HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-23, Page 8r
111- Thnrslay. October 'f't, 1919.
FROM the health -giving
spruce -wood of th
Northern forests, spread
over with the purest clay
that Mother Earth can pro-
duce. which is colored with
harmless dyes of mineral
and vegetable origin, comes
you, can get for any room
in the house, at most reas-
onable PRICES. at
:Vastly Routine Business at Kraular
Meeting on Friday.
The regubu m.4•ting ..1 Ilia" tuwie
Iv1uM•i1 was 10411 on Friday ev*uillg.
with Mayor N'igle in the ehu4r nod the
Reeve. the 4).puty Breve and Council -
hors 1WnI11... Ilinti n r 01141 Glory /111.0
111,4 cul.
A letter frou1 the elu of Stratford.
Milting the ...mall and alunirilrrl o111-
lerlt7u( I:laleri.I, to lie present at the
thy's reception to the Prince of %Wales
011 ticlolp•r 21st, nits 0,11 1. and the
elerk wMs 11.4ruelell 11) lo'kuullledge
the imitation stint. thanks.
. Itis Worship stated ^flint he 11011 ex
1r,ah•11 til invitation to Ws !loyal
'Minn.*. to visit t71141erieh, but his
4e•r.tluv had replied to the effect that
the roy'l,I party could out set. their way
Hear to tome• herr.
.\ letter from the Navy League of
eat u11l bit N 4111 refer,•n,e to file Nelnoit
"hay /1pNs4%1 for fonds Nus re(ern41 to
the Mum... e,nllultlr4• 411 Inky up the
matter unit the r,uulV ,4euIK•il 111111 any
1,Nv11 rominitt.w laking charge o1 the
A letter (rot Mrs. 1.111114• 41. Wilson
appealing agalust the• io.m.ssnwnt of
ilyr store property on 111.• Square was
referred 10 the tilalKe eoWmil114•.
A 1.•(ler from the •••••4011 of KIWI
,'Inurli. requesting the remission of
this year's tae.. to \Ir. x1111 11 1/..
'I'h,awls 1114141. of the Huron rad, wits
.send to the niu,io4• .ummltte. Nr.
11,o.1. who has reached an extreme old
mt.. and Is very feeble. Nits many years
situ no employee of Ihr town.
VERWARE, Etc., Etc.
A full line of Hydro Lamps.
and Electric -using Devices
on hand.
Water and light rated
payable to
J. B. KELLY, Coles.
at the Hydro Store
Repairing done to
your satisfaction
E. C. Robertson
Corset E.-* "'.re• . rid Square
Water and Light Commission
Tows of Goderich
Destroys more property than
all the wars and means loss from
every point of view.
1(44141111' ftsr sew -yrs 011 f:IKiu 11 r •
f • \\'eliesh' st 94.1 to 6:sw'x NI041
111141 1111 Itegrnl str4.1 from Oxford
.Ir,w1 to tt1'il14uui11 rllrll were pr,-
w•lltel *11111 referrer 110 file piddle works
141(4111141 4. e.
A "*i'st (rum 4'la/rl•s ylctlnnl;•,
that r tree uu Iris 101 111 the. 1em,•tery
lie r•latve1. wail wait to the .em*lery
141muilt tee.
.t nattiest for it permit tor allel-aliuus
at the Jhslet 'l'beatr', submitted) by V.
14. l',vrdon. 14rohi1 4, tent. 44r1. Well uu
culalithill 11101 a (11'e ew'4p• from tlw
tipper story lie i11.101 11441 fu tIle nal .(111'-
44on of the .In4•t fu.{Nrtur.
A r.qu.a from \Jr..1. J. Mixer fur 14
p•rullt to make 1401/lill re1rllrs to 1,1s
1141i1111,eg oil I1nm1I1ou stnwl was Irft
iu the 101 1111. ..( lit. NI 1141 iuspN4•h.r.
'rhe ,l.iI. Nils 111.111141141 t(. notify
th.• 1114.01 hmeslllg 1411111111..1011 11st It
►vas r1pc1.41 1.0 apply for a pturlt for
the errcth.n of a hoose. 111 the .true
1114 lllwr a. r pril jtr 1lulicid 11114.
