HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-20, Page 51 FOR SALE ' 1 I FQRD TOURINQ CAR, 1917 Model, Fully quipped, $475. 1 McLAUOt1•LIN TOURING CAR with Start- er and Electric Lights. East Street Garage "Owned and Operated by a Practical Man" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover • 1[111 NOVA' when the cold days are here: would it not be pleas- ant to.have a hot lunch? It iso •possibility if you have a THERMOS BOTTI1 See our large complete stock of THERMOS BOTTLES and KITS. Keeps hot '24 hour,. Prices mate treat $2.25 to $6.50 Campbell's Drug Store The Peaslar Store Godench kut Carden Court Toilet Articles abs See display of Snapshot Calksdan, Ivory Goods and K.ilaks so (trims's. is drawing nigh .1 44+14+14-4-44444444.4444444 JEWELLERY WATCHES, CLOCKS, HIGH-GRADE JEW- ELLERY, RINGS, SIL- VERWARE, Etc., rte. Repairing done to your satisfaction E C. Robertson CcrMt East Street and Square .14444•F4-: Model LOCAL TOPIC& TU% SIGNAL 110D2RWB, Orr. Te Be .rnteneed on !Rondos. Blanchard Williams of the town •hip of Stephen. near Exeter, was before Judge Uicason•on Monday charged with a seri- ous crime agaitrat his daughter. a girl of fifteen years. He pleaded guilty and was remanded fur a week for sentence. .\u offending Odor neighborhood of the iiisidents in the town hall complain of the smell Irum the town stables. which is certainly very rank at tomes. It the cu poration desires to have its health re gulations respe. ted. it should take steps to improve conditions around ate own quarters. The Navy League canvass. The canvassers in the Navy League drive have been working this week. but the returns are not sufficiently complete to enable the treasurer to make a report. So tar only the residential dithe drive is stricts ofORtown have been canvassed: expected to reach business section on Saturday. objective for Godench is 111,000. Carelessness Is Expensive. ► After a 11a1NY• un the third door of the llirauglr Teeple on Monday night a tap was left running. read during the night tlw water tloried Canoe Club on d roan of the,Mea•srtutig nto the Star prluttbe floor below and 1throught l gttk oa uu theroun fluor. The damages will foot up to a e,uslderable figure. Lieut. Oaear Fleming g Married. Mr. Oscar E. Fleming, K. C., has just received a cable from hi. son, Lieut. Oscar E. Fleming. jr.. R. A. F., announc- ing his marriage on Tuesday last at Paris. Fran:°, to Mademoiselle Antoinette Chanel. Miss Flemng, sister of the groom. was present at theeemony. The ycung couple are spend honeymoon at the Chanel country chrteau. Bairritx, France. County l'ounell to Meet Dee. 2nd. atre 111■I" Program year more 'people • iiii elm pl„1` ;Loh as a HONDA% happy and R ate Jesse L. Lasky ii token to give;to w ifriendship they wish to hold ■ presents and cherish. `11.5 s♦������������ a• *or ever will decide and Tt EMDAT iii Bryant Wasburn Make your appointment in {'llutt,da 7 \o,erl!er 211. 191!1 S �Ianiun______ �� Imam tl• INmNnn61nnuu1LS brwderrdf with a veil ul Be mewls .xt acrd l J , blooms. "file prtncipalt/ were ,� • � of the ode After the mama[ THESE orange unattended eacept by little YN,Ia Howley, niece dejeuntro the happy couple left for Bol- and nil onGthen' return to Toronto will anm the Moser• from out of town were Mr. (a b a other ther points on then honeymoon. reside at 538M ng avenue. Among . Bowley and Mrs.Brigbtdxa, London; fi Mrs. Bowley. Stratbroy, and Mrs. McLeod, Bluevale. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. J. F. Roma and Messrs, J. H. Million, Thomas Hutcheson and 1 hurts Tabb repres.nted the Victoria street Methodist congregation at the district meeting at Lonuesboru on 1 uesday. Mr. Swclaii s titles for Sunday next in Knox chuich pulpit will be: Morlung- '.The Two Voices." Evening-Jertes No. 111., 'Putting on the Harness,' in which a young man's atutude towards Me n oiticussed. -"My fart iia the Forward Mote Weed,' and "Thr Sin of Not Exprlek•ired Oneself" will 1. the subjects E at the Baptist church next Lord's Da 1� Bible school at :t y. s1. mud 1.1V;u clOi•k. rvices at Victoria street Methpdi+t. church next Sunday will be as lolluws. Morning crass at 10 a. m.: public service 11 a. ,m, subject. •'Relvfion a Vital � Sunday school at 3 p. m.; . public .e Furse '-erv,ce 7 p. m., subject: the final sermon in the t,erres on Pet Sins: "Just (= IF you were to hire the best wisp maker is the world sad Leve Um ..Baited usage is materials sod fs.11- ities . he °wild tura out sol►iii better or parer for Too tksa The county council will meet on Tues- day. December 2 (d, or dnal session of the year grant for the improvement of the hospital accllmmoda f the coo WHAT DO YOU DO LONG DARK EVENINGS ? Well, that all depeutls,isometii1e's ooujjilati'r a it or)un me in the house, sometimes go to. a party, other social gathering. This announcement is just to advise you that we have a splendid assorttnent of He war formerly head of the Wi,oa•r Sv.d Drill l'att Itiuy• which awalga- tail with the Sla"sey sHrtra1t Cow- ponyu 1. ill 131.11. The hotly Brantford fur burial. 1lr. Wisner ,twat ewer -eat mummers lir tioteri.•h and wan a great friend of Mr. A. 711. Polley, a t•omtilera interest Im•iug found In their love of horses. tion of h rets wt 1 come p Rev. Dr. Turnbull Wishes to Retire. Rev. Dr. J A. Turnbull, wlio has beep discussion. but as the county normal rarely launches any new sc ing large expenditure at the December session it is not unlikely that dettnite action will be left to the council of:1920. An Irwnraree care. • Police Magistrate Reid has before him the case of a Brussels Spading who s charged with named - valuation of a house for insurance purposes. It is alleged that he purchased the house for $300 and insured it for $1.200 tiowick Mutual Insurance Company. The house was burned down - - Reid sat at olv- 1 pastor of West Predayterlan church, on r thirty * "The Way of a M> - X With a Maid" Peart White - fw 'The Lightning Raider' Fashionable twear For Evenmg Wear Our made-to-order Pumps and Colonials\ are of the latest styles. They are made on proper - Fitting Pump lasts andira widths to fit every foot. White Kid. Black Kid and Patent Pumps Black Kid and Patent Colonials You can get a.fit at Here's Boot Shop a year ago. Magi-,...._ Blyth to hear the evidence, but as the Toronto was connected for a time en witnesses were not all on hand an ad- I Knox church, Godericb, as assistant to iournment was made. the late Rev. Dr. Ure. College street, Toronto, for ove years. his asked his congregation to hnd a-uscesoor to him. as he believes a yowate' mare is neesed in the leadership of the congregation. De. Turnbull is sixty-six years of age. Under his ministry West hutch his grown and prospered and the congregation are greatly attached wiill they allowdeclars him` on no to resiq account congregational meeting will be held November 26th. when it may be decided to appoint an assistant or associate Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews, Mrs. And'ee Millian and Rev. J.E.Fordandlthe pastor were delegates from North street chuich to the M1elnudist district meeting held at Londe hbuto'e Tuesday afternoon an and evening. inspiring meeting with an excellent attendance. . he Nurlh street Epworth Leapt wit •tor. Dr. Turnbull before going to D TAW RIGL WEod�hz ��- preserttr - M11arguerite Clark in s� `'Little Miss Hopver GIvetrMaeDonald. I .l Suggestion from a Visitor. UNA opmem mmom 1 t= = \ SLIPPERS AND PUMPS for ail occasions. osy 1Zuntfy"Slippers for the house, in red, green, blue and pink; eeof dancing, Puutpsipn entrap Slip - for the = bedroom, end lovely range vers in bath Kitt and patent leathers, in fashionable and most charming designs, which appeal to the utast fastidious buyers of fine footwear. Also we lave E�sing yon will treed ui E • Ru c Can fit every style or m eOfsocs-and out Dominion Brand tt- rthe best procurable ais1 gllltay•.. reliable. y_ Ask to scY >= splendid lit1e ' SPA �.., and air priers s. The are extremely popular, J.137. err various shades. Y are right "all the time." are simply kidney disorders The kidneys filter the blood 01 all that shouldn't be there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every three minutes. 