HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL
r •
Tioirs.1ay, R•q•!oni14.r 1g, 101/9.--$
i Ford Touring Car 8395
1 Ford Touting Car - - - 395
I McLaughlin, Model f Z - • 525
All of these are ready to drive• ;'and worth the money,
you are thinking of }tyiti :1 machine call and see thein bets,:c
you du anything.
"Owned and Operated by a
East Street Garage Practical Maa"
GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover
The Most Wonderful
Talcum that ever
"Came to Town"
Can you imagine a taken, at tine as u.,st
-o4 telkety `oftnr'.�. and a•cnl.nl .4444,
th4 blinded w, e:oeb. of 11,.' work!'.
rare Dowers I !father difficult to be-
11.'te I.n't it ' '1114 u let us prove it. b)
oho%ing you
Carden Court
It 1s the very newest a. well a. the von
ene.t-pct up in t �Mktn.ly hauds.u.
Nelson blue Lacks4e of III.•lal mte ,std
teold at a ' quatter." When ),,n %re it
you will hny-s,4 other. do. nacre are
lire 'other +:Hideo +'o.iir prelu,rart..u.
fur the toiler earl. a.• wumlerful as
the Tab•um.
Our I'rnelar More has the a do set'ncy
Campbell's Drug Store
TH1: J'E'41.AR
of Bygone Years
are always recalled by the
association hof a good
The desire' for good
portraits spring+ from the
!sacred fountain of cher-
felled memories t }t e
,tnetnory of departed loved
ones, or of friends alEay
in other land. -the mein
ory of those who tell in,
battle, or of family' an-
cestors whose early
struggle's built .us a step-
ping -stone to higher
reaches and a nohtrr life.
x J. T. FELL x
RAIst RAISIT8 4 ;a;;orwl �'
EASY PAYMENTS see psyyou27s'
pna 114 an you .alta from our .41x4,
Valuable Uterature.Wntract 10c r.an.
P. 0. 808 805 DETROIT, MICH.
to ..< 14 vV•cp, •r.
Wheat, re.. bn.h. 1 too 0, a •
'u••. te,. a.,.4,.-. .... .til to
H4rlry ,w- bn•h .Y. to .
Pee... glee bn.1,1.v ro Y •.•
11.lckwt....C. ter Lute. . ,111 to
I•:vur, ftndtl, peer.[ ..., . S.d1 to 5
Flour. pits .1. per cwt 4.75 we 5
nett.. pre tad 0.41 to se o
+hors... pee toil ..... ... ,...• '., "s, to '• u
HA/. per 4n1.
... ... ...... to 1• n
+•ra., lOo... ter ton . ta. ro a... •
I'orl Hot Ler. peel'. ''to
nean•er, Yntt.•,. per Ib..''.. t ret
Mata•. fr..h. per .1o,-4; to
tires 1•etat.e+lw b
bul... ::.-u t,.
Cattle, but. -here crow•, tierce'. 1, ;'• to 4
bus eh... o...l h.w.i.er c -. ,
(lolp•..flee ..'Iter. per
Lambe • •„ i,•
HWr. per It.
ih.eee•ila• t,,
FOR _.
We have especially ('oin-
sidered your wants in the
Embroidery Line.
as well as of every other class
of fancy work.
Beautiful stamped Night-
gowns. Day Slips, Runners.
Centres, Cushions, etc.
Everything in Silks, Cro-
chet Threads, K ti fi ti i n g
Needles, Tatting Shuttles and
Crochet Books.
-'Telephone and Mail Orders
promptly filled
Smith's Art Store
east St. Phone
Peaches and
The best season for
these two fruits is now
here and we are in
a position to fill your
Jars and Rubbers
flow about your Fruit Jars
and Rubbers :' We
still have a stock on
Robertson & Mair
'Phone 164
Cor. Hamilton Sr- and Square
1 beg to announce that I have taken over
the Repair Department of Johnston's Garage
and will endeavor to give the public service to
the best of my ability.
f(y tftA�.a�A x
'rlwnkngivinc Iky.
Monday, October 13. but been Heed h.
the Government as Thanksgiving Day
e Canada.
la,,spital Tag Day.
'Che proceed, from the hospital tag day
Tueadayi were in' thv neienb,rini d of
$17a. The ladies of Ahsneek Chapter.
