HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-31, Page 4CRANDTRUNK I EM else Were i >r i i 1 4 -Thursday. July :tl. 11119. Our Policy IA to "sell" satisfaction as well at. clothes This principle -the idea of pro- viding clothing that gave not chance for dissatisfaction. that either proved right. or "no sale' ..decided us. after due iuvestiga- _tioo. to stake our chance for your goof -will upon Bengard Clothes l p tithe minute in style. these clothes present the highest accom- plishment ,In goof tailoring throughout. The prices are scaled to suit men of varying ideas as to oast. yet in every instance the value is appealing. Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 Goi' ri.h DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHY ARD is the agent tor THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. a Orden left with him for subscriptions. advertisements or lob printing wdl receive prompt attention. Telephone (Godern-h 1 Rorah 139. Thos. G. Allen • DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licenses Comm,sstoner for Afhdavus, etc.. and Conveyancer W.IIs. Nods. Mor,ppr. Aurse.rnte. etc Carefully e.sc tad and Money Suo- pl.e) for Mower, AGENT FOR Fn. W. rd and Us Inawanca ,n ,M bet Cotnaantse only. T1'nn•r1av, July :it. lir. ural Mrs. Roy Willis meat little' daughter heti are visitlug Mr. stall Mrs. It. J. Crawford at present. Mrs. S. Pentland and daughter. of \'an.mrrr are visiting friends herr TEE AMINAL WHEN USING W I LSON 'S FLY PADS st READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND _ FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY sr more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. Sole by Druggists and Grouses everywhere. untidier of their neighbors asse•w- .I,41 r.. bid them farewell ere their 14•lutrnu•t• to 1:0110ricla. TIi•y- weer ...oft- the ret ipleuts of a handsome i,rcwt•utation :11141 gavels worsts of clime .tial encouragement. 'Die fontanels night the Ladies' Aid of the Aiglican church lust surd made a preseaualiou to Mrs. Elliott. Guest for Dungannon School. - All our t•u1run, 4. awl g,aaluatioll pupils passed their ,- .11u11tatton,s. '1'111 entrants. emulid.ates oerv.Ford Sti•atl• Miss Volley. of Haltimorr, is the wan. '1'Iwluw Reed and Mary Mo1e. ablest of 311.1. J. Ryan. Ford turd Thelma obtained hogs... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M, Kay anal two The Rr:aduatton caudidtatrs %err 1111 daughters. 31i+sea Lillian turd Marion. Kn►wu, laveree 1'ruttant and Laura of Newell. anal Mr. Tom McKay-, of garage. IL. passed with honors. . iIierta, motorist up lust Sunday and The garden party on the 1're-by- apint the day at J. It. Mc Na bb's and tr.iuti manse lawn ou Friday night It. J. Crowfoots. Tom McKay. better was 11 great sit, veto. The 1.ucknow ktNaw`n as Pilger McKoy-. re entdy re-inni r laun4t 1•11111040111. nillis of 1Il-e 1utt far- turnrl frons overseas. Rev. Sir. tool Mrs. Columbus. of uisllel u very 'utert•stiug entertain- IIIIINII.1. a.- .t.. anal 4Mr._and flea. went. which received appreciative Kichanloou. of W11111l.Ita•k. were the applause. The simmer ant booth re- :Vile/de of Mr. Vold. Mi -Allister last trethw,•ute were O. K. arae everybody 1 week. The Bev. Mr. I'ulnwbut seemed to enjoy the ry g., The preached 1 iu Erskine rinin•h last Slut- peewits aluoutated to $2.12. 41a0 morning • - Rev. G. ,:omni. Sirs. l:omm +till Ian• • :ai ng OODERI0 ONT. --• -- -wlR. "" yr. '3.rf'r AFTER FI%E SEARS. 1tt•masI• man l•> Nam aass ■axaugass xx•tilialsim [Il>t s* .t rt Returned Soldier's Impreesios ea Kes islting Colborne Tee wale. ■ The following was wr.tten by a young mon who as a boy stayed at Col. Varcoe s to Colborne township and in 1915 en- listed ter overseas service. He returned to Canada about two months ago and is noe s irking at Toronto in connection with the Soldiers' Settlement Board. He has recently been visiting his old friends in Colborne: July 26, 1919. h Five yeaago I was among yuu. One year l +pent in Gdench township and two years in Colborne -a city lad visiting his country bretnren. so w speak. Five years' abetter finds me possessed with a longing to see those friends I lett betind. Is it a case of "absence makes the heart grow fonder":' Hospitality the who.e world