HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-23, Page 5• Winn fie' -.w--- • • • SEs SIGNAL - GODIMIC1l , Ti n erlay. (leaner .tet. MS -I{ FOR SALE 11111111111111.111Model' 25 Studebaker Touriftg Car in first-class shape.., $450 6 h. pInternational Gasoline Engine with all extras $150 East Street Garage "Owned and Operated by Practical Man" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover •, ameemmmemsemmemammweareommesoometarim 1At GARDEN COURT Face Powder as pictured and describ- ed in the October Ladies' Home Journal and _Cosmopolitan had at Campbell's Drug Store ' The Peaslar Star* Goderich -- Ontario It is the finest face powder we know of-- Come and see it. CEMTRAI $TRATFORD. ONT.. The Largest and Best Commercial Sclsol is Wester Ontario we give indivi,lual instruction and students Inas 'liter ,r. it Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart- ments at any taus. 1Ve a'.i.t grad- uates to Iw,sut„u,. Write now for our free c•atal.•gue and barn the nature ,if our work. D. A. MCLACHLAN, PrloCIpei D. W. Griffith's The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may can in your troubles -the Plumber., We know our business aril are hire to terve you. IsFRED. HUNT "THL PLVMBLR" teamIlton enlistMum* pa Plumbing,Heating Kavest.r oughing Metal Work Story of Victory An Artcraft Special D. W. GRIFFITH "THEGREATEST THING IN LIFE" First he produced "The Birth of a Nation" then "Intolerance" followed by "Hearts of the World" and :'T`s Greet Lave" Now be gives you "THL f1;REATEST THEW IN LIFE" Are you coming to ser It one bet you are ! But you better coins MODEL THEATRE early. LOCAL TOPICS. To Sea the Visiting I'sanoe, "'A contingent of war veterans, including members of the 3.1rd Regiment band, went to London today to take part in the welcome to the Prince of Wales on his visit to that city. A number of civilians also madr the trip. Westi ake-Barker, On Wednesday, (ktober 11th, a quiet wedding took place at Victoria street parsonage when Miss Hattie [darker of Dunlop became the bride of Samuel G. Westlake, of Goderich township. The ceremony was formed by Rev. J. F. Reycia*. lm telyalter the ceremony the bridal ' motored to the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. George p. Bran, of Loyal, where a reception was held and it dainty luncheon was served. 1 he bride watlg attired in a nays blue serge wit with white crepe de, chine blouse and taupe plush hat and gloves to match. The happy couple received .man' useful gifts. We wish them many years of happiness Death of Mrs. G. R. Elliott. . '1'111' VIII and uiii,'vp.•t,.I news was r.,'it.1 on :timidity of the death of Mrs. 1i. R. Elliott Iformerly 'tattle !Wither 1, whirhi,,, ilrred Sunday eight al her home at l'kniuore, .(lberta. The de,,aswl was a slaughter of Mr. E. e. Iteleh r, of town. and ler husband iiia 11.011 of air. and Mrs. I:. M. Elliott of town.$Iw Lits• Aliso two brother*, I G.v,rge uud Its ris Keleher of town. and niw Mister, Miss 1111YA'l, wli,l has 1144.11thing N1111a her a1 1 ' lawn.. al rs. 1 Elliott was a bright, talented young woman mud the 11eNa o1 her .lath is rer+'iiv'I with general sorrow lot her old hometown. The funeral took placer at IIauff on Wednesday. Important Kae of Purebred Stoek. '191e di.persal sit IC of tow Isaac Wrlkeld herd of purebred Shorthorn rattle. also Leicester sheep and other Hie Mt,w•k, 011ueslay next, will Iw an ,'trot of ImplrtaMY' to faruwre desiring to itu;ornve tlwlr sto,•k. Tide lwrd of Shorthorns was first e•stablb/wd by the let.' Lame Nalkeld 1141111141111e1e forty years ,rein, and las Iwen emitinued by lay eon, the present owner, and Ir ism Wing effeeWeiteamireeSettetWeWetaiMaeltettMeatMeeles Model Theatre WEDNEKUAi and THl Hsi)Ii nest Werk 004116111111040.11.11011 Fiower. Bulbs We have a full assott- ment of Bulbs for fall pfltnting. Hyacinths, Narcissus and Tulips Single and double in the popular colors. Robertson & Mair 'Phone 164 Cor. Hamilton St. and Square GRIFFIN PICTURES M VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE WILL OPEN WITH GRIFFIN PICTURES WATCH FOR OPENING DATE WANTED Pianist, also young