HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-31, Page 5x'"' LOCAL 10P1 THE 11101EAL L GODICILIOR, 00. Tbur.dat. July 11. 1f11A. -6 FOR SALE C . 4 BR,\NTD OPD REF) BIRD BICYCLES • 1 41es. and two gents', ' Regular price, $60. Special price, $45 to clean them up. UTNE FORD ROADSTER with hall -ton truck bode, $525. East Street Garage "Owned and -Operated by a Practical Man" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover bring back the joys of your vacation with a VII. r,. - KODAK Developing and Printing Campbell's Drug Store TNI: 1'I:NSL.Alt WTuKE XIIIIIIIifUIXIUII(IIIIIIXIIIIHBt1IIXXIIIIIIIiflIIXIIIiUIIIiillXIIIIUIUIIHX_ E EVAPORATING CO. x is prepared to buy any quantity X of RASPBERRIES. Call and see us. We have a quantity of new X and used ii -quart Fruit Baskets X for sale at right prices. 1-2. utIIIIiI111 CIIIIUIIIIiIXiIIIHHIHIXXIIIHIIIIIIIXIIIUIIIIiIIXIHIINIIIIIX THE HURON CANNING •••••••••••••v•••••••••••• • ode( Theatre • 4•• 4 2 • • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mary Pickford iV "AMARILLY of CLOTHESLINE ALLEY" • An Artcraft Picture 0 She's a isunderful girl ' She's a wonderful actress . • Whether you come to see "America's Sweetheart' • or whether you come to thrill at her marvellous • histrionic powers. we know v?u'1I come. Three • nights, hut come early to avoid the crowds. :------- • Thursday, Friday, Saturday 4 • • • • • •• • A Paramount Picture • + Before the "care" he was so jealous of his wife that he a'a4n•t fit to live with. After the "cure" • • 4,, ` e the "t'str!•'e__heaven on earth : st 4/0 01111110 •••••••••••••0••1/11• • •• • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• s • • Thomas H. • Ince • PRESENTS • Dorothy Dalton in `GREEN EYES' • iutust tl ((tie Holiday. ,His Worship the !day or has proclaimed IWednesdaynextnext, August Lith. the civic holiday, in accordance with the town ' bylaw. 'Harmer* fur (iedtrieh. Goderich is to be well, provided with entertainment facilities If projects now in hand mature. Plana are drawn for a new theatre building to be erected on Colborne •trees, near the Square, and it is reported that Mr. Griffin, waw cttotrnl: a atrinlq of theatres. is taking over Victoria Opera (louse for a term of tive years and pro- poses to run it continuously, showing nightly: , Fancy Oress (Dance. A fancy dress dance will be given'' hotel Sunset on Fnday evening. August rich. in aid of Alexandra hospital. Prizes ail( be awarded for the best costu'nes. i and the Blackstone -Buckley orchestra will lurntah the music. Everybody is .nviied to attend, either as a dancer or as spectatte. The event is being arranged .inder the direction of Mrs. W: H. Hutch- .nson, and those who rememher the dance .year under simi'ar auspices wi1L look Seward to a very pheasant evening. Dominion l'osvention of G. W. V. A. 1 here was a good turnout at the G. W. V. A. rooms on Fnday evening last. when Comrade 11. M. Jarvis. Provincial &Id secretary of the G. W V.A., gave a report of the recent Dootinwn convention of 1 etcrans at Vancouver • At this eonven- tam the Calgary proposition of a gratuity of s:.000 was not favored. and an altern- ative r:rup,sa: 1s now under consideration. The equalization of pensions was strongly advocated. Other important features of ii the tt,nvention proceedings were pointed ; out by Mr. Jarvis, whose address was much appreciated. 1 ear-- Me(;ratten. The wedding took place at London on July loath of Miss Maud Mtt;ratten, daughter of Mrs. S. McGratten, to Mr. Lentis E. Yeo. son of Mr. and Mrs..1. W. Yeo. all of town. The ceremony was -Performed by Rev, Dr. Peever, of the First Methodist church. The groom recently returned from military service overseas. The young couple will reside at Winnipeg, Mr. Yeo having a position with the C. N. R. in that city. Their many Goderich friends wish them much happiness. Thr Referendum Campaign. A meting of tempera tics. workers to urgat.ir.e fur the referetitletw rampaigu Inas held In the Temperance 11,1111 int Sluada v evening. SL•.. A. 1'. t' toper, i of Clinton. was present and told sod , the alerting. It was deckled_ to o.gurt- ize along the lite suggested tic y the Provincial er.mmitta• gild to have men told woolen eieoperwte in the work of ; 10II steno( and edoetttion. •The torisers elected are rite irate ii. it. J.. Stegaw : i vier-tivairtnen, ti, Si. Elliott. Strs. 1htvhim .0 and r•sWwlt clergymen: treasurer. Jas. A. outuplwll: se•retary, A. Sl. Itoterteon: t•aptatns of polling sob-divislotp—No. 1, Vtn. Matte: Su. 2. C. Si. Knlierts..n : No. 34 Get/. John- ston : Ni.. 4. Jas. Holland : No.