HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-23, Page 7t, -
closets LYE
ki Ids rats ,
mice lou s
dirt-. -
xxxxxxx CXXXXX '
Between friends- -
\i photograph'
Suck., lu Dir forty-rereuth year. Ile
had never tally recovered front` an at -
reek of "flu" loot winger.
\I1.ut Anne Itw•11e 1..111X. a former
I.seter girl. youngeitt,daught•r of it. t
*Auk otaToi•omh, teas In-arried at ',VIu-
Idle%,m ix -totter 4ta lu RJtwrt"31. Me -
u 1i or that r•fy.
WLantl uL M. essential that you keep up
The War 1'rteranr sat •• in.{ham put on
. n gay of sport% un fhaniuteismg Day your resistance. There are as a
'rhrinelar. 11i•fu1N•r 21, 11119 -T
• 16.), flax for send mahout '. lb.', and 111,a I11111111111
11 ma al it i* ■ Ifo f♦ alt A
flax for fi Micro (abput '2 :bf.
Keep your body well
nourished and strong and
there is little danger. it's
and had a very ►accrrttu )• nice
thousands of families who
result of which they will have a nice
,urplus whwh . iii b ap;laea w pr„vid- would not dream of being
I h t
the Ma. or and councillors. on beffalf of without the protection that
y onsample can be sent to each
must be on pripted form',
which lets:: be obtained from Ili± D,ml-
nun (ereaaet at,any time after *perm•
bee fat.
Aa the stock of seed b hmitatl, farmers,
are advirrd to apply early to• avoid die-
app,intmenP. No aporicatean forms will i
he furnished after February 1st. 19.(14
C. E SA1'Nt.PS,
Dominion Cereaniir.
.:,g better quarters. n the a ernoun
the town. presented the returnedn:edters.
Tnrged) to Throve lSrenea. ._
nursing sisters and, relatives of fallen I \ iN'4 w rote
i heroes with god watchre. upwards of
, ninety watches were given out.
• The Wifall fair was hard hit by
bad weather. ': he weather insurance to
be received d will
ill not cover the logs, and
I the directors ate up against a difti ult
Rober .t H. McKoy, P resident of Wing- affords. ff d Th rght l lea is to
ham nearly all lois Ide. passed away all
His choler rose, to soil n height
Tltut (aa. -lou Ulnarly .1,..('-.1 hint. 111
• The ov a ...tour .•r•1 it
HI► 4-o.ti1N4 1044 to r.ueh u height
That fu.l.too n.•url) chotwl haul.
\Vh telliN. -
'('Iw• )..'t a choler rose (41141 Ile
r4,n{(tit sant that rout{4. :10.1 w .t.. •I
with Scott',
Q11 Mi aide of las: reek, start to the
At the lame o.' Mrs. T. T. Fields, on Emulsion and be pro- Ku`dwd.
Wednesday morning of last week.r \('IUIr: " u). w. what i. meant y
their 1 ji
slater, MIs Ella Rush, war married to tested for a strenuous -courting daug••r'
11 Ernest Maines of TorBnlo. Rev. E. F. winter. It's Scott's li 1':1: 'Wit er-uuy kind of court- ■
Arm.tropg officiating. The young couplents •
COUNTY AND DISTRICT A IU reside at T, rent,. E Miaow you ask for. ' ` ,116011. ■
&oataa•nnc. Tomato. ant.
Loon. of pope *101. rood. Peter rrr-r1' 1
A former reaotnt or doused;, M:s.
Paul manage to
Adam Gaud. passed away at the hume of laud 19011 ..R.
