HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-2, Page 5,07
I Ford Touring Car
I Ford Touring Car -
I McLaughlin, Model 17
All ofitllese are ready to drive and worth the money. If
art thinking of buying a machine call and see them before
do anything.
East Street Garage
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
Arthur M. Glover
The Most Wonder ul
Talcum that ever
Came, to Town
• •
Can you imagine •talo .:u as ane ss inlet
-of %elects sedreieres and scented with
the blrudc,l ,wertt es. of the w'orld's
rare dower,'1 Rather dittienit to be-
lieve isn't it • Then Int u- prime it by
showing you
Garden Court
It l,tl
the vets neweat a. well a- the yen
Attest -put up an a enikln.ily banshee .
Neilsen clue package of liberal sate -MA
bold at a -.parley.- When pita ser it
you will bra\ -as uthrrs .h,. Tht•re at.•
Are other ant rim' 4'.inrt prlgrration-
for rhe 1..i1rt 411u. -1i :., •wurnh•rful :1-
the Ti.leuw
One Penslar .torr has the sore agent.
Campbell's Drug Store
Goderich. 1 tOntario
Just Arrived
We have just received a
shipment of Butter Crocks.
Sizes from half -gallons to
six gallons.
Flower Pots
For fall planting we have
an assortment of Flower
Pots in all sizes.
Somethin„ New
Plant and Fern Fertil-
izer at 25c a tin.
Robertson & Mair
'Phone 161
Cor. Hamilton Si. and Square
'. Wen.' Lists Completed.
The revision of the Provincial voters'
lists for the various municipalities of
Huron county has been completed. and
the revised lists are in the hands tri the
Clerk of the Peace.
Entertainment (nurse.
Goderich is to have a series of high -
elate entertainments the next few months
under the auspices of thr Great War
\ eterans' Aseuciatton, which has made
the necessary arrangements won the
Dominion Chautauqua. The first. of the
settee will be given late this month.
No doubt many in the town and vicinity
will be eager to secure tickets for the
Phone Goderich
Mineral «'atcr Co.
for a case of Dry Ginger
Ale, you will like it. Or a
case of Orangeade, Cream.
Cola. etc.
We have the agency for
Carling's, Labatt's, Kuntz.
O'Keefe's and Cincinnati
Cream, in ale, beer and
Stock always on hand.
Cash on delivery for
above beers..
P. L. Walton,
{'hone S(11
course. and an announcement will be
made later giving further particvMts.
A Splendid Exhibition.
Thr 4'Miaorw• school fu ir held at
4'uaim lust Mortality afternoon was 11
splwldll ,wens. The exhibits ,omenl
a. wide variety of articles and we•I.' i
cx,•e•Ileut in quality, and the progrein of
drills end ewwfetitiuus of ve riuus ,cores
nook Al Very interesting aftermenl.
9111t• atheist list of prii14••a inners has
come to hand ruttier hate in the week.
so that ae err withholding an extend,v1
r,'ts•rt of the fair witil next Wtwk.
Thr Roosevelt Mrworial Highway. '
A project in w1111.11 ti/Nh•l'il•II may take
au interest is the ltoowvelt Memorial
(highway. which Is pluutd to run from
1'..r22and. Slab.,'. to 2'ortluid, tarragon,
passing through Niagara Falls. Loudon
and Sarnia ou 4'141udiau coil. liode-
rioh of course is not on this route. but
the industrial Secretary of the Roan'
of '('role suggests thul au effort he
wade by the wuotcipll1ties 'along the
lake .la0•i• line from S.plta to 1IN1•11
S.nnid to Isar,' all 11)0.'01'lu2i formed
a int the ubjw•t of 4t•veloi,ing this
already popular route 0nal making a
connection aitl the Memorial highway.
'rite Signal will he glad til know what
the other plate", along the -hake shore
think 11f the hien. The prutu.w.d trans-
etiotlueutal 1ligh%ay might become nuc
of 'the greatest avenues of travel 111
111.' world. 1.1141 if the pnitssw1 eualiw
Mill were• mds• and properly udvrrtue•.1
I the town: along tile hake shore should
11.•rti.' rtnisiderable la•ul•ht.
Water and Light l'osn bofion.
