HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-31, Page 1•*vv.- hr .w ew .._.__ .....+..annulseeseasewiageaareasseagaa.. itrik4 ' w of your property, t for ydnr bonne, y an article, procure , Or find a situation, the lit( and best way is to NOS small ani. in THE SIGNAL f. T YEAR -No 3774 for the remainder of the pres- ent year tfive months) for GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JULY 31, 1919 SIXTY CENTS THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.'Lll(,ITED, Pt too Hai ThE STERLING BANK Z OF CANADA I r, t "/ (..:OUR MANAGER" A better under. 074%4 financial conditions affecting n will result in m*Br,,,,* ;'•table production. • 'cial dy The conBditions. rarHe .444m ' deer has viiaeeyoupcon- �rnang any money matters. �► Call and see him, especially if you contemplate farm- ilftij on a more extensive scale. CEMENT «. Three cars arrived this week, fresh from mill. Prices right. THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. JAS. BUCHANAN, 47 Manager • 44sow AUCTION SALES. RS' SALE OF A 20,'ACRE CHATTF.Ls. HOUSEHOLD FUR- L) EFFECTS. ♦Gundry. auttaneer. has Man ill - the caecytors of the estate of the late to sell by public miscues% at the Use .,Mage of Amhara. on RDAY. AUGUST old. 13111. ellaamencing at : o'clock sharp mewt.ne el 713 acre's. a practically and �mgiesetrols. It alt favorable terms w ch will be time of tale. note. I sideboard. 6 diningrOota char.. 2 tenches. 4 r'aetrMra ,senses table, 11011AuMe. T I cupboard.] moms desk. 1 se- nds, 2 bereave. 1 Singer teams bedsteads. 1 bedroom sone. 1 bed nn poles. 1 rug, roma mete. carpets. I clock. 1 -burner cadent stove. 1 ami 1 boiler. 1 washer. 1 washtub. and other artucks. One driving mare. 1e vy mare. 1 cutter. 1 top buggy, !rood rake. 2 sets rank harness. Accede -On chattel* and boo hold elects. THOS. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. 111110910P -- TENDERS WANTED. • tea-- IjlRS FOR THE FURNISHING J1i anal alenal and erection of a memorial MI r village of Londeaboro'. ,n the township of according to plans and specilkatiolr be seen at the clerk's ofhce ,n the ni- ce. w.. hensard unto August Vs Mat M 7.zo p. m., wh n ud tenders win M �sa�j Township Hall. Londesboro'. A 4■taaea easque for S per cent. of amount of r� Meme mpany setae. 3alwwWer any reader not necessarily accepted. JOHN OH ClFerk of HulDit. ' TOR SALE OR RENT. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Qee 3Mdted acres Colborne to1nshiq on =SIB IB Godench to Blytb, k.e miler Iron 10111 -rode Irom scrod, hall -mile (rota sahta three miles from McGawstataom; tad eta good clay loam: no waste land; sold WMa with good cellar. cement stables sir lege barn and shed:cement hog -pen under rales; two never -failing wells. one with pomp well fenced; los of fruit; municipal rural (nail delivery. A. W. WISE. R.R. 1 lel h. 0S -4t LE. -A RED BRiCK HOUSE, C. C Rgraders convenN, Gaoler.ences Apply f to -ACOM FORTABLE house. on Sl. David.* street., contain - and gid double ostler with cement Deo cement cisterns; also • garden with and warm henhouse. Convenient to G. T. R steno!. Apply to MRS. DER, St. David's street. 70.41 LOST OR FOUND. IN GODERICH. A SMALL b�r0000cch. Finder wdl dense less, at QFICE and receive reward. I1 -RAiGIE'S `' ASSURANCE AND EAL ESTATE ORY BONDS ght and sold. INSURANCE Life, Accident, tomobile and Plate Glass W. CRAIGIE R REGA TTA Wednesday, August 6th At the River Maitland under the auspices of the G.W.V.A. Prizes offered for events in CANOEING ROWING SWIMMING and for MOTOR LAUNCHES Program to commence at 2 o'clock All events open to all. Entries received up to hour of regatta. Transportation by launch provided from south pier to the Point, I Oc. Bring your tea and make a picnic on the beach. Dance at Menesetung Park in the evening Motor boat service from the Point to Menesetung Park will be provided. • • -a- mu,. Dr. R.B. Aylsworth Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 53 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone t11. PUBLIC NOTICE. , • PUBUC NOTICE. To the Citizens of the town of Goderich. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 61b. 1919. having been fixed by Bylaw No,. 21 of 1903 as CIVIC HOLIDAY, all citizens are requested to govern them. reaves accordingly. L. L KNOX. •E. R. WIGLE, Town Clerk. - Mayor. WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Farm and town property ensured. Fixed rate i of 70 cents per Ilia. As shown by Government bulletin, the. Company is one of the strongest ,n the Pro.mce. mamtun,ue r• adequate .urplu.' invented in Victory Bond. and Bank eecunues. Adjustment* promptly and satisfactorily at- tended to. Premiums can be paid to seems or to local Ranks. ALEX. NICHOLSON. T. G. ALLEN. I President Secretary. Dunganon. ents for Colborne and Goderich Townehips- ' CAPT. 1. HE rHERINGT N. R R. No. 1, Thep- t ',archon. and H. L. SALKELD, R. R. No. 2. ; Goderich. 1 .t. t• •1 D- R. F. J. R. FORST'ER. a� EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hnp,tal, aaartant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital andGolden Square Throat Hos- inta63 Waterloo St. S., Stretford. Telephone 257. At Bedford Hotel, Godrteh, Intim Wednes- day September 17, 7 p. m., to Thsrsday, lath, at i p. m. VW CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH TO EXTEND OCR heartfelt thanks toall the neighbors and 'friends who gave their kind assistance in our recent bereavement. and who by sending flowers and In other ways expressed thea sympathy ,n ourkna THE HILLIER FAMILY. WANTED. WANTED. -DRUG APPRENTICE. Apply CAMPBELL'S Drug Store, TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S.S. NO. ` 9, Colborne. Seamd-clem proleyiconal ur- tificate. Duties to commence 1st September' Apply to HORACE HORTON. Secretary -Treas- urer. Goderich R. R. 3. 711-t1 TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S.S. NO. 11 17, Athheld and West Wawawo.h Second• claps profeeeau�rr�trrral certificate; dont to commence hest Neptedtber Apply stator` salary and ex- perience to JAMES SPROUL, Smetart-Trea•. urer. Auburn. Ont. 3t1 ritEACHER WANTED. -PROTEST - l1 AN loerond-dan Rofe• ionel, forS S. No. Colborne. SalaryMis(i. D. F. SCHWANZ, Secretary, Clinton. R. R. No. 2 72-tf ANTED. -LIFE INSURANCE AGENT for Isrge Canadian romping for pert time r full time. Salary or conmtes,on. [xperience a oeceIry. Address N. A. !ITAl. OFFICE.73.44 mps SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Daring the audlmer mouths we will serve a special Sunday dinner from 1 to 2 o'clock a4 75 cents Hotel Baird EYE SPECIALIST of TORONTO will be at our DRUG STd'RE AUGUST 4th to 9th inclusive The Doctor is a skilled Ophthalmologist, a member of the staff of the Ophthalmic Doctor's In- stitute, of Toronto, and late lecturer at the Royal Col- lege of Science. He stands high in his profession and his visit here offers an unusual opportunity for consultation and correct diagnosis of all eye troubles, no matter of how long standing. Dr. Aylsworth uses the latest scientific method of Dynamic Retinoscopy, which is the moat accur- ate, and in which method "drops" are not used ; the patient does not suffer any inconvenience or discomfort during or aper the examination. This method is recognized by leading Eye Specialists of America and Europe as giving the most accurate diagnosis of the lens necessary to correct the individual trouble of each patient by uncovering many stomach and nervous disorders, headaches, sleeplessness, irritability, etc., caused by_ defective eyesight. The Doctor will also have a full range of samples of the latest mountings to choose from. Write, 'Phone or Call and Make Your Appointment Early AUGUST 4th to 9th Eo R0 WJULE Druggist Goderich, Ontario INQUEST ON H. WATSON. c'oroner's Jury %dvilws I:realer Itre- cautions In Line Work. Tltr funeral of the bur Harry Witt - stiff. who was killed by ele•trie• sheo•k oil \\',.I1N4N41ay of last Wiwi*, t,wk place 011 1ri,luy afternoon from bis home oW