The Signal, 1919-9-25, Page 7.I•Rv arr•.wrn♦,
Its ASSAM quality gives it
that rich flavor
TENTS good tea:
Sold only in sealed packages
The Colon Is the Home of
Health -keep It Clean!
11 -NALL HOUSE CLl?ANING is at hand. It's a hard
job, at best. But consider what an impossible task it
would be if the house hadn't been getting its regular
daily cleaning all these months!
Long before this noon; could have lived in it. `l-heaccumulated
dust and din, which is fairly easy to down day by day, would
have so clogged the quarters that they would be uninhabitable.
Your Colon is the house where your health lives. It has
different ''rooms" in which ). cur :ally physical welfare 'lives".
These-ferowmi are Tung and narrow. So they ate easily
clogged. And when constipation clogs them, your health has
to get along the best it can in a home ti•:.t isn't fit to live in, any
more than a house clogged up with dust and•dirt is fit for you
and your (amity to live in.
NejoI is the bro.nn that will keep t' :s "hon. of health" in perfect
order all the time.
Nspl is the only helper that will do thi. without cursing things tupsy-
atuvy and upsetting all tier "room." -just a. h,1u.e•:leaning does -
By daily u,e of Nsiol you. can free yourself from all the diseme-risk,
discomfort and inetf.:ieni y fiat,: from a clogged colon.
Nupl is not a medieise. Not the kat- particle .1 it is absorbed into the
system. It is4clear, tasteless, odorlr.s, ab,olutrl' HARSIL1!:�tiselttrner
and lubricant. A baby ran take it with penis -% e&Jett. It doesn't upset
the stomach or anything rise. It simply keey. tile lune ut your health
Get a bottle of Nujol fr:.m yq•er druggist •o -day, and send for free
h.ioklet-"Thirty Feet of tester.'
NU1ol Laboratories, sra%o.asn eta. co. chew 4sasn,. to II. 00,0" s.. T. .
Who Have Found Relief in Dodd's ISldner
You can dispose of your plums and Larch wood, Algoma, Ont , Sept. lir
oearsalso poultry, at W. T. Riddell's (Special.)-"Dodd'a Kidney Pills did me
.tore, Auhµrn. 4 good a' d I want everybody to know it.'
MISS I.AI'IRA JA('KtO4 . pupil of , So says Mrs Cyrus Correll. a .ell -known
Mir. F. T. Earner. Mos. Bite.. is pre- ;a'mer living near here.
pared to receive * pupils un the pili.. started from a combined months.
cold and suable
. ri:,s prepared for Toronto /•un
- serratory examinations up to and it,- 1 suffered from neuralgia and had pains in
.•lu.ltn. iniermeiltate, Fur terms apply , my back. 1 was often dizzy. .Mc s.rep
to MISS I.AI'ItA JAI'KSI)N, Auburn. ' was broken and unrefreshing. 1 was ,
J. Mh 1 s'., n 1c,s s.,Id hi+ 11M1 -sere tired and nervous. and I had a nasty taste
faIan on the 1i1h e,nleesstull of I:rey ip my mouth in the morning. I was de-
l.. $.•Iwy ii (taker. of tl.e t11h 44ota'essl.,lI• pressed and low spirited. I felt heavy and
for $71mea sleepy after meals. and these was a heavy
.1:1ues Arinstr.iut lin, soh! his farm didn't bother with the doctor. 1 had
one htuwIrt•tl acres 141 the• nth 4111- Dlxdd's Almanac by me. and 1 sent right
1`3111.1 The. prier is sail t.. IN! $•S.1MM1. More I had taken half a box I began to 1
dragging sensation across the loins. I
•Sinn of lire • in 11 m. Marco. of off for two boxes tat Dodd's Kidney Pills
3:,1;x1, N. 'I'homp,:m, gravel, i I.3r). ' ■ o ■
of the
Unt it a 11. be
- turday, October �ll h A Boma- X
HILu. Clerk.
