HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-2, Page 44 Thurs. 4k -;ober 1919 -17 • "estrwstellgrillr- e THE .810N/ils OODZSIC/IL. ONT. www011111110111111Pw -"111111111111111411111F-- wenn If you are a judge of clothes value, so much the better. If you are not, you can make y g selection with fullest confidence if you buy Bengard Clothes These handsomely designed and finely finished clothes -present the latest styles of the hour. Theyoung men's models are never extreme yet em- body novelties that are exclusive and original. Styles for older men consen.ati%e but certainly not commonplace. WALTER C. PR1DHAM Phone 57. DUNGANNON. IHURsDAY. Oct. 2 Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wickens and family *ere here over Sunday. Mrs. Wice - ! ens remaining. Mr. wickens returned Lo Hensall, to which place he has been transferred as manager ef the liensall braoch of the stwrzin4 Bank. , Mr. Jae etallough. whe has been visit- ing his dauehters in the West the last four months. returned home Tueiday of this week. Herb. Stothers ta the latest to in the ranks of autieowners. He has a Rad. Mrs. Woodley is packing up her house: held goods preparatory to moving to London. Eloise Steadman fee out of a tree one day lately and broke her arm. She la doing nicely now. We notice that Professor David Todd . is to attempt to communicate with the planet Mars this fall. Hope he will hurry' uo; we should like to know if there are any U. F. O. running up there. , Harold Sproul is at London hospital.. where he has gone through an operation ; for appendicitis succemfully. His mother.. IMrs. D. Sproul. and sister Nettie are with him. Mr. A. Disher is raising his barn and putting a cement foundation under it. 1 There will be no service in the Duncan - non Mettexhie church next Sunda). OW' I ing to the anniversary services at the 1 Crewe appointment.. : Mr. P Squire, of the Bell telephone staff, stratiorJ. is here to visit friends and take in the sights of the big fate , ,Mr. Lewis G vier had a successful sale of his livery outfit on Saturday and wah Mrs. Govier his meved tens we -k to !Goderich. Mr. H. Fowler has Moved into the house and has opened up the hotel. ' and Dunitannen is again able to offer I accommodation to the travelling public. IMr. and Mrs. Harty Bell y. ; ot Tx - Onto. are here spending a wee 's holidays. Mrs. David Sproul. of West Wawanosh. is still in the hospital at God ich and. we regret to say. is not improv i g very imDLuring the fair meate---are being ved l by the ladies of the English chute•in ; the Allen block, as well as by Host Fo -kr ; at the Dungannon hotel. ERSkINE CHURCH ANNIVERSARY.- An niversary Serv;ces will be held in the Presbyterian church. Dungannon. on . Sunday, October 12th. Rev. J. S. Hardie, moderator of the Synod of Hamilton and London. will preach both morning and eventng! Special music sill be garen by the choir. On Monde.. evening. October 13. an entertainment, under the auspicee of Erskineehurch will be given in the Agri- cultural Hall. Mr. -Thomas McGillicuddy. if Toronto. the Mall of a thousand stories." who has entertained a vast number ef men in the Canadian rad a- iled Stacie military camps. sill be the chief entertainer. Ile comes highly recommended by both the Canadtan and the United States press. He will be misted v scal and instrumental music by Mee. J. W. iiiynt. Mrs. (Dr.) Neeton and Miss Allan. of Lucknow. Program Lo begin at e o'clock. Admission -adults :41X. (Fuld en 21:. fortable last fer DisCOUlteGING CREWE. Some of the peo�e from around ere tended the anni sary services at kett's church on Skndav !ast. 11,7, and Mrs. E. J. McTavish. of Rip- nt Sunday with their aunt. Mrs. Mr. , john lt.enary. , We a sorrv to report tea Mrs. Aubrey . Higgins. -ho has been undereehe doctor's care ear same time, is not uhproving as . fast as her Meny friends would rah. ; 14The peopl of Crewe nave d ided to h Id their 3nni ensary services on -Other 1 5 h. instead of th leth. on account i the; ; ahniversary servi in the Prestwt ian I ' church at Dungan on. Rev. Mr. j n.1 1 