HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-20, Page 1• • 411•VIINTY111t$T TRA* -N. 8777 b ` til f '' - THE SLLta. , , OF CANADA h''":1 •t,Jw -MIK OUR MANAGER" Now is the time to plan for more extensive fanning next year, or for making improvements. if you are considering these matters, call on the Sterling Bank branch manager. He has made a special study of money matters affecting farmers, and can give you valuable information. He will gladly welcome you. • BANKING SERVICE This Bank its more than merely a safe place in which to deposit money; it is an institution whose purpose and policy is to assist in the wise direction of the financial and business interests of its customers. Those who make full use of the excep- tional facilities provided by this Bank extend the range of their business possibilities. "A THE CANADIAMBANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15.000.000 REJERVE FUND - - $15.000.000 GODERiCII BRANCH, G. Williams, Massager. 1 1 G. M. KIDD j D SURVEYOR 1 ArIF[E and DRAFTSMAN 1 IResidence Phone 44 I `ow Y. H. PEARDON manta - GODER1CH, ON . ' 0, THURSDAY. NOV !tI 1919 """""1". HURON SUBSCRIBES The Signal rpm now to Jlanuary 1, 1921, fore', 5o Subscribe now THE SIGNAL. PRIN1ING CO .'LI1011 k 1.0. Yt et fir a a NOTICE OF MJ E'TIM . N -comMENcletis v AT VICTORIA. LIEET1NG OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The OUNCII- The Council of the Ces potation of the County a Hurn well meet .n the Coun.II Chamber. God. ,ch, on I tesday, the 2rd day of December, 191 9, at 3 o'clock in the alternooa. All accounts should be in the hand, of the Clerk on a belore that date. GAO. W HOLMAN. CIe,k. -- Dated Gode,Kh, No.em4r, the 46414, 1919. 2t y l& 4 PUBLIC NOTICE. VOTERS' LIST, 1919. TOWN OFGODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby even that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mestwoed ,n section 11 a the Osmanli voter. Luta Act tbe mimes re- quired by said see tion to be so traorottted or delivered of tbe Iutymade pursuant to sad Act. a all persons appearing by the last revised as- eesm,nt rad of tbe said mumc.paltty to be eartled 10 vote .n the and mtmK(pahty et 'Melton. for members d the legislative Arem- bly and at municipal election, sect that the and Int eras best posted up at my 0814 at Goder*h cm the 21st day of November. 1619, a.4 remain there for inspection. And I hereby .all sumo all voters to take .mow diate proceedings le base soy errors°, om.wuw Corrected accordn.a to law. Dated this 21st day d November, 1910. L. L KNOX. Clerk of the Tows of Goderab. LOST OR POU LOST.- FIFTEEN r OR i..w EN TRY 1[KYSa add key -tag. waded o l Iaavisa same .t SIGNAL OFFICE. TRAYy,p art in lea $e Oir rim t7 (°Mer t.. in > dem% Amp • year:laneloreas aid t111 y..Am[ utmrt sown Nang the r,aa well k D re- moved by ROESRT SLAMS. R. R. No. 3. ite- son.Otet. Please lit Colborne. x ` A MA 'Oise of Mese( Matters Iliseatemrd at ' 1 t1 f 414.1 IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COU N1YOFHURO7t:' - 7 114 rota Yarn, (Jr rtes GUARMIANWMP or I*$* Woods AND 1taU1.Aot wooDS, lrarANT CAUL, Digi Or ktATTHSW H. W«ms a1.D Erwar. MOMS, DOM phGiA EMISES QTRAYED FROM THE YR -O tbe red October a ah a black AJ year-old steer. Will store knowing of 0. whereabouts kindly telephone to J D F A R R ISH. Lake Road, Catheter) (Municipal T-lrphooe No 1410). FOR SALE OR RRITT. !Beard Tirade Meeting. $4,602,350. 