HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-10-2, Page 1to dispose of your property, find a tenant for your house, sell or buy an article, procure help or find a situation, the easiest and best way is to insert a small ad. in THE SIGNAL ionai for the remainder of the pres- ent year, to new subscribers, for 25 CENTS1 aaLYENTY-PJRS1 YEAR -No 3777 THE STERL1NiBANKr OF CANAD G4 4e--, "ASK OUR MANAGER''':., Whenever you need financial advice, y., the manager of the nearest Sterling Bank. Farmers will not only find him capable but ever willing to give valuable information. XXXXXXXXXXXXX:05:=XXXXX242CX BUILD NOW Fall weather needn't halt your plans. When outside work is impossible turn your attention to in- terior plons and alterations. Repair old cracked walls and ceilings -build in the new partitions you need -brighten office, store and factory for the stim- ulating effect on business - restore the home and make it a better place to live in. Lusher aid Interior Finish, Lisle, Cement, Ready Roof- ing and Mingles ahrays is stack. We shall be glad to quote you prices. THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. I'in sir 4- P. O. Box-I4 XXXC Ic. M.1 I� QUALIFIED SURVEYOR and DRAFTSMAN Residence Phone 44 I Amos. Y. H. PEARDON ARCHITECT Phone 31)1 C.P.R. Block, West Street CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE See my list of properties for sale FOR SALE OR RENT. COUNTY OF HURON SLE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of tames has been prepared. that copies n,ay be had at this office. that the list is bet., publoshnd in The Ontario Gazette beginning with rieptemher In default o)a yment nt the eases and coos the land won be sold by public suction, at the Court Hour m the Town of Godench. on the 1001 day of December nett. et o'clock p. m. W. LANE, Treasurer :aunty Tres. Afire. Goderich. Oct 1.1911' U'OR SALE. -$3.000 -MODERN RED C brick house en East street. with all modern tormenw•aces Rood furnace Apply to MRS W A. RHYNAS, Montreal street (phone -o>. >w to T(D) RENT. -AN EIGHT -ROOMED 1 HOUSE on Stanley street Apply to MRS. A D McLEAN. Houses and Lots for Sale. P. J. -RYAN. Insurance and Real Estate office on Hamilton St., next M. G. Cameron's Law (Mice. 78-tf i 5012 -SALE. -A RED BRiCK HOUSE. troth all modern aonvearnces. Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 71-11 To Rent The St. Lawrence property next the Public Library on \ Montreal street. This house is in first-class condition, with all modern conven- iences. Possession immed- iately. J. W. CRAIGIE Us, Fin, Accident and Automobile Insurance FOR SALE. POR SALE. -TWO REGISTERED i' ehorthiwn bull calves; Oxford ram and ewe Iambs. Yorkshire sow( bred and breeding age; younger stock. both sexes. Priced for quick sale. JOHN FAHRISH. Lucknow R 7 rpbode Dun- gannon a.r13i Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 13 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERiCH MANI'F.ACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot' of Angleea St.) Phone 61. L'OR SALE. -ONE NEW BUGGY, u ton general pur terse mares (one beer=7 and a bunch of small pies JOSEPH MURRAY.A p Kiaton street. ' MUSIC. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALMS. (`ILEARING AUCTION SALE OF A UCTION SALE OR HOUSEHOLD %..) FARM STOCK ANI) IMPLEMENTS. 13. FURNITURE. U 2 THOMAS McCABE will sell by public auction, at tote part S2 and Z. concession it. West Wawanosh. uo MONDAY, OCTOBER rah, commeoc,nr at 1 o'clock sharp. Hist y -Da 4ta.HT HOOKS, -Oise Frey horse, 4 years old; I bay horse, s years old. OM Ib•. . 1 sorra) mare, s years old, 1 filly, rising 3 years. C O e cow. yeses old, to freshen De - umber 11., 2 tows. S years anti. freshen n Nu. vember; 1 larrow cow 4 yearsold. a tao-yrardd steers, 1,W0 Ilk, Drover;,, yearling steers. 4year- ling heifers, 1 some, tall, 1 spring can, 1 .411, 3 months old Smear -Twenty-three Otlurd-down ewes. P. of these yearlings. 