HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-13, Page 4• • • ✓ e& , November 1919. •••., EDNAL - -: 00D131011, 01IT. • JAKE! Here's a style for young men that Is Jake -just right and up-to-the-minute. And remember that there are plenty clothes makers, but very few style makers. You take no chances when -you buy 2our-7_----- CenturyBrandclothei They've proven t ir worth beyond . t shadow of a daub That's why we sell them. 20th Century Brand, --451" Trousers at $2.00 less than preset value Since buying My stock of 20th Century Trous- ers the price has advanced $2,00 per pair. We h Ave not raised the price on that account, how- ever; Ave give the - benefit Ili oUr custorneri. _ fer. Fine Worsted Trousers, sizes 32 rd 44 Worth $to.5o, for .........................$ 8.50 12.00, for 10.00 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY iSc WALTER, C.-PRMHAM SOLE AGENT FOR Nth CENTURY AND ART CLOTHING BORSALINO HATS Phone 57. Goderich A/AIRFIELD PAth TRUK 'fit iirr lase again. and " • - umthat we lansent MUM manisjim mix Ram sig mum min TO max Natimas with you for your fallen,. comrades; Wei ocnusessit if that were possible. • libui weproud tO note that you is . A trriwelitillUa eruild fathead id that rem more mialY lihe" "Wu When YOU Ni Agrirotturai Hail, ID•oigmaamm. do bow emeg etweje:i Wilt We Wie exittwimig ....„ cloy aftyrottou---the anassamagy d drat things film you. WOI kuuwthIlr XI : • Analettgg Hey --to witawir ta, pier oat the ambit spirit nod urged you,to lag mitatioa a ambit.. by tbr sainias" air 'mu, wit/ ;nano- you to the front in mi council to AshIllekir islidarts. A teal usir sweeeful emieuvors to tusk-, the a , .. program' was carried wit whir% we Jima 41u things iu this life: and that ' will ...WM lls how to attack ail the have not *twee to mule 61111116 tilt' eek. and the futiosnag addIeek was read by tiw tos twin" cirri OW Ashield le how mita millwes. tine short year ago nodal Poi 041* far from herr. solar a tar sof* um rat hig into Mama- mem taw giro 'waged against the' dew ow flirt hattlenelna. rad sow ragionor gookame the tan from Faiglielt maw Teed relative's. swerthassta fr aid neighbor". itt Asailleat arra 111= for a speedy end to tow are and loos, saingminary was to ell keeITION: awl for y4ots safe return bow iiiwtr constant titought red revered agepies bud followed you from lbw onto Polinoo noltly all uusrigsiny edisswil IWogs uniforui. and torr reports warded WWW from day to dry of year foosteas *ma ill tile awful war ageamel elleillkled. must unprincipird aril writ haideetr dUicalnes that we uta' meet (luring was assaolous period reinstating eareriver fully suer more in the arts of Were Amid ia conclusion we humbly ask each ,it you to receive from us tills aud fad) as a boLell from all the Pieflear 14 Aidatiekl, without one dbl. voice. of their appreelation of year weft Urea. and of their respect fele year Outlawed. and of their love to you. We that while you live the sight et- rld• nodal wilt recall hamar thoughts of home and people. and whoa. you hate heen promoted to .re - re's.. tar great reward of a- nobly rapoo life the memory of your gallant Ithr will be kept green in the hearts of it deerreda tits. We earnestly wish per each *ad every one your full anamaurr of the good thiugn of this life orldeh Yon no richly deserve, and a item reuulou with your.milant coin - fuethr Ir9rtd i'.-0 racier aid all your friends %lieu you withpride r...nal "I" " have made the crossing of the areut " Prldr Ye•gr 4;yvet River. ijI nchl.