The Signal, 1919-11-6, Page 4lig `'•wi. .jars • 4—Tttonwhl.. ,rt ,•ii b,'r A, 10lff f+ • TIM SIGNAL a. OODUIC , OItT. Full of Dash, Full of Pep FULGOF DISTINCT/ VENESS are the latest 2oth Cen- tury Brand suit models for young men. They have a regular style wallop about them that makes imitators look cheap 'indeed. T h e young fellows of this community will flock to this style standard. You Can't Fool the Young Man! when it comes to punei3 in clothes. They have decided preferences and, usually, mighty good taste. They know the style quality,. St quality and wear q i tl- ity of loth Century Braid garments. We will dress hundreds of them this Fall and dress them well. Ask for the new SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY . WALTER C. PR tD -- SOLE AGENT FOR Z - th CENTURY AND ART CLOTHING r BORSALiNO HATS Phone 57. Goderich •L.O.L. No 182 celebrated Guy Fat�kes Day by attending a twice in Victoria street Methodist church on Wednesday - evening. The pastor, Rev. J. F. Reycraft, preached an interesting sermon. Chief Justice Sir W Mem Mulock is to Preside at the non -jury sittings of the Supreme Court to be held in Goderich reset commencing on Tuesday. Tonere arethree cases on' he docket. mnmmnmm�ammommamnmmnmm New Grocer' and feed Store -- -- = a iltOn Street 1 have opened up on Hamilton Stlewith a stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and adieit-s fair shgdithe public patronage. GASOLINE of best quality supplied from an up-to-date Bowser Tank. They tell us our Chicken Feed is the hest sold in town Give us your order telephone. No. 288, acid we will do the r .t iDUNGANNON. . e N Thurs.Lly. Nov. O. Mrs. S. E. fuel rwlu r -tamed lust Friday from a trip to Hawiltou. Mrs. it. J. Crawford 1s visiting friends at I.nilou this week. Mr. J. H. Me\abb wade a trip to 1.411114111 by motor on 'Tuesday of this week and returued on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barclay returned from Saskatchewan on Saturday. 19wv had spent all spring and summer witTii their sou and daughters in tow West. A SniiIay slued uud League conceu- tlon was held til the Meth.all,t church on lloulluy afternoon anti evening. Mr. mall 'Mrs.Andrew Kirk left thea week for 1ktroit. Mrs. Kirk will prtl- e•ed to l'ullfurula, where sow will re- main for the winter, while Mr. Kirk will r•sldr in the "City of the Straits." Mr. and Mrs. Kirk will be missed in the velli 111 Bill(% and it 11, the Miner• hula- .1 lupe.1 all that I ro.pt_rity_ tasty be theirs. In their new ves•sthnl. Mr. A. T. Cooper, of e'llutot, temper - sloe. held secretary of iluron county. took the wt.( ice lel Erskine rhumb last Spoday. _ Mr. fellow of l;ealerick paid ■ visit to our burl last Seturlmy. Send your apples to tow evaporator. It pays Iwtter than making thew foto ddrr. Mr. t'ita`n Elliott heft on Motmlay for Northern Iter trio, where he alleluia unuuully two or Owes. weeks 1 lug. Charlie sats he- luas lad mitoses" a seasenl of this sport for the last Nfte•u yran, and lie 'sever fails to bring hone at least one of the antlered monarchs of the forest. M r. Edgar Th4nlpo:nnu II 1141 wife. of N'u1kervtlle, returned hest Moialmy ur upending a week Isere 'bitting Or mother. Mrs. Win. Thompson. lteellowr'en passed off with Its usual pru$ks. Early in the evening the youllK eh(lelneo Kuv. exhibRious of witeIw chimes In nlasqut•ntdr. tin lay evening the eIltxl'ns com- mittee aledat the house of Mr. a1141 M rs. Milli Steele to pay dew respect and honor t them for the heroic deeds of tiwir two 'paw who gave up their 111 -es in the recent titanic struggle. LThey were presented with a purse of ie. the m111011111 e•gmlug to the stens had they been fortunmth, euuugh to return. this'll forget the `hug day in 111111- 11l1111011 ow Nut-rinlwr.S' 1 111. MINI don't forget to brio,: your taske•t for the afternoon a1111 1144 1'4. M rt♦tlit good Ios•lal time to e,wunetneerate the greatest event In history. Ile herr fo cheer the 'toys as-liwy are prese•ntel With their well -deserve(' medals. !lake thew feel 'THE health of your skis is tooimport- o t for yus to be urates• about tb• bath Wap You ase. Keep the skis clear mad smooth and prsveat skis troubles by ming 'it is tea best of all snags— -_ _Iet It is Morn tbs. s clnsesar t disinfests too a• LeeI.e r • •Ws .11re*ws.1r- d•ed w • r. Lsyse a,al.r• Lome.. T..