�'= lige Adel/bas. ■
••1111. A414,l{.uas. )out 111r11a111y Inv' $
.1•Ilt Nn• ..,, luu•lc'" . i -furl I11• )- g
hill ll's thiti ee. a• Ihet •11igghd Oil Hie
,ufa. ".1t1�1 }un 1.•f1 Il,r {whs.-ticket $
Von shouldn't have spent s41 tuurh .
as $36, you extravagant I4,i ,.. .
."lLOW eare•less of lire:" 1•%1•13111114 -41
�inlphu:, tbul that 1111' faint light hid ■
!,i. 1.•.uah,It
.end I see you le.uglit tl al
Swittier's." went o1 his ch, ruler. "I
I .wonder it ywu'11 wind laking it
buck, and changing It fon' .114 of tliuw•
:t•'', bramble they 11111'.• chore',"
And half x11 hour Incr. the young'
111.11 wo, still l,iehur� .himself for Ins
'n1�u•t are•'. ire Irnclns a kill br,u.* IL 414111
potting a k"", label 1111 it.
Seasonable Talk
It is not too early to talk about cold -weather
Clothing. Don't just talk about it too long,. but
call on us and let us show you our lines in
n„•ti11t•, halneme that the nn -
away at Hensail on rise 10th int . m the know how good I tee. and that Dodd's 111x11 who i• disappointed- .-I to loco isn't IN
person of Mrs. Alfred McTaggart. aged Kidney Pills did it." mli.ap4411" .•'. marriage.
e141 t -' a o sears. Besides her aged huts
band, she leaves Live sons and two dough -
An old resident of the district passed feel better. Now I want everybody ti. 11
J e• Reid.of Stanle• announces the
Me. and Mrs. James Graham. of Godench 4hus r.•Ir,1s.d utt,n-k.1 me. Mut.11s k 1
tow ship. The marriage is to raze place and his horse and ha a few sr.., . To Learn
etly the early part of October. they were Irdh e"yered with the angry .
A quiet wedding took plata on Septem• ,warm. . Tip. 411.11 who had Just phte,.1 I 1
ber 10th at Crediton Methodist parson- the Is•c on the dray had r.•i1s on and
age. where Rev. C. W. Balser. united they uahitehr.l the horse. which had •That In 1)r. Chase's Oinlmefafi
d M 1 ,m fnintie 114141 It m11d.• i1 Iitelc
OIk111L' a swam of (o !hi
‘4111• starh.11 for shit sit. when the Ise.
• e in tans jolted'a u• dray
brok.• open. The Isms
they were R tl I �� 1
Ru h. to Han, d Stanley Graham. son of
ook Years
engagement of his daughter.
w fa lluia, 1
11.,•k ,nt,�. ou;itive Cure for
farm�1 M 1 k la made quick tint to
1, ,rdon uteri.. of Greenway. dr Miss w..1
k• . vi_a Hill. of lentralia. The y .ung l run for its .tubi.• a few There is P
couple will reside on the gram . r. . nr, .0 n Piles or Hemorrhoids -
near Greenway' Ids I1mu.•. and although ba.11y ,.tuts
The death occurred at Detrnit on tie is getting along all right.
Scptrmter 15th of Miss Minnie Blanche CLINTON.
Ford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Witham At Wesley parsonage on Thursday Reports come to us almost dally
afternoon, September lith. Rev. D N. from persons who have suffered 10.
Ford art the lith concession n( Ustxxnr, in 20, 30 years or more from piles or
171r twenty-fourth year. The deceased Ak v InhI united in marriage iss Euac hemorrholda before Roams _out, that
had teen ill three weeks of ty d tevK_ f -May 'Millar. only daitghtei of Thomas
.,-,,, Th. Glasse'• Ointment aCOrds Un_
Fall and Winter
Suits and Overcoats
Latest styles in a variety of materials, giving
our customers a selection that is bound to please
Everything in Men's Wear except boots and
The remains were brou,,:ht home for
11...ondesboto', and
Fxeter cemetery. McCtsal. son of VI m. McCool, of Hullett. • this annoying and distressing 11111•
This is not • trouble &bout whIlalt
people care to speak. but if you ask.
son of Mr, ar.d M: s. W. Acheson. of the a very ftne exhibition on September 120
The Clinton Horticultural Society had
Tne Grath of 1 emoloton W. Acheson.'
