HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-13, Page 9Gm/ere Lye se • were p.wor al odeeaser. It is used for .lemming up die oldest sad hoods{ dirt. grow. oto. -.earls{ Lye is fes fa =skied sinks. drains sad de..0 sweet end el.se- C••dwf 4n Kills rem. caiss, rma.bae mid lamest peep. cr.rfere Lys wM M the tarda,{ eyrie& el.ssir4 you've N - Comfier Apr is deed for =skied owl. leo pawi•red.perfA•d sed 161% pare. ,.•,•..•••• The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may call to your troubles -the Plumber. We know our business and are here to terve you. RED. HUNT -THE PLVMBLR" w.n.10 w a••»{ ewe.." UM t'lumbing Heat' vs.t.n.ughing ,Metal RAILWAY SYSTEM eDsuble Track Rosie MI -taken Ideality. •'1'vc Int4Itubt uls.ut this ens•." saki th.r 111wyer'. clerk to his chief. •1 tn• )..'.k at that f,.11ow• over there .1.nvtIIres we that he Is guilty.-' '.Hush '.- .101 'the lawyer, nervonisly. "{'hut's the rouue.el for the defelee." PIL De not outfit her dui wltlt nae II �Y1g Pilo.. .ursloal ops► soon required. Dr. Cba.do Ointment will relieve you at OOP and •• certainly cureou. tae.Ca•, LI=IL.l. sox; W • 1M a /am hoz free if you montlon tide passe amu 966 (Ramp to par ('.•• i McEwen', SPECIALS Boys' Caps, geld( supply to hand Boys'. Overalls, 5.'1ic to $1.25 Boys' Jerseys, white. navy and red Boys' Braces, 15c up A few peices of curtain material, to cleat from 2.5c a yard up A nice line of Bath Towels at right prizes We stock the Crompton Corsets, all sizes a n d different styles Lime Juice, Grape Juice. Rasp. Vinegar. Lenton -- and Orangeade it bottlee_� 'also -Lemonade and Orangeade Powder. Just right for drinks in the hot weather Try some of our Aroma Brand Tea. With ten lbs. you get a Teapot FREE Mint Tea in stock.Vou will find a sl'oon in each package -�, J. McEwen bet weaR------ --- MONT*CAL • ~.' ` TORONTO DETROiT and CHICAGO L'nencelled dining car service eeping cars on night trains, and care on plinciptl day tralna. 11 intormatibn from any. Grand k Ticket Agent. or t' E. Horn - District Paxsenger Agent, To - . Lander. Station Agent, phone 2) V. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Ageata Phone 8 L License No. 8-784s CA NAIMMT PACIFIC' • A NEW TRAIN THE':ITRANS•CAN A DA ALL SLEEPING CA.ktS D ILY BETWEENITOR TO aid VANCOUVER • T._a�,� Leave To to 7.16 p.nl. Arrive Winnipeg. 9.06 p.m. 2nd day " Calgary 9.30 p.m. mrd day " Banff 1240 p.m. 3M day " Vanconver10.00 a.m 4th d•ty Plret�olaen Sleeping4Car Pae.engers only .Full partionlar•lfrom any agent. JOB. DD KIDgent, GodArlch. G. Q L £XAMLNAT1ON REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. In order to secure earnest work trove the beginning of the terut and to enable the teachers and {anent.' early In the echoo1 year to know what .'11141,•16{.' are not getting t►M Ilestery of tlwir stlb- )et•t.', we have c,duct%el a full round of exumllatioua during September and October. Tlw resllts below give par- ent,' the Information, nod their very hearty co -opera tiou ho urvi6IIy s (kited. F01t11 I. A. Average 35.rt per mitt. Henn M. McKay ...00.7 . Pass 1.. Webster I.7i.ti .. C. Huy.' 71.4 ' 1.. Cooke 617.2 H. Fowler 416.6 11. Johnston 65.5 1. Ryan r 64.4 1.. Wallis tri.5 A. Panzer KC3.7 G. Strickland 1L9.7 J. Lynn 60.2 J. Fellows 60.1 Below Paw 1. Brownlee V4•11 W. 1l111.1erw►u( 1. like 37.0 375 i7 4 it 1.a,g 11. An*tIIi V. Frltzley 7.3 W. (taker '15.4 C. O'Neill. 