HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-18, Page 22-Thurwlsy, September IS. 1919. • t • TEN MORAL 4. GODIIRIfl8, ONT. rHB SIGNAL PRINTING CU , Uro. • Po MANIgee Thur.day, September 1a, IOU). EDITORIAL NOTES. Is your name on the voters' hat Only one monthkft to study the refer endum ballot. The Goderich Exhibition continues to be a great drawing -card. Hon. Isaac Lucas was a speaker the other night at Niagara Falls. w h hive ben falling down for a somewhat Inger period than the Attorney -General,' re- marks The Globe. Thirty-five law students were called to the bar at Toronto last week and wire received on giving an oath. The legal profession appears to have some ;special privileges of its own. What sort of gam_ is going on that prevents Sir William Hearst from making a definite announcement as to whether or not the Provincial elections are to be on the same date as the referendum The daily papers report a controversy on the question whether the road signs should read "Go slow" or "Go slowly." N hat difference does it make, when no- body pay; any attention to the signs, anyway "r Some new voters who want to vote the entire prohibition ticket may be misled by the injunction to vote "Nu" four times. The word "No" for any other word should not be written on the bal- lot. A cross should be placed opposite the word No in the four places where it appears on the ballot. Any additional mark or writing on the ballot would casae it to be rejected. it is not escaping attention that white Premier Hearst per".nally favors prohibition his most prominent Cabinet colleagues are not backing him up very enthusiastically in regard to this question. At the last general election they were all opposing the Liberal policy of abolition of the bar. and if the) have hien converted to the prohibition cause they are keeping ver quiet about it. A story is in circulation that the United Farmers and the Labor party may join forces with Sir Adam Beck as leader. and it is -hinted that this may be a move of the liquor interests to snatch victory from the defeat which threatens them. The "wets," of course. would bare to stay , undei cover. as the 1... F. 0. is strongly for prohibition. and. though the United Farmers have been doing some very - strange things of late. it is hardly to be imagined that they would let themselves in for a deal of this kind with their eyes open. Whether there is anything sub-' stantial in the stury or nut will doubtless soon develop. The London Free Press once more dis- cusses the power rates question in reply to Thr Signal. and again it sidesteps. The Signal said last week: Mr. Hume has figured out that the average rate paid for Niagara power is $19.53. This el only S.; more than the price to Toronto. but less than half the rate charged to Godench TheFr Free Press has overlooked also the suggestion hon n( The gges Signal that. ins(ead of it creasing the rates at such points as furonto and Hamilton for the purpose of establishing uniform rates, the rates at these points remain stationary for the present, and reductions in cosi as they become possible from time to time be used in reduclag the rates wherever they are highest. Thus in time uniformity of rates might he attained, not by increasing the rates anywhere, but by reducing them gradually to a level. This would obviate the peril which The Free Pree sees. that uniform rates might render it impossible for Hydro to compete with other power in the cities. The Free Press does not attempt to meet The Signal on this ground, hut says: "Our contemporary sees apparently no trouble about increasing Toronto's power bit by the simple item of Sr, per horse- power, forgetful of the fact that this sum would mean a year;', increase to Toronto at present consumption of more than $35°•°°P. - This can hardly be called fair discus - Sion. Until 