HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-25, Page 1IF YOU WANT to dispose of your property', find a tenant for your house, sell or buy an article, procure help or find • situation, the easiest and best way, is to insert a small ad. in THE SIGNAL SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR -No 3777 THE STERLING.NiK OF CANADA r. 4s "ASK OUR MANAGER" Whenever you need financial advice, consult the manager of the nearest Sterling Bank. Farmers will not only find him capable but ever willing to give valuable information. BUILD NOW Fall weather needn't halt your plans. When outside work is impossible turn your attention to in- terior pions and alterations. Repair old cracked 0 walls and ceilings --build in rhe new partitions you need brighten office, store and factory for the stim- ulating effect on business -restore the home and make it a better place to live in. Luber and Interior Finish, Line, Cement, Ready Roof- ing and Skingks always is stock. \l'1' -Lail he glad to quote you prices. THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. Phone 4 i P. O. Box 1.5 • -fir• r w'e...wr.. a„w+•.+.wti 1011at THE -SIGNAL for the remainder of the pres- ent year, to new subscribers, for 25 CENTS GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPT 2:), 1919 PUBLIC NOTICE. TOWN OF GODERICH TALK NOTION THAT 1. TheCounKd of the Corporation of the Town of Goderlch Intends to construct as a local im• provement a *elver on Thome. street. betweta Wilson street and waren street, and intends to specially awry a part 01 the cost upon the land abutting directly un the work. . The intimated cost of the work is 11996.00, of which 944.4 ,e1' 1 o be paid by the Corporation. The estimated special rate per loot frontage N 38-4. milk. The opetal auessment Is to be paid in t w, my annul Instalments. J. A petition against the work well not avail 14. prevent its (Ofatructirn. Dated at Goderich Ib,. 2:nd day of September. WI9. L. E. KNOX. Town Clerk BI LLETIN--Iit1DERICH BO '.RD OF HEALTH. In ries' of the tart that health aulhorl- tlP. anticipate a return to some degree of last year'. outbreak of Influenza, and as the early rerornitd,n of the disease M es - control, al for me it. loc al Board 1 of Healthtreatment ask.and Mat any tine ha(Inr symptoms approarte- Int the disease of last winter, will at unre consult their medical attendant, and ao moat W contra of fifty rimenole out- break. A. D. Nd.E111, .1. 1_, HI'\TER. Chairman. 11. u. H. I)IANO TUNING. -AM NOW A PER- MANENT resident of Goderich. Have had twenty -Ave years' practKaIexprnence. Already have tuned more than f.lty pianos ,n Godench. Your work solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address 1. W. MOORE Tuner , Goderich, Ont. „0-h DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT, Lau House Surbeom New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital assistant a1 Moorrh•Id'■ Eye Hospital and (!,olden Square Thrust Horn petal, London. Eng. 99 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Telephone 447. At Bedlord Hotel. Goderich. from Wednes- day. November le, 7 p. m., W Thursday. Mh, at 1 p. m. °Oxr IXIXtf ww f+,'EST WAN'ANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, TINDERS WANTED. TENDERS WANTED. Thoders will be received until October 11, 19111, fee the construction of the Kirk and 