over fosters IrtertdsnIp. t nend- ship. the real and sincere friendship, is the great necessity ot many lives. In the vicinity of Godencn I f .und hospital. icy. I came back and found that the teeing of friendship with which I was possessed was reciprocated by tbose fromge %huhospitable board 1 had eaten. Dont ask me where I have been these past live years. One doesn't like to think of those days. yet a white at least. Isn't it wonde. ful to feel the friendly grip 01 the hand thrust out to welcome you. arid see the smile of pleasure on the faces about you.' That is what happened in my case. They told me the Scotch were the hospitable prop le ot this planet • of ours. 1 went to Edinburgh to see. It is • true the Scot is hospitable. extremely so. but really this little section ot Ontario is even more so. No. 1 did not visit Ire- land. and consequently I have n t kissed the "Blarney stone I was asked it 1 had found any change about here. I had to admit I had. The Julies and the Isabela had grown up into young ladies. The Flos, the Ruths and the Jeans had left for happier climes. IBy. the way. I hear that some of these latter have found that no happier clime exists than that which blesresGott-richn Gott -rich l Here and there a face missing. The little babe of hve years ago inevs Mr. r . 111141 M.. Swtlir attended tiw fatuity arrive) 0111 ‘N 4,111e2.4 • is a toddlingead ot health a .d happ funeral of 31r. Morrison. or White- having motored from Itlackstts•k. Our- Outside of these (cis but inevitable �clnareii, hoe elend,ay. how eouuty-, on their way to Pine changes. all else is the same quiet and The w,•mtw•rs .►f the Methodist W. River, where Mr. l:umm is to be in smiling content. The d car Meir snowy• ■ 151. N. of Dungannon were entertaiued durteI on Friday of this week. ' haired lady at whose place I am staying ■ •hy the Crewe Society at the home of as the same as ever -the marve* of all wh10 IDlrs. Wm crozier hast Tuesday. TO PEEL LIKE A BOY know her. theColonel-he too has not ■ I Rev. 31. P. Craig 1ecatio on Nit see. AT A GOOD OLD AGE changed front the good old philosopher he for a fotir weeks' vacation. si F is. The son whore yr,u all know laughs $ vi„ s will be held in the church during the same old hearty laugh. He laughs im his &mere•. Mrs. enlist will Tellers- Wm. W. Sutherland Says Use Dodds with nature and nature showers her 01 ' pauv hit. Kidney Fill!. I blessings on him an the shape of golden I 11 ■ M • • N f6 - s8 dm to6pm .1attirdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.ours u ustnes • ■ On Wednesday (during July and August) the store closes at 1 o'clock p. N. 1♦ NI I( ■ 1 X■■ The Month of August is the Month for Knitted Goods and for Knitting i .With the approach of early fall, and cool evenings now is • tit- time to do your knitting while on your vacation,. 1 The treasurer of the Soldiers' Memorial Fund acknowledges with thanks the re• ceipt of f1S, per Mrs. Hamilton. from the Women's War Auxiliary of Leeburn. and $154.36 from the G. W. V. A.. proceeds of the tag day on July Itrth. You Can't Beat Our Picture Framing either in. price orworkmanship. Compare our prices with the city Art Storesyou will find chem much cheaper Examine the workmanshipyou will find us second to none. I We have the largest assort- ment of up -to date mouldings In his part of the country. Our shipment of imported mouldings in all the new style> and finishes is lust in. Bring your pictures in and be convinced. l Mr. 1d. I►hhrr is D,tsr 11uochig this wheat and silvery oats. 1 am goingback week to his house vacated by Sir. Tum Otter Lake. (Jur., July %!S (Special)•- Tomorrow morning Elliott. Seventy -lour years of age, but still tar to the city to eke out another week's 111 Miss 11.•i►r Still:sr. of Clinton. is the from an tad man William W. Sutherland, wages by the constant toil at my desk. uff Itisltrr rl►1•ar day•s. a wen -known resident here, claims that I am gang back satisfied and coaten tptrat of Jean Messrs: Geo. Horne. John I'anap ell `atutl Wqs. carr attended rite 1'nited Itrniers' meeting lit Wluahaw ou Frisby of last week. Miss V. W lith. of..Toronto, is visiting her frietu.l. 31iss 1'eaui Mr- ' Kenzie. Mr. Thos. %visions is iwproJug lits laru. Mr. and Sin.. Ellis Walther.. and Jack. Mr.. W. 1:. Craoforal. Harold 111111 Helen tn,toriel up; Trow Toronto. tolnv nn 11 visit to their reIntives herr. Misses FInra 1hunti11 and Margaret McNabb are camping 11f Dort .