HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-16, Page 4Thurwlay. (Stoller 111. 1919.
.t.1 .�,_---
Clothes That Keep Shapely
must be fashioned by experts -and upon lines that are
retained because of exacting workmanship. To get long
service and an always trim appearance, we urge you to wear
Bengard Clothes
The highest skill combined with good materials and watch-
ful rare unite in thele faunas entitle-. t" give you full
certainty of value and siltisfartiin.
Your first experience with Bengard clothes
will acquaint you with a new and higher
standard in ready -to wear garments.
Phone 57. Goderich
Lifung potatoes is the order of she
day. The> are turning out better than
expected. and the tubers are ul j good
Mre. B.J. Crawford, Mrs. Henry Jt.nes,
Mrs. S. E. Sanderson and Miss Mary
McCourt are spending a few days in
Inspector Tutu paid our school a visit
chis week.
Mr. and Mrs Ellis Stothers and son
Jat k and Miss Jean Stothers motored up
from Toronto for the ho iday.
We notice that the Government has
taken over the G. T. R , also that the
polls are to be open thieedays this week
to°alkrw trainmen to vote. W lit it be
handled like the oversea soldiers' vote in
Delos Dither, from llingham. and
Miss Mariois.Duher, from Godertch Wire
home ovrr the holiday.
Mr. Robe. McAllister has purchased
Iron Rev. S. Pentland the tuts alongside
his property.
Miss Amber McKenzie left on Monday
for Toronto to attend a business college.
A meeting was held in the hall last
night in the Interests of the C. F. O.
party. Mr Proctor. the candidate, Mr.
htatneson of Lochalsh. and Mrs. Rd.
McWhinney were the speakers for the
U. F. 0. cause. and Mr. Jos. A. Mallough
spoke for Mr Joynt, U.e Conservative
candidate. Tuere was a fairly good
Day passed very- quietly. The weath: r
was grand and many were out hunting.
Two of our young men went away at 5
o'clock in the morning and got back at
dark. having had a good days sport and
bagged one rabbit. Another bunch that
came in three cars from Clinton were
wccoaful in getting one squirrel's tail.
The squirrel Is still at large.
Ea5KIFE-s ANhuEBSARY.-The anni-
teisary ut Erskine church passed off
.most ausptctous:y. There were large
congregations both morning and evening
on Suaday to hear the preacher of the
day. Rev. J. 5 Hardie of Lochalsh.
moderator of the St nod of Hamilton and
London. who delighted his hearer- with
tao excellent addresses. The musical
service Loci was goad On Monday
evening an entertainment under the
auspices of the church was held in the
Agncu Lural Hall. with a good laiuse.
Mr. Thos.McGillicuddy, of Tomo:0. gave
his lecture on •'Irlah W it'' and war heard
with great enjoyment. There was alsoan
exceptionally good musicai program.
given by Mrs. J'oynt, Mise AWn and
Mrs. t Dr.) New ton of Ltiornuw. All who
were present were delightd w th the
The Womet, - Institute will meet next
Thursday. (htnbet Ydrd. in the Neild• el-
luws Hial. A:plod attendance it dem
as there t- some Important business to 1*
K 1 N7'.111..
MONDAY. Oct. 13.
Mrs. Dave Parrish and chddr_n, of
Steven, Sask.. are visiting at the home of
the fo rmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Masses Lottie and LI Ilan Mackenzie
and Harold Collinson, of Godertch Col-
legiate Institute. were home for the
Mrs. John Cowan and Miss Ella Cowan
visited relative* at Exeter and Hensalt
cast week.
Muses Violet McLennan and Isabel
Mackenzie. of Stratford Normal School,
spent the vacation at their respective
oar %e-.-C.y. T Jn-t tonalrighee for
tvtst slay. Try it ' tonal see for
youruatf- . T. Uwe r,
a photograph
-� ransacted
DAL TON -i11EYgas.-Aquiet but pretty CREWE.
wedding set sutemnized in St. Joseph's
Mr. PtoNOAY. Oct 1:4.
church. filo abridge. on Tuesday, Sept-
ember 24. a nen Tena. second daughter of Mus Am' er McKenzie, of Dungannon.on.
and PAs. John Meyers, was united petit a tea days with her uncle. Mr.
in marriage lo yuan J. s.•n of Mr. acrd
Mrs. Tot
Morgan Dalton. e bride. who was MrHugh Finnigan.
