HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-8-14, Page 7f
gainSUM, OUT.
'I'harvelnv, August 14. 11!118. i
LUX and Your Sweater
There is a delightful way of wishing it -so easy you
can do it yourself -so pore that your sweater may be
washed again and again and each time look like new.
It is with the rich creamy lather that the wonderful
LL'X Rakes make. No rubbing or twisting necessary.
Just dipping and rinsing. So pure is I -L X that it
has the uttermost cleansing power So gentle that
it harms nothing that pure water itself may touch.
1 here is no substitute for LL X.
LUX is sold at grocers. departmental stores. etc
Recipe booklet, '.The Care of
Dainty Clothes" sent on regimes!
• 1114.
A wise loan im ins. that 1n.• 1...11•
gaird ill ake. upaand err hutetelf u..rtint
Wild ARE
The tax rate for 1919 is 14,1 2 milli. X
COUNTY AND DISTRICTTheofficialboard of W ingham Meth,
dirt church has ins -reamed Rev. E. F •
You can dinpo eset of your plums and
parr, also po3itry. at W. T. Riddell's
More. Auburn.
*Mr. F. T. F.gener, Mus. Bac., Is pre-
pared to reerl're pupils. on the piano.
Pupils prepared for lorontu Con-
servatory examinations up to and tee•
eluding intermediate. For terms apply
to MI$$ LACILA J.Al'KSOX, Auburn.
Kincardine's taa rate this year is forty •
one milts.
F. W. Templin, the well-known dry- ;
goods man of Kincardine. has disposed of
h s business to a Toronto firm.
Joseph Ardell, of Morris township. had
his collarbone broken in a runa
way accident while driving horiee from
John Marshall. of Walton. has pur-
chased the 100 -acre farm of Joseph
Ardell on the lith cons. sicn of Morns.
the pu•chase pace being $ti 000.
The 100 -acre farm of A. L Kerr. 4th
corxeseion of Morris. has been sold to
Geo. Bone. of the same line. for $•.:300.
Mr. Kerr will take a trip to the West to
dee if It still benefit his health.
Armstrong's salary to $1.700.
At the last meeting of the town council
there was a discussion with reference to
the (sett. plant. the •)dfrom which
This Woman Recommendshas become
zee •wme'what of a or nuisance. 1h e
Lydia E. Pinlebams ' v medical health officer +vas asked to report
:e in the matter,
table Compound—Her Another pioneer resident of this sect.,
Personal Experience.,has been called away in the person s Mary Ann McKenzie: widow of the la
- - David Robertson. whose death sourer.,
McLean. Neb.-" I want to reeom- on Thursday. July dist, in her eight
mead Lydia E. f inkham'a Vegetable fifth year. Mrs R ,hertacm had h ti
Compound t• all ! entoying fairly good health to within a
women who suffer few weeks •if her death. when she fell at d
from any functional Injured one of her hips. In 1863 Mrs.
disturbance, as it Robertson came with her husband to East
has dome me more W'aeanose. where the family resided until
good than all the about fifteen years ago. when they moved
doctor's medicine. to N ingham. Mr. Robertson .tied three
Since takingit 1 years ago. fan sorer and four daughters
hay. • fine ealthy 1 survive David. of T.unnto: (;earge M.,
baby girl and have of East Wawanush. Mrs McBurney, Mrs.
gained in health and H. F. McGee and Miss C. Robertson. of
strength. My hue. town and Mrs. Wrr..1rbuckle, of East
hand and 1 both Wawanoeh-
pntse sows. naed- Three lads: who gave their names as
done to ail suffering Neil Steuart. % dliart U'Bnrn and Alfred
Clark. and who had escaped from the
military pnr+an at T,-rrpto, had a lively
time in this vicinity fur a few days. They
tame frtan Tor'mto in an auto which was
standing in a street. and at Beln re they
went over an embarkment and were
nearly killed. ttie car also being badly
damaged. Constables .Allen and Phtppen
went out and metered them and the trio
went a couple of days in the cells here.
