HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-13, Page 108 -Then. 1ww.em- AT Caper "Yew `OX( 'Tial -Ne 'sooci -hat -0012 'Nese -wet f L. 1r Thnraln♦ \..u•nilier I.-. 1A19. J Latest Copyright Fiction "THE RE-CREATION OF BRIAN KENT" 1. 11.1101,1 Ikll \Vl10t1116 Price f i.50 "JOAN AT HALFWAY" Iry Grace Mcleod !loge's Price;r.so "FAR -AWAY STORIES" b) VW'ni. J. Locke Price $i.s, "THE YOUNG VISITORS" by Daisy Ashford • (the ane year- Ad weber( . "Trice Sr. "THE WICKED MARQUIS" by 1t,. P. Oppenheim ones 1r.6ti Iw HI1.11% wi1N111\\ lot special hooks. Special .rlli.ug agent. for N'aler- nixiis Ideal Fountain Pen, $2.5O Up. JEWELLERY WATCHES, CLOCKS, HIGH-GRADE JEW- ELLERY, RINGS, Sl[il:-- yERWARE, Etc , Etc. R• obertson oKaer East Street and Square INNS wm shmthoum THE SHOE MAN THE e e ERICH MARKETS. f // b.November ti... w IN+at oew,ba.. , gem to t !a, rl.l.. Yoe YYWNN L• .a1 t0 a6 1.10 to t.15 ,1.10 to 12I IMrae1ow bask Iwo. gN•r ilo+a INeik*MOIL per bah.. 01,.or, rwmll;. rwl rot Iluu . p.0S..1, per owl H. no. pertoa *Meet.. per ten .......... . H+e, 1e' u.n PWw*. Lilies per lo.... -,Y-\.. Len to 0.00 IMP,' HOt.... Or, 45 ....., .be40 M e,r4N0.er, nuU... per I . . . . b .57 to .m las-, 1re-I., per doe 7H to .M t• 10111 flet bash IOW to 1;50 . butcher. chole.. precut. 10.75 to 12.70 bol rh.n.' u...11um.per cwt Onto 11 7s lire weight, per cwt. Roe to 16.00 La a..... ...... 11.0e to 1200 os. per Ib ..... ... .'15 to .11. eheyeAloe. .... Lim le 2.00 THE TON'S (`OrsielL, Ituild6rg Bylawe to Be graateesed6Alite ('outrtr Good Roads &hawse. The regular meeting of the town coun- cil was held on Friday evening, in the absence of the Mayor through illtress_ Reeve Davis was voted to the chair. The other members present were Deputy Reeve Clark and Councillors Wallis, Mitchell, Story, Humber and Parsons. The reports of Engineer Johnson on a number of sewers proposed to be con- structed, with assessments therefor. were referred to the public works committee. A communicatioh from the Dominion Road Machinery Co.. asking thar a bylaw be s.Ibmetted at the coming municipal elections for the renewal of the Company's exemption from taxation, was sent to the special commute Applications for permits under the building bylaw were received from Mr. J.W. Craigse and the housing commission. Mr. Craigie's application referred to some alterations to the buildings on part lot 267, South street, and the housing commission intends to construct a house on lot 218, Wellesley street. and one on lot 1247, Keays street. Some cases corning under the fire bylaw were discussed and the inspector. Chief Postletheaite, was instructed to enforce the bylaw. It was decided also to ask the Provincial Department to send up an official to inspect the moving picture houses. A communication from Mr. C. Wurtele, suggesting that the town invest any avail- able money in Victory bonds, a as sent to the finance committee. In response to a communication from the Soldier: Memorial Fund committee. the Mayor, Deputy Reeve and Councillor Wallis were delegated to represent the council at the meeting of the committee on Wednesday evening of this week. The finance committee recommended that no action be taken on the request for rebate of taxes of Mr. Thomas flood or on Mrs. Wilson's complaint with refer- ence to the assessment of her store pr erty, that the council join the Ontario Hydro Power Uniform Rate Association and that•Illt membership fee of 110 be that ML Jiaechler_t-;skedm-meet this committee to go into the matter of the Godench Mfg. Co. loan: and that the grant to the Peace Day erItbratron com- mittee be paid. The public works committee reported that the engineer had been requested to report on the petitions for sewers on Regent street and Elgin avenue, and that a bohd drawn by the town solicitor had been executed by Mr. J. J. Moser in con- nection. with the placing of a gas pump and tank on Hamilton street. These reports were adopted. Councillor Humber inquired regarding the Goderich Organ Co.'s arrears and was informed that no reply had been received to a letter sent le the Company by the clerk demanding a payment: - A motion was pasaed instructing the iltlicitor to take steps to collect the full amount of the Company's arrears. The clerk reported that he