HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-8-14, Page 8RA
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It Imuraday, Anggpf 14. 1111*. M i . MIGNAL - GOD=!IC$t 0)11?. -"`•�+rrwgl . ••-..._ -- � tr-
OBITI'Af3i. I a xxxxi
E Grote to Interview Jec British Ini dov-
Itl'RItuN'1:. -,\ f utflitar tuurrrl NF# UMAL LUOasmesl on the auA eco f mml ra
was held for the late Lindsay A. Bur• . tlor to Claris" from The Ori*oc and
ruwp un Friday afteracun. Warwn3.lt, IiMI>t[1LDKR TASK MI LFtD• I barticculArly ff the acme His odt other
veteraux, bead.d by the 83rd Reginutat
Iwai. u,arcb.d br pruce.siop and also ING (WrAWA Orl-oanT10ii. eluded chaitmarAhlp of the royal
provided Nu• pellbeerer,r and a drift Icoalmlission wt:ich arbitrated the dif-
ed fir Maitland .elrry. Rev. R. Book. mm JAY" MeckesltdtProbeed between the Bell Telephone I ■ ■
t'. Mcl►f•rmld was (fit- o%-iatiug clergy. NM neon an On44r6tdi Coulpanv and its -&,ploys In 1907. �� ■
tarn. The late Lindsay tturmws wax me oyirre and of the cu,unritdioor which in- f ■
(xrru InAshfield lostuship, urar Thep In 1'ablic iAfe of This t,•oarAry quired into the anti -Asiatic riots In
tordtua. twruty-five years ago. the for Tim-ewly Years wall F%mmw wa Vaarouver In 1008. ;e "' -," sA , y H "` ) .r's i" �'' W f +"
totally rrust in h. t:trleri.th`alsout leu With these errs of raetlrxl ea -,art i ; rt ■
1 g I p -i Pwiwlnatic At"Innewto.-. y p " �` x4.t v' i ;
years ago. He wain working in the p•rWace added to the foundation 4"I i, st` t i a t t t
West when he heard the call of bit• I Bbelch aN His Earner. already :ald D his earl studies. it t, fa l' r j' k" etc# �' r
y ! 7 iu4 i '
*wont• slut tali n a lu July, eg. 4 with ! wea lgevitable that Parliament i ' v'
i!MG ltutt411uu a[ Nyaul two -'MOLAR, sor{ologist, and auth- ■ t d` rw
' lir, Hon. William Lyon Fire- ♦hould beckon to Mackenzie Kin[. �� ii r"; i° ?, 1 .v i t ,+ ',i !
*Worsens i11 the Irll of that year, h.• CtbeyiR[tte eumnlonx, Gr: declared his }..'" ft"i{o 1 �, a ', .;.;
Gin a S
%ON walul.lwl In Jura•, 1416, when be I kensie King. C.Y.G., H.A.• ra&di"cy in hip home constituency I ■ � 119 + +�a�r�*x'17 ° , ".,l%'
had Iswu ..rad) theta• weeks to the i I..LH., 1'h.D., newly -elected of North Waterloo. and was elected k +r 9 d •#r i�`I� #f `4`
trpavla•s. After several wuuthx' Derr in the eaursl election Of 1909. The ■ � � r i1 �
leader ad the brWrat party of Canada, g e t•i a i• i ;� t
pltal trwsturrut he
was iuvaUdrd to following year he received reeogni- ■ ail a i �a } sail ,
Canada early In MIT, and had dime ,a a moa of unesual scholastic at -
lion at the Ganda of the Imperial■
been un.ler treatment at Ioadou, bat'tainmeRu, The youngest man who IGovernmegt by being appointed a
Iwrrr rtrvrrclptl, hi- death arurrtsN has ever borne the mantle of leader. ( member of the anti -opium commis ■ r
tin a rn s
uu N'wOtrwis), Lith lust. FS.•s[dt«1 lois elan which met at bhoughai, China. f '�tl� � a � dfi& 'rw vO"A ; t•�»'� t 1
skip, be mea yet been an outstanding
twt►Ilr, r, Mrs. t;worge Burrows, \ew- In 1909, Me King also received the x a" 1 9 " "' ► +
tai street. he leaves tl•rev brothers- figure is Canadian life for twenty iii) it
R"t portfolio rat Minister of Labor in the ■ yG xa E ■
William. of Ntratford: Jack, of Yuuug, Years. and in that period has devoted k. � � , �' s H 1
Laurier i,�ergmebt. . • ■ t
I+axk.. slid K.ginald, 4t IK,wr-- 41141 our . his most untiring rlturts to the cause Hoe. Yr. K,eg's term as Minister ' �r' p x ' 1 i ' 1 F '< i SFr-' W p #`•p p s
sister. ]ors. H. Hawkins, of Hager s'Ry, of label- and to the realisation of a of labor was terminated by the ■ 1 rt �, �Iz
Mich. The family I1sve [1,. sympatky . v t r � t�
I ( spirit of CO general eleW tion of 1 . /1, in which ■ , µ . , { t r x a� x
of tlw eun,muntty in the loss u[ the
perstioD between work- the reciprocity issue spelled disaster t'' ! # "T s� +