1 B l oung Aram. in the Toensan 4 of Went Wawanosh Caret of Huron. Katt drain, 110111 cub,( yard. tea, work, NE . ub.c yards covered work. 3, B. Yarns drain, WOO cubic yards open work. -72 craw yank covered work. Plans may be seen at the ofoces of John Roger, Machell. or Town. .hsp(lerk, Lucknow. A marked cheque lof 1.1 per centof tender 04.01 accompany each tender. The Lowest or sky e4wd4, rot 04.44.0444t) ac. opted. W. A. WILSON,Ckrk. Lucknsw P.O. V. H. P EARD N 0 ARCHITECT I'h"u C 1' R. Ill..ck, :II IS \1 4•',t st .,vet CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE See my list ofpropertimi for sale To Rent The St. Lawrence property next the Public Library on Montreal street. This house is in first-class condition, with all modern conven- iences. Possession immed- lately. J. W. CRAIGIE Life, Firs, Accident and Aeaomobila Insurance Farm and town property neured. Piled rate of 711 cents per 1100 by Govvament • bYuetm. this Ocenpany 1004. of the strongest In 1 the Province, mainlawI.g an adequate surplus WANTED TO RENT. -By FAMILY I invested ,n VKIIWy Senile and Bank atrocities. of two, (msec, 04 out October 15th.lot one ended "'Dente. Pr,aium t.cs4 ben ps dtto /ens a (0 Roe. th, ■ small. w. Il-Iurm•hed with local immk,.. 1'n convenience.. Apply at SfGNAL OFFICE. ALEX. NIC'HULSON, T.G. ALLEN. President. Secretary. Dungannon. `'i/ANTED A- ONCE. -A GENERAL "scan for Colborne and Goderich T6wnsh,ppas Cook aD A:O N sad. ler the Akxandn I Cities 1. HETHERINGTON, R.R. No. 1, sC, Hospotal. aGo d wages offered. Apply to MISS!perdton, and H- L. SALICF_LD. k. R. No Y KIN Su 7atl Godetth' BUY WANTED _ I 40MIn MIMS alIngli To !tarn the printing trade, One who hang r: .he enli.nc'e'examination. %� • aniM • KIDD 1 THE SIGNAL. I A - WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS TO WORK_.AT THE HURON CANNING & EVAPORATING CO. FOR SALR OR RENT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 2400.00 -Nice building lot on Arthur' street, sixty feet frontage. 21.000 -Very fine cottage with two acres finest garden land. 1 have houses for sale in all parts of the town. CaII at West Street Office. GEO. C. McCREATH. O RENT. -AN EIGHT -ROOMED HOUSF• on Stanley street. Apply to MRS. D. McLEAN. Houses and Lots for Sale. P. J. RYAN. insurance and Real Estate Office on Hamilton St., neat M. G. Cameron's Law Office. 78-tf VOR SALE. -TWO WELL-BUILT and commodious houses on Nast street. All conveniences- Apply to MRS. W. A. RHYNAS, Montreal 'Steel (phone 2n). 79 tl GIOR SALE. -A RED BRiCK HOUSE, with all modern conveniences. Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 72,111 Clip Your Victory Bond Coupons on October lst. The Dominion Government will distribute W1,100,000 In Interest upon °ans4a's 5100.000,000 Rernnd War Loan, on Wodn•oday October 1. What w111 be yoW share of this great Interest pay. Minty As beadier of Immo df those bonds It la advtaabl• that you seal& In your interest s•upens promptly. Any et our 370 Branches will coati the coltpons. Teti should two lb* proceeds from "your clippings" to start e satiny account with us. or add to the account already started. "Products and Rare.'• n it UNION BRrANK OF CANADA 3(ri TR CFS. 11 S 3,00o,000 Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager QUALIFIED SURVEYOR 1 1 and DRAFTSMAN Residence Phone chile The regular monthly meeting of the' AUCTION SALES. Goderich branch of the Women's Ineti• ,--- tote will be held in the puhlic rest room1 , liol •4I I. a, . 