HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-16, Page 3TEN • SIGNAL OODERIOH. ONT. Tiiii iday, I k•t•r1M•r IG, lttltt - -1 0 • THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE THE PARLIAMENT OF TEACHERS. Annual Convention of West Huron Educationists -Many Subjeots of Lively Interest Discussed --A Movement for Lager Ealaries. Miiutl•e oaf the forty-swnd annual meet lug of ,Ise \V.'.t Huron Teueheni A1a,.•iatkw held h1 the high .;hand, BEWARE • Exrtl•r, tktot.cr Ugh and Intl.. OF The prsIth•nt, Mr. R. N. Hwllu01111. .Nr•up11.11 the •11a1r. Devotional Nxer- IMITATItNiS rimes were t•urldltetwl it' Iltspw•tol• Tutu. Minutes of tiw last errslou of the SOLD ON Toot convention held in Goderich. I h•tulwr Inch and 11th, 191x, were read THE and approved. Miss Gertrude Shlnly, ..( G•a1rri.h. 'MERITS OF itariNlued tlie snl'j.d•t of geography for thiel. clpss.•N anti rwplaslzt•el tr tMr hill)' fir draw lug of (laps in tomo newt ion with t geography 14'".u. 111... would talia• up the .•'114.dnu.n1 11rwt in beginning the subject aid taws on l row this to the township. rte. Miss Ev.•lyu \\'..toll. n( Centralia. took up the writing in plblie eehw.le. - - I In nn excellent whin.), she explfaitid the wry in which elle taught tow n s ub- J.els .Is ld first Isg1ten - 1 to the paldHuu of tow pupil soil. 11R• GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTF.4wrltiug• 1'ut� in tie wing J..1 mun." it PATH, •pecaalu, .n rumen's and chadors' .how the•.! ek•urly. Thr four p"• - ber eye vow d lues dlasass, acute, chrons and mer Y ter, nosod !proal. parrot eeriness, lumbago on the first {stir un. eery Itutlrrtan . S SA rbeumat.c condition. Adenods removed TIN• terelier should +tor Buil all Wises and St Andrew's aru. At homeening Mark f the' pupil i1 .IN n lJ he iteatl).rithoutiekme at residence. corner Mondar•, Thursdays and Satwdar•, any evening e,ule Tlw hest p.•u., I'uk and pw{a•r by apoaataaent. MINARD'S LINIMENT MEDICAL. D6IiTISTRY. R H. G. MAcDONELL.-HONOR Geodesic Toronto University. Graduate Col{gge of Mental Surgeons. Collor the late Mass Sag. Mows corner Segara sad Wert street. Goderch. £UcnoNt;ss. THOMAS GL'NDRY. 1 Al...110 iELR. 1 OKON co CJU.•La EUTII GRATEFUL. Holman Says He &belled Taoist Saeed His Life -Wife Join. is Praising It. • '•I actually don't believe I would be alive today'if it hadn't been for Tanlac,',' raid John Holman. of 183 Chestnut street. Toronto. Out "I had suffered from nervousrw-s and stomach trouble for about two years." he continued. "I had no desire to rat and aide •rt11tt•ut1011. hlr. H. Itedinlud was wasting aware' to nothing. I suffered delivered 11.• presidl7td's udflrr*5, tak- terribly from indigestion. my herves went inag a. 1.1. th/•ue. Thr Iwproreur•ut of all to pieces and I became so w.ak that I the School' S1411.111. 111 {deusgut own- couldn't do a lick of work. Arany a tar Iw Ilrrleahy pn•s•ut.d to rhokr' night I would be unable to sleep a wink (anrllare the eluluts of this iiup.rtiut and wood get up feeling so weak and 'let tier upas Ilse 1 4.h.'