woman for cashier. Apply to A. R. ECKERT, I t: Local Manager I f - - PROGRAM - - ••••••••••011 F'KII)I1 and •,111 RI)tl this week Charlie Chaplin in "k Dog's Life" is Rheumatism of the face Uric Acrd Wit in the blind by disordered kidney* lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead:land across the cheek to the side of the m..e. The cause is the mime as in all Rheumatism-- disordered Kidneys. The cure is likes wise the samei-' Dodd's Kidney Pills \H)N1)Ii and TI I.I)11 nest dispersed because of the male of the farm to the Luke Huron Steel Corpora- tion. A catalogue bast been Issued glv ling pedigrees and ollwr part Wiliam of the animals to be sold, and u copy- will be s.'nt to any person interested on applk•utlun In addition to the Short- horns, twenty-one registered Leicester sheep, anat ilumlwr of natal grade' cattle, besides hors's and pigs. will lie offend for mule. Mr. 'droner. Gundry Is the auctioneer. 1. O. 1). E. Memorial Fled. The Daughters of the Empire in Can- a& are endeavoring to raise at least half a -million dollars for the purpose of a war memorial fund. This fund is to promote the educational work of the Order and is to be expended towards founding scholarship: to provide. among ,Tr 150AY. Nov. 4. -Mk of farm Pock and other things. a university education for 1 iwu,rM'Id eats',• by Wdt.am Mdl.on., wr 1o4 w, disabled soldiers oss r tailors or children rf concession 1. E 11 towmMp Colborne, at lo'cl,ck soldiers or sailors killed in service, to pro- P' +"Iir'Ruar, Nos. w, -$ale 01 residence property mole courses of illustrated lectures. Iree to and hou,ehdd word re. by Mots Mabel C. Net - children of Can4da, on the history and ion, a1 the prelateswe« welts[, Dederick at l.as geography of the Empire: to place p. m •harp. libraries in schools where there are many fQreuan children in attendance. The General Brough Chapter. Godes itch has lust sent Nil towards the scheme th( being its share of the mg meeting at the ChautauquaJuly. A. J. Snider will give an interesting -d- NEN 1'1(1I KF; 1101 1F:. (.odsrirh to Kr on the Griffin l'lrruif:-- May Open Next Week. The (;rittm Amusement Corporation of Toronto having leased Victoria Opera House for a term of ye us, the house is being put in a thorough state of repair and renovation, and will be opened probably next week with a daily program. Motion pictures will be the leading feature, and Mr. A. R. Eckert. who is the local manager for the Griffin Corpor- ation. assures 1 he Signal that Goderich will get the very best that is produced. The Corporation has about forty houses in Ontario. from Kingston to Fort William, and is therefore able to secure first choice of the pictures as they are produced. Mr. John Griffin, well known as a theatre manager. is president of the 1 Corporation. and Mr. liter F. Griffin is the vice-president and general manager. The latter,inspects every picture before it goes out as a Griffin feature. Being on the Griffin circuit assures Goderich of the sante shows as are seen in the other places on jhe circuit, some- time, ahead of Tomato and other of the largest cities. Owen Sound and Sarnia are the nearest places to Guderich on the circuit. s Mr. Eckert intends to conduct a first- class house herr, and further announce - intents will be made of the features to be i shown in Griffin Pictures. GUNDRY'S SALE RE(i1STER. Sat.•aoar. Oct. 73.-Eaecu(nu' sale oil valuable proper ty in h e township nl A� MId, .1 1 oc.rak p. MOND/111.0C( . !r. -Clearing sale of lam mock. statements, etc.. properly d Thomas Wallace. Man. township Tt/aysar.Oct -Mattes sale eel lane stock and implements by J. W. & Isaac, lialkeld. at lot 4. concession 't, l:oderech township. ltayuetd road. at 1 o'cloca p. m. WIONI.DAW. O.t. 9.-Auet.on sale of farm Nock and smpkments, property of U W Marsh all. lot ti,, tencemsen L, East W awanosh THURSDAY. Oct. Pk Kale oI term stock and implements. by L. H. Pentland. at lot 11. se.nce,. Ann 1, township of Ashhtld. quarter mile torsi el N.k Fa,oay, Ort. at.