Seasonable Tall
It is not too early to talk about cold -weather
Clothing. Don't jtsst talk about it too long, but
call on us awl let us show you our lines in
Fall and Winter
Suits and. Overcoats
Latest styles in a variety of materials, giving
our customers a selection that is bound to, please
Everything in Men's Wear except boots and
IK ;}coca•
MINS L.\ 1 ItA JAt hFo IN, pupil of •her daughter at 1 o.kum, > ask.. and the
Mr. F. T. Egeoer, Mats. Bar., is pre -1 b ( t lights 117,7r ago end it Itllrke now as
pored to rwyicr pupils on the piano. It is fifteen years a more finer the Go•od5
'Pupils1 a n nt tori family went West.then In alio& to some upon 14S 110W. DAA GREAT OWE( T. w
remains were brought here or intermen . 7 "NELSON U.t1" DRI%E
pored th. ncrudit`al tweed)' r.e•N{sc1
pr•µlr. Inc wont.,
errs-atery r%umhtutiouro up to sand In- 1 h d.ugstore sat F. R. Spith a -as Mr. st«wart stated to sae the other day
X dieting int•rw•.lhrtr. For term- apply 1 burglarized ore nicht nein(4y, \and that it was 111. intention t..
eJ to 51 Iris LAI'It.4 JAr'K$UN. Auburn. ftashlikhte luuntam pent and a quantity ning thy lighting plant 0111 the Lost any
Mr,.. William stele -11. 111*. ..uuae-
++' of Grey. di I \Pe.huealtl - of hist
Week in her thin. •fintrth nor.
\%I11IIIu1 How ellRt.of 1' 1, lou• kiw'n-
shili. `Ib.l on the !NII Inst. at tjrr age urs
o{ various 1lquors wove to to On --the of Oils month. This ..Nlr..•. Ir.• ex -
bllowingday.the *fortis of justice wens plains. is the outcome of an uu,L•r-,'
set in motion and Wiliam bell black. standing between his lawyer and Mr.
anuli and Stt,ve ThibtdLIu were Vanstone. w ho is representing the yid•
arreited Thi latter scknow ged his hale in the .•ontroyer'y wh .•II lute de -
guilt and told whirr the stoke (node velotN.I over the pftrChrlse of the plant.
sixty -nor years. He wall 1e•ru i..4 taw Auld be (,sand to on the bank of the peered INru
• Tartu ou wldels lir died. '',
The death of Jaeoto'$arares..•f I...gan
-tot. u.hip.--iee.lr Miteite14. ...•sorrel on
the 141h host., at the mai• of_erteast y -two
years. The d..ya. it was formerly' a
r•eiti.•,1 or Ib.. fow'n,.liip. '
.Si- the hult4e of ).l r. and Mrs. F.
itelenes. Morris tow'llehiy. on W't.tne•- was em; (need. a:ul the request was
,11,1 , Mto1N•r 15. their daughter. Lill• granred. Mr. Oliver d .1 not .tiew ['sere
"S1.. wee netted in wirriag.' t.. Iteie-rt J was a door ie„du[g f•.tm the apartment
10.11. ownedy retnrue41 11,41.1 o.rrw•a,.• until after the privx•er had lade his
Iter. It. J. M'- ..rtniek of Iaytit utll-) est'ape, making good use of leg ;bail along
elated. Mr. ruin Mre. 1:.•11 will take up i John street south. and he is still at Iatte.
rwl.nmi' oto rho arw.ui s farm. i•tl' ilfie Thibideau was taken to Goderjth by
,.r Moirri. ' - ' ' 1'County Con.tahi Whiteside.: Bell may be
The aranrhag*. of Mies NIaricaref nabb d vet. as the mit. one of the law are
lw.ter.• ls, youngest Jauglder of ltdrt. on the alert. .
le-v.•retie er 11$4 kersmitll. to 'Biomass Ll't'KXuW.
E. Kelly of l:lyth tank. play In Kt. 1 \Ifn.l F. ]tt field 1e la!:I,,g n coarse
,, Joules' rhureh. l:ratortll. oa Tuella}' I sat a jnw•n'. College. Kingston.
a 4eteeter 14. He*. Father r t:•etz official- :
lug. Tile hop{ry ttiglple (oft ou a trip' J• G. AtItetgon, bas returned borne
h, l III logo and otheer Western points, . `Wim \1'f $t. 4 ..
Ur. J. at. t'. Walker left last w.yk
„nal un tl11•ir noire will r.•sid.• at Ili to i for 1'auwrucer. L'!'.