•4 emeno• and starve tor film MIIMMUMNIMMICKNOMMIN • • -"Mg- ri INKININIMININININNINININNIN•1111111111111111111•1111111111111111111NUJNINININ • Novemberi -the Monihi for Furs tut 11 • rdshoa, pet, agn.n. mareamoi,1 Migned 041 isdialf of each citizen of wounds and destla Arts:Relit hy ItAl.TIV.V. Reeve. a - - One torr Itotoad) 11.111 WWII Tolle 1.1111pt. ALI.EN. Clerk. a .1 'pinata eUttipicles• grow Ore di porta A rlICRN. why the buyers at McGaw are able to WITUNILSDAY. Nov. 12. pay a cent or two more for grain than they can get in the county town. If •tr and 'Mrs; Thol--Ariderson, Of -either place -has any advantage it is el, dere% 1001101119. and Mrs. Newcombe. Goderich, with its two railways. This is 4 sidench. Weal Sunday with relatives something for thekoargt of Trade of the her• county town to Ion into. Mr A. Jackets' moved the houset. Morning Star Lodge, No 309, A. F. north ul the olvarkto his residence last and A M has elected officers as follows: eget to 6e used es kitchen. The reap tato; e t• to finish the sem011.11 crop of apphs the rid of this wee*. Mi • Prost is visiting her sons at Nevem,' at prevent. Mr. John Wagner. 4 Turanto. is narrate', two weeks wait retatives here. Mn efts Shaw and, Master,Gilbert. of Tominto. me visiting the fortiMes father, Mr M " • Mr Writ Ferguson and -Mr. •E\,,, Mole. ol Susiorth. open( SundaY in the Take- meeting on Monday to •••ind up t W. M., VI'm• Straughan; S. W.. Ralph Munro: J4W.. W. T. Sallows: secretary, R. M. Young; treasurer, Harry Shields; chaplain. Li. I. Hetherington; tyler. Ernest Robertson: His old tntnds in Colbhme are glad to note Mr. Proudfoot's appou tment to the Senate. Mr. Proudloot is a Colborne "old boy." and got his first rudiments in No. 1 school. A CREDIT _TO SMITH'S HILL. - The reteallaelleuelnelle• ldi rs to a - of 4 aunt R. nets 110 thelloir In. is the list of so e striking lu haimesair TOM law allase slim or to their relatives • he at brace soldiers •4 the Kiitgaze.•11111 tile ,.loseetted to•MT NI. lustful eueley to air lame kw ler last time. *hot Imp ION de/ spread it•elf from Eassmir. WORT011 all tlw ci%ilmed ample.. ell Ibr and oh' bow p.m& rased rejoiced !Mu year haul hay wee ended. aid that at how ler/ raid amni assured .1 out Bumf dee* mile in all the glorious harder. sad weld- lege• our nor heel -.end Ilse lira throughout the ages levy sle with out. sertird 1.11or ”1181111 hot ymir honiecioning. Sils. thud dap meg huve been gredurity sons Met so No awl wr have done fief Wilk Orirolbe you and to soar ,.m 1ort • Wier shot we do appreciate your gems liato Wirojo us and to .11 holmim, wed that ••• acknowledge our are& Arlo gran tilde fur your Olasell•-• God MOM eondlict. Thiougasal vier mu. wee and tuorr *Wort, eve 4. 4by hoor o. Seen how ler* warty • me Co @SWIM. that had low tlie re Immo • area filled the breach irmitetial thwee. ee headed tlw at 10/10, relIWWI places. had even the was nem Amaral shirked their Jet, at the limes em should have led ter vIdlen, eiwa saushil today be ugam ere know peaptee ter mercy to our laird moo NM ,tag a 'senile*. fee. Throughout the mew am Mime has hewn • stewed, evwele. beam neer the towasbie at aahillead Mat ma - withstanding the hearer orison. to your individual homes dell elm Wel rreeptions nristAn• his iseermge. an a whole °wow' row •• •ammulallmi Mt Its gratitude Haase n, helm ewe awe toshiy to rejoice ou tams sommser• nary of Aredelive Deo lee have invited ail the sohismo roma awalketel who could conondeorm de ae mem with u• for •n boar of ••4011•111... sad managers of Smith s Hill church had p Re Thos. Acmstomg arrived \borne business in connection with the repairs from overwas last week. We