Commercial hotel. tletnoll. occurred ai and 1,3th.
your friends about Dr. Chaise's Oifit- '
ron sanitatrium. I.s.r.don. on September :newt you win be surprised to hear
14th The young man was a student at Mrs. Trouse fell down the cellar staT•
at the home of her daughter, Nlry. ,(.;. how many have been cured or piles
cavalry battmion. From exposure to cold , •-•,soper. and broke her arm. by Its um It is the one treatment '
Semilleaiy Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
for piles on which you can depend
and dampness he con racted tubeecu'oets. A light engine on the G. T. R. London
absolutely for prompt relief.
' which eventually proved fatal. He was road crossing struck an automobile can- Mr. B. F. Tracy, Minesing. Out,
• tairiing Mr. and Mrs. Rte.' plumsteel and
Ntlia 01
Sickness Prevention
were brought to the parental home at ; the formers father. Henry Flumstee.. I was troubled with itching plies,
Hensall for burial. All were thrown from the Car, Mrs. Plum ' whic5 kewt me from steep until I
!steel having her collarbone broken arti was oompletely wern out. Then M
sa rah Ma aril. ifi• ..f A14.%11 tuler her husband having two ribs Tractive& length I would drop off to sleep and .
Thomson. Stanley. died :4t her Mune AL Plitmsteel. senior. escaped with Onl' rob myself r• aw. L tries every kind
Su11day, September 1{t M. The 41e- of ointment made without any per.
",• 1 a few• bruises. The car was almost con 1 de -
mimetic good. 1 also cried a hu4n4so-
,•a-,.1 mils learn In a.ptlund 1.•urly . etel wrecked. 1
pl Y patine doctor, but only had moment-
! rt 'ook, relict from his treatments. Three
I�ic-uhw .cure ngo. and 4111111. lit
t cur
oda with Ir•r pandas s in infancy. Miss Almue to (Berta, -daughtersry
, Sita.• 1x77, a lieu she was i,ie, ri"I to of Thoma` H. Cook. Clinton. was nt.lrri.i yeah ago I tiled Dr. Chris's OInY
her now bemired 1111.14,1111. 'h4. had to High Park Baptist church. T•xon. rnertt, end about half a hos rOm-
(xiTuesda)•of last week. to Ralph Row; plrtety cured mr I have never been
I ti nn fl4. Itaytteld road. Stanley. 111111 Hewson of Toronto -
with piles once, and can
w•a.' w•ML•1. k11owu :1111 Mthly 4.'444.111441. heartily rorom mend Dr. Chase's
abs Iwd liee11 in ill -health for the last EXETER. , O,ntment to ani"tie suffering from
two months. Ion the ctrl earn.. torr.• jamrr K'eeke has sold the �tnarh;.
School of Commerce
this "" 'e
suddenly th:ui was rxlrrt44l. 114.01414,. akin�diaeasea
wnrkc business. which v'itlt his, hr are:
r• -ria. �. to
her husband. she 11'11 % 1** 14,10 daughters statement al , 0,-, ect In every par0-
Ant ma- sow Three sisters and :I , many years 10 1,yies.„.
ealar "- Rev H Berry, pastor
ifotber also survive. all living
Manley. 111 Pryde of Lc;ndon. who will take poss.tssion •
Methodist Church )
Mr. Ii II MacDonald, Walkerton.
it I ng t‘. trtririeemtdr,d;rie.)11.'17i, :i.if,,,h::'r.i.°:imna(he'ilant,nit:ntinexte.nreilia. etrfw.i nth:aline:hi Td
was taken by the thieves.
