HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-20, Page 8AosmossmsomoMmo.s.smOsososommovroossonte-SiosiewOr •••••••5 •,`""." Th'trebly. irtoven►her r SILK UNDERWEAR Camisoles Combing Jackets Gowns _- RIBBONS • 1 Store 'Plow 86 BLOUSES Howe 'Phone If you want a Blouse becoming to you, T H L BORNE STORE z3o you must be coming to .tn Everyone making presents fur Christmas gifts is in need of Ribbons in plain aid fancy designs. Special attention has been given to ribbons and we have a good assortment for this season's trade. Wide fancy Ribbon, in many colors from 80c to $1.50 a yard. Satin Ribbons Ile )lltolorh and from the narrowest to widest widths. \ 8itk Ribbons in ad `eel s and widtps from 4c to $1.00 ay ..AVB Rib ek. corded r Ribbon in e11 widths. Narrow corded Slack with white rage. Your wit t l'\ n I range i. Iargr t V alen ciennes 'Lai }Fillet Laces and LACES Advance Suggestions for Christmas Shopping have been antiorl►ated •still our of Lace for fancy work. ny widths from k a yd. up. in many widths. Torchon Laces itt all widths front 5e a yd. up. KERCHIEFS E wish to help you in choosing your Hoiiday Gifts. From this date Christmas goods will be displayed in every department and advertised each week. so that it will be easy to make your selections before the big rush. For nt�tths we have been busy selecting merchandise for the coming season and it has been our aim to buy up-to-date gooas which will appeal to every giver of gifts. in reviewing our stock we are confident that our purchases will appeal to you in quality and value. It is to your advantage to select your gifts early. as some lines we Lave bought are in limited quantittlles. and a much better choice can be had now than later on. Any goods that may be selected can be left in our possession until such time as you wish them delivered. Special attention will be paid to goods put aside to be delivered on a given date. Every endeavor will be made to make your buying a pleasure and special attention will be given to each customer. Make this store your centre for Christmas shopping. WATCH OUR ADVERTISING EACH WEEK FOR SUGGESTIONS IN GIFTS FOR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS. GLOVES ('haiuiisette Moves are in great demand. Our stock comprises white, grey, black, mastic and natural colors, at $1.00 a pair. Kid gloves in black and white at $2.00 a pair. Tun Kid Gloves in all sizes at $2.75 a pair. Tan ('ape Gloves in"aIl sizes at $2.50. trey ('ape plover -it $2.90 a pair. • \ A SILK HOSE You will find a wonderful asiaartn>7ent of fancy handkerchiefs on dis- play in the centre of the store on table. These handkerchiefs come in boxes or singly. Every Handkerchief over 255 is put up in an individual Christmas box. A Targe range of ladies' fancy embroidered Fiiandker- c'hiefs in plain and colored embroidery at. 25c Ladies' crepe de chine Itandkerchiefs, prettily e at 30c each. Ladies' line etnbruideire'4 white handkerchiefs at 40c, 45c and Esc each. Ladies' good -size Haedkettiefs with white and embroidery at 10c each. _pretty range of hexed Han kerehiehrwith two and three • box, in plain, white and lored et(eeta, is being Aosta b0c each up. ew • nnget of colored H stein for the chil• - _r black MAIL ORDERS WE PAIL7.4L CHARGES ON MAIL ORDERS TO ANY `PART OF THE DOMINION. Each week our Mail Order Department is growing. It is our aim to build up a large mail order business and we are putting every effort into the project to make ik a grand saocess. Rural mail orders received up to nso a.m. will be posted in time to catch the mail, so you will receive the parcel the same day as it is ordered. Special instruction has been given to take special pains with goods ordered by mail or over the telephone. Your - order will have the mune attention as it would if buying the goods yourself Try our mail and telephone orders and we will assure --Ma of perfect satisfaction. \- Hosiery makes an ideal gift. We have a large stock of All -Silk Hose in every size. Kayser Silk Idose in black at $3.50 a par. Penman's All -Silk Hose in black and white at -Ali Lace Silk Hose in, two -tune effects at $2.76, in alt sizer. This stocking is the newest creation on the market. . BLOUSES Aa yotb know, we carry a wonderful Ment of Rlousett. For the holiday season our stock is complete in all lino: Every new style is repre dented in