I. 0. D. E., wider ataie- direction the
enterprise was carried'aut. wish to extend
their thanks to all who gave their help in
any way.
sellout • Fair at C'ar'low. -
The Colborne'. ,wnahip school tair will
be held at Carlow on Monday, Septem•
tier 29th. This fs a nry venture for tn•
-chases Of Colt) me township, and, it o.
!loped the people will show a fitting
interest in the undertaking by attending
in large numbers un the date mentioned.
Wider and Light ('unsedseiss.
R ,urine busine•ts chiefly occupied the
attention of the water and light a>mrpia
-ion at the regular meeting last fhurxiat
night. A letter from the 1)ntarb, Work
man'sCompensation 1341ard stated that the
expenses of•the funeral of the late Bart.
Watson. who .was killed while in th'-
service of the wnsrnlasuon. had been paid
by the Board. and that the widow would
recent** $X a month until her .vl-atn ix
Itoard of Track Emla,.
The luncheon to be givefr on the oc-
ca•,on of the visit of Dr. Horace L. Boo.
rain of 1'Oronto on Monday next will be
the necaatnn of a rally of the general
( ill )itII \WiLa.
The Eureka Bible lona of Victoria
street Meth xltst I.h'arch ,t:n hold a :44,:,•1
, tea ::r.1.... :I r,ert at . u'cleck Thursday
' neptemb:r _Sth: .1Ji'4 .)n lac.
If you have Backache yo': Lave
Kidney If t ,o .t•g!.•. t
Baciaset.d it will d.'..•1.1/ ii;"4
a..m.>thin3L worse -Brigid s 1>i,•
ease or Di>.betea. There i, n:1
use rubbing- -4.111 doct,>r,,, s,..;r
ba.k. lure Cie kidrrt+. Th.•re
is •,nay one kidney masticate but
it e res :::she every titre--
Harvest home services wit! he hell n
.the Baptist church next Lard's Das'. The
, castor wilt preach. There w:;; be sire,
music at each service. and tate ci:ur.h
w:.l be decorated ty suit the uceasion.
Rev. 11.1). M r: e- w•:: beim his pu'p,t
at North si ert1 Aleth ,dist church next
Sanday atter a halals. term. Hi. Berm ri
"ub;ects alit be: al ,:...n-. 'r
of the Soul:" ever. r ,
al Seif•respect.•'
Rev R. I' M .a • Clinton. ha,
• resigned ha. ' L.:•_ .mbent lel the
M:ddlet.'r 11 t.ic• • - :•..:nerhillparIse, hts re n:.:: . , take -etfect In
l ie:ember. He 4:.,s . not yet been
iiirppointed t•a'an ".-h r ..tr•,h.
•Divine 'service next Sabhath .h K .•
turas ail, we c. ash!. ted hi the nun: -t,:
Rev. R. C Md. ernad . • . of set -
mo:,. It a. m.. ..(f-:.` a•. Factors."
p• m. -Di-c,.' .ring Late t f•'4rte••'
1 he .ever in the .. .tit 1R
Ileo' 1'.11 u;,.l,.:e •u„1 ..,.. n. t. rsptc:a..� to[ the y.•.ur:;
•'.11 v
later, when J. 4. ,.413 l• d OM* tot hi. '
tuarv..tu Fond 4n I.rr. 55'4soon-i n.
the first 1..'i -..i 4,. is. hurled wit ll I.
was the .ol•l oy-rea'•Lor. w'boIoie• at:n
had wont! to the N'o:•t, _
trember.hiD cr the hoard of . Trade. to It''arn--,arr-
ar:nm the visiteit is to give an address on
matters pertaining to muninpal 1('vern•
mens. Dr. Brittain is the managing di•
rector of the Bursrau of Municipal Re-
search. The luncheon is to he served at
!.r Masonic Temple at o.::0 o'cl.xk.
For lir. Mrlilruni . Prises.
it, :4'•,114 114011.1e4 f, r the
; r4.o .Io,e,4,.)• t•. the 10•'a1
Mt. try Iter. hr. .1cf.lrun.. of 4'let
.I,.1, ttleii>la,r nu the r 114. Crest. nn
N'tiltlt»•.kry of 44,st 0.,"6. .51,.gt a
-.ere• .f teams:t.»,k part in the t ' lrita•
,;d•t.t, and the .m4.040.41 ts1 :1
Lite (lone. The prize-. Mese, wore:
rind out - 1st. H. M,'4.rmo:t au.4
C. Itbrrk ; .4.141.1, 4'. 11. 41au1)u•r and
rt,'i 4 - -iN, I>r..1. 4', Hnutrr
:.uJ, r', 4,'unpi..0 and
I,.ur lean in Penitentiary.