I The mnrrlag•• of ]loss aloin' )(%•- \Irs. Fin41huer,•willow o11.tlw late
Iwalnld..bnghter of .Tawe- Met •hili•; 1•in.I -, . r'. dh.l at the home of
•.1 Itrue,•tl.•Irl, to W'lllrid F:udie. of Lew -, her win. J;ur1re. Hi•T„,..„ tu. ea1'1'hurs-
.ton. a ,returned ;,.idler. t..', platy sat ,h,y. •4(1. ids%. The r.•wNlni' .cogs
the Itnle•flrld wawa- nn 1h•roler 11tH. brought r.. las loam anal lite fuisrral
Iter. W. U. Me111t..a1 omcletlug• Thr
took place f the h • of Mrs. K.
yonlw .i.ilpte will r•siale at- 1a.nJnn. ]tle1,.4a1..f:rer of (he dt•ct•arwl. Mrs.
The Z -rich Herald repor'' the follow• Fiu.11ktrr was fur mots- y.•::rs a resi-
ing far its sold Alber F od has s old his d.•n( of Lrtoknnw. . -
(50- cre pas•rue firm on the south' The sentinel easy,. : Ietekuow oar-
'boundar) . Hay. to Jo eph Am'. of r.' Iy tee -aped arriltg without eke- r,.
Stephen who. ha, had the fatten rented _ •
J. T. Fell
The ea.... it appears. was tp Ia1.'e
river behind the h• me of W. H. Karr, beard sat Walkerton on Iteiob•r 21. but
editor of the Post Mrs. herrdis-overad Mr \-.ulstollr Tuts askw1 for 1r I«•et•
a large dem0uhn sat aknho, before the peneru.•ut uut(llll.• 11aw••mler sitting of ,
farts of the burglary were made public. the court. whielrw Ill IN• :yid ou I1..+ us -
Aller Bear's sense he raked Constable bee 17. aro the e•Iwu,y o !Wing without
Oliver sax perms -soon to go to the closet lights tsar taw winter, or a gnarl part of
m D Ew'an's carr:.l;e works. where he St..,.•me pretty goo.!. The 'situation Is
that tooth pa rile.. to the cuntroter,Y
Motown the lighting plant -Mr. Stewart
Ito141114 41111 the village has bought it.
and the etwu. II tisk We the µwithal that
it ha. nut.
The Fall Weather bard on
Little Ones.
Apps of the Nils) league 1. Hires -OM
te All ('lashes of Citizen..
Canadians all over the- Dominion will
remember hos In September rif last year
tee Navy League of Canada made an
appeal for one million dollars for the
relief of the dependents of the dead
and injured seamen of. the merchant
marine who. wete th- victims of the
German submarine campaign.
It will be remembered that under the
name of "Sailor- Week" - thanks to the
thoroughgoing-cn-operation of the public
with the workers -the campaign was a
complete succese and the objective was
reached and tamed.
-• -The Navy League of Canada again
appeals to all citizens for funds urgently
required to carry on the work. The
"Nelson Day" campaign has been
launched and this week. it is hoped the
rum x(.5500 000 will be raised bs volun-
tary contribution.
The, money will be devoted to the
Semi -heady Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
• •
■11111■1EK■■sumo*)• 1111 11•sitaxam
meet . t She debt of gratitude to the
Canadian seamen lost in the war; to
' provide protection, and home comfort for
seamen who comae to Canadian ports; to
educate the people to the ed of a strong
` me
navy and a strong mercantile marine and
to train native-born lads fur service in the
navy and Canadian merchant -ship% All
the, money accruing from the "Nelson
Day" campaign will be spent in Canada.