1 Oxford -down ram. 1 Oawrd- down ram Iambs PRA. -One sow. IM►LassaNT+ -One 191. Ford car, just run since August. isle. 1 top buggy, 1 turnip pulpae. I set heavy team harness. 1 set single harness. :collars. 1 set bobsleighs. 1 tannic 1 mal, a quantity of 11 and ls•ft. femlock plant also 1 -inch lumber. 1 win, le lett high, 1 7 -ft cut Masser -Harris bonder. thud seas in, in good repair; 1 kft cut Deering mown. 1 10 -It. McCormick hayrake,`ood as nes. 1 Massey -Harris la Mar seed drill, I Bain wagon cumb,nauon hay.gram and stock rack, 1 Blsn; 4 -section disc harrow. T sets single harrows. 1 Cie. cultivator. 1 Fleury walking plows, 1 steel rullecw new scuttle.. 1 rt slings. forks. shovel., chat. 1 aeckyoke wh•Metrees, and other articles. Hol c%IA.0Ary._Abcnn su tons pi bay, 1.9ui bushel-. oats 200.bushels barley. Tama. All suing of 910 and un et• cash• over that amount, 12 Months' credit will be given on any account eueptog tor hay and grain. which will be for m■ months A d.aoun at rate of '. ,per centallowedllur cash on credit amounts. .Everything must be dops,sedoi. No reserve. TAOS. McCABE, THOS. GUNDRY. Propos/toe. Auctioneer. FLLA 1. ROBI•:RTSON, GRADUATE of L C. M . Organist of Baptist Church. rcher of piano, primary singing and theory. Paces prepared for examinations For terms apply at John Robertson's,_ Park street. Goderich 9qr to ►:LLA 1. ROBERTSON. R H 1,, Goderich(Oot. Wm. L. Douglas Dry the first Anaarlean to aohsaren h1s ambttiom of beaoolealma a millionaire at making DROSS. He knew shone from the age of 7 when he was "bound ons" HL apprentleeehlp over be wont to work for 36 Dante a day. Strenuous application to his 11fte'e purpose, 000pled with an inborn acre of thrift and economy brought euoceM to Douglas. We extend to young man a tiordlal invitation to establish banking relations with us. sass UNION BANK 9153,0OF CANADA RE3oURCts. 00 000 Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager AI CTtiN +Ilse OF F11111 IOC ANL, IMPLEMENTS. JAMY-st H. JUHNsrtN will sell by puabr auction at lot 4, L. Range, e.olb,rne, •st Point Favor, on TI CsiD.A Y. Of.T. 1th commenting at 1 p• m. the follow•mg : 1 nail horse Neewea 7 y.an old, 1 heavy .traurht.mare, 9 years old, supposed W be ri foal; 1 reneral purpose mar.. 11 years 1 general purls,s. horse, 4 years oW; 1 Idly, r.slhg 9 years old. GHIe• 1 row, 6 years old, du. lar,. I: 1 ens. e year, out, due April 1; 1 heifer, 2 years okL supposed to be in t•sl!; 3 jotters, 1 year add: 1 heifer, 4 years old,-, 9 steers, 1 year old, I spring carves. Sheep 23 good young ewt4, 1 OtfOcd ram 2 years .•Id. Impleweals 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter nearly Oen, 1 set bobsleighs nearly new, 1 Ma.sey- 11arn4 cultivator good as new. t set disc, 1 scorner. 1 Fleury %anima plow Na 21, 1 Wilkinson dal plow, t set four-sceuom row• v Art hal 1 'rowel lila, 1! I w A scale.. 1 basket rack. t flat rack for .1.1(5., 1 fanning mill, •' set u n.metre.., 1 three horse eve0er, t /Mod robe. 1 wheel barrow, 3 food borne blankets, s -et seas) Vann horn..., 1 set /ioldae single harI,540. raid 1. new, ! hens, I well-bred BW1t Muu,rra C:o.-k.rNs, 9 geese, 1 pair ducks, a quantity of barley, a quantity of outs, I bed room .sine. 1 waning machine. 1 churn. 1 M.•.:lary heater, and other nous.• hold furniture. TERMS. -414 sums ..f 910 and 'under, rash.. over that amount 12 months' credit on furnlst..ne approved Jena note.. A discount of per rout, allowed for rash on ered,l anounta. a's.ryttnng aunt he diys,•ed of a, farm 14 .0lp, JAS. H. JOHN -'rON, T. fit \1 ((I. 1•rupr.i.Wr. lug t,ar,eer. MRS. ELDER wall .ell 1 y publu auction. at her residence. 1.t. Uavo's *I. eel. on TLEsUAY.1 CTOBER 141h. c,.mmenc,a at Lao o'c luck One organ, 1 alae cupMvd, wooden bed- with sonata and mattresses. 1 white iron bed wrth•spnngs and mattress. stair ca pet and pads. 1 dresser with mime, washstands and toilet sets, centre table. 