The only cruse for thr a.sezes hetl this
weeh was a criminal charge against
.l 'eat Jardine. of (;.>derich. of having
had carnal knowledge of an :mbecde
o man. The. trial commenced. Tuesday
afternoon and cpntinued until late Wed-
nesday afternoon, The prisoner was
lured guilty. and was sentenced by the
r tai Badge. Chief Just: '1 Falconbndgr,
K. B.. to four years in Kingston peniten-
tiary. This is the maximum penalty for
this offence, the Chief Justice stating
that he c.''sidered the prisoner a menace
the community. The prosecution was
.nducted by Dudley Holmes. K. C.. of
\Singham, assisted by County Crown
\tt.irney Sea wr,. and M. - G. Cameron,
K. C . defended.
4'. Il. 0. (►rr.r:11ies. ).entire.
St. Peter's church was the scene of a
quiet wedding en t1'Fdnesday, September
when Irene. only daugh'rr •.f Mr,
and Mrs. William Farr. of hewn. was
united in marriage to Horace Hearn, of
Stratford, late of Goderich. Rev. Fattier
McRae performed the nuptial ceremonies.
The bridesmaid was Miss Margaret Farr.
cousin of 'the bride. and Mr. James
Sennett was the gronm..rnan. The belle
was very attractively garbed in her
travelling suit of blue. with hat to match.
The •happy_ couple returned this week
from a trip to Buffalo. New York and
other points and said make their home at
Stratford, where -Mr. Hearn is employed
in connection with the F T. -R. The
bride was for a number, rf +ears on the
Bell Telephone Co: staff here and has
many Irienls who extend hearty good
wines to the young coup:e.
Krt. A. E. trn>.truog Urge. ".uppurt
of Nli•-ionary Work.
Thea aa- a :a ar a'tendance of in-
terested women at `tar semi•annual con -
:seer -we, of the 11u!.4n I'ret•.t>yLei , l
' Nomen's \liest,:r:ary w-uety held in the
Pre.bytenan church. Bio Ma:: Tuesday.
September 4th• the vanou- autilianrs
and mission' bacula bring at:: represented.
The morning ie--u,ti commenced at 10
o'clock and was c.d:ducted ha members
of the Smith's Ha. Au IIia's. opening
with a Scripture reat'.in, by Mrs. Warner
W. Wafter. and prayer by Mr, A. Young
Hendersi>n. Th•: ntinates orate previous
meeting were read b:. 'the secretary, Ali.y.
H. I. (irahain. of Seab,rth. (otlewed by
remarks by- the t1easurer, 11r4. J. C.
Greig, of Seaforth. Int-rest:rig and com-
prehresive rriwrts of tt,e General C4 until
in Toronto and tt:e Provincial meeting at
Guelph were read by the delegates. Airs.
Georgy Teliord, of Blyth, and Mrs. 1\' D.
Fair. of C!int..n. Asx Helen Clark, of
Leehurn, ceatributtd a very- helpful re:
citation eni:tlyd '•Fractant " Much
pptogres in connection with the Forward
llovemert wag seportt'd by tar ,onventr,
Mrs. R• J. Ross, of Auburn. Mrs. S. Mc -
McLean. of EErnot'dv4lr, cln.ed the
morning session with prays:. A',.,u:diful
lunch. to which' the members of the
Presbytery and delegates sere invited,
was provided by the Blyth ladies.
Mr. Warnock. •,84 .derich. presided at
the afternoon .essson which opened at 2
o'clock. 'and Stn. Strachan engaged to
prayer. The principal features were an
insomnia address by Rev A. E. Arm-
strong. M. A.. of Toronto. descnp.ive of
conditions in the various Canadian Pres-
byterian mission stations in Formosa.
