HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-25, Page 8K T1nlr.dnv RrtltrnR.er 1919
-;et your copy of the
•ew Presbyterian Hymn
ook and the New Meth-
odist Hymn Book, while
our stock is complete.
Where quality counts
1'tstroys more property than
all the wars and means Ions front
every point of view.
Insurance alone call redtict ) our
lo.., and not he regarded as an
unavoidable item of a xpewse, but
rather a.. your test ally in pre-
venting loss. Before )'our place
"goe: up in smoke" and becomes
a lnttoldering heap of ruins, in-
sure with
T. R. Harrison
(' �4. N'. 41 hl1I4•1 and 1:11nsre
.} :-:-•:•-i•-W.'•F•:-•F-Nei••: ;•!»�.�r°rrti• :••F
VERWARE, Etc., Etc.
Repairing done to
your satisfaction
E. C. Pobertson
HERS OHJI:I'T TO 111`11111
QUESTION OF SIS\0.11 1101'
Mali. 1 Yllitinti.i Lt do alt of the
IAyri.1a IIIr,•.
\\'e ore noniron).aitiou,. to know at
the earths? pr..ible moment Ma to
w1a'I11,•1' the rapgwV.r. Mrr in favor
of the bylaw. and w41 arc, [het•efore.
I.S an\bet. that the lir.' publieutlon 1.t
\I- 11111111' `1011111 1t.• is 1114 I.1 4) plfa•1'M Iwxt
v. is 1.
Will this in 111X- might we ask that
RS a aped. 1 meeting of the cuulw•11 hr
r 1111141 11.1 latter !halt 11'lrluesday text
to give the bylaw t)u uorr•.sd l'y read-
ings b•fon• imbueatiuu.
Ally lufortuatlou which you limy de-
ttu sire with regard to the wholematter
111 will la• cheerfully glen.
MI lours very Indy.in 1'H) L.\KF: 111 IIIIX MTF:F:I: full•
u- 1'1117 1.1'11IX, :.lutit.:1.
toilper It. H. M..4'11.31114Vit.-President.
The regular 111e•lllag of law 11/
1.01111111 011 ?Homy night wits quark
by Iwo 1livlaiou. -nue 111 the quest'
of Sunday hours fur restaurants
1:1sielic11. 1111 otter 011 ,1 Motilin 11.1
fug to 7lo' proposed "amu x11111/0 of In
fu 1rin1Mr 111/0 wit11 the steel pan
All the tuwulwrs were present, w i
alayur WIglr in the chair.
1'ta• corporation auditors report
having 1'"amipeh the 111r•ounfs In 141
nir•tlun with the I'ra.w slay celehrrtil
and (wood them (idly and alrurate
kept and in excellent older. 1Yw Ia
■fur on hand watt 5_y17.57. (Tai
11m.1111i hoes 1101 111elltlie• a 110141I101l
$102 from the council. equalling 1
lit Taw Second I.etter.
Urntlemen. In Connection with fl.
matter w hitch i. now befotw your 1r111.1
Ila I oil. here urn it wuMb•r of things which
/11 w1' desire to p111 1. n
.• oatal with rr-
n. gIrd to the whole note..
11 -
aua.11117 of pri4$7•• ttubucriptluu.. to 11
fuiw1.7 '1'11,' ants dors' report %vas t
f,•reisl to flat. tlu:Ifn•' 4'011111111w.
I'e'rmli..iuu was guru to the Ice
Tllephnlw 1'11., wader flit. 0.1011 laud
tions. tat place p1.lea MLW a'la's 1
1 /111'/ 111i* Terrace a11/l Brute start.
Yr. A. W. InuIk•r applied for ape
alit for flee 1•re•tlou of a garage at h
I1•.Id1nc1• wn Contorts- street, and 3,1
\%i'4, -y Walker asked permission t
1111.1 au a(11dition, 111 by 40 flet, wit
emicretl• alas and w:dla, at the neat
.( his slot.. These were referred 7
1111 tiro 1.nnMilhr• with. [sower ho 111
1'111. l001 Hou.ing 4 . winisafun 111,1:1
•4 ilia- council apply to the Ontari
tousiitg e'ommis.lun for a 'Tell, ,
I �.1Mg/ anal rut,mitt.') a draft bylaw
fu this purp'.1 Itefett,rl to •peal
1.1111 11111•.