Au *t'i' '*1tiou fr e\. 11. Eckert.
I.N•141 ualwgrr fur the 4.1444iu Auntse-
meut 4'uritonitto,'. for it Ik4•uw 10 (41u-
,11114 a -rug picture business in \'ic-
1ori4 4'4N•ru Huuw• and In matte sane•
alterations in the 111111.1•. Ila, Nand. It
was ,IW'i1114I that the license Is. gra11tr4I
w1wn fee I'noix'i141 Ii44.11.,- is 1.•11141,
alai (114• mNtl*r of Rlleratlolls was
referr.4l to llse .tr..... iusl144'1ur to see
that (trey are 11x111• 111 44.44.n(alae with
IIli. regulatiuu..
A I.'tt.•r (r the 'secretary 04 the
110nl14rio Hydro 1'imi•r I uiform lttlte
\.w14'fata.m. ins it 'lig the council to
Join its nwmlrrshlp mid oflo'rwine 14.•
offset -/tee 441111 1111' .\N4p'IaH was nerd
MINI referred 1. Ill.• finance commlttp.
A lettAl front Il. G1141erieh �auufre-
hiring 1.0., asking for 44 .'uw Mete state -
(need 4i4 44.. 111x11. 4.14. ,.rut to the finance
,\11 nektio14 1141gineul was 144•1s'141
Trott., the Olitarlo Itrilwry end Mnni.i-
ItoI Ikont of the e4111a1•it's r'p11e1.t with
r,•fe1.114e to the irlymeut of lite in-
tere.t on the mu1Ietpotity's in1•rstmrnt
of fluids
from the (totes*, W.•*t allur
\ cou1musicatiou from 1401 (:aleri.h
I4ard u/ Trade, offeritlg It. 1o�miwrx-
tion in natters pertaining to fire pre -
11.111 11.11.
111.1114,.11. was orlrred to tw 61/41. T111s
Nos 114th special refertine to Eire Pre -
41.11(41,14 4My Il k•totwr t(th 1, whiell was
iIn411lt pant.
\ h•(t•r Y. SO reeivel from tlw
Ontario 44,11,.iug 1' 0111 lni..111r1 api•rov-
Mg of the I, ',i1 114)11.4144 bylaw'.
The N{1wix1 14.mmitt,w r'i.rrt..l re -
et u11uetMliog that Mr. W. .3. Levy, of
Tomtit". Is• rug.gr41 111 make n 4.141111.-
11011 of the \Wh14•I lila.. factory e4uH4l-
meut at a n• wrrtk.o of $12 per day
4.1111 expenses. After considering Mr. J.
I.IIIWter'. n•plrt 1111 t le mitt supply
of the city 11f atralfor . the ,omnIittr
r'oml11•nrlel that t e clerk write to
tlw city of Chaffin i for iuft.nuatiun
with n•fer•xe to t. n leipll mill
f'olnN'illor 11uunla•r obJ.etel to lhr
exlwlw• in getting :111 onside valuator.
N hal the report 4414. ruwmlwl to r.-nd
(rat the Initiation sholdd not lost loon•
(lima 1:.4I
The politic works lomnlitfl4• reps.rt.41
that -the 1}r•e'er on Oxford strt4•t ars
'tract itsalli p let8I. the ua44•..vsry
I*sIN•rw hid Imam e•\e4'11tW1 for this
newer t6 101 eoustria-ted under the
C.T.It. 41d11y{ across Ilii.. street. and
the 14Mrmlttee lad n4111ta.tel the
eieglmwr to preplr• the rut Nixl ,...w.s-
ment reports 011 all w•we'r. Huth had
hero constructed. The sewer on
Tbomt.s street wits now ha•ing 11111-
stnlet4l, nfte'r whleh the w•Ner on It'll -
son stn4•t 44,161 be pltt i,'. Adopt.41.
The Mtn 11,1' ,,m11111114• 1111 ...4.11 x uum-
her of ai4o1111 . and reported that Nit..
lit -Clinton had lawn engatte'l to itssil4
.111 psrtllrtn4 tete iPTI4 (141evfor's roll.