are, •111c1 to we him home again. Mr G F. Yungblut is away on' a hur ,rg trip in Parry Sound district. that have been going on at the church for some time and have now been com- pleted. . The building has been renovated mile and outside. a new furnace has been installed, and the ccngtegation now an edifice that in pot of appear - sere to be presented . Them Wise Get te France terse Johnston Goa Bluer Gm. Blue Ralph Bueglass Kiwood Drennen Donald Finlay sun lease uley Seat ty Giboon Meredith Graham - Stanley Hayden 111fred ilefford Wm. liefford 4 'Immure Henderson' I to' la Henry Melvin O'Reilly Wary Reid • caw Revitt W. it utidock watery tritelny rry Bellamy Chas. Searle Balfour Simpson 'a nun litot ben t'a nwa blather* deo. *miry Harry Welker • Frederk-k Illeesenwere Willie • rye ma it Wiutrens 11111Men imo Hunter Clare Irwin Notae Johnstou Fre nk Jones la rem-, Free Moe McGee Alexander McKay .% le a 10 ler McKenzie Hector McKenzie lionald McKenzie Kelso. McNay W. Moore Freest Nell Ileum illemienee A lex Peale rsou we wish to take •Masampe 4 the !Ler . Fa titer 'lomat" Atm p• prernit to fir .4 mg weenied I theca Mc Kay soldiers, aisJ to tn.. Immo*. we odes eamuel Jones relatives 01 est %nom • Moen Arthur Holland token of resseedsesies 4 IAN. day II Is. ..f cowrie, not poolohie ha sr or liar • win Glazier llotoe Who Got it, Eaglald Cana& to adreastrur emommemis rim Mervin 'oo• n for your servierw tall toe ewe ham 1.eli Cranston the cows 'mailer. of doer NEW allums. John t'unnInghams all dangers brandy tem& ead the reniktee run...inertia's enemy overvonve Mid WSW We redid Wiitr•rt Drennen end the right worm. to hallip impirmie Benin min Fehr our great reYereeer kw yea we heaver 4:rorme you would own rotarusewsw trosotrot at mortals- lied welt toe memo roe 1 n1'1". "1"" I errs' Free 1 r 1.. are you not • pert 4 net lIrtor Green little Canadian anti! Net ea hulked the foe aml teemed keef Philip Mecarthy Henry McKenzie to defeat • 1141 reestereettall hem. not advertined ease& Or wooer Ploy Myt•rs Albert Shackleton s the Mane of cow taw hra VIM nalet LOYAL. most reuratmasted. masa amOsawesel ince and convenience -is a great credit Os. un,s• gorapr,,up upaul,,„ ale ego 4oimn Wontilry - WEDNESDAY. No. 12 Wm. Miller them. The expenditure has been nearly ,n „1„, The weather has been exceptionally "SOI) and all has been paid except in parthl&r. renweet old eseently lite Meek Dem, favursble for farm work this fall. Our $.00, anti this will be collected within the i raaada „as ogia, _ formers are pretty nearly through with next two weeks. We might mention that I gave back frost the amellamgem 4 the "'""on the plowing and the roots are all gathered a fine riew titt Mt has been. donated by „a„my. artan aa., ea...N.4 a .titessl stelae Mr. Andrew A. Yotmg, a veteran mem- position that they *3 113 eel eregineee' Fresterkk Steele farm tin the 'Jth concession to Mr.' John Mr. Clarence Potter has rented hull ber of the- coegregation. THE NEW GOVERNMENT.- We are glad me, Haven't yon Cals. today the -e• too•nla whke all liberty llemlee e:neet liendelson William Nelson Snell and wilt go to Detroit to try Cityto see that the U. FO. leaders are taking people, of the world , se, utelieleir i‘rn"1.1 life for a while. hold of things vigorously, and we hope 10 ymi TN", fl000lpht „mid to, Amboy- Burrows Mrs. Vareoe has returned from tter nment well conducted under I e „ind„ne nouh that 414. wag .t men :orik•n W ter Its Oar from a Vittornt Kirk )(Want. ltota-rt iiittnen John Cook 4db...tided In 4.