HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-16, Page 6.h.
• •
43 (k.teiliei 1(1. 191f)
THE 11110111M
cuitizios, ow.
• •••••••••••••-•••••••• re
Fgt. mers Buy
they save labor, save time, save money.
The Ford Truck is themost general -
pt, .pose implement on the farm.
'he farmer can get his breakfast at
h ne, take his produce to market, and
b home again for dinner.
le can command the highest prices
1 his vegetables and fruit because he
g s them to market while the dew is
s 1 on them.
le can take his hogs, sheep and
ot er stock to market, as well as haul
r its, potatoes and apple's from the field.
'he Ford Truck brings the city to the
farmer's -door.
It solves the problem of the shortage
of labor.
A saving in horses, a saving in men.
Ford One -Ton Truck (Chassis only)
$750. f. o. b. For, Ontario:
.ktty only Genuine Ford PartR
700 ranadian dealers and over 2,000
Service Garages supply them.
Trucks Because
nixed mini tire not on military ditty in
Il ino milted %vithout written author.
PERFORMANCES. loadtgo..; r
allowed fyr men upon demobilization
n which to ip•t their ci.ilian clothes.
It is eustoubtry to grant permission
or men oho 1111%, been demobilized to
Near their uniform hlit•Iii•ii•r there IN
gecasion for it. s11,•11 us me •ittl set.-
ftinerals. reunion* awl ..huilar
fitnetionk. Theis. appljeittions
!look! preferably amt.. through the
5....retury of a vateran 1114woulai t 1 10
and 1 mart to the A. A. U.
i Iirautforil Expswitor.1 i
I* e • lt.sv of the pitiffoina Leaned to
the electors of 1.In1111,), by Sir 1Vil11ain f
Iltarst. in the 011411.1111141.1UO111 Of the ,
...Laing l'reivitielil election, it Is Inter; f
esting to compare tlw promotes In trie f
present mapifeato with his iiert.ii in- 1
awes Iti the Legislature when nia i* '
id theme preldimin oete isreass•I Nam
tlo• 1:overninent for kolution. :
111 the twitter ot 1O111111.4411.1. legis-
latig.o. the Prem4cr is g•Irtitnintt great
cregl1i. but it must Is, reitiemlwayl tfutt
whfm the milted teuiperitinv tureen
apoearol before the ihiverunieut- to
demand advAncegl Tegislation that I
wouhl curtail tlic evils of the traffic
sir wiiiiiiiii !fears' opposed nil these
measures. %%lien, iii the . iou of
1914. a resolution was intris weal In
the 1.egishoutiv ejiling tattoo the ItOV-
1.11111.0•Il1 1.0 implement the promise
made by Sir Jatues Whitney. lu the
session of 11112. that legialation would
he enacted to pot an end to the treat-
ing system, Sir Willi:11u I lea rst voted
against tlee iuotton, th..retiy eaeOurag- t
Ing tIte Gmeransent to .lidate a *ileum
promise made through the Legislature. t
to the people Id the Powiner. t
Again. lit The wins. session. the t
Premier opposed everjr swessure of
adrancleti temper:Arlie lettislatton•that
wa. hornet'', ell. 11.. VO1O11°11X8111bit tIte
Immediate obolitioui. of the barroom.
4151 it ....Whim"! in existener 'Jut...over
two years longer. Ile &boo robed
against the emigilation cif al%. chit.
lotAttess.• 11. voied against a irtwoln-
Hon whieh dennitolecl tier atriet en-
forcement of the liquor law,by offielabe
in sympathy with law enforeenwut.
Wiwi' a pri,pieial was made for the
lintinwt ion Wail. regula 1 Jou of all !souses
or piddle entertii humid, so Ill. 3.1 meows
reasonable all'011twodation for 'the
Iratellini; piddle, the Premier reesirded
his ...ic ag,inst this. The same eau
also be ,asill of other measures. When
the %.ite was taken on the remora -1 of
the three-riftlits Itataticup. the extension
of the loyal option vote to .o y-witle
holinilaeler. the limitation or the hours
of sale in barrooms. the extension of
the f rat twill*. to unirried women other-
wise qualities!, in no instance did the
l'requier rote for theme measures.