1' .41'retary•Ir1•asurer of the 31d
tlwim 'nt [hoodAs..a•lation subtuifi,1
as striate
There wr•Uls 111 I' a Te•ling in wane
quarters that the t,w11 is being asked
hi make lu'g,' .exp talit11res before
newel d.vl•lopuwut. warrant. 1.111 this.
is far from 111e fact..
In the question ..f housing, .11.V1/0.11.V1/0.11.V1/011.1-.I4 water, widening of .t lute.., 411'„ 1144 ex-
1a'1n11t1u•. Mill Iry li.k,rl f,.1. 111' sag•
gesllrl moil the ritual time arrives
11 when they 10,1y•
a u.ssity.
i 111 the ease of the town will
01 lw asked to meet the demand that we
feel sure will 1o1n4, Gut 11 was never
r tlw hlteutiou that any 1.nistr11/tion
ix .h"llld Is• pnsrrllel with 111171) llwt
r. deuu.l 1•xislll.
/1 I1. IIIc .111.t'
•,,sewer• and water. the'
h j tow 11 will In• under 11.. 1 711'1iw• w ha1-
I ever moil the time arrives when sewers
„I eel water are actually necessary for
t. Mattes under construction.
11' 11. ostler Words, the whole profe•t 1s
e1I011e 7110 Vi III dey1up ailoug Its maul
f Ihas,
each ...ye:W tore having pts
pruta•r relation to refloat) developmeut,
HMI there is, therefore, uothing that the
Pion can lose i1. anytluly;_. Ault may
' transpire.
I1. the rase of the annexation oleo,
eat of receipts and cx$1r11dt
hlnrl, .11 .wing a : Iwlnlee of *11..4x, 01
hand. TI Association wished f1/ pry
the meanie s fifty rents per 11111..•1'
Inn Ila.• slaw e•1• 1.11.1....7. 011 til• $gall. 1.r•
They laud I vel Iwelve, ...overt. 7
111111• x1111 w01114 endeavor to plat)' 11401'.•
w-e,llhei permit Mg. and it would t.1
quire ,a greater mutual than w1.• 01
Mitis.) 11. ply tin 1 as desired. Tlw
Association (Melee:. r asked that tlw
1.,.Ia1Me of the taw grail? Is• fail
152:7(7 alrMrdy 1101 i lt: 11.•11 tai id by Ow
ovancill. Itefen•el .7 finals.- 111m-
N11af,Steel ('or'porallie 'ant..
Two letter,. Jalrh d:1 a stpieurb•r
lith, from \Ir. li. I1. Y.I. n tilt of the
.oke Iluroo Steel Torp,X,, Ir
t' '111 Ind1/r,' flay, r 11. '� •y were
1.eafh•men. - IV.' rite nowts'si-
1inu w1a•1.1' we..den o
.ire lei nil -
lion to the town for is bylaw o be
fal.wrI rorerilµt the dife•rriir i1 i1 s
that were diw•u.s.'l with the t w
emlw•il some weeks ,Igo. • \.
Them are three things that we woUI.,
law 10111111• ila•o1•pMaled in the bylaw:
Fir*. Tlw i 1.a,.' ltiou of land lying
to the ...111 11 of 1b• tow 11. a blur print
of 11 Ii*. h Is hrrewilli ea•lovrt.
Seetniii7-• F:cruiplinu !torn 111.5111.m.111.5111.m...teen' stool late•., for a term of ten
Thlr.l. he -;41r 7., tthe1'omp tiy'.
1y 1b.• ..Ala. of 11.1 property 1/u tta'
1111,,' hank, in hiding the Inrn-Ii, lying
b....4.•b....4of the ngnitner hotel. If this
prnp•rly were mitt to the Ir.nlfwuy for
n nominal s1111'. +.1y sof 5'J111,ui1, it ...mid
la' satisfactory to ns.
111 order that p1/ steps may l.• taken
before w/ kIa,W the d4 -i res of flu• rate-
payers. v.,.hate 1114'1111..1 fn ask t11r
town to srdm
.it 17 bylaw. which XIII 1e•
opt' :11. and that, 1!I reefurl•. tthenwlwxal illi will 1.07 actually take playa -
until after the hytaw/apt-TA-arm stirs wad p1.se1. • •
I1 b then our intension to ni.ak ' n
rnull application to ttheItailway
Nord fol nuc), 11 11111.1/ satptslrrlug
1114• Milli the required petition. 01111
the town stands to lose nothing. It
will have expen.kd no money in coo-
neetiou therewith, and the taxes which will Me•rue through sorb annrxallon
will more than lromfwasrte ft for singsingtrouble or exfwuse to which it may
have 110'141 put
' The only persons who stand to lose
, are the retial protwrty-holder., and
sine it is their desire [hal such annex-
at1ou should take pass the town should
11 he4II
1i1g t.. u,•.rre• to their wislrim.