When 'arreetrd they had th:te :$ties •1n.
their possession and about one hundred'
rounds of am:nunit:on, which they got
from merchants on the way, issuing orders
on the military authorities at Stanley
Barracks in payment Thr military polo .•
arrived from. Toronto and took the young
men back to the barracks. The youngest
of the uio is may about sixteen years of
wumws''-Mrd. Jean I )tFILa ANN, R.
No. 1, McLean, Nebraska
This famous root and herb remdf.
A quiet wedding took Rina in the Lotus E. Pinkltam's Vegetable Caa-
Anglican church. Lucan. on August 2nd. pound, has saltbeen restoring women of
Amend to health for more glen forty
Foe. Miss Laura Fox, daughter tl John rs tt R wp10•pa an 7►oma3
Fox. was foamed to W. R. Elliott ot, jirom ter, fa -
Stephen. ex -Warden of Huron county. s cenuon eg»I.nties,
• The well-known drygoods business at b.ckari, bwdacbee,nervousness or
Mitchell conducted for over half a sen- ••tha hues" to glue this sueosrafttl
tury by Isaac Hord has been purchased ' racily a trial. tq{'
by a new firm, composed of George tanugg a
, ?flatlet: #fid hit ion, Glioma. Mr, r - meat w`At. Lydia E, nkbsa
Hord w retiring to enjoy a Reil -earned ; aM cam, Lyon, Maim. Th. result
rest. ` of its long experience is at your e.rvicd.
George Hedden had a narrow escape
while oiling machinery at Kerr's back
yard. at Crediton. His clothing caught aged sixty-eight years.
cop in the coof a machine and nearly evenWehley Snell a few days ago <hi
stitch was torn from his body- Though eight t rluada of cattle to Jersey try,
he was severely injured. hen recoveringN. J. 'fix shipment contained 14a steers,
nicely. averaging 1350 pounds. It was the largest
The wedding took place at Toronto on shipment that has left these parts in
Wednesday. August ti, of Lilian. Baugh- many years and was valued at close to
•es. of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, to
tiarry Tnrie
ebr, of Cornwall, sem of Mr. ..,7.000
and Mrs. Frank Tnebner of Stephen
township- The young coupe will reside
at Cornwall. where Mr Tnebner i e
teacher in the Commercial College.
George Walper. of the township of
Stephen. near Grand Bend. had his lett
leg broken rear the hip and his right arm
broken near the shoulder when his auto-
mobite turned turtle nn Mud Creek hill.
north of Parkhill. He turned his car
out of a rut in the hill suddenly and the
car turned completely over. breaking a
front wheel. and the steering wheel. The
car fortunately• turned back on its side
and Mr. Walper drew himself from the
wreck. Medical assistance was secured 1 ore the
and after Mr. tealper's injuries had i 1arm• -
received attention he was taken horne.1 J. G. Leckie. B. A.. a former Rruteele
He will iso laid up for several months. j has a law office at Toronto t
in partnership with Barrister Grant, teem- !
EXETER. • erly of Granton.
Mr. Wethey, of Carleton Place. has' Mrs. G. N. McLaren. who is mos 'ng
been engaged as pnncipa, of Eveter High from Brussels to Midland. was waited
School. . upon by a number of lady friends and
Wm. Trevethick. a firmer resident of
presented wuh a farewell tddrrtr and a
Exeter. died July 22nd at Melfort. Sask.. ' Dune of over Rea in Rote.
' The old apple evaporator near the j
G. T. R. track was destroyed by fire one !
l night recently. The building. which was
"CompreDiscouraged,'! owned by John Weymouth, Blyth. had
letely 1 not been used for some years.
Is tbe feeling and plaint of women aha l The rnarrtage of Earl Russel Anent. of
ere "run-down" so low that work doge. ! Brussels- to Miss Hemet Elizabeth, j
bead aches, bask ashes, des me down dao hter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. White.
feelings, diad 7,'of k Heights. Maryland. took
sod weaK ! place July 29th at Guelph. The groom
itJe things as. is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ph lip Arnent. of
soy sod every. Brussel,. and the young couple will make
LI:u 1¢reswr r+g their home here.