The Exeter fair last Week was well Ont-• writen "Flawing coffered
111 4.11" csperiencv 4111•• 'lay rassmtly. He .
14 ire leaning over him I. light his
It la good oiling ter sone, Peci
111111 1114. 1111.1..14411.14.14 0 life do net in -
Mournful Outlook.
"1 11141 11414110. fur toy
he said, the ta...11.1dy
superb garden or :AO acres. sto hly
at 10.41:t to promenade.-
-Well'!" his friend impaired. ,
"It was eenuetery," be said, bit -
over S750. the largest tn many years.
The G. T. R -freight sheds were entered
one night recently aild a variety of goods.' so Dr ch.... contn•ent. and thlnk
Completely Discouraged',
market. 1 would advise anyone out-
the feeling tui plaint of women who Wm Kuntz, bl cksmith, was the Maim
lit from Dllee to give it a tells*
are "nm -down" so low that work drags, of a painful accident one evening recent;.. Many rostlnue to sorter from Di44!
head seises, back aches, dragoons down He was leading a horse when it pulied to the beltet that a surgical opera -
(Pe I i 0 g s.
pera(Peli0ge. dizzy, back suddenly`. and the small rope tight- ata is tie onto carr. Fnrtanatsf
and w e led on his finger and completely severed y• Dr. Chase's Ointment Is avallwble•
Lt.le thing an- it at the first joint. and has pied many thnu.rnda from
Iffy and "every- the risk end- expense of the dortor'e
SEA FO)I1TH. , tette. se cents a box. all dealers or
the of e .t1 the age of w•vettty years. 11de•rt t>7 mall poatpald. from F.dmanson,
way just a nhtsuts tl• tli.•hiii l 4114.1 September I_th art the pees a Co., Limited. ''Dorowta
,aged ass what Dr. laf• of his brother. James MiM'iehael.
Pieee's Parente 4 tin nnrb.- .---l't,r tie reaseet lived fur
ffers the following courses :
•d arras. Lire Special Cwirmee for Ntudents
The following advantages :
nicht!, orliped Teorisiiit:. Staff
Bigelow Symtein of Bookkeeping
Credential Toptirritin Text
A Business Education ys for itself in a few months.
Now is the time for the y ng man or woman to make an
investment that wiil give splendi returns in the years to come.
For terms. etc.. write
Prescription has 1m.ny years h4 North 1lakota nod n••
done for more tartw.l hem two year, ago on 114. t
than s million wo- , of his illness.
men in the last, At the liner- sale of the Me\I11nud
estate the
A helping handl Unissells• tux rate for loth will 1141
to lift up weak, :141 Mills. .
bred, over -U -10d Wont Ions IN -ell 1141'1%141 in Brussels
women -that's ,.r the death a Arthur smith. druggi.t
what you'll Find in I)r. Pierre's Favorite a ttttt al. :ifta•r iias.riation t•.,
Prescnption. gives you just the help fidlowe.1 ptiennionn,
that you need. To be had in liquid or I ma,
tablete• Tablet "'tn. 5° matt% 41 all drug R. Smith of !truss...Is. HMI S011 flf the
It is s me.dieine that's made eapociagy I a few• weeks ago for the Mil boys* re.
to buikl up women's strength and to curs union. Ilis vvite formerly, kliss Edith
women's silments-sn invigorating, re. Itaila-y ..ltrusseds owl two mans row-
bming purply vew.tabie, non. r Samuel t•ter has disposed a Ills
Ford garage mill antoniolille business
alcoholic, sod perfectly harmless.
to .1. .1. Met Iltr114.011. iirey township.
Yon can proenre a trial pkg. by send- 111.4 Sliiriel Brothers, A.. or
ottawn. heen visiting her old home
here and u•ill leave shortly via
convey, for India. where she wilt w(nds
under the r14.114111 1111. 14101A is-
Leave Toronto 7.15 p.m.
