HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-16, Page 10mr417711811.4' lie., ' • , • ''• e\h""'" 1.1 1 7r:7170-4”lisiik-. It GODIERICH. ONT. Wall Paper ;11 Brighten up your home for the long winter months ff,Palf7 fr if %Warr See our papers for 'the parlor, dining -room, hall. bedrooms, kitchen, or any room in the house, and you will be surprised at the good values we give you. FOUNTAIN PENS special selling agents for Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, iti the titular or self filing types. .11.7240:01 LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The General Brough Chapter. I.O.D.E., intends holding a euchre and dance on Hallowe'en. Further particulars later. • MIS- M. E. Cameron has returned from Toronto after attending the winter millinery op. flings and securing the latest novelties and idem. Seats for th • Chautatiqua'courie enter- tainment next Thursday night may be procured from members of the G.NV.V A. or at H. T. Edwards' store. (;et one or two course tickets and enjoy 'the whole series of high-class entertainments. D sn't Forget 1QQLQj._3E2:at Dominion Chautauqua r -- Concert -40 The Morrison Girls Course Tickets, on sale at H. EdwardsStore Plan open for ticket -hold- ers Wednesday ADVICE TO VOTERS. (By the Referendum Committee.) 1 oft early. There is a large number of votes' to poll at this election and an unusual 'number of ballot's to II marked. On •ccount of the addition of women's mantes to the lists and oar minuet of tits' election of members of Parliament on the 01101e day as the refereeldsina vote. the polling -booths will be more 'Man usually full. If Many put off their voting titi 3 or 4 o'clock there may be Dine for all to get iu by 5. 140 rot'', \ In the morning If possible. Re- biemlier the boura for voting are from it. 110‘to p. tn. Wirt lit eresvded booths 310e11 not frighten an`yone oway. There are 10 be twit deputy returning °Mere" and four psztichyrks In each booth. besides the conktames and the iii•riitia iseera; No tht•re %Attie plenitty of oflaiuls to .illi -nil to you awl no Olie need Solt )0na. Arm fingements are being othdt• to bate es nonuin act as scrutineer in aosteli sub -division, so Na to be able to ifltp give sepisrmws. to any wornen voters era. may need It. ;71 Poll every vete. Lel no 0180 or woman think that his stir Ser vote will not make much differ - roil. and thrt it wilt not be missed if ft is not cast. Nisch indifference may wraith* defeat. A large majority of Ne's i hOodeled in lirder to discourage further attempts of the liquor party to break (town the 0. T. A. Help to smell this majority and hring old King Alcohol dessoly down. •;.s. Mark four Ni ea your ballet. one its earb snider No. after the four questions. Ills not put any 'lither mark: or word on the ballot : phis* one X in each of the four SINK:eye under No. F:very question must Is- answered. A tote •Yes' to any one of them will weaken the effect of your Nato' awl will help Ito restore the liquor tram,. in hotels or gut ertnuent liquor -slope. Lel ups keep (Nth rio slrj. What we have we hold. 1et tis be .114111.11 rind holil 0.4 ,1. Ouir Canlidiait soldiers What that they never lost any ground n here they were once entrenched end ninny of them are going to help us to hold ois to our present posiOon foal not retreat. We Iiis ve "the la.? ter 'Oh ;t,t 110 at IV'. In 11." Don't be bluffed into toting for light I '1 laser or got ernment liquor *hole. 01' standard hotel bars ; these' site "gas ',Oass's" and mean an ha -reamed sale of stronger llq more drinking aud drunkenness. Ontario liar henetitted irunien.ely under the O. T. A. The l'ItIted States is coins dry and their drinker's would like to have it "Aver Ontario where tlwj voids' slake their thirst'. We don't wish our Proline to ler a dumping ground for .kmerican boozers. With the 1. 