HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-18, Page 8491nt'sder, Rept'•n•iw'r IR. 1M0. "1"'1)' ''. _. TSL► NIt3NAL GODERIOS, ONT. LOTUS LAWN NOTE PAPER and ENVELOPES When you use Lotus 1 awn you use the beat medium- priced Stationery made. Priced I 5c per quire and 15c` per package. Get your copy of the New Presbyterian Hymn Book and the New Meth- odist Hymn Book, while our stock is complete. Where quality counts J 1 Acquire scow Absolute Protection in case of FIRE, ACCIDENT SICKNESS and DEATH 'Phone 316 T. R. Harrison INSURANCE N1. ,1 till ret anti x•,111:11.• f JEWELLERY WATCHI:s. CLO(.. K5, HiGH-GRADE JEW- ELLERY, RINGS, SiL- �:I VERWARE, Etc., Etc. f Repairing done to \ your satisfaction Corner E +++++•. Robertson .l StrertbindSwat, Kuhaerllw for Th Sign .1 n . •: COULD NOT STOP THEHEJDLCHES Until She Tried "Fruit -a -hies" -Made From Fruit Juices 112 t'uauxo Sr., Sr. JOHN, N.B. "1 fere 1 roust ell you or the great benefit I have :seelved from your wonderful medic Ile, 'Fruit -a -fives'. '1 have been ; sufferer for many years from Vio. r! //eada(hsa, and could get no per t:.nent relief. A frfeud advis. t me to take ',mit- a-fives' end 1 lid so with great snores.; and 'now lam entirely Dee of Headaches, thank* to your splendid medlcir ,". MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW. 600.a box, It for $2.50, trial sue 26o. At all dealers or sent on re.•eipt of Pelee, postpaid, by Fruitirsil ves Limited, Ottawa. Mr. R. G. 1{dward<, 7 London, assistant divisional superi'•tendenr ;tf the C. P.H. was in town on %Vvdne,diy and d,._. .• - .1,- F ,.. u. . visited the Exhibit on in company wilt, r.u. s' , \\ v. leers a. 111r. T. G. Comm, the local C. P. R. F •i,>, t .. l , is 1 , \:',• rt agent. .,k... Mr. J. Glover, formerly of tnwr, ! '. r . :.r•:• . brought down a motor car party froom, • \Y;'. VlttEq Paisley lu sewG,xkrich and the Exhiht• I. \\ 1 1 ,; 1� HULL/ tion. The pail)' included Reeve Steel and bless -r'. A. A. Sinc.,ir and O. H. ,nd node M. tiara Johnston. ur-1 . lir• ••.I , by her std.', Miss Sadie.t,iiu $r.••r_. ..i 17.41odi• h. \\ Iota \ •,;,' Iss•11 ruca,.•.l , , .• h in 1'. S. s 'loon: - .'i•l.u.o1.., itt•hrru..w. , 17. \aet!.•I.I .t•�l 1t -t 1\':..collo-I. 7. \I. rli .'.7- , 77. yoom, • F:zr.1 Uur-t, Marquis, Wm:. THE PRIZE LIST. Liu,itu4ion..4 ..7a.. pri.vi m the laid. - fishing In full 11,1, week of the prix. ti.1 •.t Ih.• t:...!.•l i• r. 11.4w -trial Fahlhi- tion. The re:uuit..' \%ill 4.' 111171.11.11141 wI w.• II11R•F:s ICI.\-- I In,\I'-lb:Hs '4Inni..n. ron.idere•I , • ,‘• t - 7. 1 !-h„•,.n in horn 1. . " \\141..- tii•ln.u.•, 1. '•.. ,:•I- I. iv or $4.1.1i114„1 y•';,t•. ..7't, 17•' . aU•I o:rwr, to 7..• 411.'1.n ill .\l- w dr,.rc. ur a.l•t,iK, in ,-•1.411.14 1 'ver .. u'I nml.•r, I1, . ,\ \.• X. Y. • . Ja.. flick I,I.\-- •7 -\::':I.': IIIA -f. \o ,, ..1 • n:._-. \I I... I. .tr . r, .I..- ft. -7,.,!.41:. • 1.\•;-3-U1ltIMIN:F: Filly ..r' 11;1.11111i. a year. old, o%. -i• I iii Prl,'4. F...rl ••f 1!41''. .1 F•/rPn. -,Ile l• r,r' ,e..• uses \••r 1' .Jan 1. Hell, \I. 1►urniu. o_, I , v.. iii -k• \, H. \I. Love. •7. \- ;1-:'. 7 \I, Pt'RP•'-Y: • \I..1, 1. .I _ _• rein.., in • .:I.