HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-31, Page 2.' rT1sitIs *""--M .' -corm•.^ !'I ��1R4,a1"-ere Itree"•e noglesstsse W It 's. is -al i • 11 2 Thursday. July 31, n119. THE . BIGNAL GODldx.If7H, ONT. the progressives in the riding. or would 11 I poll as large a vote as a candidate placed i,.v in the field by a party less restricted in its �'K>4i membership than the U. F. O. There ate two towns in North Huron with a fairly r'ili SIGNAL PRINTING CU., LTD. large vote, and it could hardly be expected `Pparaaeaae that the townspeople would give any large s_ -- - degree of support to the candidate of an organization in which they are allowed no part. How much support would the farmers give to a candidate brought out, say, by the Board of Trade of Goderich or Next week several hundred ptatform• Wingham? To secure the largest potsible makers will journey to Ottawa and putsupport (and in. an election votes are together the planks upon which the Lib- I what count). should nut the candidate be eral party of Canada is to stand at (selected by a convention repo ting the nest election. Doubtless it will tel both rural and urban voters? Ther when finished a widespreading affair. Itownspeople who sympathize strongly dealing with many subjects of more orwith the farmers' movement in s present less national importance. but it will be I uaspects, and it would be only fair that judged in the popular estimation by a l they should receive consideration in the hal(-dozen or so planks which will be the matter of the choice of their represen. outstanding features of the structure. ' tative at the polls. Everybody is entitled to his own opinions of what a political platform should be. and The Signal believes that a g»d one could be built around the fol- lowing fundamental propositions: l A radical curtailment of the public ex- penditure. Gradual reduction of the customs tariff. • Greater recourse to taxation of incomes and of land values for the raising of revenues. A fair franchise act. 1 I The abolition of party patronage. One of the stumbling -blocks in the way of the convention will be the subject o(j the nationalization. or public ownership. of , railway's. The Signal believes that Canada i has gone far enough in this direction for the present. It will take some time to I digest the Canadian Northern, and until that is satisfactorily done an atttempt to swallow the Grand Trunk would be at- tended with danger. If the Grand Trunk is left severely to itseh tor a few years, and is given definitely to understand that it can neither sell out to the Govern- ment nor shake loose any grants from the pubic treasuy. there may be some inter- esting and, enlightening developments. There is`a good dial of misgiving in the pubic mind as to the terms under ahich the Canadian Northern and its vast obligations were assumed by the Govern- ment: the people should know what they are doing when the time comes to take over the Grand Trunk. Tbnrsday, July 31. 11t11t. A PLATFORM FOR CANADA. EDITORIAL NOTEB. The circus s corning. One of our cblinty exchanges states , that Mrs. So and -So is "enjoying very par health." She m - t be a cheerful sort of body. WH.tT OTHERS SAV. Would Like to Forget It. Toronto (lobe. The Ottawa Journal says there was never any cry in the 1911 elections like "No truck or trade with the Yankees " In the interests of htstorical accuracy it is wnrth while stating that the cry "tie truck or trade with the Yankees" was let loose by a Conservative orator at a meeting addressed by Sir Robert Borden. There was no rebuke for the maker of the fusions phrase. Tbs Need of the Times. F.mdy He. old and weekly ,tar If ever there was a time when the old gospel of retrenchment and reform was needed, it is now. When the war began the public debt was $336.000.000. It is now nearly $2.000,1X10.000. But a multi- tude of people in all classes seem to think we can best meet the situation by huge new expenditures. restrictions upon in- dustry and reduced production Provo cation rl class warfare is criminal folly. "Save and produce" is even more neces' sary now than before peace was declared. While millions in Europe are starving and unclad we must divide. our supplies with them and divisi n means scarcity and higher prices. Just as this continent helped to lave the Old World from desp ttsm. it must help to save it from starvation and chaos. One result will be ' to create for Canadian pr tducers and manufa_tniers p, rmanent oversea markets of very great advantage to the Canadian people in the future. Yes. the way out of the bog is by living the simple. hard- working life. by producing and saving. Thia sort of thing must become fashion- able. It must become a habit. .Unneces' sary• duplications of middlemen and re• j tellers. which aggravate the burdens of ' 'the preset conditions. will hav• to be cut dwn. Closer connection between the producer and consumer is hie/S....