HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-8-14, Page 5Authorized Ford Service Station using only Genuine Ford Parts Also Storage Battery Service Station Repairs to all kind of Storage Batteries "Owned and Operated by a Practical Mn'a GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover East Street Garage THE SIGNAL DANGER LDRKS IN 1ai'g.• serail town.. isul. eves The members are planning for a bale n I . imp there N as ilii living uu a platform homemade baking and 4 o'clockAugust to On 1 laid its the square, ss ith orchestra the afternoon of served ataY• August 23rd. I music. and tDr daorrortt enjoyedOwns- further hot corn rerve(1 ti p. m.. of which , V 0 US lves until a lite tour. in tuna..t infurther ounce will bt gien.EVER 1 ONE with tier event there arra several the Din tions to Hospital. ','Arrows.' 11r. John l:ntham hard the. The following donations were ,received 1 by ning Onkel for Ihr tatintingchaei Coined rbc Mrs. Howrk•. 11 r. llicharl l'uruty at Alexandra hospital fl' ac the month i Ares the purr of r len'• ll r. It Of July and are gratrtully acknowledged: We Are As Fun of Deadly 'Iltffura wuu the rrunrpi,, l., and 11 r. g. I dozen tea towels Ahmeek Chapter; eurr.•II. of Saltford. t.h•nwe the' vegetables. Mrs.Ath,l Bissett Trutt, Mrs- Poisons As A Gum I owner of the trate of fowl. Carrie: vegetables. Mrs. Glover, Ives.rollLaboratory. (o ff rof tOttawa lair 44 fowl. J. H. Daughters Mrs. B. EmpirAllen.e: 3 dozenArnoldmassage Dov lura of the Em ire: Those from ti.slerieh who, were at massage vibrato[. Mrs. s. iC.n Morrison: I AUTO -INTOXICATION the Liberal convention a �t•awa Ia-t Tet Mrs. Sinclair; vege- h t u utagnifl.. ut orioles and app . tab'ee from two diftrrent friends• - GODESU7l� oil r. — 'fixings" and is valued ar $1,0(0O. If there are any store cars to be drawn (or in this part of the country the Guderisjl tons want to know about them. Additional Entrants Results. The Minister of Education has ap- proved the granting of high school entrance certticates to the following candidates: Goderich: Stanley McLean and Willie Baker. - r 'te Fisher. Hensatl !v(a glum S. S. No. $. Stephen -Joseph Carey. LOCAL. 1 V[ IW. ?esee Celebrstien .%erounts. Ur. T. 1:. 1'.muoti. tr.•;.surer of the Dt'a.e e.•Irbration eotutustte... retouch. that any nut %t:ualhig ttI,•uunts be sent to him al Osie. Kr. l�stb sl Kincardine. Mr Gordon L Lamb, of Colborne • e „. lrlt'l • s t Pr r ole of tie Dal town+hip. wast Pr ers at a l'. F.O. meeting at Kincardine un Tuesday . Mr (Odeon Rutile. Reeve of Huron townstnp. was nominated as the farm n' candidate far West Bruce. Geo. Belehrr Gets the Car.. Gtdrnch boy[ are lucky. this year. A few wrel.s ago John Bedford. 1r , won a 111.5011 car by holding the lucky ticket in a draw head at Kincardine. and yesterday -George Belcher went to Seaforth and came home the owner of the Ford car for which a drawing was held in connection with the G. W. V. A. celetration there. The car has an etectnc starter and other R road in Ashfield may see a tremendous , animal io one of the fields of Ex -Reeve 1 A`eslrtelr Per Chas. Stewart's farm. It iv a grade 'FRUIT-A-TIMMS Durham steer of enormous ize. When raises Coalitiea last weighed it recorded 29.0 pounds, Hoots This Dane and as it is putting ext flesh at the rate of The ckitj carse'oj poor health fa fifty pounds a month it may by this time our Deglert of Lhe bowels. YA'aste be an even ton and a -half. The directors o from the of the Goderich Exhibition ought to get it matter, instead of upl evrn• t Iter ne of the sights for the coming lower intestine reg y y, Perso �`ra OR SELF-POISONING Persons travelling up the Lake Short � Women's Institute Activities. On Thursday