HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-8-14, Page 44 Thursday. August 1o. 1t119.
Our Policy
is to 'sell" satisfaction as well ss
This principle --the idea of pro-
viding clothing that gave no
chance for diesrtisfaetion, that
either proved right, ur "uo sale"
-decided us. after due investiga-
tion. to stake our chauce for your
godd•will upon
1.p h. -the minute in st le. these
clothe, present the highest accom-
plishment In god tailoring{
The pewee are healed n. suit men
of varying idea• as to cyst. yet in
every instance the value is
Walter C. Pridham
Ph,ne >i Godench
MR. N. F. WHTARD is the
agent lot THE 'IGNAL at Dungannon.
Orden lett wan Mm los .ubscripttoms.
advertuertoent. or lob prntIn( well recewe
prompt attention. Telephone kGodench
Rural, r39.
Thos. G. Allen
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Comrrtshoner for Afftda.ots. et:.
• and Conveyancer
\.V01. Deed.. Monayee Agreernerns.
Centuff, •ee< ted and Money Sup•
pled for Moray.
Fn. V., nd end Life Inwruce. in the belt
Carper,•, ort .
tf ,
1,4' Every I0c
Packet of
Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug.
gist*, Grocers and General Stores•
_ left on Saturday for Toronto, where they
- __-
TUESDAY, Aug. 12.
' Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton and
daughter Alberta, of Exeter. called at the
former': home on Sunday evening.
Miss Pearl Fulford. of Buffalo. is
spending her vacation under the patental
I roof.
Our genial met. H. A. Shields. and
json Frank
his threshi ping Jas. Chisholm with
Mr. Win. ustun and family. of Strat-
ford. are visiting with their relatives and
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Giiddon and family.
of Stoney Creek. who have been visiting
labs. Mr. and s. R. Gliddon, lett on'
Saturday for their home.
M. Irving Hunter is building a straw
abed at his barn. fotoWm. Brown has
completed the cement foundation for it.
Misses Laura and Lillian Lautenslayer
will marine their N xk.
Purr Elgin ou ttttuday. Mr r.d. Shaw and daughter Winnie
utter :e gtaal Iteaa'. M
""att "inter a have left 101 a trip through tate Canadian
-outline sun. 1'Iowa moon enjoyed its West.
1.1\11' Ite.lplay tnluty ill cs Hour w.'yx.:} Mosses Merle and Grace Hunan are
Many went to the county town to ,weI visiting friends at Auburn.
the car us anti the street fair. while; MIs. Mary Gliddun. of Goderich, is
othrn, took in the doings of the hie i visiting with her grandparents.
'.% - Ine,dety, August 1:.. day at Ite•tsforth. anal r few stayed Some of the people in the vicinity at-
a[ Point
Mr. and Mrs. Pett Roo. motored to
Woodstock ,,n Monday for a week's
Mrs Jus. Bailie. of Calgary. is while-, Mal
nit at the home of Mr. sad Mrs. I MeN
Andrew Mirk. 1 noel y
Misr L+wrs MMM, of Sea fort It. bolter u fe
holidaying at the home of her uncle, IHear)
for rain e
Wetly ut borne. I tended the Oddtellows picnic II
those who went to Seufurth , Farm last Wednesday.
y were Wm. Steuart. Everett 1 Mass R. Cook. who has been under the II
ugh. Strpheit Soothers Mud J. It. ; doctor * care. is amtxoving.
.1. anti f.swily. Mrs. McNubt. our prosperous farmers Jas. Chisholm
stet. Jack are remaining therei and Roy Ltnklater. have purchased tree- I ii
v days
lunger. tors to do their fall plias mg.
ailet•ra -Thr IunR-Ieu.keil-
1 1111
De ILLAP2 SON Iilti .t.;:11 II 1
x r� I
K Saturdays 8 a.m• to 10 p.rn, 1
II Hours of Business ti a-ni. to 6 F),Ill.
111 On Wednesday (during July and August) the store closes at 1 o'clock:;
• 1 ■//////////1////■■/////r//1■■■ 1
• Splendid
■ ■
and SergeS
▪ Br'oadclothS
1 and CIII
oa s:
for Suits
As the season advances many are turning their thoughts to Fall. It iS just a
week or two till school reopens and vacations are over for another season. Many of
r customers do their Fall shopping now.
tt'u.. Mule. one of the
Messrs. nes. and Fred Treleaven.
of Toronto, are herr visiting their 1 season and
wuthrr this week.