ston. of Hoimesville. will take charge. f I the Sunday services. i the afternoon a ! •' 30, andthe evenine zR 7.30. On Mon- d .y evening. October tith\ a good program 1 .111 be given. Rev. A. . Miikon, of I Auburn, will give a lecture n " rtirou h :sec TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES rat IffiEUP441511M` ,NEURMS.SCIATICA LUMBAGO,NEURALGIA.GOUT ETC A SURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST 11FAMOIE RIM PER SOX IT.NPUTONS t."' Meow YR ff W Rownialty has backed a practical rheumatic reale. y since tine berm. iturtmae• •re .peat yearly at hst as. mca electric bonus sad heap& MO to ohun• reLef, yet better results ars brb,ered ugh t at home by mlag T.ILC •• the C011isoo seam/ treetwient.- Just compare oui4 re,klus Ileitis ear other tre.ttraeall sad be clseeiooed. Ask yoga dr rimitiTefis f or our sew booklet • It Is Intervale lac sad cwt. you im414.air (Templeton), la Ring W.. Toronto). We .at marabouts, IWOMPI el ILK 1)1 Lop. . Chemist and leruggist, Bedford Itlock. Sole Agent for tesleriele Muil List to thin iiiidres• or to Templotou'a. 14 King et. W.. Toronto. anti T. It. C.'s will be .ent poetpaid. • car of cull apples from here on Tueeda Rev. Capt. Revicraft and Dr. Enimer MI son. of Godench. will address a meeting im in the Fore -ter. Hall. Auburn. Mond.v evening. October DM. in the interests 01 ma the referendum campaign. IN DREADED INFLUENZA. a NUM , Medical Men Believe it V'ill • Again Visit Canada This IN Autumn and Winter. There is a eiderpread beilet among medical men that the epidemic oi la grippe, or influenza. which sweat oyer the ur world last year. will again apoear tfl Canada during this autumn and -coming 11 winter. This dangerous trouble spares imr neither ade nor sex, but it naturalfinds its easiest victims am. ng !hone sho are, rune, wn in he Oh. or these 5 hose blood I. v salt and watery, and it is anemia Inc I = latter class in which the greatest number ' of tetalitlee occur. The surest say to igg prevent an attack of this dreetled !rouble is to keep the blood rich and pure. and 11 the safest. and best way to do this is im tnrough the use Of Dr. Mt.:lams' Pink No reasonable precaution to avert an im atck ot influenza of la grippe sliould be spa The dasease itself deade . but ; its a m -effects among th,se woo are .1 spared make the life of the victim one of corstan misery. Ask almo-t any of 1 those w v have been attmised by in. 1 fluenza t their present condition of health is a • moat of them will answer: In -Since I hay had ireluenze I have never ; been tult w ." This trouble leaves' behind it a persistent weaeneet of the MI limbs. shortnese • tweath. bad digestion. 111 palpitation of the ing after even slight to the thin-blorxied grippe minuet always after the fever and in -ided. ; They are at the and complications often This cenditioe will continu blood is built up again. and rt, and a tired feel- xert ion. This is due 1 damn in which la al leaves tis victim • enza have sub- 111 rcv of relapses IN sfry serous. until the MI the our, ig and ng can 11 tams' Ix hese a s BENMILLER.. pose of building up the strengthening the nerves not equal a fair treatment with Dr. e% Pink Pills. From f rst to last dose pills make new: rich blood. shich rea every organ and nerys in the body. T the lingering germ% are driven out. an the weak. despondent victims of inflenza a. e transformed into cheerful. heathy. happy men and women. feet better _still. you can put yeur.elf in , 3 condition to• resist an attack of influenza hy enriching the blood through the use of Dr. Welliame Pink Pills. and this. a . seems, is the sensible thing to do at once. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or will be sent by mail • at 50 cent, a box or six boxes for $2.50 , from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. TUESDAY. Sept. 30. 