14. dry and %Rh Dominion 1141 enabling any Prs'Oewe to pro- hibit manufacture mud Importation of liquor in its ow n territory, we can stomp out the liquor trunke and keep ahohol for its legitinantic naels„ 7p, FOR GOD AND HOME AND N ATIVE LAND VOTE NO TO EVERY QUESTI ON OIMIMIIIIIIIIIMMIMIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111MINIIIRMIMIIIIM1111111112 The Appearance of a Shoe I will often lure you to buy it, irrespective of its E interior qualities. ite sure and get Footwear with a foundation which is consistent with its outward appearance. Our stock of new lirls is here, ready for you.. in- spection and approval, and embraces a complete range of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes, in charming and most artis- tic styles, by the leading manufacturers, Shoes whish are an embodiment of appearance and sound value, in Kid, Velours, Gunmetal and Boxed Calf, in blacks and browns, made on a varying range of lasts, ensuring a dis- tinctive expression of fashion, comfortable fit, and, above all, long life. We have not forgotten the children, and have a full stock of strong, service- able School Shoes, at prices which will appeal to you.. The Rubber Season is here, and we are prepared to fit you all, from the tiniest Child's Rubber to the heavy Cum Rubber for the outdoor worker. Repairing as usual . '6 WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN Wehirh•r Is spending a emit:de rreeks with her danghter, Johneton. Preston. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct. 16. PPM To the Elmo/poi Centre Huron- Liberal Com - Ta the Electors of Centre Huron. IL W. Living- . .... . . . I Taller- • VI m. Cambell Steel Conk 114angepor Sale - E W. EreAer . . 10 Furniabokkuonis and Stable-- Mra. G. Graham 111 Live Poultry Wanted -Broom Bow ...... 10 S co Astray- R I. Revd .... . 10 Bench Woodworker * Wanted -Canadian Chalmers. rallord .... Auction Sale --.1. W. and Imac Solkeld... ...... Auction Sale -Was. J. Dutra 1° Auction Sale -Maurice Grigfin . . Id Auctioo Sale -•E. H. Pentbiod 10 Auction:Sale Itahn J. Lacey . 10 A Good Investment -The Canarlimi Bank of COIllneerCe. ..... .. I Men W ant ed. -Gude, h kisecant le Co Id Service -Bank of Hamilton .. ...... . . 5 To Soldier* -Votes Regratretim ... 1 MARRIED. ROBERTS -SE %GER -itt St George's church. Goderich, on Mooday. October It by Rev. Dr. Seaga. of Toronto. masted by Rev. A. L. C. Clarke. Grace Edyth. niece of Mr. and Mr. Charles Seeger. ol 011idencb. 10 Lieut John M Robert DIED. CARD --• Ifs Godench. rot October 14. Mrs. Sarah Card. d b >ran. FEW: t'sON - -Int:oder:ch. oil October IS, Mrs. Eimly Ferguson. aged ai yers. MCMILLAN.- In Coderich. on Friday, October lit Robert Sic Al illan. aged 77 years IN .1IENIOEIANI. THONIPSON nyrinney ot George H. Thompaon. torn ere> of the !Int Canadian 01151 .4(0 contingent. who died October lath. lank -0 los the touch f a vanished hand. 3,44 15, sound of a vocation re sulk" -Hs Father. Mac DONALD, -- I n ever losers( memory 0 Murray Sutherland MacDonald. died Oslo - Int 17, IP 0. "." Mildred him sair To the Land 0 k ' the Lea" Cr30.,""f7; GAULEY --In loving mensary of our little deuthler Margaret, who died October 2110, 19111 Safely. safely gathered Free from sorrow. free from ,.it. Passed beyond all grief and pain. ; Death for thee ul (Meat gain - For our loss we must not weep. Nor our loved One long to leen. From the bone of rest and pence, Where 611 .in And owe, re Cease --Father. Mother and Brother AUCTION SALES. A LICTION SALE OF FARM STOCK rik AND IMPLeIMENTS. INCLUDING PUREBRED SHORTHORNS AND LEICESTER SHEEP. MESSRS J. M. AND ISAAC sALKELD w ill yell by puolic •ucUO... St UM 4, cusiCassion lelaybeed /toad. Got -n.1) roirramio tone and • ball notes *out h or Gcderrichd on TUEsDAY, OCTOBER alth, commenting at 1 o'clocs p. in the lollowtng Sixegan Sole Tenni, SNUB TKOONS. - Frye Cu... with caries .1 loot or due to calve, 2 two-year. 544 heilerv. doe to calve. one la Januar other in truth, 3 one-year -cad hailers 2 heifers or 1915. Us. 13 and 1 month* old bull. of 151V. CRAWL CaTJL.t. -Lon. mut Old. due Nevem ber Oth, coo. 7 years old. due Noverinbin 1015, con. 1 years old. doe April:ad. bor.5 years old. due May kith. eVer. 4 Year.