The Signal, 1919-10-16, Page 5TER SIGNAL
.yes r
l ••r\siY , ,
Thursday, fh•tober iA. 1919
Model 25 Studebaker Touring Car in first-class
6 h. p. International Gasoline Engine with all
East Street Garage
"Owaei an111Dpera b a 7
Arthur M. Glover
The Most Wonderful
Talcum that ever
"Came to Town" .
('u you Imaging a talcum as fine as mist-
iss-ot velvety softness. aryl scented with
the blended sweetness of the world's
rare dowers -1 Rather dimrult to be-
lieve. 1101 it 'hen let us prove it by
',bowing you
Garden Court
it Ir the very newest ar well am the very
Anent -put up in a strikingly Jiandsome
Nelson blue package of liberal size -and
sold ata "quarter." When _yon see it
you will buy -as others do. There are
five other GanImo Court preperrtions
for the toilet ---each rs wonderful as
the Talcum.
r Eur Penslar store has the rale agency
Campbell's Drug Store
Iced ('runs `.siety.
"se annual meeting of the Red Cross
Socnty will take place in the jury room
tithe court house on Wednesday, ORo.
b r :rl, at is p. m. All members are
requested to be present.
At the Victoria street Methodist par-
sonage. on Wednesday of this week. Rev.
J. F. Reycraft united to marriage Min
Isabel Barbara Sinclair. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Sinclair. township of
Stanley, and Mr. James Bond. ot Gude-
rich township.
To Creel the Prince at Laudon.
Arrangements are progressing for the
visit of a large contingent of war veterans
to London on Thursday next. when the
Prince of Wales will be in 1 hat city. It is
hoped that as many as possible of the
We have a full assort-
ment of Bulbs for fall
and Tulips
Single and double in the
Goderich, (---'.Ontario p,pular colors.
Phone Gmlerlch
MineratWatcr C -
for a case of Dry Ginger
Ale, you will like it. Or a
case of Orangeade, Cream,
Cola, etc.
We have the agency for
Carling a, Labatt's, Kuntz,
O'Keefe's and Cincinnati
Cream. in ale, beer and
Stook always on hand.
Cash on delivery for
above beers.
Robertson & Mair
'Phone 16.4
Cor Hamilton St and Square
returned men in town and vicinity will
join the party. and in order to Iaeilitate
the arrangements it is requested that any
who contemplate going notify Major
H. C. Dunlop or Capt. A. F. Sturdy. A
brass band about forty strong. made up
from the 33rd Regiment band of Goie-
rich and the Clinton band. will accom-
pany the Huron county contingent.
Raspberries In October.
Fresh raspbernes on the 15th of Octo-
ber are an unusual treat which Che
Editor enjoyed this week. The berries
were from the garden of Mrs. Alex.
McNewin, where the season's second crop
to ripening luxuriantly in this warm
autumn weather. They were good.
To Add Names of Returned Soldiers.
In order that soldiers who have re-
turned since the last sittings of the
registrars may have their names placid
on the list for the election of Monday
next. a supplementary session ot the
board will be held at the court house on
Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. when
appeals for the addition of names will
be heard.
Mr. S. N. Mothers Wedded.
On Saturday last Mr. Stephen B.
Stothers, PS. S. A , of Clinton. agricultural
representative for the county of Hurotf,
was one of the principals in a happy event
at Guelph. where he claimed as hi, bride
Miss Agnes Florence Cleghorn, youngest
daughter of Mrs. James 0. Cleghorn of
that city. The wedding ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. McGillivray. Mr.
and Mrs. Stothers will make 'their home
at Clinton. Many friends of Mr. Scothern
throi.ghout the county will tender cordial
congratulations and hearty good wishes.
F. H. Martin Ketu ' K to Goderieh.
Mr. 1'. 11. Martin, who for a few
years buds been lu huslia•ss at Detroit.
