HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-13, Page 5•••
rows. Tbe 11111111.1 41.1Veil 11)'114,1,1
)r(41 McLean, 1111e Ot lile 1111114.'11 girl
!serials, and Misr. Irene Long, niece of
(be bride. 'rlw happy cuprite left be
the ate
frnoon C. P. R. trate for Toronto
and oth'K
er inds alld 011 their return
will reside in 4 ;I •411.111.11. The 1/1411/1
TrareilAt u 141111 111
with" e 'nin‘el‘et a1111. 1414,0 'The
wedding elite %CIA' 111110111•OUN 111141
MOW', u testiwony to the esteem Id
whirl' the young couple are dreerytelly
Itelit 4 itw of the lwaidiftil primeilta
atm frolKilic choir of KM" of
Whirl& 4)1*'11114 1/eell tor *nue
years a %alms] member, bng eioleo
assiritunt organist. Tu.. er.,K, tis
Well a 1141 ileilallarlY 41141%11 ill llimierich,
having been 01,1•1111.1114 the Can-
adian forcem tor nearly three years mei
rwri.si Fn
ra.... tor eighteen 141411114.44
the :13n1 !tottery. A hint of friends,
with w 'rte Signal Join*, tetakr
hearty gooh
d wises to the young
A I...N. nt the bro.... girl friers's
gathered ut the i • or MISS 1.:Velyil
MI•1.011 11 0111. 1.%1.1014 last %eel: and gave
her "kitchen shower "
1 FOR11 TOURING CAR; 4017 *Wel, Fully
EqOpped, 1475.
1 McLAUOtt LIN TOURING CAR with Start-
er and Electric Llghta.
East Street Garage "Owned and Operated by a
Practical Mao"
GODER1CM - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Gloves
N OW wheu the cold days are
here, would it not be pleas-
ant to have a hot lunch? It is a
possibility if yod have a
See ottr large complete stuck
KITS Keeps hot 24 hours
Prices mese from $2.25 to $4.S•
11 Campbell's Drug Store
Tie ?soar Store
1 N • s IR
Cordes Corse Toilet Articles
So display of Suydam Calendars,
Ivory Goods sod 'Codas
ar thrtmomo is drawing" (nth • *
Hopes hi Open Next Week.
Mr. F. H. Martin is disappointed in
not being able to open his tai onng and
gentlemen's furnishings store this *eek.
the:interior work not being completed.
but he hopes everything will be in readi•
nen for an opening some time n. xt week.
Collegiate Entertainment.
*Mead, holding all eider- number ol years the proprietor
tiI4UI)'tIl 411 MotelaY, 1-1: British Exchange hotel here, was Mayor
"tbryalchwaidend caircl• manof friends.heldhigh
took plboit on Saturday. Novcaubm .1t,
Boulevard OsibMo, flrbfbelstiebbnr
at Trinny Ep:KOpal
couple left. immediately for the groom's
home at Oakland. California. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie were formerly of Clinton,
Anoiversary of the Great ILIA* Disaster
Sunday laet was the annIeersaleYr In the
dav of the month and the day 01 the
week, of the great racirns 01 Sunday,
November 9th, 1913, when two hundred
lives were lost and tnany stout ships were
rent to their dootn on the Great Lales.
No, a single person came asnore alive
Irons any of the foundered vessels. and
the exact manner of their destruction has
never been determined.
George Left Behind.
Slmething frightened the Canadian
Express Co. team while Dover George
McLeod was delivering a parcel on
Waterloo street un Tuesday, and they
ran away without him and up to the
office on the Square. Turning too
sharply at the corner of West street they
knocked down the electric light standard
in front of the C. P. R. office. and that
corner has since been in comparative
Death of Ex -Mayor Tilt.
Word was received yesterday. from
Toronto of the death of Mr. Thomas Tilt,
formerly of Godericb. The body is being
brcrught to Goderich and the funeral will
tak-e place to Maitland cemetery from the
G. T. R. station on Friday on the arrival
of the morning train. Mr. Tilt win foe a
llo ser‘cd 'Ithe 4' 1,111" or
!he Collegian. are aske.1 10 41,4•1 11.