Raymond Finnigan v aced friends
given assay by her father. looked charm- at W Ingham one day la+t week,
ing in a blue suit with pink vestee. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin spent Sun -
large picture hat with trimming', to day at the home of Mr. John Menaiy.
match the suit. Miss Patricia Sullivan Quite a number from here attended the
was bridesmaid and Mr. Roy Meyers anl,iversarY services at Dungannon on
assisted the groom. Aha , ttts ceremony, ' Sunday' last.
which was performed by Rev. Father , Miss Ida Ellsley spent the week -end at
Dean. the wedding party and immediate �
irthe home of Mr. Robert McKenzie. Dun -
friends repaed to the home of the b• i 1e's gannon•
parents, where a dainty wedding dinner Mrs C.A. Higgins is recovering slowly
was served. in the evening a receptor after suffering some tune aith p atoning
was held at the groom's home. guests of rhe stomach
being present to the number of about Mics Mae Menary has returned to her
150. The groom's gift to the bride was a home at Sheppardton alter spending the
rid rosary,- to the bndesmatu a past few months with Mr. Finnigan.
gold brooch. and to the groomsman gold A number of the farmers attended the
cuff links. The bride received many political meeting held In the Agricultural
pretty and useful gi is We wish Mr. Hall, Dungannon.
and Mrs Dalton many years of happy
wedded life
A Choice Line of
in' Ivory. Brass, Pottery. Nip -
jinn, Japanese Wood, China
and Glass.
Also the daintiest Candle
Shades in all colors of pink,
1 blue, old rose. yellow, orange,
mauve, green. red and chintz.
Square and round shapes 25c
All colors in candles at 5c.
Candle Shade Holders
See this attractive line.
Smith's Art Store
East 3s. Phone I'S
"Meet ult. at Itlaekstonos," they are
all saying. "where they have the pure
hr eceuut."
Do not sutler
another day wall
Itching, Bleed-
ing, or Protrud-
ing Piles. No
surgical -epee.
atlon n•Qui
Dr. Coale'. Ointment will relieve you at
and a.4 certainly ours on. a a non: all
dialer, or KAmanson. lata a Co.. Limited,
Toronto. Aamp1• bis tree If you mention tb
paper and eao iso U. Kamp to lay p0.ttgo.
r McEwen's
Boys' Caps, new supply t
' hand
Boys' Overalls, 55c to $1.25
Boys' Jerseys, white. navy
and red
Boys' Braces, l tic up
A few peices of curtain
material, to cleat frotn
25c a yard up
A nice line of Bath Towels
at right prices
We stock the Crompton
Corsets, all sizes a n d
different styles
Lime Juice, Grape Juice.
Rasp. Vinegar. Lemon
and Orangeade it bottles.
also Lemonade and
' Orangeade Powder. Just
right for drinks in the
hot weather
Try some of our Aroma
Brand Tea. With ten lbs.
you get a Teapot FREE
Mint Tea in stock.Vou will
find a croon in each
J. J. McEwen
Lisieaaa No. 5-7445
fleecy blankets
Its easy to keep then[
that way. It's the best
way , too, because pure,
clean blankets wear
longer. It just means
u.4■a [kat permit, wrest,
send tastiest of all ote....r.-
1t west.., ...Meat rw►k..a,
awatttag, or wre.abiad .h.
e4eth... 11'. • wwder(el
work . u well as •
°letkes sever
1....t o• gettmig tkesoap yea
I. aVI4R satnHRUS uwrrao
rosoM'O 29
turning from town. A car coming from
behind ,triol his buggy. throwing him
out on the road. At ,me of writing the
doctor could not say how badly he was
Mrs. S. McPhail is laid up with an
attack of lumbago. •
The W. M. Society of Bethany church
sill hold the annual thankoffering ser-
vice on the first Sabbath o: November.
The meet ng sill be addressed by Rev. J.
Hagg of C Raton.
1:1111E1111'11 Ti 1W NS1111'.
Pass Ivy Newt.'m. of Tlronto, spent
T1lanesg:vink with nor uncle, Mr. C:em
• Newton.
