HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1919-7-24, Page 7T3E SIGNAL
SOILED stockir gs wear out
soonest! LUX -washed
stockings last the longsst.
Its so simple and easy to wash
them in the quickly made, creamy
LUX lather. Do it without twist-
ing or rubbing. Do it in a very
few moments. Iron while damp
with a warm iron and the daintiest, sheerest
stockings look likenew -for LUX is so pure that
A will harm nothing that pure water may touch.
There is no substitute for LUX. Grocers and
departmental stores sell it.
Reeve booklet "The Care of Dainty
Clothes" mailed on request.
The Double Track Route
Is Iv
an l
1 nexcelied dining Sreseri, tee
Sleeping Aid. on night trains. an
parlor car• on pia 'pal day trawl
Full iafra'tAsn•n from an) (Iran
Trunk Ticket Agent. or ('. E. Hol n
tag. District P;tw•nuer Aaent. T
0. H. Lander:Station.A,;rnt. phos,
Agent Phone -
MISS I..tt'RA J:U'Fsd,\. ►nlpil •.0
Mr. F. T. Egeuer, Mw-. Bac., is pre
µ(,w1 to merit 4' pupIl' un the piano.
Pupils prepared for Tpronto ('wn-
uervatury examiiurtlo»s up to and in-
i-Isling iuternesliate. Jerre terms apply
to MISS LAURA JA(-K$(tN. Auburn.
Henry Rardieg, pf Gorrie, did July 14
in his eightieth year. '
Earl E. Denny. a war v►•eras. has been
1 tippointed post master of Fordwich.
I Mrs. Mary Beavers died at Crediton on
the 11th Inst: Three stns and one daugh-
'ter survive.
'1'htir�dn V. slot. .4. 1'.11!1. T
"Just e eV{
work any
more." The
faded, laded,
over - worked
woman, with
Wingham had a big peace celebration
on Saturday.
Announcement is made of the death of
Dr. Robert • Joan Sloan at Shanghai,
China. at the age of eighty-tdq years.
The deceased was one of the pioneer
residents of this section and at one time
Pal" bore or practised his profession in Lower Wing -
t her e , ham. He had been residing in China for
should a s k some )'ears. He was a brother of 1)r.
1117 seigbbor William Shan oaf Toronto and the late
Andrew Sloan of Blyth.
for advice.
Tea to. � *William J. Pattison. whose 'death, in
his eightieth year. occurred on the 9th.
she was inst.. was one of the old-time residents of
dragged this section. He was born in Ireland.
down by the but nearly sixty years ado his parents
Paine, �- settled on the 12th concession of East
menta of her Waw•am sh. Thirty years ago Mr.
Pattison came to Wingham ar.d engaged
sex, and was oxlmpletd7 cured by in the grocery and pr;vision business
Grand Bend is very popular again this chat temperaaoe rosin made from here. retlrma a few years ago. fir n
pros as a summer resort. and the li - wild bares and root. and known for 50 survived by his wife. two sons and four•
pnrvements recently made are much lip- years as Dr.Pierce's Favnnte Prescrip_ daughters.
prtria[ea• of back -
On Wedr esday evening. 9th inst.. at tine. When a woman nomplalm
rhe home of Mrs. Archibald Campbell. , dizziness or pain—when everything
1-t line of Morris. her eldest daughter. bow black be/um her eyes dragpng
d f Coulter.h
Mrs. W. F(. Pepper, of- Ashfield. left
last week on a visa to her former home in
Mays became the bride o George England.
fording or bearing -down, with
nervottr Lucknow celebrated peace day with a
of the same township. •nee°, She °hooka tun' to isle "temperance" i program of sports and music. and an
Levi Havens. of Wes W awanosh, died tonin known as Dr.l•ierce's Favo entertamment in the evening.
5 h sixty- tterbal
London on the 13th inst.