1 coal al Nati r, sec 1•Ib. scales. sealer,, touch. hnokun., carpets. hall-doz. chair., hall rack. hall hanging lamp breedpan with fid, man's l ur cwt. Term. cash. MRs. ELDER, T. GUNDRY, Proprietress. .Auctioneer. F EXECUTORS' SALE OF FARM. ACTtO0 4.0157 OF FORM STOCK, DI- CK AND ROI51ROLD Ft R• rIlTt RE. MR. ANDREW KIRK *111 .ell by public auction, at lot 13, con- c.•saal .I, We -t Wawannsh, three. guar_ t r mile south el Dangannonl.ea ( 1IDAY. OCIOPKR tela w nme.enee•wt 1 5.lee•a•-Isarp Norwa-One mare, 5 years old, with foal by ileo. Ferguson's horse; 1 mare, 4 years old; 1 mu. 3 year+ old 'by king's Lynn): 1 gelding. 3 years old by King's Lynn): 1 general purpose mare. 7 years old; 1 driving Mena, 2 gelding y'earlulg colts. G.11le.-One thoroughbred Aberdeen .Air gut row, No. 13:19, due November 1: 1 tboroutrtlbred anal Aberdeen Angus yearling. No. 17:.33; 1 thoroughbred nuq Alyderdeefl Angus 7 month., No. 11103. 1 .Aberdeen Angus row. w,tb male calf; 1 .Aberdeen Amen, nos, with calf at root; 1 Aberdeen Angus cow, due January 1st; 1 drat -year-old Aberdeen Angus row. Mo- at . -m Dereneber. 1 three_year.old Aberdeen angIIsst1, row, due April 11; 1 Jersey cow, supp..se.d to be 111 rale. The f011owir,g are all Aberdeen Angus bred: One cow, 3 years old. due In January,. 1 row. 3 3 ears old. due In January; t rnw, coming 3. due January 11th: 2 heifers, one due. November II: 2 steers; I heifers, supposed tryst). in calf; 7 calve.. Pigs. -One nerk.h,re bog, f purebred Chesterwhlte sow, due to farrow. One 0.111e dog, .one year old; a quan- tity of hens and cblrkell.. Iapleaeste.-One Massey -Harris hinder. alai steel trucks, In SV' 41,01 condition; avtra tongue for Ramsey Barrie binder: 1 new 6 -ft. cut Memory -Harris glower. 1 Mr - Cormick mower, good as new, 1 Massey - Harris rultovator, 1 home rake, 1 new 14 4144 Massey -Hares drill. t No. 21 Verity wanting plea, 1 No. 10 Verity walking plow, I No. 4 Verity plow, 1 No. 3 fleury twin:plow, I set Diamond harrows (slield- ly a.edi, 1 moaner, 1 l4 dlse harrow, 1 steel roller, both Massey•flarrls make; I .pedal bulli wagon, bunt by Brunson k Kon. t Kam wagon MN, 1 .et wagon springs 14,000 Ibs.r, 1 pig rack, t wagon box, t gravel bra, 1 ctoueb.at. 1 fanning mill, 1 bat truck, 1 set Sttlyard stales, 1 set special built bobsleighs butt by H. Phillips, 1 new sleigh tongue. t .et timber bunk.. 1 grindstone, t emery grinder. 1 cutter on good condition), 1 new MC- Lanyhlin buggy, 1 pole (complete with neckyoke;, 1 low wagon, 1 Wa mn rack with wile., 1 wheelbarrow, I corn marker. 3 corn planters, 1 new scythe, 1 wagon Jack, a number of gram bars, 1 saddle, 1 dnmpcart and saddle, I air pressure potato sprayer. 3 robe., I complete set heavy- harness. With breeching, 1 551 Anu- 5)5 harues• complete, 1 •et new slid. harness, 1 -et .mile harness In good ron- dltlon.. 1 cream separator, 1 tossing Min, 1 binding chain. fork.. whlmetrees, neck - yokes. sM�velo. spade., hoes. etc. A140 a quantity or split wood, both son and ha'w.wod, .the wood to rash . Fnralture.-One washing 'niarhrne and wringer, 1 serving rack. 1 wood heater, 1 ettemsl"n 145.1,..3 kitrhr,i tables, 3 rock- ing o k_Ing chair., 1 ealehnard. d Amin/room chairs, r, kitchen chairs. I lounges, 3 bed- room sets, 3 5.d.Vad. w Its mattress and springs. 1 Perfection coal tin heater, tan bedroom snits. d1.Ms, rooster and ta- ble dishes, rte., one glass cupboard, one kitchen cabinet, a quantity of rag carpet aid linoleum, 11,rfur 42 in frame, 1 Domin- ion nrran, one Ual.t' churn. TERMS. --.Ail snni4 of 910 and under. rash; over that amount 14 mosdhs' credit will be riven nn furnishing approved Joint note•. A discount or 5 per rent. stowed for rain on credit amounts. Everything must be .old, 04 proprietor M. •MA M. farm. todinEV1' KIRK, .. THOS. OrNMIY. Proprietor. Anetbneer. By public auction, oa the premises. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1)11, at : p m the Executors of the Estate of Samuel Lauten,layer. deceased. soli otter war sale lit 4. concesson ., E. D., Township of Colborne, IW aures. 