our assortment and the values are fist l0 city prisetl,A. Georgette Blouses are the leaders, for they can .corn on alt°'occasinns. These garments come in pink, white, maize, uavy blue, leek, t4 penhagen blew, sand, peach and rode. All sizes are here and prices m $7.50 up. . Plain white habutai Blouses in man qualities, its ither reversible -.or_..flat collars. These blouses, wheh are prettily trim 'tit buttons on cuff and collar and buttoned with either large or small b ton range from $3.76 to 1$2.00 each. ----E. Crepe de chine Blouses are so serviceable. They w' we 1 and the colors are fast. A large a1lyurtntent is being shown in all sizes cone to 44, . from $5.00 each up. For the convenience of our eustnmerl we have fitted lip a tting f roo- on the second floor where the blouses can be triers on and inaperted. On account of blouses being soiled With uncareful handling `,we h decided not to let any blouses go out eetipproval. CORSET SPECIALS •We have gafberct state. +I lines of Corsets. all to �ao•d cunlili•a, mud pot them on sale at iy� it jair\Sire ie lines sold up 1• 4.3.110 it pair. Nearly every sire is repce,en Thep will be on dl.play at\l(tU* 1. pa BRASSIERRES in tale About 21/_ dos. nramier- ren in hrrgc and small 1I0RM.'*1 Mir each. These g i r menta Cave -la plain white uninsuok-`aN tsal•- wak body with wlilte iiisd crenm fillet fare trimmed. nt 60i Path. % geed STA IERY? i3OT('' AWN is the best oil eau get for 1(c. quire and • I:.c. package envelopes. Msb, made in WRITINt_: solidi note 165. folding shape Y•'ee, targe -size 30k. • Other WRITING PADS IOC up to 49e. What would be a nicer Christ- mas present for the whole family thou a COLUI:3:A GRAFONOLA "'she. Supreme Musical In- strument" Comparison Ai.WAY'S sells a GRAFONOi,A. Subscrib( MADIERA WORK • Just arrived.. the new Medina work for Christina.. These Ipieces come in centres from the small gens* tie to tea size. They come ,iu both oval and round style lend in threes different patterns. All this work is on pure linen grouod and the workman- ship is perfect. We have been fortunate in buying this work from the importer. and have a wonderfully law price on each piece. A Wonderful Combination. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal ,s a wonderful combination of a newspaper, family magazine and agricultural Journal. It is beyond clues - lion the greatest value on this continent. The yearly subscription price is $L25 and each subscriber receives a handsome souvenir portrait of the Prince of Wales. 16x22 inches. The portrait atone is well worth the money. The Family Ilerald is a credit to Canada. It deserves a place in every home. 41.25 could not be {fetter spent than in a year's subscrip- tion to that great paper. The home without it is certainly missing a great family treat. Captain W. G. Martin will give the story of Jean Valjean at the G. C. 1. entertainment in North street Methodist church on Monday, December 1st. This recital Captain Martin prt•pat,•d for the entertainment bf our soldiers o,'srseaa. fn mnnect' n with Y. M. C. A. •ork, and he has given it many time n France. r England and Canada 11 him on (Wernher lat. The Signal M( DEL BOO td .SHOE REP. REPOT (fed ar!SI Foot itook Sabi ',f and & Sea for all kin&s of • Repairs tea~ nahle prises Pan lhillr Nl 1111•Mt (thenad formerly laced by the tare Thos. nal! ooloomesidoew INSURANCL BUSINESS TRANSACTED Personal Accid 4 •- Health; --E--iabrlrty, Automobile, Plate Class, Burglary, Aninutl, Fire, Life. T. R. Harrison 'Phone 316 West St. -- Goderich J.T--'•" CROCHET WORK • This is another li?e of fancywork every Woman. This w k tomes from hand -lone. Yokes in large sizes Small and large cent Both o 1 and round This is este opportunity at a low price, me $3,60 each. from 20c a piece up to $3.00. ecea are shown. get real hand -crocheted work which appeals' , to India and is- 611 � Corzjpan Swains HOSIERY SPECIALS A _ . racer-auml.v a( errands In boy' -heavy sit-\ wool N klugs '1'bey 'some M all (duo frog ., to 10 and range lu price from73e to $1.1e a pair. :Any defect that may have Wen in them has befit repaired and they will give a+ good wear as the •floats and •on at At it pair lens mot1•y. Ladies fine rubel cashmere Ntocktigs in sizes !i and 51.2 only. These Stockings hart been msrketl to well at !1w•, but on Saturday they will be relhtc81 to 49e a par. They