HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-20, Page 4IlitinF -arit Atm. 1 - THOOrfroogylpiargsobe Style Steps Lively This Season --to • but not too lively for the lively young dressers. There's a dash and a jaunty swing to the new 20th Century Brand models for young fell- ows that makes them stand right out in a class by them- selves. We can't illustrate them all here -there's a dozen of tl.em---and its mighty hard to say which is the smartest. Seeing is believing. S ee them. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SOLE C. PRIDI-IAM AGLNT FOR 20th CENTURY AND ART CLOTHING BORSALINO HATS Phone 57. 601 Goderich THE SIGNAL - -DUNGANNON., Waimea:A A notivertilm7 Sellti"'" I iiingannosi Methodist ekureh ot,- serve Its sunlvernary oh- Nov- , etulwr 30. when It.. Fulton Irwin. of Lucknow. will preach _ gowning and evening. tin the following' Monday evening it Victory hot supper will he served from tl to . after which a good program III be given. with music by Miss tOrore ltieluuond of Loudon. bleeers. Henry and tildthorp and ottwrs. and aildre,ows by Rev. Simon,. Craig. Douglas and [twin. A good time ts tispeeted. ToWNSIIIP. . ANNUAL S. S. ENTERTAINMENT.- On Friday evening, November h. the annual entertainment of the Union Sabbath school will be held. This is the I occasion on which the scholars bring in their oderings for • he support of a pupil • at the Point aux Tremble school. In 1 addition to the program prepared by the scholars the foliowing from Goderich will take part: Soloist. Mrs. Russell Coutts. reader. Miss , Janet Govenlock. and• speaker. Rev. J. F. Reycraft. The community is invited to share this evening', entertainment with the Sabbath school scholars. I LEEBI-RN. Anniversary services will be held in the ' Leeburn church Sunday. November 30th. at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. ft. A. ' Lundy. B. A.. of Walton, will preach both morning and evening. The offering for the day will be added to the organ ihmd: AsIIFIELD. Tb.. final meeting (if the Ashfield Sooltlieroo. Aid Circle will loe held In cr.-ett• church on Tuesday. November 2-1th. beginning at 2 p.m. The circle wishes all tho.e who hove taken an Interest iu the cork orpzib.wipty 40 tend the meetine if Ir. as the I;HHatie2H, of the yin& la to be elowd thi; day. 1 '6T. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. Nov. 18. :o. )1 XX X Maas anaina atlialiaaalailaalla1111111XXXXXXXIN t:: „. • .)- . 4DTAR&SON, i X i : • •▪ XamasaaawasaaaannaaaarlasaaatilaaaaailIXXXII ; s Week at a1 Children' !II X i ■ -' --.- ' --The 'h Store ... a la is HAD RHENTISI FOR NE YEARS No Roberta of the T;s1:1.1.10 Siam Taking "FRUIT.A-TIVES" 1 Filit:2 1 1 1 M. Joan e. GUILDILIIIIION II P.O. Box IM, Pamboro, N. S,. M "/ Inbred twoda likrowolowat for floe X years, having it so badly at times 1 was NE uuable to get up without assistance * 1 tried different medicines -I saw , it advertised and was treated by doctors ii a to Amherst, also in my home town, but thy Rheumatism eame bark. Is In 1116, 1 saw is as advertisement 11 that •Fraist•a•tives'avald stop Rheu- $ maim. and took one box and got : a relief ; then 1 took them right along and the' 511 M00111.5 comers COATI A delayed shipment of Children's Coats i* promised for this week and will be opened up and ready for selling Saturday. They come in Blanket Cloth and Chinehillas to tit ages 4 to 14. Priced from $6.00 to WI& (f about r1,11,111 was at gone and 1 Ame never X felt it stare. \ our who would care to write me as regards 'Pruit-a owes' 1 world be glad to tell them what 'Fruit &- Sivas' did for me." JOILN E. GCILDERSON, Contractor and Mason. Mae box. 6 'or $2.80, trial sise 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Frnitea-tivee Limited, Ottawa. Ont. li A number of young people from this , letcn, of the G. C. I.. spent Sundii-at vicinity attended the dance at Auburn last Friday night. t their homes here. Miss Rebecca Thompson visited Tor- , Quite a number from here attended_the to friends iast week. , celebration in the hall at Durigald100' 00 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brophy