HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-27, Page 1trir A Hint to Advertise» Only Four Weeks to Christmas 11111111141TY411.11ST TRAM -se 1s771 • i G. M. KIDD 1 NALIFIED SURVEYOR 1 1 and DRAFTSMAN SMAN 1 Reside:we Phone 44 4axall THE STE:"NGBANK OP CAN/4,4 . r Eia4«B "ASK OUR MANAGt^°. The experience of farmers in other parts of the country is valuable to you when planning for next year. The local manager of the Sterling Bank is supplied with this information through the head Office. He will gladly advise you and help you with money matters. CaH and see him. particularly before increasing your operations. `WE SERVE YOU What services do your bankers render! Do they supply you with sound, practical advice based on up-to-date knowledge of markets, prices and business conditions? Do they help you to take advantage of your opportunities and increase your income? This Bank is prepared to kelp farmers in every way possible. sea THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO CE RRES RVE FIND 8 AIDP 'AI. 15,000,000 ' - s 15,000,000 CODER ICH BRAN,CH, Oa., Williams, Manager. V. H. PEARDON ARCIIFTECT Phone Rid C.P.R. DM!ek, West Street CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FURNISHED HOUSE WA, for the winter months. Mem have four bedrooms and all conveniences. VICTORYBONDS Bought and Sold J. W. CRAiGIE P1., Life, Acc,dent and Automobile Insurance LOST OR FOUND.kid HUNT'S HARD- tIM pot. a r of ofd- , roamed la return same to J. C. GRIFFIN Gaor ol he re - 1 OST.- Ys�� egOPlatter R TWENTY a legtrrsaaalar.a r ai/S3oNNAALL (wince.. QTRAYED FRONT PREMISES OF kJ w •nde s.pted early ,n September, two yearling hnfera and tw' yeerltnngg (teers. Aay (otorteateon regarding the same win be gladly re- ceived by ROBERT BLAKE.. R. R. No. 2. Cha- lon. Ont. Phone Ile Colborne. !l QTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES W the October October .4th, a black -aid steer. ser ell anyone knowing of D. is kindly telephone to) D FARRISH, To insure Day mint this year. all ac- ts Road. Colborne (Municipal Telephone No counts against the Town of 1 Goderich j mast be sent in at once to the under- signed.. QODBRICR, ONTARIO, TH URSDA Y, N 0 V 17 1919 MOTICE TO CREDITORS, NOTICE TO CREDITO IN rag Knorr wiLJPArrIela •+ay -•� rtes Tows:rem or Awes ome>. ew Ma V or therm, 9ataaa, oaca•aa9, Noma a hereby pven,.purswnt to the starers aent that behalf that all peruseshiving any chess hese29thast the estate all Pan Long. who deed on t March, 1.15, are required the ISO December ltn9, to so0 or before to the undo, rgatd, solicitor* herein Johanna Loam Ada,nstratra, full particular* tat (heir ms; and that alter the rid 15th ()acrobat, 1919• the rid Auiannestratna w,11 du/tribute the antard nearid deceased among the person* having regard uoly to the claims of which she Wall tben.Daagyed notice, and that toe said Adtaimaratna whJJ not be liable tor the sod mewls 1. soy pet sen of wham claims souse 9Aa11 not then have been received. Dated Godench for 21st November. 1919. PROUDFOOT, KiLLORAN & COOKE, Cadence,, Ontario. So/races la said Adratmstretria. 3t NOTICE OF MIEBTI.*tiG. CtOLBORNE FARMERS' CLUB. The annual meeting of the Colborne iarmess' Club will be held sen dr Temperance Hall. Bea. miller, on Thursday. December soh. at 7.0U, to beat the retorts of the officers la the past year. to elect delegates :to the annual convention at Tor• onto, and wapp,mnt officers foe the ernu,ng year An invitation is emended to the public, ladies especially, to attend. WM YOUNG, D. F. SCHWANZ, t'reatdent. Secretary. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Council of tha Corporal on 1 he C aA on ] uesdaY the grid o! Ore o'clock in the alterriooe The n s o t Connie 09 HHGodefroa welt meet in the Council Chamber, 1919, ata day sober. AH accounts should be in the panda of the Clerk oa or before dust date. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Dated Godenc4 Novena, the 151h. 1919 PUBIJC NOTICE. NOTICE. -ANYONE KNOWING of l301 5, pre at address of E. W Fraser, formerly ,11tAve Weis : Calgary. kindly � co..maWof wita5OX T, SIGNAL OFFICE. TO kis ietseem. PUBLIC NOTICE. - TOWN OF GODERICH. In accordance *kb the Town Bylaws it a necessary to obtain a permit before constructing. altering or I•epalnng say bedding in the Town of Goderich. rtBY"otder DI tel 1 OoarIH7. Clerk. PUBLJC NOTICE... TOWN of GODERiCH. - FOR SALE OR Ran. NOTICE! This is what you bave been lookout fora I genuine bloom. Oneguarter acre bl, ds stable. in one of (be two dential parts of the town. All for hours and a larbeat rear $1,000. Also severs/ aper good properties la sale at reasonable prices. I P. J. RYAN, Insurance and Real Estate, II Toone 50 ICOR SALE. -A REDBRICK I HOUSE 1. with an modern cos,vemences, Apply EPH C. GRIFFIN, Gooier.1O 1i L. L. KNOX Town Clerk. VOTERS' LIST. 1919 TOWN OF GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, Notice n hereby elven that 1 have transmit or de(vered to the perces mentioned m otic 9 of the Ontario Votes' Lists Act the copses owed by mad lection to be r transmitted delivered of the bst,•reede movement to easel of all persons appeanng by the We refired eminent roll of the ria' mwnicipehty to ntrtled to vote in the land mwnctpahty ;echoes lot members of the Letioatfve Assam ole and ■t mun,npal electron: sad that the ea st was first posted up at my office at Godertc on the 21in day of November, Iv19, and rune there for ,nseectitm. And I herebtyrr�ccati neon al1 voters totake im cDrrecprocel4 w to have soy errors a OmiWpn erg to law. Dated thts 21st day of Noreeltber, tela L L. KNOX. Clerk ,M the Town or Gwderab R. F.). R. FORSTER EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late Nouse and Auralgeon New York oOppthhtaelege re Hasp1W aa.4 Go,,_,_ ht Square J1roat l re London. FOR SALE. W. LEGHORNI FOR SALE S0Mg PULL1tTS WM. AL.DovS, Huron Road. FOR SALE. --A PUREERED POLLED betroGUS bull, one year old Apply to JAMES I I� GLEN R. R. No. hSt Goda,cp, elephant a11[ L G L E Meer Centres. Unlimited Quantity of 41 GOOD >�D WOOD FOR SALE THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING I at CO.. LIMITED. of Anglesey St.) Phone 61. 1 W t .seif atertoo Si.3`., Stratford. Tier/sows Wt. At Bedford Hotel, Gatwick from Widnes- ), November 19,) p. m.. to Ther,day, 20th. 1 p. . ANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. at $3 per single cord, delivered, ds (Foot W ASTIR DROWN BROS. PAY HIGHEST ILA,n.hoot TAL Rk, $t1,,or Poultry. Give them 3l WANTED -A CARETAKER FOR Nath street Methooist church. Appy to 1. P. BROWN, Church street. U7ANTED,_EINE ERECTORS, lithe aid hears halls. bloc* smiths and Wood worker,. Steady empM/merit. A pPly ata?,1 wages and espenence to BOX 21. 