+.•. that they are heroes' preclatee the fact. Ashtlrld 1.1800111 mini hair a holiday on November 1Ith. to ser the townships rrturuel soldiers prrseutel with medals. Who says we' have not a put riot ic council '° The funeral of the late Mrs. litchi Sproul took place Isere last Sutarduy afterlaoll and was very largely at- tended. Rev. 4;. tioetpl. of rim. Hives, tlet• former pastor of Erskine ,church. m$atsrel Rev. M. I'. Craig In the filters! service.' Tlw husband and bereaved family /lace the heartfelt sympathy of the entire eommualtt. Miss Eileen Millar. of Clinton, is visiting friends herr. A PIONEER OF SASKAh.HEWAN.—Word has been received of the death at Parkin. Sisk • of James Girvin, a native of Dun- proem. uo-pnnon. In his seventy first year. The, late Mr. Glrvin went West in 1880. and after a few yearsst Winnipeg moved to the Parkin district. where he took a and that you lead t build'tt up the common Do Dot ratter snottier day Moat- It Itching, ing, or Protru,l• ing Piles. NoIn surgical ope, ►thin mewled:mewled:Dr. Chases Ointment will relieve you al onccur*old as certainty cuyogi. .Dc. a Doi: as dealers. or tAtuaruorl. Bates & Co.. Limited. Toronto. ramp'• box tree if you mention tats paper and enclose 9c. stamp to Nr postage. J. J. MOS mm�nmoumnuimmmnnmunmunnnnnmmmm�mnnmonumum Thi Singer Sewing`Machine- has always 'been in the lead, and today heads all competitors. Machines of variow styles, also a full line REPAIRS. kept constantly on hand at The Singer Store (Miss Noble's. on the Mgnare) Orders for repairing promptly attended to. Chas. E. Worthy Agent - Goderich In par in stye a leaves a w w, one son and four daughters. HALLOWE'EN DANCE. — The young EIt of Dungannon had a gay time Friday night, w iOiliowe'en-- e was held in the Agricultural Hall under the auspices of the Dungannon GleeClub. There was a very large at- tendance and all present seemed to enjoy the dancing to the excellent music fur- nished by the Goderich Orchestra. Th►, • .y. _,... ____, ■am fir)iK1 innimm■■■li>,I> asaminim■els■■>tramini ` ■ ■ isii ___ Millar's Scotch Store 'ma ma axiumama■rr■■>•■■l ■i■ar>.rrxrltr■l•>K■■r■1111■■■■. ■ 1■ ■ r ■ X ■ 1t 'r ■ A dollar bill is Canada's promise ▪ to pay. ■ ■ So are Victory Bonds. X ■ But Victory Bonds pay interest. That Pays When you buy Victory Bonds, you simply exchange one kind of money for another. � 1 ■ M■ NO X X X M.M•MM ■ rile ager Store= Consider the security behind Vic- tory Bonds—Canada and all that is contained therein. Consider the good rate of interest— Victory Bonds pay. 3 1-2 per cent. --nearly twice as much as Savings Banks. Consider the saleability of Victory Blinds -Their use as collateral fora loan. Their eet - Ivo advancement In prig: Consider the purpose for which Canada requires the money :— Cleaning up our obligations to the army and maintaining the prosperity of the country. Are not these reasons the best in the world for exchanging one kind of money for another? Should not every Canadian put all his weight behind this Loan ? Should not he exchange all the money he has for Victory Bonds? —and all the money he can save for the next ten months to come? Buy Victory Bonds "Every Dollar Spent in Canada". THIS SPACE DONATED TO THE ViCTORY LOAN 191» CAMPAIGN BY hall was prettily decorated. and as many Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Clark. They Ladies' and Child- g people 9 and o[ the your Ie were in ureic the came all the way --some three thou,an scene was bright and animated. Prizes mules —by motor and had a pleasant ten's Undelliirar NI were given for the best costumes and !interesting trip. The Walden, were iI The New Collars Miss Ella Stonier,, 2nd Miss Jean Young