left Iasi , Tuesday of Last week. k ir Minnesota. L. S.. to visa titer -- - I son, Rev. Father W. P. Brophy. They ; AUIWRN. Ameriea-t. Week! ' were\ accompanied by lilies Mane Sulli- witnom.....A pretty wedding trek place Cbildren's Wool f)elightftd uta plessie Ow a . . children are laere.ia -variety in Tibet set:. Wildcat Sets. Coney EMI= Seta. 11 Priced per set from $31.711 Pullovers and Coats Pricedfrom $1.50 $3.75 r • X These nice warm woolly things' %rill give the little folks all the protection they require X al CHILDREN'S OVERALLS Children's all -wool * Overalls with feet. in a grey. cardinal and a white, per pair $1.54 to 12.2S. Commerce and industry. I actory and i yr • \ , quietly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. farm -c ear the decks for action! \ _ ; John McKnight. on Wed:le:day_ et high Lure - The world needs replenishment It is . \ ' ST HELENS. a -on, when tbeir only daughter. stripped: it is hungry. Europe's cup- \ T. , atha. was united in marriage to Mr. Oran board is barren. Our agriculture has had ' \ TUESDAT. Nov. li. Lloyd Ferguson. also ,If Auburn. by Req. mieson lett on Monday tor , E.O. Forde. The house was tastefully dec- I f his ,orated with carnations and ether flowers. to feed the world for four years and there . hungry nations to I father the Mt a-ricli reward. If the aorkers in cotn- Wellwood had r urned recently from pink satin torn:nines. Only the unmedi- still are depleted storehouse, to fill andlBrocitvi3e. t Crawford Jamieson. , The beide. who was unattended. wee atten nod Oven away by her father, and wore a for the cold weather. • X CHILDREN'S ALL -WOOL PULLOVERS matte frim ••••••-• lei el • t .1,totted alt shoulder. ore; \h 'r. wr. at.il Cerili- nal. size 21) • 71 $1.50 up. Warmer Underwear for the \,0 11 We never were in a better position to s -.17-.t L 33ergiuments f • • fort. Don't put off buying. be -31e the demand' • supply. It will be %vise :3 lock tO your Deals. The unrestirwted tabor et -the farmer ; Dr_ J. Welts a rs Children's Smart Sweater Coats Children's extra smart all -wool Sweat- er Coats, belted style, to fit all ages. From $2.511 so. 'die dui dryn's cam- II dam dse 111 a saved the world itetime of peril. - His was were visitors at ;r. Geo Webb's. Dr. becoming gown of taupe grey silk with 111 Our pict res of children are more than photoera They are studies of child ' life that will iNterest you and your friends. and the childr n grown up voll alio ap- preciate them. . . Telephone tot'a app-iintment. K. R. SALLOWS merit and 'industry now put the same ' overeem. life. MI . John Durnin retnrritsi home from , 1111 to tit all itizeit. Priced at -cording to age • , ate relatives were present. The presents ; Iort into increased production, another The Anglican and \Presbyterian Sunday ; Were many and beauttfuL After a Mott Is Children .14 Turnbull's Natural Woo! as be surmounted. and the prosper- schoolii, are preparing Jor a union Chris,t- I boner:mon the youag -aauple will reside ; ity ensutng a ill be felt to a.1 channels of ; mas entertainment. ' in Auburn. CHILDREN'S COMBINATIONS attars FINE R :AUL-WOOL VESTS AND DRAWERS : Fine Ribbed all-wull Vesta and\prawera, 1 natural only. to tit sot-, 1 to 14, years. • Priced according to mire. $I* to IrLI0,41110 \ children's Union i esti,' and Dra era, el. winter weight. A 'splendid • garritent ht im natural 4111d white, t.• tit ages 1 to 14. Prie according to size. 45c to 85c. IN Combinations, unshrinkable. natural etilitr. • With its foundation sound-eith fanner Wingham hospital last wMk. teeing tine and workir man exerting all effort for after the operation. GODERICH PEOPLE , 81.95 to $2.75. Children tt White Vslion Combinations. for us eatest stride.