HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-16, Page 9THE SIGNAL (l rt seen y c•A O 1J'1' • Thurwhlr. Iletelier 11:. 1911). 15 WhatCOMFORT LYE 1 1 • 1 1 1 Combo L,ye w • •cry powerful cleanser. It is used for ole.aing up the oldest and hardest dirt, gr , etc• C.laJOrt Lys hi into for mnkisg •inks. drain• and closets sweet sod clean. Lr Kills rats, mica, roaches and losses posts. Comfort Lye will do tbil berdest spring ols.siag you'•. got. Csm%srt Lye is good for ssakiag soap. It's pow dorsal .part eased s.J 100%, purto• is splendid for - 1 a a a a a t EWOTT Yonne and Charles "ts.. Taoisto Enjoys an excellent rel,utatien for high erode bueineas_ trtlntng and for plsei::g Rtaduates .in guest positions 1'.- ter uta time. t\ri4F tor catalogue.. ,W 1. ELLIUTT. Principal. Water and Light Cemmissit n Town of Goderich Water rates for the next three months are now pay- able and a discount of 15 per cent. will be given on rates paid On or before October 1st. Pay Now and Save the Discount A f u':I line of Hydro Lamps and Electric -using Devices on hand at the Hy -aro Store. Water and Light rates pay- able at the Hydro Store. to J. B. KELLY, Collector IIs (►In( III ft %GING THE: 1.1ItEi..11. Is1.ATE'OKM. G. C. 1. SPORTS. • List of ('rize%in,wrs in the Various Eaents of tier Day. '1'Iw animal, meld 4444y sports of the Collegiate 14otltute vete held on Fri- day, 4k•tulwr ani. '1'l.• v:l mous ev1•uts wry.. well •1,11te-t.'1 by the boys 411111 glhls, 11111011( tvhoul are w.uw 4leveu athlete... Thr w'fuIwrs were an follows: HMI& Senior (17 yearn and over). Running brand Jnlup-J. Marshall. 15 ft.. I lu.: E. Wilson. 1•'. tVashlIu(Wll. Itutlnlug hop. step 111111 Jump 1'ridhano,...1 ft.: E. V1I..on,.1. Marshall. Standing broad jump --F:. Wilson. K fl., 411 411. ; .1. Mar"h,ty. E. l'rkllcuu. Standing h;yh Juni .--I. Wilson. 4 ft.: .1. narwhal!. E. I'ridhaul. !limning high Jesup -h'. I'ridhnin, 4 ft.. HI-, In.: E:• N•(lson..1. 31arr1:a1L Pole v.nllt -I I. 4 ridhau, a1141 F. Washington I11,• 1 7 ft., :: in.; E. Wilwmla. Putting "hot 1114111.1- E:. Wiliam, 21 fL. 11 tui:.1. Marshall. E. Pridlwm. 1414-yanl dash E. Prldliam, 12'4 hoe.: .1. Marshall. F. Washington. 2214 -yard rale --E:. l'HIiIIaw,- see.: M• M,•\rvIn. E'. .VushLtgtnu. Huff -utile rale --E. Wasl,iugton, 3.744: M, McNerhi..1. narwhal!. • Senior 4'h:uupion --E:. 1'11111.41 m. 11.1 {N flus. 1/10714. Intermediate (under 17 years). Itllllidlttt brad Jump1•., Macklin. 1:1 ft., u In.; It. Meguw. N'. Weir. Wowing latp,•, step and Juutp-l.. Macklin. ft., 2 in. It. Nina w,. W. Weir. Standing brood hum. -1.. Macklin, a ft., 41,• In.: 1','Gllrn, I. MI•g.w. Standing high Jump --4'. Nairn.:: ft.. ti1.g Its.: L. MurkIIi. It. M••g:tw. Itnuuliig high Jump -ll. 1,1:•gaw. 4 ft.. IIY, la: 1'. Nairn, 1.. Msekli11. Pole vault ---It. Meg*w, t: ft., 4 in F. Weston. I.. Macklin. lyutklR shots -1. Marklll,• ; 2 ft.. I ha : It. M. gaw. W. Sander:mu. 11N1 -curd ILYrh-I.. Ma1•klln. 1'S w,f W. Sanderson. it. M1•gaw. ..n1 -yard rule -t.. Maeklbi.:TIN sec.: N'. $11141l11Y,1r11, 41. M.gaw. lun•rm14.1t:,r,• 4'hsugd.al--1.. Mi..-klbl, 2 pointy,. Heys. Junior. (uwder 13 years). Itnuuiug 4 r.:el jntup----H. Mornay. 1.: r, iu.: 1:. •• •• • •• •l, It. M••Jlanu Uunulug hepr-.wtr,tIl and joinns- N'. I'Iark. Li ft.. 4 in.: II. Murray. It. 444- Malan. Srai..Nlulg broad jump H. Sba/•kh•- 1111,1717: iplall.. . 111 111.: 1:. Slco klrttul. 11. MnrrsiY. 1,:' lard dash- I1. Sha,•kletou, 1-1 .: J. ftey. raft. H. Murray. ' • ' i,rtet-mH. rate -It. Sltar•kketon. 1 tui... 1412 ,w'•.: J. 11.y,•luft. It. M• Manns. Jnuklr 4')u.iii .iuu-Il. Skintletuu. 