144141, 'rlh:► '.\at on Thursday. October 'lr.d, at 3 p. m. .� 14110 1.vir.7I A go d attendance is desired. Members -- please notice the change of the place of J'.t1E- H. JalfN•hiss meeting. The subieet for 'he afternoon is. "How are we benefited by meeting together'" PROCLAMATION TOWN OFGODERICIJ, In accordance with the resolution passed by the Municipal Council on September 3th, 1919. the Town of Gode- rich will revert to STANDARD TIME at midnight 112 p. m.) on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. '19, and 1 hereby call upon ell citizens to act accordingly. E. R. WIGLE, Mayor. Goderich, September 23, 1919 POR SALE. J* • DISPERSION SALE Entire herd of Scotch and Scotch topped Shorthorns, also fifty head of Registered Leicester sheep. consisting of thirty ewes and a spend d 1ot of too -year- old shearhng and ram iambs, and 15 head Clydesdale horse, the property 01 the late Robert Charters. to be held on lot :32, concession 6, L. R. S.. Tucker,mith, on WEDNESDAY, (XJ.'I':LR 1st. Sale to commence at 12.30 sharp. Catalogues on application. T. E. ROBSON. THOS. BROWN, Auctioneers. MRS. ROBERT CHARTERS. will sell by 'outdo. 51011, n at Int R 1. Range, 1alMtrtle, 1,34itt J• t 1 woo, 'oil 11 E.9 '.Y, 44,: t'. 1744 commencing 44 1 p. 114. If" folios Mg Norse% 1 Rand h"1' -P 7 )1'x.4 odd, 1 posy) 711E sl(:7.AI 1'R17.117.1. (O.."LIMITED, Ft tocsins "Meet me at ltlaekstoln•'.," they are I INIll s'rKIAL NII:HT ('L.%SSES all saying. "where they hare the Imre ler cn•um." Rev. J. E. rad, Mrs. Ford and Miss leun Tuesday to visit members • of their family at Port McNicnll and month They will be away about a Jess left draug'nt mare, to year. old. riappr'•••d to be AUCTION SALES. 111 foal: 1 general purls,.., noire, r year- old: 1 general polities In',.., 4 y'ear'n old'. 1 all), 1101113 ;t year. old. calla 1 cow', 6 )'varapr0ftltflue141. due Jan, t: 1 row, 4 )'e1'. old. nue Apra 4, 1 heifer. + year* ofd, supposed W 444 In calf; 3 heifer., 1 year old: 1 helfer, c y«1. old; s .Nwry, .c01va, i0 t'1•'d young one., 1 IllforJ rale year+ 0141. IwN 1 wagon, t bunt>', 1 rawalcuta ter nearly new, 1 .et b"b•Irltbs nearly tie*, 1 4I1• -es - Hato. rultl,ator good 10 new, 1 .et dun., I ulfler, 1 fleury walk,(,3 1.1ow No. 1 ►1:1111m.0 v,d 410%, 1 eel four- ....lambare) 4; ' 1 travel boss, 1 o.l :Yoh' pound- •.•ales, I basket rare, 1 mat rack' (or .1441t1., f lannmr mut. '2 .0l unimetree• I Inc w -hors rvrnel', 1 irnol robe. 1 wheel barrow. ; 31.4.1 horse blanket*, 1 .4.1 heat 400111 harm..., 1 -et :oldlne .u)ale 51•(44.... good A. 1404, in hes', a well-bred 811.5 %Moro& 1'orkerel+, a y.•rsr 1 fair lurks, CM/anal of barley, a quantity of oat.. 1 bed room -um.. 1 was+Mor moonme, 1 aburn. 1 MA Lary hater, 1141 other bou-e- hold furniture. TERN.. -.111 -linos .•r sol and und,r, Nish. pier that anwuue I: nwntn.' credit m farl„,hmna approteJ' pm( note.. A discount of S per l'Pnt. a 150401 for rash un cr0dn 01001111!•. E4erytbmg must b.' 411.0-)'@41 of as faint 1. wad. J 1+, H. JOHN.Tn\, T. .1 !MAY, ?Inv 4rwr . 1nrGMirrr- GI'LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND 1\1PLEh1ENTs. MR. THOMAS M(CABE will aril by Public 00(1400, at col* part 22 and 3. concession o. Who Wawado.h, on MONDAY. OCTCJHER nth, commencing a 1 o lack ..harp H,AOYtMAYGIlT titian,. -Lbw grey horse. 