HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-11, Page 41 Thu,..L,t septru,l.•r It. 1:11:1. oco••••••••••••••••••••••• • r) It's good advice we give you when we tell you to buy your Fall Suit and Overcoat early. Never were goods so hard to get labor conditions are such that it will be hard to get delivery of goods. - Some of our Suits and Overcoats have arrived and you will be wise to buy at once all your requirements. Next week we will give you more facts. • • • T312 . tt!UNAT: OODl:RTCh ONT. hotel proberty t•rmerly owned by A1r. OMEN J• Mountain and is Ewing It tined up and intends opening it Dr public peens- s • aw.('araR" 1t illi 1111 llilt;llr;ll{ 1tt Illi lilt lilt 1 • ■;Ill lilt Ill\ tit Ill■ 1 ■ tit 11111 1111 tit !■ • 1tC t % 1111(1/ 1tt ]lilt )I • lll ;l mudetion October 1st. In time for the 0F in Dungannon lair. He will conduct his x implement business in connection Nitti MEDDLE' AGE,:the hotel end will ew run a hvery. Thisr 1ilt,tgll n ` 4 r 1 i A 1n C ail\ 1 l1 tl►1 a X will 13r welcome nrwr f x Dungannon, as X Need )Help to Pass the Crisis Safe. ly—Proof that Lydia E, Pick - ham's Vegetable Compound Caa be Relied Upon. • hotel ace. mmudatl,n has been badly • needed here. Mr. Louis Govier. who •at present occupies the hotel property. is having a sal ant intends having Dun- • gamma, prubably to reside in Goderich. •The sugar restrictions are on again tighter than ever. and none of our mer• • chants hat been able to buy any the ' past' week. IP Quite a number from here attended the • C. F. O. c.,nvention at Wingham o Monday. and a few went to Wingha•n for • the Conarrvative convention today. The United ]Farmers had a big convention and• •came •home in cars.. The Cons. did not ' hook so bright, and the Dungannon dele- . gates walked-tn. • i :f siGNAL INeONSLSTENT ? • • ,,.Ila I:.Nlerich. • Your ellitorhll ou retreelu•hlueut ear hod Slane' is very 'lately', but won you kindly point out he .r,nsieteIHey tl : hi ursine letts.iieh(nrut piddle atlui Iti one• i:..Ii.• pial 111 othe '., su•alnx 11 . • i li,.\'.•r:l iil.•Ilr n! spend '18 ,r a arms Walter C. ] m• 1 lu,•ney'il: r:eN1.•rich harbor I pr,,iewel • rG •„J a .r rt Lo,.rulY •t chtnte h•'tl 1141 14%.1.1 • u 1 1.: h women passing th U rhnna, I11. —"During Change of Life in addition to its annoying symptoms. I had an attack of grippe which lasted all winter and left me in a weaken.14l conn +.tion. 1 fdt at times that 1 would never be well again. 1 reel of Lydia E. Pinkham's V e gs- table Compound and what k did for through Chang* of Life, ao 1 told my doctor 1 would try rm it. I soon to e, gain in strong and the annoying r symptoms dis- appeared and your Vegetybla Compound has made me a well, atroag woman so • • • ilabis;rp for the town? %Pin', of N.EI • ,,:i, test for the 1:,,t'.•rtlowPn to I t J rr' noiai,•at the people mist • ,Otti.ne.l with o.,upuav oh flit -1 • , part, not (iu....H..m t ,..trulymL ••••••••0•••••••••••••••••J: N. K. 1The Signniehl'. not e-thtui prrf,rtlnt AND11 Ra1LWA SYSTEM The Double Track Route 'between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT CHICAGO Unexcelled dialog car se. 4 air Sleeping car• on niilht traitor. au./ parlor ear. ou principal day trains. Pull information (ruin any ']:rand Trunk Ticket Agent. 