1 sio-tilting is keeping all the men busy in (tsr hood A large crowd from here attended the s hool fair at Carlow on M )(Way. Our village school came third in meeching and carrted off many other pnzes. Look out for next }ear! Mr. Elwyn A. L -mg leaves for Toronto take advantage oi atm vocational training course for returned men. Mr. Ray Moore has returned le his duties in the S,erling Bank at t:sisridige. W. Reeeor. of Markham, visited at C.A. Vansfone's last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Gledhill. of Wel- land, and -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. GledhilL of Detroit. who attended the funeral of the late lesse ti,edhill. have returned ,to their hernes. We welcome back to our village Roy Mating. thf trmer popular a:tistant at the gr;st rnill. and hi,asic and child. • CHURCH etares -Rally service last Spnday evening ear iv en attended. We were Weasel to have with us_ Mr J. C. illian, of Gpdench, who gave a splendid atjdresa on "What Home Means to Us." M Millian i well fitted to speak on that topis having lately returned from service over • . Next Sunday morning sesissrivice-hargr of B •lie wee Dr. Entreeson. te.th of Goderich. ho will speak in reference to the referee um. As this is a circuit service a la. g attendance will be expected. Epwort League is held every Wednesday at m. in Benmitler church. Next meeting is charge of Miss Lowe alters. The tore "Church Etiquette ' t be taken by liss Edna Walters. Ev tabody request o attend and help t the wement along . Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 'ennedy intend I week a next on a vacat !lob. like this in the tone that you expected would I couple of months longer one- wiiy llimeter. if you -wail ,t,Istqn Us for "lir Siberia in a BOX Car.- Rs'. . Ir. Ntio,inn i a returned soldier and was SnSberia during the war. Admission 2.s,; every- body welcome. • . H141•111-CleVeS SHOCIREP.11RING we len renide them. restore their mood lonke. put them in e Ililiso t.• give yuu eervire. Why not try In S. SMITH Ea,r Street tioderich IL Do not another day w itching, Ill_ 'no orPredrud Inc Patel. No *orgies! opeN 4? In regaired. Dr. Clin44:'. Ointment will relieve yen at orme and irsi rer, 'Only Cure you. Me. s Mix ; all &oder+. or E.14...n4on. Hates & 5 o.. Limited. Tomntn. Saigip!O hoz free if yo' tnen'Acon tide paper mud each", M. Mem p to pay p081..4e. • R. Tait Electrical Contractor Hern's Wiring of all kinds up to -date Me Telephones, Burglar Alartu,,, Pollee Patrol and Fire Alarm Systems. Private ResiffenesetanaBusine.. Places -a specialty. II Work Guaranteed. Elect rice! roue. Toasters Grille. ?atm. Vaenutn Cleaners, %Milling Machine,. rte,,thughto a n d Batteries of all kinds &wept on band. Ring tip $2 or 198 and have sun el ) Ott an estimatt. en your wiring. It will be bone tight. Robt. Tait GRIPS TRUNKS SUITCASES HAND BAGS We carry a full line of Travelling Goods. See our goods before going on that trip you have planned. We have special values in Boots and Shoes at the present time when all leather goods are advan- cing so rapidly. REPtIRIME Vireo Street :-: Next Powoffice Peones Shop 82. Meuse 11) Hera's Boot Shop Tie. mixt I Augustine %1 held at CH. feu t .ra WisIne.idoy. 4 -1131 11. M \t ins Stewart of I oli the referendum. • T. AUGUSTINE tartilar meettug the $t. morn Institute will he of Mrs. VT. Tit twurni -barer 4511.111 505. Gaderieh 04 will Torne Tattets: '•I'y 'c nes it's none uv my business, pard, but uz you ever' married'?" Rambling Rube: "No! ot Mikes vOU Tome Tatters: "Why, I Pal &lin' how you ever acquired dal habit uv s'eepin' wit' yer hands in yer pockets." AUBURN. you con disc's' of Your plums sn'11 heirs. also, poultry. /11 T. RIDDELL'S atara A .101Urt ithngle• for sale EDNESOAY. Oct.!! mit 'For To ivy esti I P. . WensEettee. Oct. 1. AnniVetiatV services will he i-.ld nett a 1.1111I111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111•11111111111111111111111111 NI • D M I LLAP Et SON Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m 111111111111111111111111111111111131111M•11111111111111111111111111111.11111111011 Popular Furs Moderately Priced Handsome Hudson Seal Cape and Muff, trimmed in either Grey Squirrel or Fitch, the season's leading style. The Capes are $42.50 and $50.00. Muffs to match at $25.00 and $42.00. Australian Opossum Set. An exceedingly attractive with Roll Collar. Can be fastened under arms in dolman style. sewith large Cape s t to match. The Cape is priced at 565.00. The Muff is priced at 52250. wear. Muff wear. Priced at Charming Red Fox Sets, so popular for young ladies' 542.00, $52.50 and 560.00 the set. Natural Coon Sets are very stylish. Special $50.00 set. _ Children's Sets a Specialty IVery Pretty Dress of excellent all - wool Serge in navy and black, trimmed black silk braid, satin -covered buttons, round neck. Special 525.00 each. IDelightful Silk Taffeta Dress, Georgette sleeve and vest, bell cuff, in black. navy and brown. Special $22.00 each. Beautiful Coats of Silvertone You will be charmed with the shawing of the new Silvertone Coats. They are so stylish and so comfortable. Silvertone Coats in colors of navy, saxe, burgundy, brown and tan. with targe collars. and many are fur -trimmed. Priced from $37.50 to $60.00. Special Childreo's Knitted Suits 55.95 a Suit These Knitted Suits are justhe thing for the little t tots. They comprise Pull- over. Sweater and Cap In cardinal. grey and white, special $5.95 a suit. timmiisminimmainssxmome Special Values in Underskirts Ladies' Near Silk Un- derskirts just in from New york. in the newest de. signs in fancy colors in a good variety of styles. Pfic- ed at $2.75 to $4.50 each. , Ladies ' Warm Padded Vests A shipment from Japan of these comfortable Pad- ded Vests with or without sleeves. With sleeves $2.95 and without sleeves $1.50. _ Every day we receive orders from all parts of the Dominion from former residents and tourists who like dealing with the Scotch Store. McCall's Pattern Magazine and Winter Quarterly now in stock NUN SININS1111111111111111 IN MIN IN NM • 1111111•1111(111111111111111E PHONf, 56 Millar's Scotch Store • Sunday at Zion church at II o clock in , MIX 11•11 tie morning and 7.30 in the even,n5t. On Monday evening a fowl suiper will be served in the school house. followed by a and 2.-K. • Mr Dave Metall. of Myth. Mr. and Mrs. John e program in the church .i Admission Mk' Going to lealifenda.-On account of ! frir 'I"Y" "r M.11.1".." kir" "Pk' re.ided .111 the- Huron road during tire feltl•nds in Goderleb. Mir& Berrie Beckett is VI ill-ltyalth Mr. S. T. Walter. who ims his tine farm. Mr. W. wen of 60111. - rich hieing the purchaser. Mr. Walter's -ale id' effects took -place iin Wednesday ; hist e eek u nil was very snecessful. , As ...rot) as 510 fii frilly run arrange they I ii1)111111 ler leave for California, !wl iey- ! ing the warmer climate will have a bere.114 is! effeet upon Mr. Walter's hen Ith. 4 Me evening last week a ‚5!:s? 505 from the Holmeaville Meth- odist ealled upon the family at ' 511.0.r honi.• and pre-ented them with in address expressing regret nt their re al fruu main! relationship. 3114 ehureli feIlw.Iulp and also hope. for Mr. Walter's_ reetonitien to his former tiorl strength. A purse of gold :they wee presentee. The 5.. mitt's. in eharge tie. presentation Inelioled Rev. Mr. Johnson, Mr. M. Flick. Mr. H. Tr..% artha and Mr. W. Rutledge. The Leading Phone and Mail Order Store PHONE 56 111111111111111111111MIRSIRME111•111111111R•11111.1110111111111 I 'ovvan. pletely destroyed. nothing being left Ilf a 1055 n few if the eement walls. and they no. so badly cracked 11. 1,1 be ii.elesel Tht• can... of tile tire is link nos n Mit it isi 45115(1' .'.,'I tio have been elle result of a cigarette carelessly thrown uncirigst silo' Mgr' and sawdlist. where might smolder for how, before ti .illy breaking into flumes. Nirs Stir . we understand. Intends rebuild ing *am as possible The muffle flay 411 the fair Iiiim heel' very col mid wet. lint notwithstanding 'the .InOt - lean 1. well tille11 4)1)11 511.