7 he Free Press is prepared to deaf candidly with the question, The Signal will not consider itself under oh'i- gation to make, further reference to any statement or argument fr nn that tource, , WHAT OTHERS 'JAS. The "Amhltf.se" ('ItyiN• Longer? ( London .tdrrrtil.er. i • 11 lying heard that (;oderlch and Obtained an roormous stw'I..p 4111 w•Id1, Hamilton slept. The Hamilton Spec- tator yawn's and asks, '•4Vhete ts' 11/alert/to?" 1t nilght to .towered that (:rslerlch 1. mw of the planes where traits hasten to a,. boon TIN they can sod :tally from iImuilltnn. The German Indemnity. Toronto (:Irl» Co.inting the German indemnity be- fore it vs paid. Premiers Hughes of Austra- lia and Massey of New Zealand are figuring that their countries will get sixty and ten trillion pounds sterling. respec- tively. Ten milk on pounds will be Aus- • tralia's share of the brat payment if that is to be made by LtUO. The word "if" is a big tactor in.the whole question. The view of Hon. Mr. Doherty is that the terms of the agreement to be reached M o the division of the indemnity arttottq 'te allied and associated powers "will involve some distribution proportionate the losses established by each of the .ountfies.'On that basis Canada ought to receive more than Australia, particular iy as this country did not Rijn territur• Tally as the result of the war. The Peace Conference accepted as the rate fur the computation of the indem• nits the pension scale of France. If Germany pays the allies on that plan. Canada's share sill be applied to meet- ing her pen -ton liabilities arising out 01 the war, according to the intimation Riven by Sir James Lougheed. That ii a just and reasonable proposition: no other charge should have preference over that (or the pay ment of pensions to the men who have suffered disabilitie. as the result of service. But the discussion of the dist►oeal rot the German cash indem- nity is premature. Some men wait in hopeful idleness for rich relatives to die. believing that the\ alt share in the wealth that the dead cannot take away with them. They would be better off physically, mentally, and materially if they worked in the meantime. So will Canada it she g es steadily ahead on the assumption that If she gets a share of the German indemnity .he will have that much to add to what she has produced by her own efforts to meet the burden of obligations that must be carried for years to came. HEARST EXPLAINS REFERENDUM VOTE. To Vote '•Yea" Mean. Return to the License Act. Correcting an inaccurate report of a speech he made last week at Leamington, i Premier Hearst made the following statement: "What 1 said was that 0 a majority of those voting voted 'lees' to question No i 1. the Ontario Temperance Act would be repealed, ani the Liquor License Act re- 1' vived, and that the law would be the same as before the passing of the Ontario s Temperance Act The position is clearly set out in clause *4. sub -section 2 of the Referendum Act. which says 0 the re- turns made -by the clerk of the Crown in ( Chancery show that the majority of the voters voting thereon voted in favor of the affirmative to the first question. the Ontario l emper•,::ce Act sh3tl be repealed, and the Liquor License Act. as amended prior to the passing of the s Ontario Temperance .Oct, shall be revived atld shall be in force in Ontario. I further pointed out that in case a ( ma)(rttc of the voters voting thereon toted in favor of the affirmative to the second que'tNM light beer aoul4 be sold by sales agencies. subject to such regula- tions as night be prescribed from tone to time. but in case a majority voted in the affirmative to the third question. h.enseL would be issued to standard hotels author:zii,;; the sale of light beer. and that m :h meet r. ity of tho'e voting v .ted in the :Hemi ne to the fourth goesuon. spirituous and malt liquors would be sold by sales agents. subject to such regula- tion as might be approved from time 'o time; that if a majority voted in the affirmative to questions 2. 