1lams Or SOLI. -Twenty per cent down on Ow day sit sale. and tbs balance ,n ninety days. For lurtber ppaarticulars sec Austen Of apply to the Vendor' Sol,cikww Dred .epteatber 151h. 1.19. PHOUDFOOT, KItyORAN L COOKE. Gudericb, Oust-. Vendors' Solicitors. KI4t WANTED. WANTED AT ON E.-A/GENERAL v cook and kitchen .fad. cur the Alexandra Hospital. Good wanes offered Apply to MISS Sups Incas/eta . 75-11 WANTED WOMEN ANI) GIRLS TO WORK AT (la .i 1919 THE `IG'*A1 PHIN1IM. co -1 MUTED. Pi nisei, PUBLIC NOTICE. I NO TIME FOR REl'KINI\.4TIONlI. ( t OI)EK1('H'1 NEW BANK. independent Convention. A convention of the Independents, Un- ionists and Liberal conscriptionists will be held in Clinton on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7th. at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of selecting officers and if thought adv.sable to nom- inate a candidate for Centre Huron. BtLLKTIN.-.OULRIraI BOARD OF HEALTH. In slew of the fart that health authori- ties a ticilat•• a return lu some degree or last year outbreak of influenza, and a.4 the qtly reruputlun of the 0lseasr 1s es- sential for its successful treatment and control. Ilse lora' Bua'd of Health asks that any nue n41.111g 4ytilpk.1114 ago‘ row d- ing the disease of last soave. will al once run -nit thnr mefual aft•0da,1, and so assist u, ...tarot et any p'-- 5*. 011t - M mak. Mel ESN, A. C. HINTER. .7hatrmaf. 11. 0. N. WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Farm and town property insured. Fixed roe n1 314 Cents per 1100. As shown by Government bulletin. this Company is one or the strongest on the Province. maintaining an adequate surplus nver.ed on Victory Bonds and Hank securities. Adjustment, promptly arid satslactonly at• tended to. Premiums can be paid to agents or to local Hanks. ALEX. NICHOLSON, T. G. ALLEN. President. Sec , Dungannon. , Agents for Colborne and Goderich Townships CAPT. I. HETHERINGTON. R R. No. 1. Shop• pardton, and H. L. SALKELD. R. R. No 2. Godench. ANTED TO RENT. -BY FAMILY of two, Isom about (k tuber 1'sh. or one mo th, a small. well lurmshed housewnh modern conveniences. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. BOY WANTED THE HURON D -- (' ANNING `' To learn the printing trade. One whb has passed the entrance examination, EVAPORrATING CO. V-THESIGNAL. "Advice is cheap," glibly quoted the youth. "Huh"' growled his elder. "it's apparent 'you have never had anything to do with lawyers or doctors." OPEN LETTER TO MAYOR WIGLE. ,;..,bels-lt, lhltario, 1 k't.dw•r 1-1. 11119. I It is exceedingly, unfortunate that they negotiations Ito tween the town council and the Steel Corpoi atsm as represented i by Mr. McCreath have reached a condi- tion of deadlock. \Ir. tIcCreatti appears to lay _The responsibility upon Mayor Wigle, but it The Signal Is any judge of ' public opinion from st venty-five to' ninety per cent. of the people of the town share the Mayor's views, or at am• rate are In serious doubt as to the safety of the course upon which the municipality 1F invited to enter. 1t would he better. we I believe, to delay the submitting of the bylaw to the people than to risk its de- feat, and in the meanttme the proper steps might be taken to remove the un- favorable impression that has gained such headway among the citizens. Frankly., the trouble is that the land -holding com- pany comes in between the council and the steel concern and prevents -the -get together'' that is desirable. If this diffi- culty could be removed there )-hound be no further troi ble, as the town wants the steel plant and is willing to make any reas nable concession to secure It. Surely there is some way of arriving at a fair agreement. if ail parties show a candid and reasonable spirit. -EDITOR SIGNAL. Dear Mr. Mayor :- 'there has mane to my myth" through the press and olherwi..