Mr. J. E. Mallough. of Toronto. is hour. Hsilsto
holidaying with relatives herr. I gathered tip in
Miss Gladys McLean is herr from rows snfferrd
',rw York visiting her orales. Nut. 1 thew were vomit
%VItyard Mud Thus. MuLeoen. 11101111. 1inr1feus in
Mrs. 1t. ntothers and Miss Margurrt I badly dumaget. and a
chandler. alio have lawn visiting ut I of the farmers' grain
Mrs. J. Elliott's. left this week for I but to what extent we c
1:otrrteb •u their return trip homy.
Mrs. 11. Sproule, end concession of
West t�awatioeli. is improvingslowly.
ICev. T. A. and Mrs.
family left -Monday on their holidays
Miss I.aura Savage returned home
,.11 Sunday after s1wnding a few' holi-
days in t:esh'rich.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton motored up
from Ex,•t•r and visited at H. Itorr•h'u
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ileo. Irwin motored to
'1'ue•>-LIy right. It WAS ( ■
f tl
•ici,•x1 duw'uptwrs tr tr I BEI�6IILLER.
accuutlw iedhon by aeavy us t 13.
tel fur about half -au- WEDNESDAY, Aug
t'antld easily ln• Two threshing machine* have corn-
Tove•Ifuls. The spec- I Mtn operations in this vicinity.
•erf 1 twenty-
.Wh I tome from the tuners
y and
uuder oar tree. I on Sunday Mr Thus. Good was knocked
All Wool "Kirriernuir" Serge. in black, blue and nigger brown. beautiful fine quality. X
r -54 h `T +6 50 per yard.
1 e su ter
village "ere down by an automobile and painfully inches,
y injured. He r repotted to be recovering a
I )L Our special "Montrose" Serge, in black and navy, 52 inches wide, $5.00 awl say.
. 1i�1s
TIMEaver Repeats Itslf
A ply
you'ook t
uredpn n,
,Ibly 11•est
nose�`1 "
bur tlj ye `
t'l s
graph of yourself as
lay will l,e trCal'-
An 3.2S1 CAD p0.-
.11.4ears 1' m
• by'. yoittaelfrt
es And
Summer Heat
Hard on
sats actors y.
RECEPTION TO RETURNED SOLDIERS.- g Exceptional value for Suits
A reception to their members who have Ask to see our "Kilmarnock" Serge. in black and navy.
seraed overseas *as Qlaen by EnniskillenAsk$4, 2Sper yard.
Lodge. No 153, Colborne. a and RI e t Skirts 54 inches,
aby. bero British Serge in black navy and a t !delimiter Dresses an Separate
Monday evening last A large r -um
t the members and their friends a brown, wonderful value for Children's Dresses ana
gathered on the school grounds to Ilsten �
to to an excellent program. after which lunch Skirts, 36 inches wide. Special $1.75 per yard.
was served to the returned heroes and ul
a success.1 those who had helped to make the event
Blairrnore Gabardine, oneof our special suitings, in black, navy• brawn and green. an
Addresses were delivered oderate price, 40 inches wide. $1.95
No season of the year is so dangero
the life of little ones as is the sum
The excessive heat throws the little stb
ach out of order so quickly that urates
prompt aid is at hand the baby may be Rev. S. E. McKetne>, of Clinton. Rev.
Kennedy. Mr. GVandenberg.
