The Signal, 1919-10-23, Page 410.••••••••••••vallipo 4- Thormlay, October 2.3, •Ca•"•-•' • THI .11161111. Clothes That Keep Shapely must be fashioned by experts -and upon lines that ars, retained because of exacting workmanship. To get long service and an always trim appearance, we urge you to wear Bengard Clothes The highest skill combined with good litateritik and 'watch- ful care unite in these famous elothes to give you full certainty of value avid satisfaction. Your first experience with Bengard clothes will acquaint you with a new and higher standard in ready.to-wear garments. WALTER C. PR1DHAM SOLF AGLAT FOR ZOth CENTURY AND ART CLOTHING BORSALINO HATS Phone 57. (AI(I4'\. W141111..1111Y,1 h•terber Mrs. John Young left on Monday for Lethbridge. Alberta. 11 411.r 01/1411111114 111P 1111414 1111111111 1.11.11 11114 11.1111 1V1./1 hen% Mr. Milton Tyilflitil 11.1Y111,1 from the Wein on Saturday lend spent tlw week-enel with. his 1.r..1her Melvin tory going to New York, Where be will continue Ms 4.111411e%. Mr. Foyier. of Kitchener. and Mims, Ruth Veiling. of the. "Mee. Strat- ford. spent the week -end with the latter•s parent.. Mr. and NIrs. lt. M. Young. We are glad to report that Mr. Wm. Clayton lois rerovereel frotu his recent 11111,04. 1 G Dder ch united lii marriage to Mr. Huncau J. Matheson. Itev. ',w. Matheateu, of Isreotlwr.tot the groom, tied the nuptial knot. The bride, who Iris given away by her father, wore a dainty dress of wlette georgette over silk. .ifter tiw (*mainly a sumptuous supper was served. Tlw many beauti- ful giftg received testified to the high esteem 111 which the young vomiter are Mr. anti Mr.. Matheson left on Weelutowelay for Markdale, rey comity. AUBURN. WEDNEMAY, Oct. TA Mr. and Mr. Wm. Ferguson and fanuiy, of Windsor, are visaing their parent. before 1 eating in Sealorai, where Mr. Ferguson has bought rt 1111•CiOnlab sitop and °welling. •I ne apple pacers are busy in this seciton. 1 hey nnd trouble in keeping suppued with apple barren). AltrAl Kollinson has installed a BlyLIl mulacval telephone in his harness s lop toi the convenience of his customers. w Oerrusiti.-The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Ncaves on Sunday I om St. Mark's ' church was largely attended by relatives and fnends, whD thus showed their last respects to orie of the early settl,rs ot this .conununity. She leaves her bereft hus- bani and ner lather, kir. Robert Medd, two users -Mrs. John Symington and Mis. L. Yhthips of the veiage-and three Ixothers-Kobert Medd. ,ohn Medd of West Wawanush. and James Medd of the village. The funeral services were con- doeted by Hey. W. B. Hawkins, and the in,erineot was in Hads cemetery The death or Mrs. Andrew Ferguson oc- curred at Goderich hospital on Wednesday 01 last Week. atter a lingenng dirges. The remain. were interred in Batts cemetery. , The deceased is survived by her husband and one daughter. The sympathy of the community goes out to these beeeaved tamilles in their sorrow. 0011$11110k ga"t" 1 Edwards' candy 1.. tiw kind you 11 Always tresh aud pure. Your "rootless mast be mode to lest as lose es passable, they're so dear sow. Smilight Soap is Ow person sad bout of all loosellry soaps so Ws nue issferet eksoessr-vo• the most sees - easiest beeesse, hated pore, it takes loss t• do the sresh. DUN NON. Thsiday4 te-tober The Western Ontario convention of the Buy Victory les Women's institute will be held in the jr. Louis Govler v.d his furniture M C. A. et4itonuni, London. 00 to Under14.11 1111 Frkley., Ur:tober 2Stl4 and '.Vth. Mr. Dui ill Sproul. of hievIlTieer. wee. truck 011 4111. back by falling limb imeThe extensive alterations and improve- nts at the Model Theatre have taken a -1-figer time than eras expected. but the Theat* will be open on Friday evening of this week with a Charlie Chaplin reel. The new accommodations provided put the Model in tne front rank of picture - houses. 