'pedal Preempted Rob4rrE to re Edith Reinhart. The guart.•r4• genera meeting o e . The commrutwmrnt ,"(coca," of e4. ret Board of Trap, wag held in_ the' Every I4iarirt tow. \ewer tlw lbjK yudirne'Victoria wla i Fridaol y itreddng. many Masonic Temple \ou Thursday evening I lite in \ ietlry Loan t`empxigw. last, with a 14iltly good attentlalar.' •prune. and friend* Joining with tie 4;. 1.. I'arwms, was I _ pupils in the gathering wttioh !Weil tbe 1 proposals which of 1H111 led to intereettl134 Tb. Victory loan campaign Wei along to csem- I elided on daturday awl the total o(. at 4a11M to eta' 1 sutseeriptiolut for tis 11omiui4O was $fi7:4,410,4$141. 444 [film xtlwunt 4lnterlo ,crykt.,tn_1eal: contributed $3.-4,00o,0110. tither i'roy- watAldTraye eon- invert subw•rits.l us follows : N•indtOr Nor- I British milli,us. Me•ssni.s.n. J. were milted with MY e In caw' s• unable Tbr president. ant! in the chair. !4e were brought 1orw discussion. and if ( pletton may be of community. The Board hard tet.` delegatrm to the inland female to he held at ember I!Ith and 1144.4*. an. Megaw and %V. Y. Bowde by the meeting as tk•le4at A. gummier" as an ■Iter either of the utltera should to go. ' The annual meeting of the 'ester') Ontario United Martin of Tru. is to be held at London December 11 bud 12th. A resolution suggested by the exe•ntive council to tui forward to this meeting pointed out that le ii1 dHbr•ult for muo1c11w11t11••:. acting arately, to set ore such information JK ntrrKwiry to enable them to ger In touch with fatted States or other manufacturers who may be iu a posi- tion to lletablisb branebes ite 4iotario. and 1t Is *iso almost immirudide to ob- tain letaio sufficient inforluottoll as to the asocial standing of nut tw►winw or Erma. It wag therefore ur'g'*l that the I'Mario ,;overnmeut establish a bureau or appoint a ermmisstun to lnaugilrate a plan for general canvass of Frilled States firms and for the collecting of turrrratiwl regarding the saint.' along Alberta. 10 millions. rtaskatch.•wau. 20 millions. Manitoba, 40 miltivI*s. New Brunswick, i4 millions. uVS Scotia, 2x mita' • Etlwanl Island, 3 millions. 1111 millions. is Huron Conley ti0nt+in Iluron county Every district 4.s- The figurer for • as follows : Total ntcriptiona 490.500 .400 00 Quetheme Tie Kolr totalled 44.602•: misled its obje.•tii the vurlous districts hrwlerir-h i1nton tort h ugba t0 AAs 41.1/11 Vol , rive/;tide icb tp. Nataol I "( t. fir Id w 130,000 h Hit uu4) Hrrwll 173.061 Stephen \ 150.46J0 ' in I',n ',norm) pr(ca I. asa.ar C.1v5N that alter twenty the lines mentioud, and to (Wombat.. and Exeter li41..01l0 r/ trot the due thereof MATILDA SNIDER. ells Infor0atMn to all ,1111. towns and '111ykrrsmitb 1 7.d111 H the tow . a Stanley. m the county of 1 latioa .in , McXlliop 7:I.110ti Huron. widow. ..due, well make sppl.catwn to the rlllat.1.. Of neer 3(1 pupa est Court ot the County a Huron to be Ontarlu It might M• provided (Slat a Hallett 11U.000 l Ibjective 4 ••trri.008 115.000 17I,0M1 110.000 100,46111 ,*►,4410 100,01U err. a a .otu(,d guard.,, d ta. pesos and deo a re.advlahlr fete should 1s• paid by m0ni- t:r'y aid - thsesutca a Erma woods ■ed lleutah Wench, ci lilies heeivin34 a W'oetlt from tbis brussels . 