HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-27, Page 5' TIN SIGNAL
OUR Christmas stock is much larger and more complete than ever before. We
feel sure that if you pay us a visit you will be more than delighted when we
-- show our large and varied stock of suitable gifts. We have bought very heavily
in French Ivory Seta and Novelties, Ebony Toilet Requisites, Patterson's Chocolateii,
Kodak,. Brownies, Albums, Flashlights, Fountain Pena, in order to supply your every
need. We trust you will give us a call. It is a pleasure to show goods.
Kodaks and
$2.15 to $29.0°
25c to $29.75
Do\not fail to see them .•
Bottles and Kits
$2.25 to $6.75
Kodak Albums
35c to $3.75
in Half Pound, One Poun and Two Pound Boxes
Fresh shipment st received
Djer Kiss, Mavis and
Garden Court Sets
$4.50 to $5.50
The Penslar Store
"Capt. Martin's resit at the Ryerson
Church was intense y int ing and very
enjoyable throughout. was not a
moment du��tt��ttg the whole ime when
there was any tettti few the merest to
lag." -A. W. 1 aven.. Barrie Hamtl-
ton.(klt. \
Capt.Itysrlitalt ?tett* Ston of Jean
Valjeaqqq st the G i -entertainment nn
Monday nggp in Na h street Methoitst
church. •
r- -
From The Stratford Herald: "The
crowd that occupied the Opera House
last night was one of the biggest gather-
ings held Herr tor many a day. when the
comedy. The Misleading Lady,' was
pre,•nted by the Mut-less Player+. The
pertormanc • was watched with keen
interest and there was not a weak charac-
ter in the whole cast. It is claimed that
it was the best ay ever staged here."
See them in Goderich on December 12.
Wednesday and
_ \IV illia Brady
Louisa M. Alcott's F*Inous Story
"Little Wothen"
A Paramount Artcraft Special
They are four of the
sweetest girls its American
They never had a "tri-
angle" in their f a in i i y.
Their beauty .never turned
the universe.
But they are fairly
it When you see them -why
You'll really LIVE THEiR
You'll he Amy : and Lanra
will court yon.
You'll -be Joe, and Prof. Baer
will kneel at your feet.
You'll live this p i c't u r e!
That's how it le! Come
and rise Wednesday and
Thnrsdit .
Special Matinee, Wednesday 4.15.
I'n, es Inc and 15c.
Emig Prices this Picture :
(Both Nights) •
Everybody's Doing It.
The price of milk delivered in Goderich
was raised this week to fourteen cents a
quart. The reason given for the increase
is the high cost of feed.
Murkss Players Caning Again.
The Murless Players of Seaforth will
present their new comedy, "The Mislead-
ing Lady," in the Opera House on
December 12. under the auspices of
Maple ,Leaf Chapter. 1. O. D. E. All
who saw their former play, "Within the
Law," will be glad to welcome them again
to Goderich.
Contest for Centrepiece. -�
Nils( Mr-ti,el.le 15 putting on n e,•onteet
ageln this year. the prize offerer! bi•Ing
u itandw,we et11hroi,Mr,rt centrepiece,
lu rose design. Chances will 1s• given
on every 250- purchase. Thr contest.
wf11 eimmetwe on Monday ue\1 anal
conelutle Frhlay. January 20dl. 1Vatch
for farther amu„nuruient 114.x1 week.
Hockey Meeting.
A inning for the renrganizati,ri of the
Goderich hockey club for the coming
season will be held at the town hall on
Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock. The
club is entered for the Interm-diate
O. H. A, and a good hockey seas in is
looked for. ;Several returned men ere
expected to be on the ice this season,
Ind the riub wilt be in better shape than
for some years past.
G. W. Y. A. Taking.a Ballot.
A ballot i( being taken tide week
among the in'mlenhip of the (trent
War 'Vetere, s A• ex -Melo-. mi hest
quest lone : Whether the Asws•iathat
w111 extend its activities to 1nclnde
pnllticat a.'iton-tn other word., "go
into Polities"; and whether the mem-
bership will be extended to allow all
Allied soldier. to Ise„me members,
Herrtofor' only thou' who 'vent over-
w'as were eligible
Huron 01.1 Boys of Tonna.