3 and 4 or to 3 and 1. Tight beer would be sold on stan lard hotels, and light beer and spirituous and malt liquors of all kinds through Government agencies: that if all the questions were answered in the negative. the act would remain as at present. deer Twice Preeeat Strength. THE TF;MI'EK.A.\('E REFERENDUM !THE TEMPERANCE KEFIERENDI'M THE TEMPERANCE REFERENDUM X ACT. 191L ACT, 1919. ACT. 1919. 1'..rtu 114 Form 10 Form 10 ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 1918. ! ONTARIO ELECTION ACT. 1918. L'.•trrrsl ro in S,.•tion :14t (Referred to iu Seetluu :Ht 'NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS I -:I.9:( TOR A1. 1►I'TKI('T OF CENTRE HURON• r to wlt: Take tutiee that the vo a s' lists for U pd1Ing sub -divisions uuwlwnd 1 and 2 iu the wludefpllity of the Village of brussels: numbered 1• 2. 3 and 4 In the Town of Clinton: numbered 1. 2. 3 loud 4 In the Township of Colborne: numbered 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 7 in the Tuwu of a:tnlerieh: uumle•rsl 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 0 and 7 in the Township of Grey : numbered 1. 2. 8. 4. 0. 1; and 7 iu the Township of Mullett : uuwlo•rs 1. 2.:1 awl 1 in Coe Township of M.Killop. and numbered 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5 in the Towu of Seaforth, have been prepared In. the enumerators and herr ieen delivered 'to the t'Irrk of this Board by the Ito -turning tinker : .And that Nim Honor Judge Lewis H. 1►Irkson has been appointed Itevi.lug Other for the purpose ut hearing com- plaint 11 110 appeals Its to the said lists for th, Town of G.alerieh: His new Judge E. N. Lewis has been ap;wo told Revising (Meer for the puri«sate of raring ,pwpluints and ap- peals as 0. t said lists for the Town- ship of lire, and the Village of Brussels: 11. G. Iteynol Esquire.' has beep ap{o,iiItsl Itevising 'Meer to bear com- pklfuta and appeal us to the said voters' lists for the wuships of ('01- Norne and Hallett : D. MI (buaki, I:wpuire, .as been ap- ron11,+1 Revising 4 ►Haver t hear eom Valuta 411111 upperlls :Is to the maid 'titers' lists for the Townsh . of Mc- Killop and Towu of Seaforth: I'. Seager has hero appointed eels - ng tinker to bear complaints a [en. llls :as to the said voters' lists for 'e awn of Clinton. • ,And further take testi.* thinthe Unties of the said Revising (inheres will be 1181,1 los follow-: IN THE CHAMBERS OF HIS HONOR JI IN:E DICKSON IN THE 'OLRT HOI SE. TOWN OF l:ODE- RiCH, on the 24th day of September. 1919, ,' to hear nal .l3Iilts as to the said voters' lists for p.111ng xubsliyi(Skttls 1. S, :t and 4 111 the said Tuwn of ooderirh : IN THE ('HAMBERS OF HIS HONOR JDGE DICKSON IN THE 111 KT 1101 SE. TOWN OF CODE- . "The light beer mentioned in the bal- lot it 2 51.100 per cent. alcohol, weight mestere. This is equivalent to 5 Vt-100 per cent. proof spirits, not 4,S proot spirits. as mentioned in the despatch. the strength of beer now permitted to be sold is 2'2 per cent. poo( spirts. So that the beer mentioned in the ballot is a litte over twice the strength of beer that it is now legal to sell" on the 25th day of September. 1919, 10 hear complaints :I. W the wad voters' lists -for puling sale-divislons Nos. 5. 6 and 7 in the said Town of I:,MIerirh : IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL. on the 24th day .1 September. 1916, to hear rtneplaints and ap1M-als Ms to tin• saidy voters' list.. fur the Towlu/htp of Gn•: IN THE TOWN H►l.L. BRUSSELS. on the 27th day of September, 1919. to hear outnpin int+ Mud appeals its to the said voter.' I1.t, for the said A'fl• lace of Crus -el•: IN THE TOWNSHIP H ALL,, CAR - 1A11%. on the 21th da) of Aeptember, 1641. to hear .