HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-11-13, Page 3a
tiketrh of a Fortner Huron Hoy In
"Rural Canada."
PATH, specialist m .oxen's and children'
Macute, chrome and nervous diseases, eye
ear, soas..d throat, partial deafness, lumbago
aa% rheomaisc cond,uons. Adenoids removed pespoo
t the knife. t)ece at «.dens, corner
and 8t. Andrew's streets. At hams sectmtre. Thursdays and Sode m. any evening
to Tambo Univenaty. Grsd.mte
al of Dental Surgeons.(l.c�smar tie late Maloe Side. Mess caner
N ome and Wast street. Codencb.
Boa at Godericb. All .nstruct,oir by mad ae
eft at Sternal Office .,11 be promptly attended to
.rexdeoce telephone t 1 v
TER, *abettor, notary pubis 001ee
Street, Gadertdi, thud doer trots
Trent lands w loan at lowest rat. a
PUt`.LlC .
Oecs-starW4rwi�.Bahia FIVE: Hamilton Street
G.dtrcb. Telephone UM
Weed Estate. Loon and llvora.sa -
Oleo w the Seisms, second (loot h.. IIaIa
oa Stasi. Gaderich. - - ----
/dues foods to loan at lowest rNaa�
W. Paooarooe. K C.. J.l t'r_COaits
H. J . D. Coosa.
44wRlSTLR, eitteeney. sobnuu. etc., 1oder•th.
leaned at lowest rate.
d . CITOk, Bx
AxlbTElc, SOL-
ICITOR, net public ane conveyancer.
t Hamm. Goder,ch. 1,40-42m
law/IAlts:r u,aNS�. RC.,
iliAl'l(: 1 CO. -Farm and rotated moo prop.
sal hen-J.a Cny1r. Pres.. Gederich P. 0.;
take_osa�- Vice -Pr.► lieacbwood P.O.; Thome*
sassyytas.t7�•Ha . Sec-Tros. $ealortLLP. 0.
Directors -D. F. itcGto or, R. R. No. 5. Set
girth. Jobs G. Grieve, No. t, Walton; Witham
R. 8.Gm. 4 SsCartn y. ]oho beo. 3.5se,
trod • Goo. McCartney. R. No. a,Ss.-
eeti. oilers Ferns, Harlock; Makdm Mo-
aweo. Ctmtseo; )scow Evans, Beachwood; Jaw
r. Godench.
Aasot. J. W. Teo, Godenca; Ale:. Leitch.
a_ R. Na 1, Clinton; Wdlum Chesney. Seeforth;
IL Hiocbler. Sealorth. Pohcy-holders an pay dI
�restate and get their cars rsceipted at R. J.
's Clothing Store. Chilton: R. H. Cott s
Kingston street. Godencb, or .1. H.
• General Store, BaytxW.
Brophe) Bros,
Nora! Directors
tastflaa• satefulIy attended to
IIA dila_ Dors, night or day.
Pretty Glri'e Definition.
Said the professor : "A kIse he a noun,
licit Is it proper or .•et ]EMs
With cheek. like rata' and eyes emit
"1 think 1t Is both," answered she.
It was Colin Campbell who took over
the business of the std fish pedlar; driving
past the Elford old farm home in Hurn
county, Ont., that made Fred C.. Elford
"sit up and take notice' that there are
some big things in life in every tumble
place and in the humblest of occupa-
Then, yes, of course. his mother was
very largely -to biome" for what Fred
Eiloid is.
According to Mrs W. L. Smith. editor
of The Weekly Sum, the Elloras were the
first growers of allalfa m Canada; at
least, Mr. Smith did not know of it being
grown anywhere else in this country up
to the time Fred E lord started with it.
Anyone who understands affalla be-
com.s enthusiastic about this wonder
crop. It makes one think of chickens, for
you will find more enthusiasm tor their
pets, iisd for their bonnets-. amt ngst
poultrymen than you will find elsewhere
o to *bum you will.