for Colorado about seventeen ears ago. z o. t were awaroed as follows: Ladies—lst formerly residents of this secti,xt,ileaving 11( it I (Loge ). gentlemen -1st Mr. John Say- -11 Amini McEwen's SPECI ALS tfaainiirxi CSl it st Oo 419 a CXX GoderiJ, Board o Tre 11 NOTICE -. The next regular Qharterly illieetlag of the Board of Trade will be held on 'I heredity ravening. November lath, in the Asaembly Room at the Masonic ren►ple, at 44 o'clock sharp. This in a generale meeting for the a.e*'mhUng together of the entire.mcmberahlp of the Board, and will be open two receive any suggestion, or consider querulous lotrodooed by any member. and eapecielly by those who are not in the habit of attending regularly. A very interesting meeting is expected, and every member should be present promptly on time. - G. L. PARi1001S, G. E. COLBORNE,. Secretary. Pridll.•nt. November RA. 1510. 1 with pleated 'effects t age, 2nd Mr. Stanley O'Reilly (Kings just in bridge). After the award of the prizes PERSONAL M6hi1'1ON. lunch was served. and dancing was then Mr. B. Lorenton, of Toronto. has re• d Goods 1 foe � bl� ' rrsunwd until along in the wee. oma' turned home after spending a week with hours. 7 he young folks had such a good his wife. who is visiting Mr. and • offlit tir»e that they are looking forward to Mrs J. W. Taylor, Elgin Avenue. ' —1111 josigiwork- her such occasion. Mrs J. Middleton and Miss Middleton Boys' Caps, new supply to hand Boys' Overalls, 55c to $1,25 Boys' Jersey`s, white, navy and red Boys' Braces, 15c up A few peices of curtain material, to cleat from 25c a yard up A nice line of Bath Towels _at right prices We stock the Crompton Corsets, all sizes a n d different styles Lime Juice, Grape Juice. Rasp. Vinegar, Lemon and Orangeade it bottles also(.emonade and Orangeade Powder. Jusf• ._ right for drinks in the hot weather Try some of our ,Aroma . Brand Tea. With ten lbs. you get a Teapot FREE Mint ,Tea in stock.You will find a. groom in each package J. J. McEwen UssIuw No. 44.7441* I(A cal solicited. . Mrs. G, H. Green and Mrs. William visiting Mrs. Green's lister, Mrs.William mus c will be furnished by singers from Rome, II30 Indian road:-arrd her niece ■ ▪ MISS S. NOBLE ]( Stratford. Mrs John Winisat, 10 Prins Rupert ■ V.as s;.p. Square 1i . CARLOW. perennially popular. They had a full The Guy Brothers Minstrels seem to be ■ ** r ■ ■ $ r r r r r r ■ Colorado Springs,•colo., are visiting with day night and put on a pleasing program. Brophy are It Toronto this musk and are AUBURN. The anniversaryof the Auburn Bap- tist church will be held on Sunday, Nov. ember 9. DC Farmer of MacMaster University, Totbrttn, will give the address at 230 and 7 o'clock. The will be at home on each of the remaining Thursdays of this month, and afterwards on the second Thursday of each month. a vemtle. Mrs. 11 M. Walden a1►d son Frank. of house at the Griffin Theatre on Wednes- Y The Double Track htween MONTRI<.A{. TORONTO DETROIT 'and *CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car servos Sleeping cars on night trains. and parlor earl ern ptlaefpal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing. District Passenger Agent. To- ronto. 0. H. Lauder, Station Agent. phone 211 P. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone a M GRIFFIN PICTIIRES w MON---TUES--WED "Why I Would Not Marry" -- The love triais of the most beautiful woman showing what every woman should know. ow to choose a husband. How to win admiration. How to learn if a man's love is true. How to get the man she wants. How a couple can be as happy as two doves. .1 on earth ; FEATURE COMEDY • "COUNT YOUR CHANGE" Official News. British -Canadian N POPULAR PRIC \f , JCK PICKFORD a� — IN "In\'Wronk CHAW, CHAW GREEN APPLES • 'MSL ,Lea yea were a kid aid the keys tied year t when yen were is awfseisin', se that yal get Lege fate aid ties l YOU thought yeli were greyed up your ma licked you This Picture will take yon back le the OLD HOME TOWN THE RAG DOLS_ DAYS AND SCHOOL GiRL LOVE