The annual meeting of the Huron Old
Boys' Association of Toronto will be held
at St. George's Hall, Elm street, at 8
o'clock, on Friday evening, November 28,
for the election of officer's and the trans-
action of other business. Every Hutpn
Old Boy or Girl is invitee to be present,
Ladies will be eligible to election tor any
office in the Association. Addresses wil
be delivered by Sir John S. Willis .n and
Hon. W. Proudfnot.
Mrs. Too Thumb Dead.
Cwtntess Msgri, known to the general
public as Mrs. Tom Thumb. died on
Tuesday at her home at Middleboro',
Masa., at the age of tieventy•seven
years. She and her fired husband, Gen.
Tom Thumb, were public ch tractors
many years ago as the smallest couple
known. They visited G iderich about
forty years ago and gave a "show" in
what was then Crabb's (now McLean's)
Opera urease Tom Thumb died thirty •
seven years ago.
The Story of peon Valkese,
There should be a large audience next
Monday evening at North street Metho-
dist church where Capt. the Rev. W. G.
Martin, of Hamilton, will tell the story M
Jean Valjan. The event is under the
auspices of the Cot Iegiate Imitate. and
the proceeds are to be devotsd toprovid-
ro vid-
ing a tablet to be pieced in the watch t•
commemorate the part taken by G. C. I.
ex -students in th • great war. In addi-
tion to the recital the program will in-
clude the presentation of diplomas,
medals and scholarships two by the
students. Tickets are 35c and 50c.
Hurst County Poultry Sibs.
Thr Iwenrty-fourth annual exhibition
of the Huron (outnty Poultry and Pet
Stock A,swiatfun will be brld Wednes-
day, Thursday rod Friday,. Jaatan'
14th, 15th and into, Itt!U, at the town
hall, tiodrrh•b. Thr prize Mat lam brew
rerlwd aiud Walde more /Sieral to ex-
hihltors, and the dlrrrtorw are looking
forward to what they confidently ex-
pect will tar' tlw twat exhibition its the
ht"tory of the Association Ur. ,.o
}few. OW IS president of the Assoclattun
11r. .1. ls. Lyasbureer wu•retary-treaa
urer; Mfr. ft. 1•. Po.tlethwaite auper-
lntentletit of the show, rad Mr. A. W
1ysc.u. of Guelph, will ai.4rtw, judge.
Effort of Coal Stripe.
1twliyt to the critical eontlittona h
the matter of coal supply a reduction is
the railway prwwuarr train service
way tw neeensary. The G. T. H. issued
a u,U,'.- early la the week that such a
reduction might tw made efferrtu'e
Novrtuts'r 30th and a dentate an-
nouncement would kw snide Thursday
(today ). However, aro further au-
taruiae-went tws Well received by the
less! agents up to this evening.
11 is announced that one train each
way on the London. Huron & Bruce line
will be cancelled. The trains to come off
are the morning train from London to
Winghtam and the afternoon train from
Wingham to London. It will stilt be
poesibk for a passenger to go from Gods. -
rich to London and return the same day.
Two lopsrtent Gatberiags,
The Goderich I3oard of Trade was
represented at the inland waterways
conference at Windsor last week by
Messrs. A. Saunders, W. S. Bowden and
James Mitchell. At the annual mating
of the Ontario Associated Boards of
Trade, held at Toronto tater in the week,
the Gesderich delegates were Messrs. C.
Wurtele. Canon Hill and W. S. Bowden.
The resolution presented by the Goderich
Board at the Toronto meeting received
more attention and brought out a more
lively discussion than any other resolu-
tion on the program The Signal gives a
brief summary of both meetings in this
-tie. It is likely a general meeting of
the Board of Trade will be called within
a week or two to receive the reports of
the delegates to these important conven-
Mueeeasful Bazaar.
The bazaar held last Saturday after-
noon by ttw Mwaatika ('lab of Knox
church its old of ttw Children -Ft Shelter
was ,i gratifying suer,./4s. Pretty hand -
worked handkerchiefs were mold at it
booth, stud afternoon few wars served..t modest program.wass Ervrii, fiN•!nd-
ing a vu.wl silo by Mra. Knurl( Conttw,
ivaruwrntal, by Mho. Umbel McNevin
um) 'MIAs Louise IarKay, a ra•al shirt
by Misses Helen Howard and fhdiwy
Holmes. violin isele•tfeina by Mlaew
Edna Mcallane, Ruth Martin enol
Helen 11411. elyo several selections
by the girls' nre•heatnr. A unmM'r of
handkerchiefs were left over from the
bazaar and throe ere on sale at_Mi(s
Susie Notthort (tote. The pro. ,wins from
the bazaar arm $'IO, to which si eon-
dderable aura will be added woes be
hauiken•hief( are all sot. .