Tlwn' Iris. smite ellx('ttsslon wIth rr-
Building, Contracting and General
Carpenter Work
Thr 'undersigned adv' prepared to.
t4ke contracts and execute orders
for /ally work in the shore lines.
H tying had years al experience. they.
can .1..4.11 re the public of ar.t-clan*,
dr,s•n.lnblr work.
411 ordors will rere•ivc prompt
R 11.•11111 11.
1:F:1(, WESTI/ H1/1►K.
Trafalgar Street.
NI. I111W I.EH,
Napier Street.
iasarasce alone can reduce your
Ions, and not be regarded as an
unavoidahle item of expense, but
rather as your best ally in pre-
venting loss. Before your place
'(goes up in smoke" and becomes
a smoldering' heap of ruins, in-
sure with
T. R. Harrison
Oor. West street and Square
IIIHIIIIUIINlllllllllllllllllllllllnulmmollllulullllluullllllhINulimmi IIL
7 .ie Appearance of a Shoe
wit' 'ten lure you to buy it, irrespective of its
r qualities. Be sure and get Footwear
foundation which is consistent with its
^d appearance.MOM
Our stock of new lino is
here, rgady for your in-
spection and approval,
and embraces a complete
range of Ladies' and
Gents' Fine Shoes, in
charming and most artis-
tic styles, by the leading
.manufacturers, Shoes
which are an embodiment
of appearance and sound
value, in Kid, Velours,
Gunmetal and Boxed Calf,
in blacks and browns,
made on a varying range
of lasts, ensuring a dis-
tinctive expression of
fashion, comfortable fit,
and, above all, long life.
We have not forgotten the
children, and have a full
stock of strong, service-
able Sch4o1 Shoes, at
rices which will appeal to you.
e Rubber Season is here, and we are prepared
t you all, from the tiniest Child's Rubber to
eavy,Guin Rubber for the outdoor worker.
Repairias as usual
igiIIIN1111N11W1111gApfAlUIN111111111 A(Ilulllll llllll111111 r
School of Commerce
cubs std Goderich, Ontario
Offers the following course.
lit SINFalb1
SE('RI T. ,RI.t1.
('1%71. SF:R% 1.('F:
andarraages Special Courses for students.
1'he following advantages :
H ghly Qualified teaching staff
Actual Wattles" system of bookkeeping
Credential typewriting tens
Poutions guaranteed
A Berner Fria . t sNd p.y.la earl/ ,n . 1rd ea.rhe.
Now ie the tame is the ewe, 4.. .441..9 W
make an overarmed that -.11 ('.e epleena''e return .e
the re..• to cases. FY tsps. etc . lade
A A . M. Arris . Cam. Specialist.
Priacw•I VweR.ecp.l
Students may enter any time
"Sunshine brings happiness•.
So have no care or fear
Make Hallowe'en a day of fun
Brimful of joy and cheer,"
f!y F avrng
Hallowe'en Decorations--^
False Faces
Post Cards
and Favors
e --
A gond assortment is to be
found :it
Smith's Art Store
East'St. Phone 49$
Afar Years .f Suffering with D,..
P i' l Ilia Fruit Malicia. C.... R.4 .f
917 Dorton St., Montreal.
"f am writing to tell you that hew.
any life to 'f'rulta-theta' for tine remedy
rehese.l mo when I had ahandoaed
all hope of ever jreuvering my health.
1 sa fe.ed renr-bly sods Dyspepsia. I
had it fur years and all tho medicines
1 took did not do me any good.
I read something about 'Fruit -a -
tires' being good for aft Stomach
Troubles and Diaorirn of Digestion
so I tried them. Alter finishing a
few boxes, 1.as ewti.eiy rel•e.ed of the
Dyspepsia and my general health
was restored.
I thank the great fruit medicine,
'Fruit a -tires', for this woaderful
relief." e
60s. a box, 6 for V..50, trial arse 25e.
At all dealers or seat poatpasd by
Fruita-ties Limited. Ottawa, Oat
Never have we carried such a variety of Fall Coat-
ings in all wanted cloths, such as Velours, Tweeds, Broad-
cloths and Serges. Our range is complete gt the present time
and we have colors to suit everyone.
The Broadcloths are 54 inches hide at $7.00 to
$8.50,a yard. '. .