At ntA.r The awards in the standing oat crop
YQ'r Peed a e^"Nlla, con •ei teem. held under the auspices of
end 'se olid A• il the r..iat uron Adrtcultunl Societe , were
Pterrrr's Paa.nls i a• f fl H ; R. J. Hoover, Grey townstup,
Pre/weippeeiaa has I tr2 points; R- L. Ta) lex. Grey township.
done for ram
Lorne Nnchol, Mexres township. 1e;
than a million ave. 1 W. R. Moses, Morris township. $6; J.
nn in the last Crerar. Grey town•bip, SS5; 0. Turnbull &
fifty years `.n, Ru
Grey township, M. M. Lowe. Grey
/ W township. Si. The Oise* are $20. $15.
do /Q v 312, $10. Sh. $f3 and $4•
Do not sotto
another datwItli
intl. or Ir ,trod.
Lout Ii'ile., hie
aurgle.l orlg)
al dun rewli[nL
Dr. fbw'a Ointment will relieve /opt at
and s. certainly cure you. MIG a Mei
dent+. ur a.o. Bate. & i•e., Limits&
Toronto. $ramps box free If you mention fila
pear and rectum lc. stamp to pay postale.
1 once and Charlet At• , Toronto
Our rend. tot placing err uares promptly
in p...taom hat. neer horn wrpawd is
Csna.la. One Uororah tra,n.ne ,a .all
known Mntr W day lot large tau: oar..
M' J ELLI')TT. Ynncrpsl
$1200 to % INNiPEC plus
1-2 cent per mile beyond
Anguet lytb from all .tatiune te-
t1}e.•1 Lyn and Toronto, 't eaton,
ralgrate end North Hai. including
Penetang. Hesford and Midland.
Depot Harbor and intermediate
August let from Toronto and a'l
station. went and 'south thereof iu
For Curt ber particidal% apply to an i
Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. L.
Horning, •Ih.trict Pa,eenger Agent.
Toronto. Ont.
G. H. La.eler, Mtatwu Agent. phone 1•'
Town Ageing • Toone*
::Y. ,1 X•"''
School of Commerce
Clinton and GoderiCh, Ontario.
Offers the following courses :
I:1 s 1. V h.'sS
i1111, SElt17('fi
obi/ rrrl•.rn ni .'./,eriul ('cornea /or Students
The following advantages :
//ighli, (►ualiprd Tnrrhinjf Stan'
.9rtuarl Business Sumter,' of BtwokAee in.v
Credential Type,r•ritingi Teat
1'ositionx Guaranteed
A Business Education pays for itself in a few months.
A New Orsi,
A caller - "What a beautiful baby!
And 'hat is its name'.'- Young Mother
- get Man --Ann DeVere." Caller
- "Metes sakes' How did y cm happen •
An interesting wedding took place at,to give a rame like that'" Young
Trivitt Memorial church on Monday. 4th Mother- Why. the cook threatened to'
Inst , when Miss Gladys Cooke. daughter leave when aby came. and we got her to ,
of Mr. and Mrs Richard Cooke. of town. stay by name g the baby after her."
became the bride of Joseph Smith. -Both
of the contracting parties saw service in
the great war. the bride as a V. A. D.
nurse in a naval hospital in England and
the groom as a member of the crew of a
torpedo boat.
The old boy,' reunion committee will
have a surplus of $600 or $400.