Nine Years in Penitentiary.
Blanchar4 Williams, of Stephen town
ship. appeared before Judge?Dickson on
Monday for sentence on the charge of
committing an outrageous offence against
his daughter. sixteen years of age.
The judge at some length addressed
the prisoner, toying that his first intention
was to give the maximum punishment of
fourteen years, but upon the Counsel for
the prisoner describing the environment
of Williams in his early life he had changed
his mind somewhat. He felt that he
should sentence the prisoner to a term
that would allow his youngest child to
grow up old enough to protect herself
before Witham! would be around to
have any influence over her. He said
that the Children's Aid Society was
taking care of his children under the age
of sixteen years and that some provision
would have to be made for the daughter
he had ruined for life. "The sentence
will be nine years in Kingston Penitenti-
ary, where you will have a chance to
.earn an honest trade and repent the
awful crime which you have committed," -
said the judge. Williams is apparently
about forty years of age.
G. C. 1. Notes.
On Friday last, the G. C. 1. Literary
Society held its third meeting of the
term, Miss D. Dancey occupying the
chair for the evening. The first number
on the program was a recitation by Miss
M. Edwards. This was followed by a
debate between forms IV. and i11. B, ore
the subject. "Resolved, that the young
people of the present day havg more fun
than they did in the eighteenth century,"
Miss G. Murray and Mr. E. McCreath
supporting the affirmative side of the
question and Miss C. Tape and Mr. J.
Baker the negative. The debate was
very interesting and while the judg.-s
One of the moat danger-
ous and repulsiv,• forms of
Kidney Disease is
fir which Dodd'• Kidney
Pills are the only certaut
cure. in l)rnp.y the kid-
neys are actually dammed
op, and the water, which
akl he expelled in the
.'nem of urine, flows hack
a.5.1 kedges in the erns of
the flesh and huffs out the
skin. Remove the filth
which pings up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only one
Kidney Medicine
--- -
were making their decision th+ Girls'
Orchestra ppl1aayed ricketier* from "Ja-da"
and "Bubbles." After the judges' deci-
sion, which was in favor of the negative,
there was a recitation by Miss O.
Finnigan. The next number on the
program was the Journal, which was
read by Miss O. Allen and was much
appreciated Then Miss Clifford, Miss
Fletcher and Mr. Robertson distributed
the medals and ribbons won on sports
day. With the singing of "Blighty' and
"God Save the King" by the Glee Club,
a very success -slid evening was brought to
a close. ,
A special 'Lit." will be held next
Friday, December 5, at which a smal
admission fee of five or ten cents. will be
charged. as the Literary Society desires
to raise some money for current expenses.
It is to be hoped that all the students
who can puesibly attend will do so.
W. N. 'McKay Goes to W1ndsor.'3Y'
Mr. W. N. McKay, who has been tnana•
ger of the Bank of Hamilton here since it
was opened a few weeks ago. has been ap-
pointed manager of the Windsor branch,
and lett for that city this week. Mra.
McKay and family will follow later.
Although they have been residents of
Goderich only a short time. Mr. and
Mrs. McKay have made warm friends
here who sincerely regret their departure.
The new manager, who has taken
c harge this week, is Mr. A.'sJ. Mackay,
who comes from the Port Rowan branch,
where, oddly enough, there have been
three Mackays in succession as managers.
The Port Rowan News says of the
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mackay are moving
to Goderich, where Mr. Mackay has been
appointed manager of the branch of the
Bank of Hamilton which has been estab•
h;hed there. They have resided here
three and a -half years, Mr. Mackay as a
popular bank manager, Mrs. Mackay as a
charming bride. They added much to
the social wellbeing of the community.
Mrs. Mackay is a singer of great ability,
with a Provincial reputation. and so was
able to add a great deal to the enjoyment
of the public by her c acert singingas
well as to charm her friends with beauti-
ful parlor songs. She was the leader of
the choir in Neal Memorial church and
was in the midst of her Christmas prac-
ti•e when orders from headquarters ar-
rived. We have had three Mackays here
in accession as managers of the Bank of
Hamilton and they were al, real men with
charming wives It often happe ns that
big-hearted men get sour .pippins for
wives, but the Mackays were alt fortunate
not only in what they escaped but in
what they won as well.
