The Signal, 1919-9-18, Page 6rf Thur'Aay, Re•plember 1Q, 19111 ''''"'"F'a'""rw TAZ . SIGNAL OODZSICB, ONT. School Shoes Good news to the growing girls. We have a large range of lines for growing girls. Boots with medium. and low heels and qualities that are second to none for the prices we ask for thein. Solid good quality Boots is what the boys need for school. We have them in several different lines. Our stock of Boots is steadily growing. Our "Made to Order Goods" that were bought early in the season are now coining along and we can certainly quote you interesting prices on these goods, as the present shoe market is much higher. 'We are ready with our Rubbers for the damp wet days that will soon be here. Every pair in stock is new goods. Call and see our goods before buying. A good assortment of Travelling Goods on hand at all times. We need out ask those who base had repairing done here tow of forget aur Herm, 1eepaetmtut, but those who are not having Mr. Hail reyweie their (roots are mussing the best of repair work. A trial will euo►iace )041. 5112[YC\YYLZSIiI%IIZ[\CIZI III IZZZIISIIIZZZZZYYISY IISZZZa HERN'S BOOT SHOP Fall Term from Sept. 2nd. 4CENTRAL (d4,..S STRATFORD. ONT. Western Ontaria's Largest and Best Commercial School We have (•ununtocial, horthand and Telegraphy Departments. Hare experienced instruct oral. Give thorough color -es and we assist grad- uates to pr.itJ3us. Write fur free catalogue. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal isomer and Chartrl. St,.. Toronto Enjoys an excellent reputation for high-grade business training and for placing graduates in gotyl position.. 1!nter an) time. Write foe catalogue. W J. ELLIOTT. Pnnc,pai TRAVELLING oon,passion.. that you van always de- pend on to be agreeable, in no way in• Serb:ling with your comfort and stand- ing every test without giving out 40 oou,pinining, are that easy -fitting pair of *Owes we repstir(MI for you. If you are thinking of laking a trip. Dons in and let its 0m tap a cotnfurtahle old pair, that will help you to eo.loy travelling. We excel in SHOE REPAIRING S. SMITH Ih;s..t Si,•,'t floderich The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may call mayour troubles -the Plumber. We know our business and are here to serve you. 01104104.0110411141041011104110411114111 FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Mam.lton Street Phona 135 Plumbing heating F':ave.trouglhing %fetal Wo,, k To VANCOUVER Via the Scenic Route Leave TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 p.m. Monday Wednesday Friday Coenpartneent-OhaervatIon, Standard And Tourist Sleeping Dining Cara. Comfortable (:oit hes. SIX DAYS A WEEK SERVICE TO WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON MON. WO.. VR1 - Via Con. Natianar Rya. Alt the Way. TIM- THU.. SAT -Via G.T.. T.& N and Can. National lye, and Canadian National Railtuags • TowN COUNCIL. Standard Time to Re Ke -established September 27. At the last reguhr meeting of the town council an applisation from A. M. Glover fur a permit fur a further addition to his garage %%its reterromi to the lire min - ow Al. Dm iors street dint the Itollegisto• Institute respectively. 41 ere dealt with in the usual wuy. • A letter was received from the Itiekle t'ire Engine violet -ding the pow to lie nil was stipple - meta, 11 hy 11 offer from Reeve Ituvi:: nin.k rnlei tine tritek ail ..41.4, (lie to a...et:tin the price of a Chevrolet fire trite... Tin.. sr•retary of the Agrieultural Sioef.ay wrote aslieg for the usual gril 111 1111.1 rimmesting the usual prepar- ation ot thy ground,. ;I 1111 114.01111r04.111 of special poiice for the tali fair. With ryeard to thy &romp. the piddle works rotundity.. was empowered to ail. anal the rteatit..1 for a icroul wins referred to the nuance elm n: i t tee. Mayor wii. mule -wins! atitpitill1 .% letter '1 • tile 4:wleriela lder• ea tit Ile Co. auk noviledged re, turn of factory equipment 1 rota he 4 hoderielo Initiate Co. and 1 he 1 14 1144111 Tile clerk W114 111- ..1 141 :1 11101 flak tiw Ito entory already awl to report ult.-tiler any 1114111 101:11 HI:1,11111e* /re ZZZZZ 41/11141. Conticilloor Mitchell 1114... 11.1 1.4. 011111 11110' 110 it 111.4441 1/3 111W No. 41 id The *mane.- colinalittee ref 411111114.11d441 Ille payisitlit of the grout promisee' too the 1V.omen's !last e WW1 1011 Tire reinetery and park. unlalllailfet- tiestions be prepared for at more suit• able omit.iitwe 3111101mnd cemetery. , and that steps lor taken towards eleau- noneees.ary tee,. awl generally was asked to prepare s 11,1 1•1 tv•taatoit•ry lots held in reserie• 4111.1 114.4 INN 1.1 for. the appriairliing. eigwe 114. .411,4011. I 110 action Nilsen regarding faker MeVittic's rompte.t for an increase ot that the tire chief he at.keil to reimart the .moniwil .111 all fires. the extent of thintegt• parthailatrly the emus*: and that the Gialeriell Knitting Co. be notified to for.orilk. 