ca 14ut x1m and brother. With the ex-; man and employer. to the Laurier Administration, but in �za°' o f d ` fit) a" - " + t'"""
trpthrn of lite brother in -the West, all His wort fir Ik lit Minister •YI the brief leu ■ ,+ F to �' s 1 t. t"y a 1 x
0 r ,r , fie i lY m Gint amas
I r 7 Years *hien be heli 114 k ;u ^; t'r
the mrmlwrs of lir family were lase I omee the MSn;eter gave abundant, !! 1 tF ► ' y {
for rhe last +ad rit.•., labor, s editor of the Lbor Casette, J earnest proof of his devotion to the ■ °r xF."4"" " :3f @o. x
as Minister of !ebur, as mediator is cause of lair,-.s
eters of industrial differences The most notable piece of legis- ' x x
Semi -Ready Talk: throughout the DoinIMon. no lessI lett*& istrodueed by him was prob- x
than his services as director of the ably his bill providing for Investiga- ' ■
Industries Relations Department of tion of trusts sad mergers. He was i r
"British woollens have no equal the Rockefeller F'ou•vdation and his also Instrumental in seeuring the
authorship of such works es '•Indus- Hostess of the bill g *6 ; Twenty pieces of fast color Ging!
in the world. guaranteeing an v wail
try and Humanity," have all given eight- hoN►da7 for Government em -
"The Semi -ready F tiglish head- proof of interest in IIIc cater• of labor. playa. 8nttlement of the G.T.K.
quarters are situate in the heart - Need al r,,on Mackenzie K� Is strike of 1111 is also ascribed t dhie � hams, 27 inches wide, on sale for one x
the Yorkshire weaving district- &ai&ed atter his maternal rad- tactful sediatioe, Wth,ck resulted In
whete the unit of production is father, William Lynn Mterken:le, tel"tatesent of mea Who had bare
wbe. with Minas inikeph Papinesu, dismissed for their share to the■ x
greater than in any other country. led the rebell,un of 18.67 In a Rlrug- strike.,, ■ week only. Every piece of this Gingham K
"Our F;nglish manufacturer., are gle for their ideal of -responsible The best chapter in the public life x
modest -they don't boast or indulge government... of Mr. King t'oncernr life association ■
in swank-
William Lyon Mackenzie Kim,- was with one of the to Roc et !ler f um ' x was sold at 35c a• yard, and is now reduced x
born is Kitrhe,ler-then Berlin- of The t!aatary--rhe Rockefeller fang- til
"But they can show their coat- Ont., on Decemher• 17, 1974. His dation• established by Juba D. Rock- IK
tails to the world when it comes to father was Mr. John King, K.C., one feller for the promoting of closer and
sterling quality in their products. of the forpmost bar -,eters of that more sympathetic co-operation ne to 2oc a, yard. 91t ref ry i
A city, who later became& lecturer in tweecapital and (Aker. on Octob-i
"One Toronto editor, when his couptitution&1 historl at ongoode 1, 1914, Mr. King areeped the chat,-- Aw Y:�; st��' a 1414
political part}' died a bud3en death, Hall, Toronto. Hifi mother was Ina- manehip of for tnduttrial Relations +, �4
sought to getfrom under by preacb- b•1 Grace Ma-kenzie. Both parents Department of the Foundation, with ■ • x
in free trade and tariff reform- erre of Scottish descent, and from the ob.lect of undertaking an invest ■ vy a are .1howin many colors and x
g Ibenn air. King•dertwed his Presby- gallon of sconowic conditions, -as L. � ! x
and argued that the Britisher,' unit' ■
g urian faith. wide y the 'North ;Amprian contio-
of labor was not equal to that of l He received hip early edneatlon In 'at." • 11 designs in this cloth and you cannot �
Canada. the public and high schools of the '"I would not have accepted thid
"The Englishlaan doesn't talk
then Berlin, and 0it-sward went to post." said Hon. Yr. King in a sub
I Toronto University• graduating is I se of address, replying to ertti- I it •QQ •Q „•• 1[
_ back -not even when another Hun i i cisme of his affiliation with an Amer- . ■ afford to miss MCI 0 o�e n;+ +o b" x
tolled fits fighting arm contempt-
ible.' He just goes right along-
and- "s there.'