At the regular meeting of thr nater and
light commiseion (in Thursday last. a
number of residents of the Huron road.
{(;oderrch township. were present with a
request for electric light and power
' service. The deputation was comp eed
i of Messrs. G. Lalthwaitr, James John-
-ton, Con. Bisset and Chas Owe. The
commirlon decided to take the matter
• up with the Provincial Hydro Commis-
Residents of Saltford also want eke-
s tc light service. and an application was
p'eeented signed by K. Daws E. Currell.
(;tu. Fowler. R. J. P. Walter. Gro. E.
Symonds and W. J.. Symonds. In
connectuln with this application an'
estimate by the engineer ut the cost of
installation aas presented. the estimate
being 54 10.140. The Provincial Commis-
sion will be applied to for a report and
for permission to install the service.
A resolution was passed making an
allowance of $.5 IS in the Loan water
account on account of the use of tan la
and road oil on the streets instead of
water. Four cars of lump coal were
;rdrstd from the ()hinK Michigan Coal'
Co. A number of applications for
electric light service were passed.
Ih.tstiono to Ha.pital. I
The following donations were grate-
rn11r rwei.••I it Alexandra hospital
.luring September: Ili,sket of please,
Mc. Ferguson: 2.ask.2 ..f tom atte•s. Itr.
'Ile kiln: 2. dozen eggs. :: baskets of
pears. Mrs. James ta.•un: basket of
tomatoes. Miss E. Cogan; ..Merit of
tr.urt.•'s. Mr. Strio;Jand: a erste 11f
`p111rs HMI a enter of tomatoes from Mr.
It.raell 12.2.1 able!' the .thtn,+•h Chap-
ter. lo. of E.. pre-er..rt 111111 ,7.11114.1:
a lrt14ki't of 1.•getel,h•N• 0111 1110'21 ural op,•
1411404 ate111es :1114 er:lhs. 711.111 :1 jars
Boys' Caps. new supply to
I,.hiii slue•.• from 51r-. It. Matheson:
grapes. tomatoes anal milk. Mrs. Flem-
ing: vegl•t:tbl••-. Mrs. J. H. 4'ollwrne:
variety of ,eg.'tahl.'s. central s.Ii..'I
children: 3 let.-kate of tomatoes from
Friend: _ basket- of laver.- Mrs. J.
Prevented by "Fruit -a -tires"
The Wonderful Fruit Medicine
53 Ularsoar.says fir., Hou., tons.
"In my opinion, no other me11 else '
Is so good as 'Fruit a -flies' fur
Indigestion and Constipation
For years, I suffered with these
dreaefed diseaaew, trying all kinds of
treatments until I was told I was
One day s friend told me to try
'Fruit -a -Lives'. To tut surprise, I
found this medicine gave iwmediete
relief, and in a short time 1 was all
A meeting of the Ministerial Asin•jation I 6•014 war %•$SS'1Itte of Huron county
will be held on Monday. October lith, at I► �rninghsg p to London.
2 p. m., in the vestry of the Baptist
church. Rev. H. D. Moyer will give a I A Targe and repreientative meeting of
paper. . the war vete arts aas held in the rooms of
The pifa'er-meetings in the .various. Clinton branch' 0( ,the G. W. V A. on
churches will be united neat Wednesday 1 Saturday. September _'tkh, to decode ur..n
evening in Knox church to give every. ' a plan of organization Inc the county of
body an opp.rtunt�t11" of hearing Captain ; Hurost
n -war xerans to attend the recep-
W. G. Martui, .1 Hamiltoxl, a returned,, tern to H. Royal Highness the Prince
chaplain, who will give a temperance 1 of Wales at London on October lard. k
address in Knox church. , delegation trim the London committee
Rev. P. F. Sinclair. B. A..of Toronto, , was present to give intorntation.
who is taking charge of the work in Knox It was decided to make a big effort to
church in the absence of the pastor. viii ; organize a large cont.ngent from Huron,
preach at both services next Sabbath. tonvening of all war vetearns in this
• "The Thin in a Nutshell" and ••A I county. A ccmmhtt•e was named Irum
Thing each centre, and ail veterans willing to
Greater Goderich" will be the themes . 1 attend. are asked to notify the several
considered at the Baptist 'church Wert ' chairmen at once.