173',111111 - Morrie the i,tladt cbitdr,D a Matthew IFI. Wood. and pa Morrie and- Myth . - .. 1 Fast Wawaaoeh 1 West W'nwanonh A11, Turulterry W1,4 Howlek and N'nr[cter .L10.0110 244.4:41 instead of frittering Hs. niece away to The Ahmeek Chapter, I. O.' D. E . 8':.701.1610. Rebel woods botb late of D Arcy.,n the Prelate ce of Samk. cMwaa The said Matthew H. Woods ..n or about for nth day of November. 191., the said Ethel Wood. died on os about to Clay a November. 191st both ie.staY, and wl4bout e.tber of them having appointed a guar- dian of either el the and infant., the said • MaWdeSnide bring a lawful areadmotberelthe the proposal was that the towti s work. The oft -discussed gnestlon of esWh- llsbing a puhik• market in t;o,ierleb was again brought tip and debuted pro and cnn. The chief argument against sed ,elan.. hardly large sough to make a market DArgO tam se.enteeetb day of Nose mber.1919 Y µ8mm,. Duda trees were meutiou•d. MATILDA SNIDER. 67 beg enhelt.ra. hnwere'r. of towns nue an'h larger CLARK. MtPHERSON CAMPBELL ` than 4Julerlcb W which markets are JARVIS, quite sec eetrfnlly maintaine.l. Tbe• la Yonne Stns. Toronto. latwgte from ■ market. as puiut 4 out UR- F. J. R FORSTER by Various speakers, would be manifold. A committee. eo0Ilstlug of Messrs. T. O. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Monism. J. J*.4taweplte•ll. H. J. A. Dian Lau Berges New Yoh OphtWaie Ewed. T. H. Mitchell and VC. J. Powell, esaar.tr.t at re rppoltat•• M look Pato the matter tai ird ,`,nide. staa.r.7Tf/ t IM► asst reset t Hoartt. 11114 . Loaaaea, - II o misa be tion for h • wssaAoo st. S.. 9er.tlol. ' i1r Ysae 1 town was Hotel R + LOOK HERE! One hundred•acre farm for $2.600. Within four miles of :Duogannor; one toile from school. Barn with shed at - Fair frame houN Also orchard. able for grain or /grass. Running SWIM at back of farm..' Apply to P. J. RYAN 1'i.0ue Insurance and Reel Estate. .. FOR SALE. -A RED BRiCK HOUSE. wah all m000. conven,encs. Appy 10 JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 4-t CRAiGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FURNI$MED HOUSE WANTED for the winter months. Must have four bedrooms and all conveniences. VICTORY Bought and A BAZAAR of Homemade Baking, Fancy Art- icles and Apronm will be held on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 8th, . at 3 o'clock, In the R(INIC TEMPLE. - ender the auspice, of the Ladies' Aid Society of North Mt. ,Methodist (Church. Toa will be served et 4 o'clock. EvEBYBODY WELCOME At Bedford Ho Gods, day. November 19, 7 p. m., to 7)y. at I p. m. \WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. F14ym and town property inured. Fixed rate of al is per 9100 A. shown by Ge e bo1l iLm Cempsny w one of the etc-.%amta,ei.g an adequate surplus loss( in Victory Bonds and Bank sethnt,ee. Adjustments promptly 4.d sensfactonly at- tended to. \ Premivam can be ped to agents Of to local Bank•. ALEX. NIC OLSON, T. G. ALLEN. Pre..dent. , Secretary. Dungannon. J. W. C.AIGIE Fire, Life, Accident and Atea.ubiis Insiraned_- FOR SALRAL Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR. SALE at 43 per single cord, delivered. THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Angleees St.) Phone 81. Aae ench TN. for Colborew and God 2ST. 2114, 134,9040 1tlat.S.10 200.101 180'KA 360.6.111 _/10,40► 44 7,7110 114.44144 17,4043 1741. 