The Signal, 1919-11-27, Page 44--Thurs4ay, November 27. 1919. Style Steps Lively This Season but not too lively for the lively young dressers. There's a dash and a jaunty swing to the new 20th Century Brand models for young fell- ows t makes them stand right out'ii reclass by them- selves. We can't illustrate them all here -there's a dozen of tl.em---and it's ighty hard to say which is Seeing is believin them. smartest. See sir iggssmatairsmitiri WALTER 4. 50L7ROLM' FOR 20th CENTURY AND ART CLOT BORSALINO HATS Phone 57. Goderich • _1- ++++++++++++++44+1•444.44 JEWELLERY WATCHES, CLOCKS, HIGH-GRADE . JW- ILLLERY, RINGS:SIL- VERWARE, Ete.,EW. Repairing done to your satisfaction .a "Last night. in the Methodis'iluir Rev W. G. Menlo gave a scholar lecture nn 'Jean Valjean.' Ttos rump' character of Victor Hugo's give. wide scope to ,he speaker in which virtual:3/ all the e motions ran he played on. Rev Mr..' Martin pr vtd i;apabh of this task. anti in a mos' reati-tic And torceful manner tar- ried his sydienee with him. Thr large number who *ere pres,nt went away emi pen ty 'i• -fid and remnlimented themaelves. _that a :MUM fach a high- class order could be given in Moosejaw."- Moosejaw Times. Be sure to hear Captain Martin net t Monday evening.. at the G. C. I. enter tamment •••-• . ••,,•••0••••••••,•••••••4"...•••••••11....^ TIER HIONAL DUNGANNON. 60DPIOX ORT. 1111111•11111••••1111111111111•11•1111XXXXIX1110XXXIX X • • • XXXXXXIIR•1111••••XXXXXXXXXXXIIIXXX • X Children' s November 10, end bite In the afternoon Ids friend maw him about a mile from shore getting ready to .s..ine lu. A form blew up with great rapidity and lits was the last seem of Mr. Potter. t womb party was formed and every- hing puasible was done bot WI trace of ilia nor of hh. boat could be found until Thursday, When the twat was found Nome twenty-dve miler away. tits mother. Mrs. (Rev.! Austin Potter, of Duudns, was visiting him at Detroit at the time. He was forty-one years of age, leaves a wife and thirteen -year- end i&,b. besides his mother and sisters, Mrs. 4'. H. Moore, of iniudas, and Mrs. E. W. Mahood, of $t. Louis. Mo. "Bert,- as he was better known here. left Dungannon when he was twelve years old, his father being then min- ister of the liunganuaan Met hod ist ellureh. Wu:Nest:ay. Nov. 26. 7 Stephen Stothers has just completed a new garage. lt is up to date in every t Don't forget the anniversary services and hot supper of Dangantion Methodist church on Sunday and Monday next. Mr. Chas Elliott returned home Setur. day last irom the north country. having secured a fine deer. Mr. Thos. Stothers made a business trip to London on T..earlay of this week. He was accompanied by Mr. J. R. Mc- Nabb. who moto ed to the city on Mon- day and returned on Tuesday. Mr. Elmer Shackleton spent a few days at home last week. He returned on Monday to Port Elgen. where he is em- ployed at present. Mrs. Thos. Smilie returned on Mon- day from Kitchener, where she had been spend ng a few days visning her brother. Mr Newton Black. Th,. Methodist Sunday school is pre- paring a Christmas entertainment. Mr. Thos. G. Allen is confined to his house these days with a severe cold. Mrs. Davtd Girvin. Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. B. J. Crawford were visitors in the county town Friday last. Mr. Wm. &1b, is having a well drilled on his farm north of Dungannon. 11r. semi Mrs. Colin Pentland. of 1st. Louis. Mo.. visited their relatives in Iltinga111)011 tide week. Mr. Pentland Is eugazrel In Y. M. i'. A. work and was utteuellug an Association convention at Detroit. The Draw Lodge. Dungannon. in - r tends holding au entertainment on Fri. day, iteetinber iith. in the Agricultural Hall. Dungannon. Harvey Lloyd and company. of Toronto. will be the' enter - t a liwrs. There will also be local talent. • CATS,CATS. SUFFERIN' CATS! -11 is getting to be a common occurrence for people to bring out half kittens and drop them around the village. People have been seen to drop them out of can. Now. which is the lesser evil if.they have no use for the kittens to do away with theca when they are emall, Of to leave th-m around the village to be abused by children and wort ied by dogs. and finally to starve ani perish.' ENTERTAINMENT.