• a, R. It. Hollows: No. O. J. Elgin Tum: No. 7. Sl. E. 1,ywhuriter. farther oraaniz- aftou and select1 of euwtuittw•s will lie trade at a meeting tttt Friday of this %leek, at the same hone anal the same place. 1hiriog the meeting mention was ttasde of the violation of the town Nunday bylaw and a motion was car- ried (hat the. Mayor to requested to sew that this bytes• is duly nIo-rv.ri. Before the Courts. There has been a big grist for the mills of justice the past week. The two young Alen from Chn•on charged with indecent assault. as noted last week. were allowed to go on suspended sentence on giving bonds for their good behavior for two year. His Honor Judge Dickson. before whom they were tried, gave then( a severe lecture on the heinousne,s of their con- duct. For attempted abduction of a g ri under sixteen. William Walpole, of town. was Itned $St) and costs, amounting to 1210. ' The case was before Judge Dickson. Luther Forsyth, of East Wawanosh. was up on the charge of stealing a calf from his former foster -father. - James Tunney. of Blyth. The accused took the calf away one night and sold it. The fact • that he was a returned soldier. and had I been wounded. caused Judge Di i..son 104 take a lenient view of the case and he was I let otT on suspended sentence. Alb -rt Jardine. after a preliminary trial rby Magistrate Reid. has been committed j for trial on the charge of rape. the alleged; victim being a young woman of Goderich,l tt enty-one years 01 age. case under the Ontario Medical Act is b%'ng investigated before Magistrate Reid, Dr. Metcalf of Bayfield being charged with uelawfuily practising meds cine wit ut a Canadian licen=e. The prosecution i. in the hands of Mr. John Fyfe, who at. 3 for the Ontario Medical Association. \ 3RING CIRCUS A NATIONAL INSTITUTION • COMING TO GODERIC 2 Performances 2 and 8 pial. WEDNESDAY AUGUST e MERIT a a ORIGINALITY A COMPREHENSIVE ENSEMBLE OF THE WOR.O'S BEST PERFORMERS aril THE FiPEST TRAINED ANIMALS A MULTITUDE OF STRANGE ane CURIOUS FEATURES FROM ALL ENDS OF THE EARTH AS ErnIBIT10' 1 WTHATwI, . OATM M''iLE i1Z PERSONA\MENTION. , visaing at Alts. J. C. S[clntosh's, West ' street. Miss May Stoddart leaves today on visit to Toronto, Rochester and Detroit. Miss Nina Graham, of New York, and Miss Nellie Graham. of Toronto, are visiting at the old home, East street. Miss Elizabeth Wilson. of Esaa. who has bees yawing her sister. Mrs. J. F. Reycraft, leaves today to spend the month of August at South Magnetewan. Mr. J. E. Tian and Dr. J. M. Field are attending the averse for public school inspectors at the Agricultural College, Guelph. Mrs. M. J. Whiny and daughter. who have heen visiting the former's father, Mr. James [ran. will leave shortly on their return to their home at Portland, Oregon. Mrs. J. R. Craigie bas returned home from Winnipeg, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Johnston. who will remain here. • Mies iia Allen is home from Guelph for a holiday visit. Mr. Harry C. Wilson. of Fort William, is visiting his grandfather. Mr. A. D. Cameron. Mr. W ilson is a first contingent man who spent four years overseas. ' Mrs. Joseph 'Merrett. Master Roes and Miss Lillian. of Winnipeg, are visiting at Mr. H. L. Salkeld's, Goderich township. and also at the home of Mrs. John Salkeld in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Proudfoot and Mr. Wen. Proudfoot. jr., will spend the month of August on the Atlantic Coast at Prout's Neck, Maine. LOCAL TOPICS Li <3R1fEF: Owing to the wet weather today. t St. George's chu`ch geoaten party is post poned to tomorrow !Friday). See Fatty Arbuckle in -The Sherif," his latest release. at the Model. Thursday. Friday and Satu,day of