• the remarks whk*b were mode by yourself and ,rrtain other members of the council in ,rouneetkin with the propose) annexation of the lurid to for omit sit the town. Let m• say frankly. sunt pessimistic pill' i, what has tarn the trouble with this community for wally your,. The bylaw which you wrr, asked to torr Minn n:,. merely to sync, your good faith. Oa condition that the ('ompsOly "mild pwnultee--tu,1 that gun runte*. had to be aereptablr •to the town --that they would spend here ",(1(i0.'01l dining the next elghte•u mouth., the town would agree to annex the land to the s.Htb of the town and gip.• freedom from taxation tau the industrial arra. titre!' no fairer offer w•a, eter made to any commnuity. The. rem �f co -re stood ••1‘ rev reamer is not clear, for *I Oft, the very In.epttoo of the prwpnatti„n you hale nom et' given 11 the lapfn.rt n stlonhd have received and in tact your at Wilde has tarn worse than if Smit had been qn out and out opls,feaft of An *chime. Whim ono iv in the vi, laity of a mule it is not nete•s.ury to wait until he kkks;.his e;ir- Err sutticirut warning for most p.,ph•. , • Let me make a resume of the course that you have taken ,luring th,• past few months You o'er,. one of those "ho st,NHl VFM,11",1' for the delegation *111,'11 welt to firearm. yet you very carefully adestepps•.l the trip yours'If and later acknowledged to ms' that you had no desire to go. Not ono, hut many times durfug the summer when w.' were -4411- d,•uTouring h1 dos,' Up the options os. the property. different owners questioned me an to why you tack the ■ttitudr of knot-khag the whole proposition. No doubt you will now say that this did nut 1111pls•n, lint A, shtr.•.) above yunr every action has been one of opposition. Two days before t•.•rtain dire•tors of the Company arrived here, 1 asked you to meet them and discuss eertaiu phases of the situation. What was your answer? "I have many' things to do this week aur, do not think 1 can find time to ser them.'' And these men ser.• herr r,•prs•sent iug a Corn - patty that if located here would make Uol,rirh a city in two years. 1 might have overlooked your attitude in the first few weeks when these negotiations were in progress, if ynll had taken any %repoo at later date h. prier the citizens of the town ally leadership in tinning 1mt the .hu111111g Of the men behind the Company. Mr. N'arr.•,i and myself went to your oltlee and Rave you u Hat of the directors and the names Of two 111111I1 1011111 men not made public, and laked you to Inver- ist• their financial and misiur.., standing. Three week4 went by and you cult imagine my umazethent as. hen. two days before your council was to consider the bylaw. you told me hi your office that you had not a single Zine with refrr•n,r to any man in the ( 'nn'pany. You were really a manager of a huge st.4•k- eompauy of some :1,0114) shareholders. When a proposition sn.•t1 as t111s stn, placed before sun, It was your duty to immediately make every effort to ascertain the standing of the men behind the Company so that yon would be able to give some leadership to the community. Rather than thmt you took the opposite emirs• anal took no personal action in investigating any member of the Company and at the end of three weeks hail absolutely no information as to any one of theta. Had you iH'en 11144e to your duties you 'would have ;terminally vlsitisi Detroit, Cleveland and Newark to have it personal conference with the melt mint ionell and to set a line on their financial stability. You chose the oth.vr ,.arse and from reports in the prem you a pan'ntl7 adopted your *141111 method of sneering criticism and a dr-h•c 1r • to meet facto but to throw In our path every pl4sihle nhshacle. This e'ommnllty has Men off,'r'4, .without OhlWithin. the biggest Industry nay Ontario town has titer hod the privilege of maculating with. When the formal meeting Is held next week and the names of the officers are made public, you will perhaps be the first to realize the position h1 %V 014.5 you have been plaevd. Your proper conr•e then will he to tender your r.