Mrs. Ernest Fairburn, of Newmarket.
visited friend, in this neighborhood last
On Saturday evening last Mr. Oakte
Tichborne and Mr. Howard Clark had a
i head-on collison on the Huron road with
their norse and buggy outfits. Both men
escaped with a few scratches. but the
!buggies sere damaged and Mr. Clark's
horse was badly cut up. -
Mr. and Mrs J. R. Middleton returned
last week from a trip to the West. Mr.
Middleton has rroperty at Colonsay.
which is worked on shares. and the
thueshing was done while he was there.
He saw quite a number of former Gode-
Jich township people during his stay to
the West.
Fri -nds and neighbors to the number of
atout seventy-five met at the home of
I Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hicks, 11th cnnces-
• ston, and presented them with an address
and a number of beautiful gifts as tokens
of regret at their approachirtg removal to
September meeting of the Country
Women's Club was well attended. A
particularly -,good program was oven. A
most interesting paper. entitled Some
Thoughts on Woman's Status Past and
Present," was given by Mrs. D.McEvoy
and an excellent address by Miss
Bailie on women's opportunities and
giving some practical advice in reit' rd to
the referendum. Mia,.1-u.11 gave a de
lightful reading. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mn. O. F. Edwards.
October 23rd. 2.30 p. m.
Weilisen.lai. 45-t.ta•r 15.
.11 the auction wIr on Saturday hast
11,. 1/111-a.•re farm on the 541, 1\.n.rasll.tl
belonging to tlw ...tate of the late Y.
1 .uiteo.larer wan pir•laned by Mr.
Milton Tyrelall for 1118,S110. Mr. Tyndall
own. the adjoluing property laid he
11.w lel- Vias awn•, and row of the hest
farm+ in the r..wn.hip. air. Tyndall
ns enterprising and industrious and
dewries the .scree Iw 1. 'Latina.
Tile eve -tion 1• 'inlet. Nearly every -
hotly here. 14.1 awl young. will rote four
Mr .101111 I..'ty has ,4.Id Itis p1aik• un
rhe .t4. ... s, ..ion to )Ir. Allan Wilson
..f :smiths 11i11. Mr. and Mr+. Wilson
will r1•mon• to if. Waring the farm to
their sons. Frank and Tom. Mr. and
lire. IA•ry :old their family will leave
in a few we•l. to mike the(r home In
4 :uIifornia, where VIA daughters ■1-
nmdy are.
Fanners are busy threshing. The
n'rurns are very fair. rather latter
than w11. expected. Most of the alto
tilling will he finished this week. torn
Nas it splendid eon, and Is well
matured this year.
John l'lark .111: tion lurched two
head of purebred polled .tngns 10,11.• at
Air. Andrew Kirk's sale last seek. pity -
hoc Lig priers for them. This Intend
to etre as good deal of attention herr-
after to pnrebn.l stn. -k.
Mr. Var\a• troves this week on a
visit to Toronto and Guelph.
Ilk. :Mildred Young i. attending the
Alamo! of ('ommerve at Clinton.
NO. 1 MAMMA was 011491 TI111rsdav and
Friday last while Miss McArthur at-
tended the teacher.' .otiventton at
Exeter. This is Miss 5l.Arthur' • first
menool. hitt sh. i+ allowing the gnalitilw
.If a sneeensful teacher.
Mrs. John 'Noting lear1'. next Mon-
thly for Iwr hnnw at Lethbridge. Alta..
;after spending a month With her rein•'
riven and tripods in this neighborhood.
Rey. P. I. Sinclair will preach In
Smith's Hill ehlirc i ,wxt M.1/b•.th and
the tolluwing Sabbath. It is expected
that Iter'. It..1. Ho+. tvili be hour from
;the W.ewt to take the .ervllrs after that.