In it sex - . stained is \ A delivered on the Lucknow
seventh year Hek days by Elnest Blake
had been in poor rite Prescription. ft can
o pig
health for some months. A widow and almost every drug store in the hind and Market a few ago
several children survive. ` the ingredimta are printed in plain Eng- i of Ashfield brought the record price of
In her sixty-first year Mr.. Wuerth. Put up lo tablets or 1$129,20. The weight was t a ponds
widow of the late Gottlieb W'usn th, died •O° e wrapper. I Tnere was a good turnout at the picnic
olid. Dr. 1'ieroe, of Invalid 'Hotel, Buf• , for returned soldiers held at Pore Clark
at Crediton on July 11th, after an illness on July. '10th. The day was, q
of several months She was a native of talo, N. Y. will seed atriaf aaehsrl4omte. I este cool
Germany. but had lived in Canada since Tdxcrrro. err - • Dr r�r«'• Madtmn. b
she oras a young girl. bees • wandered ben, to me and 11eco"'
On Saturday. ►Lth inst. George E. w e °vi wt 'etre "lar °• boesred n 'ta
Agar and Miss Gertrude Isabel Robb. • r wt.o.r art sir+ ►
Y7 rnotL.r rAoutrrr etre <ouN serer rf.as sea
txlth of Morris towaship, were united i -r w, r or..,r,l.< i grew w•^• . doctors mid 1 would
marriage at the Belgrave mane by Rev. ears io bar. •a ...we 1 suffered at toes'
A. M. Boyle. They will make their home ennead snotty My "..thrY hoose °rein• r'••
at Wing ham. •traro,ste Prescription. and it finally cured tn•
•a all mr trouble After 1 married 1 used It
Three men were badly affected be sears My <MUM..." ars all health, and .trona
ammonia fumes in the cold storage plant 'tui. s aiksn. did wanders nor me. .. -.d me mer►
at the Kincardine pork factory One day weerma..nd 1 ear restos rensvm<nd .t w weak
last w.es. The rr ruble was caused by a �'°'"� or tdiea..u."g ' taindY —Mea w.
defec•lve pipe. One of the men was taken . Pols. us Tecumseh Street-
to the hospital: the ather two did not
suffer so severely.
.ecturrr, "tends to lessen the e'.durance. John Maw•brav, a firmer resident of East of ale and is survived by• two daughters a d
and this made the occasion—much lees
enjoyable than it would otherir\se have
The marriage is announced 'of Miss
Mary R. Culbert. second daughter of
James Culbert of Ashfield. to Charles
Grant, of Mondry. Sank., the wedding
ceremony taking place in All Saints'
church, ghaunavon. Sask.
Mrs. Wm. Harris. who had been ill in
the hospital at W'alkertn the last three
months, died there on the 14th inst. The
remains were brought to Lucknow for
ipterment in Kinkel cemetery. the funer-
al taking plan from the homaot Mr. and Xr
X --
"Sedentary work." said the college News has been received of the deatb'of Mrs. John MacLeod, parents t the de
sed. Besides her hutlba Mrs.
Harris leaves two small children.
"Itiother words." hutted in the smart Wawantsh, which occurred at Edmonton i The death occurred at Crystal City,
can stand.' his widow. ten sons and five daughters' a former weil•known resident of Exeter. Miss Taggart. of Ottawa. has been ap-
Exactly." retorted the lecturer "and survive. all residing in the West except' He was seventy-five years of age and had pointed teacher of moderns and history
if one hes a gra' deals one s standing In one son. Fred. who lives in Turnberry• I lived in the West about eighteen yeart. ' at the Seaforth Collegiate. .succeeding
lost completely." 1 The home of Mrs. Chas. Thom. near I Goldie Cochrane. who recent!} returned Miss Travers, rho resigned.
groundZetland was burned to the
leased C Bros.' ' Canada Prov Mille Limited, have
tudent • the more one sits the less one at the age of seventy-eight years Besides Mals on the 12th inst of John Cudmore. SEAFu1tTH.
"Rufus. aren't you feeling wells" -No, Sunday evening, lath Inst. The familymachine shop and is equipping It with a leased the vacant
sah. Ilse not leelin' very well. sah.". had only recently returned to the house full line of machinery. The council has block and are having it fitted up as a head
'-*Haveyouconsulted yaur doctor. Rut Is'" after spending the lase few months with agreed to assist the industry'by granting office for their different Has milb in this
•bah I ain't don' thatbah." relatives at Auburn. and it is thought cunce,ston. in respect to ekctnc power county.
Dr. B. A. Sminle and family. of. Gil -
'•W'hy:• aren't y.0 willing to trust your , that birds must have made their nests in , and aseeaberient.,
doctor. Rufus:'" "Ob. yes. blah. But de the chimney and the nests have fallen a - more City, Iowa. were here last week
trubb(e is hers not so alt'gether w'illin' to down into the pipes. The fire was not viaing at the milli°. .. •t e''` Doctor's
Ira(' me sah
.. —Yon kers tater wan. noticed until the upstairs was in flames. ANt)THEtt VOICE IS ADDED TO hmthrr. W. R.si..itlitox4
Only a small amount of the furniture was . THE CHORUS made the trip by m or, coining by way
sated, of Chicago, Toledo nd Detroit, and did
A happy event tnnkblace at the home or woaes Wow Sing the Praises of not have a puncture \or accident of any
W'" M Robert Dockets Grey kind
tdtrrti in The Signal. It
of Mr. and rs Dodd's Kidney Pills
township, when Mrs Dxkett's sister, BLY'rH.