Lards Day. This is Rally Sunday and The c.,mm:tt-e is as follows :
all are espec:a ly invited to the Sab- • Seaforth-Major Hays, Sgt. Tbomas
bath school ray at 'I p. m. Remember , Dick.
the services next week.Wingham -Lt. McLean, Sgt. Forbes
The month:; .fellowship meeting will he ' Sgt, Fixture.
held next Sunday at l0 a. m. The Exeter -Major Hraman, Sgt. Gamhtill.
pastor's morning theme will • be. "Thr ! G,)dench-Major Dunlop. apt. Sturdy,
Church's Highest Duty in the Present ' eines: .
right again". Cnsis." In the evening Rev. Chas. I Blyth -Capt. Swan, Harry Johnston.
DON AT LALONDE•: Endicott. of Saskatoon. will preach en' Brussels -Sgt. -Major Burchill.
50e. a box, G for $2 :A, trial size 25e. the great Methodist campaign. 1 ondesboro --Frank Brown.
At all dealers or from v.-.. , a -lived He Is one of the• strong men of the ' Wroxeter -Lt Black, Sgt. Nash.
Sgt. J
West and should be heard by all.
Limited, Ottaw►.on-Lt.o-C' Combe, Lt''Culonel
Victoria Street Methodist Church. RaClintnco Ptes. Frdol., Cook.
- _ _ __ ._. 11 a. m.-Serrnon b:• a representative Colborne township -Capt. Hrthering-
hus.oi : of the Mrthoxfat. national campaicn. 31 ton.
gr pots. Mr. is arcs.: p, m. --Sunday' school. i p. m.-Frurth A band composed of veterans will at -
basket of graters. Mr. A. M. Robertson: of the sones on pet stns. "The Sin of company the cuuttngent, thinly strong.
1 basket of apples. 1 grapes of rui}um- Irreverence." A half -fare is expected to be obtained
leers, Mr, bask tuns: grate's. Mr. a„,,_North Street M t Chnrth 011 the railway and a special train leaving
r w 2 pt London at 10 p
.' t tl baskets of 0 d,•s, a Friend:
salt and pepper 1 nippon china'. Mrs.. Next Tuesday' n:ght'a Lr ie meeting • The committee is very anxious the gots.
Walker: lulskt•t of apple•.. Mrs. Lamb: w111 be dxlsecration night and members old county of Huron ehould be well repre-
seeretnblr•s of various kinds, preserved are requested to respond 2i the roll -talc , sensed. The ladies of London will furnish
fruit. jelly. yfrkles and ,stip from the with a passage of Scripture beginning Iuneh at Canines Height at noon.
childrru of \'ich,lilt shrwf sellout. with the initial of their first name. ___ _ _.
Several bright boiled -down addresses on
('citta-$trathdee. Zion Ghur h •nniveritary.
'rhe 114.111.' of Mrs. 1". $trlttld.w; Nil personal work and .pedal music will be
itruisaick sense. Stn.tford, wits it14features of the program. Anniversary -env es at Zion church.
NAVIN. of a pretty autumn wedding one The Rally Day services last Sunday ,C'olbnrnr, October !.h Hot fowl supper
the aft.r•t of Wednesday.:.•prem- were very-utcessful. There was a line , on Mo day. (Aaober 1' . Supper served
Ioer 24, when her daughter.. Miss Helen attendance. and the program was maple- 1 from r to S o'ccrena. An e client program
Marion $trethdw•, one of Stratford'- ing. Mr. H. R. Lor.g. superintendent of 1 provided' of Ripens by th .yob Ladies' The oinv., non fair ha: prun,be i of
dad and 11 aartette of Blyth. Addre by Rev. ideal weather and a Leal • number of
eycraft of Mule will probably go out ft- •1 town M
cents; Friday afternoon and ever, nil to take in
the fair and the evening en .•ttainut••nt.
Sunlight does it
Yoe who •Iw•y• dread week
day - b f the hours of
weary, wash -hoard rsbbi•t the
chip •teeny sir, with perhaps
year •lore .ed Thee• •pi•shrd
••d waked just forgot all that.