'w l. E. Hors- ing. Uiatrtct ,Pd..euge•r Atti•ut. To- ronto. ( H. Lauder. stati.eu Alleut. phone at P. F, LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone'4 DUNGANNON. 1,N is 1 do all my own housewor 1 cannot N' recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- 'e table Compound too highly to women u passing through the Change of LO i fh 31111 Ilr.y se inet glue., fail Ill eulielsteney: lett no. d,, nut 11.1111.1111.0e that it ha. of tette beenlimning th • 4 ..4••r'IUien" t 1 niwild :thy money VII 1:4;410114•11II;tr 'r. Y,od it •wrtikitn' Int. not adcot•atisi I. Sept.SeD► 11. peseliture by the Gni-eminent ,,r one' A social dance is being he • in the hall \!tb•1' Is.Iy' ,,n any ^t•himeri,ml son'tonight. -. *•xot1, {whistr•.' %tial • we ere ,,n th.• Mr. D. G. Bickle, of Hamill. , is visit- ••ab}w r II11N'e\TY N't• f,Y•1 IN.nnd t,, say to here today. .I new v.vmnwy doe. hot meurt the Mrs. Jbhn Parka. formerly' of s mean- µtnplprng of all expt•uditnr.'. It \%mall non, departed this life on Monday st at . to kw, he mere In the 111x• of the home of her daughter in the % 'est. ,,,.,,.,,,y,\ t.. .Npen.l 110180 441. useful • ller son. Mr. Richard Parks. went W 3 pifeli works thou In paying milowee- tea eek, ago to visit her. and is bringir .41ry millions on nn ,,rertunun/r1 bell rte body here for burial s.•rviee 141 llttawvl. .t1/411110e*%ou101t -- The hot spell has caused a drop in the price of tomatoe-. It is a great season , for corn, and the fields around Dungannon , are exrepti.inally *clod. '1 Look for N. j. Treleaven's ad. in th s w•Cur. isa:e ”( The Signal. There wit be i.eme % e. t , F. t►. nolr.N-rtes the eliluinatiut :1 11 to heeler:e.ry' evpN ndlt11rrs. tau Ile/Leg inert -owed 0.1(11011111111110.1(11011111111111.0.1(11011111111111.0441. thou in the rural diritrlttm rind of tt. trim. (s this inruusistent o m.e -J. N. h.'s" rriti •isw. bn Ire a' t c ns un, u in wen w } would I ; a 11111x" this wr.ek. Mr J ht Juh t t %1 Fl• as ml gist rho,' --Mrs. PANIC Iti1NSGN, 1316 S. Bt., Urbana, 111. women who snffer from nervus "beat flashes," backache, headach and "the blues" should try this famous t and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- 's Vegetable Compound. 11rs. '. JI.•I•hvIi. )lis. Nin,. 11urg:u.. of fort Strulley.I' ;perm no her holiday. Nith Kite 11• .u.t,it. .311.* tet - yoer lull retnrnwl t•o her d42Ne•. tet S. !,. No. ,i. 11r. !Iowa; c••8. \\he lute. been ort. 1111the sick Iia, is ', pruvitr, how furl i. ;Tend - g this week th friends at Spriva- • hank wet ale., to lug 1t1 tile Fair. 11r. plait Mn.. 18 lit. .'ox :Ind 11 loll, ■ 1 i of fri.•eul, motortvl , t erodThe,. on Tne 1 nay', 11( r Miss Josephine Stir a:...r Itn,'neld, gar a .cum 4•311i111 on triton . aronud t110,■ 1 11I x 11 • 111 1i 1/ 1111 ■ ba: earn dg'; s at the corner. er it would 1s• won in ll:e \;!;age one day ►his vee :. a I'.I4(' li d nmrful if h1• would ,,.we I*o•i: Nlth i t1a• lira time he '409 The Hent} F..ea he- punlw.5eti the $4g:u,I itinl e.,lae exa..'ud;tnre -- PIL R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring 01 all kind. Ilp'to•date Lir Telephones,-kurgl,ar Alar,*., puttee Patrol and Fire Alarm Sy steal/4. • Private Residence.. and 13u,.1uo,.e flares -a specialty-. All Work Goa. aateed. Electric Iron.. T+u.ti'i. tans, Vacuum