieeshlp as a wagon -maker, but did sot follow the trade. Ire kept the American betel at Kitchener fifty years ago and then Wove) to Waterloo. where be kept the Royal Irohi and car- ried the mail between Kltehris•r anal Waterloo before the G. T. H. ran o. the latter place. When the Crooks Act came into effect he quit the hotel and was appointed the first li.ense insprtor of North Waterloo, under 11x• 'Mowat Government. lir held the pNitlon for • good many ye..rs, resigning to take over the Queen's hotel. Galt. which he conducted for five gars, then eloping to G-oderich,aa proprietor of the British Exchange hotel. While a resident of Goderich be took It prominent part in municipal aRI.$r..'wing Mayor for the year 1906. fAtposing of the hotel to the late E. R. Swarts. he moved from here to Detroit. w here he liver until pis wife died eight years ago. • He then returned to Ontario and had married again and was living st Turonto when h is death occurred November 12th in his eightieth ye..r. The canse of death was heart-fallar,•. I'I ve sons and two daughters surTi,r•, beside"' the widow. The sons are William T., of lira nice - vide; Edwin It.. of Madrid. Slain; Burton, of Cbi.-sgu; Harry and Joe, OBITUARi'. Pam, nei.l .%.sorialion t'erowd, with O. E. Fleming President. The project of It great inl,INI water wa.r from the Atlantic Ikean to -'the head of Lake Superior received an Impious from the conterene held last we•► at Wiadso.. It was decided •lo form au nrga"tizati,u. to he called the e'a.N.disu IM.•p Waterways and Power Association lir. 11. I. Fleming. K.('., of Windsor and G.derich, was elected president of the Asses•iatlon. and Mr. 1'. ►l. $slanders, or Windsor, was ap- pointed secretary -treasurer. Tither oda- / roe *re : Iha.•pr '.I.Irnt, W. M., Ger - au,u. K.('., of Welland: hon. Tile- prc-idents. Sir Adam Reel. London. •nd Mayor T. L. Church of Toronto. Ire of the outstanding addresses de- - livered before the conference was that of Mr. F. H. Keefer of fort Arthur. The Gurernmrnt' of the 1'nitcd States and (',nada had Isrn so 1ntere•,tet in .,eil% toys. and the railways. them,elvex Nat been his $14/1.)1. Thal clereloitmPnt of IIN• (:rent !Ake* ■a IIIEI1wsyx for dc•c-1. water vessels had hewn overlooked. mid Mr. Keefer. The problem of earr)tug the 1ner.atiod production of the groat Northwest could he solved only by the deepening of the St. Ictwrene Hirer. With more than a wdlliwr horsepower available by proper i c%elih.uwnt of tie St. f.awreTNe, there ort. 110 reason why the whole of (),tart° anI a great portion of the ) r:,ti- of New York should aot Is• nshig "labile cool." thereby r.t,usinyr many mUGuu tons of cowl for ase hr other 5.514.1,. of the two countries.: 1 '.. 1'. Prang. av-Iotary of rhe crest 1.1.kcs-Tidewater-St. law relive .IssnciN Dori of fluluth, asked the eonferen t- in in do all in itx power to further the pian of making the Great lakes the Mediterranean Sea of the American .•mrlinent. Citing the cost or carrying * bushel of wheat from Duluth to l,Iverpool. England. which. be said, la sow from 14 to 15 cents, Mr. Craig ssw'rted that deepening of the 8t. I.nwrenec could cut this cost by •t least five or six cents. The railways, he raid, world he unable to eope with the increased production of the Great \vest. and greater tra us porta t ion f.citities mutat he providt'tl. So. Adam Beck addreawrf the con- fe,eoee, and deriared strongly in favor of the deepening of the 8t. Lawrence. The cost of the work could be met by the utilization of the waterpower for the generation of electrical energy, and unless the waterpowers of the 'tit. )wwreeee.aed of Niagara were used to the utmost there was danger of s' fuel famine that would have disastrous re- spite on the Irndnstrial life WI