this week. A small pocketbook with a small amount of money has been left at this' otlice by a gentleman who picked it up on the street. Huron Lodge. Ni. oil, 1. O. 0. F.. will hold its annual civic holiday picnic next Wednesday, at Point Farm. A good time is in prospect for members and their friends and visiting brethren. The annual -picnic of 'Knelt church Sun- day school was held on Wednesday nn the beautiful grounds of Mrs. A. P. McLean's home on the Huron road. The steamer R. P. Fitzgerald. with 2.000 toms of coal for the Western Canada Flour Mills Co., was the only boat to arrive this week. After unloading she cleared Wednesday afternoon about :f o'clock. Mrs. Wilmer Smith has made a con- tribution of Sl0 to the remit of the 33rd Regiment band. The members are grate- ful fur the donation and ask The Signal to express their thanks to ars. Smith for her generosity. Harold Sutcliffe had a bad fall from an engine at the National Shipbuilding Co. plant on Tuesday and sustained injuries HEART1 ISEA Miss Robertson. of r ra, spent the week -end with Miss Stiri Miss Hearsman, of New e k City, 'is y. visiting her sister. Mrs. C. B Judge Elwood and Mrs. E ood. of Regina. Sask., are visiting in tow Dr. and Mrs, W. Y. Heerlen, don. are spending a holiday term in t Mr, Jack Tait. of Calgary, has visiting at the old home for a few weeks. Mr. and Mfrs. F. 1I. Martin and d;nigbter, of 1letruit. ane visiting In ti,n n. Mrs. Athol McQuarrie. of Toronto, is v siting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn. Miss Gaut,• strong left belay Inc New Liskeard to visit her sister. Mrs. C. 11. (Lowson. Mrs. Gen MacVicar and son are visit- ing the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. N.- Dietrich, :Dietrich, at Floradale. ears McLaren, of Ottawa (formerly. Miss Edith Elwood). is visiting friends and ' Hiss relatives in town. iMr. and Mrs. C. W. Watson and Master Kenneth returned to their home i in New York City last Saturday. 1 Mr. J. A. McLaren and family, of Tor - onto, are among the summer visitors. They are registered at Hotel Sunset. Slay. F:. tl. Crowe and children. of toiler/11e. are visiting nt the home of her parents. Mr. and Ni•s. Jas. load. Mr. Jos. Stalker, principal of Ingersoll public school, was in town on Monday. He is holidaying at the old home near Auburn., The monthly meeting of the Red r'r.M. Society will lie head MI Stolidity evening, .tiignnt 4411. at ' o'clock. in the n.nrt honer. Mrs. William Stirling. Bayfield, and Miss Maud Stirling. who has recently returned from overseas. were the guests of Mrs. Stirling, Cambria road. Mr. and Mrs. George Warner and • daughter. Miss Florence. of Bay City, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs David H. W'afner. Miss, Allie Johnston, of Barrie. Miss Grace 'Johnston, of Toronto. and Miss Dorothy McCullough, of Toronto. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tom this week. Mrs. Hugh Hill and daughters are, spending* few weeks with Mr. Hill at H dlington, Ont.. where he is conducting a sawmill business. The day after they arrived there one of the little girls. Olive, had the misfortune to break her arm. it was a th rty-mile drive to the doctor's, but the arm is now doing nicely, Rev. C. A. Seager, D. D.. rector of Ht. Matthew's church. Torrxtto, with Mrs. Seager and family, is making his annual vi.it at the hnroe of his parents, Mr. and Mrs C. Seager, Mr. Andrew Lynn arrivid last night on a visit to his mother, Mrs. J. Lynn, after spending the last sit months at Palm Beach, Flotilla. Miss Ruby Stoddart has resigned her st_Rapt Clinton athe n lthlit school hac gots. lolkteteaching wbere ter mother resides. and where elle has taken a position. Mrs M. H. Martin and children. Madeline, Jack and Janet, of Ottawa, are is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor ha, said, " 1 never yet made a post -mortem ex- aminationinacaseof death from Heart Disease with- out finding alae kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the mark. -t, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and rm,vt widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills NOTICE Robins, the