. Hr held that the teachers 511.011111 1w u power In the scribal I.. help x111 this good work. We Imre a r. try to fertile Aral .4ivl•r,inerl lu surfalr• that it lent,. It.elf 1.. mid the mat. who would IwaUtify. Added 111.4,11 r wraul,. added wealth. pleasure, and rgj.p'Ipru(, He would hap. teaNwt•s start with the ..load ground. and surntnudhlgs and then )ass oil t, individual (armee,. prrw• Ise,., ending up with the whole section. LI u six %veek.' trip during the past nervous 1 could ltard:y drag myself around. "I toed all kinds of medicines but got no better Finally my wife induced the to tryTanlac. so 1 got me a bottle and it has certainly done me a world of good. My appetite Is great aid) can now eat anythir-g without having indigestion afterward,; my nerves are stronger and 1 sleep fine all night and feel better and stronger than 1 have in a lung tame. i have gained some in weight. tow, and my wife and 1 both feel so grateful for a hat slimmer through our Western Nnrv- '1 anlac has .dove for me :hat we want hew. and s•trrsl of the 1tatee.of tow everybody to try this wonderful medi• I 'niil'h 'hf:'•lw w' INA ,wnmtry to equal the eine. N•r. V. I simply cueldn't be without rich farming lairds of )tout,. Huron it for anything." The address was or good our. 1 Tatdae is. sok! iu I:Iticrli•h by E. R. Mr. Stevenson excelled himself t1611 i u Saaf 11rtl1 by l'. Aterlart, In hl* uddnw. tau •Lttcnuture and life. , Witighaw by J. Walton McKild.ou, in As a werisnn• towards inking life Hensel, by A. M. E. Hrwphlll, in Myth worth living lie wronnueittrl a study I by White City I)nug Store in Wroxeter of gIMMI Iltrruntrf%. We ...peek 11( awn by J. N. Allen, in lanlJrelwro by John ate tkeiitg'sell IM4'unue thi•y-acv uwkitlg 10. LotttxlaherrJ. in Exeter by W. 14. tnuec,rcrn though h towrr way letwiny In 1trn•,fielJ LY Peter }limey. y. dirt- 1 Dashwood by Tremolo A EdIghoRrr, h 11 1 ttilug" In char Ihrw flat are I n heartening or nuprntltablr Is -tad of `In Crediton tow J. W. Orme, to Crin- in tow s.Vt'. II.-gll1IN•rs should be 1 i . i;tw nl, in Gun•ie by H. and 1 }' d o l l 11 good literature h u t 1 t Ylr. `itrveus.1l gate Musty good ex- should x- s Auld Iw need. The lesson shim 1 w shalt 1S or •4l ,aitrit••. in hoists taken running a..•r the wittier* and uglier too by n'. K• • Holton,., lu Sheppard- s•ee.Il day partly at tier hoard alai {wetly w uull� its «0 thttige medulla woollen fou by J H lo••' .ho'dd rndtitate an al{tlri'eiatb it of \', Armstrong, a o or w c 1 .p . 1 11 its vat taught entirely from the 1■wnl. Tlw writing I.olersw Amid., is. followwh Ainwt Wali an i.atr it the corryrt titue for a Iretwul. Ineweefor Toni commended r.pw•IaMy the work done by Miss a t/m*0 intuits. He thought head 1.4' s should Iw used lustre's! of pen. Instil the pupils were tidrrtatrrl 111 w't•iung: the pews slrnitl he dull pnitn.•d for east' writing.. air. .t. ifrceus.al. 11,A.. 11. Pawl.. ,1( the London NI.1-111;11 tit 1101.1: 111.a•Ilseed illy *nhjeet of ••.,amen errors In for Boa s7 Goderah. Alt Irwuuct0*u ny mad or teal Illl•g 11f gruutuar. H•• first via - aft attlw••aitlaterdlbeprotupilr atterordto plwsix.rl the fact that grammar dimly reideau sleph.gsr 11• with w•nteHra rather flout single -- - wools. Etymology sln11k1 10• tlulrht w 1:I441AL. . M' ..xplahling the origin of wtue G. CAMERON. K. G. BARRIS f"melt r wo.. 'rhe Mpw.•r en .l.1we' I tli•1•t•olNen• '1Ually Qketinitbthus M. T .tt.a. notary pubis . • relight h1 gr.11auaa that aver." ,alawa- 10. ilregt. Gorkoci. third door true tf Treat hinds to wan at lowest rat s. lately nut ruse I n teaching -tow sett- . + .h d. IrtsYw he would un+k•• darn a mI � as taosslble. The aoletr.'.+ t•rapcel 111n- tthAlxtRAis 'j4 SOLICITOR, NOTARY ,dderablr interest :owl a her of f 11 l_IC, BTC. question. were lucidly & mewl-nrl by the QII1Ne_slartma:Ber.k' Block. Hamilto. Street i•'.'tnn•r. Omer Tekpt*aa 1e. Inspector Tom ttsokr on Notes 1y tit Mali Estate. Coors and. lseeriwos. - Wry. H. e. .ivaiw i that in tilthlink ....