HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-2, Page 741W0Wwwwire•wkl,wv.11‘wWwJao-ve•e;Lo le or
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Ifer.• tatty vies s.
4.1 11 lj 1, stoat. ••oas •
silE '11.1.1.s THEM IN
'art 1 'Id H poweriul
It is used tor cleaning up
•,:ideat sod hardest Jirt, grease. etc.
fort to tine for making oiliks,
toe and cloact• sweet and clean.
ort Is Kills rata, mice, roaches
anacet tie3ta.
fort L,ye will do the hardest
'ag cleruins sou'•s got.
sof Ls is good for making eoap.
powdereJ,pert timed rod 1001 pure
1111; Pcf- OFF' 1( E.
Dodit's 1.1411,..) 'tired
ant. i.1
)• N - tc• •• _ ,and,
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• Ana 'lee a host
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to; e• :r: • 01 Ihe reason 1 n tio., is all i Icoe ts
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,troo! tit I .• • , . • -- . • 1••ii. atTh e Coot e; so too %sr. 11.:, 1 ;1
tie ato- of ..- " 0..
.i -t be • otiott --111 a At the Press"): r. tan nm,. on W • lle•-•
tt. the . I • ot I E. M,ude.
At hr.rre• • NI• an V• • o: of 1 47 io-r 'Art. .1<yy.1
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nt•teleoi f sornples than
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steoplo,i p. , •
NI. (1 Ms. • IT, o %. • • •:.-t.
toe\ Heti F. r , : ••,
otato"To. Let
dill1411fef. M '. • 1..r .
I In marriage 1. 1.t 1' •
it. INItoh. 1 e our._
• le at Wind's w.
I ee fa-ni of Jacob W -, I • 1, ; I . . • : •• - ' ••••
•oon of l.rey. ha- ' ••• I o •• - • • •
liorlt. of ttoOkh tot.o.si ...• - 1•''' "•
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At th.• re. •v to so johaO,c
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u: Mist, ..N4arri..t J. NI 'Cu' .te c,f M
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141 ' ' • .!
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It HelpsOthers
Will Help Me
With This Belief Many Thous -
%ands Have Learned the
Exceptional Value of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food.
. • ,
r... to Woo R. b 44 i. .1:11:1:
es ail fcsse!ro- larM at • v •,.
t a:rootlet;
Voce Nlahel. •;-
!,• •-• .• • or ,;`,.1 a beard , du.:ation. cemb
dough' r of
‘‘ . , : el/orate 0.ot '..S•cr the peotc eche d
on Frlay.o •, • r • • ,i t • ,tte tog
:et- • o • • •• •••••,/ eirli A rxetty wedding took place* on
• • • , • o • . ab no -dee ..; :st the home of
. , • . • , • . • .• .t. • NI-, J K --'!e. tntir
• , , • e .1• t• •1 • I • ` :at . hew, u• ited rn marriage
•• .• " ••.• .:1 :,•• N ; • i. tr:
N. C, Whiting The T eing, olupie
,• ••• :• •• -• : I ••• Too ; I commenee briusekeepine on the
. to. or,II\Of in near parklr. 1.
: ; • .
, •i• The irnazt to k tV:i • D -t--4 on
\tonday, ptember : Mise eriet
•71 • f" • .1 •
„ 1• -Til dauohter et Of- .col Mrs. %'m,
. , ,T. : • e et2, ;es eenith. eaf
..1- 1 tki•, 11
• i•, • .. •••i
- •.i i• .• . . ' Nr to • eirsono:e on.Sattedoe
"th NI • - '"'•'°'•••• Poo'• ..J.F'.Lentsman um; Lei
:olio ; •: ' Ed • `O. N14.11 Ilan. clauizwer of
tid ' SI• '•••• •-- Mr a: 'stet Hart. Loader Win
• i. :-• l•re-o.t. of Sirricoe
.• ••••• -toot iiencoe.
•‘1"otlam -• ""•• .• .lt --ti• 't '1:rro of renresentat
,rent niunotpaleies in tin-
t. t tie pro.p.-et, el Hydro 1110Wit:
1'' - ;:••r were dooussed sigh ereieeer-
, a• . rot .41. 1)1 rot. from th, pototio,o; mites a: Tor -
.1 I :Mei: of.to. It ri.)-•ed Auer
el.ir.• • 1 !"