••••4'atim4ti • mad to Toronto and Guelph. _ Mrs John Young has returned t hree weeksjrka1 totalatives et The eortirelation of Stnit 'a- ‘Cenvre Huron. Govenoc . tor 4 a member of the Farmers' their control and to have a continuance atin vim h.„.„0.1. ow wee f the good times which the farmers.have Anhfieht is proud of you rut avow 101oeen enjoyinW enjoying of recent years. e are confoicor that our representative " '47; tot mow a= et. In foreign leads ! owe weft church were glad to we co Rev. R. J. Ross on his return from ailly hia in the West. kev. J. Aryery. Londesboro', will • preach in Smiths Hill church next Sun- day afternoon, his subieet being the Forward Movernent. TM farmers around here are wondering arty. Will goie his assistance to the new hare nor retanied. • Mm r tPle tovernm tit ithi:onducting the affairs of 'ire "TY ""'" IWWWWID and i)ther mar gad deer 091111111101110 ego the Province. an, left here derrafterc. Plee AMU Ow - x _-_- day. (.1 11 *AWL tap MIS. MIRA EdarahIa' ndy 144 the kind you like.! Empire •ropwed lee War. eke forilleved Always...ttrah att_pare.. 1 Iwo minor.: lissallo. 1111.111111111111. lie memory of Minor ewrownir unin ten i I bwrys who WM Aram Gear *We IS x:c<542ccccc)cocxxxxxxxxxxx)Dc lisGoderich Board of every possible effort to try to induce American and British This is said to be a most opportune time to put forth manufacturers to establish branches of their works' at iifolerich, and the Industrial Department of the. Board is now working bard along this line. If any member, or citizen, has any suggestion to offer, or the name of any prospective firm or firms, will he kindly assist by conferring with the Secretary's onkel YOU CAN DOMINION IN TEM WAY. November 13, 1919. • am order that we saw_as en. -I:renter love hash so ama *NM MK n isylaws Mn W• Oat Ms friends.- Slid we 4,, rears "WM WWI Menem,- their woralliort J1ehSeh3 is lesetty proud et tisit noble sons who fongte emega, proud of throw who seem foe. •nd • hundred times/ MAW mvand • of her glorkpira ,had who dad Pa the service of himianityf*0..* 10 the footsteps of their (Trio, We snot sot violins Oust t15.7 sire Med. hid remere that they were rosolemed emerter et the sacrifice. And now if you opeeter• 1144, field on your retort' Mee Imiodl she folks at home .,whet awe grrestw. 111101, eed aellinTIMOR nettled and AhoetiolieetrIll pee itammo overlook that awl lay tte MOO to the war? They mem warted 10seeees. inerly as ii the peer OTT ran. arid the extra wort. with the. wargellew Tice worrien. the seiwerme and emsergaerame incidental to the wet. hies 111111Weet affected thelr nervous "MAID 111 mweis the name way me the lasellsless et TM hattlehehts 410 meow flee *We se aortas OWN' Didier 1/11140 at meow sertictina sr reoneen7 Tea Mow giro are ait a ormonstra tete people• let thee rather ten Merle Wee 10 1010 Air real y *heti we ast, net we relettirroo frettaem, hes me sit s• ••• • • UR showing of Furs for- the coming • season has never been better. We are "wing all the most popular styles In / 7 Quo ity Furs that will give thorough satis- faction. The st k Includes Beaver Sets In cope effects, Hudson Seal, Tasmaln Coon. Australian Opossum, Alaska Sable, Coon and Red Fox Sets. Alt marked -Alt keenest prices. White Thlbet and Iceland Fox Sets tor Children and Misses. • . WOOL SETS FOR GIRLS' WEAR Our showing this season of Cap sad Scarf Sets in all pure wool is very esteastve Our range includes all the latest colon ta the newest styles. These are Indeed the most comfortable and dressy seta w• have • ever shown. Priced from $2.50 Set EXCEPTIONALLY 'LARGE SHOWING Jr OF POPLIN SKIRTS a a the All' \ DUNGANNON. X - 100 pairs