9t Tits SIGNAL Watch Your Victory Bond Coupons Dec. 1st oTheDo �m4at will distribute more than • 18,_ of the }feat teres bar let. If you area haler ofLoma,h you w111 aerate In Bombs or the first CJanedian War 1? your bonds ars safelyreposing this important distribution. Doman $owes, es they "Mouldt^ t be for oone of eau* oompletto protection, Dome to the Dank and MID the ommo a tbM day. We will oaah them for you or deposit etre mooted*. UNION BANK OFCANADA UfaKEIIOURCUL ttal.OeO,eaa Goderich Branch .F. Woolcomb, Manager tr , Farm awl town property moored. Freed rate Oran vents per *100. As simian by Government betlttitx the Cowpony w One et the the Province, au,ntaiarog an strongest ie invested in Victory Bonds and kale napless amoritoes. pre1 t Mrtto(aat- leaded to. Premiums can hr pad is agents or to local Bonne. ALEX. NICHOLSON, T G ALLEN, Awls for Secretary, Dungannon, CAFT. I. HETHER NGTwig Go p R. o. 1, pp psNeon. Arid H. L. SAL kELD. R. R. N & GGsodeseerric! UPHOLSTERY, Our upholsterer is prepared to do REPAIR WORK for anyone requiring the same. Send or dere to THE GODERICH MERCANTILE CO. MUSIC. PREDERIC T. EGENE,R, Mus. Bac. SINGING PIA NOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Studio next to P. J. MacEwan's Garage ELLA• 1. ROBERTSON. GRADUATE et L. C. M . Omer ie of Rapto,t Church. icherof peM b'tNry emoting and theory. NW,* [w�ner blp�ater mentonetromepyt�w ��r� Ii."ii` e, O..ord Oet. mt tetLAI ROBER T80N, A MD FATALITi. Eyla. C.P-R, Trainman, Killed klrtday Mornniog. London, tint.. Nov. 23.-1{0'13Mb/it frons the a boon. to the forward end of an Pa9tMund t'. P. K. freight train on which be wan Ptnpll(yw1 as brake- turD, 11091(1 Kyle, of ?gait 1' -Inver* avenue, this city. fell beneath the tars anti w'ee Blatantly killed. mot lochia •h, during the night. Kyle left London last evening. and when nearing 1:11t.Iph Jury•t1011 went to the rabow.e to bore hi. br.akfa,t. He was Nat seen going lack over the folks of the ears, but hi. mate. 141 the train' crew did Dot subs. him until they rt•1ehed Guelph •luns•tiou.- They wore tuntru etod from Loudon to cut off the locomotive and to go tack lu search of isles. Him awngled ll.*b;.alas found on •toe tracks near t•itslincli. The Urals of till* fatality was n.l tr Ur. and m rs. �i ' former res.itlndn of this taw (wed with greet *whim (n t',mlrr) h pah Itrr♦ug NMI Lissa Kyle was MinxA11(d Johnston, (1atlghter of Mr. Alex. JohD,tutl, Elgin *yellow, and at the tame of their warriage, refout retro years some. Mr. Kyle was enfploy rl oil Ne t'.1'.K. here. Litter r they moped to London. where they hod rrs(Jerf the last Mee J-eeprs. It,emieles the young wife. two little ,fan -liters. JPaz and Ih,Ub, are left to mourn their father's untimely death. Mr, Kyie'. former home was at Ayr, tent. A funeral w•rvl.,' ala• h•Jt1 at the Norge of e dw•ernwl 09 1'ends' int` Mou(1ay evening, (try. W. R. Mein h th BAZAAR Under the auspice. of the Ladies' Aid Society, of NORTH (RTlitsv MsTHODlfrr ('HU'R('H Don't forget the sale of homemade baking, fancy +►estelea sad aprons, OD RATIIi JAY DECEMBER 8TH, In the �aaowic TF:YPLE, ora a(aslag at a o'clock. Tea b..line at 4, l adle. ! �a will be a splendid opportunity of relieving you of Sat- urday bake ontetsllil,t, and next morning the Malmo were bronght to tSIwIPr1 -) and the foyer -al took tamer fruw the Maur of Mrs. f ler. 1 (;allow, sister of MRs. Kyle, the NNW*. attrrtamlt. A tang Dumber of Mr, Kyle's fellow-worker,e,\ members of the Brotherhood or Hall- way Tralmneu, radar from inotado1 to pay their taint, respect,' 10 a rootradr of whom they sp,kt. Iu 11e highest terms of respect and affection. Members of Huron Lodge, So. fl.