3.5.1 W. Beek 54.4 V. Alien 54.1 1'. MtDonagal St Below :.0 per rent. ranked : G. Vhkwn. M. Campbell, F'. Galktw, 1i. Mc- lean, H. McKay. FORM I. B. Average 111 per eent- Honas Edith Itrinllart t:(►.6 Else Reinhart . -• 711 TL. R.. Herr 77.2 1t. Hunter 75 3 J P"' A. •$owerl.y 71.6 J. Keever,. , 70.11 H. Hnwrle 1661.7 T. Anderson 117.7 M. Iteycraft ▪ - 66.9 E. MrFerlanr 66.7 A. Stafford . -..., ote.7 O• hinnies .1 65.5 L. Fisher {Lia M. Graham 64.5 .1. Sic iA811 64 H. !tell tr2 3 It. Mlu•kleteon 62.2 E. Dougherty 4r2.1 Below Pass T. ('utt - •ei:' H. Dalton - 59.4 1t. McMnmi.' 57.4 C. 1.ymburlu•r 16 7 E. 1)ak ►i 1'. Duckworth :9.7 A. Foville iCA M. Me\Vhltuwy 51.2 B. Andrews •.-iii Below 50 per cent. ranked : If. Me, Kay. H. EIwsrds, A. Buchanan, M. Lrekle, W. Gravelle, 11. Matheson. sf-_.s. - FORM 111._.•._ . - _ Average ILS per cent Heelers Mary Howell Maude Howell W. ('le rk GOES HONEY RATh? stoney spent en mad (chat pre:{ aratlons often does! In thls au) • You buy a preparation, use per- haps a third of it, and put the re- mainder on the shelf. When next you need it -unfit for use! Two. thirds of the money value of your expenditure has " evaporated." Just there is where Zam-Bua 1s so different --so superior' Zam-RI1k 1. not only 100 per cent. medicine. but, owing to Its freedom from "ail Mal fat, 11 never becomes rancid, but will keep Indefisttely. ltuy a boa today. use what you require, put the remainder away, and when you have occasion to use It again, you will find its healing, soothing and germ -destroying pow• ere fast aa effective se the day you /ought Ow host Zam-Bok stags bleeding, sods pain, draws out soreness and prevents blood-poieoning in cute, burse and arlds. Without equal as a remelt! for eczema. sores, piles, ulcers an blood -poisoning. 60c. box. 1.. Macklin 57.66 M. 4:arrow t 57<3 It.•low 50 twr cent., ranked : L 11.•- %i rid,, 41. McLeod, E. Heavers. �\ FORM IV Part',1. mitt 61. iiAlst'a M. 7: M•eewan J. Johnston 79 77 Pus A. Hetherington , 73 4 1,. McKenzie ... - 72 G. Sparr 71.6 H. (:wham 71 J. Reycrsft .14 1.. Anderson 67 1). l.althw•alte 641.4 E. Whitely tt. M. Lymburner 114:4 J. Young 64 G. Hnwra .4 J. Cooke 63.6 R. Hamilton 63.3 Below 64 per cent. /4. Phepper.l rot .1. Walleye :et 11. Cooper 54 H. Murray 52 Below 'IO per cent. ranked : L. Nicholson. M. Baker. H. l'oIIInstn. The standing of I). Wooll.ombe and i). Mar'hall ho not given beisin1ie of un- avoidable aliment* from several_.trill- Iretlons. ' FORM -IIi. It. Average 614.4 per cent. e 1111■ ■iR1 aams1.11<IK!< auwa1NN1/m THE PRINCE OF WALES I! A large portrait of the popular heir to the throne for all SignAa readers The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have se - *cured the exclusive rights for all Canada for a real good photo, 16 x 22 inches, of the Prince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London,_England, photo- grapher, taken on the eve of the. Prince's departure for Canada. --- Tile Signal has made arrangements with 'The Family herald and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted toinclude the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer. e