HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-13, Page 8November 13, 1910. ATLANTIC FLIGHT! Wonderful example of the valve of OXO. Gpwlt Sr J. ALODOC write:— "Yea will be interested to learn that •OXO wits a great help toll/ durin our "Trans -Atlantic Flight; it sustain us "wonder/1111y during our 16 home "We had found out what a good thing "it is when flying in France, and so "decided to carry it with as on this "occasion, and we an assure you that "hot OXO is most acceptable ender such "cold and arduous conditions. OXO "was the only article of its kind which "we carried.' ), ALCOCK, Capt., D.S.C. coM THE HYDRO STORE I�H L A' - y A M D M P R P S O -S A full line of Hydro Lamps sad Electric -using Devices en band. '\ Water and light rates payable to J. B. KELLY, Collector \ at the Hydro Store Water and Light Commission Tows of Godet'ich Building, Contracting and General Carpenter Work The 'undersigned are prepared to tale contract* and execute order* for any work in the above line*. Having had yearn of experience, they can assure the public of tlritcla*s, dependable work. All orders will attention. GEO. WEf+THROOK, Trafalgar Street. M. BOWLER, Napier Street. receive prompt INCOME OR BUSINESS TAXI' Report et Speelat Committee en Qura- tlone Submittal. 'The Toronto Itcuu•,1 .If Trade I t sub - witting the following resolution to the annual meeting of the uutarle, Asso- ciated Illarls of 'I'1'ltde : "Resolved that. In order to se•111•'' it fuller and fairer basis of taxation, the (luta!% Goverment he Memorialised to Investigate the merits of an ',winos: lax, (wed on net income. as a substitute for the present Iltaliwss tax under the 1►uwrlo Assessment Ael." - lu drawing this resolution to the at- tention of the Golerlch linnet' of Trade,' the Toronto 'Ward prupountled a s•rira of questions. These were referred to a special eonulitte of the local IAutrtl, which after cousidera tiou of the same reports as fellows : 1. laws the husinwss tax utwrate justly and elultahlr, not only between different IIIIIIv1111wIs, tet HIM) between different chinos 9 of business? Answer : No. :I- Would an income tax commend d Iteelf to prnllwe•tivt' Industries to n grater extent than the present Mod - newt lax. IMcuus' of the tax being levied only' on the net earnings of the plant? Answer : Think it would have but little effect. 3. In your municipality wbleh would produce Mie greater revenue. (yke preeseut lusino,s tax or all Inl,owe tux? Answer : Think there would be but little diffi•reue, lint might vary cou- Mlderably al„orttin* to the mewsun' of Mtn,e,.s In lusitwss 111 each year. 4. Would an ilartme tax teach (leases of proiwrty and groups of in- dlvktllats 141141 Way now be e's-nplug busimsls lax'' Answer I4acsibly. but 111t1e ho snot!' {daces: bat a great 110111 Would deiwnd upon the attitude and activity of the a,sseM.,elr., 5 Would an.. income lax, from an. administrative at olpnlnt, prove more or Mees ,•reedy: or ne or less easy of apidk,ttw.n Io tow •ssor titan the • present 1/10111W4.44 lax? ,tnsWer : Would prob.blr'It' wore mealy. nal e•rtiluly much wore dim - cult. In smaller plse,tn e- 5uflk'ient staff of qualified persons is no'kkept. to perform the lwe's"sary work. It. If the present Itiminew Eit *nal repealed and replete11 by in 1oY tax, would its substitution result e,otweatmeut and evasion. anti would It tae eousidererl inquisitorial if muter proper admiut.trati"u and _nafcguards as to secrecy? Ammer : Would result to attempted evtn,ahae•ut_ old possibly too much of private affairs would become known to tlw public. 7. If not ill favor of the abolition of the business tax and the aubsl ltut111 of an income tax therefor, winds' you favor, in the cameo of busint'ames l'arrietl pn by a person or partnership, tlw Irvy- inR. first, of the busiue'ss assessment atwl, 1111/1'0D11, tta' incme derived from such buahle,s over II 1111 . atM,ve (he amount Of hostess! iMse*snlent 111,11 a 111 the statutory exemption of income to Ire allowed to the !canon or members of the tires? Such h14,Inw would be the net Ilwvwe or profile (lerlvtd from the busing—sm. Answer : Some methal of tairnM*a should lie •sloptel, and appllel sw ea to avoid overlapping. The suggestion 911 this question apiaries W lass&auoefl•etlP.