Corea and China. visited by hl'1t' in his
capacity as assistant foreign mi --,on secre
tars an a (sent trip to the Orient. Hr
described the Japanese system in Cori a as
the German machine sad the-ttuatiol,
there that of Belgium over skarn. in
China he held a conference aith some of
the prominent Christian Chinese business
men who had been brou,;ht into touch
istianity m Auetra.la and who
upon returning to their own country
became proprietors of targe departmental
stores contfuct.'d along modern lines and
other business cr,ncernc Ia response to
proposal made by .Mr. Armstrong as
agent of the Canadian Presbyterian
church to establish a h•isp.tal with a
Canadian staff, fifteen of these merchants
pledged the .um r•( ;.;0.000. and a site.
valued at $ti0.00(t.- i. likely to be donated
by the city officials, most of whom are
heathen. so much do the Chirese appre-
ciate the self-sacrificing w•rk of tie
medical missionary. Mr. Armstrong said
that if thg congzegations even doubled
their donations to the mos-i'mary funds it
would not do any more than maintain the
work as it is at present. awing to the
excels of moneyexcha ge. rates and the
high cost of living. They should treble
their contributions.
'11..i . 14. 51.-11,1•'..31..18 I4,-eieelil•14, eon-
vey.'.I the gr.•..that- of the Presbytery
le a'„ , 1 113(fay uuu.nrr. .11 is. ((eosin%
..f •N.••. Ilarnbora. 4'.',on o Ian mistime
.54 ch4. ,.rtr..m of the year w.Mn rho
farmers and ..410•r* are oto. -king 44,414
?.rllars- with vet..tables. err,., 1 rhoui.l
14:w• to make lin appeal on, behalf of
rt..- i..arvl of 'the a'I.•Candrn Marine 1.11.1
1:on.•ra1 1:111,4111:41. that in the t•in.•r..-itv
t t..'sr•'hearts yowl x411 remeu,tw•r that
Ilist lr1.1 ion :owl donate .'sato,• .144111 i
.4,0m of )mfr :.1,'I.laoer 1perthnl:u lc
4. tats.'.to its -i•: 'it. 1114 ter,tipg the
patients ever Ifo• winter Yam know
"m1 h,.'. ital is :self 1.4444(44ining
f 11P1o111• . a..4.•ti. tier 1. 41'" '.44, The
4 ..,11,'riell 11...01111 ,W1114 tlo• 01,41144"44;
111:111:111111401: b,.spirll No or teas,. in .
tle+trru 111.tlyri.. of-.%*J.r.rr 4nlu011.on I
wu, li..•db• b1.t c.•ar, Alt dew,tion-
w114 lie iris trfnllr a4kn sieledg••/f.
Y.iurs erre truty,
Ara. KII•1,.
'411.•re• teas :a )nrrnmt of mato-.
rt 4.,ulrri.•11, 1'. 11. F., and '
ethers !lot Ilw•n11w•rs. fit the 1'unrt. at
rhr deenri►tinn e.•rei.r al alaithttwl ,•'ii*-
'•rery tat $$many afternoon hod. Th.•
-endue .411s oon4H.tml Mr Ker. J. E,
\tii'+sttley- .Int 1h .1. i". Ito., rlefr,
bet It 8:11.4' eXeellrul 111141 noire..
1•rL•1te a11.lr.ssea. Thr shoring wee let
1,1- \loss.'+. F:. 4'. It.•1.h,•r, If. Barker
and T. 'fal.b. The kynuis .ung were
140.4 Its• the Tie that 141ku1s,'' ••Nrar.h•,
\ly, 4:.al. to Thee.- sold •'u I:ooi. Uur
Ilelp In Area I'a.t.'' The brethren. lel
by afr, -1►.•Hprnn l.1 fila rsh,. I of 4'..n rt
+:oderich, and 'o11ductevl by te•xton
Aiders, visited about forty .rake(•, and
rever•utI trans.) ttoarr..`1141.11 them.
'('h.'-erylue aa. a veq-Mupre..ive one.
Iles kiting 014 States. 1
'1'w'.• uferesHng arr4 int.•re•stivt
1 i.itora 111 town 1111. Novak weer Mr.
'run alor'is, of 4'na•kann, ali4n., 111141
\Ir, .I. 4.. )L•ri•is, of Wilmot'''. 1\'t...
brother. of airs, M. 4'. Swanson. '4'In'
batter 4. an rxtensirr• tnuno(a4rnr•r ..f
oarr4..a.... nn4on,n1.44.•. hen Nee aunt
buses at Women). a410 a barge trick•
throng) 1 the State. 'foul Morris f-
in the Jewellery bn•1inr.., In alaieh he
...erred W. nppr.'tlfb'eddp in 1:, teri4h.