\-- \''Ite,t I.1 '71\!, WHEN USING W ILSON'S FLY PADS REA 4' C CDIRECTIONS CAREFULLY ANO _ FOLLOW THEM Sat EXACTLY Far more eflcctivc than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggists and Grocer:. everywhere- ' Phone Goderic-h Mineral "rater Cu. for a case. of Dry Ginger Ale, you will like it. Or a.. case of Orangeade, Crean. Cola. etc. We have the agency poi Carling's, Labatt s, Kuntz, O'Keefe's and Cincinnati Cream, in ale, .beer and porter. Stock always on hand. Cash on delivery for above beers. P. L. Walton, 1 Phone Illnnager J 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL i= GOING UL' Yes, shoes are, tin louhtedly going tip, but as we ticeepte1 the advice of .on wholesale houses and bought very early in Spring for .hi silent now, we can offer you first-class goods 'at a vetg slight advance, Our stock o shoes of all gravies, in KI , Calf, Gun Metal, and the eavier grades, is now cotnpl.te;,._and is equal to �finy. a mark • all wrists in plain ores. and you 'are invited o come in and look over ott litres at your convenience. * • We can show you the best slakes in al shapes, frost the very 1K)iut , long vamp, recede toe, to the wider -fitting, broad. h ,h toe. Give us a call, and he. convinced there its not' a letter, more up -do -date store in Western Ontario. 'Repairing as aaual 4101040.1104114114111100 WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN a 1 IMMO nunnna1nnnl1n1IIIIH1111E1nuI1IIII nrinnnItllmnnnurinunrlrIn11111n' . .11 ,•i....••. 1 • 1 •., f:;. 1.. Rood e 1111.1: \-- • -'1 i,; !I. '\ P1 Rit1-l' • .eRF:ln [L.•id, assn MIS 1:7,d. r •: iii: rail+, 1 -sae .t •. u. 1•t sod 7r.1. 1. t. •.hen, 1.a14' ' • II. • , I \- II H• :t 71 . . \\1.1'- -.ft .1P.F:R i.7-.:.\ .'l silo c;tli.7' ,7,, • ...7-4 !1 \ 1\.•0 -l' \\„•;.I -7• . \ 'ul 1••:.i 1'• irl,n� sl• or, \ . • . Rube •1 .-r .•, •. -- \:..• Frt. • ', i 7.'. r •HI F I• I.\ 171 ,.\I,.. - . 11.,41, \winter \ „ • r' 1.7: ,. i! .I 1 \ \\il,7 '.1, \I ' \oil Rr.-.. N 1. Tr vv.• 1 ./wilt. •;' . \A'. -t url PIGS I\:logs)\ L.L. LFRf:�111HF, 0 1 hoar t I :.•..r • 1.1, I Roar. 1,I'. r.'7 in t'i'ts I den. 1 . V741. c• \\•, I y..r. .41.7 •' ' r, I : '. ing liter r.i u, ,relit, it. F:. rn•,'.4,4. n F.•1., !a+ i\I,.'' s,.\% ' !f:•r•••.1 111 I07.1: 7, \I. Snow 11...,r, .,\-••r• 1 war old, T. \I. 4'now'• .'n. Hoar. i,rh'r'•.I in 1917+, .Ia Venn, T. \i. W.ow,lrn. 74..n.• 1 )r,.r d and o,'r, 1..ivina lit - ',Tr.,' ,n 11)19. 'r. AL 'u .wd'•n, R..\v, littered in tf•t';';T. 11. 'low4.•n, e:I,A..s eta- I\IVIti.VF.:1 1", •Ith�111RF, Ro:u•,•%, t y.•ar !•1, .r•-, .1Ito4 .hn,. $.•,, tl S.'%v. I .l ,r 191'1, .t„•. .\Ifni. L \-r ! • +.it.V.t:� Selo, 1 y...r '.I.t and .',%,.r. hawing liltrr• •I m 1919, Mi... s \ser',% G,%% litt••r••.I in 1919, 1'. E. Sinn..len Fst., T. M.-m,.'.len. • pen of :r t' "' n 7. 1<, •• .'r•,wi. or T.