last the members of the Women s Institute with their ('tends enjoyed their annual picnic in Harbor Park. Bekxe the program of races took place a short time was allowed for busi- ness. Miss Davidson's report as superin- tendent of the rest room a is encouraging. w„ l let persons having visited the nom due- McLean is coking after the advertising f t i burnu com-been Septem x vision and from Cont t O M Allen . a Baso fall [air it allowed to remun thrrc, genrraGag Im.peeting ('oust) Reads. poisons which are absorbed by the Mr. J. A. Marshall. ,of . the Provincial blood. Department of Highways. Toronto, was b d a person who is in the county last week on a tour of in- spection and called at the court house on Wednesday. He is giving attention par- ticularly to the additions to the county highway system proposed at the June ouncil. He was ac• session of tM county t cornpanied on his tour by Mr. T. R. Pat- terson. of Auburn. who is acting county engineer in the absence of his father. Mr. Donald Patterson. whu is spending the sem mer in the West. Are lett I:oing to IMroit? Mr. N. F. McLean. excursion agent of the White Star Line. Detroit. and Mrs. •Lean are in town this week. Mr. t week t'epot't t at i was gstheriug There was nothing of the eta -and -dried variety about it.'but the spirit animated edge whole[ vast convention ttv tttion brought harmony a1r.L .g'saiwill into ell its proceedings. Mrs. Ferguson. the lady driest* from North Hut-.,". book quite a p eminent part *111.1 the women at th conveuti..0 and Ird y mein • ' --- tire, 4 Nair appointed def the f•t•ei.lutton- 1 Nearly- all thr'Hu to .telrgaten Atli)- Cutcheon. M. E. McNab. S. b . k 'ed•V B. parted Sir. Fielding r the Iraq ant i p• lyl At au but the selection 'of Mt hog w D K Peine• quite satistat•tory to 1 tt sew a "young man and Mr. Fielding I. age In other words, k.hvsieal eoudition coo ted, poisoning 1 1 ' the majority of th a ie/oriralioe, due to non -action of the Laiirirr 1 iberaIA," a.. the bowels, is dire Ilv respoesrble for I they voted i f e rttMi.f toads il( serious Kidney and BladderTroubles; leaethalrIh� �r•s• h in the 11) a ve that it upsets the Stomach, muses lest rleetiou i- being rapidly heal f A t tits and Results. I Following we the names of Godes - Thur-dov. August 14, 1011 1 Robert Dollar HS[ore be was 14 was a roe b'e boy to w (7aaadMan Kantor camp. At 21 be war a lumber ferowrato awed saved money on wages of 91O a chat!. 'rasa its trot Investment in a boat tw which to trammo Thr his shipping venture grew to a beet obey u shipowner and miseel�et bsomana tumWrmaa, eart7 be began to save his wod unfree Tutt ere an yn Ono* get the **Wine ehabit.you will find that swat azeoeption to the rule 7 wormy. money is as easy as a endillmir Bury. 7aa Ws welcome the opportunity snui UNION BANK $tOF CANADA RESOURCES. Goderich Branch M. Maunders. 0.A igu, ' ' i t ens I Pepper. E. M Rutledge, u. They soy 'G. H. Raithby. H. W. Rathweil. Hiatt, ronvrntion.. 1 Rasmussen. L. M. Snyder. E. E.Scott, iwptitwt i C. M. _+allery. G L. Satiety, D. M. ,t,gafust 1 ford. H. M. Stnthers, B. Smith. F. Stat- . 'Turnbull. R. 1. Taylor. R. S. Thompson as man. I (honors'. J.B. Taylor, A.Walker (honors). ars weir L B. Wheatley.' A. G. Williamson, M. J. et. that Wilton. J.1. Weishar. habitually constipated, is r ynun$K. ci1�e, himself. We know now that Arlo- 1;;;;',1`17:f, at11 the Hun.0 .1rer .r the l m(Itt of Toronto, and the Cast. Kenneth Boyd, of Waikervilte, t. Mr. Lvan McDotwld, renewed old times in Goderich yesterday. Capt. Boyd. who did good work as an has been visiting N r a. duringthe bito[d in Ashfeld. his brother. Mr. Chas. Boyd. r Normal Entrance that chronic Rheum - Indigestion, Loss o I pe