IMO delidel t.. n•turu to G,rlerirh and
lw. Ien.w1 the store 1.i H. MtIAsileo
1i1.erk formerly occupied I.y 41. 4".
Whitely. Ile will open out early in
Nuvnrlwr In the mrreluint tailor and
gent.' furnishing lines. in which 11e con-
duit tel it .in..,ssful business here for a
iquulier of years before awing to De-
troit. Mr. Martin laid his family will
Ire 'annually welkwluwl bock h. G.wlr
rleh. Mr. Martin was doing n large
lousiness at ID•troit. but conditions
other% Ise were not to his liking and hr
Iot1•lude1 that 4144i- deli was quite good
enough for him.
A quiet weddding took place on Tuea-
day morning. October 14th, at St. Marys
church, Tillsonburg. when Miss Agnes
Furlong. daughter of Mr. and,Mrs. James
Furlong, Norwich. was united in marriage
to Mr: 'Austin Chisholm of Ottawa.
formerly of Goderich, Rev. Father Quigley
officiating. The bride wore a travelling
t d k ook with hat to match.
P.L. Walton,
Phone 201
The Trouble Man
1t'. acomfort to know there's
a man on whom cou may call
in your troubles ---the Plumber.
We. know our business and
are here to nerve you.
a.1110., Street 'Mona IM
1'l ora h{wf{
Bavo.rnu ping
Metal Work
=The La'gest and Best Commercial
School is Western Ontario
W.• give individual instruction and
students may enter oar Commercial,
Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart -
menti at any time. We assist grad•
u tea to p[1,.' -Il, 0- Write now for our
fere catalogue and learn 1)0 nature
of our work.
D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal
Butt o ar r y
Australian' opossum fur and a corsage
bouquet ;of orchids and Ophelia roses.
Miss Lillian Furlong, sister of the bride,
"Fran -a -tires" Restored Her
To Perfect Health
153 PAna4u0 Ars., Moa•tasti..
"For three years, I ruined R regi
• fain in the (ower part of my holy,
with swelling or bloating. 1 waw a
specialist who said 1 must uudergo
an operation. I refused.
i heard abort "Fr nil•o-liars" >y
derided to Try ii.
The first box gave great relief; and
continued the treamentt Now my
health is excellent -I am free of
pain -and 1 give "Fryit-a-ties" yr
warmest thanks".
Muse. F. (:.►RLIAU.
50e. L box, 3 for$2.:A, trial size 251.
At all dealers or sent postpaid
Traits -fives Limited. Ottawa.
SimW lrrangeshents fur lolling the
large Vole ExpeetesL
I'Ie rlwrion i- prvsrw;iug very
quietly. 'Al the nomigatiou. for Centre
Huron at /'llama uu Mululay the thew•
eluiIlh,Ies apls•urel : W. L'r..aalfalt,
Independent ; .I. M. 4 ,,u•ol.a•k. Liberal.
and Wild. 14 ii.gstuu, 1'. I' 41. Each
Of the fins• adei r•as+Id the .4e',yrs. and
Mr. Hislop al.0 s{ for Mr.
Thi. ell4'04•11 ,'gems hr.: M*Jor H. 4'.
Dunlop. Climb -deli. fur Mr. l'ruuelfeed
Mr. J. II. Hluehl.•). Seaforth, fur Mr.
tioveuhr•k : 711r..1. N. Kerlin:n il. It. 14.
NO. 4. 4,rlerirh. for 51r. Livingston.
Mr. I'roudfcst is Iuiviug a public
meeting fu I;oderleb th4- evening. TIII.
Is the out)platform Itretksx antilauu•el
for I:.slerieh,.
The liberals hair ''i"".l a togiwlt-
ter nano In McIA•all'. bl.s k. test r..
the Brit .lr Eyehaitr• hotel. Mr.
I'ru,,.lfl•1•r'a a ilei,'• roo11I$ are all
West street ..