---..-.... - • _... the *S511,IMM1 vutwl by the Iwpm Omen DFW1, KILLORAN Si CCAJKE to desist hin t rinsing ter.cher.' salaries V MIN..• schools Bull paid ....Write. of 4.101 • BAIERistU '. 14/LICITORS. NOTARIES to ate) nrr•hvrlt H gonad or :r per .rent slaw's, tiuusuw. 'a0 for riawtile tow literature of humor. ADVT. umpl.Y1 of humor. H.• I11u.tritted the literature of power by reeking taw of Mrs. Itarrett Itr..wnitlg's p4s•tuS from the 1'ortugne..• eitw•rtbiug 11e growth 1 of Inti for Rollert Browning luster tow 1 philtre of a flower. 111 ut«urrrising Ie mould .1:.00..•, !Unwilling suitable 1 for the• claws. Th• teacher should ,vppr.'.itife 1►, I1. JNiuld teach his .-ni1.1n•n to appreciate it. It s1Nnild ,ben Ile taken ae a reading lesson. after which the 'malls 4hou111 wnuwrlm• It. 111 4'trI' pwms alltterat iuu was au out- standing feature es well as the use hf u,ntics4 Irlllwet111itts. Literature +hndd belt waar4. /'f nietislln• mtNI 111-piratlotl. As an insfutNr' of 11r• latter iw gusted Marshiill It fnuu,. .t;•tenient at , the tattle of the Marie• when le au- iolnsrri: "M'. centre is retreating. my right is broken. the sitnntien 1. ex - ...Bent. 1 +ha11 attack at once." Hr meted everyone to tend The Blessed Demoiselle, It is only on run' •se.t• Mona a,dletar•e have the privilege of t Ilst,•ulig to stieh au inspiring address. its.•. A..A. Tnunp•r. as ileinher of tt'r • Exeter 01.1.01 bard. being t're•seut ora. 11.•511111 1111011 elnit:•te• s eh..rt Inspiring d 1.lre on the work of the teacher ate! PUBLIC. CTC. Oars a• the Square. sound .door Isom Hand es Street. Go'der a le. Private fund. to loin at best nasal ole. V.wnietaiT. N j.D. Cooks. J. L"Ktu.OSAN 1 *HARL1:S ,GA_RROW. LL. B.. BAR- () aMI Ek, attorney, solscatar. etc.. (.oOnrel' Ware loaned at surest rates. t SiACER' tfAI.RIS1ER. SOL- . ICITuk. o tery nubile sod conveyancer ours Hunt. 4odtt lch. tr►1 Lm -THEN AND NOW+ '."111• ' 11111.". wet•/• 1111 gt..1. 'rlwy ...mid 11.t Ia.!. T)N• little town -off, GL'e•1'11•h itestlel Iii II',t verdant bed Ili,, foliage 1.i the cont batik. of Huron: i '!'hose riehaulthlg .pulses. et 1furuu'. I;uItl ii Irate lural a•ythed th,' suits ,r' t111111Wlltds u( wearied travellers and itheouri the Ituue.+t toiler at hi. Mumble threshold. The absolute repose. the tr4esthll altitude, awl the total al•.t•Ia�•e• of the lust of Inateri.11 gain had dritwia pl.ttle from all the world to .eel: tow healthful air and busk hh Gotferbli•. glorious sunshine. Ihit ala*' all Las chuurwl. • Ni. 1.111g1'r lbws the llletl'aIt Iit.111 ,Ynlle herr to eelas 111% w,•aty Maul : es, longer dewa the heart -fret• rhil, come from the eity to prank 011 Ilurou't sand.; nor yet ata,. the Invalid elope to .".•gain his former he:.111. III the wildest flights of hie-huughlutioi. the oldest duh t1.lt-• nut could not 1.11 re dreamed of tow height* of I;cderitli's fame belay nor the depth* of it. 111•-.aIr. • Today it is the aweea of the .Yau- wrn•Ia1in1a. The hunker. tilt. tuuin- tacturrr. 1114 epruhltur. the I'roktr, tow profiteer. the politician. the wire- ' Culler. the moral reformer. 111 thew' intruders are disturbing the homely pursuit* of the al.rrin:n es. The old 1 • w'i, nil Nw• 1 1 corners are 1 K larina rk n ttw fouulatious of that .pummelsl isetopits-- the chs rterwl Ia uk : the park ' Is nR I..uger the phlygrolalrl of children -,rnl ety-rnle 11( 111•' 1171ttk Ina fire WI( , resits, Sonar.. The 11111 *ids .tiv1.1- 'unities - .