'I'M- whole project is 1/111• that merit.
fbe faorahle eonsiderition of your
1ra11n'11. and ht fie taxyavrrs• alai
since you are now aware of the per -
Withal of the organization the time is
past wham any neutral position can b•
at a,1. taken by your body. we must have
either the ....-operation or the oppo4,-
tinu of each ladieitlual member. as the
project now stands in a position where
it 11111 Iw Judged timely an to 'its! merits.
Trusting that your council will give
the nuttier Lary thonnigh 1r,11aideration.
Your very truly,
'NATION. Limited.
per B. H. Me4'nr1i11,'-Vire-Preeideut.
r. Bock. engiorer for the Mese e'or-
1..11, was present Mod showed the
111 {Is for the p•op1/wrt annexation. and
after dba•uaslon l'/wndllw Hum-
ber tin *wond•vl by lleevr Itavis,
that lata 11/aus•11 'rn,•ider that whole
mattert •wtnm:lt.• of the whole. to
m,1•t 1.t tt a diw•rrtiou of the Mayor.
11. reply.t a remark by Councillor,
Parwlns. this ayor'said this we. oar
of the Bigg/ t , rops.itI.na that had
ever br•u be • the ronnril. and
7rrissi it was n• •
through without
after fhi. la/. relei1e1 Ili,' sala•liein of {
y assn.
far las 1M' was
going to be Mar
dote rnu.idr•ration.
4'onn.illor Para, tion, and [novel
se'.ol.ded by e'unita-ilh)t
__the sja-'1: 4 J_ -.Y+n 41 ..--4c
'irgel prompt
Itehell, that
' ttae-Whoa.•
1r11rir-tl meet ..n Tu. a evening.
Nrptemin•r 23rd, to discus t request
of tthe1eake Huron Sorel 'ratkon.
Jlolynr Wigle l'nlplire,l if ,t. Lake
floret' ire,•) Corporation had i ofk- '
era:: dull- a leete•d, 4f it had any . k
snbw•rib,l and paid for, or if it d
the It:111w
ny Hoard In 1,1,1,' th.• w11/.le
The Appearance of a Shoe
C 4
will often lure you to buy it, irrespective of its
▪ interior qualities. Be sure and get Footwear t.
with a foundation which is consistent with its .772
▪ outward'. appearance.
No reply was fortb.oming to tact
t'onln•illor Humber .d'Je.'t1d to any
harry in the matter, The majority of
nemaher• of the ronnril had no infor-
,uuti•.14 whatever about the proposition.
= • It lad hltlag tiro all summer -why the
Our stock of new lines is
here, ready for your in- II
apection and approval, I
and embraces a complete =
cwyel��,r<� range of Ladies' and
Gents' Fine Shoes, in
charming and most artis-
tic styles, by the leading E
manufacturers, Shoes
which are an embodiment
of appearance and sound
value, in Kid, Velours, E
Gunmetal and Boxed Calf,
in blacks and browns, pc
made on a varying range El
of lasts, ensuring a dis-
tinctive expression of =
fashion, comfortable fit,
qnd, above all, long life.
/e have not forgotten the
.)ildren, and have a full
tock of strong, service-
_ .ble School Shoes, at
prices which will appc to you.
The Rubber Season IL .sere, and we are prepared
to fit you all, from th- tiniest Child's Rubber to
the heavy Gum Rubbei 'or the outdoor worker.
Repan as usual
t. t1.
rush all a? "Iwo
Reid . state to sell," said the Mayor
The amendment was carried on tae
following vote:
74.-w'allls. Mitchell, Walker, Story,
I'arw111114, 1'lark.
"o-IMacis, Humber.
\ letter from the town .nlleitor en-
closed a none*. regarding the widening
. same protertlon. He suggested that, Into a question from Coon -
of Smith street, which should be pub
lishl.l mos- a work for (.,i 1a11s,•sstye
ue•k. s
before the bylaw is paw'd.
Councillor Parsons moved that the
notice be published 1s required for the
widening of South street, from
Britannia road to Ranke street, to the
width of ninety-nine feat. Carried.