The Late Robert McMillan.- fay the
death of Robert M.'MiIUll, which a --
carnal at Alexandra h..aplh,1, 4 ,wierleh.
ow the 10th Ina.. all old resident of this
section was gathered to the great
majority. Nir. McMillan had lawn in
health for some months MINI
was n•ntoy.•sI to 1h.• hnsptt.1 three
w..•ks hero*.• his dead. Hr as 11...111
seventy-seven y.•ur.ngo In Irelamh and
cum' to thi...on.try wlwn .,even years
of age His family- bs•a,ted first near
Port Hulw and a few yours hirer Dame
41. HIP Hume tract. Mr. M•11411,n for
the Inst thirty year. loud lived in rho
�[h emllraalo11 of 1'nlls.rne anal hefnr•
chat sons a r.••Il11eat of 4.sl.•rk•h ton 11 -
ship. Itesioleit his *Ire. ht• leaves two
signs -William. chief engineer on the
steamer ma, and Itohert. at Inane.
and two danighters--Mrs, 4 rnplwl1, of
Sault Ste. llurle, Cont.. and Mr.. Chas.
Babb. at home. There are also two
brothers snriivlug -Georg.• M.•M411a11
II( linderlgl. and .tomes of Ilnderh•h
township. The late Mr. )IrM11Ian was
n good Industrinn' lrlrma'r 11041 a gad
citizen and his death Is couch regrrttd
in this neighborhood. The funeral
took place from the hums on Monday
afternoon to Maitland 'emetpry. Iter.
Jan. Hamilton eomlm•ting the worriers.
The pallbearers wven' Jahn Young. Alec.
innng. Th1a. Shields: Jima. Fisher,
Gonion Poing :11111 W'altor Klnjt+awrll.
IntrttTi:R':1 iHLL.
Farmers are busy this week digging
their potatoesL:lnd report a good crop.
Mrs. O. W. ?otter, of Clinton, spent a
few days inot4r village.
Mr. and Mr . Sam Hewitt, of Mitchell.
spent Thank iving at C. McPhail's.
Mr Howard Cox and his mother, MA.
John Cox. sr.. are both on the sick list
this week.
Mr. R. Y. Cox met with a serious
accident one evetg this week while re•
----",`''''4111“.11111111111111111111111.. '''''.41101111111111,01111111111,1110111010•110"111111111."1.1.1"
IIXX ■XIIIIXXINl<lt1 11•ItXtIXiril♦lIItXXlIII •XI♦XI♦/ ■XY1/ ■)U
■ ■
NI 1
X ViodiI D. M I LLAR SON l�j��' ' j 1•
It `- Ji' i=' III
■ r
If Hours oh,Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
■ X
■/■I•>•i>•,//111XXX 111//X>IltXXXXXXXX)•XXINI•■/I•) XX•
Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ■
N:1%1 I.F:1ail F. IFRIVF.
Realise 1 shw of the Wort, Ns
League is tieing for ('alas la.
Prominent bnslne.s m.•u frit, roast
to roast art. baeking rot. the Neianu IMy
campaign to aline a5rairwa+ for the emi-
t lima if4 `V
eartlimaanr of the wort of the Navy
Gra gltr of 4•a mala. The va rlon. useful
Rrtlr4(l.•. ..f the Macv 1 s'.gne include
the entwlart of n,.vll brignolen in which
youthful t'nnadhn• lire thoroughly
trained to larntnr deep sea sailors.
The men•hant marine require. every
qualified sailor thew brtgadw inn 'pro-
tium many' more. It is a great
1/ Women's extra quality White Flannelette Gowns and Pyjamas, extra well -made,
■ good roomy garments. Priced from $2.25 to $3.75.
Popular Priced Coats •
Many new arrivals in the Coat Department opened up
this week, including Silvertones, Velours and 'Plushes, in 'a
great variety of the latest New York styles. There are. no
two Coats alike and at no other time of the season will the
selection he so complete. They are priced from $19.50 tQ
The Vogue of Velvets
It is many a season since Velvets have been so popular
Our special in Plain Velvets, Chiffon Finish, all colors, 22 inches wide, at $1.25
per yard.
Cord Velvets at $1.00 and $1.25.
Two exceptional values in Cord Velvets at Tess than last year's prices. in
loch deep pile. all colors, 27 inches wide, at $1.GO aid $1.25 per yard.
Women's and Children's Fall and Winter
Our stock of women's and children's Fall and Winter Underwear is
most complete. We specialize in Turnbull's, Jaegei's and Peerless Brands,
in all weights, to suit all tastes.
Turnbull's, Fine Wool Combinations, low neck, sleeveless, or V-neck and elbow sleeves,
at per suit, $3.50.
