The Signal, 1919-9-11, Page 6d--Thurwday, Neptember 11, lflft
ter-. ......••.._._
TRIt . 810NAL
OODEW CE O11T. wtae Heusi:merweeso ,.....,--._..
School Shoes
Good news to the growing girls. We have'a large
q(atge of lines for growing girls. Boots with medium
arid low heels and qualities that are second to node for
the prices we ask for them.
Solid good quality Boots is what the boys need
for school. We have them in several different /ince.
t ' , Our stock of Boots is steadily growing. Our "Made
to Order Goods" that were bought early in the season
are now coming along and we can certainly quote you
interesting prices on these goods, as the present shoe
market is much higher.
We are ready with our Rubbers for the damp wet
days that will soon be here. Every pair in stock is new
Call and see our goods before buying.
A good assortment of Travelling Goods on hand
at all times.
Ne /rest riot ask those who have had repairing done here not of
fxr,•el e,or Repair 1►'-pattiuw11. hot those who are not having Mr. Hall
repair their boots are missing the best of repair work. A trial sill
convince you.
erect zzz tett xttlxaeatttxxxx xi Ixxxxxxxxxxt xxtzzxz
Fall Term from Sept. 2nd.
EASY PA i MINTS sod par row $
ask yOu raise from our stock.
•I sbbthafatura,contract iOc. cera
P. 0. BOX 105 DETROIT, MIC$.
Western Ontario's Largest and
Best Commercial Scheel
14 4 hoer• t onimereial. Shorthand
and Telegraph) Itepartmests. Have
eemolest-vat instructors. G►ve
1 h,Nough courses gad or amoist grad -
oaten to pautions. Write for free
U_ A. MCLACHLAN, Principal
ars•wp,taaiaas, that you can always de-
pend on to be agreeable, in no way in-
terfering with your comfort and ltand-
ing every tent without giving out er
complaining, are that easy -filling pair
of deice we repaired tar you.
If you are thlaklsg of taking a trip.
tonne in and let its f r up a comfortable
old pair, that will help you to enjoy
We excel in
I.a,d Si reel l,-«leric•h
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to nerve you.
r•aet•ilte.. Street Phots 135
Plumbing Healing
Eneestroughing Vette Woi k
Wholesome, Nutritious. Economical.
Jersey Cream Sodas
Sold fresh everywhere. In eluded packages.
Fa tory at LONDON, Canada.
Rran,-hee at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston,
Winnipeg Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John, N.B.
Via the Scenic Route
Leave TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 p.m.
Monday Wednesday Friday
t,,swnpartieent-Oheetevxtlon, Standard •nd Tourist Sleeping sad
Dining Care. Comfortable Coaches.
NN. tun.. rent. --Via Car. Nelms.) Sri. All tan 1Fq.
TIIP . Tiff,., RAT. -Via 6-T.. T. • N. 11. sad Caa. Na telawal ltiw
For Tek.,. and Iafer,watintt, ewquin rwrnet C N Rye. Asti►
ow writ. Geserel Pea•eagler fhwertast. Tomato.
C: 'radian National Railways
Charlie Ntewart'a Huger Steer IM Be-
coming Famous.
AIY•naulul.l u,1 tl4•y are h, the sight
, ut rutile ,,l' uunslal prulsortiois, the
ey'e. of the loco nt the 'rurunto stook
are going to ]neer•• with awfoul,h-
meat of thew days alien Charlie
Wrwur1of .lshfeld township, Huron
' less nmrkets the three -year -oil
I steer that /Ills been attracting ..1 111114•11
utMutlun Ill this. -port of the solitary for
some thea•. This Muttuul. if Ids reputed
weight be correct, is w,lilew'le'r• near
twits. the weight of the average fat
steer of his age, _a will• no official.
figures on this iM1111f are a visitable, the
steer ceetaltily looks to Ir' what Ire
claimed for him
Med from a little 1),lriwm low with
no prtietlliir goal points and ahree loy
n Nhorthoru 101111 of ord11ary clam, the
lig skier nil 111y mo ,lath to l(uwage
a Idyll pr.lislMIH1 s beef proportions, but
the fuel r•uaalis that he did well as a
elft wad without any portk•ulur'Ovan-
tages lie kept right IN. griming. He is
sold to Ili, tla• scales now at about
..MINI IMltllllis.