- t:. !leve any dM1'Iee•tIona teen raised in your lnnuiciiwlity to the percentage of assessed valiw of property on which the business tax Is I('VIe1 as applied to dlfferrut husio9ers? I1 s1, how• i"s It propoMel to show that any line fa orer- 14$s'ssr1 •! Answer : No objection Is raised to our laisem nleutx, paosdbly fur the reason that they are eery low. CENTRAL 1 taTRATFORD. ONT.. The Largest and Best Commercial School in Western Ontario We give individual instruction and atudenta may enter our Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart- ments at any time. We afaist grad - natty to patltions. R'rite now for our tree catalogue and learn the nature of our work. D. A. McLacawut,PModpal Clearing in Men's Black Overalls These Overalls are cut roomy and are strongly made, with elastic back, to clear at ' $1.65 Men's brown ducky - Vests, x -fie .. pockets, \ to clear at $1.25 Men's button jersey cloth Gloves, to clear at 22c Men's unlined split horsehide Gauntlets, a strongly made Glove for general use, to clear at 79c Men's Police Braces, to clear at . 15c M. RobIns OPEN EViiNiNGS South side of Square Playing Sate. "Ts this the place?" she Raked, an Mho wandered down on the barren sand, "where a young Indy—ii belt tat fnl yntulg Indy—fell into the water last mason 141)41 WIIM rescued by a gallant y g meu, whom she afterwards ma rrl,Ml''" He looked at her earefally. estimated bee et forty-seven, with false CEft*, and mile : "Tetra, aaeets; but 1 dont kaew'kow to ttwlme” \ It All Depended.. - A doctor was attending a dangerous 111x• who're it Scottish butler wens en- gaged. On milling in the forenoon, 111' Meld to Il11ua1.1 : ") hope your maatrr'M temperature Is 111111'11 lower today than It KaM last night." 1111 ser very sure about that:' replied the butler ; "for he (We'd this morning..' Fond' parents dream of a.•bright future . .......................... for their children. They dream of the literary and musical education they are going to—give their daukiter, and of the _high position she will take i,� filer sphere of womanhood They a am of the education they are going to give . eir son and vision hirn noels , day as a clergy t an, a fzmous•lawyer- �Ond eminent ph ' �� promineri!'-final;. 4 ' oz:a--captain sof • —or even partly true—requires foresight. .planning and money. To provide the money .viii plan so wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child? Thousands of parents bought Victory Bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918. Surely you will be arnong the thousands of 'loving parents who will buy Victory \ s for their children—this year? "But to make ;tie_- ams come true \PROTF('T rant TREF.14 FROM MI('E. .4 k:cperig(Ptlfal Farms Note. I '11 puede of trees are injured In ('atlnda dreery jeer b) twee, nod In the (newer dlktrtcht a large n her by rabbits also. All title count he prdt- vented tf the fanner or fruit -grower would use the information available anti protect hire trees from mise. lawn' yeere there I14 leas injury than dithers, anLthlt feet Wrote to earelemiteso, and when' n had year c„mes the trees are Unprotected. While the deprelntions front mice and rabbits In winter vary from one year to another, depending on the sonority or abundance of foot. the nnm- her of mile which are in the vicinity. and the character of the winter. the Injury Is always gleate,t whet) the ,orchard is In sal. e1111 when there is rubbish lying 111141111 ; hrlw•r tun• Inttet should (w removed before the wetter mete in. As mks• may he expected 111 greater or less initialers every whiter, young trees should be regularly pro te•tel ,Igalll't their rayagl•M. Mice uetoilly 1legin working on the goo dal tinter the snow•, and vv hl•u 1110y come to 11 flee they will begin to gnIW It if It Is not prnteetrel. A In1n11 mound of will from eight to twelve inches in hefted rebels' e110111 4410 Ins• of the tree will often preveln their bible hie the tree. and tiell alllrw'teanitw•tl abort the tree has twice (mite effective, lint the cheapest and sweet prattler Is to wrap the tree with ordinary httilding paper. the pike of wh11•h ,s salol'. Tnr paper Is 111so (44%11111, Mut drew have been injured hr 'oleo It, enol 1t lis hell in guard 1gsin5t this when Inllbling paper will do ae well. After the paper Is wrapped around the tree and tied, a little earth should he put about told' lower end to prevent the mice from beginnitig to work there, as, If they L" \Illiblebnf for The MOO new, Victory Bonds may be bought -ori ohne ments at such easy terms that. every parrot who so wishes may buy nds ForYourChildren reamer! by Canada's lie!. • Loan Committee in cooperation with the It i ter of Finance of the Dominion of Ca get a start, tiie piII.•r will not 51,11141 in their any. It nuly 1W 5t,1 e1. 1111wee'14f, that among several thousand young tree,. which have lawn wrapped WWI building tater for years at the Experi- mental harm. Ottawa, there haves been practically 1111 instances where the mile have gnawed through the paper to get at the tree. The IOW of a wire pro - 1 at el.aiu t., el t .tom1 rector, or ons made t tln-er galva-nhted Iron. Is economical i the toil, ex nay - are durable. 