Sleeplessness; G t Pain In The clack are Collegiate In-utute students who lav 'tiara, Gout, o relieved as soon as the bowels become passed the kneel. school examination for regular; and that Pimples, Rashes, I entrance to normal schools and Iacu*ies Eczema and other 8kiniAtieettoas of rducatxxi. In the cases where a subject as bracketed the candidate mu t disappear when -"Font -a -ayes" aro pea. a further examination In the _noire mg Jul).uly. Inc m orma u' of the tar e c lakes M correct s ipa ion. n rich. s. F. A. heaven mutes reported that a register had been appearances a promises to be a e'F.wlif-s-lisys" mill protect ,.o O L M. AIImCooper.nt T.ponos F. rC. t placed in the room and was ready for use. Phone 90 Make the most of your picture opportu dies KODA F. Woolcomb, Manager The note of Mn. J. H. Cblb ids -tie been the scent of a pleasaMt lanai!) 4athrring the past week. Ile Ieidtst seta, Mr. Montague B. Colborne, o with lsrMusa- tine, Iowa, and Mrs. Colborne, ith thew two children, C;treridolinandvloh nme. ot ey her daughter. Miss Nellie Coo Washington, D. C.; her brothel, Mr. D. A.1Bruce,.afd Mrs. Bruce. of C-algary. and her sister. Misr Bruce.tol Wa iag- ton, D. C., with Miss Gwetdd tt wed Mr. Harry Colborne, both lately ont Fran overseas, :end Mi. Ernest asst Mew Florence Colborne, of town, are together for the first lime in several years. Mrs. Vail. of Washington, another daigthter. silent tune. was unable to tarty at ale Dr present appea Hen popular event. Many who pputjwrty, C. E. Driver. J. •' Garrow. unable to go to Detroit on the June this wonderful fruit medicine acts G. J Ginn. M. J. Hunter tenth.;. 1• Ji M K e M G McLeod.' were against Auto-iatosicatioi bemuse • next mon are planning to take m the n recti on all the eliminating organs. Levyy. C• M. McKen i Nairn. D. 1 next m.xtth, and no doubt a good many directly I size ^-ore. ; 1 G h1c'Jevin A J. I oho sent to June wilt want to visit ;o0e. a boa, 6 for $.''.SO, tris 1 Oeterhou re 1 Young. schoolsR. E. M Armstrong.R Anderson. H D. Archibald Ihonorst. J. rd (boBill E.W5. M. M. Beecroft,h. S l. M. Crawford. N. R. Crozier;honors). M. Dunford.G.A. Dew. E. W. Edge (honors). J. R. Ed- monds .honer. J. E. Earls. E. J. Fear. E. M. Ferguson. M. F. Flynn. G. A. •f 1. M. Francis: E. A. Glen, J. W. At all dealers or sent oe receipt of t tarith.'. F. G. Raithby, 1. A. before the close of the Douse again d ou season, and [herr is certainly nt mdby b' Penh-a-tieeslamated.Ottawa. I The successful candidates from other pieasant way' of making the trip than by price y lout in Huron are the palatial steamer Greyhound. — C.E.C EAnderson Two Port ('e.lbarrie llisaster. 1h. ,un.runt of Renin shipped through The iy.di-toterA- fort Iii h i, mart Iki.• port. The Port 1'oltorne elevator in ..th her ii Al„ 1 wgi al it ,.acrd won engaged largely in Ihr export h, I iter .ldumas of T1s• Site 1b erratic trod.- oral this business will. it Is ..X - Of t;O mer el .covet ,tmogg to poria•' .elect. be handled by the other n.f Gdxlrrich. Ther. Mee quite n nom Peeled. Hoerr. Campbell's Drug Store TPIf PENSLAR STORE North fit and Square (`Goderich Ontario lice of former I:.alerieh turn nor or --- Port Colborne. at either the elevator Wedded at %Oradea.. ' FOw er, 1, W. C. Gardner. K. L. On Wednesday. August etth. at Crnnyn I Greig (honors or the flour mill. }ut tor, • of ahem is Memorial church. London. the marriage! Hamilton. E. M. Hardy. A. E Hellyar. rtu.•tst the kiuw or injured. 1. Toru. was solemnised bet C. S. Heanor. M L. hal, many Iar.plr wondered if it simd,ar ween Christina Kate. M. M. Harvey. (honors). 1 0.• i.lrnt could .sear in either of Ihr only daughter of Mr. and Mn. R. C. 1 Hess (honors). W. D. 