• $4 IT pie of ruffs end vegetables i. remarkably NI. considering the %,-r, dry went I ier o the siluttiter. past forty vears. found it necessary to Mr. Robt. Scott has sold his farm and .tock in the 13th concession of Ilullett to Mr. Ilunkings and gives possession , October 1st. • Mrs. Wm. Neaves and Moe Andrew Ferguson, whir have been on the sick list. • are not improving as their friends would wash. I Mr. Wm Ferguson, of Windsor, has told els property there and is looking for ' a location f.vr a blacksmith •hon to start business. Ile called here on Tuesday on I his way to u.Ingham. ' Mr. Roy l'atterson's auto colliclel with Earl Vi; ightman's huggY ors Monday night and smashed the buggy. Fortunatery no person wee in lured. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter. of Port Elgin. spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. D. Cantelon. of Clinton. shipped a Sept. 29 r aol Mrs. EfiallIfIri netrkett nnif Mi Edna Beckett motored from De- troit ast vi•s•liz tool ;ere visiting at the home Mr .‘lbert IteekeIt. Mias , ry Slelvor ham returned from !vetoer. elem. N •rvin Cowan, bite of the Royel Air 1 ri.e. and Mrn. l'owan are visiting at t home of the former,. WHEN Ul INC] W I LSON FLY PADS Nte READ DIRECTlONS iefeerve CAREFULLY AND .c.‹-: • FeLLCM TAM - - -- • • EXACTLY,,/ . 1 --4- Far more effective than Sticky FIT Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggist,' anJ Groccri c. v. here. IIELENs. IV ANTED. -F0Vs. I. OF ALL KINDS. V/ no Tuemlay and Wednewlky nywn.nr,,t each week. Highest pnces part! irt MILLE.tes STORE. 55. Helens MpruIy. SepteMber Mr. Neil Stuart. id Chicago. visited his, Imii.111. Mr. .1. It. Rutherford. over the week -end. Miss Florence Stuart. who hail been visiting here. returned 110We .5411 Iler either. NI 15'. Elizabeth Salkeld. of tIrsierich, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. R. K. Miller. Delegates appointed to attend Dig Voting Peopic's meeting el White- elitireli ore Miss SI. „Nliirriiy. Mr. 5 . Altelteson. Mr. flurry Webhiand Miss tilatlys Miss wonky. of teem...el. visited lit Mi:. J.15. Itutlierford's over Munday. Mr. E. Phillips land family, of Au- burn. spent Sunday with Mr. .W. .1. Ilmnptitey. Mr. Cecil Harrison. of Kirkton, spent few days visiting his cousin. Mr. T. 15. Taylor. Mr.. Avery. er., Nir. end Mrs. Itoy A very a tid , Mr. 4 '4411i In., of Pm vie. Vipinelt 115 Ole 1111ellig 111e W114. Anniversary wen' ices will be held Calvin eloirch next Sunday, 4 klober 5 The flefli, anon .4 the memorial hell will take place at 'IMMO o'clock. Rey. S M. Whitley, of ihrrham. will conduct u hp servil'est A hot fowl slipper and entertainment will he given Monduy M1.s M11101 Rutherford. of Fergir. spent the week -end at home. Mr. and Mew A. Taylor and sister. of East Wawnnosh. were visitor. at 1'. It. Taylor's on Sunday. Ing 1lA TFIV11.1 P. 1.110"410. Sept. Mr. and Nine Ammo. 4'88'001. of Markle Pity, Nliele. ere the eneste the 'Misses Catnphell this week. Itei. Mr. Es erest leaves next week or .Xlherta. Fie preaches his firenell 4wrtn•al c't Sunday ttext 1.'ine Reeldewee Horned. -The fine residett 0 of Mrs Stott on the bike front. vi 111, hiss !teen building Inc fir two Ms months enit wa• nesting enm- plettme (*light tire last Frl,l,y morning between 0 and 7 e'elnel. and a+ cfnal TAKING A HOUSE doesn't mean that you more retain every ugly attribute. The charm of Many attract'.'. homes Iles in neat harmonizing. WINDOW SHADES We suliol these in man %I 1 lel. f ht. need reliable .itialilse14 tsl artist• 11. effects. When tan we measure your wind- ows? IMMINIMI1111148041111WIMalledIPMMOMeee Smith's Art Store East S. Phone 198 CENTRAL STPIATFORD. ONT The Largest aid Best Commercial School in Western Ontario We give inillvidital instruction and student,. may enter :11 r Commercial, Shorth•nd or Telegraphy Depart- ments at arty time. ,%We assist grad - Hates to (10.4,51 in'.. Write now for our free catalogue and learn the nature of our work. D. A. hIcLACHLAN, Principal mesiteme. Water and Light Commission Town of Goderich Water rates for the next three months are now pay- able and a discount of 15 per cent. will be given on rates paid on or before October 1st. Pay Now and Save the Discount A full line of Hydro Lamps and Electric -using Devices on hand at the Hydro Store. . Water and Light rates pay- able at the Hydro Store, to J. B. KELLY, Collector 4 •ua <