,fr,�� „c�Nelsen■ eras.
»„ .o
Hmiilnarter» for semi -ready
When you're hot i
and thirsty Mac -
f .wren's Orangeade
will quench your
thirst. ,i,,, A bottle
slakes three quarts.
,ioc a bottle. You
can get it at"'
Robertson & Nair's
'Phone 164
Cor. Hamilton St. and Square
Icon Institution, "line It meant me- ;
rificing my citizenship or renouncing
pp y
" """
my career in Canada."
One or Mr. King's antis a. bead
• •
Ginghams at this
• v�
low price.• 9.1
the Industrial department of the
� �o
foundation war sstf'e,vblon of the
distribution among thousaads of
i starving mires of t;*1*rad* *f the
f` =10o.00-pirg riatetl by the
oundet left. Then ul owed a corn -
These goods
are displayed
in our
Prehemlve study of industrial condi-
i condi-
tions in the vme state, Pettis -
• •
window and will
be on a table
in the
l&adou ionof
taking efforts for the construction e•1
machinery dt%igned to bring a new
relationship between trapicyer an•1
employe. The results of this Intenti-
store. Remember
the price--2oc
a yard
Nation &ad study are largely M.
bodied to tits indaatrial represents- '
ties Plan first apt in operation he- i
Iron a Tull Co.
• • •
and every piece 27 inches wide.
, V!f!
t5}t;'rt elmN
The war having Pampered to some !
dettree the progreos of the fougd&
tion, M-. Kie[ in I v 1 i reiiigne•I hip
ppftior upon it. The election of
1917 found him again aligned with
his chleftafa Sir Wilfrid IAurie- in
At/N. W. 1. YA('K1,J1IEgi: KIM". opposition to Union Gavelnnteur' ■ r ■
Hun. Mr. King eon.estt•A the North j
1995 with the degree of B.A. A year York seat, but was deteated by J. A. ■ v u T R N .r Standard r
later Ae attained the tole of LLB. I M. Armstrong. D. & A t` Je +•• CO+�++ORaw �j i'}
and In 1997 That of M.A. Pursuing Since 1417, oat of Hon. Mr. King's - CorseU , ' i� Fashions.
hls,studity -it the Univerelty of Chi- contributions to the cause of labor ; 1. «a .d* °
cello and At Harvard College. he ob- has been his book "Industry and i
famed the degree of H.A.. in 1998. Humanity," pnblisheti last winter, in ;yya�yu�
and, subsequently. 1n 1908, that of whir.hh- predictathetriumphofthe' ����■■����■■■ ■■_■■�'■�■■■■�■x■■■■f71sf1sfH.
LIAR. Mr. King, at flip age of 19, principle of Industrial representation.
won the Blake scholarship to Arts He draws a parau.•l in the growth !
and taw• while In his second year of responsible government In the Johnnie; "Y&, am I made of dustr'
at the university. $rftleh [a»pM�e, 1'&: "That's what they sy.^ ADVIMTM IN TEM SIGNAL. IT PAYS.