:take setto. - • '• • I-- I •
11 •tn schoo, -t, a 1 • • %I. ; •
•. .•
,rih, t: • • .-• I,
X •
:',17100i of Commerce
!on and Goder:ch,
env -the followint courses:
1;1 E.S.O
• 111'11.
wow Noe,jil 1'1,1104e.P. Stridesols
following advantages :
turt•iot. ..;fir//
l'reflentifsl Typeteritin tf Text
Nature and
t at lost I , Fa Is La-er p w -r
de% ped on the Saugeen River.
.w.e.wwwwwws• is tntf,:jr...
:.nil71 pnAtf It needed than can
be st.• : oom these sources He Nia-
- gera -•• tr old be taped. A Schedule
.1 rates of poster to:
• • 1 •,Otiet inothe distlizt ea t en as
The Indian never liked work hut he
wanted his oriaw to get well as seem es
possible so that she could. do the work:
and let bim
"o. bunt, therefore• ,
131, di popooss
rout fin Parr, for
lo great eemedy for
female weak-
Dr. Pierse use/
the game route,.
culled Blue Co-
hosh-in his
Favorite Pre-
scription" skill-
fully combined
with other
egentsthat make
it more elect tee.
W h re worn out vile/ suffer .ci Mrs Wilford and daaher.
Port E:gin. 200 h.
Soulharr.pton. 304 •
Ba!kertee. 310 h p. a' • .
Mild:ray. 5 / h.-. E $52.
Formosa. h. p. at 0il,
Lmism. 100 h p..11
Ripley. 5 •h n at !se
Kincardine. :t50 h. p. at et...
1 etsieater. 1(1 h. p. at $4.o.
Ntanhani. 400 IL p. at 140.
Belgrave. 2511; p-. at SRL
Myth. 100 h. p. at $7s.
Bru-els. 1(0 h p. 3t 11141.
Bluevale. 25 h. p. at $OO.
xeter. 75at CO.
Come O0 h. p at
Fordo ih, 5.1 h. p. at $OO.
foto names %ere added to the Myth
vot r.' list for the referendum at the
ap 1 sittinet held last seek by I) MO.
You hear necert T'aIlong about Dr.
Cnase's Nerig- You read
about it the diewspapera You
wonder if it wouiii
atchll. you sz-e he- ir ifing others are
using it 13 gi cat adviostate.
This tiestri!rbt tor the restora-
tion of th. hlord and is se
uilTetcht to ina-c med..:ines that you.
may not rmtlidg Wh: you ean be so
eettain of benent foam its. use.
In order to maintain the vigor of
tht:.erv-itts eystern an sibundan,s of
pure, rich blood is necessary When
OP nervous system becomes exhaust-
ed and you *re eaallY tired and au:ter
:rum ho'..1-aehro, sleeplessrk,ss, ir-
ritatelity or- in.intestion. it 1. 1,ecause
the blood is fa:hug to supply proper
nutrition to the neivous eystains.
liy forming new, rich Woad. Dr.
Chase s Nerve Food • naturally and
certainly, restores the vigor df the
nerves. Since it woe ks hand-in-
hand with n3,ture, it oannot fail to
be of b000nt. and there is no reason
why it Will not help, r••1.3 haat as it
has the writer of tt•as
Mrs. otephen O. Thwaltes. Box
2. Jorian. Ont.. writes: -For
atiOnt a year I waa ttoubled with
nervousness. and took (UMW's'
medicine, but i; did not seem to rill -
hove rot. I could not sleep nor con-
tent myself tr. do •nythIng. had
Never, beadaches,, was tired alt'the
time, and. afraid 1 to 'Way alone. 1
also tried several nerve medicines
until almost discouraged. At last I
discovered Dr. ChasetsNervo Food.
and found relief in this7 1 had only
taken one box when I beguin to feel
better. 1 eontintred living this treat-
' nient until • my. nerves were re -
Stored to perfeet health. 1 think the
Nerve Wood splendid for nervous
troubles of any land, and cennot re-
comneend it too highty."
(Rev. F. (.aTman, Vineland.