• 1. (o. 11. F.. also attended and took part In the e.lss .nicer. Thr burial mintier% were eonducted tear Rev. 1'. F. Nltaelalr, anti three members of (Masai- lodge and three member. of Die It. It. T. a.?e the pollteurero. The interment was In Maitland cemetery. Among other. priming at the 'funeral were Mr. Jahn Kyle -of Ayr. brother of the deceased, Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. tltr,tt, of Ayr, the latter being a sister, and Mr. Tho,. Raises. of itrtDefiritI Hrautlntl flowers were laid upon the casket. including tributes from ole chid fellww•s and the Brotherhood of (tail wry 'Pru lumen. T111• deepen( ,Ingot by it felt for the wife and ehtlillr 11- .o (goldenly a1a1 sadly bereft of a kind httaauel au, father. Au 1ntpent wears held o,1 Pontine) stutlni by a rroruurr's Jury, whk•i brought hl a Venlig-9 stating that tilt late 1MTh! ,Kyle filer) ••in the perform- ance of hjr duty oU trate No, 712 on the morning of Noreat),er Lit through an seeldeut at a point a whorl dLtubee west of 1'u'llncli station.- Captain ,Martin. who appear; at the G. C. I. entertainment next Mundy, says: While serving overseas as a chaplain I in the C. E. F . 1 was detailed by the Canadian Chaplain Service for special work in the presentation of dramatic recitals ru er the direction of the Overseas Lary Y. M. C. A., in the Canadian amps and hospitals Both sen England and in France the recitals eve listened to Pith rapt attention, and the enthusiastic I applause which followed was a splendid !evidence of the men's appreciation, In !twelve weeks I gave fifty-one recitals *before audiences whicn aggregated' Hama.. CONTRIBUTIONS TO NOLI)JEItS' MEMORIAL FUND. I Kt. bylawsMary* wwereotfor voted on as fewMme*ye ajo at St.. (Marys -or g •ftar the erection a L I $ 10000 1 by a major),y of ties, and the other faores 00 manorial club house, which was defeated 5 00 by 57. THE SIGNAL PRINTING (.(i LIk117FD, t+yM•rYaa Metet.etnng Canoe t'Iub J. Powell W. T. Millar H.' T. Edwards L 11, Young firm. Li. Millar Maitland Loeser, et:f,Q. „ elelwr.l (trough Chapter h. 1;,.r T. H. Rundle E. e;, Cfcsr 18. 1-, Lloyd..: NIra. eaylt' 11. itrr•u W. Somerville T. M. Davis lloiet Theatre Iwiedt t;olrrirh (orchestra ' M. Robins MooeI Theatre (when Kebekah Lodge A Friend non. t;uulIry • "'('no'te's Institute (ldw3rrirh Agrirulttiral ell t1(1, tt. Y 111[aple Iw•ef Chapter; 1.0, t 1). Minus A l:ou Wotur,,-9 , 'ser Augil4ry, •1. W. ?ttultli G041.11ch Township Patti Medd Then tre (wheat,. Holy Nome Society, pas euchre (Pursuits' Fair Wm. Lan,• Hugon county W. C. T. U. won tlu' banta r presented at the Provincial c�Ap. ventiom (or the largest addition to' ala membership, 400 members having Dom I secured in the contest. -' - ' A walk through Walker' T S j ' a *rpt treat Just now. The Chrtistmas stocks are most attractive. . R.B.