4 years old, 1 My horse, ,; year( 010, ho lbs., 1 sorrel roue, nr ears old, 11,11), rising 3 years. CATTLII -0.304o. ,, years old. to lre•hen De- cember t;, cows. :, years old, to ue.lien ,n No- vember.) farrow cow 4 years old, a Iso -year-old lee. a, Mein lbs eY over ;n yearling steers, 4 year- ling heil.rs, 1 winter call,' spring call, 1 .x11, .4 months old. WHIR, - riven(y-three Oiiord-down ewes. Iv of these Yeatim{{a, 1 Uslord-duan ram, : (Jalord- down ram LIMN; PIGS, --tine sow. lsrrttwar s. -One lsls'Furd car, lust tan since August. .91s. 1 top buggy. I turnip pulpier. 1 wt heavy team harness, 1 ail angle :*mess. l c Wlars. act bobsleighs. I lamins{ 04tH, a quantrty of 1: and 14.0. hemlock plank alae I -,nth lumber, 1 .440.14 feat high. 1 7 (t cut Maser Harris binder. thud sasnr, in nomad: 1 -ft cut [kering mower. 1 In -1(. McCormick Mrrake. good renew , I Mas ey•Hgrr, Is hoe seed drill;) Bain waggon. a.mbinat40,5 bay. grain and stock rack.I Barrel .-,Kron dot harrow.: set. emelt. harrows, 1 turn cultovatm. 2 Fleury walking pews, !steel rifler. I , new stuffier I set slings. lurks .twvrl p s. chains, n ckyokte Whale revs, an 1 aha articles HAI ANYl.4A1N,-113,nt JI, len. 01 lay, 1,J.o' bushels oats. 2W bushels barley tour ler !serum is just right -a, our 1 Taints -All weno til 111, and un'.. .ash over customer's may. 'fry It asst e(•1' to[ yourm'M. H. T. Edwards. Thr ('hisses lar lorry-grueking, 41,111" 1141'), !tial Nhup Mathemutlea, oiler the Hospices of thy' 4'ullrglrte lum•Itme, will r.Ylp•u au 44etuher 1st. Theme will be 1111drr Oily in0tru17tide of Mrs. P,•lluw, \lir. Knox. cud Mr. A. M. Robertson, re -pet I rely. Fees for each department SLIM for a t.•rm of thirtec•p 1e0s.rla of two hour each. The Mtlliurry null 1)rrmsrnakl ng (Taos'.. tire held in the mime:Iona first homer of the I'nhlt: 1.ibrary, the Shop Mathematics in ?lire 4'olle•ghtte. '('IH• Principal will be in the ru,'w In the Library ou Saturday, Mullday a0t1 T'" -day Ilett, fraW 4.311 to ti and 7.30 to 10 Melo.* 'to receive enroltlwut and :u'rauge the oriertluouii and ereniow; teal' t14•' m'Lusoeo.. _lppli.wtl iim for taking ' ar.• of the LiMTtry room are reYlue.t.Yl- .I. 1'. RUNG -% l'rila•ip1L It is rumored our National Anthem is to be changed during the referendum campaign to -The Old Oaken Bucket." To be in line you will have to wear one of Prataiam the Tailor's suits. 4 EXECUTORS' SALE OF FARM By public auction. 00(414. premia s,on S4Tt'RDA1'. OCTOBER lith. at p m . the Executors M the E+late of Samuel � Lautenelayer, deceased,4 ' 1 W7 •'.1.E LI' YARN n10119, IN - wolf oder dx ole km s. ' cortce..an x, E. D., Toru.h,p of Colborne, la' Nt\I.. .'.\D IILI •E1101.11 I1 H- avre4, (NI 11 41RE,3, o Teams SAIL. Twenty per cent down on ktR.• 4\I I45)5 KIR the day of oak. and the balance ,n Forrest) days. for further owocullr we :arum drai'ply to� 0111 11 h)' publtr 301'400, at col 1.7, .• Ibe Vendor. Solu,tors. W that amount, 12 m0nthi reedit will be given on any account eaaeplmg for hay and Rrain, witch will be tor sot months A discount at rate til 7' Per cent. allowed to, cash on credit ansiur•.. Everythi , must be dlop' ted til. Norco. yr TN'e.. McLABE rHOi.G..YDR�, P109r1,101, Auctioneer. LLOR SALE. -TWO REGISTERED shorthorn bull calves, (!