Year+ uWr et Texas steer Iva
Ilarollgh this part of the ioulltry ar
formers and others paid honest diva
' 111 1M• adiadtt-Yl to his sh,ov tent to se
Ions. 11111 he may weighed .'..'111 at
1t was elaiwed for him then that
1 was tow of the biggest ou earth. It
111,10 stat.11 that floe rrord now .•xistit
for a steer is :t,11111 11•ura1,1. lint whe
this record is IH•1.1 is a bit uts't'rtalr
At any rate, the Nteahrt uuituul is to
through growing yet and retools mea
nothing to I1in,,
The Stewart furs on t11e f,st Shor
fwd is the 111..•.•11 01 sightseers in Out
parr of the etuutry. There are ft
farriers in Hurt((, tor-tsltleld tew'ush{ps
a ho have not Anally a trip to se
('hurlie' N(eaarl's steer 10 UN; hod year, and their are mine who, laving
111111' well 111111. are llleliuel to daub!
any statements that ay clave been
Milli. a. to his weight.
Coining along the /highway the tura
td.j,e•t around the furor. that 11.'.'0111
w1.01.le h, the steer. and he dowitaf
Perhaps he Is feeling along the pas
tore ridge. afpl you get a side view
You are ins -lined to believe. that hi
wb• e'
eight might uslly a tort Then b
veers around, still ft.Ylitig, so that pi
get 11 view of hes trout eletattorii You
instantly add half a tun to your refmate. He is as browse if. 11 small eat
of hay. fie. turns around. fills pose
p.rtiot1,4 here ore thus• of a Dutchluau-,f-mal'. And still with his maw
sive hood to ( Knots vont): Ow gs he walko •ntli-
a toot, wit at. all etubarrass..I by a ton
MINI a 1:lff.f p.rterLon.• and T-bone.
NOW. a flat brought this Hulloed to 11{s
prt•seist weight? Certainly
1144 spe•lal
feeding. For three mouths. like tlty
average salt, he got Wilk. and after
that lie trot IN,n.•. He thrived on a'hat-
••ver came his Moly. tIH.agh. .111.1pr1•s-
'•utly h.• wag big enough to break
through a fellow t.. get at the pa rti'•ular
variety' of forage he desired. He was
Modified to feud aloin' when on pasture.
hot wf1••n ill oil esielO$Ur' -h
lick with the riot and ha- always iieen
ceolb• awl maoagea11.' awl Inclined to
101• quite ss-in1.1*' with-iu411kr eulres,
Alfalfa or straw are all Nae strove to
this steer. He status (.1 do equally welt
of there and neverse-rus to question
phi matter of his diet. ill the words of
one farmer who las been several times
see e hire. he is •'a good (hoer."
Just by chatter he was 091 sold to floe
hureli,1' when pioneer. tater his
nw•I1er Slid not want to swill hem, think-
-hie" h,• - might stow him - pard itat,[y•
Huweter, the .Ahibitiou4 do lint pro -
111N1' 11 1•Ian+ for such us hint, and there
he no • seem to he way of lom-
Iu1•rilal{aiig the avoirdupois of the hie
sultan! without putting hini in a side -
11110W or ,weritttang hint on t!le hotelier'sblock.
His Dote miry yet 15' de'idel other -
1•14e. Solrie'I,Nlr with a desire to eater
to public I•nriusl►y way get Mm. and
then all will have a chance to wee him.
The hie steer is apparently a trivia.If he is 134.1. and the('rrn"wla for get-
ting similar aulntals e�1 he (,(,tattled,
the beef pr.aluet1nu busllless iN rnv01n-
If air. Ntewurt scan provide a recipe
for producing such steers, he will lie
able to loy eli,(tn to fame of no utNY•r-
hin' variety. He will 1,1• the LutherIturbank of amiwal hislaudry'•-Ign-
dun Free l'e'ss.