up-to-date Gents' Furnisher, announces that the Store will be Closed Wednesday Afternoons during the months of June, July and August M. Robins OPEN EVENINGS South side of Square James 1. Hill ttia great balder of the American Northwest mom said; •' If you want to know whether you are going to sucoaed--the teat to easy. Are you stole to save Ieosrey9 1? scot drop out. You will surety lose. You way sot think It, but you will lose sea mare as you lave." Myon do not possiese one of our savings pees boob open ae sitoosnt today with et least 6100 and give um the pleseta•e of handtxtp you a REAL RAVIN[bIB DOOR, to start you on the road to 'wooers. seta UNION BRESOANKURCT3.:1 5],0OF CANADA 00,000 \ Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager which will keep him laid up for some time. e is at the hospital. Reg. Tut -ford is nursi . a sore hand, having had the fingers c . hed while working at the 1)o - minion Rt.. Machinery factory. The Aug ..t meeting of the Goderich branch of th Women s Institute will be held in Harbo Park on Thursday, August 7th, at 3 p. m. After the business the members will have a social picnic with t it friends. The pro- gram committee will have a good program of races • nd other amusements prepared for the -cation. Come and bring your baskets a d have a good time. Mr. Ernest Platt h• • his car at Mene- ettung Park last ev ing. and atter re- turning home he found that all the tools and other accessories ad- been stolen tam it. Among the art -les taken was a d tire -pump, and M . Platt is par- ttihyilarly anxtous to have i returned, and of 'course would like to h ve the other articles as well. Any infor . tion will be gladly received. The Ahmeek and (;env I !trough Chaptettio 1. O. D. E., wish to hank the manag t of the Chautauqu and Mr. ing so f edu- ollet•- aug- Dr. ran ss s ijLee Inc t opportunity of col goodly a s for their purpose eating- the (diets' children. The Iron was S1 This was furthe mated by a Onation of Sr fr Adam. and the two young ladies w the jitneys Miss Marion Lee and Olive Allen. also contrjhuted one da earnings. making a' total of $Lit. Th sum has been forwarded to headquarter at Toronto. - • Ml MISIEK SI'l1RTS. Baseball. The Goderich baseball team plays at Lochalsh this (Thursday) evening. On Mondaylnext the home teamgoes Clinton. where a three -tram tournament will be the bill -of -fare, Clinton and Zurich playing in the morning and Goderich tackling the winner in the evening. Seaforth failed to pu: in an appearance last Tuesday evening. The home team has arranged a Waffle Inc next Thursday evening on the hrmw grounds. with the "All Stars" of Strat- ford. the best amateur team in the Classic Cit y. • These is wt.(rty ill n herr, 'rhe more lady friends a bachelor has the mote likely he is to remain n hachelor. xxxxxxxxxxx Going Away ? x Why not leave a good photograph when you go for a holiday ? 11 will hop make the day, Vain pleasant fur the one rf- umaitps behind, and will snake you feel that you isle p.eeeout, se though absent.. Our photon are worth having to keep you in the naiad of the nae who stays Iat hone or to give the, ae who ....et., away. J.T. Fell mc xxxxxx txx Semi -Ready Talk : •' Plrt tire, are very" pretty-- sed very handy to have around when a fellow is unable to write intelli- gently about the things be has to tell. "Picture advertising .in clolhutg as reached the apex of styk and t. New York artists get $:At) f . an imaginary picture of an A e .11o *taring pu)-enhcisner's )ate. -t creation t the real Makers of fashion -the esigner's of style recognize the cr tive talent its Montreal by holding heir Fashion Convention here thi year. These men rant draw, bnt hey were willing to come from all - is of America to show the Semi -r dy Designer the best they had an see the studios where Semi -ready . les are created," • - Mc as Brea. Ileaskptwi tern for Heusi -rawly IGL The Greatest Name In Goody -Land r"c p ?FECT GUM ke H1IllllflIRI rG ln-III f RLEY .s1111111111111 J Y FRUiT S+iili1d!e 1 no 14Et.siNG GUM mean 11111 1 1 "LrIGLEY DOUBLEMINT CHFWIIui- Batu MARL 101 CANADA SEALED TIGHT — KEPT RIGHT e F(avour 6! Is 67