HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-27, Page 7MODE
nodusS",tic ite•�1 fur ail kinds of
Footwear Repairs
(i...)41 work and reasonable priers
Sag Ward & Son
sires* ('hand furtrrerly
'eecupled by the Is Thus. Half
LBeadiai, Contracting sad Gemmel
Carpenter Work
The uaderrdgned air prepared to
take contracts and execute orders
for arty work in the above, lines.
!Iaving had years of experiences they
can assure. the public Of nist-cyaaa,
dependable work. \\
All orders will receive pro , , t
44104. M'ESTf ROOK,
Tr•atalger Street.
til, 1140{3 4,10t,
Napier Street.
Leave Toronto 7.15 pats.
Arrive Winnipeg 9.041 p.m.'4od day.
Calgary 9.:40 pan. 3r1 day
Banff 12 VI pan. 3n1 day
Vancouver IQuuu a.ni 4th day •
First•ciase $kcpingl('ar Passengers only
Full particulars from any agent. .1014., KfNt)
('. P. Agent, Ooderich.
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $5.25
The (Signal and Daily Mail and Empire.... 5.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 5.25
e Signal and Sunday World . , .. . 3.75
(gnat and Toronto Daily Star 4.30
nal and London Daily Advertiser5.25
1 and London Daily Free,, Press 525
and Montreal Family 'Hasid
y Star
-the Sig
The Signa
and 1
The Signal andRural Canada
The Signal and Farmers' Magazine
The Signal and Farmers' Sun (Toronto)
The Signal and Farm and Dairy
The Signal and Canadian Countryman ... ti . 2.25
The Signal and Canadian Poultry journal 2.00
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.90 -
The Signal and World .......:.
The Signal and Saturday Night -(Toronto).. 4.25
The Signal and Presbyterian and West-
minster •
The Signal and Catholic Record 2.75
The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston)3.75
The Signal and Woman's Home Ca.p pant 3.25
(New York) --
The Signal and Canadian Magazine 3.50
The Signal and McLean's Magazine3.00
The Signal and Rod and Gun 2.
These rates are for papers sent to addresses in ('snails.
The above publications may h- olttained
subscribers in.any combination, the price
lication being the figure given. above 1 -
senting the price of The Signal. F
The Iiig nal and The Family Herald
The ()l„he (tlll,li leas:l.htl)
ny pub-
ub-I.SO repre-
stance :
ruddy Ktar__►el.Nll
—makingthe - P 40
price of- papers �fr,40..r...
gal" N the periodi lou' want it not in above list, let
us know,
Reinit hy - ' stat note or express order -NOT by Batik
_ t
Goderich. Ontario
cantata Neale the Selig Survivor of
Craw Lust to Lake Superior
it Ste. Marie, Mich., Noy. 23. --
Eighteen persons comprising the crew of
ttre steamer Alyrun are believed tonight
to -be added to the victims ut Lake Su -
pencil's fury 01 the past two weeks.
Caught in a terrific northwester the
Myron foundered a mile and a -half oil
White Fish Point last night, and Barry
today rank m four tattiorri oi,Water.
Futile efforts were made by two steam-
ers to throw Tines to ve `nen clinging to
the cabin. So wild wal the sea, however,
that the men could not hold the Ines,
acrd for their own safely the two steamers
werecompehej fo have the scene. Tonight
coastguards -a e palrullit�g the shores of
White Fish Bay for (urty.hve miles,
hoping the Myron's two lifeboats will be
blown ashore.
The steamer Calumet, panting here late
today, reported sighting a water-logged
lifeboat south of White Fish Point. As
e o d be ascertained the boat was
Tne United States su6manre chaser.
43i, also was scouring the bay tonight
kw coveredle survivors. with lumber. the ill-fated ach is
cargo, but n.•t a bud My -t up
to late today. The gale continued to n tonight,
and there was little hope 'bat passing
steamers could have pecked up the life
boats, Which, it .s believed, were swanipsd
in the mountainous seas.