`�Aylsworth\ EYE SPECIALIST OF TORONTO will be at our Drug Store December 1st to 6th (inclusive) e ist, a member of the staff ofDoctorhe Ophthalmic D'Irtorr'lnst tote of Toronto, and late lecturer at the Royal College of Science. He stands high in his profetaiun and his visit here ofefs an minimal Opportunity for Consultation - and- eorres+Ar diaptµ py..M �1 eye troubles, no -hatter of how long standing. Dr. AyMWnHh uses the latest aerentific method of Dynamic Retiileseopy, which is the mrnit act•urate and in which method "drops'• are not used, tyle patient. +Kees taut suffer any inconyenienee or dneeomfort during or after the examination. , -Thu tttethorf'fra i"eeforn >itrl by leading eye speeinlifIt9 of Miseries and Europe as giving the most accurate diagnosis of the lens neeeseary to eorrerf the individual trouble of each patient by uueovering many stomach and nervous dis- orders, headaehes, sleeplessness, irritability, etc., Paused by defective eyesight, The Doctor will also have a full range of samples of the hoed mountings to choose from. Write, phone or eon, and MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT EARLY December 1st to 6tk Jae W1GLE a DRUGGIST OOD>1.I011 -' o1't'rARIO ••••••411.04a;1. 5 00 ' 5 goon ! carrGfiala, Greeting Cards, 5 00 l'1 The Signal has a handsome line of IM 00 ! Christmas I meeting ar(b, on which your name, address and grafi 21 printed. Call and set them may be 1 00 ' Remember the sale of 10 001 homemade0!Ah baking 1 00 I to be held under the auspices of Ahrneek 1 5 OD Chapter, 1. 0. D. E, m Jas. F. Thorn - 10 00 son's music store next Saturday afternoon 91 30 at 3.30 o'clock. 10 OD _ 5 00 The regular monthly meeting of the s 25.1 Women's Institute will be held on Thurs. 0o f �aY, December 4th, at 3 p m„ at the • b 00 �tn e of Mrs, Marshal, Keays street. ."J o0 t'rogram: Fancy work witable for • 50 (MI Christmas gifts. Roll call answered with • ti fety Ion tea I recipe for plum pudding Subject: Report :b 00 of the convention held at London. D. 5o tau �i There is increased activity at the Na. S 00 10 00 �a Shipbuilding Company plant. The otic taoulding shop has reamed work with a �, staff of *bout fifteen men. 40 75I trdm f THIS MARK OF MERIT. -The maker of do so i !any good product places an identifying S 00 ! mark upon it, so that purchaeen may 50 ou become familiar with it. prion. The 10 ( (mark of merit may be in the form of a 5 00 I trade mark or merely a trade name which i0 50 i has gained prestige through years of l3 00 successful service. As retailers we ode. cannot Okra trade -mark to all articles _25 00 handled. But we can offer you the best good d maker's guarantee add 8•oelety Judge. 1,0ck,r os .. 11'. Holman i1•res-eels Turret( lecture. w. M,•lrs0, (opera Hon.*. I Mr. and Mrs, iss. Yu/11, e; ! rich township Mr. and Mrs, Reg. aturd t;,mkerirh township.... I1r. J. 11, Field Churler( 1;arrow F. 11. Wosla .1;. G. Newson Weeile• . Walker Louts ltmdtar,; Jas, Y, Thomann Abweek l'hapter, 1.14.1).F .. Mon Icy ( West tet. Laundry Jropllry Bum D. .1. Curry J. E. -Match Rmith'Y�rt /Bore Mrs. W. L. Horton on Lodge, No. girt, 1.0.01 e an to the make ' ..7: 10 110 ours, Our labii I9 our guarantee of 5 4)0'quality. This applies just the same to 25 00 I sales of merchanni9e as it does to the label on a prescription. We want .you R9-07 ) to always associate our name with 10 00 quality goods, 9u0erior service and fair paces. E. R. Wigle. dryggillY Goderich 500 25 00 Are you satisfied with ) 1 00 living' your mode of 15 00 Don't you long for change and excite - 00 p7len 2 00 Seet? what happened M Noriega is -The b 00 Amateur Advent tweak" 25 00 See it at the Model Friday and Sour. 