141.41111 1.1 1111. 114 at it. fao;fory. Tlie pillage works ommonittee revolts - 1111•1141.41 1 1E11. my. J. .1. NIteier's request for 110.11111“ 11/ install at gasoline , tank ion Hamilton street Im. granted. subject to fin. 11.11a1 riNallire•Uirlafx. TIle 11.111.,11111 1..114 for park - That all to -hicks parl. on the right side of the •trert. heading in al II 11 angle fort) -nit degrees. with the right freut %4 heel touching the curb. and 1144 lllll re IhAll low deep. That where rars Are to be parked lllll re Doan one hour on the square. in front 111 Ihratre. hotel. or in front of the mostoffiee. the) shall park similarly t he stpileo,ile side of the sufficiently far to the right to allow la dam -naming trinities mied keep other. to pas. n safe margin of the rentre line of the .deeet. rar to par:, ttithin ten feel of an) nolo' hydrant. relmo-rs 1%0'1'0 111 1001/4141. Tile 10.1104 iug imiveil by Thos. Stott:era, be Iworiwtoll by the Dwario Hallway awl Nintlielyni Boned to have the think width ore now -week- ing investment ton loblialf of the muni- cipalities 1.1•1111 HUN 131114(441 he 11011414 1111 adman November 1st, tool Moot Ow -Stolid siplicattion to the Gov- ernment for interitn t'anittlii treasury bills bearing interest at the rate of 5% per eent. (tor the amount of a pprox 1111114'1Y tirrimm: the .1.1 111 treasury bills to be applied its 1.1.14h payment on the forthcoming loan. which is to yield 51,, per vent. By thr trindee making asopliention direct to the. cost tof' brokerage for buying 'thy bomb' will be eliminated. and the investment will yielil 'per cent. instead of 5% per eent. as outlined 111 the letter from the trustee's solicitor." , This resolution 1410111 111.4 the position taken by Mayor Whelp before the !Oil - w ay anti Mitiolcipal 'hoard at its recent sittings 111 this matter. ' 1 Ito Doti of l'outwillors Parsons and NIItclii.11. 111. e(1111101 decided to revert to -old tptue" on Stalinist,' mid- night. September- 27th, and that proper notiee he hooted to the public in ad- Iter..1. E. Ford was appointed to the publie library board to fill out the un- • TRAINED NURSE GAINED TWENTY TWO POUNDS. la • Perfectly Wonderful Medi- co'," Says Mrs. Joseph Freeman. ' Mrs. Joseph Freeman. uf 547 Towne ave., Los Angeles. Cal., a graduate nurse who has practised her profession for' seventeen years, recently made the state- ment that she bad not onIy been relieved ofta case of stomach trouble of ten year,. standing by the use of Tarlac, but that she had also gained twenty-two pounds In -I feel that 1 wculd be doing anyone a good turn by getting them to take Tan - lac." said Mrs. Freeman. "Fur ten years 1 had been having trouble with my :40111. ach. I suffered intense pains after eating and would bloat up with gas so the pres- sure around my heart would almost faint. I was so nervous I could hardly sleep and became PO v.rak and rundown that I could hardly keep up my work as a nurse. I tried all kinds of medicine but nothing would relieve me. "Finallra friend of my husband'. who bad been relieved of the same trouble by taking Tanlac advised him to get me a bottle. Soon after starting on it my aro. petite returned and my nerves became quiet. Now I cah eat anything I want and never have the least bit of trouble after- wards. I sleep hhe a child and feel rested !and refreshed on getting up in the mnrn- ings. I have gained twenty-two pounds on lour bottles of Tanlac and feel strong and well again." Tatolac is sold in tboderich by E. R. Wigle, in Setiforth by 4'. Aberhart, iu W limbo in by .1. Walton MeNilobton. - Hello:ell by A. M. E. Hetuphill, in Blyth .by White City Drug Store. in Wroxeter by J. N. Allen, lu lamiletiburo by John Mowry: Drueetield by Peter Dowry, crediton by .1. W. Orme. in Clin- WANTED! TEN ERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES Any bright g: she would at man We will thoria Apply I H. can adapt herself readily to conditions can in two or three months ac- ..e.ge of operating to be capable of earnidg as good or better wages than r kinds of work. .y instruct new beginners and pay good wages from the start. The Jackson Manufacturing Co., Ltd. GODERICH meeting will be at ,the..Aiome of Mrs. R. Nicilwain on September 25th at 2.20 Toronto World Thinks it Has lkome- thing to Po VI ith Liquor Supply. The Tortilitio W.,' 1.1 truces 1ii•tvi ern the date of the Prorliteial 44144.1 11.11.1 and the ratifieation of flw peatee treaty. It prints the fol- lowing despatch rr11.111 11 %Vorld man at the 11101441 : $414I. The. discussion of the treaty of Wove in the commons liah a wore intimate relation to the poli- tical situation 111 I 111111rh, 01111 11111 IIy Mewl:era here imagine. Both the ;Or- r •ut here and the IInVerliinelil IU Toronto know that the ratification of the treaty by Britain :Waned* W- 4.11141.41 i the einloarito liquor omoning 4 Work). oor 111111 4'.1 11- 114111 for that matter. and that the re- moval of the embargo will allow the immolate of 1/ilturio Ito -shock 111.