-ilgnation for the mbserahle failure you IIa1t'e made of a big opportunity. The very night that Sort were asking. "What Is the financial .tending of the Company?" representatives of one of the largest comedian Benito were In Detroit negotiating for the tinders riting of 94,000,000 of the preferred stock of the company. That Hank had no more Information so to our plans than had yon ; the very difference in the action of yourself and the manager., of that Bank 1. indicative of the size and mental calibre of those con.ernel. 1f for ■fly rea4on this Company *anus In this disirlrt hit not at Odtlerich, the cause can he fail to the door of u p'.reimistie community, lacking leadership at the most critical time In its municipal career. Your; for a °rester 1:nderich, B. 11. M(•CItEATIL POLITICAL NOTES. Thestreet- Liberal conven ion for Cent e Huron takes place at Seaforth on Monda5 after noon next. The meeting in Goderich to appoint delegates Is called r for Fnday evening, in the G. W. V. A. roams, North A meeting of the "Independents. 1'n 1 ionists and Liberal conscriptionists" is called to meet at Clinton on Tuesday 1 afternoon of nex week. The Signal i- informed that Reeve Livingston of Gre . the U. F. O. nominee for Centre Huron. s In the field and in- tends to stay. The Hank of Halnilton Is One of ('are adli . Leading Financial Inntilutionw. t An important addition to the c„mmrr- cial and financial interests 01 G,xiench has been made by the opening siI a branch of the Bank of Hamilton, which commences business this week Ir. the former Sovereign Bank quartets. corner of Colborne street and the Squat e. The local mann ger is Ali. W. N. McKay. and the accountant is Mr. Carl Campio'l. 40n of the late E. Campion. K. C., who is well known to the people of his naive town. The policy of the Bank of Hamilton has been to develop agricultural business arid business with the customer of moder- ate means. The Bank of Hamilton has seen clearly the desirability sit a-sisung the (arming community and the smaller manuta.turers by means cf the funds produced througgh business with these communities.- The aggregate of business he:ng done by the Bank with individuals having comparatively- small business with the Bank is far in excel- of the business dune with wealthy men orcorp,ra:inns of large interests. last year the Bank of I Hamilton made 53.153 loans in suns less than 1500. The policy which has guided the Bank of Hamilton through y are of varying co0diu ns of this peak of prosper ty and solid achievement will guide itsattain m • the future. Today the Bank of Hamil. . ton has nearly thirty -sax mrfl,one of immediately available assets, and with total assets of $77.uuoW ,0 1s in a posj- tion to assist in the lutute development of our country I With the knowledge that the Bank of liamIlton has never been before in such a strong potation to it is today, It may be confidently expected thet,'under the able management of Mr. J. P. Bell and its present bnajd of directors, the game per' nes which have contributed w largely to the B's success int the past w1U fgiunue anthis progenia in the future. Our ice cream is ,ustothers sly. Try yourself. H. T. Edwa .,t right-ao our t awl Nee for a. • young lady who Iry 11.it.r1 nom4' urticbs at the l:.slerloh In r is mount .. • .,r crochet the Ins' Of II i s 1 '.h Ing t V work and solid be tory go efil If it Were returned 10 Iu•r. 31,.• 11 other on the entry '•a rd is 52. If the 11.1r Is •i left sit Ibr Signal ( itfi.'i• if in 1w• handed td for owner Kiel there 111 be it notes pion -cd yonuh lady. .1,31/11s.,, -..'