had received a marked cheque from the Goderich Mer - r11' l0 irecantile Co. for 11,000, in accordance with s to eo es. the terms of the bylaw. Ar. to 405 The Reeve reported in connection with rise. to Kip the county good roads matter, stating 17.414 to eke,eke,that he and the clerk had gone over the connecting roads in the town with County E Engineer Patterson. The mete formerly suggested,• be 'which the "connecting link" would be by way of the Square, would not be allowed, according to Mr. Patterson; it would have to he a direct route through the town. by way of Vic- toria street and Cambria road. Mr. Pat - AtIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WHAT DO YOU DO THESE LONG DARK EVENINGS ? E V.'r(I,.that all depends, sometimes you just "sit around" 111 the hon. iso-eti'ntes go to a party, or a dance, ea sume .,,_ other soeial gee'', lg. This announcement is just to advise you that we hat 'endid assortment of C c SLIPPERS AND PUMPS WELCOME REIIffi ' FROM ECZEMA GivesComplete Treatment Thit 6nllryy ResultsResultsResults WAILING, ONT. "1 had as attack of Weeping. Eczema so bad that my clothes would be wet through at tinea. For fourenootha, Liu terribly, .1 could get oro relief eelil 1 triad "Fiwilss-liver" awe "Sool4e-Sah.s". Altogetber, 1 have used three S boxes of "Soothaalvs" and two of "Fruit-a-tives", and am entirely well " G. W. HALL. Both these favorite remedies are sold by dealers at 60e. a box, a for ;2.50, or seat on receipt of pries by Fruit -byes Limited. Ottawa. "Frail-a-tivew" is also put up to a trial Mae which sells for 25a, nasal said that the proposed 'cutting back of the bridge hill would cast 110.000, and the councillors appeared to be of the opinion that such an expenditure was out of the question. Allowance would be made by the county for a sewer on the Huron road if it would carry off the drain- age water. Mr. Patterson advised that nothing be done this year. The clerk was oke i to secure prices on road -making machinery -a roller and a rock -crusher -and to • extent the Government won cooperate. Byyleyw No. 32. fixing the Sunday town of restlurants. was finally passed. A resolution of sympathy with Mayor Wilk in his illness was adopted. Among the proposals discussed before adjournment was one that curbing be Placed on the streets. preferably on the tacit improvement plan. and another wasise that the fire committee revthe build- ing bylaws of the town. 1 1 for ail occasions. "Ko.y Kumfy"Slippers for the !tome, in red, green, blue and pink; beautiful Boudoir Slippers for the bedroom, and a iv range of eking Pumps Ind strap Slip- pers i. botli Kir: 1 patent leathers, in fashionat.le and most charming design which appeal to the most fastidious Meyers of fine Irwltwear. Also we have everything )on will need c1411 fit every $t) the test proeure splendid line of 111 RUBBERS lake of shears and our Dominion &milli is rad always reliable. Ask to see one SPATS • TyT in various shade's. 'hey are extremely popular, a• nd roar prices = are right 'rail til is always given O '9bPAIRING .tefnl attention, and undertaken by an expert using up -1 a met hods. A - IINIINUIN1111111111611110 ogre SENATOR I'ROl'DF(NIT. The announcement was made last week of the appointment' to the Senate of Mr. William Proudfoot, of Goderich. formerly member of the Ontario Legislature for Huron; and a defeated candidate the recent election. Mr. Proudfoot. ho has already taken his seat in the nate. is the first citizen of Goderich to be appointed to that body and possibly the first from the county of Huron. IPi.1)1 RN' BIBMOKIAL It'll). etlllisittee Enlarged and ('anvasa to Re Made After New Tear's. Ai representative, Apt hada ---iw--the" rooms of rhe Meru -setting Canoe Club nn 1Ve11.e..h.} evening .I1.