-Marsball Field & ea here on Monday to visit his PREVENT APPENDICITIS.' al increased production -America is ready Mr. John McPherson. -t Pasque. Sask., I, brother. Mr. W.L. McPhexson -, Miss Vi'. Rutherford. of Fer s,, was home for the Mrs: E. Snell and '$n Lorne are week's visit to friends at Auburn. the West for a couple of months. returned i . . . - - mcntary cana. and prevents appenawitts. Mr. Gordon McPherson, who was all fouh accumulat, el poisons_ rum a i home last week. • Adler ilta relieves ANY CASE gas on The monthly meeting of the St. Helens • stomacn or sour stomach. laten CURES Women's Institute will be held at the , consti tion In one case of chronic stom• leg home of Mrs. Walter Webb un hursday, ach trouble ONE bottle produce) wonder- ""'„., Ichnsti.Hpinemalssiuprsresenng ts.7d.__Que::,,,,,,,1as awfeorr. tru....i.4 rt. 0%uitts.' CamPbeL; s Drug Store. Gcde" 1. I A cordial invitation to all the latt to KINtislIRIDGE. , 11 November 27th. at 2 30o'clock. biects: "Herd., . O'ReitLi--Gairrirt-A happy event Tornholl'. niake. a•splentlid tittiiirrifirment 1Co.. in The Chicago Evening Post. High neek, long sleeves and knee length. to 11111111111 111111111111 11 11. The Singer ore • 1 • I have taken over the al X well-known • Pictorial Review X Pattern Agency 111,.. and can fill orders for :I anything in Dress Of Embroidery Pattems. • -93rderstsitertfor pleat- 1.11 Isis and hemstitching. • • X • MISS S. NOBLE X East side Square • • 111111111111111111111XX1111 5000:004:0021:0CXXXXXXXXXX2OCXX Goderich Board of Trade MILLINERY An exceptional offer in correct styles, at greatly te• duced prices. Many of the season's newest and most correct models; of excellent value, in Velv t. Beaver and Vel- our Ha Regular $7.50 and $8 50 for $5.00. Regular $1000 and $12.00 for $8.50. Children's Hats at reduced prices a Many Goderich people are using simple ow tit all age.. aretirding to.age. $1.00 glycerine. buckthorn bark. etc.. as mixed pi in Adler-i-ka.s. This flushes BOTH upper ger to $1.75. and lower bowel so completely it removes '-' as k place on Tuesday. Ncvember Ilth. 111 y Nov. 1, at St. Joseph's church. KIngsbridee. the occasion being the wedding of too pop- • row A Bad Flre,-Ahont quarter tf. taw young people at t h is communit y. Thursday morning fire was Elizabeth Irene, youngest daughter mu in dee rear of the hardware -.tore of to Mr, Jam Griffin, and Mr. Chester J. •• Wins Won' ig sons. 'in (nal portion "i O'Reilly., The ceremony was performed 111 the W1110111;4 l''1111)1"1 bY 11- LAM at 9 o'clock .n the morning by Rev. W A. Is Dean. Rev.. Father McRae of God...rich , as * ritisittip. Notwithstanding, the 1 Iwo lot resporhe fire brigade. also being ptese.nt in the sanetuary The rhe\81 ipper story of the building. which • bride looked very handsodie in a taupe a brik trunire. was deootroyeil. H.; Well II. the interior twine ----• ---- Is \ • .eemniitetelv ; twill. gutted and damaged by eater. Th.. tow. 1. upw•rds of $17.411'. J. G. Moser of Kinliener is the owner of the bolt/ling. -valued at sa..loo. and . mem „42.Zsai. The Me _started In the tittobop so41. had made erinehiersible i headway when theeoveretl. The lnos to Moore & Itop and J. H. Leith is per- These Overalls are cut ppawa, a the year. when with utwerta in , roomy and are strongly itirutinly 16,111114.. coming st this , late . weather It will be.diflieult to get build- made. with elastic back, x k.,ing b••fore winter gets tn. to clear at Late Stn.:TA othe death of William Toll. --oT DM. -Olt Nov, . loth. removed e prtorth. who was esteemed in the eommunity. .11.61.1 was born In Myth In near!' tof the late .littneo 1 Anderson. tal After her mart -Wee to • Mr. Toll in \1.;let .he lived for over I twenty years n East Wawanosh, le- imoving from tt re to the frith eoneee- i sion itt /Mullett. tesidee her hustianfl ' she Waves a f.ml1 of throe Pons and three daughters, 0 et home. The tiownil tot& piste Wedoeeday to the Union vemeterf•. Clearing in Men's Black Overalls This is said to be,st moist agoportune time to put forth every possible effort 418 try to-iisduiuLAtnerican and British manufacturers to establish branches of their works at Goderich. and the Industrial Department of the Board is now working hard along this line. If any member. or citizen, has any rifiggestion to offer, or the name of any prospective firm or firms, will he kindly assist by conferring with the Secretary's office? YOU OAS HELP OODERICE IN THIS WAY. Noyember 13, 1919. ............ . .. . Mr ' melte highly TIN. 14741. a 4 KINTAIL' TUESIDA11. Nov. 18. Mrs. W.e. Hackett and family are m�t'tng to Goderich tiis week . E1'ser Bradley. 01 T renter, is spending his vacation at his home here. Misfits Lottie end Lillian MacKenzie and Mr Harold Collinson. of the Goderich Collegiate Institute. were mane fer the week -end. Mr. Days cGitt; of Myth. is visiting It the home Mr. Duncan McKay. (IREWF.. Morrotiv. Nov. 17. Mrs. Campbell. of Westfield, spent a kw days with her daughter. Mrs. William Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick and family spent Sunday at the home of John Sever. Duntantvwx Mildred McWhinney and Bruce Shack $1.65 Mens brown duck work Vests, five pockets, to dear at $1.25 Men's button jersey Cloth Gloves, to clear at 22c Men's unlined split horeehide Gauntlets. a strongly made Glove For general use, to clear at 79c Men's Police Braces, to clear at 15c .Robius OPEN EVENINGS South side of Square FLEECE -LINED AND NATURAL WOOL SLEEPERS 6 months to -3 yearn. Priced from 390 up. \ all ages. i'rieed aseonling to age. $1.36 to 8150. 1)r. Denton's fleeee-lineil an., Turnbull', Wool tileepertv.with hist, 40 fit a infant 'a Pure Australian WrioT Vests. Rubens*id buttoned fmnt styles. liorstin 4 at CHILDREN'S NIGHTGOWNS chikireics--WIte Flannelette, Night- X CHHDREN'S KIMONOS $3.50 EACH Children'* Eider Kintonns7 in designs. to' fit ages •C, years to 14 Peke $$.50 ascii. k.....omommtmgmw- . /. CHANGES IN DEPARTMENT LOCATIONS rewire; made of *sir quality white flannel- a smart • et* well_m. deand • aptly. finished. to fit years.- , age2 yeiiiitO12-ieers. Priced $1.00 to II $1.40 eacdt. \war Ott in,' after Saturday our Knitted Goode will be found in theie new- quarters on the' first floor.- Corsets and Waists will be located on -the mans.fioor opposite their se. sioUa• Carets and Linolenne and Rent ROOM wil oeeupy our new annex. an1*MaXNlamX •111• 11111111111111111 111prentpoitn. p Al changes -are made in the interest of bet ter service.. • It Hours of Businis 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. X 11 X :?HONE Millar s Scotch Store PHONE Si S6 a • The Lading Phone and Mail Order Store 111 WIXXXXXX•XXX.XXXXXIXXXXXIIIIBIXXXXXINXXXXXXX ..MM1,-.•••••••••=a1/1..R.M. suit with hat to mstch and bearing a ; wedded life with the good wishes of a corsege bouquet of orchids and Sweet- host of friends. heart roses. The brideuned. Miss Ethel f Toronto wore navy blue with Austin. o het to match and her bouquet w's of American Beauty roma Mr. Melvin O'Reilly brother of the groom. was "best mus." In addition to the Irmal choral fervice. Mr. Maurice Griffin. brother of the bride. rendered a solo in good voice. After the ceremony the bridal party drove in a car gaily decorated by their friendi to the home 01 11* bride's father. where the wedding repot was served. the guests being immediate relatives and friend. Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly left on the aft's- noon train fmna Goderich for a trip to Toronto and Niagara. and on their return on ?rid.y a nd 'inception was tenckred to them in Moir hew. about two hun- dred persons being present. , Te wedding gifts included several handsome cheques, and Mr. and Mn. O'Reilly mammon THE 000ERICII MARKETS. T11101/11/AT. November 10 Model' pee book 111-00 to 11.00 note. per 5.9.h.- `11 10 .116 M4101;orper !Klett 1 10 to 1.15 L0'10 *4* Itorkwbeitt, per book.. .... . 1 10 to ill!. low Wall, Oweewt Is.ID 5,0 PISUS. piton,. per est . :I *7* to S.56 145s. ow too 4500 to 44.110 $5 05 Le SOW 17.01, 18 is pee toe V. tor ton fesow. Woe. pow fa, to Rre. Mier Stetter. awl% •, 5: • n st; netts', oor lb ro to .01 Cr424t. per dies . 0: to 55 Potatoes per Web . 1 OU to Ltd boteligro 4**o10.. poi • o• 11 TS 70 boreterea' moilnre.per cwt • 711 t. 1135 Now weis14. t'we • WI *4.4*46 111.55 111514;s60412PrIb. . . I. V ts 11* I 2% to 15 Stilmerthe for The Signal now. • The Expert Automobile Finisher Opera Haw auk Legates Si, Gawk*, open for all kinds at Ow Paint- ing, R1060 Topa end Shp fiever* re - pelted *ad died Call and um him awl have your old oar lee& lihe mew.