*I as under the Ontario TP1Upt.railtut. 11 the Ottawa lhaternment imposed 'mobil/411111 by order-in-Comicil as * wur *fire, As 414111 114 the 41.1 111 ratified here or the vertainti'of ratitivotion eight, dere of 11111. lilts tit) electiiiti will lir kinimmiweit. 1114.1 lorder. 1.1114‘41 111. Mlnitreal for 1/..1114. 11.14. 1.111 :44.011 Ike Itatifying the I treaty Niko* 11 1:101 load off the 'welt 1 of Sir William Hearst and 1114 1.00.r11 - wiring Wm to get the thing done: and I How N. %V. Howl -11 is also anxious to get it done MO that Canada may attain the ilea honor of at seat in the gaiety of notion.: but Hon. T11011311.. 11.-4larry milli How Howard Ferguson are equally presoting III See relief afforded _, to Sir William Hearst, wino would pre. ton by W. :4. It. I 1012114144, 111 :41/01Par1.1. fer that the elowtion unol the inflow of jou by JAI. Simpson. in Gerrie by 114. for private eellurs about sv nehro- . %j- olted tertu of the tate•Ite. Strong. TN. Mayor 1410. 111 onil report MIMI sentative. at 1.iiii.14•41 to confer regard- man. tie 1144 11101.41 We 411 dinner thim 114410 know whether too do it tor not. the of uniform power ra tes. This meeting has already been reported in The Samoal. The 30111:11, u:•rks 1.4.1113114 tee W111 ,-/divitor regarding the procedure for of sewer 011 Thomas stiawt. The chairman of tlw public workm the Wittier to1 a further supply of tins - tam eotieetor to eoliert immediately all 'militia taxes. to a•odst the ID preparing th.. assessment which the assessor wa- IN-r 15111. The 0.111101 tiii•ri ,Teething Troubles. Baby's teething time o a time of worry for most mothers. Baby's little gums become swollen and tender:, h:s bowels get out of order and constination.. colic ' or even divrrhora sets in. To make the teething period easy Baby's Own Tab!ets should be given the . little one. They sweeten the atomach. regulate the boxed, 'and keep baby good-natured. Concern- ing them Airs. Marcel De LeBlanc. Mem- used Baby's Own Tablets for the past six years and have found. them indispens- able. To my mind nothing can equal them in allaying the fever accompanying teething. I would not be without them and would strongli. recorr,mend them to other mothers." he Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr Williams Medicine Co., rockville, Ont. COUNTRY WOMEN'S CLUB. - The usual program of the Country Women's Club was vaned at the Avgust meeting by having a quilting. While the members worked Aliss M. E. Salkeld Rave an interesting reading. entitled "The Bad Citizenship of Good Womeh.” and Miss Leith waite sang a solo very sweetly. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. T. I. Johnston. expressing appreciation of her generosity and interest shown in the welfare of the community by her dona- tion of the land on which to build the proposed community hall. The next SPECI ALS Boys' Caps, new supply to hand Boys' Overalls, 55c to $1,25 Boys' Jerseys, white. navy and red Boys' Braces, 15c up A few peices of curtain material, to cleat from 25c a yard up A nice line of Bath Towels at right prices We stock the Crompton different styles Lime juice, Grape Rasp. Vinegar, Lemon and Orangeade iv bottles, also Lemonade a nd Orangeade Powder. Just right for drinks in the hot weather Try some o‘f our Aroma Brand Tea. With ten lhs you get a Teapot FREE Mint Tea in stock.Von will find a noon in each package J. J. McEwen Licentie No. 5-71443 lf you err.. in my Maw.. Miss rutting Nliss Cutting : point the to. towards the front door anti gise thew a start." The Prince in Canada What COMFORT LY.E,.. C14151*.Pf. It is seed ler eiwiaing up Campfire Lys is toe 1 or mating drain@ and closets sweet and aloes. 1111 Coogferf lye Kille rate. omen roaster end laweet poste. • Wrist eineeiag you've gni. le•powderod.porfuwed wad 100% pure. is splendid ror • • ADVERTISE IN THE SIGNAL. IT PAYS. Indians Received by the Prince at Charlottetown, P. E. I. Prince Says Good-bye to Quebec at C. P.lt Station.