Cone late te ease sued com-
fort of • Su•light Wash Day.
Suahekt Soap will de the was'.
you e•a to est e•Ili• g •r eke : pint. Read the dire•tlo••.
lout e• setting the Soap y ••'
ask ler-SUNLIGHT.
most popular and relented young Indies, 1 the Sabbath school, peeve r. I . D. Moyer and Rev. J F.
aas united in ruarrlagt• to Mr. J-. lt.. Pridham led -the song
' A1drey-es 11 . D. andAd ev.adults,
t',.ntts, ('. 1'. It. overtime ler 4..alrricbi. +were given by Slis Bailie. Mr. ‘Vel. T• IL'huWfen 33 cents.
Rev. W. H. Iiraham. of ('erred Meth- • Smith of Chicago, and Mr. C. N•I. 1 .
„list church. performed the ariti•mony Robertson. missi..nary superintendent.
in the 1114.1,1.1111.of a large nninls•r of There V1 3•.• 5 fine attendance at Epworth I Thr G. W,'.. A. is holding a tonna
ifutosts. Iles young t nnplr %%ere unto'• League last Tuesday night. Mr. Ernest I t Ma:sonic Temple inn Friday evening
se week
fended. and the bridle wore her tra:••1 Pritchard wile in chathe ttr.C.M.Robert-
ling'0$(t of navy Mlle serge and rarri,•el ' son contributed a well -rendered solo and Ito not forget the bean and salad tea
Mg y- ,( Knox church 'fhureday: October 'Joh•
a l,ouytwt ..f red rusrhu11s,, The house I Mr. A.M.Rdbrrtsor.. gave a careful explan.e•
was haniatifully ds.,.rared with a ' :asters ation of the referendum ballot. A rapidly Tea from stui S o'clock. • Admission 2:.c.
anal ferns for the .-ren on. 1011,. a g registered vote of the audience taken in
a I lel a wwttlintg dinner yams servant 1 three booth= :ill' - fficered produced I
Mrs Hoy F% Walker. sister of the bride.'; only two so. ,led ballots. The ern•rs in
.hayed the aeddiug man1o. lir. and these were afterwards explained. A
Mrs. ('nates left 2114• nam.• afternoon for feature of the v Ste was the promptness of
a wedding trip to Toronto end Mon- the ladies in 1.,,n,; ._p and beginning to
• toed, and have sirsw arris.rl in 'aisle vote before the men realized the poll was
riot to wake their home hen•. 'the opened.
bride ••arries with bar the sincere 2•••i01 Sys. Meeting in lut.x (harsh.
Mimeo of a host of friends tend stir' w 111
Captain 1 Rev.) W. G. Martin. of
IN• gmatty uliswvl in her hoot• nit• • for Hamiltln, a returned chaplain. will
• g:1.e generously "f beer Liens �. tin in Knnx Church
-h' address a mase meeting
talent to :.ovist Meal niltskid efforts on Wednesdl.' evening next, Oct,.ber
ami rwnwrts of awrfous kiosk... An,oa►t Rth. on the referendum questions.
ilia'.$�1DuIny trieral. oho e'te•talyd this
w1.lfllig were: Mr. .4.2 Mia. J.
1.. Captain Mart.,' s are able by speaker and
he has been nee seed by the county
a •,.orfs, Sr. 'I'h,nnns : Miss ,r.re 4'ontrs' temperance exrcutiv.' to address a series
$t. Th,.na-: MI,. .\2111- S1.
lainr••ncr: Mr. Si. M fronts. Lie•tr.nt: Rev. It 1' \iclh•nuid minister ..f
rs' of meetings in the county next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Huy 2' \t'alker. Weer. Kuox'1'hunle, teas tNvv1 a-kwl t11 direr.
{ ton: Sirs. 1'110s. Walker; und1tr. Pres -
the o•.rk 11f organization for the F11r-
ton Walker, Milt,•rtoni. clad Movement ha rhe• 1'n sl.yl.•rit , of
I1 \t itl n 1 uud Brun. and I«,s-
The ladies of Victoria street Methodist
church will serve their annual hot supper
on the evening of Thanksgiving Day
Monday. October 13.
nein..0 n1
.lbly- part of ti - Presbytery of Str:et-
ford. :11n1 the. w ill 111%14%3. Itis iib -ono,`
n 110r tag the unl11th. of
from 1:•Nlrric
I let11le•r. ural November. The 1'1111111
611111 c:tmtatlKn to le .varied 1111 11nr
111 these
series 11r Inter-olutret, , 0111\1•1110.1111., 1111.'