1.: pldnls. Thr tug -.f -war WKS i►'if► by the (sever Sehlsd leant. I:Irls' ('bampion.hipr Reento fielder. Isms -yard rat a -TIn a \airu. Mamie Smith, Je,elc Levy. Apple rale-- Evelyn Goldthorpe. ' 1:1sie le•• -y. Helen Howard. quarter -mile walk -Evelyn 44.kl [buds•. Helm Hnw,nrd 41fe4. AIf1. Nairn. Throw itlz 111111 .at411htg Int11--Idr1•ly 1:oldthnrp. 1111,1 Jean Mi-Eu1t. Helen i Howarth 111111 Sydney Holtu,•s, Emma Waller,• moil 1t4•ryl J.Ihn.tou. 1ha.k rroY'-Evoly11 441.1,4 horse.. Hideo Howard. J.ap M -I -wan. Throwing baseball- Evelyn I:old- thor{s•. Norma G. . Marital Le,•, 41111111;1114 proal j111111)----.1/•.ate Levy. IVorthy t4bt.•k. E:vely 11 Goldthorpe., Other Stents. Thn4.•-11•gt„ I see ---Evelyn I:Illd- 'hor{r' ,11"1 Jean Merteaf. Elide Levy and Jessie 1 .-y. NIIr1I1. 4:11111 Niel Gluten Ginn. !today r,e-ll'.rms III. A. and IV., Form 111: It. 'Senior elwmpi.n Evelyn i:.IdtII.rp• 4 1,4 p.1111t, 1 . Girl,. Championship Events. Junior. :.4l-yis rare 1 nit by Mar'dtall• Gram Video'''. Helen !town... .tppl. rale---4.eoela Webster, Dorothy 'ALlr.•4hu11 Hand 11/V1 111. 1;uaner-mile walk- !Men jlow r4.. Amelia Hetherington. 4Ire1 Finnigan.. Throwing and notching Dorothy Jlar'lulll turd - Jello 4'Iarke. Julie Ileev,•tl+ awl Minnie Joln4ston. 44.IN•v leye Spahr and 4:111.111 ,Iikenxlr. las.:, racy A In1.11a Netted ogton. al, nil 4l.we11. '.lurItj-An,tfu. Throwing bas,•IIa11--Hrlru Hoard,•; f.w11ot \\Thaler. dean Cooke. It fug br.ail Jump-4'nlh.rhlr Hays. Helen limo rte. loons Fl,h,r. Other Events. Thre1'-hl ited rule- Helen 11.1. r;e owl Julia 11.1 -vers. IMI 1lo Thu r1,:,11 11111 Louise t '1m.k', Itehly rove. Foetus 11. ,11..l 4•.an11.r- .•9ll. Forms I. A and 1. 11. JIn1I,r 11111 1111114444 11411-11 11041 sato 441 points 1. T•,rootu Globe. At the Provincial Liberal convention held in this cit)' in June last a progressive platform. In keeping wan the best tradt- ttuns of the party. was adopted, and it is' • upon this that claims tor pubic: support are confidently made. On the most vital question in the electron Campaign the attitude was unequivocal. the revolution adopted declaring that: "The Liberal party of the Province • of (boast.. m convention asarmhlld, reaftum- its attitude in favor et pro- yre.s:t•e t mpernce legislation to the fullest extent of the t'ruvInciat juris- dtcttoo. and pledges heel( to taw all necessary steps to vigorously and effectively carry intoxHect the w 11 of the majority of the people asexpreseed by the said referendum vote." (ht anot her great t+aur. that of public owr.ership. there is nu quibbling or twat• fancy. A series of resolutions was adopted whiulpledged the part', to the reservation of water -pacers within the jurisdicuun of the (,u•.r:preen: of Ontario for develop- ment of electrical energy therefrom for all parts , d u.e Province: the construction -of a -y,t-m of it dro-radia' railways; the rho..e: w,. of private monopoly of the trleph .ne •m ice and, the creation tett- mately of a Provincial service. and refusal to grant franchisee hereafter to -private corpurattune Ito roes+ao power. lighting. hratinl. te:eahone. or other service "re- quirtng for their successful operation the use of the highways. or which come 11.. competition with similar services owned and ooerated by',publlc autho cies.' • The Government's faa:re to den: wr.h the hi;h cost of hying and its abandonment . of the prosecution of and investigation Into i:Iegal combines were condemned.. The convention declared for the Govern. ment control and regulation of cold - *1. rage plants. abottotrs. and stockyards, the prone. ution of the old combines, ands the thorough investigation of such which during the war made "ear: are snit making unfair and illegal ptotita at the expense of the c ms.mer." A number nf• rero:utionts urging