4415•111 u few ilaye thie week eliciting ut Mr. A. Wilson's. Mr. niiil Mrs. A. Johnston. who have 1 lately kohl their !satin 4111 Ili*. 4.4 li 11111. I eession.• lueie nemeel toter res.tom in 1Io3.!.. township Iiii11. '.sI ,i's' :hey will reside for tio.• 3Iroi. %ay.. 1.4.14;0141114 u te.w weeks visiting with her poll Charlie. in ronba. _ ,Mr. Wine elayten elpert Sunday 111 1;10111.11P11.0 • Nlatliewati -Shaekleton.--A very pret- ty Wedding 'ova5 witsumizeml at the home of me. anel Mrs. T. H. Shackleton. Aoh- tieldt_on the iere•n4eg of ThankegivIng Pay. w ten their, 014-1-igtitc-e, Mity4-ww. •-er -Str .11 VrerefirerfriarT-1,.....,.1. HE INHERITED ALL HIS MANY TROUBLES. But Found Relief in Dodds Kidney Pills. while felliug a trey IA 11 A. eutlecre w Witt off work for a few days. I Mr. aud Mrx. Liugabl Fe wier have moved to 444. Andrew Kirk fa tn. uhich they ha‘e pure -hawed. Mr. •• ue understand. Is going ato Ihnreolb. where one .ef lais oling theme, and Mrs. Kirk 14. going on at visit to Calif.ortolee. Mr. Robert Bailey, malinger tot\ the Sterling Rank eery. has hewn tratine [erred to Marlhank, where the St.•rlitig I. opening is new branch. He will be much mimed he our burg. Mr. Itishion from tlee elotlerIch branch t.. Sproul. Thengantion's well - nit lire WII. 5 1144 - local •rafonolane ulsI 11rufsmoht mem of Dodd's Kidney Pills is shown by1, the statement of Mr. Jas. N. Timnions, a attractive well-known reeident here. Mr. 'Daimons tattettita... „ha. says that he inhented his kidney trouble adjunct to the take hi Red River. fw.erness Co.. C B.. Oct. Mr. V. 20 (Special). - Thai even the moat deeply- kn.,wn fu rooted kidney disease yields to a treat- deah.r lo • • "6"411111111 miranamiliaimaiimassaasimiumanialmailsiamaiiim a a IN eau Awe* you ...use Very Ix III ths.rie. renpillar are so Antonin.. nu lern home. Call In from his arents and suffered severely , and 111111. '•1 ueed two boxes of Dodd's Kidney 1 Al and Mrs. Ihtie. from it tor six years. Mime Ruth Fowle Pills anu they did me a lot of good. II 1 insin of We'd W•Will had followed on with the pills I believe , mattire.ay eventieg they would have completely cured me. 1 twent am always gtad to tell others hw -omuch y yomirs anel ten Th.' imeral took plarr henebt I get from cisme I)odd's Kidney Pills." Mr. Timmons suffered from many various ills that accompany any kidney ' trouble. He had rheumatiem, cramps, in the muscles. backache aad headache- His • Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. etilly ditlighter of wler. elth roue.* h. died suddenly t. She wale oillis of WV. ...lay after - 440011 to Hungameme crenfile -y. Itcv. Mr. 'knight's ottictating. The \pallhearers were A. Sueliolt, Leo. W11.1111.11111 111111 Virtnr Erringtien, Fred Fo ler awl Thos. w.-leirer. Election thiy.-monetey. 1 Ilv-toolier 20, topetwel nisei fr011tilltled 4411 exceptionally -era nd 41447 _amt. _dt_ WitIA__situy _and Igreet surprieses. Very kern Interest was ehown on all Melee anti Ilunganuon was a very buoy place. All available v.rtem acre 114.11..(1. end there were many 1 people to look akiter getting tout the vote 11 1111 e•Vvit inort. to take rare of it while teeing polled. No. 1 14411. West Wail -s- wede, bad ten 4.111cIals on she payroll. When the return. were received show- ing the defeat of the- liewnet ,1:overn- ilWilt. WI great wee. the Aileick that many of the old-time Cotuserrative. leave Hot byre' Well Alper. Sooner have g • to I'ort .\II..rt to work. others have ensne" to the. wilds of WalW11110011, MIA 54 114Ibligly kliii% PI RIWIP. While as tea alio eould not get sissy wander aNnit madly tend ponder over the why awl.% herefore of it._.. The re- die he west erawaneem and Aahr14'lt1 were as follows: WEST WAWANISSH Framer doynt Proctor No. 1- . 