• phlints and Np1s•a1. as to' the said 'voter.' lists fur the said Town- ship ..f Cullen nes IN THE TOWNSHIP H.A1.1.. LON- IWSIN)RO', on the 25th day of September, 1919. to hour ruluplaiut.• and appeals a. to the said voters' lists fur the said Town - shin of Hallett IN THE TOWN HAL(., SE:AFORTH, on the 24th day of September, 1919, b tear complaints and app•aIs a1. 'to he S41 111 cuter.' lists for the void Town - hip of MtKillup: N THE TOWN HALL. MEAFORTH, n the 25th day of September. 1919, • hear entnplaints and appeals ns to he maid v.•ter.' ll.1 far the said Tuwn f Se,fnrth : N THI. TOWN HALL, CLINTON. n the 24th day of September, 1919, to hear complaints Mud appeals as 0' the -:ii 1 voters' lists for the said town of Clinton: Fiueh sittings to commence at 19 o'rlork in the forenoon. .tn. rt o 'c, I further her belv u u that any voter wI., destres to r plain that the 0114814 of any per$ous entitled to b' entered on the n.1 Id lists have INrn oniitnd from the same. or that the 1111 Wes of persons who are not entitled to be caters hove been enters) on the lists. may not legit than : clear Maya before the date fixed for the sittings of the Revising (Hiker. apply. emnpdain o r• s ,w o n o end t hN a hl. , u rnapir or the It ( name of •ny other person corrected in, enter.] on tor removed from the said lists. And further take not kr that` such appeal. mums Is. by nutlet. In wru ng in the pres•ribd torn] signs] by e complainant. wad given or left for hl at his rrsidenve or niece of hushaema tq the Clerk of the Revising (ltN•er, as fellow's : To 1.. 1.. Knox, Go,Ierl,h, ss to the said lists for the Town of GM1r- rl.h : to .t. H. McDonsId. Ethel, 141 to the en id lists for the Township of Gn•y: to F. S. Scott. Itrnsnels. for the Village of itrussels; to Inane Hether- ington. K. 1t. 1, Shepparlton, for the Township of Colborne: to J. Vineland. I.ondeslaoro', for the Township of Hallett: to M. MInrd(e, 11. 11. 1. Sea - forth. for the Township id McKillop: to .1..A. Wilson. Se*forth. for the Town of Srnfurth : to D. L. MacPherson. Clinton. for the Town of Clinton. LEWIS H DICKSON. Chairman. Voters Registration nosed. County of Huron. Copies of the voter.' lists may be wen with the Municipal t'l,rks, Prost- ' master.. 11..1. ir. Cooke. ('hlef F:num• rentor, lioderieh, the 1ocu1 Punmrratore for the seseral poNitkts guts-dh•Isiotis• the memi,r,. of the int Moils milnielpill ernta•IIr• and with the undersigned. C. MEAGER. Clerk, Waters' Registration Board. (.nderleh. 1, 0 Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery of Huron held its u regular meeting on Tuesday'. September 1 9th, a`j Blyth, and the Methodist church was graciously offered for the meeting. The following were present: Mr 1e:ford. moderator, Urs. Fletcher, Larkin and Aitken, Messrs. Mc in ooh. Johnston, Corriere. Carswell, Macfarlane. Abery, Mcbermid McLean, n Foote Hogg. F ote and Hamilton. ministers, and Messrs. Walters, Jameson. Dodds. Aikenhead, McLennan, Jarrett, Tough. Gardiner and Turnbull. elders. Mr. Hogg was elected moderator fur the ensuing six month?. Commis- sioners to the last General Assembly reported thei attendance on that meet- ing and (heir impressions concerning it. Messrs. Armstrong tas-ociate secretary of foreign m asionsi 4R Bell andn Lu dy were greeted as visitors. A proposition from the Presbytery of Stratford. 