HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-9-11, Page 2: • *soo7st- 4f, St 044, !!-- Themeless September 11. 1919, 44 0,s se 1 11 1 ;of. '• • • atatillisionat Keep your eye intb 00 on this Brand esti SIGNAL PRINTING Pritt-nottner. Itetitt.itilier 11. 10144. UNIFORM BATES AGAIN. The London Fret Pressloth.: extent of a half -column or more. replies to a recent article in 1 he .Sig ,st on the subject of power rates and defends the present sys- lens as opt:used to the system of uniform rates proposed by the Goderich Board of Trade. Much of what The Free Press says is irrelevant oc has already been discussed: but there is on sew suggestion: Goderich. with the consumption power that the steel mills will bring. ma become one of the cheapest power centr in the Province. and in that event th advantage belongs orimanly to Goderic munictattiesiII share I; 10 th extent that the increased load decrease the eeneral cost of transmission. It ha been estimated that Codench would hat a rate of $19 per horsepower. Condon is PaYMIZ 121. but our consumption only ..400 horsepower as against a prop able consumption of 20.000 horsepower b She Goderich steel mills. Will Londo fairly ask Godench power consumers t pay more in order that London consum ern may pay less Or Witt each mum cipality be content in the knowledge tha it la, getting power at cost The (Melerich Board of Trade stated that it had commenced the agitation for a uniform rate without selfish purpose, but for the advantage of the whole Prov• ince. to which the power belongs. If, therefore, a turn of events brings Code - ch within the favored circle of lowdate users. the Board will have to stand by its colors even should this attitude seem to be opposed to the imm diate interests of the town. This aspect of the case MAY well be left out of the discussion. If the flat rate is just it should be adopted sith- out reference to the wishes of any par- ticular distnct. T e Free Press evidently- has- failed ao take note of the fact, already panted out by The Signal. that the making of a uniform ra-e would involve only a slight increase in the price now paid by Toronto, Hamilton and other points at that end of the line. s here the consumption of power se great. in order to allow of a comparevly large decrease in the rates at this end. *here power consumption is light. Mr. Hume has hgured out that the aver- age rate paid for Niagara poser Ili $19 53. This s only $3 more than the price to Toronto, but less than holt the rate charged to Godencb. The Free Press has overlooked also the suggestion of The Signal that, instead of increasing the rates at such points as Toronto and Hamilton for the purpoit Of- establishing unifo m pates. the rates at these points re- main stationary for the present, and' reductions in cost as they become possible from time to time be used in reducing the rates wherever they are highest. Thus in time uniformity: of rates might be at- tained. not by increasing, the rates any -where. but be redunng them grad. ually to a ley -el. This would obviate the peril which The Free I'ress sees, that uniform rates might render it impossible , for Hydro to compete with other power in the cities. The point to be borne in mind is that the poser belongs to the Province, and its benefits should be distributed as widely and as equably as is possible through the Provinte. 40•••••••••........"•••••••• ••••• so , ; 47' ,l. -, „ ', • . Z ;Is; , MX SIGNAL GODS:RIM, ONT. The one Tea that never disappoints the most critical tastes. 14 4 A tffS) ea a Sealed Packet Is Your Safeguard" e Isteriduelal nrcusier Ittl. no n-sisiou eibility esivert 4, 4, eitLeasit; but he is • not *love making a hill for the 'midterm' es vote los a immouttrement which roms e iu nothing but the toper and ink to h• s rite It. l'he soldiers are fop keen to • taken In I.v 1•11411 a pity of, claptrnis s , e I The U. F. O. is des -eloping a peculiar s strain of arbitrariness. wh ch had a rather • curious result at the North Huron nomin- ating convention on Monday:. Mr. Fra,er, who s as elected to the Legislature a few months ago largely by the farmers' - votes, and to whose subsequent course no t! objection, so far as is indicated. was taken, was refused an opportunity to go on the ballot for nomination for the coming election. He is a fanner. a U. F 0. man, 1 stands by the U F. 0.