- desirable. igh:_:desirable. ti i will then close the door. and when it X shad be opened agate the lady a til have The "Quality" r Character o disappeared. leaving no trace." this brand has an Tnere was an Impressive silence until a little. undersized man to the second roes turned to an enormous woman. who sat International Reputation. -1 by him. and breathed eagerly "Maria. dear, wont you oblige the ATrial . c 9569 will bring speedy conviction F. �. PR111HAM V1 RiTES. Enjoying Hl. Western Trip sod See- ing Old Friends', Mr. 1'. J. ['radium'. who is in the West with Mrs. I'ridh:uu on n ho11.1ay trip. seise the (181110M lug not.• to the editor of the Signal: My Dear Robertson. -After a beauti- ful sail on the lake from Sarnia to Port Arthur. we took the train for Calgary. where we arrived Sunday morning. A, the country was at its best. it simply was some sight. especially to one that had not seen the like before. and, to add more interest to our trip. when we arrived at Winnipeg at ;?.30 Saturday morning the peace celebration was in full swine. and in every town and village on the way up a celebration was on, making it a most memorable day. Atter a rest up at Calgary 1 got busy on the telephone and called up a number of old friends and it wasn't long :before we had a number of callers. including Mr. Fred Davis and "lack" Rumball. and of course all old Goderich friends were inquired after. I have already seen A snake measuting ov eight feet in length was captured near • rand Bend by a party from Exeter. Visit • to "the Bend" need not be 'alarmed. • wever: this was forty years ago. The • xeter 1 imes having resurrected the new ern from its files of the year 1.479. Alam Studholme, M. P. P. for East Hami'ton. whose death is arnour,ced, was an interesting figure in the Legisia• tore. in which he sat for thirteen years He w'a- the sole Labor representative in the Provincial House and he made his presence felt. his earnestness and sincerity being unquestioned. Provincial general elections were held in Prince Edward island last week and resulted in a sweeping victory for the L'berals, who were formerly in op• position. Of thirty seats in the House the Liberals now hold twenty-five. On• tario is non the only Province in the Dominion in which there t 'a Conserva- tive Government. It is evident from the vote that the large majority of returned soldiers went against the former Govern- ment.. I tetter off today. 1f this suggestion were argued nut with the farmers you would Addressing the West Bruce Liberal I figetnd to;etmer ththereae bsonet' abele.a'' The sooner we h convention at Kincardine last Friday, Mr.l Manufacturers who feel that tariff re. H. H. Dewart declared that Mr. Rowell', vision should be distinctly downward had schemed in 1917 to succeed Sir Wil- have little influence in the councils yf the frid Laurier as the Dominion Liberal association. The tory•twoend•a-half- percent. men appear to be safely in the leader. and when the scheme failed he saddle. Their influence at Ottawa is had attempted to take the Liberal party great. it was believei early in the re - of Ontario with him into the Unionist !cent session that the "war surtax." which camp. and for the last two years he had adds materially to the tariff taxes. would to removed entirely upon the conclusion been backing Mr. Hearst rather -than the of peace. When Sir Thomas White Liberals of Ontario. Mr. Dewart also took brought down the budget it was found occasion to say that there was no found- that the total remission of taxes was ation for the charge that he was opposed ; Stout seventeen m*Ilicns, whereas the war surtax yielded about forty -Ave til. I to the policy of the Ontario Liberal party I lion dollars in the fiscal year that ended On prohibition. ' in March. 191'. the last for which de• 1 1 tailed information is available. During 1 the current year. therefore. tariff taxes . the Republicans in the United States' will still yield about thirty per cent. Congress are taking steps to repeal the more than they did on a like volume and reciprocity measure o f 1911. which on the value of imports in the year befnrr the LOW TARIFF MANUFACTURERS most of the city. which is beautifully dean and the streets well watered -not like Nelson street. Goderich. The Mayor lo'd me before I left they here going to have bone put on it as an experiment and have the people all "pickled.'' It's pretty tough to be away if any thing like that takes place. 