Mr. H..1. 11. 1', r.'Ulr elfleer
fur ilii. riding. ba- 111a414• 4441),1 sr-
ratitzeu..•nt. for handling the 1.ig vote
that Is .•54.s•t.41 on M011.141y. to ,'very
{rill when. there 'are wow II,,ul '_:Irl
surers all the li.t there Nill he a .1..441.1..
w - Kew -11440.m Furniture Co. .. 11121 !rl
every poll in C wl •rig h eNeeta N.. 7
mowIh. {rdlui' hours (non 7g10 4"
- - to i 1. m.. sad Ilio• lli"x {.lite. are 1.11!4 1 t• 1
rated as brimaid. wearing a wit of ar t.,11ow. III' Iti111Nay Tax :Mel iu
ref of election tion odk. rs. Thi i{ {
SERVICE is the measure of
a Banks usefulness. We
think we give the best. Our
facilities are at the disposal of
a all who appreciate courteous
consideration and the lest terms
consistent with sound banking.
We are always glad to be
Goderich Branch -W.N. McKay, Manager
+ dfr t Nutiouul Sh{pbnllding 1'11. .. 1'410 4MI
r s, . . i;Isl,'rit•11 Ih•gru 1'u. 9440 :NI
=i - ' i' t t' .•1 11 a. In.
brown tncohn , large black velvet hat It.•W. r 411 t;l
and corsage bouquet of Russel roses The Tu. 1 .1.Iam Tbutujl..n. woos' •Imp' t;I.lerirla )ItK. Co, sari in
Vie -herb' stew•'
•4xn was attended by his brother, Mr. 1:•w1.•rieh Mri.*II4ilr Co..... 11;11 411
Nn. Ib•bt 'Ur1A•au. -tore Ira the
Chisholm. Atter the ceremony a Simian.. nest 111 Chas. Itla.k's +store. ruses :
wedding breakfast *as served at the home I'. h S. S. h. 4i i mlllw.... 14007 4n
No. 3 -Town Iran.
N... 4 - 1S'At. Souther.. wagon slug.' (:wu•ru4 4, :34 mill.
No. :1-1'. 1.. Walton's sl.or•, Nest 'Total Tw\cs, xws_'s.201
street. $12.30:0154
No. 0 Smithey'. furniture stone. 1'.411 1.•r ....Ht. will Is• 1411.01.4 off
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs!
Chish Im left for Nagar! Falls and Buf-
falo. They will reside at Ottawa.
More Improvements at the Model.
Mr. A W. Lauder is remodeling the
Model Theatre. the improvements in- t\.•.t .r n'rt. to\tsl (al ill- M'fuar Nal rtulw•1• 1st Utlr
eluding the putting in of a 'teal heating' No. i- .1. W. l'rlddle'- h••u..e l\'illiaui per Iwnt...R hors to N.7;1:111:1. MK.
Ihsr K.I
plant. adding a ladies' wattingroom,/`tn'eL- • Is'r !.L Frul,, Ihw•111s•r 1stor. to i uii
setting the screen farther back and mak- `' loris VIII lo. {mya1.6• .0 1w r. After
ing two new exits. This will -;ave five IPEKSONAL MENTION. Ihreuds r 13th oto per esti will er
exit. all on the ground fluor. Mr. Lauder 1 h,,vl a wl 1 t 1* I ., per • 31st i 41 {ser
wants his patrons to- feel that they are
Capt. W. Proudfuot,• of Toronto, is 'rut. itill Ir ,added.
perfectly safe in case of tires alt visiting at the parental home in town.
with the new fireproof operating rootill Miss Jessie Wil -on has been home from NELSON I).11 DRIVE.
FY)K N %%1
Its Ohjeel l'onuaInI' Interest and sup-
port of haver) Canadian.
Ships and men ti nun them are the
big nerd of the Empire today. Canada •
s called upon to do her ,hare in meeting
t' II Inst. Ai 3 trills Stain :14
41391111 441
Virtirrha street. -
there' Is practically • no danger in the Toronto this week for a few days' holt-
respect. Two machines, both operated
by electricity. will increasethe efficiency of days•
the plant. and when all these improve 4 Mrs. J. T. Newell. of Toronto. is visit•
LLments are completed within the next few ing Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Coleman, of
jdays Goderich will have a picture hous- Elgin avenue. this week.