James McCallum has returned to V\ $.
ton totality to live with his a n, Archie,
A hely.wp hand CLINTON.
to lift up weak Rev. J ,. Hogg left last week for Hot
tired, over -taxed Springs, Virginia. in the hope that the
women -that's change will benefit his health, which has
what you'll find in Dr. Pierre's Favorite not been good since he had an attack of
Presrnptaon. It pvee you lust the bole influenza in the fall.
that you need. To be had in liquid or Mrs. Wm. Wheatley has sold her reti.
tablets. Tablet form, ear ants, at all drug dence to Mr. Stewart, of Stanley, and
les. will make her home at Toronto. Her son,
nalIt a a medicine that's made ewpeeially Percy. intends entering on a course at the
int to build up women's strength and to cute School of Practical Science in the autumn.
women's omenta-sn invigorating. tt. At the last regular meeting of the
Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an storstive tonic, soothing cordial sed Women', Institute the ladies presented
investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. bearing nervine: Purely vegetable. con' Mrs. E. C. Munroe with a handsome cut -
alcoholic, and perfectly harm1ss glass cream and sugar set in recognition of '
You can procnre a trial pk;. by send- her faitnful services as president during a
For terms. etc., writelong term.
ing Ilk. to Dr- Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
Watel your n fldrss. atlas. Aa yr
wee an you am the alightast trace eels.
of a rash or sore *pet. 7am-Kok.
Tit. astiseptle balm will protect
th la frof t re-
e *ore p c• m in ec inn. 0
vent It from spreading and healing
soon follows
Careful mothers always keep
7*m-Rut on hand for their '•hil-
dr a'■ tnjurte.-It end* pun ea
quickly and prevents any poasibil•
tty of teetering. Best for cuts.
buns, •ra,ds. bruises. ringworm.
scalp sores. enema and teething
ra•b. All dealers lee box.
B. F. Ward, M. A. Stone,
Ttt.twonstrao, 0.-r.—^ A few years age
XI had • severe nervous breakdown. 1
B. A. M. Accts.. Com. Specialist, would have pains in my head and would
suffer with backache. 1 was tilling for
`Principal. Vice -Principal. about two years. Had doctored but did
not seem to get cured of the ailment. At
last I took De Pierce's Favor}te Preemie.
tion and it did me more good than any
, medicine I ever took. It built ms ep and
I felt better in every way than I lad for
two years previously.•—Mmi. L. Stars.
II • Phone : : : 208 X 111
School opens Tuesday, Sept. 2nd.
Farm Laborers
"Gig Trip wast" $12 is WINNIPEL
tel ILMI pic lads Whelp" is Iuthiftia
In Western Canada •
.,born Trip East" -Set treat WINNIPEG.
p a i s star* - is MEOW
August 12,
Auseret 11.
Fyn. .alio. a Osurle- Smth'• Fitt. a ..e ariadeae I. net* ea 1.1e. (Wahl. Sher. Ito.
awl i1. b-Pw•r►or. [-ee.
From ..Har glandis .s aero. ter.rtees. Irlie l...
Ins. weeder .e TmeeTtnandbn 41.11 ns.
Frena ander *.riaw ler.M t. Dart WNW' and aerke tri. ea aabsreha. Ia/aAee-
Abs"-I4,,--- for . aratwa Use* end west of resew, in aid cl
tlsa4Mw ad wGisr.- -
. From stiaM.r a Oris gad W t.s, T.eswa.. . Mem tima.ad. dalea. Ut. Yser'a,
Pon anr..rl ad It Tires* braarbea
AugtasAt tlt:. From wa.h,r Tmw..• ..rl Nares to $star. hdar.e. '
OPS64*L rwrOVSM Tease* roods v1MNTo
5.,, rmrrlrwtara fres rewrite* Aha. Ti. 5.' Ai•e... W a HOWARD. Notelet Passesurt A .•a TwwWW
Miss Rena Gordon it holidaying with
friends in Muskoka
John Newton has been engaged a, as-
sistant principal in one of the Gait public
schools. -
Mr. and Mrs. R D. Cameron recent y
celebrated their silver weeding. the aunt
versary being the o. casion of a gathering
in North Dumfries township, where Mrs. •
Cameron was born.
A burglar entered the Murdoch di
Cameron Co. s store and got away with
110.40 in change that had been left in the
cashbox. There was nothing to show that
anything else had teen taken or tampered
with- the thief only wanted a tittle
packet money.