Fire* ax an undergraduate Mr , -Wherever. in the affairs of the I Johnnie: 'Are you mode of dost,
King manifested a deep igtereet 1 state, 11 r. King wrttew, one class
industrial and economic subjects, an has Rought to maintain a monopoly j i'&: "Well, nater rtrrlther and sister
devoted considerable time to a study o[ govrrtmeat, their sooner or tat- ins to think Rai -and of gtoid dust at ������������x�•�•xxx�x���•
at them. This interest was deepen er, condict ?I" been inevitable. In that." : •
by bin ezperiennes as a rpporter, Sub- lbs ptrggAlp }oc a wider freedom, - '-
--- -- - ------------ Sequent to graduation. Mr. King ac-� mankind will not rest until 1n in- THk GODERICH MARKETS. • WHITE ST •
eepted a position on the Toronto duetry. " In the wale. autocratic TNuRaO•T. Aaewt 14 I. AR UNE • �
NNIINNNNNNNIWMNNNNNiINIINII INNINIEINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNL Globe at a salary o•. $1 a day -"and government, whatever its form, 4 wheiv.lairbook . .. .. oLpr t• 42.00
= k wasg an eight-hour day, either;' aupersed-Q 6y a forte of government oats, per bn.h. •••. A, w w , •
he film slates. He probably ee- + representative of all the parties In item p per Iw•A.................. •M to 95 SEPTEMBER EXCURSION `
l Pw, yr Dn.h Lw to 240
qufred hl On. taste for PoliticS interest, and, Atimatel)', by a system 8•rckwh•at. per brA Note 45
through his 3saoclat ion, aR a reporter, the cot npr�itone of which is resp»ea , 0l•or. tamer. perewt 3,w to 3.75 with the election of 1Rrt1. to which Ible movornment. �••r.ir.t.Rt.t�rewt 173 to .,. QODERICH to DETROIT •
z} I Bran. per root ..... ............... a to KM R I 1" yR;� !
his future chief. Sir Wilfrid taurier,
bases It it, not generally known that Hon. H f per 1041 ..............•......I7.W is iso • t°t1• 1 s •
wax placed in power. W. 1. Macken -sip King iS the hero of per , AND RETURN j
Mr. King served also on the To- MrR. Humphry Wxrtt's novel, 'The It",
lane,. puffser ton ............ 6tsi to eso'
y Dai Batter. puffs .............. 1r2 to .56 • t •
ronto News and the Toronto 1fa:1, e t . LaOR t M11� %%iii Vile ��
Camdian Born," sometimes known Ireamen fluttw,prlb.......... 354 6r i to + '
Yes, shoes are undoubtedly going up, but as
we but other igtereort were asserting . gases ^rt,• ,fpr sem •.• tea M • g "' a 1 t, •
as "Lady Merton. Colonist but those New t tar. per bush .... 2.1e to Aso i • ` f ), ," ro
�t el i O k k. W 1 l-
accepted the advice Of Our wholesale hooses and bought themselves and beckoning him ! who have made, a close study of the i (:ague, bue,oDee+�' *aro.. s.rewc. It 76 to tz.•1s i �, � n , •-
forward to fresh paths and pur-I book, state that the character of GattM. bnrah•re'm•alam.osr cwt 10.79 to 1275 ,..,
very early in Spring for Mlipment now, we can offer you roe•. live wowht, tare t•wt,..... 22AO to Zito 1 •- 0
suits. Is 1898 he went abroad, Georgy Anq��ttSeoon, the •legis young' Lame,.. __ 11Ao to 32.110
first -Class goods at a vett' visiting ,teat Brftalu, France, [ka•- Parl;amentariar�nd labor leader, is Hew. yr ►D ..................... >w to zp � • •
?Ww t "it:, fir. many, Switserlaed end Italy. agd modelled atter the ea-Mlifixter of dhe•Wkiae. ............. • .
l.er LO 2.M
slight advance. Our stock t
t gaining a deep insight into the Pro- iAbvr, Semblance is lent to thio be • ► rt .
of shoes of *11 grad", in nomic syxl*ms Of etch of these noun- iief by the fact that while in Eng- _
rl�� �� 1 Kid, Calf, Gtln Metal, and trice, which was later to servo, hint land in 1891-1900, Mr. King mads #„ •
in good stood. t sri'f'.•: y..s•
F the acq.rxidtagco Of Mr. and Mrs.
w the heavier grades, is now The earper of tlhp youthful xorlo-friendship't"� ssis. - •
g To Ward and won the warm --�-.. _ - ► _ a
ft' logist had not passre unnoted in -� _
le f>, complete; and is equal to and admiration of both. !po _
Canada. meanwhile, and during his A biography of Mr. King by Rob- ... �' w{
k , any. We mark all goods stay overseas Mr. Ik InVeetepted a Son Blars. Says: - ' -^ Steamer Greyhound leaves Gotierich Thursday, Sept, i •
0.commissi,)n'from the ( rnulent fo
in plain figures, and you i "The champions of Mr. King hold • 0.00 a. m. old time 111.(10 A. aim now time
enquire into the metha a of carry- him to be tesrlrAd, conscientious,
are invited to come in and I p10
fog out Government clothing cos- thoroughly modern In his outlook, Arrives Detroit 6.00 .