IIof which the town may be proud. On ' Mr. J. 11. Kelly. •uls•riuteu.Irlu of
Monday and Tuesday next the theatre the enlaced ell water and light services.
I will be closed to the public, 10 that the 4. Nit the -Ick Ilse tills week.
jmpyjl,pj r -modeling ma} go ahead with- Miss Mand Million. who was home on
out interruption. sick leave, has again taken up her dunes
I A ISelighdul Evening. - at the general hospital, Guelph.
It N"Nw .r Iwpp) .oiup&u) 'that I Mrs. and Miss Ellis, of Hen,all, ,pent
crowded the bairns -tit of \'Mori* stere . Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and
Methodist church .it the Y11nit411 hot :1n. T. Million. McRt?nald street.'
supper given 1.l^the liallf.•` Ald on the 1 t
Pyraillg of Thanksgiving Ih.y. 1.4.111-1 )Ir. and Mrs. Win. 1:1..0 .•+d flintily Canada. for this nStsul must have a
sid.•riug tlr• mous other attractions on I ha". 1-4•104n.41 from town to 1111.4" re- great export trade for its surplus pro -
1 the t wl for that night this'.'harlks• ,,-,oith purelui-..'.l furs in become ducts if prosperity is 40 becoe per -
U symptom mptom of Kidney
Disease. A well-known
doctor has said, "I never
yet made a post-mortem ex-
amination ina case of death
from Heart Disease with-
out finding the kidney..
wereatfault." The Kidney
Medicine which was first on
the market, most success-
ful for Heart Disease and
all Kidney Trouble, and
most widely imitated is
Rdcomfy a) I. the kind you like.
-kiwis)* fresh and purr.
VERWARE, Etc , Etc.
Repairing rune to
your satisfaction
E. C. Rohertson
corset Il...'4 t41rett wadSquat r.
+44 1-1-44444-C -7-1••}•14rr•t-f ": ' :. }
the necessit y. Shipyards are busy and - -- --
new boats are being turned out as
quickly as pot -Able to till the great gaps
made in the merchant marine service
through the dastardly work 01 the Hun
amarines during the bitter years of the
Ships and more ships mean mucho
11 1.• ., 1
11,111111 1441.1 11461-1441( w -a- a great-ue.r•s..' luau.bip. iDanent. Qualified sailors In great num-
The supper. it g.s-. without .$)inic: wits Mrs. Douglas McKenzie and daeghter ber will be required to man these a ups.
r 1- Canada must provide as many of there -
men as possible. and must have them
teady as the ships are ready. To this
end the Navy League of Canada 1: doing
wonderful work through the medium of
its naval brigades. For the continuance
and extension of this valuable mission
and for the establishment and mamten-
snce of saikxshomes in Canadian ports
the League is now calling upnrt the
citizens of the Dominion to auh•cribe
ha4-a-rni3 loo dollars. That is the object
of the Nelson Day campaign. wh ch is to
be short and sharp. The actual drive
will last for three day'. October 21. 'S2
23. and the ditty devolves upon every
Canadian to mike it a '.access.
ecel•Ilent. and the prugralnoifternanis I Jean spent Thanks.'ggrving
prrw•uh.l in the auditorium of 41w' borne with Mr. A1cKentie on the steamer
church was id' a very :superior under. Riverton,
*his Eiitnlw•th Wilson. late of I Mr. .%. R'. Strickland, local ivalwger
High $.11...1. who ha- n+,'ntly Iw+•u' for the (tank of Montreal. has Irs41
✓ pµli. 4.4 4o uais.iutl murk iu 4'hinu. fared by 111-1reatth f" gtv.• up him murk
sus he:u-,l w ith ggmt pltmw are lit her 1,'r 11 while. It is b.,{wrl a g•rrl rrst,
re•11'4 1ag.. and her brother. lees. IIugI. ' *ill restore• h1- usual vigor.