One of Lucknow's first soldier, to go to
the war, Pte. Robert Sturdy. has army d
tone with his Scottish bride.. He t n -
lifted with the Mounted Rifles. and saw
long service, being wounded twice. He
was met by a committee and band and
escorted to the home of his father. where
he and his wife were given a royal recep-
Another former resident of this vicinity
passed away at Milton. North Dakots. in
the person of Norman McKay. An effort
to remove a corn brought on deve op-
ments which resulted fatally. He was in
h!t'titty-first year. and leaves his were
and eevetral brother, and estert. His
wife was formerly Mary Ann Stroud tit
Mrs. John McCrae, of the boundary
west. received word this week that her
brother, William McKentie. of Flaxcnmbe.
Sank., had died suddenly- He had under-
gone an operation but was thought to he
recovering. He leaves his wife. formerly
Miss Lena Mcllroy, of Blyth, and two
sone. Donald and John. ado two sis ers
and ttevetal brothers.
Begin Now to
Wear Them
k__........0.1is ..qL : J♦r S
EVEN if all makers were to
use the fine materials in
Holeproof, this famous
hosiery would r.:ill ezc7cl because
of specialize4 methods of knit.
ting. For mortr ianIbycarsHolo.
proofs have amazed the public
by their durability—and they aro.
uat as dutiable tool::;/ Li cvcr.
besides beim more
beautiful:.' -) •
Our new styles are
ready—a good time for
you to "stock up."
1n.,.- *
Ten Dozen
ladies) silk
I i osiery
All shades
These will
not last long,
as prices
October 1st.
Get your
:supply at
old price
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Rev. W. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor .ii d
daughter. of Metz. Visited friends here in
t Wel art pleased to learn that Mr. Sam
uel Phillip underwent a very successful
1 operation in Wingham hospital this morn-
\ ! ing. Hopes are entertained for his speedy
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Welwood and
ughter. of W'ingham, were vesrtors at
Geo. Webb's fait week.
ass Florence Stuart, of Evanaton,
El'. 5 , is holidaying at Mr. J. B. Rather-
; rd'
Mrs Jas. Mitchell and children re-
turned • Toronto on Saturday aft. r
MONDAY, August 11.
spending a few weeks at he home of het
lather, Mr. John Webst ,
Miss Reid, of Windsor, is timing her
foetid, lVI w.Clete Woods,
Mr. Albert Hill. Mr. Fred Red, Missed
Easter and Freda Reif, of Clinoril, eoent
the week end at Mr R. J. Woods'.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John
Miller and Mr. and Mrs Robert Purame
on the birth of their daughters.
M.es Jsa a Webb and her friend, Mrsi
McCallum, of London, are hnledayinr at
the (ormer'e home, Mr. W. C. Webb's
Mr. and Mrs. Proem and Miss Ixha, of
Welland, spent a dew days last week visit.
)ug their neice, Mrs. George McRobert
Dr. and Mrs..Vliidge, of Galt. vtsite•d
among their friends here last wcet.
ONE hears of lbs affection of wild
creatures sad their devotion to
one another, even unto death.'
This is undoubtedly true in many in-
atenres, but to my mind more wild
animals die tbrougb displaylne had
temper than through gentle! ~ansa
floss. I have seen a grand tell point
black-tailed deer beameddown while
bullying a game little spike buck; I
hate lain. on the edge of deep pool
and watched a suriy pike ram bis o
head into a net while attempting 10,
intimidate • big bull trout. :Mire
over I owes saw a grizzly that died
, because be bad Inst bis temper wiles
a maw approached as the bear wM l
eating, and I was onee an o civ par 1
ti.ipator is the -death of a lyse that
would have escaped ues's'hrd had 1t
not stopped to claw up a dog Oat It
could nave-410nm on three legs
Os the oiler Band, there are many
stories of afechon (Inc I was an
isteresled observer of a she -bear put
ting a fast -climbing Dane up a tree;
and tumefies bim there while her t*1■
offspring climbed neighboring sap-
lings, and were. In her opIRlos
wife I have been told of devoted
trout that enmmltt.d• deliberate sill•
elde bemuse their mates had takenno
the hook. 1 kw of ennr•mona bull
walrus., off the coast of flrltish Co-
lumbi• ho personally see to it tbat
eves the sesatl..t pup to driven tate
Cm safety of the black waters when
danger threatens. Then there are the
Wog of the mal. .amen guarding the
*pawning bods from bueraneseri•g
trout while the female salmne
Veldt 4.-
Ve.ggs; and meta( men have told
104 1 of met her whales sbeltertal
salves sidey their groat Makes while
Impose lese were iseehlag des tet
A Group of Rocky Mountain Sheep.