-Aucl.on sale or (um st s k. by Wm J Delw.,ow sale snail 1 1 Jr. ,nnrewwm t. Fast. Weymouth, at 1 edict, P. m Society, will pnaeli. SMi,uloy school, 3 p.m. Evening subject : "'I'le 141u of s being Half-Iseke•.I." collection taken up at the Sunday even- ` tel Sunday evening next. at K 15, there in ul I will be a masa meeting in Knox church in W. C. T. 1'. Notes. I the Interest of the Bible Society. Rev It has been said that "more things dress on "HON the Bladder., Indians Got have been wrought by prayer than his the Bible. q 1 are cordially invjted to world dreams of." We believe the sur- ; hear Mr. Snider. cess of the referendum campaign was not only due to our prayers, but because we i The classes and 'glen's Club will meet I voted as we prayed and prayed while we i.at North street Meth.dist chuech nest 1 voted. On election day, about sots of n.lead dayC uncal b 111 at 10 Hein will o'clock. f Athe the women and some men met inn the Temperan-e Hall, which was open from di cuwtion on the question: -Must we .9 a. m. till 3 p. m., for prayer. Many always have the poor with us?" more were out doing their bot. There pastor's morning theme will be: "Person umien hour and al Work and the Workers." In the '1' A Musical Member For Any Home 1 THINK of the pleasure and happiness a Grafonola brings into your home. Always ready for an evening's. entertainment, with the newest popular song hits, while the ar ew, and the famous Columbia Dance Records payed with i a, swing and 'dash no other instrument can equal. was a d f1 t leader for every every one to the minute, both to begin ' and to quit; but the best of all God was in the midst and some of us calif Lits Lee God froom whom all blesiscarcely refrain from sing*{1g "Praise m`s flow," los; before the polls closed. Not unto us. in but unto God be a I the praise. We give as all a welcome to our meeting Monday. "Such a Little Pirate .loctaber 27th. at 7.13 o'clock, for our thanksgiviag service in the Hall. Many of us will long remember the 21th of October, 1919 -Evan. Supt. WE NIEKDAI .%NI) THI KtiUAi' D. W. Griffith in "The Greatest Thing in Life" 18111.11 and SATI RI).11 Ethel Clayton in "Woman's Weapons" i Clearing bi Men's Black Overalls These Overalls- are cut roomy and are strongly made, with elastic back, to clear at $1.65 Men's brown duck work Vests, five pockets, to clear at ,1.25 Men's button jersey cloth Gloves, to clear at 22c Men's unlined split horsehide Gauntlets, a strongly made Glove for general use, to clear at 79c - Men's Police Braces, to clear at 15c M. Robins TEN EVENINGS South side --of Square PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. T. T. Leckie is visiting relatives at liensal: for two weeks. Miss McDo'igall, of Toronto is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Joseph Kidd. North street. Miss Elsie Fisher and Mr. Ed. \tasnn. of Detroit, Mich., spent the week -end in Goderich. Mrs. H. D. Moyer will be at home at the Methodist parsonage, North street, the first and second Thu sdays of November and the first Thursdays thereafter. Dr. Percy Aikenhead. of Easton, Maryland, visited Dr. W. F. and Mrs. Clark last week. He IS a son of Dr. J Aikenhead, V. S., formerly of town. evening he will speak on "The Romance of the-f'roh,hihton Movement." A cor- dial welcome awaits all. 7 he North street Epworth League had 1 salc> el 1570 30 Ili Wei�a OUGHS SYllllr3C 'RAND TRUNK SYs EM The Double Track Route 1 Mr. IWMI Mrs. Harry' Hunt, accom- panied by Mr. and alts. A. (lord, motorist to Sarula 111111 MiS1nt t1W week- end. They 111.41 visited fort. Hnr,m. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thomson were at Bridgeport over Sunday __vnsiting the former's.mothcr, Mrs. G. W. Thomson, who, we regret to say. is in failing health Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Goode, Victoria reet, announce the engagernent of their nger daughter, Pearl \ Iola. to James nder Straiton, elder sem of Mr. and Mrs. ohn :Straiton, Goderich. the mar- riage t take place in the early part of Nov ember. Sergt. A> Athelstane Ili -set. B. A.. Mrs. Bitleet ied family left this w ek for Edmonton, Alberta, where air. Bisset will resume his :law practice. which he left to go overseas at the call of King and 