beyond all human help before the mother I •
County Master. and Mr. George Currie•eo
realizes he is ill. Summer a the season when interspersed with solos by Mr. Harvey
dine area.cholera infantAny eatery and aicGre of Auburn. the "Canadian Harry
colic most prevalent.prove Any one of these j Lauder. The boys in whose honor the
troubles may prove deadly d 1101
promptly treated During the summer .cent was held are Arthur Barber. John
I Malian and Roy hlohnn
the mother's best friend is Baby's Own
Tablets. 1 hey regulate the bowels.' THE LATE HENRY S. FISHEn.- One of
sweeten the stomach and kap baby • the oldest residents of (he vil-
healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine lage died on Thursday. August 7th,
dealers or by matt at 25 cents a box from an the person of Henry S. Fisher. The
the Dr 'Williams' Medicine Cu . Brock deceased, the h,l.charll Fi her�l*as tdest orn n nt Colborne
silk, Ont. township more than seventy•hve years
ago. 1 he early part o1 his life *as spent $
AI'Itl'ItN. farmtng. and later he aas a"gaged in the w
Y,w can stP"'''d . eol Your prase and r,. 3"sawmltl business at L eeburn and in
poaurr, at w c RIDutLL'zo itore. Auburn. Ashtield. Twenty-seven years ago he . $
WEDNESDAY, August 13. retired and mowed to the hour. in Hen_
miller where II ve years ago the late Mr. Fisher was
exceptionally nice material, at such a m
11 11 per yard.
1 Rich Broadcloths, the ideal material for a Dressy Suit. Best English
gl burgundy,56it colors
• of black. navy, copen, nigger, grey, taupe, purple • • wide. $7.50 per yard.
A rn will observe its civic botaday on i ick h he had since resided Fifty
August 10.
TRAVELLING •i -Me. and Mn. John Fergioswt. Album. joined in matrimony to Jane Jewell. also
mpanionte, thus you can always 1N• • announce the engagement of them of Colborne township. who sfive of
pend on to be agreeable, in no way' a j laughter, Cora Belle, to Mr. Guy W.1 Seven children
nMn. this alters. of
purism St George, the wedding to whom Claude. f Loi Angeles. Cal
ng every tri
11T. AC(yC'�TIXE.
1 serteting with your comfort and ata • 1 take place the latter part of the month. Benmiller. au e, o
t test without giving utrt or 1 ' Walden. oL Dundum, Sask.. William. of
cowplaininft, are that easy -fitting 11*1
o s rex we t u. In addition. there
Seattle. Wash.. and Richard. of Clinton.
t h repaired for
sol survives one brother.
if you are thinking of taking A trip. 1 YOU ARE tNvlt*D.-A garden party I Ira. of Winnetka. 111.. *too was present at
1 come in and let us ex up a comfortable under the auspices of the Si. Augustine , the funeral. The deceased was a member
old pair. that will help you tu. enjoy ' Women's Institute will be held at the' of Court Benrwnler. C, 0. F.. and Ennio! travelling. • ' home of Mrs. S. Thompson D)nnytrook, kitten L. 0. L. No. 153. Colborne. He
We erem I•d on Wednesday, u:us head A t 20th Program was a member of Benmiller Methodist
bet us do 5kp and print yn
r. films
SHO& REPAIRINGI by Mr.a R m an Redmond d orchestra the -church ant 6'e many years had been one
S. 41411TH
James and other talent. orchestra. , of its most He was a veryearnest
xttiae�mantandgr �n
�- , served from 6 to S o'clock. Admission He wa' he wac capableman n performing
25c. Everybody come. ret any sort of work. For several months.
F.aat Street tisieric►
Cool Coi4o
It's Sunday morning -blazing hot, ° pretty near
a whole day before you for rest
First, then -a shave. Whether you are going for a
spin in the car, taking the family to clttac so or
a .ighbour, you cannot go with a Y 8
beard on your chin.
The thought of shaving won't be irksome if you own
a Gillette Safety Razor- rather, you think of five
minutes' cool comfort with the highest type of
shaving edge evit developed. No man in the sl>tprld
can common*: keener blade than the one youFp
into yourtte-
And Cale0e shaving gtves you inadded joy to
your Sunday,why not take five minultes
for a clean shave as the start for abetser day's work.
Fee $5.00 -the price of the Gillette Sher -V's. haw►
poor chow* of the Standard (:.letta dor Poc el Edition
but more c bud Ito. Bulking
eve to withs perfect, ^o u • ODAY st db.
Gillette the stocky grip. Ark to regi:
;.et. llers'. druggists' or hardware dealer;
safety Razor
A 'moue duitgbtcr arrive) at the
1 home of Mr. and Mrs. F. 1. l'ickaru. Irr�
Mr. 1'\,i.•. .Vlaile'ly Is INenri;tg o
uru.sd molt. of aeleenld' for the young
Ieon awl hr as
that arrived It week.