'r. 100 00 day this week -with Emmy Whelan in 5 00 the star role. 1 00 Miss Whelen is known as the most exginsitely gowned woman appearing on -▪ 66 - the stage or screen. Por three years she S at was the principal star of the wortd- ts fa+w.ui Gaiety Theatre is eL England' 'llldtlit!► J. E. Tose Mrm, Wog; 'Afybl ttoclal Ranee (lab t prtgeeda Air 4sittlive A. t'r ll •H4 -Haase ) -: 1.. Anion's/ Taylor's corner 'Patriotic So- Blety tin mem y of Corp 11 Weld Hi,• Te. Alts•* Mayhew a te. W. John White.). • J J cirri. 11:r • 1" T. 1t. (tot ,t, Tonna,, it. H. 1'e (J, E. gr. a urs, 11. srlkeld 1 1''. 1'. ma -eviler tr ,one lterows 11 orkers, • Robertson e;er,, - Andrews Ilfrl (' afore' Hent 1'rnas Workers • M. 11. afi•Lwwu M, Carrie-. sr' - Thu. Warren,er .. C. 1tla,•kstut,.• Olaler(tid Knitting ('o. rem ph ;airs Go where the Christens, stacks are 20 00 large and varied -Walker's Two Stores, 5 di JO_ 4q Edwardt' randy ha the kilxl you like. 10-440 Always flesh and puna. 300 10 00 5 (MI • 00 i (III 10 IMI ▪ 00 2.1 00 .i IN) 5 (+O ,x00 'Romeo• Weir.4islllmt'3', 1.,e- ,tL011 burn e:. 1P, V. A., tr!t CniLY • 1-) Kilt )hey tags• 1:x4 :k3 .lea. mtieh It �- S IN/ Victoria Rt. 1deUaallet 'bur h 11. (11th ....... 2r,i OR 1'ro•evils Vessel! 1h»J' Pyl,' liratlnn 7W .7 Ml.. tfetten- r; strung. New York'...,.. First of July I'euurnitfoe .. • • • • L''., cin Ahntr.44. chapter. 1. ii. U. K. prresils ,(ilia lot tag riot' 572 (s) Arthur4•yr•Ir of Knox ('harsh ti 00 Tota 1 , , ..; i,µ 79 W. '1'. MILLAR, ".11.41 the nt Hln,i.doiie s," all .n;in0 "w herr the they are hr Bream.^ _l! -_ser -She pare Young man, if you ate thinking of buying sornetlw for your sweetheart, we have many tWit that will commend themselves to you as suitable for the L .- Wealep Wtttitetr - 1 A TAp gypcte. e►F' THE 1161ANOW Friday, (ler•, 1A. Keep this elate open. - A new club best trunks just recieivedtaof Walker',1. and BORN. MIACKAY -In Go'erirh. on November It to Captain and Mrs. Robert MacKay.a ton. • MARRIED CRACKN£LL-STOP Thinaday. No wmb'r n. at Newman Hall. by Rev. T. H. Ryder, Pepsine Beatrice, youngest da of the Fate Henry atone, to gra ugobn Cracknel4 UM of the late John William loon T•enmue 1 Craclnelr n( BkINDLEY.-In ®, ,,n Stands,. her 13. Catherine Fisher. lei doNorma " William Brindley, aged 07 years. of the at. KYLE.. -Killed srr,dentally on tee C R , near Galt, Sunday November 2.1. David Kyte, IN MEMORLiNl. FISHER. -in 10v,n( memory of Clifford W. Fisher. who died November 22. 197*. add James 4 W. Fisher, •ho died November ^a 1119. Sadly mooed. Sleep 011, deg, Clifford and Jim, and (sir your rest. God carted theea when He thought heat Great it the low IIN Oe tasala,n. In heaven we hope Idweer again. - Their Mother, , Suter and Brothers, _.--.- .. NEW ADVER$ T,NiTS-Nov, 27. Notre t0 Creditors - Proudlo0t, KMoran Patri Cooke . Leghorn Poultryfor Sale -Wm. Alelows Notice'', Accounts -Town of Goder,,:h Notice re Building eremite -Town d Dr. Schon. Footer OoOerkp• t oat -J C Griffin. -- W m, Shrimp a • nnual MeetIns-I,,,tporne f argaeq' Clu1s.. II _ , 1 Boll lar tier. „'. i A Joint Bank Account A Joint Bank Account enables man and wife, or, two members of the same family, to have a Savings Account in common, and make deposits and with- drawals individually -lames G. lom toterlaintnent -LO L. e --. >.;k.-wdgwwaa.-.eReaders - W. Walker... -.....-.....Noon-.Hoa r/, Signet 0111s; t I Nissen Prices-br Posnrgi".1aM.wa Brce .t • OFMONT mesas usasa ovga Ate Timms 8' sumo t+MelhrearrMlta.. A. W. Strickland, Manama, Goderich Branch.