.� look over our lines at your tracts in F,urope. SO faithhrlly ,111 ambitious, seemly ludnm>•.•
trfoux, of cool • n- Sept.be discharge this duty that, two and ■eourath )udgn eni, with splen- I • Returning leaves Detroit Saturday, 6th, i p, m. •
cOnW enittlCt. years tater, at the nrommendati.)), did scholarship and plenty of prat- x Detroit time iDetrolt time is the xemoe aR Godtrlch old time) •
We can show YOU the of Sir William Mulock, Canale's first tics In the r;uov of tublre services.
hest makes in all aha Minister et Labor, hr was offered the The laical and otn#-r critics of Mr.
, IEWELLERY I • ss Rotlmd Tripe nil. T5 Sinsle •
pet of Deputy 111nlRter, togetk4r King, xdmitting Gls anademic ells -
from the very pointed, long with the edltorsA of the [,she. tinction and file sent, palet to filo • •
Gazette. Children between 0 &ad 12 halt, fare
' vamp, recede toe, to the lark of sense of hun.or as an awk-
b Mr. King was 1n Italy when this ward handicap in such human deal- . Dow't vales fhls'bpportunity to visft Amer'ica's most beautiral awl
wider -fitting, btoad. high offer watched him, and at firm be loop as are the twoewe• of his pro- WATCHES, CLOCKS, roan profpaeona city. A million population, a m of ►eautiful R
(�(v toe dtc)fnel, esprtsRing r wish to con- tension. Mr. King's eatreme wbrlety x btwbtasds and & woaderftll � ' •
tlnues his vludies. At the request uest of of mind _r-� tartly tom is the watenlrent• anadiax comae to
• q e�a,� ► pnb- H1G h -GRADE JEW_ • � t tpr a tem eta are riotreqnlretj /0 3 �
fiive as a call, and be friends, however, he reconnidered his lice to inde "ttmat@ his known vir- PoM>9 y pal •baa or make a
derislob! and finally ugraed to accept fuss and to mistaken! ascribe bis
ELLCRY, RINGS, SIL- detpotdt. 11. e. mmirraaon ofileers will he the steamer be palm ex•
convinced there is not a y carNoaiata. Good mtrelo and daoolnt to route. Fine cafe and lunch •
t•r. the poata offered. purposefhrl demeaso► to cobeeit." VERWARL, tie. , Zit. • Moos aboard sfsamer. Bee some real ba"Wl With the sarvalloam Ty •
?t a` hettgr, ume up -do -date The years 1900 to 1908 were
l oDb is angios. Floe tit. Lonox Browns will play the Detroit Tiprrs
crowded, eventful 'yrtrp to the sew TIN i1s11aBetR I • at Navfa Park Ftfda
sore in Western Ontario. 1��tio�. 7• �• ft.
p Depiif3k Minister. HIR atkfevegests The ted slid white Bag of Monsre Replairi>ng cloneto x
during that period are too nualerous, flits avow the smallest Ratlea as
rad the majority of them too well earth. The entire area lot Monaco to your tltatiaftttction BAND MOONLIGHT
Reptairins as usual kaowa to, be mesUol.ed In tall. He only eight square often. Although
wam teles Sat r a irpresenutive of It IR give ttdallest la south 1awMer, • oTA Of 6biisefch, t4EDNESDAY EVENING, Sept. Itrd, IFJ% old hiss, •,
the Oov*rameat to England; In 1904, tberr are tiff" smaller y popialatlon. SA Ckiderl" are, aye. •
to iatgeview, the littlish authorities it has 11,100 .1nhabltaata, M cern- Three hours on beagtltM fake Hnfon I'
es the Reed for leafplall*R by the pared,wlth 9,330 for A&dadra, 101716 C.Robwomx,
WM. SkARMAN TME SHOE MAN imperial Parliament to prevent false for IJtcitg1W4ilp sal 1)„3113 flat Oise Corner f •st t4ireet .rad . gars A fnwic � in sllaRlR�9 banrooM.ur:
1'eseallt Oaa M Nraata, Yar1N, y}
Jr .,, wgi#• a,.°n fi �f ' ` fir u
rain re �.r a.:a-..xr.w.,ac a.:<. �,wes..,t i z , : sA �,� ). •e<. ,s
k' .. `. ,1..... �.,. ..�.w•.r.rrha , "' �vL,._.G. ,.sus.- '`,treSln•. i'.e. -... '" t .Ja..',�Y '' '� ' r... �77