more Irberal treatment of returned snldtrrs and" sailor were adopted ani put into concrete arm as a part of the platform They in- ciude plans for atd in tecurtrg employ- - AIM upon de1n)b tization; sealement on the :and where desired under most ad- I i vantageous conditions and terms: ads- quate penstcns for the wou• ded and for dependents of men who were kt.kd; in- surance for the enfeebled. and other steps • such as dseetopments have s nce shown s`inuld have heen:under way months ago. ' Ptcsioas for wtdoxed mothers. and . means of supont for wi':eI and children of incarcerated persons have lon,z been Li:.ier.I poletes perslstent.y npp)sed by the Conservative party. which, however. noes se. s their juitn: ss and professes an • inteirst in them • They are embodied in he Liberal platform. other planks Include provisions for ' non- ar.itan e cotton laws: a broad and' a,van.ed policy of aid to agriculture: definite a'nn sane dealing with the high- ways question including Provincial grants - •l.warel the constntcnun and malnten- • ce of tuwn.htp roods": a program for •. 'rthern Ontario that shill) entourage .1rd assist in : he development of tbe mining. lumbering. fishing, and other resources of that dart of the Province. and a c4 mprehenstve scheme of reforest- ation n a:'.equa'e educational policy.' an advhced Labor policy. including ,tbe establishment of a Labor [Jt anent ! and hetcreation of an Industrial Conneil. ,,are part of the platform. as are also pro- ' territorial ro- 'teritorial representation. preferential entire. and local option kir municipalities to assess and tax improvements on a lower I basis than land All in all. the Liberal platform is broad based upon ideas and ideals in keeping ' with the advanced thought and aspir- ations of the day. torn 41 rt„ 11 let.: W. ['lark. 1t. Ile- tt hag high (umf►-\1'. I'Inrk.:: (1.. HOW TO avoid BACKACHE ANO NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. 1.--"1 !� 4111 run • down in health, was nervous, had head • - aches, my back ached all the time. I was tired and had no ambition for any • - thing. I bad taken a number of medi- cines which did me no good. One day I read about Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vege- table Compound and what it had done foe i women, so 1 tried it. My nervousness and backache and headaches disappeared. 1 gained in weight and fee fine, so I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to any woman who is suffering as I was."- Mrs. ADELINE B. LYN/•x, 100 Plain St., Providence, R. I. Backache and nervousness ares p - toms or nate»'■ warnings, which in- dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel- ops into a more serious ailment Women in this condition should not continue to dragalong without help, but profit by Mrs. 1.ynch s experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E Pinkbam's Vegetable Copl- and for special advice write to die E. Piokham Med.Co.. Lynn, hue • Ili /1is,(e.rr n hole like Ills In the emu- fort)11 I1. 1:11110,V 11111/ \-1111 1•C144.1110 N11111,1 bolt i.r 11 .1)IIIIIr of IIS I1111ger alio - way. H.Nrter. if y1141 meal them to us tor our HIGH-CLASS SHOE RE:P.%1KING Ise ran r1•wde them. rt•ston• Iheir 100.41 looks. told put Ibena In lxnalitfu1, to give you toter ...toI,e. %oh. not try It? 'S. SMITH East Street 4 „Ica i, 11 R. Tait Ele'.irical Contractor Wiring of all 1111,415 up p, date for Telephones, 1.1 ,glar Alarms, Police Patrol and Flee Alarm Systems. Prlvat(, Residences 544.1 Buslnlss Places -a specialty. All Work Gnatantee,l. Electric irons, Toasters Orilla. Fans, Vacuum Cleaners, %frothing Machines, Ffashlfghtc ion A Battersea of all kinds always on hand. Ring np 012 or iea and have mt glee j'on as eltttmate on your wiring. It will ba,done right. IRobt. Tait Wear Street to Next PoemHies Phones -Shop 12, Houle 111 • if you were tole anew do.eovery for 1.