• ofn e birthplaces uta but ill t til. rouglifaret. The 0111 Fair l;rouo.l• I. to 1.• the iew: Exhibition 111111 L: Mistrial -from. The .1111 Itoard o1 Trade lois 114•.1111• the Chamber of Tutu twelve. Tilt• 'allow•." hotele tare to b• 1 lut,,ri•i r 1'n•wier Health Resorts and 1 Pliny-grunnds, Even the churches lint. forsworn their nvottel 1111r4MM/• 111 1s• -- - - ' lvwe Iliad (Ifiiiv of She Forward Matt wrleuwwl tow convention to Exeter. mrnf, awl Mrs.R riter. r pilot n Solna by M1...-' Hnst,u aI11 Memoir \\'hettr ening. the sudden change o .ole ht• Miss 1 n11 how 'r sed teh,•lt •.' Coates awl a violin w•Iwtlou In• lite 1.111 The fateful s0iuno'l• of 111111. pees....,,. Mr. H1rIu11.IN1 u.Ll.wl much Tlw Steel ilant..1 141 in,lho'•.Mptb5 to the pleasure of the evening. A tor mystery. like smoke 1.";.114 t i' near- 1lnlmty Iriallwlu prep:iris! 1.. tilt• }:e.os." hµ1 fnnwerw 1t f.trelaeies: the mystery. tru.•her- won. wlJoyed be everyone. 1 .pw•alntion and .•rvrti:• ti.ws•:g••- Crow ' -1 hearty vote .•f the ooks was ten- the unknown. the great it 114 the near - tiered air• Ntrvella.tl a11,I bill sola to.L glvalt. 'rhes• litre, lupe. 11:15•.' r:tt1*.rl part in the Nie•uhlg'* entertainment.' uuwea*earl effort to the bewildered F1411)AT N14)RNIN(. brains of the burghers: they have pr,t- Tl;e president •ccuplw, the (-hair. yid.' 1.'*11.1 leaders with the .ni.54:11 in.jw•brr Toru conducted devotkaal for their Wtbaattil .4ls•r.h1• ".': V1111ui1,_ exert -bees. The minutes of ,the atter- ho.1. hmte +trtrttgic1/14) IRM•twl rho ti..al rtel'eVe•tittg session' 5.'r. need ,.'o•t- a11iou luta its euthrallinl au1 approves'. 'The .4,,?Ioll of oft' ars 1t•{ chs: witting l• nrtalists iwrr .41110.: erne town t:n.Yrrl.rl with. 4'111. til-• fol- to ,t. savoring soul. Iasi fn•ur.i. lowlir nerals, finturiers lutes nu•/trl the it.'rd.-i '4 fart presiJ.ht, H. It. Ihdu,o1.41: ear of pr.•.sing eredib45. 1 pmsideuL M1.s .:.1111 11Irray, Exeter: lent it has toot IMwn +ill gain. The rl.r.-pweeltlrut. N.•I.... F:. Ihlluus. la -ilius •fir seetus In Iia• -.lent it. fine•. Zurich: s1:•n•tnry-treasurer. N', .1. Lto,¢.•city 1)11e Wtpwed a-w71y tut 1asgde Jmbn.tmu, Ki iia u, an 1s•Iuu nil: off its tit*. iglu. •.f tltl•ir 1 Cnlulillurs=)tl.r Pton•iw.' Yuuug• ••ighlk•+. Tl:e tkators 'Mato• •u1lrrYl l N... 5. 4:•11erIe•h: jtmc Hoiehou.e. Ni.. 4,-iribly, Uet'ytn..4rallt Iwt'lu_ 1 rwn.I R, Blyth; MIs 1'. E. `t.arttiau, I'ntt-rt•II. en p•revat4,t. They are wtulw.u41 in Au11it.1r---.1. 11..olailstlw, G.Mlerlrh: the wlst unnoi. •hnluhle h r'trs .nal tie ){. H. 1:.••I:tuunl. Itelgrrt.•.• j ri.-thu. of phis tell dls•ase nWwtl;• 1 on all above Veal. i0rnbols two tttrntl Muga committee- Mh.sw M. Become drllriou. ante, in tl eir nt ld =TIMI outsell :lit taw rent. on 4:9or, 1 e„ , _ - Elliott ntro unit U/ \Nin. )te rM. It. raving. 1}}11: thaw laying 51411, nr•.Ivwl :to per vent. oil 141.1), or a grant of $'•N1. T!tu- atty s•h.ad wet ion that pays a Wale of Pet or over nrvh.s It grant of :net leer IY'il. tau all 111•ot.• 1.7.11, I I{)e yttrt1 w•tssd orethin in West Hunw p,ylug a rulury yf gluon re ett41 a grunt of, $17.7.' beatee, 1 per .rout. was add141 1ot.41 the pr4riti . aatiolttots. Mr. T nlwl .xplaharl 1 nnlulwr of uattt•rN• of Whereof to t.