'Hotly elevator* Isere. •Tla• ranee of italuin !Chambers. of 5ttO Duflerm avenue. Lot . M. S Hogg.M. E. Hall, R. B. Henning, Indies. err. however. tlu.t among the don (late Of Goderieh:. and Mr. Joon M. G. Johns. Y. I. Jones. L. James. Pawl elevator neer ilii possibility of Farquhar. of Hamilton. The ceremony M. R. Johnson, M. M. Johnston. E. M. M. rush au u•.•tsrreia,• is ta.t believed to was performed by Rev. Quentin Warner t Kuntz, G. A. Kerr [honors • W. Luttun. be serious. and the happy pair left on the evening I S.O. Latimer 'lh onofsl • J. Tlsr destruction of Ihr Government train for their home at Hamilton. Misses D. R. Laundy. E. B. McClellan le evator uColborne fort olborne wi11 not Alice :Rix and Esther Johnson sere Mackay, E. C lvlw�y, E. , 111►etc result in much of nu M. -reser its - - bridesmaids. and the groomsman was Ptte.11 M. C .. McLean. D. H. I L. Harrington of Vi ince ey Barracks. .ove. M. EE.MuII. • bride received many useful gifts including L. Mc ••••••••••••• 1 a handt,ome electric ramp and -ricer non - 1 bon dish from the stat( of Wolseley Bar- t racks. The Sparks Cirrus. 4'irctis do. has some it Roi I There was ■ big eruwd in town ycster iduv. the eircu- still !selene one rsdrthe e - strongest of magnets. Th.ps veal„1 the_ rteplutnt!. the camels. 11,' lions mud other wild urinous. tle horow, the Indy and gentleman odriver- the lease bands.end othe�rthiugst ; $4.118 ruble from the circus. not for (getting the inevitable eollir.p•. Those who Dahl their money and went into 1It.• lig tout ssw some clever ta•rfortu- nee. by the trained outlands and the MODEL THEA?lM MONDAY. TUES.DAI . N LDNESDAI- Adolph Zukor presents Marguerite Clark in "THE SEVEN SWANS” xuunnirminumnxuunlmuxixnnnmuixnumm�lxnnnumig CANNING x THE HURON i "THE FAMILY SKELETON & EVAPORATING CO. ('has• sguar guarantee this o be his be but we guy's pictures this are be his that means something. MEM n "A story for everybody who newt lost menders. the usual exhibitions of fancy 1 their make believe.” avid trick riding. and a rather poor lot of clown work. About the lest thing In the show was the performance of THURSDAY-. FRIDAY. SATURDAY the 'en lion. w Ito se•ael to held• s positive enjoyment to doing their next week Thos. H. Ince presents ked Charles Ray 1 fol injuries when she over by ed w 1.•rfitt' .-1,•tcr work. Run Over h) .tutotrwbile. Miss Annie Panzeq daughter of Mr.1 Max ranzer. of Napier street. sec''"..i from c was knocked from her bicy.ie and run an1 IR automobile on H ednesday a ternoon. According to eyewitnesses. the car, whit h s. belongs to a gentleman residing near Auburn, was proceeding at a slow rate. owl, I down Hamilton street. When lust at the Si- 1 intersection of Hamilton and Victoria bicycle swerved in front of it streets Inc icy w and the Young lady was knocked off and s over. The car was brought to a standstill both he and the bicycle were run Iin a very short distance. so stsort, indeed' buy any quantity Of P , rtised iD the that one h the sante. stopped is �s to buy any quantity of prepared PEARS and PLUMS We .how the famous Paramount Pictures advertised on the CHC' Matur.lay Evening Post girl's may, The injuries were attended I to at Dr. Hunter's office and were found 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' not to be serious. The bicycle was com- i Call and see us anonumi ussum rf'ltnnnnniltrf ioninnnx_,,_, Mtrlrnnnnnnx •xxxxxxx=cc 1GoderichBoard of Te The next regular meeting fof the Executive Council of the Boar will be held in the Board Room. on Mon- day evening next, August f 8th, at e hour of 8 o'clock, for the transaction of such business as may properly be placed before the meeting. G. E. COLBORNE. G. L. PARSONS. �crec>,ry. President. Aortia 14. 