Penman's W amen .0 Ceritahrte fit- , Hose, all sizes • IF' - It is many a season since the separate Skirt has been so much in demand W. have just opened up a shipment of the newest styles in rich quality Poplins in black and navy, all Sine from 24 lo 32 waist measure. Away and by far the nicest Skim we have ever shown. Specially priced from $5.50 up. RIFEST IN BLOUSES. Samizews Nam el Georg.tte specially nenelig ter the Ilabday $eason, in all the WNW litany are handsomely ess. OHM' fro. $1 50 up IND it Al UES IN COMFORTERS red Ma=are just nicht for a We are thowtng a Map III t year a prices. I Illeilersble sawing Chintz pram tarp mu bort cotton Ow 16 SO to $10 00 each. sad down INAlahmak • ollsbrased U./11A Down Whs.•111114 re a flasher sad as warns an tout Musatitzl Alsigne Lane double 011111. 111/50 each tooW a • • a , \ \ a 4 II Our alterations are nearing completion aad when Iiii have the largest. INNI , 111 brightest and Most up DAMS 119191191111 1 IN 111 IIMMICCIONWOMMXISMannanNUMMUSIBMiWWWWWIMMINMX \ i an. Thiireday. November 13. Ralph MINI Rev. T. A. Stead - min made • trip to Petrolia by motor ow Tuesday. lleserw. Bean and Squire arP ?ICfl 'Tam iltratford repairing cables for the /11030111110P Illirotart Moore has purchased two tots tram J R. MeN•bb. Harold Sproul is home fmni London. whole, he underwent an operation. He Inners One Thew A lien has mit plate glans fronts is ha new building. It looks good to ""ei-n"H"An` N1,11nre unheeded a cur of *v.? at kle4:aw 4114.week,. 154o• Daher was home from Wing - bare on Toesday. The Morton Band of Erskine church le having a encial evening on Friday of thie week Mr and Mrs. S. II stothers. of Clin- ton. flatted •4 ttte home or Mr. Thos. fitother• yesterday. Arwilatice ifty Oar oimerved here in the saner preweiihed -4he stoppage of wort for two minutes at 11 o'clock- aiM in the •fternnon and Peening tte gemematiow to the Anhfield /soldier* tore pile", as aleserthed In "'nether Tenterday an Mr. R. J. 1thrain, of the Mk ennevost.lh of Antifiehl, Ivan stemlat nu the road nese Ow cemetery be took a tweak spell and fell off the Med. etriking hip head on the wheel • nd rotting it rather Imdly. He was astried Into Mr Reid'. la4 nearby e el afterwards taken home. and today 1 )Ci s • It It---_ -AR= Rosiness 8 &M. to 6 p.m. Sourdsys 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. IN 0.4 . PHONE 56 Millar s Scotch Store PHONE Sli • <. . ... X X X The Leading Phone and Mall Order Store IN _ 1 1 111111111111111111111111X1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1111•1111111 is reported to be ret41%:ered. • Death of John .- A former well- I, know!' lowitteme-putia of Dupgannon. 't Victor Graft. Enema. to here the permorl .1 John Iles. died at Lon- in g fled acqvginismi, ...m......••••••••••••••••• Pt 'ET A Little, Wearsiose. Nov. 12, 04 visiting relatives at Brant ord renew, .14 tow Moon and Mitt Filen Draper. ,-4 that Mrs. 1 hostas Genies . tr . omit UM I. "4"41. the past week With fella ims St Crewe Colorado. called on Mr mid Mr• Wm "111111). Mr and Mrs. 0. Wadies, of Mow. "1"1/1 iliceirtaki 0:::7-1g 710 ownoters of t :GMraIrthey TMeW,Dtdiraky.toinaltwOnlimet+TheraSsill"isthe 116111. d "'II". ."7"iliblt MIIYI.;Pin;t411 I Mt. and Mr.. John Fehoeohals of *older eyeshot. Nov Culinsintonrm. r.andHstesnli:howir‘fitrada. arrplv che:mothainess 7010inctiobeiz iretorameetine a the . Tea COUNTRY W try Women's Corte -The nintuirrt we -e here ,e a visit 0 We "WV 1 11/ENIROOS Were, added at the 'pectin'. don. ont.. on the 4411 inst.. after an 1114Wss t•xtending- titer s • months. Mr. linen