• declaration of principles. and would be better able prob- principles to success at the polls; yet he 1 is summarily .ejected. It remains to he seen whether the action of the convention is representative of the sentiment of the great body of farmers who supported Mr.Fraser and electe*j I m an y at the last election, and who have hie no reason to be ashamed of that day 's work. The policy of protection is gaining ground even in free trade strongholds. Legislation to prevent dumping ot Ger- maigond* at lois prices nd for the pro- tection of -unstable !key industries' is forecasted by a British Board -of Trade announcement.--Orillis Packet. To go back no farther than 1904. when Chamberlain launched his tinperial p:ef erence polics. *e have been hearing tight along through the years that Great Brit ain 911a abed to turn its back on its free trade policy. Si when we are told that protection le "gaining ground" in the old land. or that its triumph is "fore- casted, ' ssr touch.' the itatement, men tally. to the waste- paper basket. The strangest thing in this connection is that any Canadian should desire that Britain should adopt protection. It would be one of the sorriest days possible loe Canada, for when, or if. a protectionist party gains the ascendency in Britain' duties will not be levied alone against tioneus would penalize imports frorn foreign goods. The Old Country proteel Canada, just as Canadian protectionists penalize imports from the Old Country. • - - IIIDITSMAL NOTE& Remember the Goderich Exhibition on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next. Hon. Mackenzie King. the Federal Liberal leader. has accepted the nomin- ation for Prince. P. E. 1., ahere a bye - election isto be held next month. The Liberals have a !Sing for their leader. The North Huron United Farm- ers have a King for their Federal can& date. The Tories sill have to bring along at least a Prince or a Duchess if they want to be in the sty le. Hotkort McMillan, who is being over hauled beeause of some statements he has been making about the tioldiers' pay, ie to be distinguished from Thomas Mc- Millan. who was the Liberal candidate in South Huron at the last election. R. J. is • U. F. 0. man. The two are brothers. The Coniervative nominee in West Bruce in his speech of acceptance gave credit to the Hearst Gover, ment for instituting rural mail delivery. Appro- priately. his name is Green. When he is a kttle seasoned. politically, he will know that the Hearst Government has as much to do with rural mail delivery at with the Canals on Mars. Because of the residence clause in the g ram hise Act. many Methodist ministers Who removed to new charges at the be ginning of July sill he unable to vote in the referendum This is *hat is vulgarly called sa sore sill ler. Chown sas that the only remedy is that the ministers work the harrier during the campaign to wake up for the loosg of their votes. • Mir SVillisrn lietro Is - ,.it with it Statement leo tro-or of the oar veteran.' demand for uu gratultS pm* its a rhes;' weep elertioneerini Mier gratnity. If 041,1 to. to 1411114. mat of the 1.sondislon ters.nry, for whkti the eye ,41t• ably than any other man to carry those ltht war is closed for advertising purposes I it is sfill open so far as Union Govern. meat is concerned and therefore cannot ' be considered won until December. 