Hr I, high in the Masotti.. flit'''. Ming n
I. 11 11. of the 11tlIII I1.1a.• 118 11'1.-
tellshl. The two 11411 114.1'41 lupe been
.11.r1'r.(111 11441 galley 111 bn,iness site hnt
en their public rarer-. 1wrf11 I»•hi, ea-
'41:;an•. of !heir 114,1111' t4.1111.. 'fhev
tpetit their 4.' 4,,.,l ill .'nlhorue town-
' llip, whirr 11,.• Lite .\les. Carroll ail:.
- - PROGRAM - -
1'R11I11 and N.1TI 10.1.11
this neck
\n►sh11 and TI F:S1)%t rwst
'r I
551 1" 1 "I►Ah and THI'RSDAS wet
5fa.LBXX.11. A 4Ifehree m.i.tent
of t:.wlrri.b. 4414.. I:nPhem0* tfa.•-
,IA•1111:,11, passed aw:t% :11 ,50",:trolrtx
h,..pltal' rru Monday ,'.,'mats afh•r a
lung 4111.'. \I r.. ,1. M. 5L,le•o.1. of
tam 11.- with whom sb,• lived. is her
sister and. so far as known, the only
sort -him! uri•uih,•r or the 811 Wily. Tt14:
(mistral vote%he took pl:o•r 1%'elra•.wluy
,,ornin8 at St. Peter'..hnrrh.flee. i1.
.5. 111.11,,.' of ieiating, and rhr remains
gem laiet at re -t in the Catholic e•tD-
.•h•r)' 411 4'ulIs,114'.
Mr. Cyril Dalton is hoineTr'm-it•ind-
sor for two weeks' holidays.
Mr. Cockburn Hays ieft this week to
resume his studies at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Re4. Sharman returned
on Monday from their Western trip.
Mrs. A. J. Cox and daughter,
Alma. spent last week visiting friends at
St. Thomas and Plattsville,
Mr. Donald Patters,n, the county
engineer. returned last week from a two
months' trip in the West. Ile was up in
the Peace River country. •
alias Annie MacAlanus, of Guelph, is
apend>ngahohday.,s at the home of nor
parents. Mr. and Airs. James MacManus•
Mise Ethel Nairn motored to Gait nn
Sunday, having accepted a position on
the teaching staff of the pub,.: schools of
that city.
Mr. James Hume left town this week
for Hamilton, where he alit spend arms
weeks on business for a New York ac-
countant firm.
Mrs. Chas. ilavill and son, -Mrs. Brown
and Mhos :lggie Nairn lett on Tu••..dav by
motor for their homes at Detroit. after a
pleasant visit with relatives here,
Mr. Ernest Clark and hos friend ,Mr.
W. G. Slack, of MacTier. On'., -hare
been spending a few days in town this
week. visiting at the tormer's parental
'Miss K Ice Gundry. who is spen'ling a
few weeks rn town, is being warmly
greeted by her many Gxferich friends.
ti le is now a resident of Los Angeles,
Jack Allen. the young .hon of Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Allen. Victoria street, is home
again Offer two we, ks in A1ex'+ndra
hospital, where he underwent an opera•
tion successfully.
Mrs. E. Strathdee, Stratford, an•
rounee' the 1 ngagement of her younger
daughter. Helen Marian (N•lliei• to Mr.
J. R. Coutts, of Goderich. the marnarte
to take place quietly Septemher 24.
Mis. Helen Stung, Who since returning
from overseas has been visiting at the
home of her neither. Mrs. 11. i Strang,'
left on Monday for New York to resume 1,
her work as a nurse.
Mr. John (tall, Jr., who was. hem
r.rently on 11 41.4! 4., 111. parents. \Ir.
and- Mrs. John r:dle two torn Iran. -
1', -rel from the Kelnwrut I 11.f'.1
I,rnnoh of the (tank of NIontrr,,l to the i
lo-am•h at Port Haney, 14,4'. 114' Is
ma 'roger of the hrnua•h.
Clearing in Men's Black
These Overalls are cut
roomy and are strongly
made, with elastic back;
to clear at -
• $1.65.