Married at t'hirago. '
The marriage .of Miss Catherine E.
3.1C11:itsWe-m jairDenreon-Ledie
Oodd's amed
re the esiy
will curs Dia -
Kidney Owe tbis
betes. Lib*
Bright's Dim
isase was It)-
that without Doild's
itw:erriee.Pills they are
inst Dia-
Lighting laseknow.
The"41 lam•know1,4 ill dark -
nese these 1415114.4 tlw elimtzle plant tun
ing .litit 110W11 10 a dispute as
10 like owikership. All kinds of 0141-
fle 11111Q114•41 11/1“. 1144.11 )I"'°'.1 11110
,Werke, 1111 'rlie Sentaiwi aays : "Mr.
G. Drink% alter procured a whole lot of
Entail i t nuke, wiring, ete., at
4:0(1'4 -h -h. and did a la 1141-4M
14, 1111.ile
weswwwwwswewelat-iidillft- .4.4.1""'""'""e• bkr a few 'Wyk' installing these. They
g 1' ig n‘ery KINN(
rSat ifiii."
'Model Theatre ,-Tbblier ipui bucr3„mik-mirrw
regular meeting on Saturday evening,
November Kt 1. Members „present:
Messrs. Red (char; man), Galt. 'I om,
Long and Coed' hurst. The librarian re-
ported 1424 books and magazines issued
during October, and desk receipts were
IIKillds sir% Dothe .3 n Kidney
that ever cured Diabetes.
1mitations-1mm nameaad
pilnare advertised to do so,
but the snediciars that does
is Dodd's iGdoey Pals.
D.451', Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a bog at all
Lt -Col. H.T. Rance. of Clinton. as second
in command. It Is expected that the
poet of 'cantor major will be fined by the
appointment' of Capt. H.C. Dunlop, 01(soderich, and tJ:iat Lieut. A. F. Sturdy.
or Goderich,IMIT be given comesand of a
le -
%toles' Street l'hoir Concert.
117.56. Desk receipts for the past six
11113000001XXMCIII • • • • • • • • • • • • •
months e MU 39, and bookie issued
s113 A number of accounts were
ordered to be paid. The librarian gave a
brief outline of the work of the Library1 l ,
Toronto. Tbe secretary and the ,le Miellalet $11 111111V 111X111 *1141 flied III
Training School which she attended at i a few hours from. his injuries. '1'11.•
chair -
lest 3 - wae Kent to his parent). at Maratie
man of the tenni committee were in
..-NI.mday ufteruoou for burial.
structed to order the magazines a. ke was
tailed in Goole -
corning year. ' rich. speut last winter bere steel played
World's TreSperISSItY Sunday. im the town hockey team, aiiil wee
.1 very sleeve -mint suriday ....hoot 1 balking forward to opeamling the ,emtln:
rally 14*1114 110.1 lo North street )1011-1 winter hi Goderiel*. which li*t termed
,.dist chtinli on World's l'euiperance , -1:11..lwat muss inOutarki." The news
cintslaY• The a tf.'ndlowe Itself was an la his tleatICWIIIi'litieeliet1 here •with
hispirkstion and the program of thank..
glyiug rail Koine over tlw crest yietory ' ward 0 Tide %Am,
or the referlolmat was very much .',i-
' 1114' W. 1'. T. 1 wader who....
•iispiees the rally was beta), wishes tel
titanic all those 11 110 took part in the
program (kr in any way emitrIbuteei to
the siii-ce.o. of the aervIsV MINI ail... f 0
.'‘tress thanks for the sidenilid offer-
ing. Which was the largest .•%:er reeeived
at the annual rattly.
1 'THIS year more people
I theft ever will decide
on the photograph as a
Xhappy and most intimate
11 token to give to those whose
and cherish "THE MYSTERY GIRL"
1 Paramount Pieture
Make your appointment
Inendshtp they sestsh to hold lir
MOND11 and II:EMI/Al
new. •
•44++++++++++-:-:-+ X
J. T. FELLil
Fashionable Fatties
For Evening Wear
Our made-to-order , \
Pumps and Cella*
are of the latest styles.
They are made on proper -
fitting Punip lasts and in
widths to fit every foot.