Ont..gtstea: "Th;,, i• to , ertify. that
1 know Mrs. Thwaite. and her
statements are correct.' )
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 541 cents
a box. a full treatment of 6 boxes
for Stn. at all dealers. or Edman -
son. Mates (o.. Limitod, To-
ronto, Do not he talked into ac-
cepting a substitute. Imitatioas only
Seasonable Talk
It is not too early to talk about colil.weather
Clothing. Don't just talk about it too long, but
call on us and let us 6how you our lines in
Fall and Winter.g
Suits and Overcoats
Latest styles in a variety of materials. gig ing
our customers a selection that is bound to tplease
Everything in Nien's Wear except Lots a• nd
Semi -Ready Tailcos and Gents' Furnishers
'lilt SQUARE CODERliCli $
• 4
e.:•••••sentt d that : • , ....; in the ! , : olattue. ; fair amount I I ' II I., '1 lt,.i. It, 1
The l'. F. f Le.1,•tt. 1,, ha% • .,p,ty ,,, and lilt ol fife t. -.1.- 1...,ts, ,...its ' , vet
a vtithrt, and it- I. . 'al i.,, id. .• +el,
'..1 rillitt. an the held in (how lo. :
bad is II Mitt Iwo. ., , . 1 too 1,, ;la t tent
looehen -r Teleeraph lotw-al. and ,4 sie,,s. wall ; „. ; ,,,,o; 01 in 1 he
• ,•,;.1.1., •th • has.- in the pa -t wines 1
• •,'
mush in ..i:Vm(eek. ha\ e. Ill tilt- • ., 4, .i..,, , . • „, .1 , .,„1„ir„
••,:ig js ill Other, ten "WI' VItO IW,. _ ,,,..., . .. ,., ,
„turl-. V•IthltIPai1,1111.iii:111th• ,',•••iiirillt•.1- 1. „ •, ,. I . .,, .. 6.
the 1.11wr Os .tIteenselves being .,
• O Added tai tho et the cOmplica• ,•
,,,,,,,, 1. ,,•, ‘.1 .too.
• i ! the entry into tlw omit:mien of it) t.. • : ., , ., , • . I ,,, thies.
. ... .,..1 . II Ie.
the Independent loibiw
I a •• el.'', are to -owing streogili here
• • whisre. Undet sucls coilditione too
• 1:itt crnnsetil seed only rally ., •
d°nall;t t; 'clench
omnwoa 11.
t from 1.ain at regular or irregolir inervals, eh° spent a censiderable portion of their
who are nery01: Or lizy at times, should 'urlough here. have • left to comoter.e
tonic which doctor in active practice
f If i f w months take that reliable, temprance, herbal their long trio ba.:k to China. where Dr.
ed •• •o k
A BJsiness Education pays or tse n a e '
ment that win give splendid returns in the years to come. *ii drueel in tablets and liquid, as Dr.
Now is the time or *he y g
! Pierces Favorite Prescription.
For terms. etc.. write .
- Fend 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' note!.
Be:1o, N. Y., for trul package .
, - woonerocs, °tete" 1 cannot wit eliaufh hi
ilfurd engog tn ssionar) r .
f oun man or woman to make an preserit Many years a-ge. Now set 1 hy oEAFt.PRTH.
The new sheds of the Egmondviile
Preb) t ere n churth are opened %v! h a
bazaar and concert On the leth ult. There
. .
B F. Ward,
Ill. A. Stone,
. praisc ..f DT. Pier es Mediemes. I had nm.....j•
B. A.. M. Accts, Com. Specialit, ' 1 was robed th• doctors considered mine • hope- ..
prostration en was 'doI , i.
T'rincipsl. Vice -Principal.
• Wes case. I was much discouraged and wag
ready to eye up when I term, taking the
. ___ . .-_ •. ____ 'Faorite Prescription and the Golden Mhra!
1g1 Phone : : : 208 1 11 B.scovery: Thew medicines put mg. on In, r4.nt
sewn and gave ow the only real relfet Being s
-- - r --....... rto many.ye:pee 27 fli.,.'Payorite
School opens Tuesday, Sept. 2nd„
. recommended Favorite Prescription- that bao
I know of msny • wrung mother to whorl I huvo
been veorelerfolly helped.
>c yonsimmex 1 1•11"1 OW _to tend Ins pante in errineto wl with
D. P..... • mnimes. snowing how .,...1 thgg
arc-- Mu. A. 1. llit.i.sa, 815 John Seet.
Baking Always In EgLit
THE clear glass door is only one of the
modern features of this dependable
range. Its baking qualities you know.
The cooking top will take the baiter either
across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook
the regular dinner on wash -day.