11 the kidney's do their work no impurity or cause of disorder oro renulin in ehc circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order vow. k. Iness have failed in their wont. they are in reed of •tinrulalron. strengthening, or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest e and most imitated 'blood medicine is ',The folksveiug welling mate.- lir the A visitor in ln•derlch this week who Toronto VNIM' " twits will 1,w of bitetwt !has occasion to stay for three or four -to many In tidalrrh•h, who will wish 'I days m many Ontario towns expresses surprise that th- houses of Goderich are the young dau[dee qtr ttbeT 19111, la19• uu 1\'d•ihmsllal. t'iQ � •r>t numbered. He rays that the residents of the town probably have little conten- tion Rel.'Dr. Jdreil:illicury, I;essfr F.. M ct)tnnald naught U tion of the trouble wheranger e there a ;irio find- ing . uRlcient importance lay of money and energy which would bt ' a daughter of Jirs. . wry Alston llatcDonalel and the bite James, kin* his way about w r Mstlkinalel, Toronto. to 'Harvey it. tem of street numbering or where the 1irru, sou of lig/1141i Riven anal the streets ardecree e not carefull�►designated by Ikolcrk•h. Ogres of some description. He declares late \IargntYt 471vrn. that it is by such things � Wire s • � irr,weslta/fart its Degeee-Irlgyler-- gets his impression as 10 the _ A popular member of Huron {melee• progressiveness wh ch characterises a No. Il_. 1. t1. t►. F.. was honorer' at the town. The matter has been discussed as...M x of the Lodge on Monday night. many ti .ileo A Mack Sennett . - Comedy FR1D.11 and SATURDAY Metro Ptwsents Viola Dana in "False Evidence" mes at the town council. but Mr.ol7tarl s Chapman (wing presented evidently has not been considered of with a 1lxnulwoinc a'alkfng-st{rk,,..estiit-.. to warrant the out- ably engraved, in reroguirioi, of hi+ work as drgre' master during the past I involved in carrying out the scheme. n. The preentation was wade by Perhaps the council o: 1920 will da- terHr! D i:. /Is Mr. h'illhiw linin°. tinguish itself by br- ging Godench up to date in the matter pt street signs apd house numbers. and. .lir. ll,uriut I,'mail* a l islge has hada good rlarawl is molting forwent to u mill Is•'tter year to craw. • "Marie in ('ands" Booth. The following is a plete state- ment u11•nt of ter 111411.11141-4 front the 71. in Camilla -booth t th ret the Slfdttity in August for the new hospitial fti Previously acknowlerige'S mi $ -11.13 Ii4Ns strew sold - • :t.79(i/swls lenllt:1i.dt (.Ara table . • • • Also_.. *- Two Reed -=Comedy -Paramount Artcraft Pius Expense* F preen • on goods and goods Isinght uu 1113 IMO' cent. pro $ 10.!ur' vino 4.ru M. Holmes. B. A.. 13. Th., bio Stamps g _ Il of the nwm.l Mrs. Brighton. of London, also a sitter of the bride, sang very .14.4„,l sweetly "0, Promise Me." The bride's $,14.11 gown was of shell pink georgette em - I i roam r °erupt Dodd's Sidney REPAIRING\ and Undertaken by an Iis always given our careful 'attention, expert using up-to-datt Methods. WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN nnnnnun111 monnnlnnlimnnu1n111i1U11nliiniumumumommiuuul present Y very tine program on Tuesday night. The meetitll; will be under the • auspices of the lite ail committee and will be led by Misasles Dougherty and Miss L. Robinson. Tffe topic. "The Story of the Other Wise Man." by VanDyke, will be illustrated with la Item views. The pastor of North street reeeeto Methodist th Sunday church is preaching= as morning se. gions on prayer. Last Sun- day's theme Sas: "Prayer atmi the Reign of Law." Ne Sunday it will be: "Some, _ Laws of Answe Prayer." The classes will meet at 10. t the same hour Biu Men's Club will 'ansa: "How may cultivate friendlie to ails" Mr. . Pdbw will openheusthe cachet invitation is esteiluka suet►. ttww1, SLlaga� !tom Ent r days ion of a tarried r for a *acid lite of Your y be Skint meek horn - soon the Oars- the arrthe ror with sort Va- he • a rel ng ay he a ch of re is t d a Me(altieudbb-twawky. The drawing -room of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bowley. 