hal t 1Mw
the mother's 'vitals All theee are Pen appreciation •t w e
worth telling, and may be told, but al utbursta .f temper by the lord a
present tbe aub)ect is temper leading master. A small stow, lammed
up to the demise of tbe mountain the hardy feet of the young twit w
sheep whose eighteen -Inch horns had ed and Mattered dews the roe
been, the ambition of hunters for;grade.
three long sessoes. 1 Around behind a distant shook
'of reeks a man whe had bleu try
leanly hnntlag all aft.•rnooa had to •
.4 toward his valley camp, ware
by Ib. lengthening shadows of la
afternoon. lie heard a distavt crafts
of a rolling sloes e• loom* 'halo an
paused a mammal before dropptiyt I
Ms knees sled crimples noieeleeely
ward the point from *Lew. th• rla1tewf
came- The Ng hurt, high bead
and watchful, but ragtag and foamy
slay sower, was just atepplog clow
toward the Impudent youy awl/
with every enmities •f taelettege
merited chasllitemeat whoa the rid*
crntked The Mesal nosed and Is11„
blisdly and fast, belt stunned by the;
blew that sleets his sh.wlder a
burned his anterior. I1, n■
stlarllvely upward while 114 be
■Ise scattered to the heights by .ludas'
routee avid the white mea, br.albl
and pasting, followed the Meed de,
that narked the oath a hie prise.
M AMm t` -c-','s.'vlian car
its ranged the peaks a score of
miles below Palliser where, from the
highest pinnacles of his range he
con look down the fair sweep of
the valley and see l', T. R. trains
toiling up or roaring down the grades
11e did' not know what they were nor
did they bother his mind mueh. To
him they may have been crawling
Sim Ha simple life did not acted.
them. his chief annoyances were the
self-imposed duties of whipping
young and ambitious bucks, keeping
his hand of ewe* 1n proper subjection,
and avoiding the two -legged creature.,
who crawled :o clumsily about the
rocks and frightened one with sharp
noises followed by highsell. bed
whines Once. when be bad heard
th. sharp sound and did net bear the
whine, his aide had Burt fer a long
tiros and the blood had Sewed as 1t
!does when an eagle er a mountain
Ilion rips the hide, and he did ret
want to repeat that erperienes So Ile I.Ilewed to the *sew 111a• awl be •
he was very watchful. yend, bM heater's awl tlald.aad b1r$
C One day he stood so a wind swept Ila, erlms*a dasbea ion deo w $Ilio$
sloe and Razed, high headed. tier
the broad valley. Nearby his hand
browsed placidly. A youthful and In
!judicious male edged n.tr to a
1 rharming young female and bolted
her playfully Phe ton displayed
'frivolity, eh* shouldered him awa) in-
vitlagly The king nI• the hand saw
tkees tarrying* On Ind slar•pad a
GNPs -wars -Ing- Th. venag hitrl sal
Ltte sWy •w• sprang apart with • 1- Y•
mantle Asd a( last, a had s,
frena where be bad ranged 'A* b• ad;
and a thoosasd /eel above the some b.
rame IIpoa Ibis Webers eh1.f'. M d),
Ralf burled In lie pure while •l a
heaves ...Babies *lid.. Os. 11111. do-
pier et ).alms tamper bad rut..4 lbr
lite of the s..t astute Reeky Wan
talo amen is the waste besting ermine
try seatl .t the G P. nate ►Ica.