White Kid. Black Kid and Pateat
Black Kid nod Patent Colonials
Y get a fit at
Hern's Boot Shop
of tlie
In Irteraft Picture
Solarised from the Plaj
'Pierre of the Plains"
A greatly enjoyed event was the choir
concert in Victoria street Methodist
church on Monday evening. Miss Henry,
rf Springfield. the reader of the evening,
proved herself popular from the fust. In
her Kentucky story, "Oh Minn," she held
the audience spellboundwbile the next
moment the crowd was in laughter at her
"Chikls Bear Story" The Blyth Quar-
tette also was well received, givine many
s Miss Mamie Warrener
ably, and Jean Chapman
favor t audience with instrumentar
solos. The proceeds of the concert
amounted to over $85.
"Frenehk" Killed at Port Colborne.
Louie 4 'atoguay, aged tWellt y r
ers. of \1 4l)' 4 Zull 'NM aecocit
111 441.' ,tisui.•r J. Fruter Taylor. wide,"
was dischargirig her wheat earn'. at the
Maple Leaf will, l'ort 4'4•11porne, fell
through a tuatcliway into the bold of
WILSON. - An old resident of Port
Albert was removed by the death of
Louisa Young, widow of the kite Thomas
Wilon. which occurred on. Thursday last
Thoriorlay, November 111, 1044) 118
HIM i$72
POSSIBLY you 'sic 'saving --•
1 'money to-day,.but are you.
saying all you might? Many
could double their savings de-
posits quite easily. Thr road to
fortune lies thrpughsaing. Take
stock of your savings possibilities
to -day. You will be surprised
to find hovv, many small amounts •
might have gone into the bank
instead of being lost sight of in
other dtrections
Godetich Branch -W. N. McKay, Manager
-., -
with the "budget" Rev, J. E. Hogg. of
Clinton, will preach at Knox 'church,
Goderich, and Rev. P. F. Sinclair will
in Goderich where she had resided the
preach at Willis church. Clinton. Mr.
Jest two years. The deceased was the Begg', titles for Sunday at Knox church
eldest of the family of the late James will be: Monung-''Christ. the Ideal of
Young of Port- Albert. Two brothers_ Ilis Church:" evening -"Forward with
Alex. of Port Albert, and William. of Christ:'
town- and a sister, Mrs. John Hutchin- 1 Wort* Inv* Methodist ('hurck
son. cf Loyal, survi . 44*. tuneral took
piece on Saturday kom the !some of Morning subject : FM. Religion.
Mu. 1Vm. Gainey, daughtef of the D""iet'.. '4"1"ia) $'I' :4 ii. Ai
deceased.. with whom she had lived in l''ltilitt sublert -The Mita of 1 z
Goderch. The intertient was M the .
Port Albert cemetery. ev. P. F -Sinclair North Street Methoelirit l'hurels..
conducting the burial service's. The eelebrated sacred eantata :by
SPROUL.-The death occurred at Ale a- l'ileb /Owner, en44.11111. -rt., Roiling
andra hospital. Goderich, on Wednesday, Seasons- 1)1114 reimlereit ly tiw ehoir
October 291h, of Mrs. David Sproul, of .( North etreet eimich List
West Wasvanosh, in her forty -tirst year. Susulasy eV4. •. A (in 611111' Nal. ill
She had been ailing all summer and was att,.taia,„.,. and 14wir r,,olition a lip.
which hoevr. Mel not have the desired •Iioral parts reflected 'ouch credit en
taken to the hospital for an operatinn.
VRIDA1 and S111 RDAY
.1 Drama of Thrille and
An Entertainaseat that Messed.
A very much interested audience saw
and heard Davis the Mapcian on Satur-
day evening in the bfasonic Tmple, in
the second of the series of Chautauqua
course entertainments under the auspices
of the G. W. V. A. The performance
was an exceedingly clever one. with many
amusing touches. and all who were there
were glad they -had nut missed it. The
attendance was not anything like as
large as it should have been. The mem-
bete of the G. W. V. A. are trying -and
so far have succeeded -to provide the
people of (,ode ,ch with good wholesome
entetainment, and their efforts should he
backed up by much larger houses for the
remaining events of the course.