• tallied --Wu
141 uiplilet whleh It
„ session, and whdl•h
t property in thin .ton
a. investigation.liad bee
\�. CAREE ULI'I £.NO j
FDI' Cw !HEr
ar more effective than stick/ F)p
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
Druggists and Grocco everywhere.
broke h?N arm and Iwo hen going about
(o'er show with the member in a sling.•
AN a toothearl has to date reelved
over $1111 derived from guinea stager)
.107 Ili., fellow -players, to help defray
1.%11e1010,41lou eNlge411011 with his lois.fortune and long lay ort work. 111 the
statue played here ween 1.1114.1111b41and Kincardineu week ago full was
1,111144i, and DI 1111.return game at
L.M'loalsh $111.-1. Then. on 1.alw,r
utter the Loleloa1Nh mauagturenr had
re:eh.) a .hello• for :7.1.,11, their
a11wiurs 111 the baseball tourllunreut,
Uuuugr'r Maekendriek halHlel hack
SLri with the remark, ••We are not
here to make wy'
11ue, aril request that
this amount be glided 011 helm!( of air.
Emmons, the iujuresi player oil the
Kinenriline ream."' This is what we
term „its true s1Mrrt41manshlp, and on
)N•lwEliminatelf of, Mr. Eliminate return thanks
to the loseltMlalt team 411111 111140 the 10,111 - - --. - 111141014(11 league fur the great kindness
eil of Agriculture in recurs!to tette
tN•ra1NY• leyt{sluti0u; 11se. F:xe'ul{ve to
lyre prover t" cull meetings azul eonter
with members regarding l.'giatuliuu:
endorsing the pb1ttorul of the 1'. F. 11.;
1o1N)Ymuliug The Formers' Sun fur 11)-
'.•rtiuig 1.I1werty Curare advertising.
Mr. ' K. J. McMillan of Selfnrth
t •1101) ort the .1441.41.1441.41.1441.41)e/1rhe
reeu(ly de at n pi'•nlo• in Lakeside.
to the a t •1 that the pay sheets of
overseas s,l iers had lean milMel with
thirty th,usu 3411 s,Idte1`41 at a .Yea
the nto
th4wrntry ., hirer thousand dollar..
Mr..J.'31lllan . id 11•• had written tie
l►tta wa al(horit x shot he had•dt
rnw;ion fruw a
lad In 11114 's -
d Income public 1
y, and that an
asked for in
Feband .11111.•ruary a.11111.• of 1141 year. He
mus Heady to n010 111111%11 t any ti11a•,
uud all that wan noisiest ' 5.11141 tall- 1
any fore. 31r. 'Proctor Is a fernier
mendw•r of the .civil s•rviso a moms,and hos been farming for the st few
years. He 1015 in been1
the last been 'on-
servathe. ?dr. King is 11 ratline 11111
leas always lawn Liberal.
411,4,4 11. ,
IJ Mistake", sometimes* sometlnmatte 111
t NemS to he a attnplI. matter.
I TIw• marking of the ballot. the rating
sign is au X. andthe rotor must put
no other uuark limn the 1a110t than
Eon 1)1.' tlpg sign. The oflk'lal InMtnie-
tio,IN 111 .,1/i4etlon with the Temper -
luso itefer•naletm .tet read an follows:
The voter shall go Into 4111, of the
I.w(wrtments, and with a bla.klead
peewit there prori.k t. p1u.Y• a •'rulss
opiswdtle •eu.h question. tinter tete titles
1 -1.1.::4" or "Nt►," thus X.
The voter wast vote "YES" or "N11"
on .every oneof .t he sold gt4wtIons.
otlerwis' his entire ballot will lie void.
If the toter done' 144 vote on everyoneo• of the mist questions. or if lie
any 14rk un the Iallot doper
by %W411 he sun lee identities!. his Note
will he Void 411111 will Mit 1M' (Mentees
11 1. 40 41%011 the 110•01111111t, 01
hl,'i,tifyinng the 11111101 that 1114' minim -
:omit Is laid down that Du14
curtly 1. 101111g
sign .1111 he Wall. it will he headily
sen that t0 allow rary11zg parka
would heto nail..• possible identification
and thus' de.l1'y to arm, extent the
se•rcy of the lw►tot. Hod open the doorfor eornlpt prat's... Theremust
,er.•fnr• he 00 writing. letter 111 mark
II any kind sober (huh the voting sign
np I the halloo and this mark. a
Ni111(1 • N. 11111..1 (we 140 /141,1,1 Y41 o
elealrI. indb•,to' the intention of the
True SMlrteaaissllip.