*lord ram and ewe lamb.; Yorkshire sows. bred and hreed,ne ate younger steel,, both sees Priced for quick sale. JOHN FAkRISIL Lwskrow N 7 ,plane Durr p.'non 42,13,. pRI�'ATt SALE OF HOUSEH LD 1 furniture and (pooh nga w the reudeace 0! MISS GUNDRY, Potton •trent. Everyth,na mast be disposed olgasckly. Call any time, Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at A3 per strlEle :ad, delivered, THE GOCF,ppLC1.:.A1UFACT:.:BIAG GO., LIMITED, (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. Dated September 1-'11. 1910, PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE. - Godes h. Ont.. Tendon.' Solicitors, 411•..1 foal K t1411.0; 1 lucre, 4 year. old, 1 rill} 3 year. odd .by king's UCT1ON SALE OF LIVERY STOCK 01111 1 gv11DnR. 3 year- ol,f ,by hoa', !]--AND TEAMING OUTFIT. Lyuln 1 trarrxi pr'on.r Ware, . y -ear. GUNORY'S SAL E REti1STER. SATURDAY, Sept. 27. -Sale of livery stock and fesq"n, outfit by Mr Lewis Gov,n. al .,a stables in Dungannon, at 1 31' o'clock sharp, Movpsr, Oct ,: -,'ale W farm tock aril nee- , pitmen's. by Ali Thome. McCabe. at lot■ part L and -' conces.wn ,i. Went Wa+.nosh. at 1 0'cluck aMrp I 3. 'eat %aN13.•4., 'thee« gum_ I FRIDAY, (kt.10 - Farm ;10,5 and ,mdementa ( (.44, le went e1 I"1u311tout, on R of Andrew Kirk, los 113. concession a, West Wee 91411''.1 , 1'.c. rLNEII loth - warmish /south of Uu ganhoni. at I o'clock W ...ninon.; a at 1 ..'.'lock sharp ilfU00A0, Oct. II. -Executors' sabred the larm• IM►ws.-Lor u,1'!.. yr1+ '0141, wont of the ,'.1.te, 1 the late Samuel Lauten.la.er, at D) 'iear, 1.•t 11.110'.. h.'.r lot 4. (once...ona, E. 1), toerruhop of Colborne. at; p. m. MR LEWIS GOVIER old, 1 drty 1443 horse, Y i.4(1,4 r' )'eat mar SW AIFIELD-[KJNALDSON, - Al Nragare coy•. Fans, un September 49, 1:114, by Rev. Albert I:4411e.-O'. nlornuEhbred 1ber:leeo U,- ti Bacon. of Fast st..t Presbytn Ian ci arcbe au: •0w, An. 3719. dile November I Agnes Dunaldaon, os Godern4 to Jose h B. Swa'laeld, o1 Mentor, Ohio. DiED. BLAKE -In Goderich township, en Tuesday." ...Wernher 1... Wwnna Faber. heir. ,.,i wife 1'.104 W'Jbrm Blake, aged 73 year. and - month. MOORE -In Ilenmil'er.on Sunday. S. 'ember' N."o' Mow.. lwayre s WNW lel 1 1 ..•tstrw. aged 11 years. NEWELL -At Toronto. on Freda September 19, George Newell. lotmerly of Friday. B AKER.• -In t,odench.on Tuesday, September ' .•l" Annie Matheson, wile of John taken aged 74 years. • IN MEMORIAM. ENORIA.M. BARKER - In ever proud and loving memory of our dear sun and brother, Pte. James H, Harker. rho... tiled in action to France September 17. 191e. Ina far but intent graveyard, - -Where the trees shed branches wave, • '"Lies a true and loving brother. In hi. cold and silent pave. I thorou)hbr.d toile 4ber,lee9 A14tu, will sell by public duct3.n, .1 M. stable. m Duo. ` f''IIhR, u. C'::1'; 1 thr•rnuvbrwt moat .• (1145 n, on r.Jppn \situ. ? -, 01131, u. 4"114; 1 SAThRD.7. SEPTEMBER :7th. '. .rdeen Ansi. row, 419, male rale: I' comnsenc.ne at 1 a.0'(4(mk 4114, I %II.egl i Anycue 1'.,.w, w,i ; •Jail al foo1'. i I' 1 '.nlydr►n '"44 4 � o%, dor ' . cosy 1-1 lour good der. ma borers. 4 cork .horarr, all in 1 Vu�.•e-ten^'•41 tb4'd.•. r. '. .R'1• 1'011, dor i fan condi'.on.r.d a very useful Ire. , KI• .031, .'' I'"crndwl I Irate-i"a. -,,:'1 lberoo•••, ' earew :so1 :,14.4 ,".040g hat n.