* old. due April 13th. beep. 7.yeas* sial due A poi he fer, 1 year* do.. Prier, • year old e steers 2 year* o d. S teers. 1 year .rid. tree! call Wreaks.- Two draft brood marts.n years old. bred to so Randolph dralt .mos. rr years old draft Mare.4 years old '2 dont nth... years old dealt gelding. 1 year old, draft nay. frail 1919. sire Su Itanooloh. naigite.- Twenty-one Regtstered Larceners. - Twelve ewes bred 6 ewe boob... 1 two -shear ram. 2rsplanbscpproundation atock gotirom Whines s..uuer Bruod Yorkshire rosy, . years old, with Imo 01 11 that will be lour weeks do at time or sale. -Sall-ft binder, No lar mosee. both Mame) -Harris make, Vito. & Wood dm, seed MAL wagon and atm" rack. I rght platlorm wagon. buggy. 3 nasii carts. dump cot. owner. several planed. and n unian out Ot her implement* Several set* or herpes, 4duble and smile two or three hundred cedar putts and other articles too numerous to mention. laahrs Allpums oi and uncles. caul. over rhat amount. 1.' months' credit be gram ore 1 %Mils/ling apprt.we 1 0.nt notes. A discount of pee Cent. allowed Jor cath on moat amounts. ' Purebred opt' well be loaded on cantor pur• charm if mammy Everything must goal. as this.), otie 01 the farina taken up by the Steel Kant. _ Send Pe catalogue J. W. and IsA AC SALKELD. T. GUNDRY. Auctioneer Pion, vetoes. COLBORNE'S Units „ "THE HOUSE OF RELIABIUTY" AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK . NIR WILLIAM J. noauE led] sell be public auction. at east hall lot 3, conce1*o-10 2. East W mooncalf. on FRIDAY. OCTOBER Sla. at 1 o'clock p. m. One good general purpose mare.'d year. old. aged gelding 1 general purpose Marc 7 years, I cow.4 rears old due February 34th 1 cop, 4 years . due February 2 1 crip. 6 years old. due rItr i. 1 cm. e pimp MI. due April in 1 cm. or old. due Apar la. 1 cow. years old. due 12415; 2 good yearning steers. 4 good yeah,/ heitersn Vein& Calves. small PM. e .eel. at tone of sale Everything advertised be sold without reserve. a. proprietor is going to Rainy River' for tbe romp TURN, • All sums of MO and unties, cash: over that amount. 7 menthe' credit will be given on i furnishIng approved point notes A diacorant of 4 per cent or..ight allowed bus cash on credit aninun m.iti: wDosiewilE,. T GUNDRY• pro Auc bonnie UCI ION•SALE OF FARM STOCK .rx ANL/IMPLEMENTS., HAY ANDGRAIN GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. TUESDAY. Oct 21.- Sake ol farm stock. Imple- ments etc 01 C. H. Bronicogobe. lot 4. coops. sem 1 •Griderrch tosrushe at . o'clock. RONIINDA V. Oct. AuetiOn sale of farm stuck, impionents, etc.. popert y of Robert Rod, concessior,2. Meat likawanoah. Tottporry, Oct 23 -Sole of farm stock, by Fred Munk at lot zoncemon 4, West Wawa- nosh- SATI IrDA Y. Oct IS.- EleCutrilr' Side of ..itiabre propertythe township of ashnekt. at 1 o'c act p. m. Cita...Gamow Micron • MohlIA Oct 27 - Clearmg sale of larva stock, mpiernenb. oc., properly of Thomas Wallace. Moon totershep, TIA.Day. rice -Auction sake of farm stock and plements 1.y J W. & tab wottr4d. at lot 4, custcntoot 2, Goilaoch toonship. Elayfiekt rued. It 1 d'cloce p m. IISRDNIvawA Y. Oct 39 - Auction sale of farm or ck and implements. proven) of 11 W Mandl, concemon East in a.' nosh TNURNINIV. Oct. Si.