50 2011.430 kindergarten m tad the hallwacs PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. arid Mn. Gordon Haigmere. of Kitchener, were week -end v1altorb at the North street parsonage. Miss Gwendolin Colborne has returned from a visit to friends at Peterboro, Montreal and other points. Miss M. J. Moore and Mr. Joseph Quirk, of Stratford, are visiting their rel - *edea 7477 alar 31 d1it'.'ut. Mr. It. R. Mallows die atoms at the home of Mr. and Mrs..). B. 4•1nrgrd the (Italie"( orf clairµaor The Hobert Park memorial silver medal. donate) by Victor Iruriston. was pie,emprl by 1n*p..•tor Tom to the winner. Miow Edith itelnhwrt, who took the highest mlirks of the Victoria school aatrunee class. Ttw .e•ntrone• „rtl&wtw were prw'ute.1 liy. Pria•ipel Hume of the Collegiate lnstitute. h Interceding adelre'*s umere giveny Rev. Jeal. Hamilton. 11le 3fi: i 1.. q• (larks, Rev. J, F:• Mntt'awivj, lty'y'. Boyer and Ver. J. F. I4ry. raft. Mr. Clark*' spoke of the urw age. the age of better things w.tich tall hupt'd was waw bring usher vl to iu fhr 4wrieal of revonstructioo. Thr rhari*drr the whoa' boys and girls Were 'forming would determine what the arts ace would be like. \ The Importance of ,taking *.bolee\Ot the right vocation was Iter. Mr. atnirt- litou's subject. He poiwtel oat that\ while parent"( of a former arurratiull Weal ou u Vocation for their children, lrwhyl their ..Iwrtiuu tv that iMr Eliaabetb 4:flrmoO. 4.s tnwsur•r ,-Brit*. 11014 tow ehuie• lay for he Golden Gate Midway and lttnr•t ung person and It Will very F'nir held last rummer, took out a t he sbonlei he well Vn•tu (,roti for $1.4.50. a .wine c11oi..t All tksl• ch Hrts•kall ledge will hold a r. Hamilton tone ,tel,. tat h tartlad,• taking on ttatunbty. Hotly with the L4e-,•u41aw 18114. M'utch for further 100011 IK4•uiehts. on r• 1 On Tuesday evening, December 2nd. a birthday social wiTT be held In the parish Ing. hall, under the auspices of the Girls' Geld of St. George's church. Sale of ,made cooking and candy. 010 210,1140 alb ilet.430 Ur:JUR 12'0,4 lid Kelly this wtek. Mr. Halsey Purk, of Amherstlurg. Is ler tool. Natal' Ota huslnems anal has breu railing on old friends. leer. Park was formerly in the Jewellery t,1sitlr•s1 in i;ale•rioh, 1eavitt Isere about ten years ago...-, Mr H.K. Revf11. of Goderich township, was re-elected a director of the Ontario Fruit Growers Association at the annual meeting held at Toronto last week. Mr. Revell was not present at the cunvenllon, being too busy t0 attend. Miss Cora Washington has returned to Chicago. where she will again engage In her work as a professional nurse. Miss Washington since returning Irom duty as a nursing sister with the United States army m France has been visiting her aunt, Miss Washington, East street. *414 line with- with the - imp important guided to mak lines of entica%Or sidereal as -coining ,t Christian •inistry, Rev. Mr. S1.1 '11 ley ,creation, eemphusiafog the• per r rgatioo as simply that of re.•r' or rewiring the energies. 1Ilppeertumlty wain Rev. fir. Re'ycraft's theme. One bad to be ready to w'4aw opportunity when it ram,•, for oppor- tunity was bald behind end. one• gone. wan goUe forever. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIER. to of the rough weather on the past week three steamers with cargoes of grain for vator & Transit Co. tan, 272,000 bushels Rev- lir. Moyer laid *teems oh tow +"` """`•• These were the ---_-- vrine of Join* one's Met while at cf slats Agawa 198,ODB Is of whegp v 115 bustlers u w•hor11 .and mxkin tb• 199.0 41 1b' and Glenstn en, ,OOU opportuulity to get a mooed vdtn7ltion. wheat Last - yeeiYs 1.3411 for the /;iwlerirb watt 4•'irc4,1:ell. w. t *tear's ,lnbeeriptiwls show all over thous of 111114 of $411.650. The total nnodier of euleu•rlptid the t'ounty w'a14-. r tbe CTC 87711.7& 44,lkr_:i:s► inatte'otlo* or klle•ness. 'intends holden a sale of tslme-made frown fit! A eumtrr of s.in•tierw by. the pupils t Ihts' were hn'Iu.el ►a tt.e proglvm : a piano li baking to J. F. tday music enter one ••least' wllu alai wMvire. by Harry I.cu,•b; etre afteruclon of Saturday. November 29. re.•i41iu0 ,cud Pf$'Ire.. Miss Edtlh Keen 1 fl cbarllertg at :4.30 arae. The ladtrs iii , hart ; runll 100. Miss Jeno ((.peon : in chor=e ore Nes CBosw Mn. Gamow. rag( fa(ityt I whinier' by !Humins Nairn. g1ri11g an i IfIR DKkson Mn. Boswell -Reid, Mev. - aoemint of a trip 40.0 th.• tit. Kelleher Mn' Leckie, Mn. McNevrn sold Mus Neftel. l.awn•ro.•; en -Italian, Miss Motet • . The tegawisp misesen Captain Maeuist\ 4.r stabling a,. of Ham.lton, Ont.. weld has barn secured \ Inn f. rmtt earners doing bnsill.'+o s r . I by the Co111giatt Institute for Its enter- tynvn` Miss F:Isir• Reinhart : recitation tainment On Monday, December lel, in *fel ettitore. Maui Marguerite Yulbnl- <Ied, and the ciciv committee of the i North select church. la dud a rustic diene by fourteen mentioned as auot her tattle much nee urd of Trude wan asgt'd to take the I "Dear Captain Martin: Her Highness girl A few words trona the chairman letter in I.1..13.1. Princess Helena Victoria desireb rue to auo1 choice seat sato by Mrs. Heves,11 1 Tbr inadequate facilities of the town I write to tell you how veri much she etiolt4.ern' turtel the program. Miser, 1 1a tete matter of a public asset/11y ball I enjoyed your recital on Monday night. M,1•Ilufen Hurl Iaaen Ella)/( were were dl,rumsed at some length. The 1 The wonderfully dramatic way you told air-ompaMots ago Moo: E. Nato.' placed only sntution seems to be the erection the story much impressed the Princes. 1 for the daNce of it new roam t halt with a public • who wishes me to thank you for the Tjtnppanm: Triutln sub an4JaoR?l Mime Edna Macfarlane: n.•ftatitoe And audltoru.m, whenever the 401.22 Is to a I pleasure you gave her. Her Highness There is al9rays a tendency t0 ignore siti0o to ammo the projw't_ which i only wishes she could have the pleasure , slight coughs nd cold.. because It Is ooustde•ratiol for a lout of hearing you again. • I believed that th Believe me, he + been un1ki time. The question cartage ••targe" at CA 1. and H. L.INGTON. R R No L p- prtluts of shipment which are Included and H. L. SAL KELto, H. R Ivo f, is freight bills pre1lentei to the local men-laut$ and others receiving totes • e• t importanr.