Jaeger's extra fine quality Pure Wool Combinations, low neck, sleeveless, short orlfull-
teagth sleet -es. also knee length and ankle length. Priced $7.511.
Turnbull'. Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, high neck, long sleeves, drawers open or
closed. Per garment *2.25 sad $230 for outsize.
Children'. Wool Vests and Drawers. Turnbull'e stake, in white or natural. Sizes 1 to
1 t ['ear', 1'rtct•l according to size. SIM to $1.50.
Women's Flannelette Gowns
■ McCall Patterns
Winter Quarterly and Magazines
Millar's Scotch Store• •
The Leading Phone and Mail Order Store
work that 1w for the booting benefit of
for Dominion. tlw permanent prosper-
ity of which mint he dep•tsient to large
extent upon export trade. Itrisin.•sa
mea all over Canada reallm. thin and
are heartily In a.r..rd with the alms of
the Navy I.rugtte.
All of IIP. f111,41, rafw.l in the Nelson
Day drive sill Iso anent 111 Canada
ma Ealy for tow .rapport of the naval
brigades owl for the sailors' Iromrs at
Canadian ports. 4)5.4,, ri .- quota Is
$225,11110, including 512705 11 N 1111'11 PHI
tw wlhs'rllad In Toronto.. A brisk cam-
paign Is now In pr..grrw. and tlw Retial
drive will hake plate 4htoher 21, _'. 28.
It. 1. i'. f. RA1.1J.
welt -attended Gathering of 1 otlag
People of the Walkerton
The annual 'l'hanksgltinc rally of
the it Y. 1•. 1..'s of the w'alkrrton
Association met with the local Union
in the Baptist claur,it herr on Monday
atternwu wad riming. Mr. 11. M.
Henry. a veteran of the late war. was
tlw first speaker. Mr. Henry pointed
out that the 111.1.11 of 11110 b for real
worvlcs and n weimine ,.tws•rn for onto.
fellowman. To render such nervier. the
ijw*krr Iwlleved that the young mast
prepare fhpms$ros, and that thoroigh
preparation ens always more or less of
a crucible. bie s sincerity w114 mini -
feat by the extent of Ids wlllIngnaa to
endure hardship for a gisal soldier.
itt•t. 1:. M. Hulme+. former pnwtnr of
the church here. was the wennd
sprwk.•r. Mr. Holmes des It skilfully
with the aIitlj/rt of '•Mplrittull 1nto[-
i,Ilo'. 1•onrtwsting the fnrettnnght.
sanity and eflk'Iencv of the divine's-
1I. Holm... wool Mr. I4,.y Mundy and u
duet by Mrs Dingman alai 51rs. ilntu
Iter were rallied addition. N. the' pro
gram. Ti.. pr-•sial.-nr. Mr .111g,,.
Smith of M Purl•+t. maale a capable
presiding .mrrr.
The election of "masers resnit..l a•
follows : Hon. -president. Sir. 1. M.
Henry. Toronto 1 formerly ..f Mimeo
Forest: president. Mr. Awgus ism 1.
Mount Forrest : first i i.,•-prt.ddrnt. a r.
Roy Mandy. w'Iogham: sevotel vim
presWent. Mr. Fred Keever...41..Mri,h
we rotary-trea.orer. '.11s. Maritime' Ytr-
lennan. 4:Iuanis : ,dditional members
of the 4 .-,'sit4:,', 314,.. 4'sItwrann. Tiver-
ivrrton. and Mr. Frank Haithbr. Auburn.
There were about m'.enrt-q.e y g
people f untddr point. 'present at
the guth•rlug. anti the 14 114 church
rnrtler ptewl•ntel a tan.y app'Arawe•
during the afternoon anal ...ening.
It was an especial pleasure to Ma.
Guderleh people to bate It.•c. 44. M.
Holmes, theft former pastor, again with
them for a few day's. \Ir. Holmes is
txow' the pastor of n 4hriyi lig .nngrega
tion In Toroutn.
The 'ervices next Lord's Day will con-
clude the special .ernes in the Baptist
church. The pastor begins work with
the htstoric Tiverton church on Monday.