1'. Wil -..a, also delighted for &adieu..•
by coun-ihutiug r.A maw,. Both were FORT%-FOI'R MILLS. -
eanha11) web -mile,' by many who kurw
•thele 1u /'tis' clay- m lien their father. Ms 1* Gederleh's Municipal Ta[ Rate
Rev. Jasper Wils..o. M. A.. wa- {wwtor for
of North an'.•t cliurrl, iu 4444- tuwu.I Thu• nu,niei{w11 hie rile,' ion. shuu•k
I'se•11.•ut w.lo, were rendered by Mrs. at 44 mill ata-lss•iyl n.."•ahta .f tin'
Glover ,11w1 )M.. Mamie Krreen.•r. tunes -II on Friday night. The esti-
Another talented poling soloist w;,s mates of receipts and rsp.•Irliturvs for
Miss Jean Chapman. 111,41 the yietoria the current year were a. follow.:
street vetern. Nem. SM.:ameld. ENI'I:NI'ITa' fol
in 1.i- solo that though far i","( the Salaries a 4.MMI IM1 limit-irt arm- ht. tato not hist printing and .ldverti•biK •• :n*1 Ile
11110 IMI
:3.111 111
71;11 111)
12:1 IMI
.RMI 111
321011 1111
t1111 1111
1541 1111
41M1 IM)
14:11;1 IMI
• 1%A;) Ial
:r-'"+ IMI
:;'2'i IMI
.774'44241a31r 411' 411:2t
_133 4*)
111-..•Ihiue.lp 1 4*) 4*)
Town Lighting
44137 117
Tow.. Witter 3'0+11 117
Water .1lrouut xrnmra 21471 MM
Illwomit on, Ts x.'* 1:".11 '111
lnirreMt on 1111M 1' v ra'y's :wf IMI
Utrnlraft _111) !N
his Ismer of .• .we•t M1.- I'in• Ih•{rllfmNllf
Jewell. a w•.s• 440 from 4'o1111rur. r..•it..l i,4w T'on'y
r 1•harming little-1•h •tiun and I:LH• I'nbllc l 'orkt
ntul I:lith, tl," tion talented young 1'Iwfity
daughters of Mr. .b G. Itrinhaut, g:1 r.• ,lsvluni 1',,li.•ut.
two rimer re•itrtion's. 'rhe 4w4'Tnr• 4;rlaaaf.
Itev. .1. F. K.•ycratt. pir•41.1.1 All his
llalel Iwpp), meld"•', All told it waw
a delightful Pre g. the tot:Il pr.w-esl.
Iw•Ing $17:.. •
Robert* -.Meager.
iatik Int.•rest- . :.:...
Public Seh,s,l.
The marriage of Miss (;race Eiyth
Separate School
Seager (daughter of the late Edwin and Col [vela re Ins(Iteite
Mrs Edyth Seager), niece of Mr. and Moan! of Health
Mrs. Charles Sea . r, of Gods -rich. to Mr. 1,isnrane•
_ John MacDonald Roberts, late' Lieuten, Mark'''
ant B. A. F. (formerly with the Canadian Ih•b. al"I Int• .1e•
AIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIBIIIIIIIIIIIL Siege Artillery), son of the late John 41. W. S. It.
Massie Roberts of Dungannon and Mrs. could,'
Roberts of Goderich, was solemnized at t'n111'ty Highways
I high noon on Thanks. ivmg Jay in St
George's church, Goderi.h. Rev. Dr.
' Seager. rector of St. Matthew's church,
- PROGRAM - - Toronto, cousin t the bride, o. Clated,
assisted by the rector, Rev. A. L G. Clarke.