At the .IIIb' meeting of the 1.01111t7tfloteeu • un ve` r
of the Sk
l r
I' b Item (.411,4.11s 4411 the I'
suhJe•t of w•ht101 garters and (stir.1 a
were given by ties Inglis and Mr,
1. 1.. 90.'10+1 and instrumental welts Are Soothed and Healed by the
t .ns v:ere rendered by Miss yluls'I1.1
UAe Of Di. 4L3aa!'s Clint.- iron. The next meeting will le-
at err Meme of Mrs. T. J. Johnston. pleat - Two Iateres
AmtiI t 2Ist. at •'.:erg pan. 42,141 Brow,.. Beath of David Colo. -The death 2,r in Cases Reported
Id pioneer of t:olericlt township. a
Some Extra Good Black Silk Values
Extra Quality Black Messaline Silk, splendid finish, a splendid Silk at a nominal
price, 36 inches wide, $2.25 per yard.
Black Rajah Silk. for Dresses, very serviceable, 56 inches wide, $ 1.99 per yard.
Our Special Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk. Premier, guaranteed, stamped on sel-
vedge. 36 inches wide, X3.25 per yard.
The McCall Fall Quarterly is here -The dress ideas McCall Book of Fashions N
gives are invaluable to every woman who wishes to dress smartly without much
cost. The Fall Quarterly is complete authoritlpLive --- final. Only 1 5c when •
purchasing a McCall pattern.
P. C. Corsets a
Nemo Corsets
The Leading Mail and Telephone Order Store
•//////■'inial ossa./■/i/ ssaal[///■>•/■r.■
PHONE s Scotch Store PHONE SJVIillar'
t" • i/..////111l1>r/////.../■■/////■11/1•/1/■/..111)•1(
• and
en " I however. his health had been las g
in the 1M'lipe of David 1,n occurred
int Rei 1i Alberto. 2,n .lily ah. The old method err treating eczema
he alas under the doctor's rare.
The (level'. west in his ninety-third M rneana of Internal medicines bs final illrtele was of shirt duratitxt, lectin¢
i Zlsl ■ww method a by the nae sf .--. a week and terminating with his
ytmr. the bas . of a large family. He tee *Ino and uncertain of rtrab- death on Thursday last. The funeral.
Ireland. rod aha ointment and er(rtal d Sttraday, Argus
a'n • Idlrn 1n 1$311 in Fermanagh
eunuty. Dr. Chase's Uistment Toa aDp17 was very largely attended, was
trsnc� ant to this oenuttr` n aImowt tin- which t 10th. The
whet, a young main and to uk up hi, n,elmt* reUef tram the Itchtag, bel on
1 form int the nth olitruli iNic 114' wa
stinging asn. tiotes. In a few days services at the home of his son-in-law.
mtetrlel twist. to Siaruh Mcltonaid t.t the sere spots are eteanwd out and
Itnytie•ld. and then to Mrs. elayton t oke healing process la set tip.--�--
' While. In etaig' he ops a Methodist i As you pCrews appy the ointment tre
and its eoliths a Conservative. They 1 gay to day yell ean was for yourself
Moved to .tils•rtso ,tli.Ntt twelve yearnto w1 7 the 11 Mnd ^currd e Ke 7o obt�nn.d. and
ago. His wife prrhre•Iowrl him ahead i with this treatment until the cure Y
f His nidext eon John WAS j
Istel fn Front., and he Is sort. ere ry i Yew., titatl.el r.wera. Wtnchotet•f:
Is yonnRert sore, (truce, of Re%• Deer., Oat. oleiter: "1 can heartlly ty
«0 years. r i i 1 i eompleta
twasiseed De. Chaas's Ointment. Y
eurnirtim •t a very sever* cans of
SYR. Lf!111fe11 t`OCl\hF:RN: i wesswta. After WOW* rverat rem•-
`‘. dies without relief, I was abort din-
eeoeraied. wetleg T could never sr-
Auanee. e►thsae lregMwhen Istea■aImtwrtrk I l. er,rAtld lasteat
el Well known at ilanlerieh Harbor
(.ore Isown in Thunder Iia). til ~ro.lrht et ouin r 4 i et.