Again, the l'retuivr In the brat plank
in lo. philforin 1111 Ito. eve of au eleetion;
prominent aid to agriculture hi evyty 111K1 form. But 311 1 he Legia-
!attire, when It was isiinted out that lit
um ay sections of t he Province there
o .15 a decline in interests vital to tura*
eoltitunisitles. 1411.11 as the lost .1 punt-
ibit i.'''. which adversely uffeeted school.
and I linrchr4. bl.a_mity of farm labor,
and a diminution iii the agricultural
i.r.minction of the Proving.... he voted
against 11 resolution making that a
.•,,iamis.ion of pruct lea! men lw ap-
i 10.-.1 to ihventigate theme edinlition,..
. J ..iiil. if possible. INI•illillielo1 loti4h111,01
1 ... I' illiiir..%.11tralt. No ...older tlie farm-
ga . are feeling that tin* intere-sts
...re wit saft• in the hoods of' this Blearst
1;o0ernment. •
' The Prender's platform is also .1
Lf-reat interest to labor, for Ile pr,,m,.....,
!hat he will gi%.• glir#et representation
s Caused by Thin, Watery
Blood and Cured by Enrich-
ing the Blood.
Most people think of neural:ia as a
pain in the head or in the face, but
ralgia may atIec any nerve in the hody
Different names ate given to it when it
affects certain nerves. Thus neura:gia of
he sciatic nerve is c-alled sciatica, hut the
character of the pain and the nature of
he disease are the same. The cause being i
he same, the cure to be effective must be '
he same. The pain in neuralgia is caused
by starved nerves. The blood which
carries noutishment to the nerves has.
bet t me thin and impure and no longer
does so. and the ca'n you feel is the cay
of the nerves kr their natural fcCSi. You
may ewe the pains of neuralgia with hot
applications, but you, can cnly cure the
trouble by enriching and purifying the
blood. For this purpose we know of no
medicine that can equal Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. These pills actually make
new rich blood and thus act as the most
efficient of nerve tonics. If you are
suffering from this most dreaded of
trou les, or any form of nerve trouble.
give the.e palls a fair trial, and see how
speedily you will be restored to good
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
horn any rttedione dealer or hv mail at .50
cents a bre or sot boxes for 12 roa from the
Dr. Wile.arns Medicine Co.. Brockville,
P. J. MacEwan,
3 How to say "No.
Mark Your Ballot with an X after Each
%Question under the word "No"
to lalor in the ral,itwt. Yet *3.. 1) a
tn,ttlon was intisidueed In tbs. Leal. -
Moire, entitling Upon the litorrinnetit to
Pottablinit a 1 orpurtment of Labor, pre-
sided cover try a Minister, 1,i whieli
%vital.' be /transferred the iturean of
f,tom the Itepartnient of Public
Works. and the factory insp....t
branch fi.ma the Department of Agri-
ealtlith.. and wgiitld have eltarge
• or tot the interests tte lobsr. lso vat041
against it.
time 11Z11111. W114.11 the friends of
labor introdured at resolution in the
tionso. asking for amendments to the
Pa -tory. Shot, and offiee Building .tet.
for the Is.tter protection of childre,,.
y,ntltsalunlyintitng tgrla, kir. Hearst
It 1. wouctinso very Interesting when
politicians make hig promises, tin the
P5.' of an elegetion, to look into their
mord Oil tltese questionawIwn they
luttl th,, oppiirtimity of rendering Lira. -
tient servit....a nil when theme ewes..
!swain! help Anti failwl to get it.
Are 1.?ammo tos•2"1.11111111.111"1.111)**1•••••
For or tom wwome • *AMA".