The bride, who was given away by her
Clearing in Men's Black
These Overalls are cut
roomy and are strongly
made, with elastic back,
to clear at
Men's brown duck work
Vesta, five pockets, to
clear at
Men's button jersey
cloth Gloves, to clear at
Men's unlined split
horsehide Gauntlets, a
strongly made Glove for
general use, to dear at
Men's Police Braces, to
dear at
SaabSh side of Square
uncle, wore a travelling costume of bur-
• • • • •' • • • • • • , gundy broadcloth with moleskin trimming
On Mondayand Tues- .rchtds. She was attended by Miss
Edwina Gertrude Carr of Toronto, grand -
day, owing to alterations, danclair of
Ham Iton, formerly hter of the aof Goderich.teJudge
d Captain
this Theatre will be closed, James L. A. Sinclair, R A.F., of Toronto,
and will open again Wed- lately returned from overseas, was best
nesda with a Paramount- man. The u -hers were Mr. Haf+itd Wii-
YHams and Mr. Ernest Lee. of Goderich.
Artcraft Special. Mr. Buckley, organist of St. George's,
preside d at the organ. The guests included
only the immediate families of the con-
tracting parties. Following the ceremony
a reception was held at the bride's'hnme,
where Crown Attorney and Mrs. Seager
greeted the many friends of the bride and
groom, Shortly.a(terwards Mr. and Mrs.
Roberts left on their honeymoon trip and
on their return they will reside at Bramp-
ton, where Mr. Roberts has been ap-
pointed to the staff of the Union Bank.
Mia Seager's departure from Goderich
will be a decided loss to a large circle of
friends and to musical circles, where her
ability as a violinist has been so greatly
appreciated. A hoot of good wishes follow
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts to their new home.
and taupe hat and carried a bouquet of
WM)NES11Al \\Ir THI 1181)
next Werk
The world's most famous nlee--elle
English Derby : A thrlllbig prize tight
et un exelnalve Lnrolun ('hdl' Eseite-
merit. Intrlgne----everything In a
young l nglieh Earl's "Sperting life"l
4tar this tremendous picture.
A Mack Sennett Comely
11-M11/%1 and ' %T1 K1111
west week
P•- '1h'••n the '1 silo...
1 have secured sorre samples of Iltt
blue serge. guaranteed indigo dye. which
will be made to your order by an expert
Rural Canada.
The Signal has made a clubbing ar-
rangement with Rural Canada. a monthly
publication for the farm and home. at the
combined rate of $2 01. Samples of
Rural Canada may he seen at this office.
A r umt er w er t out from town 011
Thanksgiving item g and enjoyed the
fowl supper served at Zion church in
Colborne. tnwna.ip There a large
attendance. a royal sump •r was served,
and afterwards there was a gond pro.
$12:19714; .14
ItE'Et rrs
('ash from 141114 $ 2s4) 441
Tales uncollected 141150 67
Cemetery 4:W) 411
l,l/rtww'. 400 111)
Fines s 23 fill
Ilya Tags 73 IMI
1410141 Intl). .t!•w'ss. ta\ .. 231'. 14:1
Sewer Rental 1541 1n1
National Shlpl,,Illtdtn* Co. 245114 I41
Destroys more property than
alt the wars and means loss front
every point of view.
insurance alone can reduce your
loss, and not be regarded as an
unavoidable iteni of expense, but
rather as your best ally in pre-
venting loss. Before your place
"goes up in smoke" and becomes
a smoldering heap of ruins, in-
sure with
T. R. Harrison
Cor. Wert Ittteet and Agnare
The Double Track Route
0,1w ru
llueccelle.l dint' .r w rvke
141.'eplog cars on 1 it trains, :u.•1
parlor ears ..• pctne.,.al day train.
Phil inforu,wtlun faun any 4,&l.'
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn
Ing. District I',.w, nger Agent, r,
li. H. 1.auder. Ntatlob Agent. phrase
Town Agents none M
sc a Package
before the war
Sc a cacka8e
duriog the war
S c a cackaSr