1 am wrttmg now at "Farm Goderich." Mr. Fred Davis' farm at lrricana. a short distance from C dgary, where 1 am spend- ing a couple of days, and believe me tt it isn't some farm. 1 have been taking relay trips to try and get around it. 1 expect to go to Edmonton on Friday. and next week will go to Banff and Lake Louise ton the mountainl. Your name has been quit: frequently mentioned by people 1 have met and a ho wished to be remembered to you. Hoping the sun is still shining on you all. 1 remain. Yours truly. F. J. PRiOIIAM Would Shaf "Now, lad*/s and gentlemen." said the . conjurer witif a wave of the hand. "this is the magic cabinet. I invite any lady in the'audience to enter this cabinet. I gentleman:'" Rival Noises. The old pensioner who blew the bel- lows for the organ had a most exasperat- ing failing. says The Detroit Free Press. In spite of frequent admonitions. he• would continue blowing alter the music had •stopped. thereby producing must un.lestrabte sounds. One day the organist could stand it no longer. The congregat.on had been set tittering by the old man's forgetfulness, and during the set mon the organtst seized the opportunity to write him a note on the matter and handed it t., a choir bay to deliver. Misunderstanding the whispered derec• tions the lad handed the note straight up to the vicar. who astourdedly read the following: I "Well you stop when I tell you to? People come here to listen to my music. not to your horrible noise." Valuable Dog. "Look here. sir," said Johnstun'e neighbor, Jones, "that d•.‘ of yours ltaa None and bitten nay mother -in. law. -Good hefts—peon'sa*d Johnston. -I'm very grieved to hear that. lie t have broken his muzzle. 1 holo it won't taw serious, and that it won't bring MO into trouble 1—" "Trouble!" interrupted Jour*. "Illy i gt.al fellow not at all! Why, 1 name along Ga see if ei.0 wouldn t like t0 sell me the animal! "My 'usb(tmt ain't Iwen arre.ted for nigh on twenty year.." "Really." .aitf the ''e out. "Well. , chine's 111 fur life, t•111... Fran The Toronto Gybe. An exception is Mr. John Muir of the' Goold. Shapley & Muir Company of • Brantford. a sturdy Canadian Scot who has never bowed the knee to Baal. l• is refr shing to find in The Financial Post an interview with Mr. Muir. in which he I says that much of the friction between' the manufacturers and the farmers over I tariff issues has been brought about by manufacturers crying for a degree of otection they never should have had. "Let me remind you of some history." said Mr. Muir. "At the time of Con- federation there was a general tariff of 12,2 per cent.. with a deficit in revenue. When Mackenzie came into power he found it 15 per cent . and he raised it to 17' l per cent. as a revenue tariff. Tup- per said ttltit was the thin end of the , wedge of protection. There was still a deficit under tne tariff, and a motion was tntr(xluced to inquire into the advisabil• its of raising it. Mackenzie objected to this. Then Sir John *prang the National Policy. and we had the sdoctrine of pro- tection . Agricultural iftplements were raised from 1734 per cent. 35 per cent. • ' In lase there were twenty our estab• ushments making hinders in Ontario. Everyone went into the bust s and killed it. I believe in a revenue tariff, and if in producing it-t[ie- nnanufacturer Incidentally gets protection, all'right. .it is not right to say to a manufacturer; j'We will protect you.' 1f we had never had a high protective tariff _we should be part of Canada was rejected in the elec• tem of that year. The Signal always held tbat the manufacturers at Canada were ehortaighted in opposing that measure, predicting that as defeat would give rise to a movement against high protection war. it is the knowledge that protection has been materially increased on the pretext that the revenue requirFments of the country must be met which embitters the relations between the high -tariff group of manufacturers and the consutn. mg masses in town and country. The people are more and more taking which ao,pld go a good deal farther than the attitude of Mr. Muir, that the prtn- the reciprocity agreement. 'This view cipat business of a tariff on imported 1 et -ems ort be justified by the rise of the goods is to raise revenue, not to provide protect , and that the most the manufac- turers' hope to get out of the process without unending strife is the incidental protection that a revenue tariff necessarily provides. free trade party in the West and the goofing demands of the united farmers of the East kik freedom from tariff burdens. The United Farmers are quite within their rights in nominating candidates for Parliament in any constituency M winch they may wish to do so; but in • stilt. as in all older things. circumstancesptfld govern action. It may he Matte tinned wheftei 'ii r: IP. A. candidate 10 North Huron would pull the full vote of pr. 1 Da not setter lander de tit Itching. Rifted.. ing. or Prot -rod - Ing Piles. Ne surgical opsn sties