Kh11 ard6le lot. tisa : .R,• have /flet
hear) It remarked nn the Meld that
411141) and snl'h a ph,y.•r -plays rile game
p for the 5p,rt he derives from it." This
is what 1'erl Fervors los been doing
t un
the Irseal diamond. 11111 a few
weeks ego -1'arl-s Joy '•Mute 10 (trier
ellen in the set of throwing a Mill he
:nominate Proctor for Legislature. King
for ('otbmom.
11'ileglnnu. Sept- ', I1.lolw• report 1.
-The Poiret Farmers' organization of
North Huroni II4I,I 11 snel•es$fnl noon -
hutting 11111%ellt1nn ill the town hall
here this offtl'ru.N41. aIth »paard. of
the IIltt11IrYI people in attendance, and
more than two hundred of these were
regular delegate.. front the different
mtiiill4111ties. only one orison mmni-
eipsility, lVrovefer, was represented.
11'lllhfto !rutherford •seupied the
chair. lit opening lie said the farmers
would not elect enough mentloers to
torn a tiorernment, but they would
Mace tin• balance of peace In-Ilntario.
For the i.t'gisl14ture sir eand111ates
erre iomdnated: 1VIIIMtn Shurtred,
Morris: Thomas Shearer, lir/wick:
Murdoch Stnthres/n, ANIIfeltl: W. H•
F'rss•r, tl.l'.I'. for North Hurn; R.
Clayton Proctor. Morels: Mrs. !lichen!
M4•\Vhln,w•y, Awhffell.
All candidates addressed 1114. meet-
ing. nal all retired. except Menne.
I'rt'tor 111111 Fraser. Mr Fraser Nand
he would he 111 the light, even If he
werte not eudor,, d hr the I'. P. 1).
President Rutherford doted that air.
Proper wan affiliated with one of the
old-Ilttte eartht's, ant), therefore, (ootid
not ins their ewtwlidate, and declared
Mr. I'rw•h,r the tatrrrinee of fit; t'on-
For the ('omn344ts raw, tmlwliditea
were Iwtllainateil: N. Kernlghan, W.
.1. $ltortnwl, .1. W. King, Onetime
M'olurg. Frank Jolinetun, .1. Me -
Kenzie, John It. (intim in, Robert
Litinti.ton and Norden Lamb.
)1lelwrs. l.irlug5fnn K111g, NhortrtYrd,
Kernlghnn anti MiKenzle went to a
ballot, 11111 tour 1111 11411. weer nequtned,
when the contest narrowed down to
SlMNrsbil.g end Krrnlahan, when Mr,
King won out. 1In mut cap of w1e1,re.
Kern litho sod Shortresfl the notnlnl
lion was made unwnithons A number
of rowdntlnns were adopted by the son
rent Ion. ahk•h Included rims the
001111ne• must 114• 1 1' 1" t), 'oeeMrr
In prlrtl.• 143141 principle. •II...•ntatrRlnt
frown) other padlNral parties. that the
eat411d11tes pledge themselves to sow
poi i tl4• platform nt the National Uoun•
L�\and Your Sweater
Them is a d.Iig'btia) way of washing it -so easy you
cam do it yourself --.o pure that your sweater maybe
wsllad again and again and each time look like new.
It is with tle rich creamy lather that the wonderful
LUX Rakes make. No rubbing or twisting necessary.
lluot dipping and rinsing. So pure is LUX that it
has the uttermost cleansiag power. So gentle that
`•ems nothing that pure water itsell may touch.
These is no substitute for LUX
UIX is said ai grocers, departmental stores, elf:
Rarrise M.4if, "Ter Ca,g .f
Doody Clotho" mod an remilitt
The Referendum Ballot
vote«Yes 1 • Aro youin favor o1 the repeal of This Ontario Teaspor.a.. Aat ?
The repeal of The Ontario Tempet..ce Act does not mean a return to the general sale of spirituous
liquors, as the Premier, in his speech of April 7th, said: "Now, practically no one Iruggests a return
to old conditions. The distillers in a recent manifesto say that they themselves are opposed to it.