•Nelwrs. ICIN• rtinil 01rtton lisp' their t.'N.her tit•IfItAMCke WAIFr aft.. ors stone- Ivitl . t1e oit.tuiding wont. aro 114111... r:. Mae son, N. E. IMhws. Mr, 'land sharks.-fifteen•I plants.- 'lift.. ITons is to commit.- to e•xa.tlir tial• murk . wllli..ne," •'a.'rrs.-mon. Howes.- •'fifty Ia/11 e•we•., t•arlai'r de 7rsmo.•iel to sure 1 fort lots,- .'.jljreatl.;'_; . -,'•Mils . mH r list of adte Cdr nooks for the noir shoe.,' - -Whom" "m'fryruohnu." 1 r---iiM'-Mn.tt:w4. "wort-il rl 1AcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- �l AHCECO - talm and isolated town prop set !.weds Oce s --Jas. Connolly, Pres. Goderuh P. O ; J.s. ma. V se-I'ru , b./chruod P. V., Thoass i. Mara Soc.--1 reas.. Sealtetb P. V. Dw.ctnara-L t'. Mclileeor, R, R. No. 3, Sea- netk, John G. Grate, No. C Walton; William Vi�a�,, it. R. No. ', Sealurth. John Benanos,- arod5. ; Geo. Stet artarrY• . R. No. Y. Saa- wttt, Robert Fen.. ttartock; Makdm Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Evat.. beechwoad, Janata Caemdly. Guderat• ch: Ales. Leitch, Awns: J. W. leo, Gcldet' R. R. No. 1, Cbnwe.. William Chesney, (ealorth; E Hind/dry, Seale: th. Pala-boteefs can pa as payments add get thea tins recetpted at Ft. 1. Mwr.M'• Clotlana Store. Clinton; R. H. Colt e (3eocery. Kingston street. Galena, or J. H. Raid'• General Slue, nayleeld. It walnry of 4105) and twelves ■ avant iii 41411.7: mf the tmlsn, lwld.---' THI'R$l)AY AFTE1tNIN'N. 0r ken f•. r u ."tele. The minutes of tow t'rt 1 TIN n were read owl approver!. ?I r. Meant Introvinr4l ih. snitjert, } Th. 1'01' and 1'are of the r4•hNd library. Ile b li.vel Ue Ilbrrry ,.1No'l11 be. ...Irefully cared for I.yy the t,-te•h'•r. Ile should 1*• the 111.nlrian. The Ilhrary' *honle, 1.• locked I'hild• rill *hl.ul.l lie en co.ir.nter1 to rend. A tnriety of Itw'kr should 10• ciN/w•n for the lil.rary. 11.• 1.•I;eyed In hokd111R convert. t.. nale looney for Inweet- na.11tr in 111.r/tries. Mr. $icsen.nln gave 1 MpI.ntltl nd- ,trw. on Tnt l.ttrrta11,111 lull 4'ntn- Hard Wood - -_ _ -. nut vial G• ouraplly. 'Iia held there is 4great danger of our placing too lunch w strew, no the teachiig of the prarti.wl. r -- - GIY.graphy may be made a Insert stir. F.x{. ."lenses that out. van get • s F R E D E R 1 C T. Is G E N I: R, a ithout nonny are worth while. >,fus. Bae. a, tleoeraphiot1 excursions will etrrelat.• SINGING • a•'. go.plly- and 11alure study. Bunion PIANOFORTE ' cnrloeity fe intl:lite, rivers, wat.'t PIPE ORGAN ' *troche., ...Male, r.s•ks and other thiugs ex.•ite wonder sii suggest ex- Studio next to P. J. MacEwan's Garage i -I, ration, which 1.111 he nttliw'l in training your mind. . Tie'teaeliing of 1m111111erli11 gtrlgrttlhy begins at home. Tiw store, rile market, to rilrl fa rms. etc., tn1re*t 151.,.1'. 411111.-- along thi- 11,.•. TN. *ton• fa a triad.. rete. 11.- -nates• it is nti the corner r,tt ,'.t- the • a,rigtl of chits.. in teaching trans- ) p rtntlon route.. followed. {.reser tient lite Leading a11d r.h1cl.w heededrw'hettier by land. water or air can ''15ily 1.• d•'va.garl Funeral Directors forth simple beginnings. ATI vshthit shinny in..tullte tion with the address and Embalmers .* If IcS'L1i1e-matte map of the 1'u1tw1 States, with the products of ration,. (hiders etretodly attende.i to se•ttoi+ 4111111. it/ The map 1n proper ILL all hi, e•, n•11 lit •,T day. {wi+it111t1. AIIIIt her was 11 n11101.11 Iw.krl 4.f N lack in a .'ental. Mr. GOPERI H Mtevensou wnnld use 1na11c nitpphlgs trim paper. i, tail ",,tt1et {.1.'tlrl•M to 1111 111 1111 t.Y,ehing. The whim,. was n very interesting nor mei pre.....0e1 in ;1 Illasta'Iy ITlatlllo'1'. 