1stRAISE RABBITS t, .fur i4
t • a oe
eafor sl I [you Sse tnd om or wr inks.
Vskub►e ittwatun, connred hoc. cola
P. 0.501805 DETROIT. MICK.
Miss Armstrong. was unit -d in marriage McLeod's Sidling N. B . luly 3 , Blyth fall fair will be -held Monday and
to William C Gorsalitz. of the 12th con- Special. —Dame one Essianhre. well Tuesday. September 22t1d
cured a school
commence her
cession of Grey. The weddinz march was known and highly respected here. is adding miss Carrie Sims has `
played by Mise Viola 1° °°' of her voice to the chotusof women who sing near Stratford and will
Gederich. cousin of the bride. Little Miss the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. She duties after the holidays. -'
%%Sri in•. dressed in white, was the flower 1 is always ready to tell the reason why.
girl. The bride was given away by her She suffered for twelve years. she is well The application of Miss Y\,iola Philpot.
uncle. Mr. Dawson. and the ceremony wasagain of Owen Sound. for the vacant position
— _ i performed by Rev. Mr. McLeod. -Among ••(t is a great pleasure for me to tell on the continuation school staff has been
school board.
and 23rd.
tte�rr' the guests present were Mr. and. Mrs.
X11 Otbatdiston and family and Mr. and Mrs
Wilkins and family. of Goderich.
Schj�, ,r�. � ���� BRUSSELS.
ooh of Coin Brussels is having a $•nldlers' welcome
UU (!!I ar home and old boys' reunion next week.
Ontario. July 27. 28 and 29.
Clintongand �d��9�y v I dence to RNJ. Bowman. of Morris
ship. and with her family will remove to
Midland. her parental home. Mr. Bow-
man sold his farm recently. owing to ill•
health. and will take up residence in
Offers the following courses :
raid ,rrrnn je5 ,Cpl ('Ourses for Students
The, following advantages,:
Oita r!rruli/led Teur)riu. Stall
,1440(11 Business Sad, • of Il n h'AeText,i�r •
Credential Tut
l'oaitior Guaranteed
Dodd's K.dnet• Pills hate made me I accepted by the <c
You Don't Need
to be so Hot
Buy one of our cool and comfortable
and put away your heavy clothes until you need
We have also a full line of Cool Summer
Underwear. •
Call and get a sensible outfit NOW and
enjoy the rest of the summer.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Thos. Cottle has been apotsinted
municipal assessor.
Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance and \11115
Maude Torrance left last week on a trip
to the West.
Principal Houck and Mises Eva hav c
gone to Bracebridge, where Mr. Boeck is
again in charge of the summer \lodel
Miss Jemima Beacom departed this
life July 9th at the home of her sister.
Mrs. S. Lowery. at the age of eighty-eight
years. The deceased spent the greater
part of her life in Godench towaship.
Stewart Jackson. eldest son of the late
Thomas Jackson and grandson of Mrs.
L. Greig. died at Macleod, Alberta. on
the 13th inst., after a short illness. The
well. I suffered from gravel 1 had bad' Miss Margaret Cowan. who has been
h• adaches, and my sleep was broken and on the teaching staff in a business college
unrefreshing. at Brandon. Man., is spending holidays
"There were dark circles around mv' with her parents, Mr. and D.
eyes. and 1 was always tired and nervous.: Cowart.
My memory was failing. my limbs were r Reeve Cutt and Me-srs. McTag rt,
heavy, and i had a dragging sensation Richmond and McClelland have been
across the loins. I took twelve boxes of appointed a committee to secure options
vows Kidney Pills. They cured roe. 1 on building sites, plank of hall. etc.. in
adavise all who suffer fain kidney trouble connection with the Met�Qcial Hall pro -
to take Dodds Kidney Pills." i lect, \\
The Max mill company has closed a deal
with eels F. Stretton for the lease of the
Revere House property and adjoining
land. about twenty-five acres in all. A
cement floor is being put in the barn and
the building will be utilized as a tiax mill
this season. The house will be used for
office and storehouse accommodation.
Paul Coates had his collar bone broken
by a fall from a load of hay.
Mrs. Belinda Crocker, of London. a
former resident of Exeter. died at the 1
home of her son. Wesley Crocker. on She
J 9th inst. She had suffered a paralytic
stroke. She was seventy-seven years
A Business E4ucation pays for Itself in a fe months. r- _ __
Now is the time for the young man or wort a COTe ^ Normal Weight
Perhaps you are worried because
your child does not pick up in
weight? Better try
Scott's Emulsion
investment that will give splendid returns in the years
For terms. etc., write
B. F. Ward, A. Stone,'
Com. Specialist.