\ihrrt with Capt. and Mrs. Allison. Thomas Culbert. 4th ettu9•s,lon of West Wawa moll. Is baring a leurn- raisit,g this afte•rotttti. It It quite an .vetit. aluut tt•venty-Itvr nen hying present. Mrs. 11►r. a rage Is visiting in GoM- rich with Mrs. H Morris. Mr. Hohn. moon. was 111 iA111100 on Slou,lay anal Tuesday of this week. Leaving ter I:oderfIL-Thr INotat of Mr. and Sirs. Tho-. Elliott was taken by snrpri a nue eveniug last week I Smith's Art Store' East St Phone 198 If in Trouble with a leak in your plumbing, call us and let us niend it. �,1nt put it off until it becomes so had that your place may be flooded. "A stitch in time saves Mite." FRED. !HUNT "THIL PLUMBV *" ►hent IIS Ma.atltswt atetest Plumbilag leers et.r'ugbing Heating Metal 'Work he owes his good health to Dodd's Kidney aatlsfed n� the p that I have sero II Pills all about mei and contented with my lei I was a sufferer from rheumatism. it ,otos pleasant week end. I shall be bats started Iron a curd and tor three years again. It I didn't come then all that 1 al >tiveryt lire: appeared'' to go wrong. I had have said here would be "Blarney.'' 111 ■ sh(fne+sof the p feats, my m.isc:es cramped be back' N W. F and my bac.. a.two badly. -My strep was broken. 1 had frequent 1'.►HLO\S'. headaches. and i often had heart ttuaer- W1.4.WsoAY, July 30. ings. 1 was always tired and nervous and EN often dizzy. Then came the rheumatism. Mr. Waiter F. Smith, of Toronto. spent ■ and convinced that my kidneys were tree the weekend at Col. emcees. cause 1 derided to try Dodds Kidney ili. Robert Wtls•.n,ol Hearst, is visiting , 1 three a l! parents. r. a 1 but i keeptookand Pills always in the house, and use them occasienelly to tone up my i.idney s." 6O1i)F.K1NH 't>W N$HFP. - -- • Taylr.rsCorner Ladies' Aid Society will ST. AU'GUSTINE. laid their regular meeting at the home of Theodor. July 21Nh. Mrs. O. Walters on August ti. at 2 o'clock. 311 1\'w. and Mlas May .\sew+trunR. Mrs. Vi Glenn Campbell and son Gose- of itnn..1rls, visited at Win. Thump. Ni. of Aylmer, also Srrgt. Douglas Gud• I win. of Weyburn. Sask , recently r turned from overseas. have been visiting their sister, Mrs. S. R. Mchlath--at. Hillside A meeting n( the temperance workers' nn tar in No. 1 division will be held in Union . es -Mei Iimker, of Lueknow. visited Al +.u'. last week. Sir. 111111 Mrs. 1'riali Thompson. Mr. anal Mrs. A. E. Johnston and Mr. J. A. Thompson motored to Exeter on Sat- urday. when Farm Holmesvtlle. Mrs.(' rad Decker and Master 111 HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12.00 to VN INN1PEG plus 1-2 cent per mile beyond \ngust 12th from all stations be. ,..en Lyn gull Toronto, Weston. i',tlgrave and North Iles. Including Peuetaoff Meatord and Midland. f►elot Harbor and intermediate stations. diiigusto 14th from Toronto and 3'1 stations west and south thereof in (Intarl0. For further ppa�rticular% apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or ('. E. Horning. INstrict 1'aseenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. (1. H. Lauder. Station Agent, phone 29 F. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone s church on Wednesday evening, August X tkth. to organize the division for the ' t M coming referendum. At the meeting he:d at Holmesville last Friday for the t u ere You Find' ! • town -10 Mr W. 11. Lee'o was a bagelth 1. LOU IOW) ahauMall still kubt. Udvtdaon vice-chairman: Mr. Jas. C dwell w: s , appointed chairman of No. 1 clivi+ion, with hl: s At. E. Sa.keld and Mrs. Geo.' )• PHONE 56 W. Andrews as vice-chairmen. Good Cheer (Ilii Picnic. -•A tdt•nlr Of What People Have Bel - was !..I at I:Inc.. s I'ulut be the lalr- Telling YOU About IJir. rich t4.liuyhip Good ,(Itis chile. 