Warren street. lies'. J. F. tte)',•ra(t WKS the uttleb(tiu. clergyititin, and tile FARMERS' MASS MEETING. f CHI Kl'H NOTES. In Victoria street Methodist HURON FARMERS' CLUBS church ont Sunday morning there NORTH H will be the union Sunday school aro TAKE POLITICAL ACTION. and public service, followed by the sacramental service. In the evening the pastor's subject will be: "Howl much is Large Gathering at Wingham Ad- a man worth more trlan a sheep." dressed by President Halbert of the T he August quarterly meeting of North burial service of the Canadian linter ('. F. U. and local Speakers-l'oru- street Nfethudut (hunch well be held next of Foresters was erulurh,l at the mittee .%ppoinled to Look l p ('anti- Lord's Day. The fellowship service will grave. The palllienr•r. were Chris. .. be held in the school -room at 10 o'cloc•.- Johnston, F.d. Heid. (:,,n4,.• Mel Arid. dates. ' The communion of the Lord's Supper will Ruhr. oke, John '1'hotupsNl and Ed. --- -- be celebrated at 11. Mr. Weston, the Harney. I -y was. we•tiug of the Fanner newly• 04 the urg.nist, will have 'flee In• nest wits courludep at the! charge ul (he musical service. Peter - town hull on Monday evening. The Clubs ..t North Huron ions held op Mr. '1nd Mrs. Coo. H KIM, of Peter- t'ridat afternoon last in the iowu hall, ' tt'itne•+ws included \\'. It. Pinder. \1'Vu4,luuu, with a splr•did att,•udr,r., borough, concluded their three weeks' Frank Shannon Ulla W. ('lurk, who. \L \\'. I,. :(ruder'., of Exter, c4.u111) vis t with the North street Methodist con - were working with V r. Watson at I - . lifasrt's rir,uurr) (tiro the fatality dire•tor of the I tined Fanners of ;'negation on Sunday. hlr. King Reeving on (rotwio, octet as chairman, and Mr. Monday for a hew days at Detroit. end orurrwl: Mr. Hulot. Tait, expert J. Fairish. of Ashfield, HN sec retar3. Mrs. King and two children returning electrician. who was questioned as to It '.'. decided to form Uu +ns.o ill- to Prlrrtl rough on Tteesday. Mr. King s the nsnnl perceive ill, dolug such work tion, to lo• known a...Hi.• .North Huron services at the organ and Mrs. King's as that ill which Mr. Watson was ell- smcmK were greatly appreciated, and gage) : Engineer Kelly and others .v,u- Furweys' A+s,o•iatiu, and to under- title visit was a pleasant, renewal Of Old twete1 with the water anal light Bout- 1 take political action. The presidents their adorn. wbssiuu. awl Ole Messrs. Ilisoet. I uud stwri a 14..es of the tr s Farmers' Mr. Kelly stated that his r•{rrutep Clids in the :Wing were constituted i Ser at St. George's church, August h,Nr•uet4-ls to 1h•. Watson had been ilit, ev„'ut1(1• rouuuit1e,• for purps.e 3: 11 a. m.. Litany and Holy Commu• of orgautza,ll,44 and to call a Meeting mon; 7_p. m , shortened evensong. The to he rure(ul and take HO rha1H,•s, gild all HW eNil) date for the sets tion of a i morning service 01111 be a armorial. Whenever notified that dangerous work ,ltlulid,u••. \\'w. Rutherford, St. service for those members of the congreg- was tieing undertaken he had the cur1 - r•Iet rut tar. In this ra,.. Mr. Watson I ti''•us, was ..1".1.41president of Ihr lion who "gave list: tomorrow for our \ss'N'fuu tiu, uud V11431011 Proctor, of I today.- Wife 4.h this Job +111 day a04 It Wits only I' during the lust fifteen Minutes that he' Relgrutr, ss•re•tar)-nrasatvr. Adams. \ roll teas (11okfuK among the high-h•usioll retio 4 was taken up and au Samuel Bemimmbe. wires. and without any mr'.+,14,4• !rout wupdr s""3 W" raised•lit newt vers- I Conrad George Carey. I su.y. exp•us.•s, Charles NI. IN:mantle. Win there was no weans of knowing 'leis priuripcel +po•ukrr'. were \I r. Lionel Hyman Eliot. HT the pis chi 4,e when le lad ; :;(oaken, Messrs. J. N. Kerniglun uud Harry Ervine. reached this dnng,•ruus {stet of the , (i. I.. I.utul, of 4'oll...roe. and Mr. It. [1. Percy Fisher. work. •1LIIIN•rt, president of the United Frank James Foster. appears1appears from the evidence that F'arwrr. of uuhui„. JolteQh Glazier. the Hydro linemen regularly work -Tile ae11111C\' Is looking worn and Horace Morgan Cayley Hamilton. N,moue floe high-Ira'..Ii Wires 4cithi°t wore to the farmers for help, strength Ernest Kemp. having the ,m•r•,t cut ..R. Mr. \\'at - .411 N'u'. rruvbdel well, gloves. but It'! unit stat uiuu, w hail neither 4:overn- Maitland Perc vol cane. { merit our pu•tyisu, has ever given it.