But we want to finish with Colin Camp-
bell. first. He took over a tuft -peddling
business from a man wno was really dis-
reputable. who let it -go to seed," drove
a rickety old ng and just a framework of
what had been a horse, and he was not
too honest in his business. Cohn Camp-
bell fattened up the old horsy, put the
rig in repair and painted it, took along
kind words with him, smiled and made
friends and did business in that modern
way that pleased people ane made him
highly respected while making a living
profit on the fish he peddled.
Fred Elford was impressed. And,
later on, when he was invited out to
speak at Institute meetings to tell tel his
alfalfa and his poultry, he nev. r forgot
the lesson of how Colin Campbell had
made everyone- see that even a fish -
peddling business could be raised to a
really high plane and be made attractive.
Mr. Elford's mother bad wanted him
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Flom—kl°,tte mite Q f6wwi p
the pscka`s, then yetors aura your
child A kavaag the beat add meet harm -
lege laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its delirious fruity' taste. Pull
directions for shild's dote on each bot-
tle. live it without fear.
Mother! You most say "California'
to be a preacher, and she said to him.
after he has started out in life, ' Fred, 1
once thought that you would be a
preacher of the Gospel, but l'vs come to
the conclusion that you can do just as
much good preaching the gospel of good
poultry, hogs and alfalfa." Ibis remark,
along with the priss�ccip'es of living that
his mother taught hlrn, have meant much
to Fred Elford, who claims that we are
all preaching in what we do, and he has
little patience with anyone who claims
that the gospel can be preached to only
one way.
We are not going t tell you much
about how Fred Elford was chosen to
run a poultry statin at Holmeaville.
where he was for three years. how Dr.
Robertson appointed him and later took
him toOttawa, at the C. E. F.. sixteen.
years ago. and later took him to Mac-
donald College, Que., when he established
that institute n; how Eltord left the
poultry department there because of no
possibilities of 'expansion; how he
went t0 the States to go with the i
Cypher Incubator people, of Buffalo, but I
later found that he had gone to the
States too late in fife to get into their
ways and be satisfied under the "Yankee"
conditions, how ne came back to Canada
and managed the Candee Incubator
Company business, and at the request of.,
the Hon. Martin Burrell, when he was
Minister of Agriculture, went back tot*
Central Exper.mental Farm to take uD
the duties of Dominion Poultry Husband-
man and went for a great d a1 les, salary
than business was paying him- went be
cause he felt that the poultry industry
needed him.
Mr. Elford saw that we needed better
btsirtess methods in our poultry industry.
we wanted more dignity in the profession;
and he challenged himself with the fact
as to why it should not be made a man's
iob, and be in the- hands of respectable
men, who hs,ve brains and energy and
ambition to carry out their visions for
construcUve work.
Through failing eyesight Fred Elford
was not able to complete his co lege
course, begun at the O. A. C., where he
attended two years. He had to depend
on himself and all that was virtrhin him,
handed down from his grandfather. who
hewed a farm for himself out of the
Queen's bush at Crosshill, Waterloo
county, Ont.
It is interesting to rt2Se in passing that
NI Eltord's grandfather anti -his family !
d -.
were quite alone at that time in the
Queens bush..
Mr. Elford's "three boys are all girls:"
ata ordingly he is interested possibly motif
than one es uld expect- him to be in al
Thursday, November i:S, 111111.--A
SUFFERED NEARLY ' and to curse and swear.. He gave tbel
HALF HEN LIFE. boy a vision of the part he would play in
helping to feed the world, and inspired
Mrs. Simpson Triad to - Pied Relief from him to help raise the plane of by ng
Trouble of Tweet •-ave Years Stand iaR• in amoncontgstact. the people with whom he came
"1 spent about half my life in a useless,.
search for something that would rehrvej'LOAN TO DECIDE WHEAT EXPORT
my s omach trouble and ar last found
QQwhat 1 lneeded64�in Tauiac." said Mrs. Abi- u 1lrtory Lean' Is a Great Stteeev
Tor nto,pOntofUxbridge street, West rrt
l'rtla Hey Export 113.000.64111
"My appetite was pour," she continued, I Bushels of Wheat In 1911- O.