011 : : The Leading Mail Order Store W'relnewlsy evening of Ibis week, with Chase's Nerve Food. an attendants- of about sixty-. The Monarch Floss and Monarch Down com e in thirty beautiful rich shades Ask for the new Monarch Knit Book 25c each The far-famed Mouarch Wools, soft, serviceable yarns for knitting and crocheting;. Two Monarchs that still retain their titles and position, broad based upon the people's will - "Monarch Floss" and "Monarch Down"- - both supreme in thetr own sphere. Monarch Flo:., a 2 -ply yarn. is delightful to knit with and makes charitting slipovers. sweater coats, scarfs, boudoir jackets, baby jackets, etc. It comes in 1 -ounce balls per ball 3$c. Monarch Down is* 4 -ply yanyn for knitting sweater coats and other articles where a heavier yarn than Monarch Floss is desirable. Put up in 2 -ounce balls, per hall Ke. Y ■ • •M 1 M $ $ ■ N• IN $ • X $ ■ •• $ $ • ■ •■ • • • I• • I• NI • •■ • $ M ■ $ Baldwin's Beehive Knitting Wool These well-known Old Country y.irn. need no introduction to our customers. Our stock is again complete in all colors and shades. the Proot.41%; • Baldwin's 2 -ply Beehive Scotch Fingering, black and white, 20c per skein llaldwin's 3 -ply Beehive Scotch Fingering. black and white. 25c per skein Baldwin's 4 -ply Beehive Scotch Fingeriug, black, white and color.. 30e per skein NI Baldwin's Beehive Andalusian Wool. black and white, 3Se per skein Baldwin's Ivoriue Wool with silk thread. white, pink and !sky, 3h per skein Baldwin's Lady Betty Fleecy. in white.•3 c per skein Angora Wool in white, black and grey, $I.N per ball Magnificent stock of Monarch Knit,Peuman and Ballantyne's Pullovers and Sweater Coats in the seasdn's choicest styles. • Millar's Scotch Store elder featltre of the evening was t1 baseball ich Iwta•e•u the ith ltul lith con,•sion.1 111111 the and tread 4111 e1111•ew0i,i11ithe former team winslwt by li to a. Mr. Tel Johnston umpired After the game the way wile lel to 111,• Ireactl, whirr n nttnnlw•r of race•. wen• etrried out inti afterwards hutch1 's- srryel. .Meer enjoying a sylrudil evening Thr gnthering ilislwot•.e•4 tens after the last watch had wounded. tf' R. Tait Electrical Contractor . Wiring of all kirk(' le up-to-date for Telephones. Burglar Alarms. Pollee Patrol and Fin' Alarm Systems. Private Residences and Business Places -a specialty. All Week C3narwnteed., Electric Irons. Toasters. Orilla. Fans, Vacuum Cleaners• Washing Machines, Flashlights a n d Batteries of all kinds always on hand. Ring rep 42 or 193 and have us give yon an ettimete ou your wiring. It will 11e done right. Robt. Tait Wear Street Nest Paunffees P1 -.,nes Sh-p (1. Hone III NILE T; .WEDNESDAY, July 30. Miss Della McCann. of Godetich, *pent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J McCann. Miss Olive McNee. of .Goferich. visited friends here during the week. Miss Minnie Curry; a former Nile resident. who has been engaged in deaconess work in the First Methodist • church. Moosejaw, Sask., has been given leave of absence from her work there, , and will make her home with her mother. Mrs. Geerge Curry, K. We welcome her to our midst. - Messrs. Clifford McNee and Herbert Newton have returned to our midst from overseas. On Wednesday evening a reception was tendered tt.em and to Miss 1 MinnielCurry in Nile church. which was decorated with flags and hunting. A short program was rendered, and an en- joyable so coal tame was spent. The young men who went overseas from Nile sand its vicinity have now all returned home. A number from here attended Chautau- qua in (;oderich last week. The quarterly servace of the Nile cir- cuit will to held at the Metho list church here Sunday. August 3rd, at 10.30 a. m. The Sunday school session will be one half-hour later there the r. gular time, be- ginning at 3 p. m. it being the first Sunday of the month. the collection will be for missions. Rev. J. W. Hiwy. the store will he present and will deliver a temperance address. All are cordially invited tote present. temperance V. H. Peardon, architect, who hat an office in the C. P. R. Klock. West street. reports bassinet's good in his line. quite a number 01 building orinectt being under way. There can be no question that everybody is in in need of some re storative treatment at this season of the year. Particularly if your blood has a tendency to be thin and watery. the changing season is most trying on you and you suffer from tired feel- ings. hack of energy. failure of the digestive system and general de- prsssion of the feelings. 