County Court will be hold Tuesday,
December 9th, Judge Dickson presiding.
The Good Cheer Club of Gnderich
township has i -'ted invitations for a
dance tote held in the Oddfellows' Hall
on Friarsirening of this week.
Mr. Lauder of the Model Theatre had
his new ventilating fan in operation for
the first lime on Montlay night. and
although the house was crowded the
patrons were surprised to find the air
fresh and sweet.
Miss Bess Pennington, of Dundee, is
spending a few days with her friend. Mus
Ivy Elliott, Cobourg street. -
Model Theatre
Thos. H. Ince
7'hhr.day, November 21.
open Current Accounts for
firms andj'individuals. We
supply them with checkbooks so
that they can draw against their de -
postts in favor of other persons. If
they have funds, we pay their notes
or acceptances at maturity when
payable here. Depositors are thus
enabled to pay bills or withdraw
stoney without coming to the Bank.
Goderich Branch -W. N. McKay, Manager
1 FORD TOURING CAR, 19 7 Model. lb'
Equipped, $475.
er and Electric Light
R with Start.
East Street Garage "°w' Peen M::�by a
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
Mr. and ]Irm. .1. W. Taybpr were
taken by surprise oiw• ere ' g I t week
by a number or -laity and gq, ,unman
tripod. arriving • in ofd fashlinel roa-
tunN•,.. They were Kron• eh most
heartily and all .pijoiyet al 'aunt aria
amiable time. • ,
A meeting of the Min ittferia-Ageociation
will be held in Knox hunch vestry on
Monday next air 2 click. Rev. P. 1''.
Sinclair will give an rt ss, and import-
ant matters are to be discussed. •
"The Glory of Old Age" and ''Things 1
Ought to Have Known Before I Was
Twenty-one," will be the themes at the
Baptist church next Lord's Day. The
Bible school meets at 3, and the B.Y.P.U.
at 8 o'clock.
The morning subject at Victoria sheat
Methtidrt church next Sunday will be;
"A Living Temple." Sunday school at
3 p. m. Evening subject: "Jf the
Kingdom of God is Income, what is my
share ?"
Mr. Sincliut'ilitleiTT! Sunday (reit in
Knox church pulpit. which will be his
last Sunday, will be: Morning, "The Rear
Guard," a sermon for the old e; even-
ing, "Can Canada's Church Win Canada's
Manhood?" concluding the seriesto
young people.
Rev. 1'. F. Sinclair next Sunday row.
dudes his term as supply minister off.
Knox church. His pulpit addresses have
been neatly appreciated, as have ala,
been his associations with the people, and '
Knox chwch will have a hearty welcome
for him whenever be again visits the
eofgregat on,
*erah Street Methodist ('hureh.
• Seryices at North street Met/midi-it
church next Sunday will be as follow
t0 a.`.pt., classes and Men's Club; If
and 7, public worship. 3 p. nt.,
Sunday school: At the Men's Club
Mr. A. M. Robertson will speak on
the teachings and dangers of Mor.,oni.m.
The pastor's morning theme will be:
"Laws of Unanswered Prayer." Evcnine:
-The Dangers of Neglect."
The League meeting on Tuesday r>,ght
will be favored with a visit from the
president of the district, Mr. Fred
Savauge of Seaforth. The public are
cordially invited to this service. There
will be consecration, r -call and recep-
tion ut new memberit
North street church wa"ll�Ssitlti'-amtk-- -
versary celebrition a w from neat
Sunday, when Rev. Ili.
former pastor, will preach.
Dorothy Dalton
A Paramount ?knot-
\ Pearl White
Theiightning Raider'
William A. Brady's
''Little Women"
A Paramount Artrraft MpaeW
A Paramount Flagg
Metro -
Viola Dana
"False Evidence'
A Two Reel Comedy
Monday Matinees w
4.15 p.m.:
'tatarrday 3.00 p.m.
YOU will find all
three flavours in
air- tight sealed
packages- but look '
for the name
f -
because it is your
protection against
inferior imitations.
Just as the sealed
package is Protec-
tion against iin-
1 >iY