'tiaras 1a Safe,
'The barge Mystic, which the Myron
had in tow when she left Munising, town
bound, was cut loose, and was picked up
by an unknown steamer. which towed it
into shelter at Whirr Fish Po nt. The
barges deck load of lumber and rudder
ere carried away,- but it is undersrs,,d
AQw is sale.
he first word of the mishep to I
the Myron came by from
wireless for
the steamer f arbng, Tying in
stwlte behir,d White Fish Point. Wfien
the st a mer Adriatic, ice -covered, locked
through tern today, her captain reported
e that he wire turned his ship around,
trying to ,lett up -the stricken vessel's
crew, who were ten in two lifeboats. -
The men sur e unable to tared the I nes,
however, and the attempt at -rescue had',
to be abeindo .1.
The steamer lclntosh later passed
through wreckage of the Myron close
clingingo� cabin. to The riven had li men ife,
preservers f
preservers on and w calling for help.
(inc man also had a . . 1 flashlight. This
attempt at rescue also failed, and the ,
men. unable to grasp the Ines. had to be
left to theirlate. White Ft t Bay. -tonight I
is strewn with wreckage, .ccoiding to,
wireless despatches.
The Almon the third vela- swallowed
up by the storm -driven Lake S perror in 1
the last two weeks. The other wo were
the H. E. Runnels and the John ()wen.
the latter with the loss of her c w'of'
twenty-two men.
-The steamer Myron was of wi ern
OOnttruct,on and built in Grand Hay n
Mich., in i$(, She was 61;7 gross to
Captain Neale tin Sole Survivor.
Fort William, Ont. Nov. 2.5.- C apes
'`C. Neale. of the steamer Myron. w.
rescued yesterday in a state of complet
the (house of the er Myr wreckanr b
the crew of the freighter W. C. Franz
bound Tight for Fort William for grain.
Blue with the cold and his clothing
-torn and ripped by tier etem-nts. he was
unable to move until he had been take,
aboard and revived with stimulants
when he said that he believed himself to
be the sole survivor of the Myron, which
ran into a tremendous gale neat White
fish Part whsle towing the targe Miztec
I bound up the lakes for Duluth.
1t was early on Saturday that the
l strrm was encountered, and two hours
later the Myron bean to sink. Pumps
were worked to their fullest capacity,
but in vain, and the battered wreck
broke to pieces, leaving the master
floating alone on th . pilot house, the sok
surtrivgffio( the Myron's crew of sixteen,
and alap,dse believed. of the sixteen men
aboard t barge Miztec.
Captain Neale eras unable to give
more than a few details of the wreck,
Thursday, '.1Arvembet 27, 121ti-7
1Whatl'a thing it is to be £tt1 To be not
merely free from •ac 1 sickness, but to
be well; absolutely wel F-aand to have the
Mental vim. $,lumina, vkgor, which go
with physical well-being.
But oil
3' can`t be �t if coltstilxttion•-st-•
constantly breeding poisons, which are
taken into theblol d 9nd`underntine the
whole system._
a--ttatttnent for t.: -O-\ ipati:,(t
The action (,f Nujol is entirely di • rent
from that (1f castor oil, pills, salts etc.
Nujol is pleasant to take ,and does not
force and weaken the system, not i
pair digestion. .
Nujol pre . Nis -constipation because i�
softens the f waste and encourages the
intestinal mu les to act naturally. It
thus removes , le Cause of. constipation
and self -poisons g.
-Nu helps Nat- re establish easy, thor-
oug bowel evac • than at regular inter-
vals—the healthier habit in the world.
(;et a bottle frotn 3 r. druggist today.
Fer r-:luab� dralt,i hsjle "Thirty -Feet of
-Olinger" free, addrerf ujc,t Laboratories.