Many hotel -keepers say they are oppdsed to it. The brewers say they are opposed to it. Honour-
able gentlemen in the House and people out of the House, who are opposed to the present Act, say
they are equally opposed to the old order. The Labor men who ask for stronger beer, say tbey
don't want the sale of hard liquor."
The Premier and the Government. realizing this, would not be parties to a continuance of the gen-
eral sale of spirits as under the old license system, but would amend the License Act in accord with
public sentiment. This would be in keeping with the policy of the Provincial Governments of the
past fourteen years, which have from time to time amended the License Act to conform to the
wishes of the people. To vote "Yes" to question number one would enable the Government to pro-
vide for the sale of beer and light wine in the hotels, and beer and spirits in Government stores for
home consumption.
The Citizens' Liberty League does tot want a return to the conditions under the old License Act
and the sale of liquor over the bar, It does ask,, for the general We of beer 2.51'• alcohol
by weight (non -intoxicating) and light wines, and that the Government should only allow the sale of
heavier beers and liquors through agencies established and maintained under Government super-
vision and control. It is, therefore, necessary that question one should be answered "Yes," repeal-
ing The Ontario Temperance Act and making it possible for the Government to enact • new
temperance measure in accord with the expressed will of the people.
Byvoting "Yes" on question number one you will be in agreement with Premier Hearst when he
said: Many good and conscientious citizen•, as good and conscientious as there are in the Pro-
vince, do not approve of the Act ea it stands today." Vote "Yes" on question number one and repeal
the unsatisfactory Ontario Temperusee Act
2.: r ii you In pr • a1 •iimosouris•fgII t boor ••mtalaMg not moors than 2.11 100%
Tho Ontario Tempera's*" Mit to permit snob salsesivorenumst
a??1••r awl awr•mrdsw•mrte y
Vote "Yes" on question number two. This provides for the sale of tight beer in Government stores
for home consumption and removes the necessity of procuring a doctor's certificate-
!. APO you in favor o1 ft* sale of light boor o•wtaiaia0 not ws•re• than 2.11 100%
WalooftoI w•Ioht nstsasuris M standard b•tols In Waal munls/palltl•s that by
srfty sifts favor s nob salts, and aus•a/maasst♦ to The Ontario T•wsp•r'aw••
t• permmsit easels salts ?
Vote "Yes" on question number three. There can be little doubt that the majority of people will
vote "Yes" on this question. There is a demand for • beer of good flavor and body that is non -
intoxicating, and the public want to obtain it by the glass as well s. by the bottle.
A beer of 2.51":. alcohol by weight, no matter in what quantities consumed, is absolutely non -
intoxicating. In European countries beer of this strength is acid generally without license and
without excise duty.
In voting "Yes" on questions two and three you can be assured that no one can become intoxicated
by beer of this strength.
Vote"i es'
4. Ars w 1st
favor of the saki .f nplrfdliquors s•ms and malt liors through theories
call• t - -nd eats i• This Ontario T•mp•rane• Aid to penult
Vote "Yes" on question number four, which provides for the sale of all liquors for home consumma-
tion from Government stores under each regulations as the Government may deem it wise to adopt.
The public will be able to purchase from these stores without procuring adoctor's certificate.
Study the Referendum Ballot; if there is any point not
gear, tall or write the Secretary of the League at Com-
mittee Headquarter~- It is to your ieterest that you vote
wisely and intelligently. And if you are s lover of liberty
and an advocate of tree temperance, you will vote "YK*'
M all questions on the Referendum Ballot
R•Itso sbor-ov.ry roller mast rete M
The Citizens' Liberty League is not in hem of the sale of
spirits over the bar as under the old Licewsee Law. It is,
howtvw, in favor of the general sale of non-intoxieating
beer of 2.31% siosbol by weight lied light wines, and the
sale of liquor for hone consumption through OoeeruaNnt
stores under such restrictions as rya Government sa,
deem wiae to sdopt,
onto" ~aims. or his ballot wid b. ,p•aod.
22 College Street, Toronto
T. p_ CARRUTHRRK Seaeusree
,10M ►lttggiDSIFT.
*IR I nittlYD t
1. r billaR7Tti. a.C.
LhIDV'f.•OOL q. a. C. 'RACISM Y r.t..
..-.,ems.-.s.4 a ....
• t