-• treatment of roughs. odds and bronehiu'. as certain 1n its • action an all chest% trouble* 55 anti- toxin ;s on diphth•tria•orvareinaUon on tons !I-p,x. wouldn't you feel like giving it a trial'' Peps is the discovery I Peps are lett le tablets.. eontainina certain medicinal Ingrr.fients, which. when iI s.e1 upon the tongue, immedi- • ately turn into vapour. and are at once breathed down the air peewee, W the Pings. On their ioursey, they mouth. the inflamed and irritated membranes of the bronchial tubes. the del wate walls • of the ter passages. and finally enter andcarry relief and brains tote, limes. la a word. while no li4mid or solid earl art to the lulpds and sir passages, these I'ep% fumes get there direct, and at owe coin metes their work of heather. miLs mit, Cut one alis article, write acmes it the nsrne mei dote of If %paper, Ind mail it (with 1e. stamp topay rehire pertain") to Peps Co. Tomato. A fries trial Parket will then be sent you. All druggists and storm sell Peps, file. bog. so rrd111t o eDS Captain Hall. JTIu• 11,4.1, The 111111•, noire Ibly, •14,..1 N, EN.11 Norton lain !tele.. Emit 1411ty• .\Ilton Sydnor Holmes Marina Lee 1)1iv,• t 'mirk Harr'.I 1'.'-:••r r, lady, oimi Nbe a !b•Irn fifteen' Ih•e. •, ley Evelyn I)oldlhorps• l4.l. , 0 11 111 favor .f the nod.. Els r to Realities. The -train from Portsmouth was rapidly nearing the end of its journey, but the amateur prlittclan was still busy. "Gentlemen." he was saying. ••England is rapidly going to the doge. What was our position a few years ago ' N hc. at the top .f the tree' Bnt where are u e now ? I say again -where are we now '•' And the man In the corner, who had been gently doting. suddenly awoke. and replied: "Clapham Junction. sir." Took No bhances. A little girl of seven or eight years stood one day before a closed gate. A gentleman (sassed slowly. The 9ttle girl turned and said to him: "Will you *toe open this gate for rile'" ,The gentleman did so. Then he said. kindly: lA hy. my child. couldn't you open tht gate for yourself ?'' "Because." raid the little girl. "the paint's not dry yet." THE HE:.111.'T KECOKI) ON PRIM II1ITll) .. (Mr. J. 1). Ur44regor al Serf teeth.) In 1914 the 1-i►wrals were fighting for the alrnllt' of the bar and the (Ione anent of which Sir William Hearst Nas a member ova., barked by the ..did liquor parry of Onlario, r(rr3 bi.i+uom was 44 ('onsrnative committee res.m. :1141( the 1'on.rrvatises had an W11.1. KEMO% E TO 1A)\111)\. I ' 1."umptlon l'ollry r Kep',rttd to 11e Leafing Satliwleh. I.,INi'-ii, 11111., 11:•1. 1., 14i1.,I.• re- porto, 4.•.1,+r,wptlnu College of bawlt- w'Irl4, our 4.1 Ile most 11,111ru 1,1111 Itoul+ul IbthatS• t!w'uklgfra1 lu.1kulluu. Ili Ila41- alta ::lid the Aradrluy I:oiolitet• i for Many years at-1'h,ltham by the �hiers of the 4-ri:Mine Order. are to reumve m 1,404l -ori., the )l4tllr future according 111 rani-.ti.•tHl i:Ifntuultlu❑ ret•,•lved here this ,•truing. It is• .•leilacd that the two iusttnl tions are attracrl4.4 to London- by joseso ids of the •! o'rktpn:ellt or the city 0.. -b ',Mr.; .'f hither Io.u•ni,ig through 11t' expansion .f the netivltle- of N'4 -tett. 1 irverslty. 11.0.1 !L. College :1111) Ittt• .1,a,k•laY yflt.et'•k .441)!,ri. a I%ith /Il.• 1'111/.14' 411 1111(1 /1/11I"1st, wilt he.I1. i -,led 1,11 oppslr 'unity ru M'91rr l'., t141Z1'4111.41 4.44, 1111,1 thus to condi ate their 1ri11h,g ht Imo 11.L on the (4jLhr•' ttandiirds. Sandwich 4'ollege 1111" 14 v4ry large ttuoleut body and a faculty of .Ir4,,gth and staeldt ug. 41 le 1•1/4I.'1•'1 tlul1 w'hi'p ir:.u•ferrwl to 1,I•ud ,n 11 will, Ie. merthel air it St. Peter's helulllary. which esu• 1.,h4411h44w('h.re by I1i,11op Fallon Just le•fure tl.e .war. alai rot V111101'11 111w hilt 14.1119.,, 11..1141.1. Os 141 i• to 1s• rn'•ted. 