After discharging her cargo of grain! walla
ONetmwnt watch i had •even lea sr►
st the Iloderich elevator last week the; awl. and 4 e14.d the gives It a toiaG
steamer Landis. (t'apt. D. e, Mc.I To._•111 trout srrprlew, atter wing tt
and nn) went south far a load ..f coal' • few Htrt•t i ewuonwl rellst. and
and on her return trip up the Nitro; I to a hw d►ys any alttietwar bwgaa to
while crooning Tl ler Bev early I eemplatsh dwppear me hiebael
I'•ridav rmIttng. she fouindrtrtl. The and I often speak of the quick and
tQteic outer alluaaveri. ('Apt. Met'arthv muting nuns I obtained Iv seek a
a weft knnwtt (ltsleri •h omen arid sheet time. That w.a too four sops.
several met tern 2,f the Drew, are sad ww haw kLos
kept It In our se
1.'pn. ()wleru h. ; ever sines, .sad It cera bows a groat
A npypthaper de•atwach sot,. : liotind ' Malec f•r 54Vy *they eotabhaltta r
r n of toe!. the steamer never fall M ret'era54 Ord (�� s
up with A a R Otot.00tot le toy Mwsd and noag%-
l.:utdls, sprang a leak Ile ernesint Men
Thunder Ray early fhi ri nrning and -r ua," Maw tam ere have aqs
foundered e crew of fifteen were woe Dc CWe'i Nom* rood Is ..r
ell wrvcd An hour ►fore the vessel Irsu wboll, odd 1 WIWI rrwMwinrMd K
nook her captain w
wee filling repidly_
kept !Moat mut l
Ittitnps were ke -
etbry pound of
r*141 war pet 0" )11111 s1t0 4' PhMdPA tie Irrthed's. ft 1• w s•etltl.g end
for shore. tl a point *hoot boor miles 1 fined ttor Hate arta ea a a_ae aev •[
nit end where the water was not more 1 !1s di". "sootk met sw..weh as/
then fora or Oct fathoms In depth the I s.Netr *iv cetyls s flea, all 4
flrrs were evtingttisMrl and 'noon after- kgs K D/wra.00u. eases ! ion,.
"runt* ahP 1,.t4ht fllleet turd sank irwsa. 1110!M
ewer.• that she as defog tar tbat You
end could not he to wars 51 way Dr. Ctoeeee
.onger. While' the 04.154151ate e�Ya toi 11le■'~tam
itleldng at rapacity letlt.
sat tad eet1. tf.wd for batty
min, 'bolter „midafter two bath. It wenn chafing and
the accident Le given as Imp`rfor•t
Our English China has just
come in, Minton, Coal -
port, Aynsley, Wedg-
wood, Royal Doulton
and Willow.
Come in and see it.
No obligation to hey
Smith's Art Store
Phone 198
Mr. E. H. Walters. were conducted by, Advertise in The Signal. It p.mRev. W. H. Campbell and __
Rev. H Kennedy. ,/tt Colborne
cemetery Rev. Mr. Kennedy officiated
and the service of the L. O. L. we. also
read. The pallbearers were Messrs.
Charles Fisher. Benson Cox. Abraham
Fisher and Samuel Gardiner.
A few pretty
models of ex-
ceptional val-
ue to clear at
greatly re-
duced prices.
Children's Hats
Half Price
Miss M. R. MacVicar
McEwen's i
Boys' Cap•, nes• Supply to
Boys' Overalls, 55c to •l.'?:i
Boys' Jerseys, white, navy
and red
Boy's' Braces, 1 5c up
A few peaces of curtain
material, to ckat from
25c a y ard up
A trice line of Bath Towels
at right prices
We stock the Crompton
Corsets, all sizes an d
different styles
Lime Juice, Grape Juice.
Rasp. Vinegar, Lemon
and Orangeade in bottles,
also Lemonade and
Orangeade Powder. Jest
right for drinks in the
hot weather
Try some of our Aroma
Brand Tea. With ten lbs.
you get n Teapot FREE
Mint Tea in atock.Vou will
find a . sroon in each
J. J. McEwen
Lkesae No. $-71iU