-. Vlon T. 11. snow 1 1 Store 'Phone 86 THE COLBORNE STORE House 'Phone 230 1 Emphasizing the Excellence of Our Mod- erately -Priced Blouses. They are designed in Brocaded Georgette Crepe De Chene, Habutai Silk and Voile. Never in the history of this store have. we .offered_ such excellent values in Blouses, nor have we carried such a large range to choose from. It is use- less to -go to the city for dainty Waists, when we -,are carrying a city stock •at prices much below the .bjg town values. SA 7 URDA Y, SEP] 'EMBER 20th will he the first showing of these wonderful creations. - Every Blouse has a (listinctive touch and each one is different and 'new. r IF IT IS A BLOUSE, WE HAVE IT SMOCK BLOUSES Again we are showing a new cre- ation in Georgette Blouses. This new Blouse is made very full at,waist and belted in with belt of two-tone effect. The cutis are epen from the elbow and have .wonderfully pretty button trimming; All of the blouses are piped with pretty contrasting • colors. ' PEPLUM BLOUSES The.. Blouse. are 1111u1, 'of tf>'tltv.l Georgette Preps f , two -hone .-Hosts. with rotund noel( and 1111 collar. or with ...mane neck 111141 4...11ar. Thi. 7. IIs• 14t1.4 11e31104 to •h.. -r 171..n-''. 41141 one that will upl.e41 r.. everyuur. 11 1. n•.•.•..,iry to have a Blouse of thio nature to Ike well Striped Habutai Blouses We have a wonderful range of striped Waists in all colors and in a large range of styles. Each one is trimmed with a dainty cuff with pretty buttons.. Every size is avail- able. They come in every wanted color on a white ground. A service- Uble blouse in low or high neck or convertible collar. If you want a Blouse becoming to you --- White llabutai Waists • Never have we put into stock such a Wonderful assortment of these ser- viceable creations. • They are well adapted for people going to business, for it is easy to wash them and they look like new after being laundered. These styles come in many weights of silk and every one a real value. You must be coming to us. VOILE BLOUSES Voile Blouses are being worn in all seasons and we have taken this into consideration and have placed in stock this week a large range of new voiles in the latest creations that Dame FaQhion has 'put forth. These Blouses are all new this week and it will be a pleasure to show our stock to everyone. Even if you are not wanting a Blouse at present we want you to come and inspect this city stock. On the second floor we have fitted up a room where they can be tried on and inspected. On Saturday these Blouses will be displayed in our window for your inspection. Normal Weight Perhaps you are worried ,your ctdld does not ptllckb alp Weight? Netter try Scott's Eniiilzioi sod watch how 1* heaps make a child grow rd Ort in welaht. There is twilling gide so sfressoliteningp as SoottYl Emulsion, bra chill asap ape. I ossa, -110.10111111, Tomb, OWL M J. H. Colborne Company The House of Reliability Whose Password is "Service" ! so%s-. asp ►ra'l.• "r •.f ..n. hr•• -d. v%rlghitrg from 1M) to telo p.,nnds, ids. J...lu• -1.•phen ♦4Rlf.t'LTt-Rtf. PRODUCTS e:L:\�- :t1--177:1,1. •.tt11\�, E'rl„ lone• bu-',.I fell whe.L %white, nalnr•1, 71 F:. 7o'.,.•b•u F:+t., .Ia-. it, Sterling. otos• hu-h.•I •7'ring wh••at. any oar let), named, .la-. It. "?'-rigor, Jn••. Sow• eth>. erne IA,rh,•I harb•y, any sanely, nam• e•. Jae. Alton. ••n•' I,a-Lill I,ri...",• p•.1 . any ariot), rr.enle41. .L .. AIt4.1I. •one bunli•4 +mall peas. any 7arirt), named, JtiF: .Vino, Jas. R. Sterling. „ur bushel white .oats, any vari'l), °.cineol .la.. Alton, ..thor E.w;anl. one bushel black nate, any variety. nlulwl, .14.. :Vico. ••lisrr V. Edward. tole hustle! rlos.r .reed, Ja.,_ .Allan• Jan. R. Sterling. One bol -hal wit lie bean., %Ir., e,.., Baxter, Alfieri R. 