'l'11e Itlshup has a ,-1, building fund av,tilNMh• 1,1141 Int, 1114148N 41141.4W1111.11111. .11111• of N lib it is for altiodi 54, . AOIt!lt 4.11 with the S,•lult ,4'y will be Fallon Hull, as Ipa1,41-urillh11•c w•h.sd'f. r NMI* ■)111111/1•/1111>♦■1•■111■■SIMS MI ■ Seasonable Talk „ X • 1 It is not too early to talk about cold -weather 11 • Clothing. Don't just talk about it too long, but 1111 1♦ Fall and Winter call on us and let us show you our lines in • Suits and Overcoats ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Latest styles in a variety of materials, giving our customers a selection that is bound to please them. - - Everything in Men's Wear except boots and shoes. Islys, Nut ;1 Cie e.t 4441-11111111 ..f taneimoopem000mmearamaxamommodoirembamsairm. V41111'11 .01 AH11.1 1111 foie. id of the -tel III -hop -hunted •MINI IN NI L, '•,:4 !lir' 111 ,.r E:�paneion of Nester* 1'IIitrrsily. Stiletto•• for Ila expan.iot, of 1V..1- ern I'M ter.ity lire rapidly iiriluring :.1111 It 4s 4e44.4411 that work on the cute 1-1401.11 .1 :!:r new 11111:11111 dieter {slant u:: tit•• Kh,g+..1111 f51•ul N•ill 11• rnmml•n,-.l w11 1111i the next tow mouths. -1 I 111gla1511 for (11114b4 j41 1111•.4' I.4•iug organic....4 Ih1Y.ngboot wl•rlrrl 1 durari.l. tt ill 'n'flllaut prospr•It for succes. N bllr 1 h ,Ih• (s tat orison', la•in)t 4h' -,m. 1 for the new sca.(tial )ledil•„I 4'141b•ge at this .1-`y victoria I1...4.i141 lull the Institute .f i'abfie .'health. ' Mehl - [le 2"1 ' 2Ve )you( permissinit-tlll'fall enormous rampaf,n fund. :liter the t•omrne,icement of the war the 1 'tweak ` m„ted in the Hous' for the rnarlmrnt of wartier; prohibition, and failing W' set tire this they proposed val.oug rr•trirtion, upml the liquor traffic but - eseey proposal ova. toted down by the ( on.rr► lathe+ in the House led by Sir William Hearst. It was not until 1916. when the churches and the • women got busy and a petit' 1444+ presented to the Legislature 4.1(14111 by setrn:y-the per ret►t, of the people tit _ the I'rotince. that the Gen eminent double-erns'r41 their fri-1141s of the Iigror p«rty and passel) the Ontario Temprranee ,%rt...In the Moulin' est Toronto bye -elution James Norris; the ('on'rriallie rindidalr, opposed the Ihuariu Temper:k toe .11: and de- clared foe Nine awl twee-I►renw., and 14as endorsed by "sir Nilliam Hearse, white 111w of his e,d11•agur.. Hon. - Iluwar4l Fer;u.nn. told the electors, "N', are open to ronsietiun. If you roll up a big majority for an Norris we will amend the Ontario Temperance .let HMI allow wine and beer !icemen." Sure Symptoms. There was an eptd: mic of chickenpox in the village, but fortunately little Johnny had kept free fr•-m it. One morning, however, he came rushing downstairs excitedly. "Oh, d+rldy!" he shruted. "1'm sure I've got chickenpox. I've just found a feather in the bed:" Subscribe for The Signal weir. Inthe Fight With Eczema You Can Depend on Dr. Chase's Ointment to Bring Relief and Cure. The obstinacy of eczema Is well known. The fact that Dr. Chase's Ointment his been able to cure Is even the most severe cases Is tho best proof of the extraordinary hook- ing powers of this 'standard oint- ment. ' Cures such as are described In theme letters give you some Idea of what you may expect from this t, estment. Mrs Frank Wadge, Midland, Ont., lentos: "One of my boys had an attack of eczema, and although I tried different preparations for this