65 124 3i1 No. 2- 51) SO 411 Nef• 3- 31 7.2 Pi No, 4-- 14 714 No. 5- 4M 11 N11. 4.14- • 3 1 21 239 416 A14H1.111,1) sleep was bris een and unrefreshing.14. felt heavy and sleepy itter_mila Its was a'‘). ay.. tired en..1 nervous.. After -soar oonaditione, and the telephone Reconstruction and Telephone Service. TELEPHONE service, like other public services, undoubtedly suffered through the war. Hundreds of skilled telephone workers went overseas. Many trained operators sought tempoi ary positions in munition plants. There was a world shortage of the materials that go to build a telephone sys- tem. Our reserves of plant and equipment were drawn upon until they were practically exhausted. Necessary repkirs and mainten- ance work had to wait. Then came the armistice. The business world sprang into intense activity. The de- mand for new installations all over our system was enormous. Now comes the task of getting back to normal -restoring our reserve plant, over- taking arrears of maintenance and repairs, hurrying new construction of local and long distance equipment to meet pressing demands for service. Our plans for this year involve an outlay for extensions and replacements of over $7,000,000. We are giving intensive training in our operators' schools to hundreds of young women to prepare them for central office positions. Our chief concern is that our subscribers should get the best possible service under all conditions. Skilled workers, adequate equipment, a resolve to do our best, while realizing that see are all servants of the public- these are the factors which, we hope, will result in the maitztenance of the pre-war standard of telephone service. And we ask the kindly co-operation of all telephone users in - Making sure of the number by consult- ing the directory before calling; Speaking distinctly, directly into the mouthpiece; Answering promptly when the ben rings. Th. Bell Telephone Company of Canada No. 1 - No. 2 - NO. 3 - No. 4--. No. No, 0 - No. 7- .111 32 25 27 3.4 21 211 .222 103 .101 4.14 72 12 14 3104 50 24 7,2 227 3.m 51 43 1454 113 127 749 M I LLAR Ei SON 110 What They Mai. Tom Allele : Can the I% r. tr. handle 0111' 11110V141 referendum? Fred Ross : If I had only bad a week up 10 Aslitield whist as cheer. there would linVe. 11111 Carr : There will Ito' Ins many pahl odieers III 111101 Ninth 1114.11 ele.i.t1011. lien Crawf.prell Ity love, isn't It awful ? 1 bad no idea if 510111/I Is glich fl 'Phos. : we•ii. ie Hob Halley : Remove 1114. 111 11111.1'. Jack McNabb : I object to Ab., Cul- bert 1.1111V111•0111144 people on einem,. night. It is not alloweel in our elinrch. Henn Trete), Veil : Let 1111' 11114 1111 1 y4.11. 11'. so long ethic. 1 NO se : That • Ng majority agalwet Hearst 1 tan sympathlr.. with him. Joe Meeliongh 1 o lab they would put voter...1. In thoir right tniteplei. MO 1 VV1111111 11114 Is. running all over. Tom Stothers . If Joynit had not been electe0, I should 411 ve to go eronnel ly llerry I 'Infra and behind Ornde Aligu.thee's woodpile to get to 411P 1141141.. And Ad 1i1.14,r herilet come to ye. Our lee cream be Just right -�o one moonier. say Try It mewl gee fOr yieurself.- 11. T. PAWS rda • 1111 NI Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Popular Priced Coats Many new arrivals in the Coat Department opened up this week, including Silvertones, Velours_and Flushes, in a great variety of the latest' New York styles.