4hggesting the transfer of Fraser church to Huron Presbytery, was tfot regarded with favor. Ur. Larkin. Messrs. Hogg and Mc- Intosh,with their elders. were appointed a committee to consider Assembly remits. s1r. McDermid addressed the Presby- tery. giving a message Own the Aseembly's Forward Movement commit- tee. A joint meeting of• the committee on -Systematic beneficence and the Presbytery's Forward Movement com- tnittee was authorized and will be held in connection with the special Presbytery meeting at Seaforth on September 30th next, at 10:30 a. m , called to consider the resignation of Mr. Carswell. Mr. Mitchell. secretary of the coin• tnittee appointed to con -ides the best means of acceding to the A.sembly's request for an increase in the mininum salary, reported that already all self- sustaining charges had reported willing- ness to advance and others hal advanced in their giving°. A short inspirational address by Mr. Armstrong concluded the hunhess of the meeting. The next regular meeting will be held on U .cember 9th nest at Clinton. The Weather. ,as n rill, plan 44 n 1'001 ahni11 the w 1•:llh11 %%Alen it'. hot he wants 11 0001. .1nd „hon II's ,rad he want. it hot: .\11'x,. 1'44(11105 what It'. not, \,t,•r lilting whet he's got. 411,1 ,,.•n )',t he will fret. It hen It'. dry he wants It set, tool when It's wet he wants It dry. {Vino ('I seI er 11e ran CO. still he'll fuss and Walt and fret, .Urogether. r. a rule. he's a fool about the weather. An Old Proverb. A ChlnNnot' wit. minis worncal by x , 141011,11.40k ill! dog which hnrkel at Ilion in en Angry manner. "Don't 1e ufrnld .0 him.- said n friend. "Von know the olI rn,•r•rh :• ►p .l harking dog never biMN.' "les," meld the Chinaman. "yon know l'ereital : "My bean le on Are with The weather le never too hot for proverb. 1 know proverb, Trot dors dug love for jrou'. My very soul is Rennie:" ' .401114 people to make n embalm" of ktmr proverb l" Oertrttde : 'poop* will put you out." themiWvele. NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS F:I E('TIIKAI. DISI'KH'T OF NORTH HUR^N; to wit : fake woke e 'w 1 ye oleo the lists of voters for polling subalivisiunx numbered. I. 3. 4, •. and 6 lu the muuicipudity ut the Township of Huwirl ; uirwlwred 1 to the umnielprllty of the Village of Wroxeter: 1, 2. a. 4 and 5 in the wunl- 1'Ipality of the Tuwn of Winghllm: I. 2. 3 and 4 In the tuuufetphalfty of the Township of Toindo•rry; 1 and 2 in the munieipIIlity of the Village of Myth: 1. 2, 3. 4, 5 mod 6 lu the muulefpullty of the Township of Jlurris • 1. 2. a, 4. 3, 6 and 7 in the wunit•ipility of the Township of AsbHehi:.J, 2. 3. 4 sod S in the municipality of the Township of East %V,tw'auosit : and 1. 2. 3, 4. a sad 0 in the municipality of the Township of IVest Wewau0AAI. have been prepared by the ennmrnatiors :Ind have leen de- livereI to the Clerk of thin Board by ;he Itetnrning Officer. .Anil that His Houur .tadgr Lewis H. Dickson has been applut.d Krvi.Ing t►Mk.•r for the purpose of bearing. e011) - plaints and appeals sin to the maid lists for the Tuwn of Wing/this and the Township of Tun11e:Ty: His Honor Judge E N. Lewis has (eel' appointed 1tesi•:atg Officer to hear ••uwplaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Township of How irk II 1111 the Village Of Wroxetef; 1). 3.1.1wmald. Esquire, has Mru ap- pointed Revising wade.- for the pur- pose of hearing com(L•aiuts mud appealk ss to the wall lists for the Village of Myth and the Township of Morrie: It. G. Reynolds, Esquire. lues 1ar•11 ppoliateit'Revising 4Itht.er for the pur- pose. of hearing ennipiniut- load appeals US to said lists for the Township u• Aslitl,Id : ' C. Seeger. Esquire. has been tip - fated Revising tidbit,. for the purpose of ring Irowpluiur' a•w1 appeals ne to said voter.' lists for the Town- ships 0 East Warr 44114)0:1 11 11/I W. -.t Wawnn• h: Aad f th4-r take 110tl,e that the sittinzs o the said 1t•'visiri Utglrr- Will Iwo held srfullows IN THE TO N HALL. WILNGH.AM• on the 22nd of September. 1919, to hear cutup':, 1s as to the said riders' Wts..for 111e own 0f 1Vinzh:uu : LN THE TOWNSH HALL, BLUE - VALE. .0 the 23rd day of 10 hour routpluinf+ as to foe the Township .of Tends - LN THE TOWNSHIP HALL. an the 22nd dao of 1 to hear complaint. Hs h, the salt *tether. 