Standard Oil Co. (New Jt• ry), 5t! Broadway,
!New York.
iwrrinr ilei i of Trail, Mari
a tiiatsri Ant: theater's of prom/mar vpresewad to Ae
f �ii�eunos tt .I '(girl". refs stay rk�r M tarbrtirolors,
- � rom lief pt �—�-- '
posure to of which devert (vii- not no- 4
eatiepetior.awd feat) fled. relatives entitled to the cross should
o t wreck. - make their applications, giving K nesse
- address with lull particulars as to eliK"
ORIAL CRA, SE,y. bihly. _
Se►on to :
Obotrihntion to (un,mpneecl
Soldiers Wit and Mothers. I -
tails of the regul Was the Cure el Joh
tribution of me- I
KEAae . .
Ottawa, Nov. 2L-
alrons to govern the
mortal crosses to moth
Canadian soldiers killed
available. the Minister o
House of Commons on Marc -
that the issue of a memprra
proposed. Effect has now
the/proposal. and the regulatio
to soldier's and sailors who sere
Canadian naval or military forces
hi4bmg been ordinarily resident in C
-- on August 4, 1914, served in the ms
forcesoi His Majesty or any of h
The cros„es win be issued ,r
and to the mothers of u
and sailors'. The pre
ination of designs a
been completed„ ./
s and w
achy n a
Ill la
Ives of •
re yow Hillside, Big ,!; , Sask., Nov, 24'
re the o Special,,-W'i 'speed that was almost
st said miraculous •.� oho New. a weltknowns wag farmer he 3% been cured 01 the kidney
vin to tnruht a which he >uffEred for sev-
in the �'• ells cured me," he
A large portrait of tbe
Wash the polsons'and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Says �dwb thing make
one look and feel
sweet and ref`
Wash yourself he tumble before
breakfeat like -' do on the outside.
This Is vas /ore Important because
the skin a do not absorb Impurt-
tlre 1. r he blood, causing illness,
r bowel pores do.
et'ery ounce of food and drink
rd en Into the stomach, nearly as
uace of waste material mast be
carried out of the body, if this waste
material la not eliminated day by day
It quickly fere/vents and Itenerates
poleons, eases and oxine which are
widows of married soldier
the first issues
next two wet
The Cr(
db Kidney- P'
'•P wish to give them all the
a•i' anks."
Speaking further of his • roubles and
s. , their sudden cure, Mr. New says; •'I
think-) inherited my kidney disease from
m;• parerlta, and 1 suffered off and on for
several years. 1 had stittness in the joints,
ampa in the . muscles, backach . and
algia 1 perspired freely nn the
s ilor
er1 soldiers
' n and exam-
er details helve
.is expekted that
made within the'
ores of silvers an and hcaut ifully
i. .' and included as features thej.
nd royal cipher, the maple leaf
he laurel. it will be engraved with!
e number, rank and name of the soldier.
commemorated. Only one erns. will Fry
termed to respect o(-each-eailur__ut sold'
Mast Supply Proof,
1f a widow or mother, having hec
entitled to the cross, has subeequen
died, the cross will be issued to the rid
son as her ntxt-of-kin. The cross will
issued in respect or each soldier who w
(aj kilted in action; (b) died while
nine service; or pct died or dies fro
causes attributable to war service a
before November 11, 1920. Every appld
cant,for-the issue of a cross must prcdu
such proot of death, service and eligibili
as maybe requested by the D epartme
of the (Naval Service ,or the Mi1i
" The regulations make an exception
he case of a widow, who is known to
4 dis�.ulute character: has been divore
ttra s- Mier ,r sailor in any cnpolry;
as at the tune of the soldier's or sailor
eath separated from him by agreemer
or legal process.
Both *ion.*ion.a.
plt;'eFest exertion.. and my perspiration
had unpleasant odor. 1 was irritable,
often- and was depressed and low-
spirit • My skin was dry and had a
harsh f and 1 was often nervous. 1
took last roof tkidd.a Kidney Pills.
They sur • -
IKt-nnMn of e C to h Ile Chaplains.
The armistice was celebrated by Rev.