'r.mela•ra Pt411ri1•' aa- taken up by !lir. J,.ul Merrily of Exeter and Mr. Nornu111 Gcildes of 11'Igrere. They •1Niw41 ,-enit•Iltd.vIy that teachers are . itwelegnately paid, their work 1,. the mildest, they ars training yotulg assns}. MUSIC. Brophe3 Bros END STOMACH TROUBLE,: • • GASES OR DYSPEPSIA t , • -r, > .""Pay's Dlapepsin" makes sick, .our, fid gassy stomachs surely feel fine for orrudty and yr( they are not paid In five mloutaa a. well as tnanv aiurl11rnb41 pwrs,nls 1� ,rho II re in other walk. of life, The •;',1..,i• If what on at ate b slmrtn ne teacher. felt fiat the peye•hrloik•al M' y 1 moment hall arrived t.. do something F°111. stomach nr 11.. like t lump of :loll those present deeide1 that a lewd• or you belch gab and eructate nlluitionnl salary of at Inst *7ml 'should slur, undigested food, or have a feeling 1.• .reeive d by heginne'rr. Tills d onion •, of dizziness, hearthure, full..ss, nausea, L• Incira..11 hr 4..1 a neir until 411tH) e+ i had test' in mouth sod efomaeh-head- it reached for the fifth •rdr'. salary. Pledge cards ,v.re prod..eel sod alined Oche, you can got relief 1n Ave minutest L)' shutes evervon.. The Ier/wlon i[at ti .esitratirittg acidity. Put an end en .•I.o-a1 tt.•n t. nlw•t at 4 o'd.>,•k In tow .aeh stomach disinter now by getting a at home in tow d--4hly room of tow J lama Afty-ant ease of Paps:,. Diapepein school. firms asy dent seams Yon fealty, in THl'Itsir.%% 1 VEYINtt SESSION. Ave minutes haw aeedlets. it 1s to anther Inspector Tom IMY•nplwl the sial.". 1:''' Mr. hors et-, H4'te of Exeter. in a frena Indi4rdtlnn, dYSPepgia 01 117 stem.- (test spew"ts Oren in Ms n.nml happy ads disnr4e'r eansrd by food fermerltatios instiller. extentlrrl a hearty yrelrltme to +pa to excessive acid la Mame&N. the teachers and wished them a profit Light Wood From $2.00 to$6.00 per col d' --- Delivered to any part of the town. Also a quantity of KINDLING WOOD Phone 165 Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich 11.-..-111•1••,11• Illl�ll 1, ` Itl'1 ':45.•e' 1I if /1' r, fa LENGTHEN THE SHOPPING DAY o ted e Sh p illumine by Il HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps invites patronage and confidence. 0 C,appear a. theyare. Dods The business day is extended: Hours that otherwise would be dull are made busy and profitable. If your busineastops when dusk falls tbereason usually is found in poor cr inefficient lighting. You can -improve every hour of the business day by installing HYDRO, Gas Filled Lamps. You flood the gloomiest corner ,of the shop with the brilliance of a nocn sun. • HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps carry the endorse- ment of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. This means that they have been tested in the laboratcries of the Coenmission..nd are perfect in every detail.' Let us demonstrate the superiority of HYDRO Gad Filled Lamps. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO 1041 a*L1 .T waserworks HYDROTISHO�t commission BASK TUE H) UKU /r1An H ern's GRIPS TRUNKS SUITCASES HAND HAGS We carry a full line of Travelling Goods. See aur goods before going on that trip you have planned. nemessasinse ' We have special values in Boots and Shoes at the present time when all leather goods are advan- cin l so rapidly. PAIRINI. Hats IIbnry. "uti111ot1"." "nnlfortu motes.