• to be taken up with the Retail Merchant s' Aswirlutiou um) White Ylneand Tar. other hoards of 'Prods,- thrulegliuut the I Toronto, will be at our drug store for one country. Member,. said that` Ithuu41 ' week from Monday. Du-cembrr ht. to' are widely used in this ltcali •serasai. the separate amounts were w 11I nn Saturday. December Lith. and we advise' merits well established. We g total of thew charges for a yews •orl(I any who need the attention of an eye of the popular` advertised a UPHOLSTERY. Our opbelitarer is prepsrett -REPAIR WORK - lor a yr'atiplritieg the same. gas to - by freight was coDsider d of sunk i• o will soon pass away This 19 a 141/ take fcr science tells us that nota sineerelY• tlra. tIcally all v \the common cold - her .Bement. •- are complications .Lock . wear Ladyon•waitlnt. I resulting from a negl ted cou. h or cold. For the sake of h.althand economy. too. '.. art me at ltlackstone s." they are Dr..A)'lswsrlk Conlieg Again. keep your medtc,ne cab et stocked with all-daylinR. "where they hare 11.• pure household remedies. inclu Ing I)r.Brown's fee cream." We take Ayiswrr in eyearrn that Tablets, and WI 's Syrup of ' Ur. R. B Aylsworth, rye -specialist of Grippe Th preparations and th handle all trade- '• "Of all. the excellent eMertairotleltts given to our soldiers in hospital at But - too, few equalled the dramatic rentals given by Captain the Rev. W. G. Martin on 'Jean Vatican' and 'A Tale of Two Cities.' Captain Martin held the close attention of his -hearers., from the first word to the last. and at the close of each recitab.was given such applause as showed that they had appreciated and enjoyed every word A real treat Is In store tot all who hear Captain Martin. -Lt -CoI.A.M. Gordon. D.D.. D.S.O., M. C.. formerly Senior Chaplain. 4th Division. C. E. F. Captain Martin will appear at the Collegiate loatitute entertainment o0 December 1st. make a very couslderable Item,'pud s should n lee THE GODERiCH MERCANTILE CO. they thought the shippers I their oar arrangement+ for carol . WARTED. land all goods should he billed L o. t4.: ,VAN?ED.-A CARETAKER' ,FOR, but the ronsignret bad mo roll1.'nient enc,. The Doctor uses the latest and• North.rreet Methodist -church. Apply tt Wry of checking them or of having a m c. accurate methods in his practice we know there are many who ffotd the time lot a trip to the jai 1piarked brands of cob and Medics and can supply anything you may w1sh in preference to t \mentioned above. tie prepared. st stow. E. R. tvigIe, druggist. (iiideri= specialist st to consult him Dr. Aylsworth f. an experienced.Oph- thalmologilt, 1 -member of the staff Of the Ophthalmic Doctors Institute of Toro to uhf ears. The charge's might he ail rigbt. and late lecturer of the Royal College charge re•titied if 1t were not right. A debating society In ronue•tlou with the board of Trade js a project origin- ating with lir. T. 1;. ('conn. Priu• viral Hnme suggested that It should 111• In (Le form of a mark parliament. atld another member faeored the .044- on on•the ground that. 3a the etre- and fannot tfiy to accordanc best service with the IN us. -Obtain 4 J. P. BROWN. Churchstreet. `lv ANTED. -GENERAL COOK. NO !sundry or upstairs work. Outside aims kept. Live in or out. Three adults. Small Mum, good trains. 1 elepWIR 119. P.O. BOX lea. Goemeh. 1.WWx! ANTED.