Ontario and ("Debts. The conference paswd resolutions favo.lug the Welland -Ht. Lsvrrence route lo the Atlantic (Neon., e' O,,- lee cream Is just right -.o our customers say. Try It and see for your,elf. A. T. Edwards. i Victory Loan, --- 1919. -- For those who were disappointed in gc ng their money in time to get iii ori the Victory Loan, I still have several thousand which I can deliver at par and interest from November 1st to the date of purchase. See me at once if you wish to take advantage of this offer. For those wishing to sell bonds of other matur- ities, subject of course to market fluctuations, i will pay cash as follows : 1922 victory Lasa 5 1-2 per coat. - = 99.25 per 100.00 1923 u " " " _ 99.70 1921' `- -u - 197i_ " 1937 " te .4 44 Is it ,. 64 111.25 64 102.90 " ... 103.50 .4 44 4' Proportionate prices for all other War and Allied Government War Bon T. R. HA ;ISDN Insurance West St. r- tPI Tin 1 Goderich, Ont. AVICE Store 'rheas THE COLBORNE STORE 14.6"2:UME MERCHANDISE Silk Scarfs for Presents -A Silk Scarf is essenti.1 when wear- ing a winter coat. The lines shown come in plain colors of rose, mauve, and blue at $2.25. Also shown in white, blue and rose in a better quality at $3.50. A twO•tone effect in a wide silk scarf with blue and brown ground at $4.75. A Big Reduction in Beads • Cup our odd lines in strings of Bead This- assortment comprises stnngi of Beads from $1.00 to 12.60 a string, and commencing Saturday they will be cleared at 96c. They make very accept- --able Christmas gifts at a moderate price. Fancy Linings To be correct a coat lining must be figured in a combination of colors. Just arrived, several pieces of fancy linings 36 inches wide in pretty combinations of colors, at $1.25, $ 1.50 and $1.65 a yard Knitted Wool Underskirts Ladies' knitted underskirts in all sixes lin =ivy, red and -grey, at $3.30 each. Shop Earlier for Christmas Than Other Years BEC. USE there has been limited pro- duction during the past year of fine goods. the demand is greater than y,previous year. I BECAUSE We no 31. have the assoirtmflt Wool Scarf and Cap Woollen goods are scarce in some places, but not in this store. We are showing a large range of knitted caps and scarfs. Children's woolcap and scarf in plain r knit on white ground trimmed with red. blue and rose. Good sizes, at $2.25. Children's and ladies' pure wool cap and scarf in fancy weave and large sizd They come in combinations of colors with dark green, copenhagen blue and sea green ground at $3.60 a set. Brushed wool set at $3.50. This set comes in sea green and turquoise ground with contrasting color. Also in white nd with rose and blue trimming, at 3.50 a set. You are invited to visit our establishment and inspect our Christmas stock without feeling under any obligation to make a purchase. Children's knitted skirt with shoulder straps at $2.25. A knitted skirt means real comfort for the wearer. Ladies' Cashmere Hose WE SEPCiALIZL IJl mostEli<Y Many months ago we were thinking of your comfort and bought stockings for this winter that will give you lasting service, be- sides keeping you warm. r� Lndiies. wool and cotton mixture plaig Sta!'bdg in black, sizes 8% to 10, at 85e. . 1i`►r Ladies' cashmere Slot ill ail wool. sista 1-2 only. at 90& ' Liidies' brown cue Se eking -at Ladies' 80 per cent. wool hose, in sizes 8 1-2 to 10, at $1.25. Ladies' pure wool cashmere in a plain Stocking in $150, $1.60. $1.75 and $2.00 a pair. Ladies O. S. pure wool Stoclt a'\=1`.60 a pair. 1 SPECIALS Special selling in bath • low in each number and cleaned quickly. A small bath towel top at 20c each. Larger size in grey with linen top at 25c each. Large size bath towel with linen top in grey at 30c eell:h. towels. Just they will be with a lined A towelling for toilers in regular width of 17 in. made from hemp at 25c a yd. Roller towelling in a better quality. 