-,.. • eta dromic, L.0 !".....lie Yv, '' 4. teed Items hssasss. Irwl&ksr•llrw• ow 1 *awl-ot'Iua 4 M' ,.l 4n .7all. IMP •?M1II.1tu1It Dungy. 2 cutters.. goon se new: f-pImmure � are all Aberdeen 4^tu+ hre,I .4, row, 1 ' .k'gh. nearly new,1 Ihr.,--. stet! weigh, I trunk. a )ear. .1.1, 711,, u, J1100.4; I olio, :i1 1 Je,gh, 1 wagonette- 1 trunk wagon. 1 new Adams )seal•* old, doe 4n J1,ue)' ; 1 row, rulll.tlm wagon, 1 heavy ter0 wagon, 3.rt 0I team 'Leigh% I3, due Januar) 11141 Y 51',4..•., one fila" neat') 01*; 14401' Set til wagon spring.. 1 wagon \,t ea,her 11, leer*: 2 bettor., .,,l.pu_,.'31 bees. 1 heuy pole noel) new, 1 tuner. nearly (. b« m ''alf: 7 ralvP., slew 1 gravel lag. 2 4.1.01 whr1Pietrees 1 Iogg, PIg•._-Luo. Heck+sure hot, I p'uvbt•w1• chain. trek c i mod a iia hs shuv h of c and b4ail eats: x etti +ow, duo to fa- r.'% I wagon 2t dusters, lubrie.l3 Regal kitchen ran e. gOM ond LeP 41.8 duR. P:,r year ":(1, a gnan- .'.' neer and other article..[ g Nh' of h.! 1141 ct: n•krb.. Everything must he dapo.ed of, as :Iroprielur it IwiplPmeeh. un•' 0 P*, i'-Rarri• houl••r. goms out 1'l inane..*. will' .seri blink •, in elcelient '"ndltion, 7rar. - All sums2.J tlr and un'ler, cash over •'ttr'r lrtiri0 h'.i M1.wP - Itari 7I nn1Pr I I than amount. Ti*m0n•M'7•ridia�rBi��j,(in on'n.-.. .,�fL--ui i_ I Crf-'T'ylr-��+�-- lurnuh'na approved irons notes. A 4,,, ,tint al "''k41.1.5 030%1'1'. K.3,d 0:4,404,,... • ria%. I.Na.••�y rale of n per cent. allowed I't cash un credit Nair,. -..naps, t horse lake, 1 new l&', amount 4!•1' Ma. •«y-HaI9•,+ droll. 1 t,,_ Yt Cerny LEWISGOVIER, v.. 4 Ill%, I \o. 14. 111!'... w-1111» T f.tionee4. ?t 111. 1 No. i V«Ina blow, 1 \e% 3 Ylel,3. f4oDrietor '.urtumrrn. 1%m tar"%, 1 vet Ir,01n4.„rl hxrlo%. �.URI,t- n '4.341', 1 ..rumor, 1 14-44..' ha, 'nw, I -tool roll r. h'.th Ma, -es -Ifxrr nuke, ke, I -poiia1 Visit wagon, 1.u,lt t" 04r.m•on it i . •'•n I hall, 034'.11 13.1, 1 nrt wage,', -prod:- ":,'.0 111..). 1 pit rack, 1 warn,. VOR SALE -ONE NEW BUGGY. 1 genera purpose res 'race hear .rid ; an a bunch of al) tirg- MURRAY. K.nt sten street. 7a-tl MUSIC. anmaymmag LLA I. ROBERTSON. GRADUATE ' d L -x -76T; Orpnwt of Hapnat Church, (cachet of piano, primary singing and theory. Pups prepared for exammatto 1' For terms apply at John Robertson'.. Park street. Godn,ch, or to ELL.'. 1 ROHERMuhl. R. R. S, Goderich NOTES BY THE REFERENDUM COMMITTEE. In 11I11; Ili., 44 tario'f'•nilwrau.Y• Art which ma01 Is' 311-4.•r4411 It the 40!41' wars la'.MI a+ d w'al' me;lallr and 011 Septenel.er 1Kth. 1!1141, it came into forty iv iahes his hallos to count, ' • The first question ask. w'hetb.'r y,n4 No Im'lu•tl,I,,1 hut., been its efr,c•ts that few, if Any. in (Whirl.. desire a return to the former license system. Many are In favor of the repeal of the 0.T.,1.. I. e., 4. holler you wont the old iMeuse +)a.'m with the open bur l.,. -I. ucain, who opposed pn)hlbitlon and local Premier Hearst .ayy that if a majority option have Irren 1'a) impre0040I with the rote 'ye-:' on question 1 it will 041.4411 a sulcyw. 0f the O. T. A. 4hat they hit**• return to the license 111w a+ it -food openly declared tlwlnea•lres as converts before September 16th, 19143. frac to 11110 measure of prailatlon. tically nobody wants that, viol! the• Hut when the Act was passed fu 1916 brewers and distillers prufev. that th.'y provision was made that after the re- are opposed to a return of the bur. turn of the soldier.. from overseas it in questions 2, 3 and 4 amendment would ►1' submitted to a 1'040 of the to the 1). T. A. are proposed. 