Y.ran and Lharfr Sea, T.ronlo
Iinjovs an excellent Irput:di. n war
high grade 1 oietaaa 114 R argl lot
placing Vr.,doate- in }.sal 1+..•411. CM
Kntrl aBute. Write for • al:4h,1(.re.
w 1 ELLIOTT. Po.s oµ.1.
la dl4N..l.•r ., hole like this 111 the hem•
fumble. -11.N•, riot )on exp. owl *11111.1
Lot fora .011(411' of mon►1,s Iorigr•r any-
way. It„Iy.•cr•r""if )sou ;.rood thew to
1141 trot* nor
111M:H-4'L.1tis !:HOP. Rfl'AIRiNiG
We esti r' -noir lil.•411restore their g,NNI
irwri,s. stoat 1.111 110.10 In rall41iti4111 to give
you hong service. Why not try It':
i , • t: •rich
R. Tait
Electrical Contractor
Wiring of all kin.!s up•trdate
for Telephone., Burglar Alarms,
Police Patrol and Fire Alar,.
Sy stem..
F'rlvate'Heaidrnee. and Burettes.;
Places -s specialty.
.111 Work Guaranteed.
Electric benne, Toaster% (drills.
Pans. Vacuum Cleaners, Washing
Machines, F'lasl.lighte a n d
Batteric.sat all kinds always oa
Ringup •42 or 193 and hate n41
give yon an estimate on your
wiring. It will he done right.
Robt. Tait
West Street :-: Next Postoff.ce
Phowes-Shop 82, House 191
John England hat sold ht! i. - rc e grass
farm 15 Stephen to Noah Dietrich. who
gets possession on April • 1st.' 1920.
Robert Allan has sold ms fire 100 acre
farm on the '•wn line. n ar Blake. to
Arthu 1 . Sceeoa 1. of the Sauble li :• . for a
hana,ome ottme. M'. Sre.nen *III get
posses -ion next {!larch- This is one :Of
the finest far s in Hay township and
Mr. Sr -e • n will have a besutlfu' Tom. .
i'el.e uf. and ueighIN,rs. to the nem, 4
of wN•vrnty-tar.•. wow111ble.1 at the'WM .
of Mr. lural Mrs.' W: 11. Ferguson.
\I.-rr1s tui..ship, to do them !hamar
prior to their d,.{ulrture h, Toronto.
\u ad,iress, a,..nulwub.l by :1 111111.1-
! room..
1uM1-boom.. 1114111tle clock a11.1 .N•1 IIF silver
cutlery. was pr•wrlteol to flu• host lull
h,mt•.+. along with nuuly other exprs-
•ious at eet44•111 4411.1 ur regret sat their
1.•tnoval from 110• ,,.nlaunfty. ,1r'..
F.•r►nlsou in r 1.-,•-oresidrit of the North-
llnro, I.Ilenll A,..N•hltiAu. air active
.,orker In the Molarar.• l'resbyterhln
•t.ai•,•h. stool for mint' emirs took n
roadie -id hart in W'onl. ii,. Institute
Canadian fall weather is extrerneihard
on little ones. One day is warm and
bright and the next wet and cold. These
sudden changes bring on colds. cramps
and coltc and unlese baby's little stomach
is kept right the result may he senora-.
1 here 's nothing to equal Baby's Own
Tablets in keeping the little ones well.
Trey sweeten the stomach. regulate the
bowels. break up colds and make baby
thrive. The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
Brockville. Ont.
The municipal council of Colborne met
in the township hall, Oct ,ber I4th. All
Members, except Councillor Snyder,
present. Reeve Young iq the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
adopted, on motion of Councillors Cur-
rey and Fisher. Mr. Andrew Johnston's
oiler of 53 per m, nth for the rooms to
the township hall lying east and exclusive
.d the hallway was accepted nn motion of
Councillors _Currey andJasher. The
sank was iastruciEd 1 have a lease
POISON drawn and ;rimed for the• same. Jas.
' M:Kn g it we ted . n ti e ct uncil complair -
LIKE UNTO !bort the water loam the township
highway was flooding his land. He re-
quested the township to pay the d ffer-
Vernon of Snakes en.c of a 3•inch and a 5 -inch tile for. the
extra water from the highway. Moved
ny McCann, eeconded by Currey, that
Pro( oe H. Stratme• M. D., of the the rer,uest by granted, Mr. McKnight to
Royal Charity Hospital. Days, -ins do the work at his own expense. Carred.