17 in. wide, in a wide stripe, at 30c. . L' ' TELEPHONE SERVICE all sizes, at Spencers and Hug -Me -Tights Just arrived -two lines of these pop- ular garments. They come in plain white in pretty weaves at $3.00 and 14.50 each. A wonderful gift for MOTHER. Silk Underwear yto puzzle by Giving a piece of Silk U A t , • .. 1 'of camisoles in plain white, pitta and maize. Each garment is • -' trimmed with fine shadow or fillet lace. A iibbon in contrasting color is used for trimming, being run through the garments and tied in a bow in front. v A wonderful range from 51.25 to $4.00 each. - A pule satin shirt trimmed with fillet lace and intiotnt$7.00. Envelope chemise in pink wash satin at 55.50. alio in white wash satin at $5.50. Pink and white wash satin nightgown prettily trimmed at 1&30 and $8.00. Bloaters 1 pink and white wash--with-.mac--iii trimmed at knee with blue ribbon, at 54.50. Combing jackets come in all qualities of silk IIl� They range from $3.00 in a habutai silk in white tc crepe de chine in dainty pink. Other ents at 56. and 57.75. If it is Silk Underwear have it. Serge Dresses Just arrived -eleven serge dresses and no two alike. These dresses have been pput in a department by them- selves and we take great pk+esule in showing these values. They ars marked close and are made of all -wool French botany wool serge and range in price from $22.50 to $40.00. Some are trimmed with military braid and buttons, while others are shown with colored embroidery on bottom of skirt and on blouse. The styles are new and we guarantee perfect satis- faction. Bath Mats A small bath mat in blue Around trimmed with white at $ I.25. Larger size in blue and white at 51.80 Rose and white bath mat in a heavy weight and large size at 52.75. Extra heavy bath mat in rose ground and grey trimmed, also green ground with fawn trimming. A real rug. at $3.75. J. H. Colborne £d Co. at many 58.50 in a rices. $6.50, $7.00 4 - SPECIALS For Saturday and Monday we are having two special saki. in Blouses. Fine georgette Blouses in combinations of colors at $6.78. These are Blouses that have been taken out of stock for these two days' selling. Perfect in every respect. Excellent values at original prices. For two days only, each $6.78 \ A-j,►,}j1`te habutai-_. toms. int: $3.* This is a real bargain.. -They- been marked down to ch ' quickly: _For two days only, _ $129 -- MAIL ORDER SERVICE 11�I of Detroit rnit ; and the daughters, Mrs. Littlejohn. of Itetrolt, and Mr*. 5.. A. Ma,well. or ('angary. Mr. Tilt was an Anglican and 10 politica a staunch Liberal. Hr and his family were held In warm esteem daring their residence in I:oderieh mind Mr. Tilt was always heartily welcomed by his old friends on ale ncpiistonw of his vlslts to town after hex removal from Gorterieh. Thp funeral took place in t:oderlch on Fri- day, November 14th. th.• interment tieing In Maitland cemetery. Ker. A. 1.. G. Clarke, rector of St George's church, conducted the burial .ervhe. t(cveval mrmlers of the family arrom- pwniel the remalns of their father to town, and the funeral was attended by many 1rierwta ef'rhe &ceased. *NNW 1 r.T•F:R. Mesmer. Nov. 24. Mr. and Mr. A. Heddle are spending a short time in Godericit. at the home of their sonsin-law, Mn. Arthur Rosa, Whew little son has diphtheria. We are pleased to know he is recovering Rev. Mr. and Mr. Kennedy have With them Mr. T(wwnpson, lately of Hamilton, Mrs. Kennedy's father. who purpones remaining for the winter months This Wednesday night, Benmiller League is eatartaining Zion League. The latter will aopply a shortprogram• after winds lunch will be .trued. A hearty we4come is extended to