now make the following offer, good only until December 310, 1919 : The Family Herald and Weekly Star Ake year, coat 111.26. The Signil one year, -$1.50. offer both papers for one year each, and a copy of the Prince of Wales' portrait, size 16x21 inehesrell for $21S. order to be sent to this Office. THE SIGNAL, f}ODERW(`It< WINO -This offer 1. good only until December 31st, 19, when it is announced the price of The Fancily rad will be 91.50 a year. R ■ •■ X 111 ■ Honer* M. lteycraft 16.46 I). ('noper 76.6 E. Snell 77.5 A. Nairn 76.3 Par 00:4 Hume -8.7)2 Pam ° .;4 Wall/tee l'urt 1. toulyl Pass L-'711. K Wilson 7011 Below W per rent. t Yurslell 63.6 J. Baker - 106 JIeluw 50 per went. : H. ('lutton. Part 11. ( only Honors E. E. Goldthorpe 51.7 Puss ffL )I.,l.nmh tel.7 C. D. Tap. 463.5 T.'S. Washington 51.41 CUM5IF:RCIAL Pt)RM MR Aterage 5)4.5 per cent. .. Pass E. Iliti mlug' 73 M. Ili -Nevin e6.5 E. Good 65.71 W. !thick tri: i Br Davidson CIA eksl ak__ . c.1, ... _+: a'4111.7 1EL-Wootkondie -11.7 , DEPENDS ON LOAN {heady IOBplloyesewl and Pro.grerlly Heeds on t'letowy tinea. Canada'. tenure prosperity depends is a great stalest upon the ,.ewes of the Victory Loan. No coltatry ca■ exist upon trade within Its own boun- daries. Canada counts on the trade with Great Britain and other allied countries to keep the flood of good times in the country. The .arplus products of the farm and the factory and their way across the seas. The revenue of the farmer and the manufacturer Is dependent on this trade relationship being sus- tained. The employment of ®gay hands depends on the orders that come to the arm. The pay 'evelepe only comes with steady employ=eat. Great Britain and overseas coua- triae are still desirous of a atisulag trade relatloss, but. overwhelmed with war expenses. they mast be given credits for the time being. The farmer and the maaufeeterer must be paid tor their produete add manu- factured •rtkles in cash. Therefore. Canada must finance the preposltieta to keep the Ude of eo=eerre coatis( this way. But is order to have Om money on bsad'to do Milt great thing. Canada must bort'aki trees her people. The Vktory Leah offers bonds le eubecribers paying 6'4 per cent. la- serest. 66serest. The guarantee babied 1)8 bonds makes them an absolutely eats i.vestlnent. Victory Bonds me- cepted as collateral at any beak, can easily be Dirtied into mein y_ a profit. It is then to the 1•teetile every Caaadiaa to subaerlbe for the Victory Bonds bas ea., 1.r it <t1 profitable, it is patrletie, and It in necessary for the coetinued prem - ger 1$\.I the country. Below 110 per cert M. Webb )4.5 It. $nezel 56.2 M. Hussey 57.4 ('. Irwin 34.6 H. Tuffonl 54 6 T. Slnnninge 5;1•►t M. Smith 53.6 M. Turrell 61.7 F. We,.dolt 60.6 Below :.n per cent., ranked : ('- Tarter, 4): c'raigle, M. Stokes, M. Ryan. f'romntion h. higtwr forms le to tie lased on the results. of the r'mahilng exams atlous of the s•houl year. it will tw 1oovewry for a godly tnlntb'r im .wrh forst to apply 1twn„rlvemore r;triw'tly than they have iknw o ter It would help very greatly It parents of the etudl•Its who are )slow pane standing would 6.' kin,1 enough to eon- fer with ttw principal or any of tM' staff. Each student Ie given a full re- port of his or her etarnlh,g for the par- _ cnM' rzamhtatlon. -_ J. 1'. HI'11E. i'rhtcipal. 