was. born in England and rime to Canada with his parents w lwn 14 yotiug 4h11.1. the family nettling in this county. On reaching nmiabood Mr. Hawrptrant4+•••••••••••cila.tila and. after condor -Ong general store at Arniow he 1111114. to Dungarioon and for some 'yea rs 'was 011e of the leading nierchn of this place. Then he moved to Kin, •-araine fund engamd In tinniness tbere. selling nut soma years ago to his son In-law. F. W. Templin. Four yertre ago he removed to London. He wa• a Liberal in polities and all active lwr dpf the Sletlitalist church. Ile Is 4011"Vil-ell by bin wife. four sons aml three daughter... : W. liihm , of Mich/ate; John, of Viinconver : Lloyd, of Red ttect. Attn.: icRoy. at home: Mrs. F. W. Templin. of Kincar- dine, and the Wisest l'earl and Alin.. at home. The remainn were interred at London. No•eother 17th. Gr. G. esthete' arise. will he pnownt Plethem. of (Tinted. -diatetet Ned - mut will maw moring 34 in espies !Captain. !tethering - Direly Will be pre•thst .u. A Enrerl *1114 I and outside heel* one cordially weIS Mare. 11 Owed Cheer flub te a preariewrive Driver's on Wed- . _ 19, from 9 • KINTA1L. Tumidity. November 11. Mr. and Atm._ gorrion Drennan •re home from the CVest Miss I.. VVIlla, of Port Albert, wart the guest of Miss Irene MacDonald for (111 Week -end. , titian Tette ( 'a r ri et • of 'met now , Visited frietwls here last week Miss floosie Markenste. of Kinkier, was home for the week -end. Miss 1:rare Mtokenzic, of l'ort Albert. la vislting frlettd• met relative, here. Miss Alberta Beckett repent • few Toronto. and Mame anri Wallace Cell- logii woo well attended 414 three new fat twr- wfx) 45 WI "Of (winT se fast 1111 Ill. . Se4eril matter, of botanical were (Se- inen& would like to we. .1, ----WW Me-- 1 the 'Orion church Women's Meirionary The Mort called et MI. CINIed. A vote 4 thanks Mis tendered Society kw the kind invitation given the members et the Club to meet 'with them at thaw thankofferieg meeting. The pro - or -instated or a readingqn Lloyd Kenzie's and left a little girl. Cogent- ulationt. Mrs. and Miss Mary Mckenzie hre returned from their trip hi Vancolaver. Fort William and other proofs. • ge. giving a number interesting Our well-known merchant. Mr. Harry e„ala connected *aft his career by Hayden. ha* told his hutment t:, Mr. m.a, sturdy; a resiting by mra. Ilan. Geo. Ball. of Burlington fien. Wo WrIerraOrromlnorto , eadoteiree.tvic. h 'Whatlravearionwe we gwoodowiensut gong to; lassie and at the lame tree v. widocitn• Mn. wilt.corwr,, Wert much (0 the Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Our new merchant is ,aujureasue 7.4 -the meeting by a returned soldier, basing 'erred overseas: two beautiful old gongs; Mn. Andrews scin htheoenPorthats. Albert mint mill this sinter. , reala mans haruem°r'tni.:1141oen°qV"ticl(Mizieloi:tiherarrItien. 041 How for three years. Mr. Geo Richardson intends INTRITIR ;' giros% Hiroestrnawoverinnillelyrutincayt:denklittropperretwelunwdi. for Mr. H. i 101(-4 of the regular afternoon meeting isv week I fee OM month the meenhers and their husbands are invited to meet at the home 0011ERIc11 ToWNSHIP. • Country Wornen'• Club and their friends et Mn. Chat. Whitely Thursday evening. Ow 20th, A p. m The twertiMrs 4 the • - Vresinewitny, Nee 12. I h Id en enyoyntile Hallowe'en Party at • t i Grote, (4*. Sea 4.6. -Th. r, miefl.• ! ,P.e home of Mr R. Andrews. and Iw* fifth Is 4'411 Ile Strait* Starthall and I Mr. and Mew Andrews tor their Mr sos ammawmamearremoo. ala • • i days In OoderIch hista week. iviefal even., tia.ghe orange Hall, Oh sonmparawerpro