-GOOD.R.E L 1 AB L E. Canadian-American Trade Relations In America% loot Ronal year Canada held $400,000,- 000 of law pr0duata in the II. B. Market, but purchased tthb rrse $700,000,000 of Roods Tbus • 1,100,000,000 ot'Uanadian-Amsrtomn trade was maintain Una fluctuation* Vo lg II aaoadian kaags Deto ander eps- okaBsla at our New Taik, London, Montreal, Tomato, Wtaa1*se and Vancouver Branobes, to offer you the tallest ft1•S Use at BatMstaDos In your trade Anand - UNION BANK OF CANADA RI 11RCII. *1S3.000.000 Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager Au.tnne n an to handle (atm implrmeras. mat trectm, on commiswee. Apply BOIL as, SIGNAL. it. WANTED. -YOUNG MAN TO SELL tickets. MODEL THEATRE. `Iv ANTED. -ENGINE ERECTORS. I.the 4hd beech hand,. bl.ck.mrtM and wood workers. Steady employment. App, sienna wagesimid tapsnence to BOX 21. Tr -1E SIGNAL. - 3t g4 440o1. were going thew' days. u mo'k acietilfic knowltd pxrlla debt wail the only kind of par- the eye. bouton Ila nom IN MEMORIAM. YOUNG.- In toying mert*wyr of Gordon Yoaaa. vamped at Viceroy. Seek.. one year ago. Ont Year has pared %tart that Nd dsy t:,d., ailed the one: we loved sway Forget Nm -no. we never well. As years 1611 oft well love Mm still. 11 was bawd to lose you. Gordis dear, But trod who kwowett(be4t ' Held w,de His doein; ■r ms .nd said. Come unto me and ret -A, W. Young sal Famay. ' mural Meeting of ('hildrens A Merritt). stilt a specialist• and in! ' 'the annual meeting of the Huron with our policy of giv.ng the County Children's Aid Society will -be Bu sible. we have arranged held in the chlldren'a shelter, Godertchl -a to spend the week with on Tuesdify. November 23. at 3 o'clock •• but p. m. At this meeting, in addition to ntage of the -latest routine business, the election of (Accra = in its application tae will take place, to be followed --at 4 MW A gTiniis - and bp(tes1 u eidek bq Mr -reading apd coned!rate'.-- • prempt attention of reports, and ad tosses on the• wok al .Cattle stray for an app itlt- the Society. it `int hoped a prominent Low's'''. w„nte Into. A ,C. 'nsmnn mold It"ter• to get service. an timmitt..' was formeel'to t' • and avoid delay,tp 1 AN. -In Ion.•'. memory of my deet site died Nov,n,t.et O, 14111. e.,, regalia - 6/ art he Nand .sus caldera- -Goa, Ismael t i ." -loofah Bowtaan. 9 EST ISEMENTS=17Si.20.- "- mast .Rieke ...... ._.,.4. J. 1'. Brown 1 ald mens. as the t4. s t is limited. ,peak. r from outside well be present. and in the surrogate 'purr - Clark. McPherson. twliig of 1 e project and »tail Ij 117. ( t1r rel a cordial invite ion is extended to every- 1:wo en A Jar i,, Toronto '.. . being the . Iatrmar cud Icssr . IL .I. 7Ms is your nppuNY y .eel A. Vac}:w'n W. H. Hnbrnsnn. Rev, expert optical &Tyiee Wn phstlel or I one in the ct111iltg .1414 Perls an inure+t Meeting ..t HutonCw 17 Cpunc,l-Geo Nob 1 .► 1 11 4'la eke' and W. S. Bowden call early. E. R. W IGL . Drufar.' in child %Tingle to attend this meeting. man . The work it growing and the 0flicers.fig Jftrrtoasjoist--_(. eau.at tach. --1 %ire the interest and cooveerarion u theNr«Stun• Outs Saturday -F:11. Martin. ... 3 . is iaalt.pa t► W the cuutttY tRrader-1tr. RI H. AvNwath ., -- - . l Man W.nieel-etas ati . .•-•'r..:. .... 1 •AR Young Man Wanted: -Model 1lwstre, ... 1 Edwards' randy ler thl' 611171 " \, -IikP. 'MRMnia Wanted- Apply Hos •r. The •,goal 1 Alnaym fresh 411111Vnr..t,,,,r.'I.i.t Notice -L.L Knox ' 1 h _Malden' ' per le s'hts_Malden' IYime:l Goderic -• `. length to the Meted Stead project, seinen _-- MEMORIAL g11d was not 44.'144. N1tlHalgll 41111 Mr ►V. T. Millan'. ttrasnt'er of $ 1 beer Meelntirlal rand. peek,inwle 11h) ("Honing donettonn : Iirst of .duly 4•elehrarion 4' . Mitten. $125:fi0 \iiry..lyilen e•t. 9t/raVol k ft 00 .