At the meetIng of ta executive counct
of the Board of
Rev. Canon Hill. Mr. C Wurtele and e__11. Mr:: Benfloolfh and daughter of De -
Trade last wee:4, I Grace, of Mountain Grove, Mrs. Mitch
Mr. a . S. Bowden were app anted de e- Ti. Mich.
gates to the annual meeting of the Ontar o MtGuieE. - The death occurred on
Allocated Boards of Trade, to be held at Turday. November 41h: of Mrs. Ellen
Toronto November 20 and 21. McGuire. reltct of the late Patnck Mc -
The Industrial secretor reported that Gime. at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
T I Page Victona street after an illness
themselves and Jto• leader, Mrl‘eston,
effec. Mrs. Sproul was bprn' at oun• 1 'Elie soloduet arid .iiartette- wilislwrs•
"no Grove, n''ar Ktrlitton• her maiden r were well given and h
;Smile 'being Edith Mabel Godfrey. At 1.111 the devotional rharaeler of the work.
the age of eeventeen she came up to a was 44
farm near Dungannon and three yers
2.11. services •t North street Meth
tater was married to David Sproul. who mist Komday will I., ww
survives her, with nine children, John,
Marie. Howard, Andrew. Fred, Ella
Marguerite, Annie and Uovd, all at home
hut the two youngest. who are atthe
home of their grandfather. She is survived
also by her parents .and several brothers
and osiers. 9se was a woman tot fine
character, friendly, cheerful and indus-
trious. and was highly esteemed by her
friends and much loved in the home circle.
The fu eral took place from her home on
Saturday afternoon, November 1st: to
-Qungannon cemetery, the services being
conducted by Rev. M. P. Crag, assisted
by her former pastor, . Rev. G. Gomm.
now of Pine River. Theinallbearers were
T. McIntyre. J. Elliott. S. Shepperd and
,reliertir-shisong those pr. sent were Mr.
J. Godfrey. of Mountain Grove, father of
the deceased: a brother. John. of Wilkie, '
Sask: her sisters Anna, of Tornnto. and
follows : Chism-uwer M 100
Rand and kleiers Club at 10 41. ni, The
riot will diecrese -Wino 4-01a•
stitutes 4 loristlitet thing'!" introduced
by Kea. Mr.- Vont. Public aorship at
11.a. in_ and 7 111. Tlw 111K1.1.w 441
presieh at both Set1.141.4,
nu...ling .11 t 11.: "tab tal •
hoo rd w III Ile 111441 011 Monday c‘ I Jim
twit at 1.30 sharp. , •
an active campaign was being carned on
by correspondence with United States
Iola British firms with a view to *Oaing
Mein to establish. beanch factor* in
The Inland Waterways Conference, in
which thie Board is interested. will be
held at Windsor November Dith and 19t4*.
Reorganizing the Old 33rd.
A meeting of officers of the old 33rd
Huron Regiment. with a number of other
officers of (Jeerers, units, wps held on
Friday last at Clinton to currider plans
for the reortrannation of the 33rd Regi-
nunt. Lt.,Col. W. J. Brown. of the staff
01 district beadqaarters at London was
present to confer with the local eff;c r..
Lt -Col. IL B. Combe, of Clinton. is
the officer commanding tee rtipment,with
OF When The Day Is Over
in his
Second Million Dollar Pic
FRI. and SAT: this week
When the
cares and the
worries of
everyday Me
have dragged
y..-sto w a.
made you tm-
happy, and
there is noth-
ing in life but
headache, backache said worry, turn to
the tight pencription, one gotten up by
De. Pieroe fifty years ago.
Everything growing out of the ground
seems intended for some use in establish-
ing sutural codition. Dr. Pierce, of
While, N. Y, long since found out what
is naturally beet for women's diseases.
Be learned it all through troaneg theo-
rists of ems. The result of his studies
was a mseselne eelled Doctor none%
Favorite Prescription, This Medicine
lo made of vegetable growths that
asters sorely Intended for backache,
headache, weakening palm, Irregolari-
Ike, twassousasksis, sod for the loamy
disordr, eommon to woman in all ages of
lie. Dr. Fierce'. Favorite Prescription a
made of lady's slipper root, black cobosh
reek uninara rtiot, bilts eoboah toot and
Oregon grape root. Dr. Pierce knew,
whoa hs fast mode this standard asedl.
ciao, that whiskey and morphine are
halom, sad so he boo always kept than
oat of his rososdies. Womea who take
tiii. gumbos 111111S34y how that in Dr.