-Ssle of born stock/ land I moments, by L H Pentland. at lot 11 conce.. mon 1, township of Ash held. (roarer mile west ol "s: tie Promo. Oct 31 - Aiectioo sale ol farm stock, Wm. J. DONE at easf hall I 132, concession 2, Emit Wawanuah. at 1 o'clock p.'o. SAIni•RDA V. Nov i. -Sale of faros stock and im. Olement• by John J. Lacey. ar lot S. ounces loon 1.Goileoch township 1011e mile from Gods- WM. at 1 o'clock p WitlifileSD4Y.70Ct 2fil -Auction sale of farm stock and entplenterts. prOtttrtY Of Maurice Griffin. Rental', at lot In Lake Range. Ashnetd, 1 o'clock p. m •l',11i% 5, Roc:some! AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK 11. Mgt/IMPLEMENTS MR. C. H. BR IMICOMBE will sell -by Mob! auctrem, on 104 4, concessam 1, Godench township. on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11s1. commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. Houses. --One geldrng, years old 1 filly 2 pore old. 1 filly. 1 year old CATILR.-One cell. I year* dd. due April 145, 1 cow7 , years old. due Aped Vnli. I cow, 4 years old, due Atirl 25th. Ino..' years old, su ono -red to be to calk *roll calf at ode: 1 cow, 3, years dd. suppneedf be in calf. 1 cos. Mysar, old, indkrng; +Mom cow. it year. old. 1 fresh cop. !years erld 3 steers, 7'ears dd. h steers, 1 year old I heifer 1 year old. spring calves. steers, Pic, Op sow with r ye NEL * weeks ind at tinie ot .014 yeartng Leicester ewes. Gase...- Fon teen young gem. NINA. -Fat y Barred Itock fowl. bas cumin, -One r-11. cut boxier, 1 nearly - new 11.boe drill. 1 nearly -new disc harrow. 1 hay - f lake. all Mapey.Harrn make. 1 hayloader 1 Manley •H art re extra at cultivator teeth, 1 Cock • shutt tem (140. 1, 1 riding plow. 1 Cock*hutt walking plow, 1 scuffier, 1 pea harvester,! wagon shoe, 7 bevheves. a ladders. 1 set double harness 1 set angle 5,ryeos. Team* -Fowl and all sum* of 110 and under, cash; 4 r Aber amount.. 121 months'ecredit *41 55 (1150 on furnishing approved Pint notes. A docorrert at the rate of*, per cent. volt be 'thrived lot •.ICcr,•citt amounts Everything adv err rad must he dope 04of. No reserve. C. 11. BR! M ICOM BE, T. GUNDRY Proprretur Auctioneer, UC'T1ON SALE OF VALUABLE 21 PAWN PRI rPER TY IN THE TOW NsH IP The Executr;s oi the will of the late John Stiles. deceased, will offer lar sale by pub ir auction. by Thomas Gundry. auction* r. on SATI 'It DAY. the 23th day 'of OCTO- BER, 1*/19, at OfW o'clock p. M.. at Gundry Auction Rooms. on Hama - ton Street, f;oderich. Ontario, the fol- lowing farm property. . ' Parcel No. 1.- The south part of lots 7 and.8, cori, treitin it. W. D. Ashfield. an ,, mot 'r.• acres more or less. Parconcession tO W. D. Ashfield. comprising 1(0,ieTccel.tf.s. 2.-Thernorth part of kit 11, Parcel No. 3 -The south part of lot 9. Lake Range. Addield. airnPrisint 97 Sae& Upon the first -mentioned parcel there are no buildings. on the second there are two harns. and on the third one harm The properties Si:( be put up seperately and will be offered subject to a reserved bid in moth case. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned. " Dated this 7th day of October, 1919. CHARLES GARROW, Solicitor for Johanna Stiles. Executrix. THOMAS GUNDRY. Auctioneer. , w„, 54 5 MR MAURICE GRIFFIN. Kintail.wrIl sell by public auction .1 10* 30, -Lake flange. Ashheid. on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER .,nd. commencing at 1 o'clock p m. the follming Haroos.-One heavy dratt horse. rising years. I heavy 05011 boon.. 'tang 5 years. 1 heal, y draft mare. nom/ s years. en lose. 1 heavy draft mare Rung years old. in foal. 3 heavy dealt geldings. rising years:1 heavy, dratt tonne limn* Cern. - One cow. 4 years au, supposed to he in call , 1 cm. 't years old. due en Peorsetry. , I steer. 2 year* oid 1 a eer, 1 year old. 5 heaps. 1 riaII old. .7 beliefs, 14 years old 1 call. 4 moony • -0's ries ItetnCh three -furrow Cootenutt tractor plow. 11 -new Chiantis' wagon. 1 new Intern/atonal cultivator 1 McCormick binder. 1 Cockshutt rlding plow 1 11-incn Maple Les( grinder. 1 cuttine-hos. 1 eel rem hereon*. 