\rthim 19nIe of Ku tellF..01 BAZAAR - io aid of the Midvale* -Shelter ander auspice* of The Swastika Club of Kusa CMardt. Jiand-worked handkerchiefs, Afternoon ten and nind.vl0. l;ATt Ri►.1t, 001 EMBER 22nd. from 1 to 6 p. m. in Knox 4'hnrch 1..o-turc ltewm. ('ome nnrl hay our 4'hristmas hxndkerchtefs awl help the Chil- dren's Shelter. 'i1Uslc FRE1)ERiC T. I?GENER, Mus. Bac. SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Studio next to P. J. MacEwan's Garage LLA 1- ROBERTSON. GRADUATE Ld L. C. M , Orpsimt fit Mpti.t Church. Foods papered for astaassa «her of pians. twOtiery aroma seed theory rot tease *VT at olia Rtriberteop'n, Park ;righ=e tisfir LLA I. ROBERTSON, pr1•s11•rt of the location Or tin ptam at Goderich was now Alight, Hs the resnit of new intluen ts-a which bad 1s.•11 hreme211l Into the c•mlpanr. Jir•tuls•rs of the Hoard lend worked CaTrl to hind the plant, a rrrnlly ire lotd-offish' a trip to lletrult to mese• what" .erdtttl Ir• done• In the matter. , He 10412111 that ;..werfut influences were work tig for the Irr•uH.nn of the' plant at a site .eluw Wl rrht. The bonne and membership r no mlttl•e reported through the -preside that .boot ,*'vent* -five members of tl 1t.mrd 4114/1 so tar tart mild their *veinal y'ear's fee. Aftrr some (UW11.slop it was decided that the ecentatilt•sPshould metal out *author notice to member...Au arnors, giving them an additional thirty days in which to make teat went. and 14 any then &viper to pey up the committee to take actioe to collect. .it a meeting of the esn•ntler rogn- Mittee nn Monday evening a this anwk Mr. Htigh Heaton of Toronto (eon of Mr. Ernest H.•ston, formerly of oode- rich wars Want with reference to the Agency for the advertising of doderich as an luchortrial point After hearing Ur. Heaton the exechtiee referral the Maffei On /he publicity entnisittre. Our lee cream he Plat rtght-1110 Obr ruetoment wry. Try It and see for yourself. M. T. lidwards. -dors of the Goderich district Rai held sti Londestxxo' on Tuesday. N-vember After district business we.. completed, the meeting went into seeion as a National Campaign copvetaion. There *ere Shout seventy-five people present Ind reports showed the district to be well organized in connection with, the cam. .W. H. Graham; president of the London , Cenference. Rev. Joshua R. Patterson of Toronto and Rev. R J. McCormick of Blyth. Afternoon and evening sessions were held. supner being served in the basement of the church. All preseot pronounced it a splendid day in the interest of the work of the Goderich district. hr. Mabee returned %Verinesilay night from a hunting trip With a party three week• up on the Freawit filter 7Ie renown' daring had a splendid time and hrmight bock a deer as trop I F.MONTREAL ESTAIILISNIFD OVER ION YEARS Board of Diritetor•s ll. 1 DRUINIOND. LS. (-*/ HILIBEItTIML3ON 11.0 Capital Paid Up Red Undivided Profits Total Amen !April 30th 1919) • $ 20.000,000.00 20,000,000.00 1.681.614.16 489,271,197.43 branehos throughout CaaLla and Newfoundland ; la London. England, NewYork, Chicago, Spokane and City of Mexico. also infirm Franekseo- BritialeAmmawan Ranh (owned sad enatioliod by Bank of kloatroal). A. W. Strickland, man•ger, Godeiich Branch.