1 McKenzie 710 r. Mc4'erty n 5 (l. Mnrrsy 72.3 M. Dalton 6661.6 I.L. l'entle nd 1661.6 ),Y. Ralthhy 6661.2 S. Holmes 1114 F. Dougherty 67.3 I. Treble 116.5 E. Driver 629 F. Durnin M..1. iee 41 J. Hunter H. Porter MOW M per lett M. Dougherty G. Ginn O. Allen H. (hilt ir. Me('reeth H. Howard .1. (harrow J. Kidd Y. Bradford ,..M.1 a0 30.14 1014 59.2 57.1 . '16 55.3 33.2 54.2 53.5 FARM III. A. Average 111.5 per cent. Homers R. Kilpatrick 52.2 G. Hamilton 52.1 1. Johnston 714.6 E. Weehingtewz-n....YrryIrv, 74.0 �t Pass T. I]11thwnite '74.9 A. Phepp'rd 74.3 N. Ginn . 7R.5 E.. i'rklhem 71.3 1.. Walker 5 70.7 1.. i owerhy 70.2 W. Weir • 66.6 A. Baxter 417.7 P. Bomber MA E. Jlowerby 06,3 K. McNeyln 65.1 u. Tlgert CIA R. Meow 62.7 It Young 62.7 1. Belittles 62.2 C. Hays 61.0 h. U.wrry 110.7 Ilsiew M par end. • H. Conte 501.2 C. Nairn 55.2 " of Go" HURTS USE SA[TSFORKNEYS Int kw mist if Maw w like knee es iladier lathers - Well fobs forest that *. IdaseT4 like the bowels, get .6u111sh sad a sad sed a auskiag eeessi•nally, else we bow Massie and dull mist in the kWq mei% ewere headaches, rhe. - malls *So f l torpid liver, God stom.ehr ,Yylnwupalliall eerie et jlleddeff di, teem - Ten simply omit keep yamkidtrye *dive and ears, sad the moon.{ yea Oast se ache r pain in the kidney rgisn'get skeet four ounce. of Jed Balfe Iron any geed drug eters here, tike alehisepoeeftd is ael water before breakfast for a few days Gni year ktdseys will nes net fin. Tbie karma smite is mage tress the acid et grapes and knees joie., esebised with fitlti•, and i. Mr=kss t. dumb .teetd kidney..04 .Umulata them M manna activity. 1t a1.o ■eetrallaee the. acids le the arise .o it is Mager irritate., they s.diag bladder disorders. Jed Bate is harmless; isispensives makes • delightful derv...eat litLla• water drisk whisk everybody shed/ tai* row and this M keep their kidney* eine, tbua .v511)64 serious esuglikatisea A well -knows- heel desegist be •.11s tete et Jed 8G1M N Mks orbs irresessiing kktaIq f%slrlb fit WINTER COMFORT Make yourself comfortable for winter by buying yourself an outfit of good worm Underwear. Don't put it off until the winter is half over. We have all the best makes. DO IT NOW. STANFIELD'S FOR STRENGTH AND DURABILITY Also Turnbull's, Penman's, and other makes, in various qualities and all sizes. EVERYTHINGIN MEN'S WEAR (except boots And shoes) McLEAN BROS. Semi -heady Tailors and Gents' F 1 1` ' • • H 1 ■■■gN/>•sumo - )• M/■ 13tating It Witlir0 1�'T. Magistrate: "ni" And yes to easy that elle pa Pill' oast tllg! wools'/" Winrss : - "Th.-ir a Wit were rite* el rather high. teat orris used were eatres.ely low." Mptanking of "Why do you ionto ' r aerrier sn•h a hard proposition' "Became. it to es grit to prod sand to go ll.rvu the .-rrrumey, al 1 rock., to euppurt-a wife." OU" WEEKLY ALENDAR p Our stock of fresh, new Fruits for Christ- mas Baking has just arrived. Seedless Raisins, Bleached 5a1- tanas, Currants, Dates, Peels, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds -hit iia weeks till Christmas 'My tiger M •pis'. 