Silvertones at $8.00 a yard in good colors.
Velours run from $6.00 to $7.00 a yard.
Tweeds in• many weights from $3.50 to $6.00 a
Serges as usual are very desirable goods for dresses
and suits. Our stock comprises the best colors in fine botany
and worsted cloths and run in price from $1.75 to $5.04
a yard.
glint to Ihr county Inlpro(e1 reeds sr. -
tem and the Nurk to lie 110101 on tine
,omlw•t hlg link n $4.In the town litults.
Thr h,wle suggest14.1 1111,1 tort of the
approprbition he spent in improvllg Ihr
nod to the Nlaitl141111 hirer bridge.
The lues,. and 1 •.•petty It, -eve were
asked to get in tough with Mr. Palter-
'Nltrrsun• 1401 e4Nin(V r,'gioet-r. and Nee what
ars 114411 hr 11e dole.
It,Iaw' No. :f1. Ihr housing ev/mmis-
stun bylaw. sax give,' its mull r,4,('ing.
Its444w No. L. am...tilI1144 flue
restaurant by'INN' 111 neelinlillae N iris
Ihr nwlution of the• ,onta'II Acing the
01.01 hours for Suitably (rum 9 N. m. 411
9 I. nl.. N11N g1 ,'I1 its first a1111 .e4Mul
needing• and 1941 n%.•r until tlw m•ct
n14wtiug ofe(he Connell.
Bylaw., N. :1.. 4.. IonOrm grunt.
aln4uly ir1.4.44.
mud N41.:14, levying fhr
t1.\,,. for 1919, were given thaw read-
ings alai filially passed.
The /ouocil then aelJonrne4l.
This season we have put into stock
a number of Serge and Poplin. Taffeta
and Duchess Dresses. It has been our
aim to buy Dresses with real style at a
moderate price. The lines we have in
stock are all made from good materials
and the styles are the best. It will be a
pleasure to show these Dresses to you
and have them fitted on.
The Only Real Nerve Tonic Is
a Good Supply of Rich,
Red Bpi -
"if people w(wld.,only attend to their
blood. instead of worrying themselves
ill,'' said an eminent nerve specialist. "we
doctors wou:d hot tee our consulting
rooms crowded with nervous wrecks.
More people suffer from worry than any-
thing else."
The sort of thing which the specialist
spoke of is the nervpus rundown condition
caused by overwork and the many anxie-
ties of today. Sufferers find themselves
tired, morose. low-spirited and unable to
keep their minds on anything. Any sod
den noise hurts Tike a blow. They are
full of groundless fears. and do not sleep
well at night. Headaches, neuritis and
other nerve pains are part of the misery,
and it all comes from starved nerves.
Doctoring the nerves with poisonous
sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only
real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich,
red blood. Therefore to cure nervousness
and rundown health Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills should be taken. These pills actually
make new, rich blood, which strengthens
the nerves. 1mploves the appetite, gives
new strength and spirits. and makes
hitherto despondent people bright and
cheerful. if you are at all•'out of sorts"
you should begin curing yourself today by
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents
a box or s x boxes for $2.50 from the Dr
Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont.
If it is a blouse you need it will be to your advantage to inspect our very large
stock. The lines we carry comprise Fashion's latest creations and the cloths
they are made of is of the best manufacture. Each and every garment is finished
well and you can rely on the cloths being very serviceable.
Black Blouses in georgette. crepe de chine and habutai silk are here in all sizes
and a wonderful range of styles. We specialize in black Blouses.
Crepe de Chine in light colors in all sizes and styles are also a big.icaLure with
us. These range in price from $5.00 to $IO.00 each.
If you want a Blouse becoming to you,
you must be coming to us
Phones :
Store 86
D. & A.
fo 1he exe•ntiie eonucll. The Toronto
Ityd is moving to 11N VP the Ontario
I :oserumenl investigate the merltx of
x11 lir • tax. based 4 nn net P I usrome
as n substitute for the present business
tax under the Ontario Assessment Art.
In reponse to 44 1111umuuleation from
itoanl of Track President {itrpMrt. on a
%hilt to 1ilrtre.it.