The subjects for Sunday will be: Mon i ig,
"Our Foiiward Movement." and evening,
"Beef or' Greens." Rev. E. O. Fordo
speaks on Thursday and Friday of this
week atRp. m.
Next Sunday's services in North street
Methodist church are as follows: 10
class meetings and Mena Club. 11 a.m.
and 7 p m.. public worship. The
guided fnan sols that of him Nhn preacher for the day will be Rev. Set-
fnrual hl. ewthtt.Iasp1 In the' battle. borne Anderson of Ontario street church,
Mr. itlugman, of '.VInghnm. gave w Clinton. chairman of the Goderich dis-
well-ren,Mrp.l solo anal bright singing 1 est appearance in
Af the evening wea.tnn'a song .prelr greeted by large con,lregations.
was .'orshn4el by Nev. .1. F'. M14'alley. A live Men's Club meets in the parlor
pastor of the tioderich church The i of North street Methodiln church at 10
roll call of the 1'nloni. brought out soww I O'Clock every Sunday morning. The
members Aiacuus with absolute (rankne,
ap-to-date problems from all departments
of everyday life. fhe program for the
ranterm lists queationa like thr.e:
yt Ml i1. a gond citizen? What is the
chief asset. of our Provirce% Must we
always have the poor with us, Does the
MOWN suffer Rptitusl loss? What arn-
Toronto. 1 .ptartrtte tele tlnn I.r Mr. statutes Christian livitle' What are the
C. 11. Ilarala'r, Minot 11'hItIt4t. Iter. (i. teachings of Piormomiam and it, dangers?
rico. This 1s his fi
•.111,.a -a the w•+.ino. this pulpit and he sill no doubt be
interesting renponw•s In the way of re-
ports of the work being done by the
yntin! tevople. The Bingham 1t
N'N+ annrole.l the pennant for bringing
the largest delegation to the rally.
Eloquent Awl Inspiring afhdreswrs
here given by Item. F:. 4n. Pole. r.f
Clinton: and (Irv. (4. Al. tlnlm,'a of
Neat Sunday morning's subject. "Does
the poor grow poorer as the rich grows
richer?" will be introduced by Mr. W.C.
Pridham. Dr. Emmerson is president.
Cottle, of the program can be secured
from the officers or at any of the meet-
ings A cordial welcome awaits all who
An Interesting event on Thanksgiving
night wasa formal welcome given to the
returned soldiers at Knox church. The
ladies had prepared a sumptuous repast.
to which the veterans and their friend,
did ample justice. The supper was
followed by an excellent program. Solos
were rendered by Misses Bedford.
Scrimgeour and Watson and Mr.
Egener, a reading by Mr. Taylor. and
recitations by Mr. F. Weir. Brief
speeches of welcome were given by the
pastor, Rev. R. C. McDermid, Rev. Mr.
Sinclair and Principal Hume, and were
replied to on behalf of the veterans by
Major H. C. Dunlop. Major Dunlop's
expression of thanks to the ladies of
Knox church was enthusiastically ap-
plaused .
St. Genrge', Church.
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Holy Communion, 11 a. m.
Evensong, 7 p. m.
Sunday School -Primary, 2 p. m.; main
school, 3 p. m. Nest Sundry, being
designated by authority as "Children's
Da throughout the Church of England
in Canada, will be observed an St. Gcorgs a.
Th': children will attend in thl Sunday
school at 10.45 a. m., and attend service
a body. After the short address to the
Sunday school scholars the children will
leave the church while a hymn is being
sung, in drder that the service of cone-
s munon may proceed.
All children are asked to bring with
them to the Sunday school, either morn-
ing or afternoon, a jar of preserves, fruit.
1 or pickles, etc., which will be presented to
the hospital as a gift from St. Georges
is1MuMTY A(;Atrst iw*I.uaNzA. - in-
fluenza is a disease to be dreaded, for it
I usually leaves some portion of the body
in a weakened audition. it le there're,
desirable to use preventive methods_
Dr. Brawn's Grippe Tablets should be
used when even a slight cold or similar
ailment is :Wired. also key your physi-
calstretytth up by taking Dr. Browns
Beef, Iron ani Wine. Sold y E. R. Wigle, druggist, r.oderich.
The metre shine people tell toy the lett
ys'*i remember.