Men's brown duck work
Vests, five pockets, to
clear at
Men's button jersey
cloth Gloves, to clear at
Men's unlined split
horsehide Gauntlets, a
strongly made Glove for
general use, to clear at
Men's Police Braces, to
dear at
M. Robins
South side of Square
10 Stint Ort oe rAl
erim ANT ?VORA
• i:t
' 481sT 1tL*Oi..87,1424`,:".6"",„:".(1)."747"
TACa.S otu,v IWIPS//
ewtQ.w,/!D row Ce,cALrvR
11, CYC/,J71. FUflr74[l ' .4ytR1
6 JP , g t!!.r QLRlsall y
for that cot, burn, sore
or eczema. Ends pain,
prevents blood-potson-
ing and grows new
All dealers SOc box.
s. .u, Odor...lio•g br ,.. o.4,l inn of religious
ilo.. •.. rt.' t 4,.r 4e3s.rinl.'ht.1iteci.taro t,.. ,Ile ttfllne•o of Thins.
lee 111 i'1. .:• t":••• ••f 1Lr pm:fr.,ut t:..,,,,11- 1,1,11Odd i,ms .,r. L•isi4 Walde
tIle pr v, nl,.t lett 4.t the Ir.'+ld••nt. by 1 •r. 1:1e4.4er. rougr•gaN4us 1a
l., h . - I4, n.411,.l... "..110ri.h.'a1wl'I'hlrnl.'• I:..ad amt K1rl4.»n,
! - I 1' \l "mite, of Ln4.u1, .lf u •1 4,•11 es. 4411041 d, ill :,ud wissit earl,
. t •.6. t, I, ,.t Ilse t,f1• or I1w• 1:11, Mr.. allortis 1•y hide Kiri- 111111 ill. I'11iM
11 i.+lou Itand we.. Iwo I. .1 414.1r. fated.
ll.'s. al. 4' lire, ul Chilton, lilt id 4
prat'.•.' of thank sglt log for irate.
Itra.dott ion. 4.f .) lundtlty were eooteyed
II. I1.' . 1l. 1'1r4w01, of M.Ktill if. and
\fr.+. .51esa11drr Elder. of Nlyth. 1'he
1,es1 mer*tins: will be hold, is" 114) field.
t.•1. her. .. its of t:.-% 4'11Iu. .t'I.•fohor.
I.1... of '1'1nl11,. II..i,4, pr•.tdr•ut of
'I,.• ti. n ty fol• .,. man) years. whi,•14
- t.. I.. 4.riut.vl in 1hi' form of 41 blvd
, Int. - . Thr tweet al. of this piddled -
to 1.' atidied to x'(114.1 4,111141
;he .inn.. Plot.:,.'1 \L••11>uria1 P'w14. fu
A. National Proohlein Solved
Pure, VW'holest.me Food .4- Nujol = Health
PURE, who rsume feral is necessary, but it is not
..hough. The purest, must whulrwn.e food
sill filmier rather than help health if allowed 8.1
Clog the cul.,n-=-the large Mrestine. And dpotors
agree that at,uut 90',L of our aihhet.ts air &..used e -
intcnsihcd t')• constipation.
Some park of eve:1 the purest anti most whalcs.nne
food is Wane. 1f this waste is not fort muvng 01.1
of the l•..tfv, it stagnates and.bree.ls poisons which
saturate:ttie sy'attt► and cause or nourish disease.
The a 1..1, 'w tong way U• atlat•k sot h 4:Lomat.uh was to
force a paaa3:e through the impacted amass.
The new, ri0ht way to ovetcome it is t., 1.1 Nuj.
indutc easy soil-clnnulatlun.
And >4n.'r 1..,Jth is as - i4, a maitre .4 Gw we •f, ilete
waste as bnw w.• asiuolAtr 14.4 s1 -furl, it ...o he. ors.. evident
10 every calming prn...n that the .:-r .1 a i.ahsal, dn,t•t...
lubri..r.t is at sensible a114.1 t.r.cs.ary as rile e..141.1; . ( purr,
wholcis•a,r 8.414. •
The three, vital pr,.•resrs iq,. 'n w hi. h hr.ltb is 1w.rtJ aro
hlaaticatw•n, Asa' 'WWII, 1lhduratieri,
-.'herefore, the yet4ret rrril.- for heath n tloofidwl,'Ma.dra-
tiuwi rule, Wholesome I'..wl, a...I N'uiel.
Trytl:iitrinity. ;et .IrrtticofNaas!! y,,,,,aagraal e.lay.
For valuable hralrh b„aikt-"Thirty Feet of Danger"- -; ew, it ! ,..
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Ir ainii21• fse)•lh 114 by la waled M+M1. t-...
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a package
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