,\1 the e'tina of fhe• Board of Trade
1•veentive on Monday 111 urn,, tlie tins'
dent. .1r. 4i. 1.. 1':..0,'•, reported that
in the interests of the citizens of Glwle
rich hr hoot 11414141 Detroit 141(11 411.-
he040..'( of se•uring nnfhwut4. inform,
lion with refetvrae to the bake Moron
iite•1 1'orprn,tion. Some doubt had
Ie4.11 created In the Minds ..f the people
Mid he wlsherti, get the xelunl frets.
He 11/111 10111111 the Mill 1.114 11, as. 4,, the
4'ilrp ration olid,• by 11 r. Ncl'renth to
lie unite lortl4•f. awl although s. • of
the Information he lural giltall was 1011'
11.1,1 tint he was able to say .11411 www'
iw4.ple of very large interest. were
1044h01111 the profiled! loll. ''here wow
.1111 n I...v,dldllty 111111 the plant wood('
emit., to' llewleri.h. but at pre.ent
soother (Mini. w'u. fainted by the
die etors.
After hearing Mr. Parsons' shit ,'lent
11 Wit /1 (i,w't,1fd to 4•INI a depot..lion to
meet the hoard of ollreet,rN tit their
Meet meeting a( ih'(rolt In nn endeavor
to adjust matter. 41 that the 4 'orts.r,,
Hon might he p•rsladel to locate sit
A ,ominnnk•*tlnn front the 1t.a14 of
Tilde of Toronto. with refererow to
taxation, war, mad. and it special e41411
ml1t.4' w'* appointed. emalstIng of
Nesse,. 1e- p4.'l1.1'. 13*F� W. 1'.
I'ridh1 m. 1'. IV-MI.•le and' Ret. 1'1I*4.11
11111, with 1)L A II. Macklin att.eltfllr
man. t0 emosider the matter 111494 report
New Fall Styles
in Footwear
Both fashion and good
taste demand suitable foot-
wear for every occasion.
The shoes we are show-
ing enable you to indulge
this taste without extrav-
agance, and with the charm
of variety and correct style
they combine moderate
We want you to see the
beautiful styles we are now
Overgaiters in all the
latest shades are now in
stock. The prices are most
Geo. MacVjcai+,
the Border (4(4.-s ('hx mts•r of 1'om-
mer i.. it was de•1M41 tm .1•1111 two or
more delegates to enfold a w,wting for
the f,nnntlo,, of n 5'nnndln11 Inland
\Wate•w1iv. .\N4w'Inthin. ll furtherance
of the 1,,-Je4-t to ream,e ill lu1t'ri(rs hm
1111llgnl1011 111101,'i1 the Atlantic (Wenn
and the 1:rent lwkel. no as to make
the Great lakes an "Inland 4te4lifer
ram -tot- The date of the meeting bits
not yet !wen fixed.
yfr. W. N. McKay. 1(44.14! manager of
the Batik of Hamilton. an. 1114.104 to
metnla•rsh14. i,' Ihr Boat rd
air. T. U. Commit n'ke1 permis,lun
to use the Beard ris,ni as h,•ad/pnnrtl•rs
for the Victory loan campaign iu Ilale-
Boarding hou.erare probably so called'
because a man is expected to plank down
in advance. -
Ihcullete bathing costumes are all
right -an far as they go.
14otne speculators are nation. to get
1n ,n the grnlml fi.w,r. hitt there err
others who ,refer to .Ilmb 9.rehe•
TO the farmer, the subject of Flax -growing should
he an interesting one, and especially for those who
reside in 1 luron County, or near the Lake.
An experienced lady from Ireland, who visited in
Goderich this summer was greatly impressed with the
advantage for treating flax in this part, on account of
the constantly occurring heavy dews which are so nec-
essary for proper treatment.
A farnmtr near Kintail is reported to have very mat-
erially profited by growing Flax in 1919, and it is hoped
that farmers in this district will give careful consider-
ation to this matter for the coming year, and increase
their acreage of Flax so that a mill may soon be estab-
lished at Goderich. -
(: 1, P\Ranvs.
(ye;olwer 93rd, 1916 , -
Rsv. CANON Otto. C. Nn.i..
Chairman of Publicity Committee
North slatS/lnare, Goderich ' ' " 1