'oke Three In•ad1 son flower seed, bP.l au%1 !WAS Wm. T. Jrnnina-, .1n- rhes' H:IIhdNy. 1:1. t-- -Tl-*'i41,7i nenrr4, S'Fa1F:T.1• nt.r.r -:% I•n,g Red M..ri .Id A1l,ttiel, F. Barker. - ix elloh. Mangold "4'urt;el; R. E. Snowcden 7:-t., T. \I. Sni.wden: six Interim dish, AlanIolti N'nrt.rrl, v1). 'I'. Alurn.y, Rohl. Andrews. c lina..r Manhold+, for frod,nit poses, .Andrew Halliday, R. L. Snowden Fs, Sw. Snow.1. 141% N P.I.' Inraips, N'm, Thorn, R. E. it Fid. 41'- .'error, Albert Okr, R:.rker. • )'. Nine ears corn, hent. Rohl.. Andrew., H. r. -n .\.•1Pn Eats \for . ,r+ c„rn, field, any 'variriy, 47,... Laithwriil••, ,Albert- ilk.•. Largest, pumpkin, Wm. H. Doak, ,1n• drew Halliday. Largest squash, Wm. H. Doak, -EI' mer rheanlodn. . - Six 1 irg'•.t turnips, Win. Timm. SI; sugar bort., for sugar purpose., F. B.rri , r. 'Twelve Inr,•--t and he -t • stalk. of 11.11rr rnj;l'I,ns. .\I,-M1"wdrn, 41, E. i n,w'Il1,Pri Indg'.- .:h,.., ';ir%in, John W. Sul• k'•,,'. DURY PRODUCTS GLASS 3:1 Ten p'.inds table butler, aallrd f' -r Ilse. .Albert R. irke, 4n.,. Eisler, Mrs. r;liirenre Un-brw, i Ten pounds of table hotter, in emelt, silted for. present use, Mrs., 71.,, WAX tf•r, Jnn. Fo.I.r, lieo. Lafthd'aitr, TO or rroek of butter, not 1e.. thin :lo pound., \t., Gen. Baxter, Mrs. 4,l:eren,'.•- hostess Jim. Fmwle.r. j fairy butter, ' pounds, i ponroi pNulw, Mr.. 17en. Railer, -.Ino. Fowler. Ju.tlre-(llrr'rdon A. Hiasett. 11,.\!s 411- Ii"AiILSTIY S&17N,a:, RAE- . - • IN(4 Loaf )east rising bread, _white. .A Hitliday, Mrs. Ross, ea. F. F:.rsard. Loaf .alt ri.in* broad, 'white, 11m. Hess, fnd. Loaf' brown broad, Mr.. Rn.., 11. F F:'iwar.I, Mrs. .Liam Foaer. Loaf nut ire' ad, Mrs. Adam Foster. \ Loaf print hr. -,..I, Ars. a IlustoW, .t 411W4y, R, F: Snowden Est. div riskier powder And .lx baking 4asa tea biscuits, R: A"ling, Mr.. A'iam F ..t•Y, Mr.. r:, ihi.tnw • Six plain an.1 Ili fanny roll., nr buns, It. E. Snowden Est., A. Halliday \I1- n'• -I 1 'i\ ',cer I -it ainaor , \Ir- \•..,n, F, -1• r, \Irs. He=-, \Ir-. I. 1,11-t,,.%. 07x oatmeal and six nut cookies, %1r' .1dam roster, R. K. Snowden Est., Mr. o:. In,st.nv. Sponse cake, \Ir•, G. Ihl•tow; Mrs. .1. Vu ter. - .11m oak'•, Mr.. e'. UIlsto.v. Anuol oak.., 'f'. it. Wallis, 1Mr.. r.. Inl•tow,.. Bark layer r.ekr, \I‘.. Howrie, R. E Sn..wd•'n Est:, T. R. N'allis. - ' Mehl frriit sal.••Mr.. C. i,nrloww. F'nnr piesapp,le, pumpkin, lemon 441.1 miner', 4. ilalliday. , 'ir tart., R. E. Snow*. it E -t., \Irs. A. F•,.tor, R. Young. Judge..- Airs. J. T. Salkeld, Mr-. \I. A. \Ir\411). t:l.1SS 1: • 1,:\CF: AV,i?7i , ET•:. Paint Nee. M. .1. Fowler, Mr.. How - Irish .'roehet Mrs. Hnwrie, it. Young. Knitted thread Iaoo, M. E. Felker, Mr.. Ilowrfe. Tailing, B. Younlr,'4Ii.. Li\intrstune. , limon thread work, dollie., MI.. I,twing•tone, Mrs. Howrio. Drawn thread work, e,ntr.•piote, M. 51. !row her, Mr.. Ilowrir. Netting, AI, K. Felker, Mr.: Howrie. Judge. -Mr*. Tape, Mr.. Woo. iam keel. '7 Hard Wood \NI) Light Wood From $2.00 to $6.00 per cord Delivered to any part of the town. Also a quantity of KINDLING. WOOD Phone 165 Robert Wilson ifamilton St. (:nrlerieh