1919• R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds up to•date for Teleohonen, Burglar Alarm'. Police Patrol and Fire Alarm Systetos. Private Residences and Business Places -a specialty. All Work Guarantenel. i:lectric irons, 'rottene'r... Grills. Fans. Vaenum Cleaners, Washing Maohinew. Flashllghtte a s d Batteries of all kindle aiwaya on band. Ring up P2 or IAA and have not give you an estimate oo One wiring. It will be done right. Robt. Tait pletely demolished. The Street F alr. 1 Tile Golden trate Midway rind Street Fair was hell Wednesday and Thurs- I day of this week. and as a result we 4 la•lieve• a substantial amount has Men raised for the hinds of Al•xrndra hospital. The• .enterprise included ie numli r of Weths for the Innen of re- freshments. (auey work and other articles.. a ud a number of other devices for separating chin from its ow•ners.1 The "ulnae its Pinata'' store at the ....noir of Colborne street did a thriving business, slid orals were served ryn l'i'eat tables in the Park, especially uesi,t y, when the circus hr,fight—x CAPT. L. P. TANNER GIVES GOOD ADVICE. Woman's \eakneSs Wes Street Nes. Poo -office Phones -Shop St. Hesse 111 A win's ,productive organ, are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with her kidneys. ThesiIIhtest disorder inthe kidneys brings about is disease corresponding the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pill., by re- storing the kid net's to thew perfect condition, Prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders ieorders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills The Hydro Store Side of Square, Gawk' NOTICE Tdls People Who Would Keep Vcung to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Cole Harbor, Guysboro Co., N. S.. Aug. 11 (Special).- Capt. Leander F. Tanner, a well-known resident' here. h shouting the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills As a reliever of pain in tete back he claims they are without an equal anywhere. He knows because ne suffered severely with his back. He treed Dodd's Kidney Pill.. He found in theta the remedy required. hnwed The Captain's other symptoms that his trouble came (mea bad kidneys. That's. why t)ndd's Kidney Pills cored him. "My trouble started fmm hard work and -olds. I suffered with pains in the back, and at times with rh umatis m. I often had headaches awl es cramps in the muscles. I was often dizzy and had flashes of light before the eyes at times. 1 perspired quite a tot with the I least exertion. Robins, the up-to-date Gents' Furnisher, An Electric Stove is a most convenient and useful article Water rate- to .1 Lily list are now thirty days in arrear` and there- fore mnet be paid without metier • notice. othersir•e the service is liable to be cut off. Lawn seni•'e hourafronl'7 to r twig, sad from 5 to In p.m. able All water Intl light rateipay tor. J. 13. KELLY. Collector. [,Water Ana Light Cnmmiasion Town of Goderich. announces that the Store will be Closed Wednesday Afternoons during the months of June, July and August M.Robins ()PEN 'EVEN! NGS South side of Square If in Trouble with a leak in your pininbing, call us and let its forint it !won't put it off uutil it becomes so bad that your place may be goodrnl. •' A stitch in time saves nitre.' FRED. HUNT •-TIRE PLL'MiBLR" Pi.n.'• sae Marmitun 8tr •, Plumbing !teat -on F.avestruugliuy Mrtal Wi e RIGLEYS OU will find all three flavours in air -tight sealed Packages-- but look for the name WRIGLEY'S because it is your Protection against interior imitations. lust as the sealed Package is protec- tion against im- purity. SEALED TIGHT KEIT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts! MADC IN CANADA 1 1