1 of which ail; beheld in f:.Nlerteh. .\t
• t114• r,rtaes1 of 'h,• 2hntillliwn Flhn Ms.
Ne•trstadt I•111.111•ss•h.s11. 1h•Ir1•ttuad
,. ttim ,• Floinn num igu in
Mr. A. M. Pulley is renewing Md intim-Ilion with the movement will he
• • PERSONAL sMLATiON. " d tl n
Miss 2o,trie Pettey is tilling:( p eitiut
hand 1 0•. sol, -titrate fen.her on the staff of th.
Boys' Overall,, :i:.c to 81.27•
white, n:.vy ■ friendships a1.11e epjoyiug a drivine d.•I:,y.d until E 2,ru
Boys' jerseys,
and red
Boys'. Braces, 1'ic up
A few prices of curtain
material, to clear from
•::rc ay'ard up
.A nice line of Bath Towels
at right prices
\Ve stock the_ Crompton
Corsets. all sizes a n d
different styles
Lime Juice. Grape Juice,
Rasp. Vinegar Lemon
and Orangeade in bottles,
also Lemonade and
Orangeade Powder. Just
right for drinks in the
hot weather
Try some of our Aroma
Brand Tea. With ten lbs.
you get a Teapot FREE
Mint Tea in stock.Vou will
find a sroon in each
'••bruaro• 'Phis r
of D..dd'+ Kidney Pi1:a are
legion. The hos is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills err imitated .and the *untie- Declare
Kidney Pi:is is imitated. imitation% are
dangerous The original i. sae. Dodos,
Kidney Pille haw; a refutation. Imita-
tors bare Ilene err they w•a Idn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of 1)odd's
Kidney rill.. no not he deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. DcakPs i• Oho
original Dodd + i. the name to Ie earc-
ful about -
U -0-0-1}'S
411111111111111•1 111.
J. J. McEwen
-11 >D>D nr>D w M
beg to announce that 1 have taken over
the Repair Department of Johnston's Garage
and will endeavor to give the public service to
the best of my ability.
trip to KIn.7anllu,• and other points piaign is tine ,.f the Most important r ver
north. this week. iiiidertaken by rho 1'unudiaea 1•111111.111.
ulld tIWY err 1',.-,.ts•r.tillg in a niter
w Idol augurs .s.'ll for a 11olgititi,1alt
W. lieorge's ('hureh.
Iter. A. 1.. G. ''hark.. mid Mr-. 1'larke
1v•t11rmrl la -t week front their stay of
-ey era! week- at Winnipeg 0101 the
r:' -tor took 1.11/1130. of the servil•1•. 1)11
Next Sunday the usual-1•r.-I.v•s will
IN` letil-tlt St 1;'«.rg'' i. at 11 :1. 111. 111111
7 p. u. The Smolay school a ill 1'0112-
1110.1111 Its u,•w tern this Sunday, 'rhe
plea• le "r11 boil:. .v111 be distributed
in the nu '11 school and all teachers aft'
"chola rs airy e• pi-etel t0 be present.
The priu.are deportment. meter Mrs.
SI.-Kiul. will fillet aft o', I.s•k anal the
main seh.lul at
Dr. G. C. W. Richards and wife. of
Lakin. Kansas. have been visiting his
list ht J And N te street
er. rs. J. rews. New
ger s ren ,
who has been very ill for some time.
Mr. elms .1. spume ha- rehlnnr4 to
his home after to.. *eel:. in the tr.-
pitnl, cheer.' he underwent 11n ojw•rntioh.
!Teff. nnt-h improved in health..