•11. a',l mN1- 1ers In Connection with t1w Soldiers' Memorial Final. It was reported that the stem err• 12.494.11 was in the ha1Nls of the treasurer, exclusive of seine auwnu.ts that had been rote) by var- ious soeletleu hut had not yet been paid in1t was the migration of the orimigrationginal eommitte• that a general eroo- i'nss should IN -made of the townspeople to 4-11104' up the fund, but after dlwetYe- slou it was derided not to undertake this petal after new Year's, owing to the many demands that are I'elug nettle upon the people at the prettcnt time. It was decided In enlarge else committee to Include n representative from any omelet', church nr other organization which t•arswi to appolnt one. (Wfl.'ers were elected : W. H- Itollertwu.. pr sI - dent i.,\- F. Sturdy, secretary. and IV. 1'. Millar, treasurer, and these with the rr•preientstl.es appointed by the ear Ions 'Organizations, Including ewe_ fent, the tow n r -11, will Fite* the ,Ilene orlal F nn l .,emmittee. Iter. .treb.iearon .loves-Itateman, president ..r the e:n'at 11"Nr Veterans' :1,rw.•lation. announced that that .ksw,- etatfun had rntel 1j1(Wt lathe forret. nal would eontrthilte an additional IZ•_ 5 for every thousand dollar's ralsw) from this tine on. Two thoteetel dollar, of the fntMM on hand had town Invested In YiMory bonds. Hud it wast decided to take 11notlse•r kION/ on elle Instalment pplan1. The lineation of the form the mem- orial olw.idrt lake w•N,• IIIw-nowol at rvm- sideruhle length. the general exp eesalen of opinion being In favor of s roe - lnent. TN. Ilei elf a eunl mnnl7y hull a lwl i1ae1 Mn MI. MI1Ptwlrt. A rote of thanks was passel to the Alr'4womonle 4'wyme /llrh fro- e•arrying int the- furcal rpr to the present point. Ferry dollar so far rontrlbnhrl has gone Into the furcal wlehoot any de•dne- tlrnt. the d1el.ewNniig Centre Club har- lug met all expenses ont of its own funds. 11'Iw'n the en riots oneirtlex hare ap- pointed their r'epresenfatIye.. on the e,,mmittee. nrw.ther meeting will t e•.11.sl to make plans far the .-Nnras.e. i'rotw the Pease Day- ('eletw'atlee. The treasurer tlels - week reee•ivel from Mr T G. Connm.. tee -ism -et ,sof 7,,., , r11• f 1n C, e•plehMMlnn, N (*mire fist. 175.4. , helm the pw..vs•ds from the eeletN•atlon of Jnly (fah. The runt- sltte•r Is grateful to 1111 wen lsape. Id .iIn aeklhg ilp thf stilistnotisl sm0wat. IwrrtenlNrlr to Mr. 1 mann, who totiVimrsa Semi deo 14 f wL /Yi e * U !< i>l 104.1 mi -err . ems% redo pec so. Jlta iE + - GODEEIOH, OlIT. work as treasurer of the celebration. Jus'bmpauyin4 the cheque was the fol- lowing letter from Mr. Corrupt' 1.4 the chairman of the Soldlene Memorial T, ,i F mi,l D. & A. Dear Sir, -At a public meeting held in the town hall on July 9th it was decided Corsets to Hold a Peace Day ce 4bmanion on July "THEHOUSE an 1 ciermittres were appointed to make arrange°lents. the question of funds was di cuasrd and arrangements '- ____.. COLBORNE'S made with a nlijority of the town coun alloys. who were present, that the town would meet dollar for dollar any ,mount raised by popular subscription. It was decided to tum over the surplus -in case there should be any -to the Soidlers' Memorial Fund. As the main object was to make a celebration that would ; long be remem- bered more especially by the younger poi tion of our citizens, no expense was spared, and the money -making end received secondary considerat ton. Our citizens contributed most generous- ly and a fund of 1602 was raised by subscription to start the day. The following summary will give some idea of the cost of the celebration. being amounts spent by' various committees: Advertising, 1128.53; decorating, $236.'5; prize list for parade, 1178.50; sports 213 7S; fireworks, 1212.64; musical, 195.50, grounds. get ti5; executive, postage, etc.. $7.25; total of 11157.37. The special features committee having charge of various booths spent for stock 11704.24, and their receipts were 12354-36. leaving a balance of 16:10.12- There was also a direct donation to the memorial fund of 1110.06 contributed through the Victory (tag The net balance when accounts were audited by town auditors et September 19th was 1207.57, out of which a sum not toexceed 125 for presentation to Mr. Sexsmith was voted on November 6th, leaving $1b2.57 in Bank. yam tower for 1602 was retee " si y and 1 have much pleasure in enclosing you a cheque for 1784.57 as the net result of the day. The above es only a rough summary, but a detailed statement of receipts and expenses for the day together with vouchers was turned over to the town clerk as per request from council October 6th. Yount truly, T. G. C0 0N, Treasurer. Goderith, Nov. 12th, 1919. NON JURY ASSIZES. ('hk(-1Iaslke Sir William Mulock Held„ Court. The non-jury assizes were held at the court house this week, with Chief Justice Sir William Mulock presiding. There were tNtee Hees on the list. McVittie et al. v. Fothergill et al. was an action to set aside a conveyance and for a declaration that the will of the late George Fothergill of East Wawanosh should be admitted to probate J1idi- ment was by consent- the defendant Albert Fothergill to pay to plaintiffs the sum of 11300 and the action to be dis- missed without cost,. 