A re'ommendatton was received
hoardfrom the hoard of health for the con-
struction of a sewer on Thomas etreet,.r
hwfw•n Wilson street and WatTen .o
"the +e•vver !wing necessary
on sanitary grounds and desirable In
the toddle interest."
There was a n•pnrt from the town
englrl,r•r nn lir !a111e• [Dotter. anda
resolution was pass,'.) dlnr•ting that
the tievessary steps b' taken to comply
with the request of the board of health.
The tire committee n'eomme•nd.d the
porches', of motor [robber clothing for
the fire department and the granting
of {termination to Mr. A. M. l;lov.r for
the ,'onaructln, of an addition to has
garage' 011 Hoot .trot. provided the
town bylaws ore complied with.
In accordant-iswithhis previous
nock e, ,'uutaeillor Minitel! moved that I
bylaw No. 21 of 17510 be amended by
ltrlkingout the third paragraph, which
provide. that nu 'Monthly-, restaurants ,
shall be clotted between 2 and 5 o'clock
p.m.and after 7p.m.
Several eltlaeaa who were prevent
were given a■ opportunity to speak on
this question. Mr. G. M. Flllott Raid
a wide-o1en Numbly was pr
not la e
nttr. st, K cant citizenship. It was
mud that it wns desirable that the
remtaurint should be open In order to
serve metals to rootlets. but this was
not th,' sole portarwe for which It was
open. In the past ice cream and other
thlnat- had been sold on Sunday. Other
foul's had asked for a ropy of the
IHsIer1.-h hyJaw, as they desired the
Store 'Phone
House 'Phone
NOW that we are into real fail clays it is necessary to think of warmer
clothes. Fall Suits and Coats and heavy Dresses are now in de-
mand. The large range of these cloths which we are carrying this season
is right up to the minute in style and quality.
in the new shades. A large assort-
ment of colors in 54 -in. cloth in Grey,
Henna, Taupe, Navy, Burgundy)
BrotlGii, Black, etc. These cloths are
wonder fully adapted for winter coats
and come only in lengths suitable for
making coats.
Without a doubt Broadcloths for
fall wear are the prettiest cloths.
Nothing can give the finish that a
broadcloth shows. We are showing
this cloth in a range of colors at a
moderate price.
Heavy Worsted Coatings come
lower in price than the finer cloths
and make good warm coats. Won-
derfully adapted for children's wear.
Weare sh'iwing a number of Voile
Blouses at greatly reduced prices.
They come at $2.60, $2.98, $3.25 and
$:;.85 each. They are all much below
wholesale price.
A few Voile Dresses in white and
colors at .$5.50 each. They were
originally as high as $17.50 each.
A few Middy Blouses, regular up
to $3.00, for $1.75 each.
We have always carried a large
range of Serges in all qualities and
this season we are here again with a
wonderful stock for suits, dresses
and skirts. These cloths range in
price from $1.50 to $5.00 a yard in all
colors and shades. Be sure to see
these values.
These garments are for cool
weather and every day we are selling
great numbers of them. In Green,
Old Rose, Purple, Copenhagen, Sea
Green, etc. The coats that we are
kandling this season are all -wool gar-
ments. We are not handling cotton
mixtures. They range in price from
Nothing in the knitted line has
been so popular for a long time as
the Pullover. Th are wonderfully
serviceable and shionable. We
have a good stock of ese garments
in all colors, moderitely priced.
They range from $2.40 to *8.00 each.
cloth comes in many of the best color
ings and each piece has only a coat
length in it, so that there will be no
two alike.
J. H. Colborne Company Whose Password is "'Service"
The House of Reliability
imatead of taking out the clause en- cillor Filliott maid
tirely, the hours might be extended
Mr. .t. M. Robertnon said that Mr.
!Elliott bad presented the views of
lattoy residents! of the town. AA one
Interented in the welfare of the young
' people, be thought there should be a
, restriction of Huntley trade. While
provinion might be made for the HerV-
ing of meads to legitimate totirlstst, the
to have protection agaiont other things
of which they might not now know.
Rev. J. iteyeraft Amid the couii-cir
shoula think seriously before allowing
any plare to remain open •Il night.
'There was not so much obiection to
Ithe afternoon bourn, but it WAX hard
to innutine that tourists would want
I*ineafro after 10 or 11 o'clock at night.