Mends Favorite Presteiption they ars
otstiag a oafs somas's tante *0 (004 dist
araggints ,,..rota as ll it, in livid or
Ill baba los.
Public SeGel-Board.
The monthly meeting of the public
school board was held last wek.
Principal Johnston's report for Victoria
school for October showed 366 pupils on
the roll ‘181 boys and 185 girls), and an
average attendance during the month of
333 BM oys and 168 girls). or ninet
one per cent. The penny bank depoeits
were $88.47 and number of depositors
For Central school Miss Sharman re-
ported 183 pupils on the roll t90 boys and
93 girls) and anseverage attendance of
171 (445 boys and 86 girls), or ninety-three
per cent. The penny bank deposits
amounted to 86222; number of deposit-
ors, 153.
of a few days' duration. Deceased was
bons in Toronto Gore but moved with her
parents when twelve, years obi to the
township of West Wavranosh,*reshe
resided until the death of her hothead
about eighteenmonths ago, when she
removed to Godertch She is survived by
Iwo daughters, Mrs. Page of town, and
Miss Roeemary of the Alexandra hoap, al
staff; one sister. Mrs. "I roy, Anglesea
street. and one brother, Mr. George
Brophy, of St. Augustine. The funeral
took place on Thursday mCening to St
Peter's church. requiem high mass being
sung by Rev.: Father McRae. after which
the remains were conveyed to St.
Augustine cemetery, where a large
number of old friends hat- assembled to
pay their last respects to the departed.
Rev. Father Moran officiated at the
S'anIts. PrIenele of Mr, George 14.
Maul" of Wioldbeg Iforinerty Itolle-
rich, and brother of the Messrs. 41. J .
anal Walter Hulls of Jamul- will Navel
to learn of Ile 111•11t11 of lib...wire, whiets
occurred on 4 lobeThe %W1&
peg Free wade the foth.wing
'The 14 11114 ttttt Ot the death of
Mrs. It II Moults, whnh OreUttell ilt
her late residence, 97 Sif.111; atteef,
Will' 41111141 um a ,procannawsl shork to a,
large 4•ircle cf friends and acquaint -
awes. Mrs. Saiilts came to Willailleg
over tidily live years ago, and during
the Intervening years tuts timer an ex-
tetedve neipialittaisa•, all of Wlioati
her in the highest eSteell). She was a
former resident of il'arleton Ont.,
wh••r• she leavem a brother, Ileorge
Leslie, to her loss. Two sisters
noble in WItantlieg-Mra_il-W. Buff-
eters and Mrs. W. M---lemeires, -Iterrielet4.
lo•r hinds, 1141 nett known throughout
Weetern ruoarla in the printing aral
publishing !liminess, three daughters
surviiI, 1 1111A1, 1V/411e 144111 1114191, :0
W101111 condtpletwes are being extend's!
by their malty fiends.
TI r" was,, very large 11 ite11411111Ce
of 14 afri .,r emu torktnikial
associates of Mr. Swills at the f iiiii •ml,
which took pheee trim' the (amity resi-
dence. Spence sfieet, to Eleiw..wi
Tho. Mery kr" 1)14.' 1411-
,111111A lly Ker. !Sron II. Staceer.
paskor of I ent ral '41144 rega 1401181
chtirch. nod Ilev. Dr. W. A Alatelean.
pastor of St. 'tiles church, both sit 410(
awe and al the grave. The little
bearers were : IA'illier 14•401,
I'. Walker, .111111 SIOV11, Arthor cone-
tickHerbert Sellrs and P. W. Wartwr.
14r. Moult(' tool greatly endeared laer-
slf to Wide civic of friends during
lwr long residence in this city, her
generous friendly nature 1,1)41 consistent
4 liriutiali chararter h•aving behind her
a memory a'att.h 7.•'1! 1' "'°' 5..• f“,-
gottt•ts by those who bad the jy of lier
Donations Acknowledged.