111 th. elector+, to find out whether they event of a majority toting to retain it wished to return it or not, For thio Question No. 2 ii -k' whether pin art • purpose the Referendum Act was In favor of the sale of stronger beer by passel this yenr and October 211th ham government ngeucbw : 4. e.. do You wH1,1 been appointer! for the duy of voting. Government liquor ,.hops to sell in - The first thing that the electors are tbldt•at141R beer to the Will.. gene'rall) 7 *.ked to vote on is whether they want 1t 1n called "light" beer. ieut it 1s .,non the O. T. A. repealed or nut: and then. thnn twice No strong as the heel whether they wish to have It amen.led allowed by the (1. T. A. .I.Igln Mer to permit the male of stronger hoer or can he sold now legally, but the khat of whiskey. Me.; that is, whether they proposer) In question 2 has far more in - wish Gr kill the Act outright, and if tinkering element., , not. whether they world like to mhoot In gtw.tiob 3 you are 0.5441 whether a few holes 1n It. A tailor ham been you farm. the sale of thi. kind of beer !4 31011. a InnPO icy cote f',r this; or, .lar you waif the bar 'back 'in the hotels': 11'I*, would *4i.h to refoto 4.. this con. t..t, I 111144'1 n.'4, •1 at.n,els'd, I. lauume Holl, 1 bag 1 irk, 1 *et +ta)x•it-owe.. 4 -et •4..•e1*I hem hi'tnlelgh• 1,.-1t ba II.' Pluto.., I tae% .i.irh 4.4,111', I .4t tondo! I bunk-. 1 11 rtrid•4,ne, . I 'elms) 41".rid.• I roller fn 11444 v'tidlte.t)-, 1 94% No 'Mimi of thiog., now that we have ....en Larlahhn bloomy, I pole "u,l''1ete oitf' ec kt.'44.", 1 low 01414.9. 1 %ae•'n ra. k , %Illi w111., I *4 hrrlbx'I "%, I . I.' I. nnirkrt. .' "inn,. l'ixt,ters. . I ip0, 04(31-,, 1 %yr"n 1x. k, a -a, 1 e1'• of train hi6'-, I 'aeld,•..I 4 Jllr. lion 4 ask. whether Jon fit ud' I •d;NnprlWill 004110, 4 :mi 1er,41111' - the. VI le of .phitn s 1091 malt Swam.. r1„'tate, ''9,4.9(4' ..1, q t:ea4 )' ),;(;,,.."*....7"..'4,1i,'',',41',.-,',.4.4,' R, I •et dni. through (int entrant a344,''ie.: that tale hxl' ear.. "ollgslee, 1 •l tl•'N .In1r!e hl�'ir.•.• , eI-1':.I'• ha!'i, e•-+ ,9 44''•.1 '4'9- rlo y1i)1 Wo IIs 4:'.vernment I4plur sh/ '1'li'.". I,•v •'Am .rp'u slur, I UrcrrrR rho, bt WIf whiskey as well !I. 1x•.•,'1 . 1 111'1!ma char i. I„rk, wli•Rf.l! f'. k- tok4., ,94,.9a941•. .ple.. 114.4., .p4�. Inc our of these Ymrn.lm.•In+ *44.411,1 ' V -w 1 gbty "x/f 'flit o, 441. ,' th sods weaken the .147 as we now hate it. lln,l 1141 n1r%o•'d. inter.'" ' x•n !Tien Hllre"1:4i94 &&:,;;1,g- ,n::::,,,, and • would 1444,41) a .tip' 1w1'kw:u'•I: 'FI).•)' ; wT iI '•r, 1 -.limp ,a k. 1 114.' d foie.... it 1tl:. ... n tablet , kth,N lal.l'•., J 1'4.4'tk. wYllld 441.4. IVHkI• it mol',• 19fi1.'llh In IIIR rh911''. I f.' •IdP11na!'1. , 1114 19►1'lill 1 1 the Iniprurcln.•Ht 111 IMO. Ixlr was als'lish,.l'. a You are not logotteh, dear, Nur will you ever he; Aaiun' as life and memory last We will remember thee. -Father and S111e44, STOTH F,R' - In loving memory of ■ dear hos- herd and lather, Mr. William R. `)!others. gall/ *int 10 11.1.1 a year ago, reptemb.er dth, 11'4. , ".hurt and Budden was the call Of me x, dearly loved by rill. The blow was great, the 'hack severe. We little thought has death so near, And only those who loved can tett The pain bl bidding a last farewell Some may thlilk that we forget hien, When at times they se us .mite, lint they little know the sorrow 7 hat 'rod,* hide all the while - Wile and Family. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Sept, 25 Page Quilldied 'ursevrn and Dralt.man -G M. Kidd 1 h+per.ton Sale -Mr.. Robert Charters......., 1 4uctlnn sale - Andrew Kirk. 1 Ara film Sale- Thorns. McCabe . 1 lief, ens Fire.-' Ontar,0 Fir: Prevention League, Inc.• 2 Pr,xlamaoon re Standard Time -E R. Wigle, Mayor . t Notice re Sewn -Town of (:odench ... 1 Preperhea for Pak -Gen. C. McCreath .. . 1 ndu.tr.al Night Clas.e.-J P Hume, Principal 1 Dungannon Frill Fair -Wm. Bailie, President 4 Moot' C.rd - Mn. Ella Robertson 1 Aint,0n Sale -Jame. H. Johnston 1 uhren Goder.chHairdo( Trade 1 . ntorty the amended :141. The stricter 4 haus. ' ,r.n than +. to 1 ,43 1 '.f to if ! 1 ror,m •Ph. Y L"d-t•si:. 0.th noattrr.s and ' the prohlhitloll, the issie'r It Is lar on. 1'41t0.', 1 PMIlec tam ...al 1-11 !eater, t%ni fulYn•, b.der.om .4411,,, dish.'., 91,1••••Wole 1 ,,l (41 . b1e dI.M•., .3''., r,ne 4.!a.. til Lori d els Hemeluls•r that ligular+ of 44 11) kin.l kft4'hen rah!n«u a gnrd t, 't rxrr and organ. m, puha►. 'i Irani•. I In.nu9 ran now M' Mit/11114u' 1117(141' th;' 4). T..1. Iron rr*n, one ('A'')' "hien. TE;(AS.-i11 411111, of nth and under,! tor n.e• 111.' mcdlehm and ow-siioem rash; riser that amount I: n:e'nm-' .-I4dnl mental or Indust vial h Io siren un fnrr I•I ',grisly.... 4I 1 at;1741.1.h.a iii .44''ot rel Jrn9t 1 .l orl,m,l of p,!I11. *T', ,'.,3 • ria um.•ndm,•nt I. 1100,1,•11 14.1' these 1 for email rid rr.'etlt Amrnln l4; 3 I pri*il.'R,'•. ' Ev"1'X11,11'3 n,n,t t3• ...id, a. pr' I'rletar' ha. .old Pilo farrn. Fiery trim friend of tmm•p'run1Y• 4\Dh):1%. kn1k, 'I 1111n, .,4 %DIIY, r idem!" r '.o,rhgieer.' H ;Mould tote *gill.t all these umend- in)•nts as well as against the rt'pal of tfhr t1.'r A To Tole "no" mark %our hallnl with prepared asking fear questions, all of In stan(1,rd hotels la tiny municipality an \ wirier each "nn" Om, The Referendum Ballot AND HOW TO VOTE Tie I. Are you In tarot et the repeal of THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE' 2. Ars pay In favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure through Government agencies and amendments to THE OVTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such sale? J. Ars you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and Bfty-one one hundredth* per cent. alcohol weight measure In standard hotel* in local munic(p.HHes that by a majority vote favor such gale, and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such gale? 4. Ara you In favor of the sagest spirituous and ,matt liquors through Government •trade* and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEM- PERANCE ACT to permit such sale? x x x • SANK OFMONTR IsNED OVEN IM Savings Department Deposits of $1. and up- ward received, and Interest allowed at highest current rates. Savings Department accounts given special attention. Deposits may be made, and withdrawn, by mail as easily, readily and safely as in person. YEARS erso errtct,rnoNrwgaL A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch.