The Signal, 1919-8-21, Page 57 TrTrr, 4*(f
Thursday-, August 21. 1019. --Si
A• .utharized Ford Service Station
using only
Genuine Ford Parts
Storage Battery Service Station
Repairs to all kinds of Storage Batteries
East Street Gar e "cm'praectaie'V by
Make the most of your
picture opportunities
Phone 90
Campbell's Drug Store
TIrE PENSLAR STORE North Sand Square
Goderich 44 a;,4 Ontario
Rani beaday Ihnidig•
Tim 33rd liniment band will not be
able to give the usual 'Monday evening
cooceet ibis week. but will play on the
Square oo Sunday evening at 8.15 o'clock.
Clamp In Gram B41111
Mr. W. J. Powell has sod his retail
grocery burnsts to Mr. Cl. E. Webb. late
Weliand. wbo took possession this
morning. Mr. Powell retains the steamer
supply rod OI tt. • business. to which he
has given special attention for tome years.
A Birthday Party.
linoor of Mira. lIcomi 1.1 ileNevin's
birthday. Arnie of tlw neighbors up In
that part of the town had it el/r11 r011110
on Titeaday eiaitting and made r royal
good flaw of it. 1aiiii41,1 au:, not
quite at his best awl tool to quit ulwn
he woo halfway through his nineteenth
et,b. 11115 fur the rest of tlw eveiking he
umit tusommonly quiet. Al..' Higgln-
proreil himself a hustler lit pitti•k-
tlie.eobs, and the %hole erouti made
a good average. Corn is a trirolisume
article and very easy to take. but soar
of those present afteran rds liitil inside
Information as to it,. digestibility.
A tiyany. everybodylexishot
aforementioned, had a NIaltl tittle tilld
the ambito- birthday tolirty was quite
a -firs-via..
School Shoes
To give all possible Shoe
value to our customers is
the best way for us to Wild
a " profitable, permanent
• Our School Shoes are
upheld by a wear service
that always gives satilffac-
non in every way, and our
prices are the lowest for
good reliable Shoes.
Inspect our stock and be
convinced that the values
we are offering are by far
the best for serviceable
Geo. MacVicar
North side Square, Goderich
Airplane %labors.
Mr. Montague William,. of Dayton.
ludo. soil of Mr. Ir.... Willintu tlw Mrs A. Cain and children. of Guelph,
hank of Commerce. ituo.ks4tisither trip are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. B.
tii .w it by airplane the {oust week. Switzer.
rriving Saturday e, ening ohotit 6 Mr. Geoffrey Holt, of Toronto is visit*
Ile a :IS neorotilloottltell 'US lw- ing at.the old home. North street.
"Frsit-alvos" Quickly
Raved This Chronic Trouble
Call011.4111 &awe, Mormasi..
'1.!..Lin snubs, no other medicine
Is so eurative for Constipation and
Indigestion as 'Pruit-a-tivss'.
I web a sufferer from these eons-
plaiots for live years, and my
sedentary OCOU patios, II usic, brought
about a kind of Ississiirsal Parahsis;
Evil* Nasty Headaches, belching gas,
, drowsiness after eatiag, and pain in
the batik.
I was induced to try 'Fruit-a-tives'
and now for six months I have been
entirely well". A. ROSF-NBURO.
50o. alio:, 6 for p.m, trial alae 26s.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -edam Limited, Ottawa.
September ethIoI3th.
From, present appearances the Western
Fair of London. Ontario. a ill be the best
exit bition this year in its history. At
this early date space for exhibits is about
all taken and it remains now for a good
live stock entry which is 'fast coming in
to fill the stock barns, when with favor-
able weather conditions visitors will see
the greatest success ever attained bir the
Western Fair.
There will be a dog show from Tues-
day to F:tday noun of exhibition week.
A pare food ho * will be held in the pro-
cess butid:rg throughout rhe enure week
—no extra 3dmesion. But ter• making as
usual in the dairy- building each day.
Egg and wool exhibits in the dairy build
trig by the Gevermr.ent. also moving
pictures under canvas •wi Society Row.
Tractor demonstrators by several large
manufacturing mmpanws. A grand
automobile ,hoss in transportation build-
ing with ovtrItow exhibits in the mach -
inery hall Everyone within reach of
Loodon should take at least one day off
and visit the exrnbition Come and cele-
brate peace and prosperity with us. All
information from the Secret ary. General
Offices. London. Ont. '
At the hoar of Mr,. T10411151-
- _
oil Tuesday and all report having it'
gisal time. Ago".' of baseliall Was
phi) esi beur tw, en obora and the
Bov S,o,titi, Illintiono
. The wore wan
Now more than 360
Branches in Canada
Located at all strategic commercial points in the
Dominion from Chariottetin P. /L L, mad Hislibm.
N.B. on the Atisaitte, to e Rupert wind Van-
couver, S.O. on the Pacific, our more than SOO
brunches are in a position fully to co operate in the
up -building of thesis communities and to program
with their further ctovolopmem. ism
RESOURCES. $153,000,000
Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager
f .4 the Scout*.
• Mi' -.P. -ter .IlIctbargall and Marion
rialmst,rook. Wediwolay. Atm
list iali. Ile. daughter. Dora was
wilted in marriage to 11..1 Irwin. of
East Wo a a The ha ppy ai pie
will their Imoll••• .olo tto•. grount's
fares East kVzoWNINWII.
EDNESUSV. Aug. 20.
Mrs. J. E. Bennett has resigned her
bliss E. Montgomery left last week on potinort as air operator or
fore by Sir. R. Whetitet. idiot. They
ester ded vtsit to Orr. North Dakota. rural telephone system. after eight andi a-
m rife the trip of er 1951 miles !non
Dayton hi Iletirt• 141 es. and Edgerton. Albert.a. half years' service. She has not had good -
tii;•le speed ranging ?ruin storey to 1:40
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Greer. of *Ingham. health for some months past.
an hour. Their 1111414•11ille IA110 Of miss Henry. of
f the t
Or...pending a few weeks with friends
111 the Northwest
Mi,, Pearl Potter and Lillian, of
Clinton. *ere ; on old friend.
herr 11,1. ueek. •
Mrs. A. McDougall has returned
from the %Vest tift•l• spending a year
is her ;laughter. MI*. John Th p - Site rep' ate the crops a Liam, -
in a great many planes ,,111
Mr Urea, Sterling, M. P. P. of
M I C pail us s short.
Wlutechurch. Miss I. Rev. J. L. Small. of Heepeter. occupied
heavier type than the one they
; Simpson. of Chicago. and Miss A. SimP the pulpit of St. Andre* s church on
here hefore. They ;eft NloollIbly after- son. of Calgary. were guests of the misses Sunday and Was heard by his former
Bentley last week.
The Misses Clara and Ada Beverley.
of Detroit. are on their annual visit to
Mn. Athol•McQuarrie, of Toronto, re-
, noon on the return trip.
Tao young fellows from Itnintfonl
were iwre *It'll till airplane 50
newt/late uith the fall fair people for
e‘hibitiou engagement.. Thr fair
i -
congregation with much pleasure.
Mt, Lorton Hill has purchased a resi-
dence at London and it is expected the
family *ill move to that city- in a few
wenn S.
direetors did not ntrilot their propos
thin .ind they avid ooll too KIllieloroliile. Mr. John Fingland, of Londestioro,
panted by her mot' er. Mrs. L. A. Nairn. succeeds the late Alexander Elder as
and Master C. B. Nairn. treasurer of the Blyth telephone system.
The leery Demo Dante.
turned -someon Fnday. She *as accosts -
There Nits it gond attendance tit the Mr. and Mrs. Jock Campbell. of Port Mr. R. Rundle and Sties Laithwatte, of
fancy dress (lane*held at Hotel Sun- 1 -.....ii.._
‘...srosa i.e. are spending two weeks with Goderich. sere \ visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. --,Ferris this week.,
so WI Friday night in aid of Alexandra relatives in town.
hospital. and it prov,s1 a ;very Interest- ;
; ow- 1
Mr' and Mrs. Harry Ball and .laughter' -The contract for the memorial hall to
int( 411111 *4110y:obit* event. The
1 'derived Edythe and Dorothy. of Brandon. Man., be erected at Linded?oro' for the township
'derived eivellent taste and
. ;sever adaptation. HMI :1 vet": cry and left for the West on Monday morning. I of Hulett has 'been arded to the Blyth
. after spending two weeks with their rel- 't *fling mdls for 119. The work will
pretty /..1.1WIEP, PreTelited Iff Till' iln•W• "
t ...tvet in n.
tow .
i ing-nettu and Wall of the hotel during 1. ____, , commeice at once.
• the .Intwing. The tutteie *re by the MINS Minnie I-x=0e a visaing friends ,
. 1 rtinTEs H
ondwstra. The at Sarnia. -
prises for the best eostumete were I Miss Oral Stcridart is her
NS' eirsisi.s
a weeder] its : 'Jones- ist. Miss mother at Detroit.
I 41iVo• .'tIIs'n inl. Mba, E. Williams: Mrs. W. 01 wasinnittagt.1 Mr. and Mrs. Aireet.Cor a
i'g ••
gentlemen -1st. Mr. W. J. Hunidason: D. C.. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Janice of ishieago. were allin
h.q... last ,40".
girt Mr. J. 'Itarlesworth. 111
prizes wrro• at% riled to 515n.Craigie. .1r. John T Hohlswrrth„
.1 family.
1 frii rids
e *nil
MUNI Mabel Doner, of Toronto. is visit- .on. pittsbneg„ were e
- — - - 1,0111.' and MaPter N. Kingsmill. Tlw ing
avenue.heraunt. Mrs. W. P.Abel. Elgin „n Mr." arol Mrs. 1'. MePhail
holies in titarge of the event were Mrs.
ATTENTION I Alia 11rP. W. L. liortnii. Tlw proeisesle 1 Mr. John M..tlunn. ISA. itf the Ina The Bethany Sunda% .seligail he
, wt ere, .1ver 11.1.10. _ The committee wishes 1 11176...itM.,._11,rrl:11;i.aitttivit,inittlii; 15,A.t.ini.11..1,1iNI)ttlintic . their. annual p,iii, to 4,4 1..4lee 44 pion
..' or blink r IAN. for tlw use of the ""ilelf it • rt"
•t Ltikepitle- Mr. Gaim In addition 1-._ _
W. U. lintettitusm. Mrs. M. il. Cameron
law' a litterateur and London -. - — -- ----- , • '
PP 1041.1.11 N lawyer /if vane la a leturrr;
prombwiit citizens.
The Hydro Store
North Silk of Square, Goderich
visit here after being ad the Liberal
ootivention at Ottawa. Ile thinka
King is the right watt fur the yob.
%Liss Clara Clifford, of Brantford*
spent s short holiday with the Missals
Yonge and Chock. %is.. Toronto
Our mccads lof pasting gradual... iwcanctIr
youtrons bare 114414,l been In
Canada. Our tlboetnogn tesoung es welt
known. to day .or large catalogue
W 1 ELLIOTT. Pr...nook
The preserving season
is here and we are in a
position to supply you with
How about your Pickle
Recipe ? We can fill it
for you.
• Try our Vinegar,
a gallon.
Robertson & Mair
'Phone 164
Cot. Hamilton St. and Square
'''Irteil foir Arlils !trill
' rie49614tiell to Miss MaeNair.
On a recent evening about one hundred
relatives and friends ort MieJ Beatrice
McNair, nurse. recently returned from
France. assembled at the home of Robt.
and Mrs. 1.McIt ggart, cousins. 1.1th con-
cession of Grey, to do her honor. A compli ,
mentary address. was read by F. S Scott,
Brussels. and Misses Lenore Patterson,
IMuriel McNair and Margaret McNair
presented a gold ring. gold brooch and
purse of money. After a brief i eply of ;
thanks f r side arrival back and the
kindness shoal\ by old friends. "Sbe's a
jolly good fellow' was sung and a short
Program of speeches followed by M.
Harrison. Jas. Mann. A. }baton. A. Mc-
Lean Jas. McFadzean and others. Geo.
Evans and Elgin Porter govt instrienen-.
• tal music and Miss L. Hirrison a solo.
Councillor Robt. McDonald was chair-
man. A most enjoyable everting was
spent and at the clove lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart did their pert
, royally as host and hostese. The Own -
pane separated wishing Nurse McNair
; many happy years. It is two years since
she went overseas and she saw many sad
1 scenes as she did her duty. Miss Mac
left for her home at Vancotiver. B. C.—
Brutsels Post.
Week beginning August 25th
Bryant Washburn
Elsie Ferguson
Mack Sennett Comedy
Billie Burke
rany Arbuckle
See the beauti-
ful Hand Color-
ed English Prints
"Home through the
"Fast Falls the Eventide"
"The Ferry Inn"
"An English Homestead:
Moe Mix Swouriers ls.t. leen home 1,
for a week's Oicatiou. tilte is now on
the staff of St. Austere it hospital.
Misses tern:tide total Lillian Mae-
tiregor. of Duluth. 011 Jlionthiy I
to visit their relatives tri. Kintail. 4
Mr. atoll Mrs. J. A. Fox !tare returned
to Toronto a visit di town.
Mr. and Mrs. 11,,u. Stewart ,wt -re at
TOP ttttt ro hist week atteuding the l'ro-
vineial florists' etnivent
Mrs. U. H. Green spent lard week
visiting h,r mot lwr, Mrs. Andrew
Nark". mt Sheppoi isnot'. Mrs. MOO.. .011
Tlitirnchty last twlebrated her eighty-
areotal anniversary.
Misses E. and B. Turner. tf Hamil-
ton. are holidaying,In town. .
Mrs. olive %taken; rind her friend
Miss l'Ickup have returtwd ts. N.'.%
Tork ('Ity after spouting severul
asisslitl holiday,. in town.
Meg. I. H. E. Jolliest, of Duerr. ar-
t mpantial by her sous Itobert and
F neim and her daughter Muriel. Wu!.
In twii this week on 1, brief visit to
her Ifltlrr. Mris. Is- TO11111.4.1. Mr. Rolit.
.114111.'t has returned from military Fierviee O4eiTe101. •
R. Tait
Electrical Contractor
Wiring of all kind.' up -to -dare
f; Telentionets„. Burglar Alarms'.
Police Patrol and Fire.....,,Alarrn
Private Residences and Business
Places -a specialty.
All Work Giarantee&
You can select your own
frame and have a picture of
Com* in and me them
Smith's Art Store
East St Phone 1 98
Electric Irons. Toeeters
Fans. Vacuum Cleaners, Washing
Machine*. Flashlights a n d
Batteries of all kinds always on
Ring up al or 198 and have os
give yob an estimate osi your
wiring. It will be done right.
Robt. Tait
Wm Sweet :-: Nen Ponaffies
therest-Shits It, Hems NI
."CAMPING otir
Subscribe for The Signal now.
Mr. FraAk Beattie, of Guelph, spent i
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. John I
Beattie, Bayfield road. .
Mrs. Rod. Johnston is visiting Mr. and ,
Miss Hester Smit't, who was visiting '
Mrs. R. J. SmitTuelph for a month
here, accompanied r hdme.
Mr. and Mrs. Traitar Clark HI141 son
have moved to 1:olleric from Da -know
and are residing on WII m street.
Mho Evelyn MeCart of Detroit,
is spending holidays in toils.
Mn. Geo. MacVicar and \eon have
returned from a visit of ,three peeks to
the lady's parents, Mr. and Ws. N.
Dietrich, Floradale. \ ,
Rev. A. E. Neilly, Mr& Neill), and their
daughters, Misses Muriel and Marguerite,
of Victotia Harbor, are spending a month
in town, having taken a house on Bruce
street. Mr. Neilly was some years ago
in charge of the Presbyterian congrega-
tions of Union and Leeburn churches and
is now minister of Victoria Harbor. Dur-
ing his stay here he is taking charge of
the services in the Bengali church, the.
mihistet °fillet- congregation being RI -
MOS Pitcher, of Norwich, is spending a
month in town. ,
Mrs. Black has returned from Paisley.
Miss Sterling left for Winnipeg on
Mr. and Mn. Tudor, of Thedford;
spent the week -end in town.
Mrs. D. Cunningham. of Walton. vir
ited friends in town last week.
Miss Ida Currie is the guest of Mn.
Fred Middleton at "Whitehall, ' Goderidi
township. this week.
Missean Nairn is spending thc week
Miss Mae McCartney. of Detry it. his
been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Howard and also friends at Clinton
and Stratford. and will return to Detroit
this week.
Mite Rese Merrett. of London, visited
ever the week -end at ths home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Saikeld,,Beyfteld road.
Miss Jessie Wilson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Wilson. has gone to
"ammo Toronto to take a position.
is the deadliest and most
painful malady to which
mankind...subject. Dodd s
Kidney Val, will cure any
case of Bright'. Dewase.
They ha,e never tided in
ogee single case. They are
the only remedy that ever
has eared it, and they are
the only remedy that
There are imitations of
Dodds Kidney Pills—pill,
box and naille—but 4711141-
(4.)ns are dangerous. The
original and only genuine
cure for Bright's is
fiftDody daneboy are
An Electric Stove is a
most convenient and
useful article •
Water rats'- to July lat are now
thirty des in arrears and there-
fore [moil be paid without fitrther
notice, othervase the kerViee is
liable to be cut off.
saws heurs from 7 to
*u.1 from 5 to 10 p.m.
\ All water and tight rates payable
Watend Light Commission
Town of Griderich.
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles—the Plumber.
are here to serve yo
We know our burette .iad
PlarnIllon Weaned Mono 1116
Plumbing Heating
Eavetitrytigbing Metal WO' ok
end at Toronto.
Robins,•the up-to-date
G ents' Furnisher,
The longest —
\ \lasting benefit.
the greatest
satisfaction .or
poOr sweet
in the seared
Air -tight and
announces that the
Store will be Closed
Wednesday Afternoons
during the months of
June. July and August
M. Robins
South side of Square
. saw atestshill INV2111114/ROP"r" ; ' t
ap i, 4.4Pletrilisalsuwirwa.,, .
• •