- Charles LPerc h l is rhooght his tcrIet ul.,ve the glut.• suit )1 r. sanders ill the opeuhng ad- Nlchee Dunn Morrison. linty have tome III contact with the y I•ru wiredress. "'Phis is la u {oditirrl meeting.meeting.Bruce \011e. c' w -W Attorney se•age•r „ell- I1'h,• 1'. F. II, is out 1e The organ- Alfred Osman. teat' and ally wall who seeks to Robert Palmer ducted the cto n"W' j 41.404, into it porlltkal plr4)•i'.w will M• • Charles Edward rein Verdictelff the Jury N'N'. that Mr. Watson "rano. to his death from cowPu.hroNu '1":',.00.11 the world was tart with it high-flos4ou wire ut the I»•tertuptl coufrIontel uu crisis rs (arm of Bisset Bros. in the township It fwrs today, and it i+ the ambition of l'011o,ner: that we believe his death„f the fanners of Calm lit to bring 1 about a leiter day than cru be brought WWI purely rrrldental' but we VOW i alarut Ly {ailitle,ll {wrty gocrrnweuL" aider Ih1,1 Illus• pre•Hl,tilllla should he taken hr lessen the danger In mru I Thr spe4,11, rich d.rlarel that the life ah••11 N4.ikheg lit stall work as the' of tire Idle rich today is nothing More de -e •:last was doing, Hud that the ru lute less than a grout Joy ride,' while giie•r should ser that his ill.tlrorti011S ut the other rut 4.f the Raw the Mau to .•wplovw•s wee carried ant.'. who hue+ to pi-Wincesothat the Whole _ world Way lire, it he employs a WAR, buds that ha culls tKr hours a day rind Special Optical Sale e.i'e•t' a full day's pay for it. 'Pies*. 1 ruudlllona' rsist devils. Il1.' fact 'bat of warranted high grade,gold-filled aim Sale. The .quiet of this very night may be disturbed by sudden sickness In homes'4 especially where there ate children rem- edies should be kept on hand for teady use. Green fruit, cucumbers and tither things are apt to cause sudden ills. Dr. ' Brown's Strawberry Co- will correct any unhealthy condition of stomach and bowels. It i, recommended for diarrhoea, dysentery. cholera morbus, etc. As 014 for children as adult-. Twenty.five cents a bottle. sold by E R. Vitale. druggist, Goderich. j mod spreeec'.es and ey',,rlasees, (!fled withe•a , it Inie,u r•11m.•thru et prwln,•rioa ty' t. Ibeel quality fiat spherr_al lenses. Regular 1' l per iraw. Kerultthua, of 1'011Nrrw, $5 va ue for only 12.5'). Eyes examined . declared that the farmer is attached ' free by our well known and painstaking • specialist. hir. Hugheon, formerly optical to the ...II a+ uo other e1r'.s is, ,old It expert for Kent's jenrellery store, Toronto. i. ro t11eu1 the country must look for The prices of all optical goods have ad- re•.n„n114 tiro. The manufacturers vanced so much you will do well to take suit 1111 idles'. 11.-y had i'rote•thin advantage of this very low offer and come M4.11111 ha". lit 1111""•4(l1, 11x1 111*' I 1 early. Three days only -Friday. Satur- 'let 4(11o.r '11141. N*N uo1 IN,und to the Iday and Monday. August lith, 9th and. Mud as the farmers are; sit it era,. 11th $KITH•, ART $TORI 74.•,1,( I ole (H liners that must helNrkel Morn i 1 lir ire cust.oners j yourself. " us the harklo,IN• of the evao,lry. The turners' urgaubatlnu writs not a selfish our nue•: it stood for the iurerteds of the i for ronuuou people of lona tow a and country. "lusted of pitching into the (;overliturnt," said NIP. herniation. .7•1 e• should do unr pa r1 wad Ire .•llreful 1 WI we choose u+ our represent- atives. In the pgtst wr hate shirked YII we could -u b,4 11tlrnrillly 1110 repre- sentatives have done the \Ir. (tar I.. Land., ..f lectionur, .b•- rllrel 11 essential that the people should take more interest in +efi+e4r+ or govt •W(. 