-Wtotr; -
Tucsdav, Novem
tetjdered a banquet 1 his flare colleagues:
Captains (,roman and Costello, of
e.London, Capt. Hussev\ol Kinkora Capt
r 11th, when be
he ' Lowery and Masa McCarthy, M. C. of
as : Stratford. Justice was done to a live -
course dinner and many Strange stories'
"" of carrying on at the front were told.
m Truth is stranger than fiction, Following
jthe close of the dinner prayers were
toffered for the fallen herdes who sleep in
y France and Flanders; prayers for thosewho were wounded andrestore,l to (new*
eaand prayers that those who have lost
friends and relatives may seek consola-
in tion in Him who heals all sorrows.
be Wednesday rnorning each chaplain said
ed mass for his fallen brothers, and having ,
saeain rene•Aed their friendship :,t the
dinner table left at 1 p. m. 1 •r their
l parishes, NM
one of the six was ever
seriously wounded. Capt. Hussey_ is a
former Ashfeld boy.
or sucked Into the blood r
:'a rr:on, through the lymph duets which y
Should "uek only nourishment to arra. ' w
fain the body.
A spleadld health measrug�e 111 tp d
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a tea.
spoonful of limestone phosphate In it,
which Is a harmless way to wash
these poisons, gases and toxins trots
the stomach, liver. kidneys and
bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening
Ansi treahenteg the entire alletew
canal before putting more food Into co
the atomacb- Ra
A quarter pound of limestone phos. be
phate costs but very little at the drug ;tie
stote but la sufficient to make anyone mem
an enthusiast on inside -bathing. Mao lig
and women who are aecestbmed to u
wake up wttb a dull, aching bead eit
have furred towgue, had taste,. east), hi
breath, sallow completion, othese wise
i have bilious. attacks, acid stomach et
«metlppaatton nee assured of pro
trounced Improvement In botaehsultb
_bad appearance. inertly.'
"Soldier" and "sailor" include bot
male and female persons, who served i
the Canadian Expeditionary Force, ear th
naval or military forcespf His Majesty
anyof his allies.
I i he case of Members of the Canadia
val and pulitary forces the crosses wi
issued automatically o widows and
there. In the case of dec•easer
ben of any d the Allied forces ap
!cation must be made, and these app r
tions must be accomeeinied by certih-
tea proving the death of the soldier
s service and the eligibility of the ap-
ectorate of
ates will
supply the laid -known iddress ht the case
of m mbers of the Canadian forces, but
where there has been a change of address
h it Got a Rise Out of !lien.
rr "Why. Johnnie, you've got a lump on
r your head. Have you been fighting
or again?"
n "Hot tin'? Not me!" wwnrbody struck ?" --
1 "Nobody struck me. 1 wasn't fightin'
at all. It waaanacpdent.'
1 "An accident?"
• .Yes, i was sitting no • TMnmie
Brown's head and I forgot to hold his
"ll'hee1 ,hen,` that ring ,you promised
mi' •
")",eat 01311 hot ee It ---ole of these
IP-NIy de,,,-, It seem., 1(1 me your pre•
aent le always iu the future :"
for all Si
The- Family 'Herald and �S eek
caret) the cxeltixive rights fo
photo. 11; x ';,' inehcs, of i1e
Vita)) kt the celebrated 1,o
graph,•`, titken on the eve ot,
ifor Canada
ular heir to the throne
al 'readers
far of ;lfuntreal have se=
a Canada for a real good
et' of Wales. It ie hy
n, - England, ' photo-
Pfinee'w - departure
The Signal has Slade arrangements twit e Finally Herald
-and Weekly Stier whereby we are , fitted to ineltido
the I'rinet"s pini(o in a clubbing of'tt
We non make the foIr swing offer, good oinl, infil December
-31st, -14-19-r The llaorily Herald and W ,
-year, cast llt.•'25. T Signal one year; la .5C1, Star one
We offer -11101i papers for one year each, and aeopy of Ili e
Prince of Wales' p ortra't, size 11ix22 inches, a for $2.65.
All nrtlt'rs to he arta tri`-tflia, ofl1,e. \
_T11F SIGNAL, klc_ln.
\CARNiNU__This after is gon(1 only- until 1.)eeetnbe '.3fst,
14,19, when -it i.r annriune•r,l the prier of The 10 may/
Herold trill he fiI 7,11 a '.' r.