Am goo Ire fohoorr of the logo of light boor 0.1••0•••••eow loof
rig shore Mon Iwo &hob Oftr-omo oho ,.....4. .4$54 per boort shrobbl
AL •••••om ammowww•mt
.....11101 "...fir,. ogolookro sob oihooll-
ro fhb goloilo r000poiraoroo Act t•
robr000 borobil 0•0116 Meet
1.0 *whew, Oho lighil boor
Oro row of bolo of oohtolosirog hot
wroth mow two 5.0 Of of -.me oo•-•••••••rorith• 'or soot aft oho.
3 .4liapt• ••••••••••• MI •l••••••• toriols io kre•I moo...Door..
that bo • aoi•arortto •ot• farrow ...eh oalo -------
5. Ttlio Ontario Tobipor•riori As* Or boir.h. biO.O.
bre goo ii• hobo. of MO solo of obirilieihro sod mob
4Iletrihro Ithro•egh 0••••••••••.01 .g...... and ••••••••••••••• So
P5. ObbliflO Too•boroniro bob lb
briorro• owe.. hOo/
Above is an exact reproduction of the
Referendum ballot, showing the correct way
to Vote in order to sustain the Ontario Tem-
perance Act as it stands:
F.verybody should study the four questions and
realize exactly what they mean. Do not be snisied by
the insidious demand for "light" beer.
The beer of the ballot is 118% stronger than the
Ontario Temperance Act now allows. and over five
times as strong as the limit allowed for beer defined es
non -intoxicating in Great Britain and the United States.
Answer Each Question
1. Unless you vote on every question your ballot
is spoiled.
2. You must mark your answer to each ques-
tion with an "X" only. Anything else would
spoil your ballot.
3. Unless a majority vote "No" on question1
the liars will he restored and the sale of e! kinds of intoxicants pernakaad.
4. Unless a majority vote "No" on questions 2, 3 and the Ontario Tem-
penance Act will become almost worthies*.
5. The only SAFE course is to mark your ballot as shown above.
o!-Four Tintes "No!"
No repeal. No government beer shops; No beer saloons, No government
whiskey shops. -Four X's. each under the word -No.-
Ontario Referendum Committee
loilimmkaxs=. D. A- tRAVIP: S. CRAM
• Sirreeeme)
'The Retort Crisp.
A:ter a go. *3 rericw of the Ger-
man troops 111 sdatin some years
ago the kaiser mile,' out tg, the of -
114i• commanding the Tru*siall 1:11ard
Ill 5 VOI.10 10110.1 0711011/th to tw heard by
all the ilistitignishisl Kneed. ss 3, sere
24 Years the same
"good" tea
TE,Als good tea.
Sold only fn sealed packages
Leave Toronto 7.15 p.m.
Arrive Winnipeg 9.05 p.m. 2nd day
" Calgary 9.3(1 3ril day
" Banff 12 VI p.m.:4111 day
" Vancouver 10.110 Ith dsy
First-class Sleciong.ICar Pamsengen. only
Full particulars fIIII *LI) 14;ont. JOS.. KIDD
('. I'. .kgent, Godetrich.
grouped in 'Troia of the palace.
"Vick me iint n hundred in.,, from
the Prussian
Them taking the 111111 K ing
*ant VII., ulm sos thcre. lir said:
"Come with we.
etworte.1 King Edward very
delicately round the men
slid then Kalil tianteringly:
-Well, do yttit thltik yo ft gni!
a buteilrisl England to bear
"I 1140111 1.114I5* 50 li111111 that
promptly re3tl9n1 tlie late King. 'Mir 1
(solid tind fifty who wou1,1
-Salt nee. o .1 rigout" tit.
fook to the uCure
Begin with the Boys
The following in inwitnl from dill-
tary heatiquarterm at London, init.:
N0ther,1115 impilries are being re-
et`ii141 at the headquarters', military
dIstriet No 1, London, with refer..nee
to wearing' war nosibil ribbonand
el...orations. and apparently these rib-
bons are being worn by some 1114.II o
think they are 'n1 3(3.53 to them but are
tiot. The follriwing information will
serve sis
1. The British Expeditionary Foree
1914-15 stn r ss 333 tws 140111.41 In dile
coon*. to thone eatitled to it. The rib-
bon may be worn by all rank,* of the,
e. E. F. oily have at.t tinily served got
tlw estaidiabineot of n milt in a theatre
of weir. between 15th August. 1914.