1f you could Only resume wrest a complete change you would ex- perience with the use of a few boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food you would not be meg in making a trial of this treatment. The beat proof we can offer you is in such letters as the following. . There is no reason In this' world why you would not obtain lust a■ much benefit from the use of Dr. Chase's Nene Food as has the writer of this latter If your system 1s in a similar condi' fon. Mrs. M. A. Cooling, t1 tltansey street, Kingston, Ont.. writes: "For slumber of years i suffered from a run-down condition of the sys- tem. due to overworit. 1 could not Edney and was restless and worried. I had paifl■ through my beck. bus- ing In the ears and twitching of nal nerv.ut and meselea. 1 had indiges- tion and way appetite became poor. 1 would gut drown after eating and frequently suffered from great weeknes. 147 circulation wag poor. ay hands and feet always erste and easy heart action weak. 1 consulted dotter., but they eould do 'loathe" for me. Whilst In this condition I deeded upon a trial of Ile. Causes Nerve Food. After taking meat boas. of this medicine r am relieved Of alt the symptoms from which t Suffered before. and In tnwwwl f Mel like • new gems& t ra.eel tat 1M very ersette tali es f took Dv. Chasse'. RNn.y-hoer P1111 in eon - section with the Nerve Food and am rnmpktaty rter.A of that trowel* it remains for yniI t. tort Dr. Chaim' t Nerve Pond 111 tier owe ewe Tote snit then uederstuad the oothuaaLsm of others few this great PHONE Si blends in this vicinity last week. Nese. Mr. ural Mrs. Noy I •, alumbus of 11111101.. Mr. and Mrs. %Vette Rich - galleon. of Toronto, and Mr. Jntwph Itlehnnl..m. of W,kwHhw•k. spent the week -enol with friends here. TO ♦t'IthRN. WEDNESDAY, July 30. Pte. Roy Medd arrived home on Mon- day night from overseas. We welcome him home again. Mrs. Hannah, of Toronto. spent the week -end with her mother. Mrs. William Jackson. Mrs. William Jackson it visiting her daughter at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mogh, of Tavistock, ted the lattet's mother, Mrs, E. Yungblut. over the seek -end. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Yunirblut, of Tavistock. spent Sunda'. with the former's sister. Mrs. Jacob Wagner. The executors of the estate of the late M. l.nckhart are having an auctirm sale of farm and household effects on Satur- day, to wind up the estate. Mrs. Patterson. of Toronto, is visiting her sister. Mrs. B. C. Weir. Dir H. H. Hill is. rushing hit building along to completion. Mrs. Hawkins, of Toronto. is visit'nl her ester, Mrs. James Carter. Frank Carter has started threshing again. The wheat is turning out welL London. They will be missed by all, as they were a lively bunch. We are glad to report quite favorably upon the condition of Mr. E. V. Lawson, who had his arm and hand hurt recently. Rev. Mr. Hedley and family are sum- mer campers at the lake. LEEBURN. Tueso'Y. July 29. Mila,et Laura and Lillian Lautenslayer, of Toronto, are horde for their vacation. Misr ina Williams is Nome for the aimrwer months. Miss Ycungaton. of Toronto, Is visiting w•tth.her friend, Mies Jean Cl at t(o Miss Anna Stewart. of /Ward, is visiting under the parental (Stan The Presbyterian congregation of Car- e.storWvw trwrentewt. iS roots a Mw held their annual picnic at Point tea. t Mr II.7s. all dealers. er lag- Farm on'Ssturdav_ manweo. Bates & Oe, Lana, , The Boy `coots who were ramping at Toronto. the Mint Farm left on `tato ay for -L SUMMER SALE OF MILLINERY 1 A few pretty models of ex- ceptional val- ue to clear at greatly re- duced prices. Children's Hats Half Price Miss M. R. MacVicar r McEwen's SPECI ALS .-141- Boys'. -141 Boys' Caps, new supply to hand Boys' Overalls, fiitc to $1.2.5 Boys' Jerseys, white. navy and red Boys' Braces, lFic up A few peicea of curtain niaterial, to cleat from 2.1c a yard un A nice line of Bath Towels at right prices We stock the Crompton Corsets, all sizes a n d different styles Lime Juice, Grape Juice, Rasp. Vinegar. Lemon and Orangeade in bottles, also Lemonade and Orangeade Powder. Just right for drinks in the hot weather Try sonic of our Aroma Brand Tea. With ten ilia. you get a Teapot FREE Mint Tea in stock.Voa will find a soon in each package J. J. McEwen License No. 8-71443