Cleaut•,N, \%ashltlq Machines, F1,.hlic;htN n n d llarter' N itall kin( . on fiend. Rine up .,•t oe 114:1 and have u. sive you an yetlinati, on your N irlog. it will he done rly;lit. Robt. Tait West Street :-: Next Postoff:. Phones -Shop 12, House 193 r1 McEwen's A SPECI ALS Bots' Caps, new supply to hand Boys' Overalls, clic to $1.25 Boys' Jerseys, white, navy and red Brrys' Braces, 11,C lip A few prices of Cttttain material, to cleat from 2.Ic a yard ,f0 A nice line of Bath Towels at right prices \Ve stock the Crompton Corsets, all Sites- a n d different styles I - L.i1ne Juice, Grape Juice, Rasp. 1'inegar Lemon and Orangeade it bottles, also Lemonade and Orangeade Powder. Plat right for drinks in the hot weather Try some of our Aroma Brand Tea. With ten lha. You get .1 Teapot FREE Mint Tea in stock.Vou will find a ;Toon in each package L J. J. McEwen License No. a -7a411 , that In- heti; es is nujnstit1•,ble.-- n•. .,•:tree ; I • c i.l •. IZ, 13 ec01.• THE GODERi • MARKETS. ir..r. 1 iho•rod•• __ holt Po loss. Na Twee • at,Yra'-m',•r 11 aurgle .1 oiler- wh.•ar; ter bu-f , at ton r\r.h.t-ed. (•tots, a+'1 ba -u . .... .... ....1.i.'' " 1: . Dr. ('hsa0's ointment Will relieve you at 0 44 --• . u• and or Ceti' 441147 cure you 110e. a not; all narlrp 1N•• b".1, .. .arL, dealer*, or Hda,an.on.Be(*,- & r`o., Limited. I'ra-, De, b., -b 1.N' to Tonraa N uup:e bot (real( rnu we' 1100 Chia Hackwh•.a,, 1p•r both .... . .. .wl to paper and euLlar, :e,'taw p to pay po+t•-aa. ►toe.: fan.li,', t•-, r r.. .•,, re i'lur41. psis' •. poi cr. ... .• -S el ; • _^,_ 14 ler , rase Im. 43, , to 4r+•1 Short... per too ... ... •. •• .Sri.. o . Edit or Signel,1 VISITORS to the Fair next week u,e c 'dialfi y'i:nvitet1 to call an 1 •see—the II. TS 011 (lispla\ .1t Miss M. R. MacVicar's Showrooms Kingston St. Goderich Hard Wood \N1) Light Wood From $2.00 to $6.(to per cord • Delivered to any part of the town. Also a quantity of KINDLING WOOD Phone 166 Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich VETERAN TELLS OF A TERRIBLE FXI'ERIENCE • • Before He Found Rel e( in Dodd's Kidney ■ Palt. l 1 Hereford. Que.. Sept. ti +Spec -tat A. Peabody, the veteran fx,.trraster here. is one of the tetany old people who claim : to have received a , ew (cane.,.( lite through tl.e use of Dodd's Kidney Prat Mr. Peabody is in his eightv•(ourth year, but wonderfully strong *I4 active $ , for one (rt ills age. but he Nae not always 1 thus. "For six years," he say's. in telling Hat, pe; inn .. .....-... 1::•.. I, , ',raw, loner, Dairy Har1r A,n'i'21 ..... ,.... •*•,,ye N'. Crean,. r, 4,r tel, per lb:......... .' A re Ewa-, An. -h. o'.r dux. .. . . .: to New P"tat e, per buff .. •' 1' In .1 Caeth• Mot. her 'rhoi,•e, pre cwt I1 :.S l0 13 - ( 24I k, hu' e.h. cr. moll 4.01 1 •.:.5 .•,. 12 7.' How.. Il'. w-•,anr,..•r rw'... . 1•:• • 1'' • Lamb • ,1h1 • ll.m to 12 n -. per Ib .1••. r -'sirs. 1 :, to .: ('t'HHTl:It'S %\.- Ils•wday. Sept, u►, \I r.. R. Y. Cox are in Lon - don ' '. • Mr. O. W. Potter is back nt the 441.1 'sunt this w,+•;:• 1111,lug rla.rtre of the h.tc whin+• our libiek.•n.ith pr at the l':,: r. 4124.\ I.