stud the 314 I/member. 1911i, bath dates
inclusive. The ribbon of thin .'tar is
red. white soul Noe .1111404 51.11
vt:.teretl. TItt theatre' Of war in (Ilk
iustunee .b. gleams!' as excluillug the
Itriti..11 lales'and the high Assoc
'for rilibmi of the British War
31..111, 1914.19411,may he worn by 1*11
-ranks who jollied the V. E.F. In 4': 11-
z: WV, o1.,1 the Airgi,ist, 1914. and
the 11I.NovPialter, 1 illn, anti Ono be-
tween tlione dittos intlitnive and whilst
!whin/ling to the r. R. E. rendered
frPlfroveti 444,11.1. OVerlIPOM.
9. --contr.., &singe watered 'with .t riper.
ft. The wearing of the ribbon of the
Victory Medal. by tho.w cot Hied o
1,4111..13 tla• medal la wiithorls.1 • This
*133 is• issned fa all °Meer+. nursling
wintorn, and non (.0mi:died 1
and men of the Allied fore., oho
na II:, entered n then t re of operations
oil the strewth of any military unit on
ah3 front. .1 Vletory Metlal
35 one non! a Milt Incite. in width;
•-olor• 41.111.14•r,, inhow ontereil.
I leta Hod information regardlog the
hestlle 1,1* the IlrItissis War Medal and of
the Vh•tstry Medal WIll 3., poldlnlitn1
1.11 Then, ribbons should Is, uggrn
the following order :
1.414 15 Stor nest, the Itritinli War
Medal 11114 111 011.VOIN1, and the Victory
511.4111 I Ribbon thial Tbe order in
oliht din orntiotin and mednin nre to
lie morn in defitilttly laid floW11 NMI III
of doubt thi. Information will lie
ref rnislitil iI appficiitIon. British War
Meslabe are vuorii in order of date
111, oe ling of intlforni hy officers
uth, r who hare been dentok
HE glorious victories of Drake and Nelson were des-
tined to be the foundation of our Empire and the
guarantee of the freedom of the seas, which makes
possible the vast international trade of Britain and
her Dominions.
And yet when Drake and Nelson chose the sea as their life-,
work, who was there to know what would be the overwhelming •
consequences of their decision?
its • Today, if you have arty question in you7fnind
as to whether you should support ,the work
of the Boys' Naval Brigades, study the
matter with an eye to the future. Get clearly
in mind the tremendous importance of Can-
adian products reaching foreign markets,
which can only be assured by the building
of a great Canadian Mertante Fleet, maw
ned wills Canadian Seamen!
Akw. st th•
r. emphasise Canada's
',portraitist sad resp•s•
inaiian sip the sea.
To roes* hook for the
relief of oar aporrisasse
s /axone, isjara fic the
Woe, and for elegorodents
of thos• who wore Filled.
T. issalmeoim wiliors' lawn
em oar
To tree," bars almi yews,
mIU for oar worrisome
rheas by the erfaiiiratiblo
of Boys' Naval Brigade'.
We may build ships by the thousand, but if
we cannot man them ourselves our position
is still economically unsound. 11 we do not
train Canadian lads to man our merchant
fleet; we shall be left behind in the race for
export markets -we shall hate missed the
greatest opportunity for trade expansion in
all history!
What will YOU do tb help some Canadian
boy who ix anxious to learn seamanship, and
so be of the greatest service to his country?
Let your contribution to the fund be a
worthy answer. Help them by giving!.
" Thank God 1 have done my duty! ".
for *5000
0 21-2223
Canadian. Mua 411 .Th.-.- Seas--
Campaign Committee for tbd Province of Ontario
aieirama: SIR JOHN C. EATON Viage•Clealeavos. A. M HOFIRRR I IN
Heserery T r. SIR PIM(' NO WALKER Astittent Treeteter t N I. MARTIN
31 Clog Street Meet, Tartest's.