1'iere are 14 'amber 'of washer; Sall Isdsona recto lll11elide(' for the protec- tion of fruit trees and the deetrul:lkwt of 11114 mirr 81111 rabbits, but none of these is every satinfartory. as. If the mile or rabbits are numerous. the £TRENCTHENFMI HEART RY PufitlrYlNg. TI4C 9L04iD STREAM If You Have High Blood Pressure You must be Careful ! Wben the Blood Pressure is much above normal, tbere is always the danger of the rupture of a blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain and pro- ducing a stroke, or in the Blidneys, producing Bright's Disease. Don't worry about it, jest be careful and guard against over-exertion and excite- ment, take— Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy to quiet and soothe the Nerves, to diaaolve that clay -like substance that forma In the Veins and Arteries and to increase your Strength and Vitality an thatoil can better fortify your bodyagainst disease and trouble, Better get a few xes uow, when yen think of It. Friar 60c a box, 6 for $2.60. Sold by all dealers or by mail posit paid. BEWARE OF CONSTIPATION, It la one of the ag- gravating canoes of High Blood Praetors. Tna inn drive out the evil nelson nosed by constipation by ming HACKING'S HIDNRY *HO LIVER PILLS. (Price lie, 6 for el.i, These two medicines go well -together and bring great harmony to the body. Be sure yon get HACKINO'S as no other kind or combination will be so auooswful. HACKING'S LiMITED Listowel. Ont. ss. HAciINGS HEART"'NERVE REMEDY poison haps not Mllffk•tent effect upon them to prevent injury altogether. The following rnethal of poisnling loss been found fairly Mue,'Msful for mice, lint rabbits are very diflRult to drat with: Make * 'mixture of one pert. Icy weight. Of arsenic with three ports of corn meal. Nall two pieces of board. each six feet long antl six invites wide• to- getherteo as to make a trough. Invert this neer the trees to be protected and 1111111/ 11 1/011I n tablespoonful of the poison ell)shingle. aunt p111 it lunar the middle of the run, renewing the {Mdsai ns. often 1114 Is ln,esMary. W. T. STAY!►1•N, liomtnlon Ifortlenttnrtat. A M.►RVELLOI'S SPRING. Hy W. T., b1 Onward. Hoek . probably In the eighteen s•ventil'k, when drilling for malt near where the ('.1'. K. station. ( iesllerk•II, (1141., stands, a surprising spring of'Min- realized water wets *truck et a depth of etMntt 223 feet. Following the boring down to the mit lied. the water Was useful for many years in dissolving the ma111M pretest, but finally, a1Mont 1x110, the well emoted to be used In that indus- try- However. crystal -like a1111 icy cold, the Now gushed-tipward, and ever slix'e has no continued *hour after hour and year after Feer for otarly half a century. At one time, when eontlued hy_piping, 1t would throw up a fountain .Irl'luu eight or tell feet high. het n Islrt breaking away the rise 15 now ten or 1de1y 1)1,1119. ,t cenMllt 1111 M111 a11111.11911- 111I'l•at1•11 the flow and rondnct It 111(1.- ward :1(1'w•ar1 at n rate approximated rat fifty to "seventy gallons (a(ule say more, per minute, aggregating millions of gallons In a year. It ival Is•1•u 11/1 111111 the Menexetutg Spring from the old 111d1a11 1111 11/O of fIVO Maitland itiver which em{ItheM Isar by. SltnlmPr• sJ,tliora, espechilIy, often refresh themselves with Its %%otters. Simple in 1111I11'11ral)4,•, I1 1M vyilhal our of nalur0 s 111tw1 1a•111'- flmeut wonders. From n 1111t 111W,•11 so111.1•e mwnel this great x1111 perpetual supply? Where is Its ultimate source and In what Ialworut„ry are Its meters impregnates) with ho,gnesl*, Iron and sulphur'' I1.'re are w'veral myostertea for 4hlwnrd readers to think about and ask st•Witt(Ml1 to explain. 11114 lotel tradition am them Its origin to Lake Superior, whence it mimeos by is snhter-4 ra11e1111 clinnuel, ■welting exploration by sonic imaginative dupes Verne on another "Journey W the Centre of {be ICartb,1e Adak 04/ t The Expert Automobile -_.- Finisher Opera House Block, Kingston St., Go.Ierkh, to open for all klnda of Car Paint- ing. elm Topa and Slip Covers re- paired and dyed. Call and see 111111 and have your old ear look IIIc new. J. D. KAY BOOT and SH REPAIR DEP Orders solicited for all kinds o� `Footwear Repairs Good work and renaonable prices Sande Ward & Son Hamilton street (stand formerly occupied by the Tate Them. Hill • The airtight package preserves their oven fresh- ness, crispness and panty. MiCkS Jersey Cream -Sodas Factory at LONDOTt. Canada. Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. Joha, N.U. £DVZZTIBE at T$s SIGNAL f? PAT1k -t tt.