1'uuadN was so deeplyin drht she ,colli Inter get .alt of i1. Hr quoted th.• spuenl.•ur of uu Awe•rieau financier that the i i.lted S00e4 %could love to help (luuebe or till. 'o0ut r)' would go to piree.. 11,' deplored the Indifference of the l'vple of Huron, W110 well*' silting by with fulled arms. President liilllo'1'3 +1113011 that (11e I'. F'. 14. hod groan frons nil .n'gauiz,uiou w1t11 :4741 tranche''. a conipu ati4elt short time ago to oMa• of mel- 114111 !ern dolled* lie (olid sp,'bll tribute to the N •u and nehamp•.I their interest lit the welllwh•g of the .ountry. The 1'. F. u. meas neither ,nit our Tor), and any 1'. i'. 1,, man %lit; IM,Yeltle a {.arty eundldute, either Grit or Tory, tto11111 be expelled front the urg,lnila- tion. The tariff. he said. would he an 1 Leone lit the ur',t 4lone iuiun ele•tiotit and farmers should 1.wk into the gees- , thin closely. The tariff lad not pt•o- t.+tel iudnalr), wed th,• lbnuiniou e.•u- ; 1111'. Na' diluted I.. show HMI there were fewer wanufrefnring eou'erW. cow than to the earls days. The speaker ' lle•IHrel it w -.s leo doe to pray nor goal Rnternwent wile.- they followed tip their prayers 44it11 their totes, l crentu is Just right -so say. Try it and Nle H. T. Edwards. Subsert{N' for The SigmiI HURON LODGE, NO. 62, I.O.O. F. Huron Lodge will hold de ANNU'AI, PICNIC at POINT FARM WEDNESDAY. AI'til'HT nth (('it•ic Holiday) Conveyances will leave Orldfcllew•s' Hall at 1 p. ni. \lembers are requested to come with their hasket5 and bring their friends. Visiting brethren cordially Invited to join in Ihia nnting. St. Peter's Church Garden Party will be held at Harbor Park on TUESDAY /19 AUGUST 5, Home-made candy. ict cream. fancy work, fish pond'. Music and Dahcingand otherentertainments for those who do not dance Afternoon and Evening. Tea served from 5 to 8. Admission Free Tea 35c 111 M Canton's Big Day. Clinton is to celebrate on Monday next. August 4th, with a firemen's, baseball and band tournament. Firemen and bands, bum many Western Ontario towns are expected to be on hand, and the Goderich. Zurich and Clinton teams will take part in the baseball tournament. The program begins in the morning at % o'clock istandard time) with a big parade: Zurich and Clinton will play baseball at 10 o'clock: the firemen's tournament and program of athletic events will be ,'t the afternoon: at 0 p. m. Goderich baseball team will play th- winners of the morning game. and afterwards there will be an evening program of music, dancing. etc. -Meet we at l4litek+tolr''. " they Ire sI)wlyln4. "where they hate the parr le 1.148{14." BORN, • Mc DON AI.I,.-In Grdenc h. on' wedneeday. July !J, to hlr. and Mr. Gordon McDonald. ■ son. IIIE11. H A Al 1 LTQN. _ Al Ran I• Creek. !WON , on July 17,'4,. L H. Ilamdtnn .I.Nmerly-MI.e Ella tither of G1NlenchInterment took place at the home of the derra.ed. Lansing, S1.ch. IN MEMORIAM. BARKFR. In losins memory of 1154, dear aM and brother. Lawrence Anthony Barker, oho mooed away on, year ago today -July k•'. 141• From our happy home and cNcte 4:rs1 -ha+ 11•ken one we loved, He a horn- from .,n and .onow To a ter( aboye. --Filth.. and ',.ter'.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --July 31. Page Tender,, Wanted . Jot Flneland. Clerk of Hui - lett - . 1 Three -Ring Clrcu• . . Brooch Lod - Leave at "lens' Office . 1:.-01e Men Wanted- C. N Railway• - . ... Drug ,Arprentue Wanted- -J. A. Campbell, C]v,a llohday F. R. Wigle•. Mayor Tnurnameni at Clinton .August 4th Card of Thank, - Thr Hine. Family. 1 Card- W. H. Peardnn, Archttect._.. ... r Regatta -4; W. V. A. .... k Garden Party -5I. Petr('sChurih . . 11Nnramt -WP.( Wawano.h Mutual Co 1 BANK OF -MONTREAL E.STA*L31RLD OVER iSS YEAR$ The Farmer and ' His Bank should be on intimate and friendly term: "They can. be mutually helpful. The Bank of Montreal is always glad to give to its customers, the benefit of its financial experience and knowledge. 44(40 Oee,cg,w A. W. Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. 1 •.i