1 g ravel boa. 1 Massey. Haan 10 -hot droll, 1 trt 01 Purvey hermits. gond as new,' new set angle har• nets. fork*, charms, and other aCC0*01I5* Hs', AND GRAIN Eight tone of good hay. cover and timothy mixed. about 3110 bushels oats. abort bushels barley. TERMS - sans. 01 and under. cosh; over that amount. 1: months' credit on furnishing ap- proved mint notes. A discount of 5 per tem. al- lowed to cash on credit amounts gkURICE GRIFFIN. JOHN PURVIS. rrogenetor. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. MR. FRED MOSS will sell by public auction. at lot 25. con- cession 4, West Wawanosh, 0(5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, the following: HORSES. -One brood mare, 7 years old. 1 brood mare 6 years old; 1 brood mare, 5 years old ((hese are all supposed to be in foal to (dencairn); 1 gelding, 3 years old. 1 filly. 2 years old: 1 driving colt, 2 years old; 1 driving mare, 7 years old. quiet. fit for ladies to drive. CAITLE.-One cow. 6 years old, oplved about 3 months; 1 cow, 5 years oldotalved about 2 months: 1 heifer. 3 years old, calved about 2 months; 1 heifer, two years oid. due to calve October 28; 1 cow, 4 years old, due to calve January 1: 4 steers. 2 year, oid7 1 heifer, 2 years old. 2 yearling steerE 1 yearling heifer, 4 spring calves. 1 cow. 4 years Md, with calf at foot: 3 steers, 2 years old: 4 steers, 1 SHEEP -Six good black -faced ewes, I Oxford Down ram. Phis.- One brood sow, due to farrow October 28: 2 Yorkshire flows. 1 Berkshire sow with litter. 40 young pigs, from 6 weeks to 2 months old at time of sale. Everything will be sold without reserve, as proprietor is giving up one farm. TERMS -All sums of 1110 and under, cash: over that amount, 6 months' credit w 11 be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at rate of 5 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. FRE D MOSS. T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ('LEARING AUCTION SAL OF _ FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMLNT'S MR. JOHN J LACEY mg mat by milthc suction. at lot 5. VOrateroiesre 1, tarlderich toternatiep ione uMbI (rem Godeirschi.on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER hit. . conanencing al 1 o'cock.li rioeses.-Mtire. 7 yeses old. supposed to be en Isel. telare, 4_ ye/avoid csrvito - Holidem coo. 7 yews. due Nmeimber 11); I>urhaar cow. 5 years old. r•iioned Is be m can, due April 1st, Duelists cop, • y Not 0-.1, posed tritio in cell. doe May let; lbohern cm. 4051 ite.. 1 yip* end; steer. rinse 2 years old; - among (Sleep Wel warns. -Masao-Harris b44. McCort. midi mower, Atonal*, tsro-horse culieratorthee harem. Heuer pion. haerew, aufeler, seed drill, pond roller, mono cadl, neo Eagle gasoline ermine and Jock, *omen. buggy. coop cutteng hes. 1 daunt* se of Moslem tang* fetal hornom, hayfork an car and lee feet new env*. Moscow Ammo.- Darby churn, hollea burner hada, hall barrel of sulphur. a number of teat • quantity ol oets and hay Trams.- Hay. grain Pod all ounisof 1111 and under, cash *see that amount, 13 ntoritlite credit will he given or banishing approved inint notes A discount of 5 pet tent. alloinled lor eats on at:Lremount* ytton( *derived .4.04 55 disposed of, as tbit Iatma.aold, JOHN J. LACEY. GUNDRY, Ptoprieteir. Word has been received by Mr. and Mn. 1% il/sem Clink. Walnut strati, 01 14* death of then daughter-imlaw. Mrs. Robt. Clark, of. Buckskin. Ont., which occurred on Tuesday night. BARGAIN DAYS Continuing, and will continue until MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20th. • It is our intention, now that the cold days are really here, to start the season in earnest with Five Big Sale Days. We have Big Specials to offer in every de- partment, and nearly all the merchandise we carry will be reduced in price. This means that everyone will have an opportunity to buy ,new seasonable merchandise at BARGAIN PRICES. Our stock is complete for fall selling, so that we will be able to please you in any and every line. It is possible to mention only a very few of the special numbers in this ad- vertisement, but we will have real bargains in all lines to offer you. , Voile Blouses ",,ct A big showing of nue Voile Blouses in many pretty designs in MI sloes up to 49. •h.