Wm for an attack of gout, rheulYmtiam, The following accounts were paid:- Jas.
limbed° m suppbed by the increase of McKnigh•, on Ashfield bound.ry, budd-
ire acid in the blood serum, the result mg deviation road and earth -till on bridge,
el venous causes, the most frequent of 55. inspecting. 53. ravel. 5:3 -1311: -Geo.
i1U•Nall on Ashhe ►Innn,tarv. concrete
Mr.. Item: oul. widow er the late which is renal- Before 10 attack• one b_ dge a'. Mel(nitht'i $ 2.50, excavat-
rla nna. Ihwcom, was fnnnd 411111,1 in her after! anmetimes fr,Nn truant he, neural- ting. 31.50. repatrttlw old bridge sl -
ho • on W'whn•whic of Iaer week by pa, twinges of pain here end tJfere.' 1125; Ja:. smith. on Ashfield b,undery,
her son -In-law. Junes llnnil.rd. , When your kidneys feel like lumps of drawing and putting in the at bambol's,
Ed. Schen-Wm Is while working in the lead, when the back hurts or the urine es; W. W. Fisher, 10 cords gravel at I.
mel wascsiruek by a lien anal r.•eeiteal is „may, full of andinwrot, nr you an Fl -hots'. $29; J. Levi', work.on division
suet' a heavy 1.1o.. flint 11e haw had 1" nhl,Red to seek mid two or three hones line, till; Wm Watson, work on division
Carry• hie left arm in 11 sling. durieg the rugbt; when you suffer en
While operating n waw at the piano sick bessdache, or dizzy, nervous spells,
factory t;l•ot e %'ark had the• tilos of 'cid stomach; or you have rbenmatle
the fillers of his left hind ;.•enrol. -81ea or lumbago, gout, sciatica when
The death ,NrnrrisI on $111141t1 )•. i s weather a
line, 521; Allan Watson, work on division
line. 541; J. Fisher. warlf on division line.
524; Arlan Wilson. work on division
ba t line, 54.50: Fletcher Gliders, work on
bad do not
neglect the division line, $9; Owen Moore, work on -
4 It-tidier
rt4It-tidier 12t1i. of Carolina'Imago-1h wife wrarninit but try simple means. Take divition lint. $32.40:' E. Moore, 510.50;
of Jacob (seeker. in her flfty•ninth le or eight glaseew of water during the A. Good. SOS: Girvin Young, 527; E.
•- r. Ittedil •s her husband, elle heaves day, then obtain st your neared drag
wo ahnischtrre /11141
our road. store ' (apt! -acre sed).
F:14 F:'1' F: H. 1tie m '''re discovery d Dr. Pierce el
theAmbrose ]lnll,itre. fireman on tido a lei HotelBuffalo,o-
1' Buffalo, N. Y. Ao is an antidote for this uric add
G:. T. It.. had at, fall nt the station here
poisoning and disenlvel uric acid m the
one et -erring recently. with the result body much se hot coffee dissolves sugar.
that one wrist was broken awl theAnuric" will penetrate into the joint.
other wow sprnineol. and m»aelee, and dissolve the poisepoill
stamp out to
. s
Hwa'y (1. cams inn of Mr. 411141 Mraccumulations.ros. It will stamp
William Caton. tortnrr well-ktoown reel sold 10 ,cote to Dr. Armin Irvaliae
dente of Exeter naw Ih•111g In 111e 11.1.4.foteL Buffalo. N. Y.. for trial package-
diel September 29111 at \'Illetren•he.l
ITis every woman's right to have
the best kitchen equipment that
can be had. The Pandora saves
trouble, saves work, and gives a
woman the joy of baking things
just as she wants them.
It is a woman's choice.
Let us show you the smoothly working
grates, the clear oven door, the fine ther-
mometer. Let us explain why the oven
is ab evenly heated. You want the beat
for your kitchen. Then see the Pandora.
Sold by
Holzhausen, inspecting, 1'.; S. Butts.
cutting weeds on division line, 1,: Wm.