1919. e .N id li.l. y: BRIE. 1919. lists for taw Township of Howir•k LN THE TOWN HALL. WROCETER. tat the 23rd day of September. 191•. k, I(.,.r „1IIl1.lalrltm a. to the 11,1- for the %il:a¢, of Wr.i et-+ : Di THE TOWNSHIP H.A1.1., vol- t -min, 3s the 22nd day of September. 1919, to hear complaints a. to the toted lists for potting +ubrllrlsions numbered 1, 2 and 3 in the wild •Township of Ash - Held : LN THE TOWNSUIP HALL, ASH., FIELD. at Ian 2:tr,l day of September. 1919. 1.' hoar complaint. ■w to tar said voter.' (Leen for IN41111*'Nub-divf.Ions nuWlw•r•d 4. 0, 6 runt 7 In the wild To„ uship o1 Amh1eld iN • THE LNUl"STEIAL HAL(.. H1,1 TH, on the 22nd /lay of September. 1919, to hesr Iomplbints am to the said roto.' lits for the wield Village of Myth: IN TUE TOWNSHIP HALL. MORRIS. an the 23rd day of September, 1919, to hear complaint. Ns to the said tv ters' lits for the sell 'Eowu.hip of Muni+: IN FERGUSON'S Ft'RNITI KE STORE. Al BURN. an the 22nd day of Septeosber, 1919, to hear complaints a. to 1ho. Nall voters' list+ for the Tow,,..hip of Fast 11:l is a 11n.11 : IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL. WEST WAW %NOSH, on the 23rd da)" of September. 1919. i., hear complaint. nn. to the wail to,,•r.- list.. for the said Township of 11'o -r Wow':, Ilu•ll. Each siftings to rumsware at 19 o'clock in the forenoon. And further take notice that any ,,ler well, .leaves to complain that the ,Mime. of tiny persons entitled to be entered on the said Hata helve been omitted from the sAMP, or that the names of persons who , p h are not entitled to be voters have been entered on the lists. may ant less then 5 clear deem before the_date fixed for the sittings of rhe Revising ()Meer. apply, etamplaln or. appeal to have his own mime or the none of any other person corrected in. enf'.r'ra uu or r,'lwntd from the said bets. - ,1nd further take n0titr that such appeals must he by notice in writing In the prescribed form Nlgnad by the .vnnph,ivaul, lull given or left for him sit his re'fd,•u,, or place of Inrsini•,s un or lector• the said dab', to the C'le'rk Of the Itevl,fng ''Meer, I1.+ fullow•s: J. C. c' . r, sem Wi f e 'pin a ghum, or the Town of %VInghioiu: Plod Powell, It. K. Xu. 1, W'lughlan, for the Township of Turn - berry : C. I. Welker. (;orrie. for t11e 1bwn+hip ,d Hoa Ick : U. JL M,'TNeieb. 4Vroxerer, for the 1'llh,ge of W'roxe1'r: T. G. ,ellen. iningnnnun, for the Town- ship of Ashfield : K. 1t. )1etiown n, Itiyth,' for the Village of Blyth : A. 11,•Ewan. IIhlle'ale, for the Township of Morris: A. Porterfield, H. 1t. 1, Kelgrave. for the N,id Township of hest W'mwnnosh: W. A. Wilson, Luckoow, far the said Township of West Waw.nosh. I.F.WiR H. 111('HSON, Chairman. A Oter.' Regl'tratlon Board, Count) of Huron. Copies of the were«' lists nu.c be seen with the Muni.11w1 4lerks. Post- masters, ('hlef Enumerator !oldies i Haines. K. ('., {Vingh,,m. the heal enumerators for the several polling sub-4Ivl.luum. the members of the var- ious Mnnlcipll Councils, and „int Ib• undersigned. C. MEAGER. Clerk. Voters' Registration Hoard. Goderich. • ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 1918. 1 Referred to in Strtiou 34i NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS E1.El'TOKA1. DISTRICT OF SOUTH HURON; to wit : Talc notice that the caters' lists for polling sub -divisions numbered 1,2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, S *ud 9 1n the municipality of the Towusbip of Stephen: 1. 2.:t and 4 in the muuk•ipsillty of the Village of Exeter: 1. 2, 3 and 4 in the wuufclpal- ity ut tie Township of ['shortie: 1. 2, 4 and :o iu 1hr muulelprplty of the Tuwumbip of Stanley; I. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 41 in the municipality of the Township of a lodrrk•b : number 1 iu the wuui- cipmlity of the Village of hayfield: 1. 2. 3. 