« Blooms mold up to 64.50 on sale while they last for $1.9s 11-901 each. A large assortment or Georgette. Crepe de Chine, main white Habutai and striped Habutai Blouses greatly reduced in pries. Every Blouse perfect and the style correct. We have a .tyle for everyone at bargais prices. Hosiery 141„,k6„;,7g4 174 Very special numbers in heavy winter and tine caannere Stockings. Mao big reductions in silk and lisle Rom. Boys' heavy ribbed wool Blacklegs in Urge sizes at 9&. Boys' heavy ribbed wool stockings in small Maim at 59c. Ladies' and children's- pure cashmere Stock- ings in all sizes at C. Ladle' lisle Stockings made by Penman's. Regular N5c tor 65c. Ladies' silk, boot Stockings at 48c a pair. o • Corsets Ifitrir4flilA VEINS vI,L.i,Diitge•cAti Every pair of Cornets will he reduced but we are snaking special offerings in the following Linea. No 502 front -laced Vomit. Regular 62.50 for $1.184. No 254 back -laced Corset. Regular 111.76 for 61.4s. No. 614 back -laced Corset. Regular 62.65 for 92.10. r,4,15.1tith tw.:lvmicnritnr,JtFgotfr, Cottons - Special reductiosis will be- made in bleached Cottoas or all vreighta. Also Sheeting. sad P41 - low Cottons in MI widths. Galatea for boy's blouses and women's dresses greatly reduced. Dress Goods Every piece of Dress Goode 4. tbe store will ' he et bargain prices. Our stock is complete in every line of Dress Goods. Coatiaga area special feature with us this ammo, anal fur the sale day. they wiU all be reduced to prima that will sell t heui quickly. • Coatings for fall coats will be reducediu prioe. A large assortment to choose trots, in the newest cloths and colors. Floor Coverings - - Floor Oilcloths, in all widths, at 700 a yard. Lieoleuto, four yards wide. Regular 111.50. toe $1.40. Coograsuni Rugs. in all aloes, at reduced prices. Dresses -- House Dresses), "'molar up to 116.50, for 118.7.',. Voile Dreams, up to $17210. for WIWI. We have put into Mock 0 line of merge and Milk Dresses which are marked very clam fur quick selling. The styles are correct and the coin binat sous good. Skirts A beautiful line of Poplin Skirts to clear at Just a new line of Seas Skirts 15 very fine cloths at low prices. This is a very small list of.sale values that are being offered, but space will not Ipermit further detail. We have bargains for you in every line. NO GOODS 'CHARGED AT BARGAIN PRICES • J. H. COLBORNE & Co. Store 84 Residence 231 A BRIGH1 STORE TO SHOP IN D. & A. Caleb A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK n. AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. L. H. PENTLAND will sell by public .941501. 01 lot 11, concession 1. Ashfient. quarterprle west of Nile, on THURSDAY, t.CTOBER Yak commencing at 1 o'clock p. tiosmis -One heavy draft mare, 111.95 9 years old 1 matched team of sorrel mares. 4 years dd, supposed to be infant; 1 black driving horse. rising a years old. CA TTLIt. -TWO cows, 4 years old, doe May Ilth: 14 tom, years old, with calves at foot; 4 fat heifers, rising 8 yesrsold; 4 steers. 2 years odd: 2 steers, 1 year otd; 1 heifers. 1 YIP old. 2 Wring calves. Pica. -One purebred Claroterwhite boor.. PER - bred Cheeterwhite sows, bretwurwrss. Etc.- Ons wombs arialbos, 1 rid- ing plow. • quantity of cedar pools. Everything must be disposed of, sa proprietor has rented the farm. Tames. - All sums of 110 and under, cash; over that 'meant. 12 monIM' credit .341 on furnishing "Wowed joint notes. discount st rate of per cent. grill be allowed Jc.15 on tretht amount . L. H. PENTLAND. T. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctimwer. „r„.