Mrs. Alex. Colborne. of town. is a con-
testant in the London Free Press sub-
scription competition and any assistance
towards winning the prize will be accept-
Dr.Harry M.Strachan. who has just been
discharged from the t'ni'ed States army
alter serving Inc tar) years as a medical
examiner of soldier". spent a few days
last week at the parental home, Cambria
Mrs. Trumpeor. of Waterloo. is spend
ing a week to town visiting her mother,
Mrs. Dnnkealter. Mr. Gordon Drink -
wafter, of Lucknow. made a bnef visit to
town yesterday.
SL'. (L 1', Merl -nit!' 1111A 411111 our of
his fernm nn the Hayfield road to Mr.
I:swrge Salkeld. turd a honer 1111 \'ie-
tyrht stint to Mr. .1. W. M.N.re of the
1:odler1.h Organ n 1'0.
Mr". J. F. Reycraft. of Victoria street
parsonage, will be at home on Friday.
()ctober IOth, from 1 to 7 o'clock. Her
sister, Mise Elizabeth Wilson. will receive
with her. Miss Wilson. is heaving at the
end of the month for China.
/ 1\VUg\Alla - Mr. H. 5f rielsin, ,.1 T1111.1111. t1., who
had IN•.'n th1 4111.'-t of his rather -M -Ian.
X I ••I•.•l.••..•3 her. A. M. Pnnet-, fir the• past tri ,•
1'1111►\\ and PATI R11t\
this seek
weeks. left la -t 'rhnr',I,,%' •0n a litho
114.14i trip 20 t\'111111p•g. II re. 514•Indy1•rr
will spend some time longer in bole
rk•h. '
A visitor to town this week is Mr. Fred
Taylor. of Vancouver, B. C., one of the
in best•known hocks's. players in Canada.
Mr. 1 aylor is a former Listowel boy.
Accompanied by his family he is visiting
his uncle. Mr. John Lasham of town.
Miss Kate Gundry left yesterday on her
r. -turn to Los Angeles. California, after a
len Peeks in town. At Chicago, on her
way back. she was to meet her sister,
Miss Mary Gundry, who is to go on to
Los Angeles with' her and spend some
time there.
la Mr. T. H. Rothwell has been spending
et same time in town revisiting old scenes.
Although he has been resident in Toronto
for many vein he retains a lively interest
in the undertaking" of the old home town.
Mr. Rothwell has retired tram the active
WEI)NF:`I►\\ alN1 Till RSI►al dost I business life in which he spent so many
Years and ie now Liking a wetbearn'•d
MO\I►t\ and Ti 1:141►\1 next
1't.'. Th(0..1. lInikell, aIan loot three
in { year. and nine ne"nllw 41V1•1,,,A, Tn.
turned 'last week and Is at his home
en the 22)0 144)11 road. Hr w,1. eop,igwl
In tee import work nl tealnnies and In
other parts of Mae.1In111. nod In
Tnttley. Nearly n11 the lluderlch 2o'.
Yy X VaralgriMMIEW lt! Mfr hem
Clearing in Men's Black
These Overalls are cut
roomy and are strongly
made, with elastic back,
to clear at
Men's brown duck work
Vests, five pockets, to
clear at
Men's button jersey
cloth Gloves, to clear at
Men's unlined split
horsehide Gauntlets, a
strongly made Glove for
general use, to clear at
Men's Police Braces, to
clear at
The Double Track Route
b••t ac.11
I'm -Seeped ,being 1 err ,e•rvio1•
sleeping care on night trains, anti
parlor car, 101 pt•incipal day trains. I
Full information from soy (Hand''
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Nora-
ing. District Passenger Agent. To-
of Bygone Years
xar always recalled by the 'u
x :e-.. Iati.n of a gond
)rtr t. 7
The'• ester. for good
portrait', ring. fiom'thr
sacred fon fain of cher-
ILeill left t i1 4'
memory of del Mil loved
ones, or of fries s away
in other land; --t mem-
ory of those who -II in
t,attic, or of•'Neatly an
ce$t.rs - whose t• a r
struggle; built ns a seep\
ping -stone to h i g h e t
reaches and a nobler lift.
l:. IL Lauder. Station Agent, phone t'fi . t J . 1 •
Town Agents Phone
I xxxxxxxxxXXX
Sc a vackage
before the war
Sc a package
during the mar
5c a packaPe
South side of Square
1 7