required. ('hosts ointment will relieve yen et noes r44M certainly one, sow Bak a pox' nr Film.nare. elates a Q, ural Wpomp'. rex free If yew mentMa eal osslsm as Kamp 10 IMV Woe& Co -Operative Live Stock Marketing TO get better and quicker results from any Industry or calling It Is generally necessary to have some pit/real or internal stimulation. No matter bow favorable the soil and how high the quality of the seed. the plant does not reach Its best possible growth unless care has been given to the rultivatlon of the soil. It was with this principle in mind .hat the Government of Qaskatrhewan five years ago established a branch of its department of agriculture to foster among the farmer, of the province the Idea of co-operative marketing of their products. Natural conditions in the province have always been favorable to the de'. elopment of bal- anced farming. but the stimulation g1ven to the farmers In providing markets by means of ro-o;terative or- ganization in the sale of their Pro- ducts has been responsible for the development of many phases of farm- ing which were hitherto. compara- tively speaking. almost negligible_ Delryi•g. sheep -raising and bort pro- duction have all grown to a point of considerable importance In a provloce which has earned its reputation for grain growing, and the end is not yet reached, tho.gh the yearly revenue from the farther Is gPadiially catch - Ing up to the latter. One of the first steps undertaken by this branch of the Provincial Oov- ernment was the organization of • (-co- operative ooperative system of Ilve stock market- ing, which would eliminate all need- less middlemen. and secure for both the smaller and the larger producers the beoenta of competitive bidding obtainable on central markets A ,bulletin explaining these benefits to farmers was compiled In 1914. and sent to farmers In the province. As a result nine cooperative stork mar- keting aesoristtons were formed the fdtlowtng year. During the first year thirty ears of stock which realized $42.034.00 were handled by these associations. BY 1010 the number of associations lied grown to fifty. which handled seven hundred and fifty cars of stock of a value of $4.432,U50. Thio does not show tbw who growth of the move- menl, however, or Its success In- t A socia Children's Gingham Dresses A splendid lot of plaid, check and plain, nicely trimmed dresses for girls, just received. Sizes 2 to 12 years. They are extra value and range in prices 59C to $3.00 each. Ladies' Dresses Dresses of Satin Duchesse, Poplins, Taffetas and Crepe -de -Chines, beautifully made and of splendid materials, showing in style tht latest summer ideas. Many bead -trimmed. Georg- ette and figured combinations. Sizes 34 to 44. Prices ranging from $17.00 to $35.00. Coats About twenty Summer Coats in Serges, Silks, and Cheviots, some beautifully silk -Tined, some with latest Dolman sleeves. Values $22.00 to $45.00. Reduced prices ranging now, $15.00 to $25.00. Dress Silks 36 -inch Black Satin Duchesse. $2.50, for $2.00 36 -inch Black guaranteed Taffeta Silk, $3.00. for $2.50. 36 -inch colored Silk Poplins. best quality in every color, per yard, 51.5o and $1.75. • \\'e offer all the hest lilies of Gossard Corsets The original unequalled front -lacing corset. Styles 4 for every figure. Prices range $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5 oo and up, *. ACHESON & SON x )♦1111♦%%)♦l♦�l♦NNI1t ma T▪ he Singer Store aLadies' and Child- a ▪ rens Underwear a LO The New Collars 1 a ▪ •a with pleated effects it just in R ▪ Stamped Goods X of all kinds for ladies' X ■ fancywork ■ (1) Cattle in the Vermillion District, BuAkatchewan. (2) Appraising the pork guppy. (8) Group of sheep in feeding experiment after being sheared. aasoeiation. In the province have realised by farmers who have will regular neekty shipping days Others; their stock through these oo-operative ei ship only onee every two weeks. aemoatione. This Is equal to about diced the Orals rowers a Several associations ship more fro $200 a car. On this twits the saying tion. the largest perative assoet- quently at one sesame of the year effected last year would amount tot &tine In the province. to take up the than they do at other times. $410.000, handling of stock. and'tbe eonslder- When stock Is delivered. tote aril The government renders assdstanee able numbers handled by hie asaoetmawere first weighed. Hogs ars In the formation of these assectattene anon through 11. locale 1 all parts;usuallygraded according to weight by providing each new assorlattoa, of the province sre not tneluded ie I aad quality. Cattle and sheep &eel free of coat. with • set of receipt the figures quoted. I usually branded, so that each term- and .Taunt forms. sufficient to record Little or no capital Is required In' ens animals may he properly Monti- all Its transactions for the how year.erst the the formation of t hese armlet fled. The farmer receives • receipt A bulletin explaining Though some of the associations I •peclfying the number and kind of arrounta should be kept. 1s also fur - the beatnning find It neceesary to ntmals delivered. and showing the nished. When the first consignment obtain a loan from the local bunk tel grade or brand assigned to his stork - 1s ready, an experienced mats Is seat pay advanrea on stock, the prartiee, The animals are then loaded. shin by fbs government to assist the mal• 1a generally discontinued. as they b.