••• WANTED. E POULTRY WANTED. -HIGH- EST PRICKS poi& BROWN BROS., clench. nom 270 W ANTED. -BENCH WOOD -WORK - vv ERS.Apply CANADIAN AU.111-GHALM- Ens Limited, Strelforti. WANTED. -MEN TO RUN WOOD- Y V WORKING 'machinery. Alms ta do trash *Mk 1Asiply GoDnatICR MERCANTILF1 COMPANY. WANTED TO RENT.. --BY FAMILY TV 01 two, Irani sham October IRA for MO fats th, a moth. wallAuralsked Mem with correminees. Apply tit SIGNAL OFFICE.. • yvANTED AT ONCE-AIGENERAL cook andllkitchrs mark far the mesanike await. GerM mutes callered Apply to MISS Sneenntemlent 7/4-tf LOST OR FOUND. FOR BALI OR RIM ToMoo large stable. suitable fp two or three RENT.-FURNIMED ROOMS; autos oe foe • storeroom. Apply MRS GEORGE GRAHAM. Rost street. 110 RENT. -SMALL HOUSEON THE Street. Large gardeo. Rent17 a month. I come of Cambria Rood and Availelsr to MRS. E. FISHER. R. R. Goderich. els- phon• 15,7,Goderich Rural. LIOR SALE. -FARM, CONSISTING V 0(542 0511*, near the village of Auburn. Good mews farm. with Meaty of running water:good born. For particulars opply to MRS. M. 3. SYMINGTON. 05 lasaiord amuse, Teraina Owe 4t LIOR SALE. -$3.000 --MODERN RED 11.' Pick Imam on Emit street, with all norstlgen RIMItershbantreal street (Oben* 20). 5111 ; gond furnace. Apply to MRS. W.A. riatatilAr4 Stant" street. Apply IA" RENT. -AN EIGHT-Roomm Howes and Lots for Sale. 51047, J. RYAN• Insurance and Real Estate Office on Hammon Si., next M. G. Cameron's Law Moe. 71.11 uoit SALE. -A RED BRICK HOUSE, kes'Aic•••GM4.r.a.""!'"'" la 50 WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE ifIllultANcl CO. Farm imd team lasairea. Mad rata isl 111 Pests pet IP As slamen by Corraribfaillit bullistin, this Company Is am ar the stninarst 1. the Previa:it. audetainow satuniste invested la Victory Bonds and Bonk see sol frier Adiratamato permsolty tend soolokothorill" 117 Waded tar. PrINNINUIS 110 PON /0 NMI* 01 10 Meal 11*151. ALIgest.Na.:t0ILSON. 1' G. A1.1.1741, Setrarary. - - - - - - - QTRAYED FROM MY FARM NEAR ye vOrs=rdton. a risie of' its wistrusboota red steer , ono ars sta. coutate's( with R.l L. RILIDIgigrar= m pbone INK 10 ma CiNttirtfillriVerkeltrfiti. = 114. . mAt 1..1. a. it. rrilleR ' .7,•;1•1`/1 , • • FOR SALE. 4 IIPOR SALE. -STEEL COOK RANGE 1. with worming closet. In first-cass condition- r A prly E. W. FRASER. South street. 11AR OF B C SHINGLES, 3x and 5z.. for sale at McGaw station. Meow of Myra d some sett coal. Phone McCLURE, 121 Due - gannets. 21 SALE. -TWELVE CHOICE - purebred Osford Doera ram limbs 3 sheaths, -r rains_ 20shearting and 2 -shear to.,, Men 12 well- bred LAIL-ester ewes and 12 ewe lambs Pane r .ntssonable. H. J. TRIM ARTHA. R. R No 2.. Clinton. Phone 14 on OR.. 2t VOR SALE -TWO REGISTERED' V shorthorn Mal calves; Older* ram and ipire lambs; Yorkshire sone, bred end breeding ' =et 5(9511 bo(). arms. Priced for quick sm. x PARRISH. Loaknow R. 7 lobos, Dun. ' ammo IMO). Unlimited Quantity of • GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE. .1 13 per single cced. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING. CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anemia St.) Phone 61. ,...ffleaffeeeeer The regular monthly meeting of the- Ahmeek Chapter of the 1.0. D. E., will be held in the jury room of the court home on Monday, October 20th, at 4, o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Please take notice that the Temperance Han will be open irons 9 a. to 5 ripiesn. Monday. October 20th, for grayer. to everyone, both men and women, at any hour.- Evangelistic Supt. Mr. Thomas Pritabard, manager of ths- Goderich Mercantile Co., met with aft accident Wednesday afternoon which remelted la manful injury, yet might have been much worse than it was. While he woe worts*" at a planer hie hand Caine hi Contact with the knives and 1 small piett 0( 14* eisd of three Angell wee taken "Tom" will have 10 4* more careful, delefeelim fea Maud lista. .In; 11 •-,•st