110 reedy/ ort) of grub." -Thirty emits' wtletbr "1}•h. Put it 4110 BILIOUS headache 1 meow an expected enjoy. meet. When the condition of tbe liver is neglected, biliousness seems to become chronic and recurs every two or three weeks, with severe sick head- Whig- Why ead- Why wet rel rlgM .mor two tremble .a* eel 1t by mime Dr. (1G.s'. k klismy-14vor Pens to metre ties limaltb and .SFvriy K tM Myer. O•BeI/Mttes. Wtgs&is*. b.* - ambo. hsadaale. bl)Mu•111oss mid DIM B oy Nrwagossemb e..B ate pone with the tsso or ttsm sett-kse wa sss.Mlno. eBs pb • dens, it da a ben. no .flava • 6e=.B.wk bare & Ct.. led.. v«Mm. Di: Cas=s 'l1liF6.*U 1 lit i. Iro 1 Jud ate Most So More Dividing the .ple of Canada Into three classes the comparatively poor, the m • rately wealthy, and the eery w . thy - it would seem that It con ibutlons to the Vietory Loans co . Itute service to the na- tion. the oderately wealthy class is hardily d g its Shan. Of the mosey sub1 ' d to the Victory Loan 19111, two h dred and seventy-one million dolls were In bonds of 45,060 and nder, ninety-four millions in boasts of between 15,060 and 426,- 00,�, and three bemired and one mil - 1 n. in bonds of 126,000 and over. Be true to yourself. Buy Victory Bonds. We have fresh Perk Sausage I Sry Tuesday and Saturday. Robertson & Mair 'Phone 164 Car. Hamilton St. and Square Lute p ene..11btrifiatw -1s e•uli. ye he hound Pessimists grt' maple w - looking One thorns to .►t *IL aronad i RUBBER NOW is the time to get prepared for the wet. stormy weather. 8e_ you procure the Ru r Footwear that will give the best ,satisfaction. Life -Buoy Rubbers have built a reputation for a quality ,that leads them all in givin ,the most wear up-to-date styles and Lum- berman's Robbers that are second to norre. These (loads are now in" -stock at • acVicar's Shoe \Store at the lowest possible prices. - REPAIRING - Geo. MacVVcar North side Square, Goderich Yonlr end Charles Ste., Toronto Enjoys an excellent reputation for high-grade business training an.) f.)e placing graduates in good positions. Enter any time. Write for catalogue; tV 1.ELLIOTTaPruk.pal'. • IHIHHIHHIHIHHIIHHHIIIHII1111101110IHHUHHIHHHHHIII New Grocery and Feed Store`,• • } Hamilton Street Yoe did it before. Yon can do it tlipla. Buy Victory Bonds. Canada pledged her last man and her last dollar. Redeem that pledge in Victory Bonds. Ll the fighting were still raging, you wouldn't hesitate to buy Victory Bonds. To make the Victory i.oan a sue - WAN Is a national obligation. It may be that you are the deciding factor. It you are concerned about t)e future welfare of Canada, buy a VIt- tory Bond and make it a sure thing. Don't forget the future of your eblldren. lay • good foundation with • Victory Bond. Would you lend • soldier 164 it you know It would save his Ill.' Buy Victory Donde and keep the military hospitals op. If yeti appreciate a good invest - meet yes will boy a Vietery Wood. Yea deeely* es no. het yore mdit when ma yen say yes .l afford a Vt*- a 7 Seas' E 1 MINIM 1 have opened up ou Hamilton Street with a stock of - GENERAL - GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED - and solicit a fair share of the public patronage. 1 est GASOLINE of gee; supplied from an up-to-date Bowswt Tank. They tell us our Chicken Feed is the best sold in totem a tr (live ns your order by telephone, No. 266, and we windo the rest J.J. MOSER • •