any who will attend or join our circle. A Christmas entertainment will be held in the B.nmitler Murch nn the evening of December 24th. ' Mr. H. Mew, formerly ol Benroiller and late of Pudinctn, Ont.. now has a new address - Camppbbeel1lvine, Ont. His old friends around 9ennsiller will Idndly take Dote when writing bun. Samoa- Hastniteo w. --On Wednes- day. the 12tb inst.. the hntne of Mrs. Geo. Boltzmann, Crediton, was the sane of a pretty wedding. when her eldest daugh- ter. Miss Clara. was united in marriage to Mr. Dani! F. Schwann, of Colborne township. Rev. Mr. Hauch tfed the knot IDo yonr Chri.tnws in the presence of the immediate relatives. r.s Two Stores. Aft. r luncheon the happy ecuplt motored to Clinton, while they took the trin for a trip to Tomato and Niagara Falb. Wei The Mgrs "dosed for repair" is posted welcome Mrs. S lwaas to OM community eel the outside door oi the Griffin Theatre. and wish her and her husband nuc'. hap- 1 ss -hat the repairs may be or how kwur the *rou� b�and Orouperi(y in their journey place may be cloned are matters for CART4W. MamAY. Nov. 24. Mr. Robert Medd. of Anburn, called at the MacKay farm the other day and be- fore leaving purchased a fine Pev'cteron filly bred on the (arm. There is always a market for gond stock. Mr. R. M Young has been away on a visit to Cochrane. Northern Ontario. CH ISTMAS ENTiRTAVNM11174T. -T h e teacher and pupils of S, S. No. 3 are arranging for an entertainment to be given in the school house on the evening of Friday. December 19th. at 7.30 o'clock. The program will include a play, "A Canadian Fairy Tale," and songs. recita- tions. etc.. by the pupils and other talent. Admission -25c, children 15c. A good time is expected and all who can attend are cnr'dially invited. shopping at Walk- G01H fttCIt Ti.IWNSHIP. The Taylor's Corners Ladies' Aid Society will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Lees on Wed- esday, December 3rd, at 2 o'clock. The Good Cheer Club will hold their next meeting at the Orange Hall, Thurs- day evening, December 4. A good attendance is requested to hear tbe splendid program which is being prepared for the evening. G000 Conn Cu s. -A social euchre was held by the Good Cheer Club Wed- nesday evening of last week at the home of Miss Nina Driver and was a very enjoyble oowion. The attendance num- bered about fifty. The lady's prize was won by Miss Gladys Ginn, the gentle- man's by Mr. Harold Montgomery, and the consolation prize was awarded to Mies Thompson. Lunch was served at midnight and the party broke up shortly after. Mks Driver's hospitality is much appreciated by the members of the Club. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Wm. Swaffield is visiting friends at Hamilton. Mrs Carter Ie* today for Detroit to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs- nmshaw. Mus Jessie Pqd returned today from a visit to Pon MMcNicoil, Cobourg and other places. Major D. M. MacKay, O.B.E., is back W town after ■ trip to Alasfra and north- ern British Coiumbia. Mr. and Mrs. Janes 1)reckenrdge, o! Goderich, lute gone to visit Mrs. C. Hutchinson, of Ethel, for the winter. Mrs l.nrentaon ■ml little son left, last week for their home at Toronto. after gw'ndfng a conplc of months with. bet patents, Eigin sumac. Mr. W H. Levers. who has been in Owen Sound for the past four months, Ms returned to Goderich and taken his old rice with the National Shipha,ld- 7slr seri Mrs. Allem Purvis. of Toromte.. The mwwtth1 i nreetirn M Vancouver. of the Kintail Mn Emb colt Vaver, B. C., and branch of the Mmen's institute win b4 Miss Jenet Hamilton. of Guelph, Ont., held at the home of Mr. Neil G Mc- Ore visiting at the home of Mr. and cots.. Ketone on Thursday, December 4th. T. G. Conlan, Light house street.