176 Arlington avenue. Toronto, teat.tifully decorated with p.1m; and ferns, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding Wednesday evening, Novemher 12th' whin Miss Mary J.iiowlry.sist r in law d the hostess and daughter of Mr F.G.Bow. fey. of London, was marrie l to Mr. John Gidman McGillicuddy, formerly of the 201st and lint - attali.atts B E. F., third son of Mr. Thomas McGillicuddy of (be Ontario Department ooff .AirlTttl turf -{formerly of Goderi fte3 The tereniony was performed by' Sowerby. D. D . assisted by Rev. Gordon -•-in-law }►palMrs vpheraon.Matinees- Mdyad4y :4p.Gmp o • Saturday 3.00 p.m - -Whovisiting at the home .of Mr, have been 1 Iufr, and Mrs. William mat Ham tsar Mrs. Archibald'herhe Mrs. McPhettl n and after a visit t will return to Boston. pIt11A1111111N1 11111111111 n 1111111{IIAIIIIIW11IN1111111116111111111111111M Martin's New Stow Open Saturday WE in announcing the opening of this store. This will be F'. take P the town's finest tailoring establishment. -COME 1... -COME It will be time well spent. The stock is codlplete; perfect style, workmanship the price` consistent w.cht,our clothes. and material which will go F. n. 1 ARTIN Tailor paw, ieilor W.. S. Wiemer Killed at Toronto. Wureluial S. \CIsuer of 11rantfor.1 well known lir G(slerit h, was fatally Injured by being struck by a street a r. ar „t Toronto on Monday utterw,nu. W11111111% w'I111 was eighty years of age. attivluptel 01 crus the street fu front of a cur 111nrtsl' roriser of King l 11111 Tile corner of the N1/1104, vvstlbule `stnrek him fwd lir• urns Ihrow•tt 11P11 V113' 10 the ground, sustain- Iwg a fractur'i skull and re broken ("lin ris11a'. {le Was hurries to the general hospital lir an ambulance and diel at :,all o'clock without recovering ernAdunaitess. Nit•. N"isuer was shareholder In the Massey -Harris I'lfrn- patty - and • trade weekly visits to head office from lis home at 'Brantford. CREAM POR ENS UPANOSTRILS Tells How To Get quick Relief from Hood -Colds. it a Splendid! your slog d neetrile I1 one mina: dPpsasL� n1 yynor head will eaa hreat a truly. will °tear and Toa itilaweere 'hawking, °mushy(. "'tnogwnie, for Dreg* at sight; your ss osold or catarrh will be tone. (llEl( s . Cream a small USW Apply ena ow. Baro from your druggist s little of this fragrant, antlitppw- 'waling eresm d In your an etrates titterer every air .....R., a w bead, , @oaththe iwfw a1d er mweeene annbraae and relief eases is- atsntly Desi stay staled .p It's fast ass. with s Edd • taw .s/serh'-lialiot - M etiskb.. 1 s{ricE 6Ie�o 111`' ItOH 30ES ESM SWvGHS OUR -WEEKLY CALENDAR Just a word about TEA kis wise. the price of Tea is going - to rise. - Onr special blond of Black Tea can't beat. 70c lbSpecial price is quantities Von will 11e wine to J,lrohase a stew extra ponds before the price advances. Allin's Appk'JUiCe A Flavour for every taste \Ve have just received a barrel of french ApPle Juice For Christ- maabakidg or mincemeat it's the best: 11 60c a gam t Robertson & Mair 'Phone 164 Cor. Hamilton St. andSquare CHILDREN grow to love the words of the fanciful •bedtime stories that Columbia Records tell. Give them not only these bedtime stories, but the songs and games and folk dances as well, made for theta on 41 um Rec i ALL sealed air -tight and impurity -proof. in the wax- -•-- wrapped. safety packages. Be sure to get -Ch 1dlrfw WILLIA SPROUL, Dungannon, Ont. WRKLEYS because It Is 'snPrsme I n quality. NeesIn Casa*" iM (�. Ravour Lasts .'sr . . • • 0