- "pr.•.wrip I --__--. 10110111 touter on ilterory for Plnrranl.r- elookSes. Th. lats•r Allowed the value f hist..ry- in training future citizens to I.'. i,iu,' hated lig••ni, honoruble awl {atl'iutie, with 14 finger convention of .tlull they 0We tft•ir 1.11141, \t'•• tenet week to make tile euldeet real alai ii- tem...1y interesting. 'I'fe methMt . 1 ,. Y' 1• 1• 1 tl a. M temehlnq should 1.• tow tw t There *haunt M• contra nt test- by ex- aminations. Noss H. Khieniti took up fare .1 irh.ud Grounds and School Decoration. unit .arid that if ice wish pupils to crow up with un appreciation of , nature tie should •otesalt ythew as to 1 ,111111., epl•Ir *1.111.41•+,"r.1I1111+ lulls gurd••us 4'lntlfs 41,. itid Ire kelt! in the noon, pit t11rr* on mulls, the• I•.'rry pictures are wee!. Neat stud lint !. t fare. at'.• the 1.-st dernl'tlliulls, •C>isrit11l 1 • tion." "%V t i:llo11 "new' tlnn•" "�1er- Mr. Roy 1tonrholt+r•stluwed n IWlalr'i .ntnwer tint..." wail the d1'•to0l parr of 4411.Ih ou ha u,l. sH11- 11,141 is pr.s•riptlou 1:en,e-lt'rsit Tlw root -earl showed an alb.1141u11e At present. however, the town .•01111- . of 1111 teachers. 1.11 is trying to cote with the situation 1 A Ilbrary ct it 444• e01101 Ting tat a n.{ has ,.paused 1,11 .Rust nr exp•i'." Messrs. To111..1. II. Johnston, and J. P. to save the community frout what I Hume and Miss 1. E. Sharman was threaten% to exterwtutt.' the entire app dttw1 fo puma.. Ilea• books. eftIzeirhip, and lute refgtrwl the ltlut,it• j p delegate.; to the nuttte•r to the -Special Committee. - 11.7. The report ..f the 1 1►.E.A. was rend by W. H. Johnston. e Tille was foilowe.1 by a short diw•n.- sMi urging all teachers t.. attend. A. this 4111 conn-ideled very valuable to tow teacher and ultinat,'Iv to the ....hoot it w.. urged 11{.111 the teacher to ■ppneaeh the truetfr•s for a grant aim at having tai nr twelve +, holds , united 1i mor heir. Pupils should he shown that the I.'st 11r1icl,* aren't al- wpys the largest. Trnbdut atone tut. line will 1.• .err valuable to ehildn't. towards int ying-.•rp'lls"' id the teacher Th.. (dares created .irilsiderable rob while attending the ci.}:.A. .move tti,u. tt•tret and tunny questions were asked Mr. Nrlsnl E. lh.htue. priuclpd of MUNI answ'erwl. o Zurich public school. reed 11 splendid Nines Ilia Taylor ,thtnith'rl an ex. paper on literature for Fourth and Fifth flaw.... 1te advised the Um -ti Ing of literature' without Moving the , esamhation in view. He would te'al•h l the literature rather Burn the rule.; governing the suiting of literature.. Th. taste of rho• pupil for the nest Ifassln'. I1.•tus or books should. le cultivated. SOUP. splendid Ist•n1- 1111 ant RI stays lentil the best Ie*W11ns. Er1•11 many writer* of good 11ts rein+ have wri1tl•u much that Is woo -Hotrods. Disedad .'hat Isn't good heroin,. thele' Is so 111111.11 that is excellent. To iron• Ovate the .hil11'e Int-.• of literature .1411 attention to beton Ifni Angle Ihte•s. such hint to observe the ie•auties of nature. .\ iierature leesm el Id he more than teaching the meaning,. of tf'i.rd*. The telilli'r should prelate. the lesem. wl•Il liefot•ehlnd, h. .hound be :t aide .".:tater of standard 1*k. to understand 114's•ns himself. Tido was all excellent paper. luspar•tor Tom 05ple111.91 11111111.S ill school regulation,. and gas.. fol ice ata .tune of clow,.. making req*not*. gar- den*. correct epose'II. o•'. Mr. 1;. 