R. A.. M. cip.. Vice -Principal.
'Principae • • . _ _
A Pholtie . 208 , ■ • ■
School opens Tuesday. Sept. 2nd.�I
X11 t . if5i 'a�saesase
and watch how it helps make
thin child grow and put on
weight. There is nothing quite
so strengthening as Scott's•
Emulsion lora child o/ any apt
a aewae. Trews, oat Ire
New Canadian Pacific Director
IT is after a furnace is installed and
the first cold snap tests it that you
know whether your investment in
COMFORT was wisely trade or not.
Don't take a chance on it.
You can be sure of it under the McClary's
guarantee. McC)ary's engineers wit! plan your
heating system without charge. They will guaran-
tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according
to those plans, will heat your home comfortably.
Tate advantage of this Service.
Have • oaaSfortahte, well -heated bonus.
Sold by
Captain the lion. 11. J. Shaughnessy
(Oa left) taking the bad air from his dugout with a captured machine
Made for the purpose.
At a taeetlag of the Board of Direc-
tors of the Canadian Paclf.c Railway
held ea Jun@ 18th. Contain he Hon.
Winiam' J. Shanr:•lnesay was clort@sl
a director 01 the company to fill a
eacaacy ean"M by the r--•ienation
M the Hos. James U.ln.mutr, of
Victoria. B.C..
captain Rhanghnesey is the .on of
nem Right Hots lord 9aauehncsay.
w1• was for teneta•a years th@ pre-
sidset of the Cana.dlaa Pacific Ra1l-
may and is now Ilia Chairman of the
board. Educated at Laval Paler;.
dry. Mnntroel, aid Camhridie. Ease
and, Capt. Rbanghn@+sy IS a primiti-
vist Mnatreal lawyer. nurinz the
alar l+a maw three years' service
overseas. ieavlag Canada as Captain
sad Militant of the loth frisk
Rangers. recruited in Montreal, and
was in °barge of the ■rrsngetn.•nta
for oho hattalion'c notable tour of
i reland.
On tea breaking up nt the hub
Rangers, be was sent to Franca as
aid@-tie-narnp to Rrirue r -Owners.
Reims, the Canadian representative
at British Deseret H@odanartaes.
After serving with consirn@••able dis-
tinction to thin capacity for some
tree, (heath Rhaughneasr was
transferred to the headquarters 01
the Canadian Corp. te.t'ng 6. ti:dr-
d@-comp to T.lru'er. int-fen@rsI Mir
Artier Currie, the corps commander.
ago. Ile was with the Mol.o ns Bank for
some time, resigning to go into theatrical
work, in which he was very amvestftd,
having performed in the neuwip.iI (tote
of the United States and Canada. He is
survived by his wife and"an infant s •n.
A Methodist Centenary -speaker al,
Ohio State University be tan an attire -et
to the students the other morning in This
was : "Now I'm not a(ring to talk very
long, but If you get what I'm roans to
say In your heads you'll have (he whole
thing in a nutshell."
And he looked <urpnvd when ,1 rower of
laughter foliewrd his unintentional ,lata —
Cotumbus Dispatch.
It is almost as easy to pick Ibe w sting
deceased young man was torn In Clinton woman fora wife as it w to pot k 111E
and resided herr until :shout ten years I wrong horw• ,n a race
A quantity of dry summer wood, 12 -in. long, at
$1.50 per single cord
or $2.00 delivered. Terms cash with order 4 d
C.O.D. We will sell only on cash terms.
_ Orders may be left at house cr store.
'Phone 155
The Western Fair
London, Ontario
September 6tItto 13th, 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Very Best
Speed Events
Than Ever
Johnny J. Ione$
;tiltn Entrance °Dmfs lhln•las,twtl is ",,ton Rrectr. I'saal Rntraece M.
the bates. lirand `;Land 511c. and 2J•'.
Prize Lh1ts, Entry Forma and all information from thg-llecrelary
L1.-(1nL• W. M. GAItT$tlultE, is, ,d•r• of
A. M. HiUNT, siecreta' y
',nave 'f'nrOOtn 7.I5 p.m.
Arrive Winnipeg DJK1 pan. 2nd day
" Calgary s.:it) p.an. and day
lune 1_ 11) p.m. 3r0 day
Vencntlter 141.Ott assn 4th dry
First-class t(Iecptbg Car Pasnengerw Daly
Fnll particnlsrs from any *gent. JOtt., P. Agent, (ietlartOA.