Arrive Winnipeg 9.05 p.m. slay
" Calgary 9.311 3ral day
partiettlars Irmo any agent. Jos.. 'KIDD
Those Wlio Fought
B. F. Ward, M. A. Stone,
'Principal. Vice -Principal.
School opens Tuesday. Sept. 2nd.
OM 10c. to Dr. Pierer, Roffalo. N.
would have pains In my head and wou
suffer with backache. I was ailing for
about two years. Bad doctored hut did
not seem to get cured of the ailment At
last I took Dr. Pieros•s Favorite Preis -rip -
Um and It. dld me more good than any
medicine I ever took. It batik me lap and
I felt better In every way than I bad for
two yeers previously.' -Mao. L. LICATM.
Endorse the Citizens' Liberty League
"1.1 e Citizens' Liberty League is proud to state that the
following Organizations of Veterans have signified their
approval of the League's objects and are supporting it in
the endeavour to obtain ane, moderate temperance
Great War Veterans' Ass ition-Toronto Branches:
The Grind Army of Canada. lis Majesty's Army and Navy
Veterans' Association. The Naval Veterans' Association.
nth Battalion Association. ; h Battalion Officers' Association.
The Originals' Club, .,3rd Battalion Association.
These great Organizations of men who were the first to answer the
call in the fight for liberty are endorsing the platform of the Ptizens'
Liberty League because they know, with the League, that the Ontario
Temperance Act unduly restricts the liberties of the citizens of the
Prov ince.
These men ask, -and what men in the Province have such a right
to ask ?-that you vote "YES" Oh questions two and three on the
Referendum Ballot -and so assure to the citize s a beer containing
2.51 per cent. alcohol by weight, absolutely non -intoxicating -the
Beer of the Ballot.
Vote "YES" on ; F ur Questions
Remember, every voter .tist ote on every question
or his ballot w• be spoiled.
i very woman's right to have
the best kitchen equipment that
can be had. The Pandora saves
trouble, saVes work, and gives a
woman the jesy of baking things
j,ust as she wants them.
It is a woman's choice.
Let us show you the smoOthly working
grates, the clear oven door, the fine ther-
mometer. Let us explain why the oven
is so evenly heated. You want the best
for your kitchen. Then we the Pandora.
Sold by
The c tcil met on September 13th.
as per journment. Membess all
present bu Ir. Straughan. Minutes I if
last meeti.lg ere read and approved, on
motion of Irw and Buchanan. A by
law was read nd pissed placing the
following rates o axation for the present
Year: Cou ity rate S-10 mills. township
rate 2 mins, and special school rate
2 1 1() mills on the liar. Railway and
bridge debentures and neral school rates
over and above these amounts. The
collector presented his nd, the same
being accepted is %aft actory. On
motion of Currie and Bucha n tho clerk
was insrructed 1) prepare a iaa, pro-
hibiting the dumping of ston or any
other obstruction on the roadside ithout
permission of some member of the -mul-
ct'. Orders on the treasurer were
tor payment of the following am, m
Sam Morton. township's share on awa
draM. 112: McGregor %ell, work
grader, $2; rho,. Irwin, oil and extra
work on gracl.r. 41.15; J. Ylunz. un 1cr-
and repairing culvert. c pm:es:ion ti, Si;
L. Buchanan, drawing plsrvc and repair-
ing Fothergill's bodge. also repatriNt
and Blyth fall fair-. grants, each Stu; J.
McGill, cleaning out north brancn !
shovel ing gravel, 113; C. Campbell, ,,
FitspatriA, gravel. $1.20; R. tiltszil.
gravel, el.30, Wm. Futhergill, gravel.
line. President: Sir Edmund P.
Vim -President: 1. P. Ileihnufh,
Street, TO 011140 . T. 1.. ClIff111114,1111, Accretes"