McCann, drawing reinforcing material,
$3; Geo. McNeil, c ncrete bridge at
Mrs. Clark's. 1132. gravel on bridge at
Mrs. Clark's. $4.55; Tait Clark, inspect-
ing 12'days. 512: Isaac le skins, inspec'•
tit ., crass, 5.5, lepainng bridge at Jer:-
kins'• Si - $$: C. C. Lee, rei second;
mate oat. 55.4.50; (;ori. Mc\all, fill and
gravel on Feagana bridge. 120, repairing
bridge on s dtr,rad at McNa l's, 51-12 r.
J. Barker. on Ashfield boundary. operat-
ing grader. 53: E. Mcllwain. on Ade
field boundary, tractor on grader, 19.(40;
the Godench Star. printing and station.
cry. 517.39: Jas. Eliintt. 2. concrete
bridges at Hetherington's syr 124-h, con-
cetision, $357 '25. concrete bridge at i
Tailor'•, 10th concession. 512a deviation
road and dra%ing plank for OM.. $ti).
wire for ren:. nrcmg, 51 - 5131:
Kirkpatrick. 1 •keep killed by •doss in
Juno. 525: 1. W. Preldle, storage for
cement in 1913. 55: W. l.. Warnock,
decorating township hall, council room,
527 50; Municipal World, clerk's supplies.
55.20; Municipal World. supplies for
late clerk. 511.05; 1. B. Grahapt. gravel
at Jenkins' and brace posts for cemetery.
$57. Council adjourned to meet '.nvem-
ber 11th. at 130 p. m. I. HEMMING -
TON, Township Clerk.
S port the Boys' Naval Brigades
- Becatliie these afe t13t only -organizations training Can-
adian boys for service in our merchant fleet now
being built.
Canadians Must Sail the Seas
Because we cannot leave our growing export trade cot
the mercy of fvreigh seamen.
Canada Need$ Trained Canadit .1 Seamen
The Naval Bri ides Traii _ Our Boys
Aim. .r this
To emphasise Ca+ada's
.4Nrtr.,1•r1 e.d r.tper
114,11tos as the sea_
T. r.(se lands for tie
redo./ of oar •oculi..;
seamen. layered ^'I• Mr
War. and /-r depr.A,Nte
of these who taro( baled.
T. wd.tein sai:ore' homers
oar pot,.
T. trio* bort and gorse
w,e• for err ..erehow
slit by Mr rreane.ati.•
d BIM Nana, Brigades.
H n 11. THC
Dowenhan rr-.•tent .
::red I:raln INetrihutlen. •
, Rtperiollental Farm. Nate 1
The annual free distribution o samples
of seed grain is Deine conducted at the
Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa, by
the Dominion Cer. mint.
The following kinds of seed grain will
be sent out this season:
Spring wisest :fn about 5-Ib'.temples).
white eats (shout 4 lb 1, bar - ;about 5
Ib I. frekl pest tent garden peas) lahnia 5
Ili.). field beans (early ripening, only for
districts where the season is 'hart) (about
aro--•-► --•
V.00,000 is Neede
Because the work of rale Boys' Navr,1
a Brigades and -the othe Tranches of t
Navy League'•e activitit -e financed , /
p;Ibllc contributions.
The Campaign Mus' ' a Success
Because Canada ni is1 assured that
her increasing surplt i t .lets win reach
overseas iparkets.
The Race for Export Markets
is tin. One yuartcr•nf the orld's ship-
ping was hist in the star. :anada can-
not buy or rent ships and s.' is building
them, and must be in a p(;sition to man
them with trained Canadian seamen.
for '500,0
' iii •+.; `r
Canadians us Sail .712e- T&eaa
Cam; a.^n Committee for the l'rovincc of Ontario:
Cl.einw•a: SIR JINN C. EATON Viee-Clrs'-w►am A. M. HOARERLIN
Horn. Tr.u.: 5' t EDMUND WALKER Assist. T. •ass.rtr : N. L. MARTIN
34 King S:.-ect Nest, Toronto
Ucfob. 12223