-and I fust had to force dotan enough to' Canada may be able to export 113,-
keep going. Most everything disagreed 000,000 bushels of wheat in 1919.20.
with me and often the least little thing; This l" the encouraging prospect based
would upset me and I would be sick with' upon figures from official sources.
nausea for a week at a time. too weak and: Canada requires for home consumptive
lifeless to do a thing. My nerves were in ; purposes. approximately 40,000 000
such a bad condition that I could hardly1bushelet wheat and for setd ng purposes
sleep and 1 would get up in the morning ; about 35,000,000 according to uthorities
feeling heavy and stupid. My liver was ,1 on this subject. The Government's estimate
uuggiah. my skin yellow and I had a dull I that the Dominion's yield will t un about
mean headache most all the time. This I 139,000,000 bushels makes it appear
went on, m epos of all 1 could do, for, possible for Canada to extort about
twenty five or thirty years and I lost al 113.000,000 bushels in 19I0-20 or about
of thirty pounds in weight 10,000,000 bushelt more than last sear.
Hearing so much about Tanlac i de ; and keep a few million bushels for carry-
cided to try it and before I had finished ovlr stock on August 1st. 1920. '
my first bottl: I felt greatly improved. 1' Of course. Canada's export trade de-
keat of taking Tanlac and soon my appe- pends. largely upon the succrs) of the
Ute was normal and 1 can enjoy my Victory loan. Sir T"omas White, ex -
me cls and never have nausea or any other Finance Minister for the Dominion, drew
trouble. My liver a active. that dull. !attention to the importance of this tact
slutuish feelidg is gone, and I sleep like a when he said that. in addition to other
baby and a getting back my strength l credits, $170,0110,000 had b -en loaned to
at d energy snd am now able to do all my , Great Britain in connection with the
host e vork wt' hour getting the least bit ; single commodity of wheat last year.
urea." This would have been impossible if the
Taniae i. sold in r)oderkh by E. R. !Victory loan of 1915 had not been a
Wigle, in Seafortb by C. Aberhart, In .1 great success. The circulation of this
Winghaw by J. Walton McKII,bou, lerI big sum 'neant prosperity to vast num-
Hensull by A. M. E: Hemphill, in Birth tbers of Canadians, and if Rood times are
by White City Drug Store. in WrrAeter , to be continued Canadians must lend' of
by J. N. Allen. in Iwrntleslsiro by lobo !their profits and their savings with equal
O. Loundsbs•rry, in F.tettsr by W... I enthusiasts fur the Victory loan of this
Howey, in Hrueelleld by Peter Mowry,' year.
in Thtsbwood by Tiernan & Edig¢ofrer•
In l'reinton by .1. W. Orme, In Can-
ton by W. S. 11. Holmen, in Sheppurd-
tun by J.H. Simpson. in l;orrle by H. MONDAY. Nov. 10.
v. Armstrong, nod to Fonlwkb'by H. Mr. Frank Finnigan, r f Seaton h. spent
Kinston(- a few days with his brother Bert.
ADVT. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Higgins have left
_ for Detroit. where they intend m
promising young nephew, who has ass their home.
tended at college for one year. but Kinloss. and Mss W +. Md Sere. ere. of
cided to leave it for business-talong as hThe mo visited nfressinewis around W.
his ideal a supis ssedly bis man in the The monthly locating of the N. S.
packing industry -a buyer of cattle. Be was htld at the h m� of 'SIW. Hasty.
it kn ;won that Fred Efford took time to Quite a number from here attended t he
go over the fu•ure possibilities rd. thenT services at Blake's Sunday
cattle business with the boy and pointed .left'
out to Mm that there is something a lot "-
bigger in life than to draw a big salary tdntiserllie for The Signal taco.
MANY towns and villages in Ontario. that
were not provided the advantages of
electricity previous to 1912. now enjoy the
comforts and conveniences of Hydro Power.