4, 5 and It fu •the municipality of the Township of •Tt.cIo rsmith : number i 1 iu the municipality of the Village of Henson: 1..and . 4. 5, 11, 7 S in the miluiciplollty'of the Township of Hay, have been delivered to the Clerk, of ,thls hewed by the Returning OMeer: .And shut Hi+ Huw'rJndge Lewis 11 lliekw,u has ben aptaliuUd Revising tinker for the pturpose...0 hearing t.1u1 plaluts and :appeals 1444 to the said cuter.' Iists tor the Township of Stephen and the Village of Exeter: His Honour Judge .' E. N. Lewis pins been appointed Revising 4 Meer fur the ' purpose of hearing complaints x11(1 ap- pstis a. to the said lists for the Town- ' ship+ of 1'slworue and Stanley: 1t. G. Ileyuold.. Esquire. Inas leen 'appointed Revising 1►t8rer for for purr - pose of herring rumploint• and appends as 114 the said lists for the Township of I;oderief uud the Pillage of ftay• held: 1►. M.' 1h,uuald lues been appointed Revising 4'direr for tar purpose of hearing e•umplaluts and appends as to !the saf(1 fists for the Township of Tuckerumith and the Village of Heu• sdl: C. Smarr, F:squire. ham been ale pointed Itevising ,(toyer for for put.- pow. uspaw• of bearing eomplaiuts and sipped, n• 114 ten' 1.41 id 1•oters:lists fur Ibe Town- ship of Hay. .4.11.1 fttrtia•r take norhr that the sittings of the said Iterisilm IOb,,rrs . will be held as (0110,_+: IN TUE TON\SUiP HALL. ('REDI- TON. on f tar ' 214th day of September, 1919, to bear appeals and tvmplailat+ us to the said titers' lists for the nsbip of Stephen: L\ THE TOWN HALL EXETER. on the :'7th day of Sep tem to hear appeals and ,owplai1 the said lists for the Village of Fcetrr: IN THE TOWNSHIP H ALI Tun ' her, 1919, 11• am 10 ELIM- on the :nth day of September, 1919, so hear appeals mei complaints 145 to the ,•11 id Ilsts• fur rite Tow-mshlp ut• 1 «1,•rue: N THE TOWNSHIP H.U.L. A.AKN(. w the 2•1tb day of September, 1919, t.. ear r'1wp131181s a, to the said list• r the Township of Sta111e : iN HO HIES' H AL1.. HOLMES% ILLE. on the _' It day of September, 1919, to herr Up -11. arm) rowptaitltm Ma 00 the said 11s s fol tb, Township of ' Gnderiel' : IN THE TOW. H.11,L BAA FIELD, on the 27th day `or September, 1911, and +/p1)4111» 1441 • to- the said [Lets f. the Village of IN W.11•KF..Wii HAIJ B`ItUCEFiELD, um the 26th da) of September, 1919, 1" h,•ar ,nmpLtull. nml Appeal. ag to 11hc .,1,1 104- I, r rbc "foot hip of "Poor o,r old i'rofessor lire:neer went I Ib• : "(III. pray, Mia• Ihllnuyt,, 1'14 Ler-with 1 • the 111 111.f night. and he knew ,lotit,all woe Vr. Brookes.- 1L\ THE TOWN HALL, HEN: there'so' ..meriting he %note.1 to du, IN the 27th da) of September, 1 , lint he eouldul ralnl ebur It ea..- Sts, rah. but our :Irq IIN 111 t111aT to [emir complaints end app•alm as Ins been w, brief.- , Sweetly I "Why W. ACHESON & SON Women's Plush and Cloth Coats Coats of splendid quality black plush, well made convertible collar, farmer's satin lined. Sizes 34 to 42, at $30.00 each. Tweed, Broadcloth and Chinchilla Coals Excellent variety in stylish colors, some lined throughout, some half -lined. Sizes 34 to 42. Prices $16.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Women's New Silk Dresses Stylish ready-to-wear gowns of Taffeta Georg- ele, Crepes. Silk Duchess. etc.., beautifully made, stylish and well finished. One gown of a style or color. Sizes 34 to 42. Ranging $15.00, $20.00. $25.00, $30.00, $40.0o and $50.00. Suiting Serges and Broadcloths 45 to 56 inches wide, all pure wool, English Suiting Serges, at per yard $1.50, $2.00, $225, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50. Corsets We offer these new Gossard Corsets with the assurance that they exceed in design and workmanship anything heretofore attained in modern corsetry. W. ACHESON & SON x 'the ..fid liar. fur the Village of Hen- "Aral didn't he remember at all'' shonlaldt I roll }on )!r. Brookes'!" Nall. IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL ZU'RiCH, so the 26th day of September, 1919, to hear cumplNints and appeals as to polling subdivisions 1. _.:t and 4 In the said Tnwn+hip of Hay; and iN'THE TOWNSHIP HALL ZURICH. 