•, +iM•nt 14.41404e-4143•. n irir her daagbter. his story, -I suffered from kidney and im bladder- trouble. i had those sharp, • "In March, 1917, ( was taken with a iw shaking chill and deathly pains through am abdomen, grain. and the email of m} at b...k, I ass confined 1•, my bed foe three itsa e. •. during which time 1 often had to 'AR • get es often as twenty or thirty times a day. tried many remedies but got little benefit 4! 1 tried Dodd's Kidney Pill: In three . • ys 1 got relief, and three hone- cleared al, e pain. out of my system. 1 also rest mu better at nights." streak':. lightning' pains through my musetes even to m\finite•+. tips. (:!H,1:RI '11 It Hap/y Eve 44:1.4Iepiiilzr'II at t 11-4414U41, ••the Te iWNS1Il1•. .% pretty 944'(Wing eine • ,,f .11 re. lin,. -. .,..1. ni.grr Lr(►ru hr'anlcloth. the 1 (owls ric h with p .1:1••• hal to In.te<h. Un 111101• Sr.64111.er "th. i r.•ture tl,.• ynnme couple ss It settle ,, Alma 4 itfli-a the g,.Ndtt's farm nu theaMlaitle: 1. Aly' bonds al I'll.• •sip a}• pt•,w•atm rr.,•lved spook,' nt Ilium Lulib,rim bi h ea"c w•In ih which the yuu NMI.. At e;o11,10 ore held., $ Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to W p.m. ■ r Y M l11l1l1l(11.lt11 lt11l1 1•••11 , )r•111••111♦101♦ l l • Exhibition Week in Goderich We are all looking forward to the greatest Goderich Exhibition that has ever been held and with ideal weather we should have record crowds each day. The week also marks the opening exhibition of Fall Merchandise for personal wear and for the home at Mil- • lar's Scotch Store. Elaborate preparations have been made and every department is brimful of the newest merchandise. THE COATS FOR FALL AND WINTER I TWO SPECIAL VALUES IN DRESSES Chief interest centres in the show- ing M the new Coats. We are show- ing a most select range of all that is new and smart for early fall and winter wear. The more popular materials are Velours, Pom ,Poms, Broadcloths, Silvertones; etc. Many are elaborately trimmed with fur, which gives them such a cosy appear - an t:e They are priced from $25.00 upwa s. TIE NEW SILKS New Silks, 'in the most beautiful shades and orings for street and evening wear, i all the most popular weaves. Radio Silk . for evening (tresses, beautiful ch quality, in all the newest eveningades. 40 inches wide, $3.50 per yard. Shot Silks are popui. Splendid quality Shot Taffeta Silk ' colors of black and navy, green and navy, wine and black,_ copen and brown. 36 inches wide; $2.50 per yard. \ Georgettes, Crepes, in all leading lois, $2.511 and $2.95 per yard. Women's Black and Navy Blue -all - wool Serge Dresses, braid -trimmed, $25..00. Women's Taffeta Dresses, $22.50. Women's smart Taffeta Dresses,newest style, all sizes, special $2.5.00 each. NEW HANDBAGS AND PURSES Some very smart, new Handbags in Strap Purses, the correct styles for fall wear. Priced from $125 each. New Chain Purses are much- in evi- dence again, from the small coin to the larger sizes, from 95c each. eaalra t POPULAR—PRICED - FURS Our stock of popular-price,i Furs never was -.better. We are 'showing all that is smart and new for t'., ui ,m- ing season. inciaading sets of Natural Coon, Red Fox, Australian Oppssum, Natural and Black Wolf, from $21!.00 set. - Children's Furs a specialty. x 1ai >Aor amass Nair masa nano mamas >tt maNam PHONE 56 J'VJi/lars Scotch Store PHONE 56 a a $ • $ ■ $ a 1 • • ■ ■ • • a 11( i ■11, / 111/tltrl•1111R//IRIrl11rrlt■■*$][($lilt■lI ■aINI ■IIIINW <j - ---- tuN.