trouble, as well as medicines from four doctors, we could not get satis- factory results. Finally, 1 tried Dr- Cha..'a Ointment, and from the drat i found It Rave good results. We used good treatment Of this oint- ment, and in a short time the Mr. H. Peck -"The after-dinner nap is my favorite hour on Sunday." e'Hi* Friend --"1 thought you didn't sleep after dinner." Mr. 11. Peck -"I don't, but my wife dews." eczema was cursed. I have also used the ointment with great stuccoes for a roughness and rash on my face, which caused me a great deal of trouble. After applying Dr. Chase's Ointment i found Instant relief. "I might also mention that Dr. Chaaa's Casarrh Powder has proven i of greaf'benefit to me. I had daft- ' culty with a stoppage In my noise and head, but the Catarrh powder 1 »nevoid It, and i have not bees bothered in this way since." Mrs P. H. Veale, 15 William street, Hamilton, (Ant., writes: i can highly recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment, having used It with splen- did results where all others failed. My lltt111 girl, ■god 3% years. broke out In small yellow bWlters, whteh turned Into scabs. They came out It different places on her face. and although I tried a great many mons sad ointments none o f them did her any good. i got a hoe of Dr. Chase's Ointment. and after a few applfoa- tlone. 1 could see the effect. of It Whenever i ..w a new root appear- ing' t would pply the ointment, sad abfore the bog was nnlshed she wee eatlrely curet, rf lona' horrid aorta 1t you would like to try De. Moule's Ointment at our yxpenas. Sand a two -cent stamp to pky post- age an 1 we shall snail von a armpit Mt freeFull also bog 40 cents, at all dealers. or ledman.no. Bates 44 Co, Limtted, Toren... ■ McLEAN BROS. ■ ■ Semi -Ready Tailors and .:eats' Furnishers ■ ▪ The SQUARE GODERI 1♦ ■■■$I1$*IUl•■*■ IU■IUll1•rl Ibis evening ; •' She --"I sha'I he very pleased: hut tion:t.forget that father .witched off the light at test o'clock." - yle--."That's kind of youl ' l'll.bo there IT ter, sharps ' • A bachelor never figures 1x1 n tying a wxfow, but when a widow's E !ring on marrying a bachelor it's a ewe sign of a wt Ming. In alter years a courtship may be ((A- verted Into a battle ship. EveiyoneWho Bo Caktadas vtcforysonds MadeMoney.'•••, • • • • EVERY one of the million and a half subscribers to Canada's Victory Bonds knows that he can sell them today for more than he paid for them. Every tine who bought Canada's Victory Bonds has received c 1 _ per cent. interest per annum -paid twice a year. V Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada's Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved montty that they Would not otherwise have saved. - - The guarantee back of Canada's Victory Bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Two Dollar bill. There is this difference, however, that you get interest on the Victory Bonds and you don't or. the One or Two Dollar bill. 3. Canada's Victory Bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan. Banks are ready to loan money on Canada's Victor y Bonds. Canada's Victory Bonds may be turned into cash at any tine. There is no other way in whit ; you can invest your money with such absolute security -paying such a good rate of intcrest. Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds 1919. It will probably be the last chance to buy Canada's Victory Bonds on such favorable terms. Prepare to buy a time as you y able t0 ;zany Victory Bonds this wish you had been ty the last time • ?cfonilanl*Cili in �l�j !smell h) Canada'. Victory Lean Committee, in to operation with th.' Mn,i.ter of Finance of the Dominion of Cawed► w t • 1 �.�. - --.a.._ ..e•. -s....