14. Howard exp111u111' agCf- .ultnrat 1171114+ Il ltd their payment. 111111 told nl.int Ita.l.w,M1I school fair met IM great ,.msec,.*. • Miss Florence Toting ' ...ke of the simmer school at tinel1,11 mid 1.rom- mended all teachers to attend. Fltil►AY AFT}:11Ni''N. Th. reeolutifin .•o11t1111te• repa•t•el a- follow•11,- 1. That the minister ,od ent-or to •denim it grant for urban s. !awls and that In HppHrrtlouln4 eneh gratin. noth- ing Iw given towards a inlary iest that. 471.1. 2. That lite' British and Canadian History, He ISM IM.nll/l In • t•ohtne, Iw p111111 -h111 In two eetru•ute books as fi.rtne•rl v. R. That H central committer 1N' appointed to Med with ell rawer where tee/11'I11•1'*, 1*s'H11., of adherence to WIl- art• Wiled Stied Curve not been return111. 11I•so111ttone of regret nen- listeeed reef rd lug the death of 1)r. Strang, of liodertrh. end Mr. it. }:. 1Ii-0ttIL of Winnipeg. Mr. K. f<. Stothers, H. if. A., enmity n•trerteirtative. spoke on school fairs. H. advised early nrganlarttw' for next yen r. It !Mould loot be leder then Jnufiary. Tb. sympathy of the teacher 11. rsw•ntial. There b no limit to the teacher'. InAyyener in M1114 lug for soles,.. Fnml• for princs should he collet -het loom Ily fro triennia and municipal grafts. Tew.h'rs should Will Morning Never Come DOES this illustration pic- ture your experience? What is more distressing than being unable to sleep? Sleeplessness is one of the first and most certain symp- toms of exhausted nerves. This 1. the warning that you need the talatatancw of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to restore vigor to the nerve cella and thereby avoid the develop - anent of serious nervous trouble. By Improving the quality of tbis blood and buiM{ng up the nervots areem this food cure brings new energy and strength to the whole body. 1:0 ..est. • Doi, s for 102.75, all det)ere, or Ldmanas5, Rales & Co., Ltd., Torwts. r-},•. J,,.-W.44wy dlwnsswl.x tulw- Ia•r of short Method. in arithmetic, that s.'r. inefnl alai niter.•+ting. Veto...•.5 thank. were latssrl to tar }:ester w•htMrl lsauvl for then... of Ne wised. and to the retiring officers. The -.liming ..f the National Anthem br..'tgltt a tidy snce•r+til convention 10 a elms•.' --.-_ \ I.renee ,% pnrlrl tens It for.1{r. }1 Clark, \ll ria, but she e,111.1't receive It. An,o1N• knuwtuu anyttlillg ot- )1 will confer el Gator .144.11 \li.N Clark by • seating with her. .4.11 teacher. who w'I.II to compete fer the .%esipl•iutl'ii prize for improve- ments made in their sc11on or of the Statile, township prize. sh.lQd s.-ud u 11st of those improvements to t e s - fury before Novi•ndwr 1+t.' tie '!toe will nod le. exte•ntied any longer. 1 Victor Victrolas and Brunswick Phonographs at Thomson's Music Store In addition to the Victor line which we have sold for the past 25 years, we were offered and accepted the agency for the Brunswick Phonographs, 12 styles, from 577.00 to $550.00. The Brunswick Tone Amplifier is builtentirely' ,If wood, giving the sound waves a beautiful mellow quality. The Double Ultona, or Reproducer, on the Bruns- wick will play any make of Record at its best. We always carry several thousand Records in stock of the latest selections and standard "World's Best" music. Call and hear our Musical Instruments and be con- vinced, of their superiority. Thomson's Music Snore Goderich North Side Square • • "44 .,.....,....,..111, ,•nse.s.w+ga:.