1922, • when the five-year mandate expires. Almost as elusive as the speech from the Throne is the condition of the Cabi- net. with one Minister -Public Works - off the job altogether and two more, Finance and Agriculture. on the outside looking in. Messrs. Drayton and Tolmie lack seats. and are consequently to be regarded as astral bodies, which. as every- body knows, do not need anything to 'sit on. As astral bodies they are competent to give absent treatment to any questions concerning their departments which may anse in the House. Sir Henry and Dr. Totmie appear al- most ever) day in the public gallery and occupy seals in the front rowfrom which they can watch the game. A code af stgnals has been arranged between them ' and the floor leader SO that everything goes with the precision of a good game of baseball. Whenever Premier Borden is - - - in doubt helooks up to the gallery and TRIFLES LIGHT AS AIRSir Henry gives turn the sign for the squeese play or whatever manoeuvre may • be necessary at that stage of the battle I By ff. F. Gadsby. haven't mastered all the signs yet. but I Police that when Sir Henry .turns the right thumb down Premier Burden shows 'em no mercy Ottawa, Sept. S. -The speech from the Throne indicates that it is to be alt meringue and no pie. The. mover and seconder the address in reply had an unusually hard time of it because there was nothing to reply ta. Brother Rowell, I understand. was the mentor who coached Messrs. Whidden and Manntosb in the soft art of answering clothing. Brushing a-ide for the moment the 112 500 which id to be each member's unearned increment. Parliament says with a straight face that it has met to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and that it will take at least tiurty•two days and perhaps more (0 do it. Authenticated copies of the document have been dis- tributed which no doubt will have a news interest to many of the members who are unaware that there is any deference be - 1 15. armistice terms and the final covenant signed by the Allies in the Hall 01 Mieron. There is a ditierence. of course. a con- siderable difference, which does not meet with the favor of good old Tones like A disturbing feature of Parliament i the cross benches. The cross benches are so called because they are a heavy cross for Union Government. It is conceivable that the ertata--which constantly taking on weight -may ultimately. become so heavy that the Government will collapse Under it. How cross does one have to be before one shifts to the cross benches ? I do not know. But I do know that Beery session of Parliament. They are crosser this session by one Conservative - Burnham of Peterboro-and two Liberal remits -Buchanan of Lethbridge and Douglas of Stratticona-from the nimust party. These with Mr. Crerar's Wee Frees male a croes-bench colony of fif- leen alt save tedrifting toward Theyare not 1 there yet. hut they are on their way. It 'is hard to see hos Western Liberal - IUnionists can avoid the aetraction of gravitation to a party. whose tar -ft reecho- !,lions admit that the ice of the Western farmer is the voice of The cross benches will probably get every Liberal Unionist from the West with the possible exception of Richardssn of Springfield, who is forming a Grape ut party ot his own. I cannot vision the Eastern Liberal-l'nionste flocking to the oas benchee or following the example of r.Fielding and reun t n with he Liberal party, because must of them are tisfied to rernasa where they are. know - g that for them tomorros is as yester- y-that is to my. alt gone. So far there ave been two Conservative -Unionist de- ections - Nickle. of Kingston. who re- igned when the war was officially. won. rid Burnham of Peterboro, who seeks the ow benches riot to get neater the Liberal rty but to get farther away from the cowhand Unionists. Burnham is im- tient of disguise. He 15 a parry stalwart nd he wants to get back where he knows hat he is fighting about. When Premier Borden looks at the cross benches he 6 Editor Meese of The National Revievs N but I am informed that Parliament. so long as it gets the money and gets back anus home inside of fix weeks. is not dis- posed to be entesal. It will not stand on Li nice points or insist that the war be us fought over again because the treaty is a in little kinder to the Germans than the da armistice was. It sill ratify the treaty. as h it stands bong convinced that Lloyd f George arid President Wilson and Clern- sr enceau did the best they could. Of course a - ratifying the treaty id I put Brother er Rosell in a Isole. because when the pa treaty is ratifed peace is offi Sally ilaug- ca urated and we have always understood , pa the war isiuld not end until Mr. Roaell ! a sail 50. I suppose they *di fix it up teeth w - an order.in Council declaring that while great furor, ass create,' at Tor- onto over • 11.oise editorial opposing the demand for an intentioned gratuity of *2,0101 for all returned soldiers. Ion :Hondas night • big dezumintrat ion wan held in queen's Park. wlwre The Globe wes angrily denounced by. returned :soldier. for its attitude. Mr, Stewart Lyon. managing editor of The (41ohei sttemoleit the meeting and amid mut% interreptIon *tared Mit tortitIon. point • ing out that the granting of the demand voillm oimean ari addition of ;,. the motional &Ie.already room -tied staggering proportion.. It is olithotilt to olefl,t men wh., hare risked their lives for their toiletry anythIne they brit there Is a limit to the reeniree. id the country. 81141 it 11, • 11111,441.n Mr114.thrr that limit has not nirenoly been reaelied, ln asking for a i;oreronietit .-ootnniissitin to look int to lio. whole matter the soldiers are on 00101 better gr tttttt ol. and the OttitSril 4:ooverninent ran hardly ounifInote Ira refusal to grant th., ',oiliest. 111 filet. volth the Government's record-breaking perfoorninnet'. In ros•o•Tot years on the appointing of etotiontisslooris. it is ilitfl• vollt to totiolerstsnol s hy the reopie.i 1,4 the veteran. was not Mt Wm, m1.11914.11 to. The soldiers, how1iVer, will not allow the matter to Is, shelved by the customary expedient : they must 111111 With CH 11141111y M lel fairly. To hand out SIS.11110 inolisf•rini Ina tely to o' ore returned Kiololloor W011111. we 4'e- 1tere. N. safe neither for the conntry nor for m0011, of the IM.0.111:311r1.7S: 9 1•1111941.41011 ntight devise some other meting, of giving substantial wooista nes% to the returned men %Mena risking the *do:envy of the motorist) exchequer. A TWO -FOLD DM Maar aliosishatal mos est - &dr &Nam Scotrs Emulsion reiralairlit -am! thaw Mahe lloamsallams. it la a aside-leed Ihat ambito aissassts aa aeadIMI Seal sitsi am fa a aid atm paw serampillt- m m sawn op, „s 44 to, 04 pii:01111.' / 4 miff% Ii soh The Health Bath For th• futwe welfare of Cooed. the chadors maw b. kept healthy sow. Pretest that from the genes lied microbe. of disease by wino Lifearsoy Seep. For the bent -eorhieg easels the bositod, elesesseg free- letherieg •egotoblo oil, i. LIFEBUOY MEALM SOAP sod the sotioototio agearsdio- ootoot the bruises, sereteimes. eta. tint if 4.4 otabosoutiso Ito • goatee is( ilostotor. A 1,ifot- hooey poop booth awls tile o btildroo to bed glowing( with b"oleh•od 60,01 otomAioltIO. Tho mods& oleo. Om LiloMeop aro ova .1 0• mmoirameme •••1191mr ••••41, o mmdmidmi mar ow. L.ostoor arottroto Ltilaitm4, Tenealth Una. • • 1. Is • • feels like the Dutch boy- who tried rn keep the Zuyder Zee ow br etickinr I it finger in the dyke. Tte cross benches represent that insurging ocean of human nature which Premier Borden is trying to hold back. Leader Rowell is another uneasy sign of the times. The President of the Privy Council is obviouelo nervous. He jiggles about like a hen trying to cross the road' in front of a funeral. He looks at dis- tressed as a Union Jack upside down. Something is eating our crusader. 1 am bill again this session and that the Senate told that lee will introduce his veld -water will treat it in the usual way. This will make three times and when a man goes down three times he is euppose4 to he finished. unless the subsequent operation row +14 718 • Si 7 Electric Starting and Lighting new Ford Electrical System is as great an achievement as the Ford Motor. No better starting and lighting system is supplied with any car -at any price. See it for yourself. See it work. It is a complete two -unit system, Starting Motor, Generator and Battery -built into the Ford Motor -a product of the Ford plant. 'The Ford car is also equipped with the Standard Magneto to provide ignition independent of the batteries. The Whole system is controlled from an instrument board on the cowl. It is now suppliA as Standard Equipment on all Ford Enclosed Models. If you will phone --or call -we will introduce you Ito the Ford Sedan. You owe it to yourself to learn , why men who can afford big costly cars prefer the Ford Sedan. Ss":":413,14t ..! 7, .7„.it 01' PRICES -including Electric Startheg .ad Lighting. Ford tTedan 0011178. Ford Coups 1076.1. 0. h. roe& Ont. (War tali extra ) los % I setotoontio hie rises, tire en trier an .1 mon-skid t I rigs oft rear as, optional equitontegi on close ol ears only st est rot. - P. J. MacEwan, Dealer Goderich Ontario 41 1 ;77 7*, 11, C. (41 7 !! 4 • LL t or.r,"r7 • W. ACHESON & SON Women's Plush and Cloth Coats • 44 Coats of splendid quality black plush, well made convertible collar, farmer's satin lined. Sizes 34 to 42, at $3()I .00 each. dattoRtwitutt.tirw, Tweed, Broadcloth and Chinchilla giivIrent....7e21-!..or, Coats stiffitilitioURRIK 41if „ Excellent variety in stylish colors, some lined throughout, some half -lined. Sizes 34 to 42. Prices $i6.00, $20.00 and $2.00. Women's N Silk Dresses 0:1 Stylish ready-to-wear gts of Taffeta Georg- ette. Crepes, Silk Duchess, etc., utifully made, stylish and well finished. One gown of a style or color. Sizes 34 to 42. Ranging 515.00, 520.00, $25.00. 530.00, $40.00 and $5o.00. Suiting Serges and Broadcloths 45 to 56 inches wide, all pure wool. English Suiting Serles, at per yard $1.50, $2.00, $3.50 and $CR. Corsets We offer these new Gossard Corsets with the assurance that they exceed in design and work manship anything heretofore attained in modern corsetry. W. ACHESON 8z SON of rolling him over a barrel calls him back again. It may be that Leader Rowell sorrows at the prospective fate of his bone-dry baby. d but it looks to me as if the matter went deeper than that. He seems to have lost his old home with the Liberal party and the Unionist party hasnt got the roof on straight. Presently he may have no- where to lay his head. The man ought lto be in good health, for he has just ee turned from a holiday. in British Colum- bia, where he filled up on Okanagan apples. An apple a day, as we all know, keeps the doctor aay. and Mr. Rowell was long enough out there on his oder ran h to build up a strong constitution. But for some reason or other he fidgets. xiCXXXXXXXXXxxXXXX=xxXXXXXX ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to he able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use, We wish to extend thauks to onr customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time service and prompt delivery. cr,,zp.r,41, q,kqrfn The Saults Coal Co Phone No. 75 8. J. Saulta. residence ' . W. W. Sat:tits' residence No. 275 .71 osisstit0e. No. 202 21•XX:0121:412C100:100{20CXXXXXXX It is easter to make a new quarrel thanilt be to peiteh op an old one. 111111111111111111111111111 II T• he Singer Store • Ladies. and Child - ren's Underwear ar The New Collars with pleated effects j ust i n ig Stamped Goods X Of all kinds for ladiec. X fancywork Pro.tl°" t*; X A call solicited. X • Miss S. NOBLE IN East side Square • 1 IXXXX XXXII,* XXX ,7s,7194 Caatractiag sad Gegen! Carpeater Werk The undersigned are prepared to take contract!, and exeente orders for any work in t,he above iinee having hiut years at experience, they can assure the public of nrst-hase, dependable work, All orders will receive prompt attention. 141t0. WF,MTBRI )11K . Trafalgar Street. M. BOWLER, 1•6,nler Street, MODE L BOOT and SHOE REDA IR DEPOT orders loollelted for ell kind. of Footwear Repairs Ilorsi worlo anol enowinalnia prices Sol. Ward & Son Hamilton atreet (stand foinierly oneripled hy:etise ft., Haiti ik -es • 70k 44 .r. 44 4. I ' 41' is 1 %O. IIII 47: r l I ico1 1::i14.7',1',1•4c: " ...1.. r_s.. • I' "1: i( sm.:1):I bil i ....... t - 1 3 • ••••"'''' VIIIP -- is , 1:1[ 4,...1 LI ........./"" +14 718 • Si 7 Electric Starting and Lighting new Ford Electrical System is as great an achievement as the Ford Motor. No better starting and lighting system is supplied with any car -at any price. See it for yourself. See it work. It is a complete two -unit system, Starting Motor, Generator and Battery -built into the Ford Motor -a product of the Ford plant. 'The Ford car is also equipped with the Standard Magneto to provide ignition independent of the batteries. The Whole system is controlled from an instrument board on the cowl. It is now suppliA as Standard Equipment on all Ford Enclosed Models. If you will phone --or call -we will introduce you Ito the Ford Sedan. You owe it to yourself to learn , why men who can afford big costly cars prefer the Ford Sedan. Ss":":413,14t ..! 7, .7„.it 01' PRICES -including Electric Startheg .ad Lighting. Ford tTedan 0011178. Ford Coups 1076.1. 0. h. roe& Ont. (War tali extra ) los % I setotoontio hie rises, tire en trier an .1 mon-skid t I rigs oft rear as, optional equitontegi on close ol ears only st est rot. - P. J. MacEwan, Dealer Goderich Ontario 41 1 ;77 7*, 11, C. (41 7 !! 4 • LL t or.r,"r7 • W. ACHESON & SON Women's Plush and Cloth Coats • 44 Coats of splendid quality black plush, well made convertible collar, farmer's satin lined. Sizes 34 to 42, at $3()I .00 each. dattoRtwitutt.tirw, Tweed, Broadcloth and Chinchilla giivIrent....7e21-!..or, Coats stiffitilitioURRIK 41if „ Excellent variety in stylish colors, some lined throughout, some half -lined. Sizes 34 to 42. Prices $i6.00, $20.00 and $2.00. Women's N Silk Dresses 0:1 Stylish ready-to-wear gts of Taffeta Georg- ette. Crepes, Silk Duchess, etc., utifully made, stylish and well finished. One gown of a style or color. Sizes 34 to 42. Ranging 515.00, 520.00, $25.00. 530.00, $40.00 and $5o.00. Suiting Serges and Broadcloths 45 to 56 inches wide, all pure wool. English Suiting Serles, at per yard $1.50, $2.00, $3.50 and $CR. Corsets We offer these new Gossard Corsets with the assurance that they exceed in design and work manship anything heretofore attained in modern corsetry. W. ACHESON 8z SON of rolling him over a barrel calls him back again. It may be that Leader Rowell sorrows at the prospective fate of his bone-dry baby. d but it looks to me as if the matter went deeper than that. He seems to have lost his old home with the Liberal party and the Unionist party hasnt got the roof on straight. Presently he may have no- where to lay his head. The man ought lto be in good health, for he has just ee turned from a holiday. in British Colum- bia, where he filled up on Okanagan apples. An apple a day, as we all know, keeps the doctor aay. and Mr. Rowell was long enough out there on his oder ran h to build up a strong constitution. But for some reason or other he fidgets. xiCXXXXXXXXXxxXXXX=xxXXXXXX ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to he able to inform the public that we are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use, We wish to extend thauks to onr customers, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal shortage, and now that it has been relieved we will give our old-time service and prompt delivery. cr,,zp.r,41, q,kqrfn The Saults Coal Co Phone No. 75 8. J. Saulta. residence ' . W. W. Sat:tits' residence No. 275 .71 osisstit0e. No. 202 21•XX:0121:412C100:100{20CXXXXXXX It is easter to make a new quarrel thanilt be to peiteh op an old one. 111111111111111111111111111 II T• he Singer Store • Ladies. and Child - ren's Underwear ar The New Collars with pleated effects j ust i n ig Stamped Goods X Of all kinds for ladiec. X fancywork Pro.tl°" t*; X A call solicited. X • Miss S. NOBLE IN East side Square • 1 IXXXX XXXII,* XXX ,7s,7194 Caatractiag sad Gegen! Carpeater Werk The undersigned are prepared to take contract!, and exeente orders for any work in t,he above iinee having hiut years at experience, they can assure the public of nrst-hase, dependable work, All orders will receive prompt attention. 141t0. WF,MTBRI )11K . Trafalgar Street. M. BOWLER, 1•6,nler Street, MODE L BOOT and SHOE REDA IR DEPOT orders loollelted for ell kind. of Footwear Repairs Ilorsi worlo anol enowinalnia prices Sol. Ward & Son Hamilton atreet (stand foinierly oneripled hy:etise ft., Haiti ik -es • 70k 44 .r. 44 4.