The following donations were grate-
fully received at Alexandra hospital
during 5 k•tolier : Two pails of 1 •y,
Friend; 2.4 4111/1rt Jar. of pickles,
fniit and Jelly, Mrs, Gortion
4'011511w townhip; (dm, lama. else
very kindly inside !several uplarta
apple jelly for the hospitarl, the latter
snpvlying the sugar awl jars ; 17 hot tilm‘
snit' anti 111 1111411 tonietoes, Moe
51111111.y ; apple. Mrs. Kelleht•r peilr of
Vk 111401694 ION 10,0 M, tki it ford lied l'ross;
11111f-gn11011 of hay rum. 111r. it. W..
tioncit ; bag of applesMr. 111tvld
Spnnl; liasket eto•h of pears *aid
tomatoes, Mr. Isafie saikeid fin jars of
fruit, pleklem 111141 jelly, unto honrinet of
flowers mid a fg.ilr plelirw awl ;apples,
from , 44asareem chime!' litinday
WI111111: *egetablee. tir. i tc hel I
elie•trie beating -peel, Moo. 4'. 1'.
kTlw North street church
VIII he liekl the ti.-' t•hiday In 1 ha
her. Rev. 1)r. tite forme, ' ' '
pastor, will pri•acii •
- --Pas-eaceptoal oder in.
styles, at greatly re-,
4uceci price&
Many of the season's
newest and most correct
models, of excellent value,
in Velvet, Beaver and Vel-
our Hata.
Regular $7.50 and $151 lor
Regular $10 00 and $12.00 fur
• s
ChRdree's Hob at reduced priies
„We like to make portraitof men, and
many men prefer is& an we ,'eels to
on/mem (bat Isseinty which enables tia to
nutty bring out: character and ipelivid-
Pbone lis for alaappoiatuwat.
u. est.Lows
Straiten -Goode.
A pretty annum' flank pine. -
ad the 11411114. of Mr. anil 111r14, Wm. 11.
1.111411.,, V let or ia met , oaTui”.114y.
November lIth, at 11 onork, wine'
their yonnger elatighter. l'enr1 Viotti.
became the bride of 51r. Jaime. Ales -
a ilfler St ra t 011, P011 of Mr. 95111 Mrs.
.111111 St 1'1011111 441 tow 14. The eeremiiiiy
wits conibwred hy Re. it. C. Mellermid
beneath so arch of evergreens beauti-
fully decorated It:1th flowers and flags
and banked velth palms. MP bride,
wank given awn,. by her father,
looked very charming in a gown of
Ivory ulticla•ma satin draped with gaskr-
'tette and trimmed with 'diver illee awl
.0.114 pearls. Slo• "•arrikst laandonint•
holowet of whit.. 141•41”1 151141 fern. Mrs.
John It. Long, sister of the %vas
ttttt trio. of 'swo5 awl wore a .44/1).4 of
Wow"' stri's' satin and carried a
of pink 0 -amnions and fern
no. new Ailif•ria•an wedding march 111111
playral by Miwc Irene Long, hiere of the
hrlile, simi played very softly and
weedy during the signing of thi• reu-
niter. Tlw grooms gift In Mr pianist
was a lisinelsonw gold har pin set with
pearls After congratulations all pnr
took uf 14 Rumen:mum dinner. the tables
below prettily klecorate41 with maple
leaves, crtiointlieumnis. raruations anil
11111119 11. The Ivediliint calor, loolieel very
tempting sitting in a nest of vititte
Kingston St. - Godericb
In oodq - Land
II il lissinsimisamingstislsissinsi
"7/t Unpnoular Christ- and, "Man's
Prergative" or " he Hope of a Soul"
win be the themes considered at the
Baptist el urch n<v Lord's Day„._ Bible'
isebool at 3 o'clock and B Y. P. U. at
8 o'clock.
Sundely,Novembr lath, is "Field Day
in the Presbytery of Hurts in connection
e Flavour
.•••••." 1 s, ,
1 / I
„s ., 'I ›„,...." 0 y,e ..,... 4 ..... ., . ••••• /
. .
". 1 ..."--
• r