1 They would not be tourinto. Ninety-
: Me par cent. of the tnisinesm after 8.30
o'clock would
for on sit rale. There wam
Pa non's. that
Hthe restaurant Int(' been selling cigar -
ideo. gout, and other thrum!. Thin
referml to the man who formerly eon-
; ducted tlw restaurant, not to the pren-
1 The vote was then taken, and the
!motion to Hotrod the bylaw was ear-
, ried on the following vote:
I Yes -Davis, Mitchell. Walker, Story,
, No-Wallls. Humber, Clark.
! Councillor Parsons gave notice of
motion that the hours for keeping eat-
' ing house. or reataitrants open for sell-
, log meal. tin Sunday lie from 9 a. m.
to 11 p. ni l'otll the nevi niveting at
Ileast the old hour. will remain 111 foree.
no anwialing bylaw being possisi
iMention was made of the proposed
widening of the Milford hill, and
I Chairman WHIM of the public workm
l' committee !dated that the work would
boys and eirlm were of more volue to
thim trewn than any foreigners or I
1 ouricillor if umber Tema rise.? that 1
there would tie no tourist trade now I
-until next may. Why not •Ilow next
yrar'm council to deal with this matter?
Reeve !basin mid the restaurant was
neceswiry for motorist!! who. by reason
of a breakdown or front some other
ean.e, couid not get to town in time
to he Xerred It the hotels. Ile under-
stood the chief of pollee had apt a trap
to get the restaurant -keeper to Reit ice
cream, but be would not sell.
Councillor Mitchell naid It N 11P
Intention. after eliminating the Online
in quention. to amend the bylaw an
might he found advisable to meet con-
ditions that might then be found to t
be proceeded with tith! fall.
A resolution won permed calling upon
the Ontsrio Rally* and Al
Board to issue instructions that this
ventment In Canada bondm of funds
now in the hands! of the Toronto
General Truntn Corporation be paid
directly to the municipality.
Bylaw No. 29, appointing ReT J 11*
Ford a member of the public library
hoard for the remainder of the term
of the late Dr. Ittrang, wrin panned, and
the council adjoorned until Friday
night of this week.
N. Prerfe00 Tneaday Evening.
The meeting of the council in eom-
tnittee of the whole on Tuesday evening
bad tm, definite result. an adjournment
being merle when it wam realized that
no pregre.s could hc made owing to
he Absence of Mr. II if. Mcerpoth,
Witt) won out of town. Mr. Hoek waa
men in
The !mentions under consideration
were the annexation to the tow• of
sonle 109S acres now in the township
of Goderich; the exemption from muni-
cipal taxation of the intin.triai area
of 250 acren; and the sale to the steel
company of a port of the town's !witch
property for the extennion of the C.P.H.
. tracks.
I With regard to the [ant -mentioned
I question it wan suggested by the Mayor
, that it might be sufficient to give run-
ning rights! Over thin property, which
nhould be retained In the ownernhip of
the town.
Mr. (Jarrow stated that the Muni-
tion! AM sett! a limit to the area which
, may he Relieved by a municipolity.
I A town with fl population of 4.100 and
/III area of 1200 acres (which is staid
to be the prement acreage of Goderich ,
Mild 11 1111P2 only sorb an area AN would
equal the present acreage of the town
which Li oecopled by roadm, parks and
land rovered by water. Thin might be
300 or 400 acres, and may further ex-
ten.lon of territory would have to be
by special act of the Legislature.
Morn*. menitvers of the eramell stated
obbs•tiou to going ahead with the
annexation until the Pffeel plant nhoulkl
he a reality. On the other hand the
steel company wants, (1) hare /I/1 111.111i11,
ntive from the town on the point. Men-
tioned before it proceeds with its pion..
A. there was no prospect of brenking
the deoilhwk In the absents. of saltueone
to speak definitely for the steel vont-
pany, the committis• /111.11111111,41.
The eirmucil chamber w•ii. 1/11,1(10
u-Itp tdtirens es, ger to 1/111141/ WI)111 wax
going on
Mr. Heck Ili the emirse of lib, re-
mati•ks stated that the site here woo.
the heid he hall *evil ;7 117wher0 l'or
ateel plant. said he had tow,. to
present, and Mr. tlarrovv, -the thnierich r,.. !err tiw plant. and did
solicitor, was ill attendanee. mit intend to 14,1%1. lint il 11.1.1 don.- .0
Hard Wood
Light Wood
per cord
Delivered to any part of the
Also a quantity of
Robert Wilson
Hamilton St. Goderich