1 he plaintiffs were Mrs. Annie Elizabeth McVittie of Code - rich and Mn Mary McCurdie o1 Battle - ford, Sask. M. G. Cameron, K. C.. popinsel for plaintiffs; L. E. Dancey, and , Chas. Cerro,* for defendants. Sheeler v. Shatter - An action for alimony. The parties. who were married in August, 1917, resided together at Dashwood until recently, when the intiff left her husband and went to Kitchener. Ca e dismissed, but allow- ance made for plaintiff's disbursements. F. W. Gladman for plaintiff; J. Killoran and H. J. D. Cooke for defen- dant. Blatchford v. Willis et a1 -An 'action to set aside the will of the late William Dayman of tlaborne. The plaintiff Maria Blatchford is a wideiv wide''living at Hensel!, and the defendants C. J. Willis and John T. Morgan are the executors of the estate of the tate Wm. Day man, the plaintiff being the sister of the said Day - man. Case dismissed with costs. J. M. McEvoy and 1. R. Carling for plaintiff; Chan. Garrow and F. W. Gladman for defendants. Mr. and Mrs- R. H. Reid and Mics Alice have come to Gooerich from Reed's Corners, Bruce county, and are making their hien here. Mr. Reid was one of the leading farmers in his district, and we are glad to wekome him and his family to Goderich. Prior to their de- parture from their old home their friends presented them with easy chairs and a farewell address. ii OF RELIABILITY" Patterns INTEL DI4YS w. fVERYONE is thinking of warm clothes for the coming winter days.Py Our stock is coin lete in all lines of mer- chandise for the cold weather, at prices that will suit every pocketbook.. FLANNELETTE Every piece of Flannel-. ette that we have in stock has been carried over from last season and all are marked much below today's barices. We have real rgains for you in colored and white Flan- nelette. Grey Flannel in a heavy cloth 60c at. per yard - HOSIERY ,1 Ladies' fine all -wool Cashmere Stockings in whiter tan and black. in qualities that cannot be equalled. Ladies' good weight Cashmere Q Cc & $1 25 Stockings Q 1... a pair. Boys' all -wool heavy - ribbed Stockings in all sizes. The large sizes are $1.111, with the smltiller sizes lower in - Silk and Little Stockings in all qualities and in every color. We specialize in Hos- iery. EACH day our Mail Order Department • is growing and we want customers in the country and the neigh- boring towns to take advantage of our service We give special attention to this department. PROMPT DELIVERY IS - GUARANTEED. UNDERWEAR We have been fortunate in procuringWATSON'S UNDERWEAfor this winter. It is not neces- sary to speak of the pualii ., s every woman knor,►s that the name Watson spells quality at a moderate price • A large range of all - wool and union gar - ,menta for children. We -have been particularly thoughtful of the chil- dren when buying our Underwear. If you have never used this make of Underwear you have missed the comfort that real Under- wear gives. We stand behind every garment we sell. CORSETS Goddess front -.laced Corsets are wonders. They give perfect satis- faction and every pair rs uanteeTFor ONE YEAR. We have a style for every figure. D &A. Corsets are all guar- anteed to give perfect satis- faction. We carry a large range at bargain prices. t is a pleasure to show our merchandise 'and,- have our cus- -toiners inspect it for comparison- in'values. "e 7 J. H. COLBORNE & Co. ; AT YOUR SERVICE tFFIN FICTIIBEB!! FRI DAY ..... SAT'DAY THIS WEEK JACK PICKFORD IN "In Wrong CHAW, CHAW GREEN APPLES 99 'Me.Ler whets you wan a kid a.d the Leis tied year clothes whoa yea were in swimmie', ore that yea get home late a.d thelg' yen - thee* yea were grimed op year mi lichee! you. This Picture will take yes back t. the OLD HOME TOWN NOV. 20, 2I and 22 MABEL NORMAND ;s DAiLY MATINEE AT 2.30 T RAG DOLL DAYS GIRL LOVE eta ea sale Wellineoief, lie Baker 19th, at Bos Office