-' ped to market. and sold through nee • ager of the assoelation in t.cvetvtag, coof rns firmly In at district get together o n r of the Heft recetpt ofork the proceeds.1 thefiman- warding the grading. stork.l ThI. and n wIl Ill and form an •ssoei&tlon, which Is fn- agar prepares individual accounts also accompany the manager to the enrpor•te.1 tinder an art of the pro showing the. amouet realised nu the central market to aid himIn the d1.- viers. called the Agricultural Asea sale of the animals of the va-iousI pots) of his stock If desired. Through .fatten■ Ant. Rath organization Is shippers and the expanses Isrurred,l this aaalstane• many asaocl•tlons required to submit. a statement •nnu- and Mille n check for the net amount I have been encouraged to undertake any to the gnvernmeet, showing the , to each shipper I tbm work. and having owe started 11 asuennt of hosiers* t fwd dorms Prnvi ton against Iola In transit Win very seldom that the nndertakiati the previous calendar year This' made by many associations by DWI is abandoned. atatwmwnt to show the progress, formation of issuraate Node. ship-! There is no doubt that these .s.ort• a portion ane elyptgovernum IntIto keep is ekee41 es dits' proceeds. ng s t of thegsste of theirnstock prtneprrty of • mesas he • of farmer Not en ttwneadteae and protect the lnteres'ta generally •beet twe or threw events • does he got higher prices for every u4 the sa•rehnldwn hundred pounds. for thl• purpose shipment he makes. hnt this hut sod la the marketing of stock alt the Other asaoct•tlens prefer to insure the cowv.nleaee of the market ergo aseod•ttmia employ a somewhat atml their shlnments with local Inenrancs ameottrag.e him to Increasers his 11en lar method A mataeer is appointed companies aleck hal/lame The enemies of ofe erten,. duty 1t 1. to look after •II the Ones th• farmer wenn. any gnarl- I eetstrelatlen Alen ,newnrages others to dstalls Its 1s nonan, rww(unerated bet benefit from the market of stork follow Its eeemplw As f.rm..ag N at • let rate per hundred on the num le this m•atser' Te gnawer this, the neenpatlnn of by far the largest bwr of ,tock sold. or Ye may rarer/a ewestlnn. the Rssk•trhewan (lover*. i portion at the 1nawMteats of the pro •'naalsdae on the proceed• of mach meat sent each aasoelatl.n market. else. 11 1s ant Mile -lilt to see hew dale. races% shipping days are oar . Ing stork in 1017 • queetlneaire. a greatly the province a, a whole boos. Elv.ry week or even hsenth. rid the s•amm•ry of the readies le which fits from tilts aevea.nt. wbteh is aim's** a wet ger. ►elaMg til, farmer to obtain an for .� Meekiterdfl ea them my. )lany Inmat of ere at a MMissed n pesos hail kiss i sed of e�ibere deliver their .took at the shows that oa ssr ue from 1115 land. a •• ■ a MISS S. NOBLE ■ Ear't side Square ■ • - l� 1111111111111111111111111111111 Hard Wood ANi) — Light. Wood From $2.00 to $6.00 per cord T)elivered to an v part of the town. Also a quantity of KINDLING WOOD Phone 165 Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich Building, Contracting and General Carpenter Work The undersigned are prepared b' take contracts and execute order. for any work in the above line. Having had years of experience, they can suture the public of fir.t-clan.s dependable work. All order, will receive prompt attention. t: HO. tt'ESTRINN)K, Trafalgar Street M. HOW LEN, • Napier Street. MODEL BOOT and SHOE REPAIR DEPOT Orders .ol1(.1ted to .r all kinds of Footwear Repairs li«sl work and reasonahle pricrw Sala Ward & Son Hamilton street (stand formerly occupied by the late Thos. Hall ► SHOES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Style and quality—these two predominating essentials to good footwear are most pro- nounced in our Oxfords and Pumps for these seasons. It has ever been the policy of this store to embody these essentials to the utmost degree, consistent with price, and so strictly and successfully has this policy been adhered to that the footwear we are now showing represents the true essence of good value. Tennis, Outing lad Bowling Shoes are Dow in stock. —REPAIRING— Geo. MacVicar North tide Square, Oodetich