Electricity generated in individual plants was
not available for these places. Hydro develop.
ment+placed electricity within their means.
In n merous Ontario towns and villages old-
s ned. unsatisfactory lighting gave way to '
mica) electric light.
w that electricity is no longer a luxury. it is
t e aim of Hydro to help the people of this
Province secure the Lest results from the current
they `use. For the most satisfactory service its
ltiome -lighting the Commission recommend*
HYDRO Quality Lamps.
HYDRO Qualify Lampe are Teale/ in the
CCewmimlen's electrical laboratories the ..eel
cant'leie in C.no/a The /wifeancy, lone
ea4ulieess and low current eensumatien
H DRO Qu�hLa/nay cawed HYDRb
Qudi: y Lamp mfy Mps Aa/a►e r rM Hydra Shire
Whili Tref ('apse -
Mrr, tirptlm : W. emiesoileet- .ria
'.lruld._frola the '1 inn lens,
Mrs. 'i'egging : But. dearie, I've•
never won Arold In 11(.• 'rnun
'lgglus: uh, Iwt iii,'ty )'linty
;wed. "'ark! the 'arold h,uic••l' siutt"'
--i.usring show.
A Nasty One.
Mier Itlttcrvwewt 1140 {wrlucrl : "1
sup{woo• coin n;v v.•ry foal :of Baas hta.
lir. J3rown.
Hr.rtin lWhT, pride. M1L,IPtt Fill hist
jaaahlg t. " Parsioit.te'ly." -
Misr, Itltter.w-eet : "1 thellght on!
wonder con don't lea en!'
Maley /Prom Victory Leas WIp els
Used to Re-stablldt
Our soldiers In Frazee faced perils
ether thin those of shell and gas and
OWflz.-gun are. there was tax
peril of tuberculosis. Ilp to Sable(
bat 3.$S$ soldiers guMrtng from
Ms disease had bees returned to
Oita. ad*. These were placed la sani-
tariums under the dlrseUes of the
Department of Soldiers' CM] Re.
satadlkimeat, and they are one of
tie departments of that branch that
must be maintained, and come under
the head of emitter war outlay.
All of these men and some 21,000
, disabled or 111, will be looked
p!!rr with money raised through the
dory Loan I01f. It is the sacred
duty Of Canadians that the money
Is terming.
to discover a hole like this in the eom-
fortnble shoes tont you t•xliet't',l would
laid for n couple of months long.'s any-
way However, 1f you send them to
un for our
we can resole then(, restore thele KWHHd
hanks. x114 lint them in condition tee give
you tong merrk'e. Whylot- try 117
East Street Ooderich
Germany Coming Bads.
tiilW1b111NIttbWk Wttlllrl�l1�1V11�11b1b1wlN11b1r111�lNINIl�l1�1
• on a year's subscription to RURAL CANADA IF,
11 by clubbing with THE SIGNAL.
3 The Signal Si.Both ft* 00
"Rural Canada"I.oO
Pay your subscriptions through this office. Cti11'atld
• get from us a copy of the October issneof RURAL CANADA.
-� an independent farm and -home magazitse—clean. wholesome,
.; vigorous, character -building, proud of Canadian farmers, and
• fighting for our hasic industry—Agricultiue.
Call in and talk this matter over next time von are in
• town, and lie in time to start.with the November Self -Improve -
• trent number --beginning a great aeries of special articles on
"How to Study Strangers,
Goderich, Ontario
4J!T Tqufolu'PTfI!!1! lto.”10101014‘TTTTTfI!011%
The Prince Shakes Hands with 'Vetetan at Victoria, B,C. -
Edwardsthe kind you like
Always fresh pntl\.Jrorc.
T. R. Harrison
!'or. West Street and Square
Thb Prince Signa Autograph, for School Teacher at Maple Creek, Sask.
Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"—that' 1 When
it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly andrtjt
appears, or your hair falls out, a 3S -cent bottle of delightful
dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair,
also double it's beauty. Try "Danderine" and see!