Orates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel.
and may be removed for cleaning A dependable ther-
mometer takes all guess -work out of baking. No other
range will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora..
McCoys Pandora
$014FRED b17111NT
• I.: • 1,, • %IL
A1.1. cARs
•too 7.15, um,
, .
" Ileun I.. lir 1,.• 1 eat
lOineteiter 11, ot, • I,
rjrt-va... Flits 011144 'air Pao,' Y
lo,11 partiettlate feint ally +levet. Joe . K11)1)
;441. 11, h.
19.:_fx at; ihe 1Week,
SUN. 70E.. WED. THU. AT.
.s a verv lare gathring ard the tub- -
stantial sum of nearly 703 was realized.
Seaforth fall fair ha ad luck in the
matter of weather. which poi1ed the out-
door program. There was li good indoor
sho, and a large crowd atte ed.
A newspaper despatch from 'ew Yrk.
dated Septenbe: 2 ist, tells o the wedding
of toe second dauehter of Col A Wilson,
formerly of Seaforth, as follows -'A
romance which began on :he battlefields of
France. where she was a nursing Sister
and he was a soldier, culminated in New
York iast night in the marriage at the
Chapel ot the Irtercession. Iloadway
and 15th street, of Mite Anne Webster
Wilson. douehter of Col, Alex. Wilson.
r formeiy of the 33rd Battalion of Cana- i
dian. and sister ot Mr. Reginald Wilson. •
of the Hal of The New York Sun 1* Mr. ,
• Parkes Ansell. Miss Wilson was gassed
while on duty two years ao, and it is
• eince ttat ttme that she met Mr. Ansel'.
first in France and then in an army hos-
pital in M rntreal. where • the engagement
was announced seyferal months ago. 1•he
marriage was iolsducted hy Rev. Dr,
Nlilo H. Gates and the brides family was
', in New York for the occasion."
t.,'; • 1 .
.o., : o'., o.. o :::,•-•:-.4'at••••••• . •tateia....._:.-•(%
• , •••'-p , 0, --,,,:.. +i' 4, -",*
u -.....
:1.. :
:- -;t.' j ' -.4.“'s*'' • '
, ..,
:41.i...i(tit:67-.6;1':' '''
. ,... ....< -...., ",l
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'r''''', / zA ig
,,,. - Ir. - k .1•,:.•
• • .. folv.
,T, r_
i ' • Jj ; • ' f , )V,
t•inli: .'. III
t• ‘$ • F::,77;1/4
4 -If
Do Not lot Any Red Clover Seed (i•
to Wattle •
, jotgamaxmon07.7.---47-prvr,,,,,
.4,c10 -A
drirr--!1,Zrt 44r
(Both Ways)
• (131417;:e°Itt
(Experimental Farrrs Note.
Indications are that red clover is goieg
to be scarce and topensive,and. under the
circumtante. it will be Rood business
ter anyort tsliO has a clover field which
may y.eld a sied crop th s fall to cut it
kir the sake of the seed. This applies to
fields in which at this time of the Year a
large perzentage of the heads have turned
brown. If in doaht 3,1 . whether such a
tieldvail be worth while cutting for *wed,
take SOT,' average heads which are brown
right through and rub them, when per-
fectly dry. in the palm of your h•ind. and
you may be surprised at the quantity of
good seed that may shell me.
If you are not sure whether it will pay
'go tO ths trouble of harvesting the crop
COmmr•ncing SUNDCf, OCTOBER Sth, leaving
Nmi A
eft'. (411'4' • 'ft. 114
• • .1
\ 9.15 '.M.
Standard Sleeping, Dning, Tourist and
Colonist Cars. First-class Dag Coaches.
Parlor Car through the Rockies.
Sul'ad,:adai. mirnd:Y:otled wrra.
Tu•iday, Thursdy, Saturday
Via 0 T.R, North flay, Coehrae• and Cdordisn National.
urther le/ortlee Gon. Cansd••n POi/aPlel TIAIR•t Aents. •r
cre.:?:" I, , "e•O. •
- • • ; '• • 4% 1 • 4." '•';
"Z•"t• :44.k lir;
I. ••,;,:, ' , ••••..... ta ' • - •
er-11‘.I' `• or' ot
7 ---- ** .
• '
.i. iielfil --
_ . ._ . lt';'
Tcronio Winnipeg
nonp‘41•rent *Ih1 1. brae, Cars
adian National Railwags