• PUBLIC NOTICE• TOWN OF GODERICH. _- TOM NOTu-.i ?Mat 1. T'feCoun,'1 of the Corporation nJ the Town of Godench intend, 10 construct as a local rm- ppr....sent a sewer os. Thomas street hetween Wilson sine, aad waren sheet and mends to specially asss a part of the cost upooJAe land abutters drnctly on the sok. The estimated cosi ea Inc wnA or 93at7110, Of winds Slat b is to be paid by the Corpoeauon The estimated ftpectal rate per hoot Irontsgr ,s 33.45 mdl.. The ,penial asaMemenl ,s to be paid m twenty annual instalment.. A petition against the work will not dyad to prevent 11ft cotn+tructeon. Dated at t ;odersh this 22nd day of September. Irly. L L KN&N. Town Clerk DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hol.prtal, aerntant at Monrrbrld. rye Hosottal anti Gdwen Square Thn'st Hua• pita` London, En` 53 Waterkso St S., Stratford. Telephone At Bedford Hotel. Godench, ,rum Wednes- day. Noventse! 19, 7 p. m.. to Thursday, /00t, at 1 p. m. CENTRE HURON. The Centre Huron Liberal Assoc at n will hold a convention at Cardno's Hail, Seaforth, on MONDAY. OCTOBER i,th. 1919. at 1 o'clock p. m.. to select a candidate o contest, the Riding in the approaching Provincial election. Women are equally as eligible as men for delegates and are Cordia ly invited to attend. M. MURDiE, President. JAMES L. KILLORAN, Secy. Let the liver perform Ica futa•ticaa freely. The livid• is the priw•lpal .10011siog agepl of the blood. 11 ac- ,rompllsh.•o its work by ••Ilmitatitls al/ effete twitter frons the syatemr .At the • low• of 111' harm seated* you toe apg. to be troubled a its sallow roinipleN1014 liea.bches..ealn•11 lu11guc. deprommon of spirits. d(xxhHss, .oi*stiputiten: eter. W'igh't. little !.(ver Nilo will says stimulate the liver to heulthy stet WO tool bring view vigor to all of 11s• bodily ' vents organs. Twenty -tile a bottle. Sold by E. R Wlgk, druggist, Goolerich. Miss Glenn, of lil:•um-1'huriesi, To- mtito, .'.midi'''. hair fashion story, will be in *;.sterid, Tuesday, 4k•tola•r 7the itt Belford hotel. with $ full lits' of ladies' 31111 gentlemen's hair goods. it con 114•.• net srtl+tial with the flower - arms of your lui;r consult Mls.n• who is 110 authority cm hair g,welw and individual hair atylel. Frier demon - ration. all lee Meet me at Mack -Nos.'s," they are ytng, "where they have the our0 m," GU DRY'S SALE REGISTER. MoNbay, , t d. -';ale of ,arm clock and us.•• ptew its, by r. Thoma• MrCa b, at Ian part ?t and A c' . musts U. West Wawano,h. at I o'clock sharp. F•ipse. (tel. 10 - Farm stork and implements of Andrew Kirk. lit hi concerto, .1. West Wa- g anosh0south of neannonn. at 1 o'clock SATVRnA►, On. 11-Ezerutora soleal fhe farm M the estate , ( the I e Samuel Lautenslaler, at lit 4. concession S. E. U , township cd Colborne. al 2 p. m. I Tua.oAY, Oct 14. - Se of household furniture. I by Mrs Elder, at her e.,dence, 5t. Uavd', street. at 1.3.•ei clock. Tossosy. Oct. 21 --Sale f farm stock, imple- ments, etc :of C. It. Polon •mhe, lot 4, comers soot 1. Godench township. at o'clock. - FRm.y, /let. 17. -Clearing a tion male of farm sock. implements and house • furniture, etc. property M Theo N. Willson, at • 2 , Maitland cancew,on, Huron road, Godene township, at 1 o'clock sharp TwoRsoi r. (,rt. n. - Sale of house • lei furniture. I the contents . 1 Mr.. Ales Robin' s boarding I house. East street. at 1 o'clock 9. m I..... , BORN. GREEN. -At Port Albert, on Septembe 24, 10 M1 and Mrs. John /;tern, a son 1 rnuld Lawson i, W IGGINS _In Gnderich, cm Tuesday, Sept Inv ter 3n, In Mr andrtIrs J"hn Worsens. a NEW ADVERTI7,EMENTS -Oct. Pap Reader -Glenn-Charles. Toronto ... t Convention -Centre Huron 1.IDeral Associationillik A Treat in -store -G. W. V A Sale of Lands tow Taxes - W. Lane .. .. . 1 Open Letter to Mayor W,a1e -B. H. McCreath 1 Ind -pendent Convention .... ... 1 Au, non ',air Mn Elder .. BANK OFMONTREAL GgTAa1J1n1Js OYER 155 YEARS The Fanner and His Bank should be on intimate and friendly terms. They can be mutually helpful. The Bank of Montreal is always glad to give to its customers, the benefit of its financial experience and knowledge. toss comet. .sn•.rwr*l A.W. Strickland,'Nanager, Goderich Branch. f1 r