- There are no two Coats alike and at no other time of the season will the selection be so complete. They are priced from $19.50 to $60.00. The Vogue of Velvets It is many a season since Velvets have been so popular Our special in Plain Velvets, Chiffon Finish, all colors, 22 inches wide, at $1.25 per yard. Cord Velvets at $1.00 and $1.7.5. Two exceptional values in Cord Velvets at less than last year's prices, in deep pile, all colors, 27 inches wide, at $1.110 aid $1.25 per yard. 111111=MMI Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Underwear Our stock of women's and children's Fall and Winter Underwear is most complete. We specialize in Turnbull's, Jaeger's and Peerless Brands, in all weights, to suit all tastes. •. • • Turnliun's Fine Wool Combinations, low neck, sieeveless, or Vneck and elbow sleeves, at per suit, U.N. Jaeger's extra fine quality Pure Wool Combinations. low neck, sleeveless, short orlfull length sleeves, ale° knee length and ankle length. Priced $7.50. Turnbull's Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, high neck, long sleeves, drawers opeu or closed. rer garment $2.25 and $2.50 he outsize. Children's Wool N'ests and Drawers. Turnbull's make, in white or natural. Sizes I to 14 years. Priced according to size, $1.0• ts $1.50. Women's Flannelette Gowns Women's extra quality White Flannelette Gowns and Pyjamas, extra well -made, good roomy garments. Priced from $2.25 to $.3.75. X X X AfeCail istbmit Winter Qaartarly and Magazines X X IN XX•MIXIX11111XXXXIII•XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX•X XX a PHONE 56 Millar s Scotch S • tore PHONE • 56 • 9 • • • 1 The Leading Phone and Mail Order Store N 1 IN NUNSINIIIINININININNONNININININN•0111111111111111111111$11.11111111111111 1 - E:„..n.iivialiocxxmcxxxxx:c000ppocmoc'xxx Itching, =1-I Ina, or Pro Ing Piles. No surgical open. et Ion required. Dr. Chase', Ointment will relieve you at once and an certainly elms you. Win a no:: an dealer... or Ednistnrion. Nee" h Limited, Toronto. tileateip'.• box free it you mention Ulla paper and eacium 2c. otamp 40 5117 meow. McEwen's SPECIALS Boys' Caps, new supply to hand Boys' Overalls, 55c to 61,25 Boys' Jerseys, white. navy and red Boys' Braces, 15c up A few peices of curtain material, to cleat from 25c a yard up A nice line of Bath Towels at right prices We stock the Crompton Corsets, all sizes as n d different styles Lime Juice, Grape Juice. Rasp. Vinegar, Lemon and Orangeade in bottles, also Lemoaade and Orangeade Powder. Just , right for drinks in the hot weather Try some of our Aroma Brand Tea. With ten lbs. you get a Teapot FREE Mint Tea in stock.You will fiud a noon in, each package s J. J. McEwen 1,1000ee No. 11-71143 Subscribe for The Signal now. ANNOUNCEMENT 'We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hart'. coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our evict -time service and prompt delivery. The Saults Coal ,Co Phone.No. B. J. Saults' residehee W. W. Stitilts• residence No. 275 No. 202 MCOCXXXMODOCXXXXXXXXXXX MINNIE 10111111•1111• • INMININNI• 111111111111111111 NI N THE PRINCE OF WALES : 11 A large photo of the popular heir to the throne 111 IN for all Signal readers X a The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal Intim se X III . cured the exclusive right/ for all Canada for a real good X 1 photo, 16 x 22 inchee, of the Prins* of Wales. It is by * X VanDyke: the celebrated London, nglitinel, photo- * X grapher, taken on the eve of the Prmee'e departure • Xfor Canada. II ..., The Signal has made arrangements with The Family Ifereld NE X and Weekly Star whereby we are permitted to include the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer. X • X We now make the following offer, good only until December IN NI Ant, 1919 : The Family Herald and Weekly Star one IN IN year, met 41.25. The Signal one year, *1.50. • 1 We offer both papers for one year each, and a eopy of the * IL Prince of Wales' portrait, size 16x22 inches., all for *2.1:i a ; All orders to be sent to this office: . . THE SIGNAL, CIODERICII X IN X WA NING-Thie offer is good' uply until Deeember :111tet. a IIII 9, when it is announced the priee of The Famil X rald %;.ilf be *1.50 a Year • • 111111111111111111•11111XIIIIINXINNIX1111111111111111111111111