are seconds of $1.:I1 Stockings and will give the -erne wear. OPENING A NEW REASON. Successful Inaugural Meeting of f:ode- riPh Township Farmers' ('ltib. Standing room only. and that hard to get (as President Mace:way put it 1. was the condition at the Orouge Hall when the inaugarnl meting of the Cloderieh Tiwitship Parrnen+' l'tub wN opened on Monday evening. The president. Mr. Dermot MaeFvoy, 'started the proeerdings with a compre- hensive survey of the doings of the ()tub during the post year. with puny interesting e►mmentitory remark*. lie also east an eye forward to the future, when it is hopers to have a ane community hall In which the Cl 114 may hold' its meetings. Mrs. That..1. John- ston h..s generously donated three acres of !and nn the 4th rnnossion t the railway crossing. am Le site for` the bait. Nml plans have beim draWn\ep for the building. Mr. Miellvoy algatrently is not Ovate In line with the lwllt;v of the t'rovlarl*i Farmers' party upon the question of highway improvement. Ile tpok approvingly of the policy of the Mtn a of Minnesota, whi•h Is under t -Mg the Improvement of seven f tonssnd miles of highway at A cost or several tn111lons of dollars. A Molitor pulley. he thounght, Was tlerhYl in ihrtarlo. Alter his addresir Mr.. MarEroy cnited upni Councillor (ienrge Vander Imre to hake the chair for the rest of till" program. wlttrlt lin-Intim' ndres's-, by the chairman, Itev. ,.n,•hdescon .Intsr.•ltafemnn of l:nikrielt, 1'npt Isaac Hetherington of Nile. and Mr W. It. Rtltwrtwn of -tele Nlewial must eat numlaers in Misi Edrieltntt 1Vntson and Capt. A. P. Pittway of (.oierlch, and moving picture exhibitions hr Air N. It. $tothers. tlu• county itgrlrnlhtrnl repr•wr•nhi tire. Mr. Ntotltwrw allowed first a 'wiles of Flews of the Triose of Wales' tour of (•111.111... MINI bite, ,. w•rles s110w l lig the charms or .tigontnln Park. the great camping nal hnnthig resort get alert by the 1'mrflw•Inl liarernnn•nt fht the it,. nI the Iwvople. ' Tlo•se ern' follower) will' clow• Interest hr the gathering JIisa Watson NISI Mr. Sturdy •'hn.nght down Thr• hntuse- with 1Itt'! doe4. "A Itwmewtle 1lonaloWe," and Miss Watson sang "IMhMes" very sweetly, /Mrs 11. 1.. anikrld playing the Ncrnapmaiment Ar(Meal rori Jones its tenon ti In his widow. told a ahoy illustrating the intw•Ifishtowa of the soldier at the front, and >lrged that the spirit of Nervier should also he manlfenl in the conduct at (unadiaag at home. His remarks were nr'etved with such appre•fat' that the president proposed that his name he added to the list of nversPHM men wive are honorary members of the ('Ins. (*apt. Hetherington spoke of the greatn•Hi of Canada. not only in her material resources hot in her people. The Canadian fighting forces had mole It great uncap for('unease\ nd the people of this country owed I to the mew who had aacrifcrl the selves overlong that adequate pensions • paid Ito those who ween• disilrlid n o to the dependents of those who had teen their liras. - Mr. Itoliertwrn pointed nut that 1' 11. ifetherington hod not asked for a thing for himself. end he felt like ea - Ing that the vexed queatlo ott,gratu (ties should Ic left to. the filen of the soldier themselves. They haul given a sender to the ,.ountry which no gift of motley could repay. and he believed dont the good sense of the soldiers themselves could s'tfhe the quest -ion without putting the country In huukennui. The smilers' Memorial Pond was mentioned' by Mame of the speakers. and Mr. John McClure was chown fir the (Itili s representative on (he rom- mittee which is being formol in liotle• rich. The chairman stated that the •tow•nshlp eouio•il would IikPly glee• assist,ne towards beth the Go.1Pri,la and t'iinton nwmorisi, At the conclusion of the program Cher Indies served nolle•, sairlwieh,,, alai cake, snit a rery pleasant social baff- le -ear was s1N•11 Iadtlrt the '.1igitg. uC -Goal Sart rho King' brought the meet- ing to a 'lose. Ti„. tub 1. looking forward to an active anti itaer.•stiug winter w•aaon. FEIN TONIGHT - AND SATURDAY NI9HT MABEL NORMAND • .Y" THE PICTURE TOU WILL NEVER FORGET DAiLY MATINEE AT 2.30 • 7e,,pc and 7Sc. • • Matinee! 25c. PRICES : Seats on sale at Box Office N ICTIIRES II 1 �. 27, 28 and 29 AZIMONA • '0 OUT 01, T " FOG"( the stage success by H. Austin Adams, "Ception Shoals' ALSO FEATURE COMEDIES ».