- An entertainment to be given in the Agncultural Hall on Friday evening. December 5th, under the auspices otL. 0. L N. 321. will be one of the hest events of the season. The committee has e iga red Mr. Harvey Lloyd. carnelian. of Toronto, who will bring with him several teethed assistants, and the program will include also first- class local talent. The plan of seats will be on view next week. Admission 60r, reserved seats 75e. Former Ilungannon Roy Drowned. - Word hjas IPPPII rPIVIV44.1 of the 'drown- ing of n former lainganuon hojc, Mr. A. 11. Potter, of retroit. He WO a Heti.' were out duck shooting about 51 mile. from Detroit on 30 Friday, December 5th, '19 IN AGRICULTURAL HALL. DUNGANNON, under the •uapices of 1. 0 1 Nu. 324, Harvey Uoyd, Comedian. of Toronto, with his compan' of en- tertainers, assisted by local talent. AdMissiCso 60C. asserted seats 75c. • Everybody cone. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 26. Mr. Geo. F. Yungblut returned on Friday night from his hunting tnp, bringing his number of deer with him. Meares. John and Frank Stalker left on Tuesday morning for a visit with their sister at Flint. Mich. Mr. Nelson has opened his new build- ing stocked with hardware and farm machinery and is ready to do business. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mogh and Mrs. C. Moats. of Tavistock. spent a few days visiting relatives heie the past week. The Missionary Society of the Metho- dist church held a quilting at the home of Miss Blair the end of the week. Mr. and Mn. Frank Stanley expect to leave for Toronto on Monday. the former having sectored a situation there. $ IC X X XII Children's Wool Overalls, Pullovers and Coa ai 11 a Priced from $1.50 to $3.75 , ,, X X X These nice warm woo Wilms will give the little folks all tile protection they require 1 as X CHILDREN'S . ' for the cold weather. X OVERALLS .-'S AU.1100L PULLOVERS, Childiviene'asterind Scaoats '- Week at The Scotch Store CHILDREN'S COATS A delayed shipment of Children's ('oats is promised for this week and will be opened up and ready for selling Saturday. They come in Blanket Cloth and Chinchillas to fit ages 4 to 14. Prieed Mita $6.00 to $12.50. CHILDREN'S FURS I) ightful luta of Furs to please the ---ehildren here in g t variety in Thibet Sets, Wilde& &is, Coney nd Ermine Seta. Priced per set $3.75 1 . BLYTH. X WEDNESDAY. Nov. 26. al Rev. R. C. McDermid. of Goderich. ut gave an interesting address in St An- ; drew's church Sunday morning i., connec• a I tion with the Forward Movement. Band f I ; left this Nit Mr. Isaac rown a anu y week for their new home at Toronto They have been excellent citizens and i their departure is deeply regretted. On Friday evening a meeting was held in the lecture room of the Methodist church at which farewell addresses were presented. accompanied by suitable gifts. ; Mr. John Vincesit, of Godench. was in ' town Monday. While here he disposed of his residence on Morris str.-et to Mr. ' Wm. H. Gov ier. of East Wawanoah, who will occupy it next iting. a • • CHILDREN'S COMBINATIONS Children's all -wool Overalls with feet, in -grey, cardinal and white, per pair P.M to$LZS. rom selected wool, buttoned at shoidder,\ 'n Grey-, Navy,l-Bitilithiptl-Va rd nal, size 20\o 32. Prided from 11.50 up. Children's ex t r a smart all -wool Sweat. er Coats, belted style, to fit alr ages. • From $2.51.p We never fort. Warmer Un were in a better ear for thethildren position to supply Undergarments for the children's Don't put off buying. because the demand is!greater than the supply. - it -win -in -wise to look to your-raeeds- . 1W. Wed4esdili. ,Noe. 26. a( 8nCOUGH•S P.TbrietewatlmsiltItTti wreranMorriot . A r;unt- al C. Robertson Cornet E.oit. Str,ot 0(1 Square MORE PICTURES OF PRI 'S TOUR. Children's Turnbull's Natural Wool Combinationa, unshrinkable, natural color, to fit all ages. Priced according to age ” 11.96 to .75. Children's White Union Combinations. Turnbull's make, a splendid fitting garment. .High neck, long sleeves and knee length. to fit all ages. Priced according to age, $1.00 to $1.75. CHILDREN'S FINE RIBBED -WOOL VESTS AND DRAWERS - - a a Fin Ribbed all-woll Vests and Drawera, natural tly, to tit ages 1 to 14 yeerw Priced areO 1,1ing to age, 11.00 to 11.50 each. ('hildren' Union Vests and Drawers, winter .weigh A splendid garment in natural and whi, to fit ages 1 to 14. Priced aceortlina to size, 4110 to 85e. 6 months to 3 years. Priced froin 394\np. Infant's P-ure Australian Wool Vests, Rubens