011 tar 27th day of September, 1911, :is so the slid list. for piling sub - .lit i-i..o. 5. 0, 7 and x in the said Township of Hay. Such antinp t. commence at 19 e'rMek in Nor forosoon. • And further t ke nutice that any 41oter who desires to romplrin that the name. of any persons entitled to to entered on the said lists have (Nen omitted from the some. or that the waww of perw,tls who ore not eutltleil i f0 IN• voters hleve ieen entered on the some, may. not Ipso than 5 clear days Isadore the dates Hcwl for the sittiuge nf, the Revising tofM err. apply, complainlulu °rappwwl to have his own nape or the name of any other parson rorreeted In. entered on or removed from the said ;lin.. And further tole nothr that such appeals must be by notice In writing, in the prescribed form signed by the rowpleiuunt. and given or kit for him tat hi. residents. or pla,r of busin't* to the clerk of the (Revising °Meer, us follow.: To Herbert K. Falter, Crean - ton. it. to the said lists for the Town- ship of Stephen: to Joseph Senior. Exeter. as to the said (hes for the Village of I:crter; to Itenry Strang, 1p. R. L Hensel]. as to the wall lists for th-e Township of ('aborta'; .1. X. Hanovel1. Varma. as to the said lists for the Tow'n•hhp of Stanley; A. Conte - Ion. Clinton. u+ to the said lista for the Tow nship of 4ind.rirh : H, W. Erwin, hayfield. a$ to the sa1d lists for the Village 0f Itaytleld; D. F. McGregor, It, It. 3, Seaford). as to the wild Hata for the Township of Tncker'mith ; Alec. 4Inrd,ek, Hensoll. as to the said lists for the %allege of 11,1144,111 ; to Andmw Hrss. %uri,h. n. to the .4,101 list• for the Township of i1,1). LEW124 H. DICKSON. Chairman. A otetsi Registration Board. County of Huron. copies of the toter.' lists may the ween with the Municipal ele'Na, Post- masters, 4'hie! Enumenitdr Henry Horton. the Io,'n 1 enumerators for' the se•terul polling .nhal(rislona, the [lem- Iw•,'s of the munleipNl contrib., and with the undersigned. C. MEAGER. ('irk. 1 etere' Registration Board, I:ecierich. bol t„ 50 Its. yes: after thinking about two IIs (nl. only Iws•N lbw• Iat I011Mr s he realized that he had wanted n heal early.- Seuw•rsrt smacoaosmaeg ANNOUNCEMENT �t We are p sed to be able to inform the public that we are now in a ion to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also Yquantity of soft coal domestic use. We wish to exte d thanks to 041T customers, who have been very patient duri the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been r ieved we will give our old-time service and prompt deliver The Saul Coal Co Phone No 75 H. J. Saults' residence W. W. Canit�' residence s�\oo 275oft �t �cNo. '202 t�/tt� • xir1r1l1cticxt>gCX Oc 4 AnxnXXXxxxixxX X it in easiei to make n new oluHrr.d than it Is to patch up an ohrl one. 111111111)�11I1 1 1 The Singer Store Ladies' and Child- s ren's Underwear X The New Collars 1 with pleated effects just in 1 Stamped Goods 1 of all kinds for ladies' 1 fancywork 1 11� 1 IN MISS S. NOBLE A call solicited, East sick Square 1 NI'IA11`uw$a11■ Building, Cootracting and General Carpenter Work The undersigned sir prepared to take contracts and ex ate orders for any work f p the v ani a linen. Raving had years of experi . ce, they eat( assure the public of neat -alma, depela able work. All ortlora will receive prism' pt attention. USO. AVESTHROOK, • Trafalgar Street. M. I 1WI.ER, Napier Street. MODE L BOOT and SHOE REPAIR 'DEPOT Onlerseolirltrd for all kinds of Footwear Repairs (i.srl work and re..onside priers Saml. ward & Son Hamilton Miert '.lamb (�nn.•rly o0onplerl by t r. y r • I t , 4 111411,