* )4j., 111i`1'nr413 N'11, n her roar, loath( ,.Yr1. 114 Clean to handl. Sold by all Drug. lista, Grocers an -1 Gen :rat Stores. The Hydro Store North Side of Square, Goderich An Electric Stove is a most convenient and useful article 1yat4•r rates to Jilly let are now thirty days in arrear. and there- fore must he paid without further n.tiee. otherwise the aorvice Is Mahle to be rut off. fawn wevire holes trom 7 to A a.m. and from 5 to 111 pm. All water and Tight rates payable t4, .1. A. KELLY. Collector. Water and Light Csamisaion Town of (k+derich. , erhN•, was uliRte4 in the rn:etritunny t1. Fr..terirk 1% son of 11r. noel Mr.. %S'. I1. pi o'r1.N•k the 1.rld:.l tarty et 011.1 the l 1;1n/10- to the strain,. of 11,•nd, sm,.hn'e 111•irh 111*J,.1 I+r Mi...1,.\' 1.014. hoer Keep Children `N' 11 • ail 1110 111fN.m, Wild tool lately p .1•er }.•r4• ....II (N•34.031. 4,r l-2erfr.ra 11.14 •d During Not '''s e:tther. Detroit, visaed at J .seph Courtney's. We are sorry to report the serious dl nese of Mr. Tho.. Gunn. Mise Berried ne and Masters Alpert an t Ralph t)'Loughl.n are going to Wingham to have their throat operated on, Mrs. M. P. Ho4an, who underwent an operation in St. Joseph's hospital. Lon - ccs, is speedily re:ovrrmg. we are pleased r t"ltnow. 4St. 'Mary. Hackett. of Detroit. came up on Ii i nrrl new. with white *alit) ribIN.n with Dae ground of evergreen.. The r,•replont• tea. 1-.•rtorYtrd to tb• hri.lr's mule, Itev..1. I'. Parke, of Soilthnmpton, who i vas c..lel.rntltttt his own w-Irldllg 1,44)14. i ,er.el1). The hii,lr, who w•ar elven ••wby leer mother': wnm dal,,?II • trinrl lir silk no,,rgette ni,d a'41r•.- tie• "i"•14414,1,141 bri'b.1 *'ells 1174(1 .•nrrie.l a ' rr IN,ngnet o1 ophe1114 new.. Irnr- I .113 11a• r,umgr'atrlb.tl44na Mr. Frank I I L,d.b rendered a ..dr.. "The Stuwhtn.• t ..f 141421' Sn.11e." r. fh•r 4111011ne- l'1r.l to rite .pacinnw ,ttuing-ears, t ,t here the irrre•he,,n N ea w'r'',vi. rink mro,rh,,te mint free were present, those r•.nt a'llsetttp.,• Itrir4R 111N. '4,r,- ]were, • of Lai Mite, floe., mid Mies hale Parke. '•( Itrlklklyu. N. V. Mr, and Mr.. I..bb 14-10 on 1110 nftert4,ou train. amid h4,N-et•m nt ,'elnf,'ttl anti g.NN1 wishes, or Toronto, Nhtgare. I,,ewl.tnn 11114 th.'r p..1111. 1:ls,. Tile bride'. travel- a turned from oversea.. cal:ed on friends ,s t tis vicinity this week - f'41.1. F.UR♦-1919. cmltrieh ,rpt. 1S, , 17 i•:xio.eter uHelot, 15, 16 I:npr.elm wept. 111, 17 sepl. IS, 111 ` -Int. 15, 111 Sept. 111, 19 torp(. 17, IN Sept. 18, 10 • sem. Sept. ll, 24 wept. 23, 24 sept. 25, 91 Sept. 25, 28 rpt. :311, owe. 1 'opt 311, net. 1 ttet.2.R oft, X, B the Greyhound for a few days visit. (h1 ',Stowed ru bout la service rn his route, 1' mer months are to small children Meth — r ruralmad-carrier has purchased a weir e sett f,'th Ch•lera in(antum, dcarrhrxa, dysentery. ' ltlrrltell Every mother knows haw fatal the hot colic nd stomach troub es are rife at this time a d often a precious little life i* lost after on • a few hours illness. The mother - who kre Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels te. • The occasiogal use of he Tablets .• events stomach and bowel roubles, or if t b'e.comes suddenly -as it generally ch the Tablets will bring he baby safely th • gh. They are sold by . medicine dealers or • y mail at 25 cents a hos fr(wn the Dr. Wilt ms' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. t R REALLY DO cad pale, prevent iring and heal This la why thole who hate oc..e used Zan* -Auk wilt never sae any other ointment. Miss Viola Huhlsy, of Upper (1•o- when, N R., writes: "My sister had aoFas on her foot that commenced like halls an4 then discharged She suffered such Intense pain that she could nor wear her shoes and had to remain lo the house. We cone• mewed using 7.am-Auk and the pain soon dleappaarwd. Then the flares stopped dlanbargtng and boo tone lomg the places wars entiret7 [(paled over we shall never bo without 7.am-Rik again " Par ermine. Wnold-potanefng tad kss, ruts and barn* 7,arn Roc al gaud. A l I dealees. 6be bag. •Bu t.;RBWE. MoWAY, pt. 8. Born -to Mr. and Mrs. Percylifnnigan, son. Mrs. Ritchie is spending a feways with her son Gordon. Mrs. ,]avid McWhinney took in t Toronto Exhibition a fee days last week, Mrs. Campbell, of 11'estheld, is visiting her daughter. Mir. Wm, Crozier. Mr. C A. Higgins left on .the Grey- hound Thursday for Detroit ' Mrs. Gibson, of Ebenzer, is visiting het daughter. Mrs. Wm. McConnell. Quite a number from around here at- tended the reception in the 4th school house in h nor of another of the soldier ibo}s. Mr, A. G. Shackleton. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. John Menary Wednesday last. There was Quite aSorge attendance. Mie Mildred McWhinney and Master Bruce Shackleton. of the G. C. 1.. spent Sunday at their ham -it here. it has been decided to holo anniversary *ervlces on October 12th. Particulars later. I..%NES. Mor1o.Y. Sept. A. Lorne Farrish, Andrew Bowler and John Joe Howler took ,n the Detroit ex- cursion. Mrs. Chas. O'Connor, of I//Aroit, i$ visiting at Robert Moran s. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Styles, of Detroit, are visiting at Jeseph O'Loughlin', 'Mts. Hannah Hogan; Mrs. Dwyer and Mr. John Farrish took in the Toronto Exhibition. Misses Annie aid Liazie Sullivan, of \ ST. .%1'(:1-STINE. '111,1,.y WEDNESDAY• Sept, U,, 1.nrkuow- Miss Stuart. n! Chicago, visited friends Sayalilve ton 1(1 in this vicin.tekalt week. ftayBNld Miss Mary `14ftslnto!h. of Clinton, T('• N HII,I,r visited her cousin: Mrs. J. W. B.41e, on T'Ingaunon Saturday. WInglsam entKira Alice Clara: visiting Mrs J. Thornpsnn. Mr. Andrew Painter +.`(turned to Da• troll last week. - a a number !rr'rn this vicinity are takirlY in London Farr thrs week. Mrs. Geo, Brophy is in Whtgham at present. Mr. and Mrs, John Boyle Visited Kingsbridge friends one day this week Miss Mary Mason. who has just re- SINCE .1870 30Z7ZCOUGHS SUMMER SALE OF' WHITE FOOTWEAR To make room for incoming goods we arc clear- ing off slimmer lines in Boots and Shoes. These are a few samples of the price reductions : 1.Adie•.' white cams Oxforrla .. " high -top canvas Shoes .. g3'10 for f2 715 .. „ „ ,240 2.75 white canvas low Melee ..' '1411 2.15 Mn-'.erunning Mimeo' 12 '2l.bo Shore LIZ Hoy. r Ing Sh1. Z '• o La1.60 •. l.ludieN,' h{ack k'd Oxt 1 E " t.26 Oxfords. 1.(111 " 2.0000 • " Donplolae r..., a,ql 3.a Come early before the bargains are all one Also reduced res in ladies' Whitewear, W - - -. _ 81sia, etC N. J. TRELEAVEN General Merchnlll, Dungannon