and buttoned froo,f_stYleii. Vrom Priced according to 19*, $1:35 to $2.50. ith feet. to fit all ages. FLEECE -LINED AND NATURAL WOOL SLEEERS 1)r. Denton's fleece -lined and Turnbull'a Natural Wool Sleepers 1 TA Be$ wise. the prlc of Tea Is going to rise. Our special blend f Black Tea ean t be best 70c a lb. Special pris ce in quantities You will he wise to purchase a few extra potendA befote the price-, advances. CHILDREN'S KIMONOS CHILDREN'S NIGHTGOWNS $3.50 EACH \ Children's Eider Kimonos, in esigns, to fit ages 6 years to 14 rice $3.50 each. Allin'sAppk Juke • We have just received a barrel of fresh Apple Juice For Christ- mas baking or mincemeat it's the best. fi0c a genes Agricultural College Girls Greet the Prince of Wales. • _ Robertson & Mair 'Phone 164 Cor. Hamilton St and Square School of Commerce -Oaks id &Acrid', Ontario Offers the following courses • SESINESS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL ('IS'll, SERVICR and arranges Sperm! Courses for students. The following advantages : ably qualified teaching staff AI busmen system of bookkeeping Cow1iains1 typswriting testi Positions suorsowearl payv few owl/ In • 1••• PIV.01111 II b.. fa. th• V.11111.4 swaan n• woman 0 ...II vi•roslel returna sn For won tne . welt. M A. STONE. ".'11•-•37rsnrit.. p•.I flak. i. 6. W M. Am.. • PAAA•Al ?1101 10 Students enter any titne CLINTON • Montreal Welcomes His Royal Highness. a oh; a on the fi III present posit lli All changes at' smart years. ettrOditiirt's White flannelette Night - •go g. made of extra quality white flannel- - ette, efi Tiede -and neatly finished, to fit ages years ti 12 years. Priem $1.00 to $1.40 CHANGES IN DEPARTMENT LOCATIONS after Saturday itur h•uitttbd Good., will be found in \heir new quarters floor. Corsets and Waists will be located on the main floor opposite. their n. Carpets and Linoleum sttd--Nete- Room will occupy our site 1111110Z - made in the interest Of bet ter servim_ $ 1(111111111111*M1 al Hours of Butiiness 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. PHONE 56 .TV!ill X Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. &Scotch Store PINE Si The Leadi one end Mail Order Store WICIONWOMMERXXXXXXIONICCOMM .....d.ueknow has been !fettled. The villae 11 to pity dr. stew -art $1,010 and he is to keep the lighting plant. the village td be free of all obligation -In respect to it. It la likely that step.. will now be takton to spore Hydro connection for the village. Miss Gwendolyn MacLeod left last week for Boston. where she will again engage In, literary work. Before her departure she was presented by the Patriotic Society with an addrivis and ▪ gold piece-ill rPC90(111t1011 of her ser vices overseas. A publle meeting of the business men and residents of the ouirronnding connevy was held last Thnrsday even- ing in the council chamber to dItteniespi arningemcnta for securing better ac- commodation for the general public coming to town. The him is a reit • room for women especially and also for itom and n suitable shed Ilr stable for horses. After A 'hely disctisslon committee was appointed to report on the matter and to see If a suitable property epolil he seiaired. * LEEBURN. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26. Anniversary services will la! held in 4.teburn church on Sunday at 11 a. m. snd 7 p. m. The preacherboth morning and evening will be Rev. R. A. Lundy, B. A.. of Walton. The offering fOr the day xtlI be added to the organ fund. On Monday of this week the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Horton, sr.. ba- the usual monthly meeting, and in addi. lion to celebrate her eightieth birthday. Mn. Horton has been a me bet ever ince theousiliary was founded, twenty- four years ago. and is one of the oldest pioneers of the Society. The occasion was chosen by the !members as a fitting time to make the presentation of a life -membership certificate to their hostess. A beautiful hunch of white chrysanthemums also was presented by some of the members and numerous presents were given by her immediate relatives. A short speech was made by Mrs Clutton on behalf of the gathering, wishing Mrs. Horton peaceful and Peppy old age. Santa Claes landed here from his aero- plane and leftwch a big lot of goods in our heck Told that our shelves are crowded with Christmas gift goods Cnme and see them at our Two litortiso-Wallyi Banta.