'Fnuntry. He returned from overseas in ebruary and had sine remained in town on account of Mrs. Bisset's health. "Meet 111e at l(Ille'kstonles," they are all saying. "where they have the pure kr ,cream." A !pedal meeting of General Brough, Chapter, 1.0 D. E.. will he held in the court hnnie on Wednesday, 29th inst., at 4 o'clock, to make final arrangements for the Hallowe'en euchre and dance. Tl',ere will be special music by the Goderich Orchestra at the Mnkl Thea' tri next Wednesday and Thursday even- roes The Rebekah Lodge intends holding an "at home" on Friday evening. Nnvemher 7th. Cards 11 p. m. shorn: dancing. Ad- mission - gentlemen 75c. ladies 25c. Blackstone -Buckley orchestra. CH1'R('ll NOTES' Columbia Grafonolas and Records We have any number of tow. mostittteresting propositialns to offer yqp in the way of complete outfits, different models, record assortments, etc., as well as the most convenient arrangements concerning terms. 4 Come in, soon, and hear the Grafonola play. Pick out the style y'ou like hest -then let us show you what our Service means to our customers. W. Sproul - Dungannon a most interesting and helpful meeting on Tuesday night. 1t was "literary night," Miss Lottie Robinson presiding. The program consisted of duets by the Misses Jenkins and the pastor ani his daughter. Helen. and a reading by Miss Mooney. Rev. J. F. Reycraft, of Vic- toria street church. gave a bright arfd helpful address on "Misfits." Rev. Principal Dobson, of Alma Ladies' College, who was an over -night visitor in town, was accorded an enthusiasti_ meet), ion by the young people and gave a short address. The . Princ:pal wa.i a speaker 4t the district league convention at Seaforth on Wednesday. Take 'Orifice �ijnder the auspices of North street f.pworth League. free sample packages of bets% cin MONTRLA L TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO linesesilled dining car service Sleeping oar* on pieta trains. and parlor ,ars ou.plimciprl day trains. , Full. information frons any Gland Trunk Ticket Aget:t, or C. E. Horn- f hag. District Pasmeneer Agent To - 'unto. G. H. Lander, NtatIot Agent, phone Sl P. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phonfr A ' Rev. J. E. McCauley will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday. FIN subjects will he: Morning, "Campaign for Christ." Even(ritI "A Fool's Religion." -Parcat V111/1011101'1.0Metho*llst s-114./tehmr,''t N Inv r Morning: ROT. A. 1. Snider, repr'sentet've of the Bible Hern's Boot Shop FALL and Winter is the time of the year when shoe service.:ia.4, rat'con- sideration. Attention to health prompts everyone to secure proper footwear. We have a large range of sturdy Boots to choose from in Ladies' Street Wear for growing Girls. Shoes with heels that give com- fort in walking. Our stock is about coin• plete in Rubber Foot- wear, Rubber Boots for the Little Gents, Youths, Boss and Men. Remember our REPAIR SERVICE. is ni the best 1 W. HERR irks[ 111 , brain food will be tarnished to membri, and friends who apply at t e S S return of the church on Friday evening. October '31st. between the houtrs of 1 and 111 o'clock. It 14 perfectly safe and harmless and acts so dvxctly upon the oyrg.In ks *litchi( is prepared that a whole colimanY of chattering young pe'role are Sud len1Y trans( wmsd inti, cornea thinkers It 1n no way interfere with the general health: in fact. believing that 1t acts ac an abn-- titer.light refreshments have been tee - pared to be'partaken of after the first dose. it is anticipated that all starlit there who are not pe-fectly satiefud with their meatal calibre A reward is offered to anyone who does not go home thinking himself a wiser, it not a better, i,1 in unless. of course, he rhr,uld • happen to helmet to the op,iotate sex. ICL Three flavours to suit all tastes. Be SURE to get WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight Kept Right EPT secret and special and personal for you is WRIGLEYS in its air - tight, sealed package. -- A goody that is worthy of your lasting regard because of its lasting quality. - The Flavour Lasts MADC IN CANADA ranch. • . 4